THE MORNING OtfJSliUNIAN,. FRIDAY, KOVmiBER 23, 1906. FIRST OP E fF? tWffhl f Brghtest Gem in America's Coronet of Statehood! Her Products J?AJiMKSl V are the Pride of Mother Earth ! No North, no South, no East, no West. "No pent-up Utica contracts her powers, but the whole boundless spheres are ours!" ALL OREGON! Hood River has had her inning. Willamette Valley is "at the bat" with a remarkable display of red-cheeked, luscious apples that fairly "Jump to the eyes" and make the mouth water for a taste. See the wonderful display of Willamette Valley "Fruit of the Gods" in a Washington-street window of the store this week. 1 GQMMISSQN Monon Road Ignores Order Is sued Under New Rate Regulation Law. TRANSPORTATION IN TRADE lllglit to Give Passes in Exchange for Advertising Asserted Com mission's Order Held to Vio late Right of Contract. CHICAGO. Nov. 22.-(Special.) The management of the 'Monon Railroad has decided to contest the right ot the Inter state Commerce Commission to say what pliall and what shall not be received by a railroad company in payment for Its transportation. It was officially an nounced by W. H. McDoel. president of the Monon, that, acting upon the advice of his general counsel, his company would insist upon its riKht to accept either money or its equivalent for transporta tion issued over its lines. This is the lirst open defiance which has ben hurled at the Commission by any railroad and it is understood that, if need bo, the Monon will have tho buckine of the New York Central lines. l'lrst Resistance to liaw. The decision of the Monon came as a surprise, in view of the fact that up to lliis time there has been apparently a universal desire on the part of the rail roads to readily concur in all the rulings of the commission and abide by thera. Secretary Kdward A. Mosley of the commission was recently advised by Mr. McDoel that the ruling; of tho commission in this respect would be ignored by the Monon. The railroad filed with the com mission a legal opinion ' prepared by fieorge W. Kretzlnger, general counsel of the road, and IS. C. Kleld. its general tiollcitor, In support of its- position. As the ruling of the commission, with respect to a railroad's receiving anything other than cash for the transportation of persons or property or freight of any description was specific and unequivocal, it can hardly be expected that the com missioners will allow the railroad to go unchallenged. Thip view of the case feems more reasonable, the ques tion raised by the railroad company is the broad question of the legal right of contracting parties to outer into and per form a contract. Right of Contract Denied. Mr. Kretzlnger insists that the ruling of the commission is substantially a denial of the right of contract and strong ly intimates that the commission has gone to an absurd length in the matter. Acting upon the ruling of the commis sion, however, nearly every railroad sys tem in the country has cancelled its con tracts for advertising, which were carried heretofore by them with all of the lead ing newspapers and periodicals in the United States. By means of these con tracts millions of dollars worth of adver tising was carried on annually by the railroads. MOW RIXKS KOK RAILROADS . Commission Warns Them Against TCxoessive Through Rates. CHICAGO, Nov. 22. In its last circular issued yesterday tho Interstate Commerce Commission has given the railroads an Important hint on through rates. The cir cular modifies to an extent one issued Oc tober 12 in which permission was given the railroads to reduce on a single day's liotice the through rates where they are greater than the sums of the local rates Shippers set up a cry against this and said it did not afford them any relief in puch casus, adding that the Commission should declare the sums of the locals to be the through rates in such cases. The Commission now states that It has, no power to fix such a rule, except on' complaint, but the railroads are warned that on such cases being brought to Its ' attention, It will regard the sums of the locals as prima facia evidence that the through rate is excessive and unreason able. The circular also places the approval of the commission on. the issuance of free transportation to caretakers of livestock nnd fruit and declared that the term "fruit" will be taken to include all classes of vegetables and perishable products which nend such careta'iers en route. It also sayrt transportation may be given for t.tich caretakers to return to their homes. N LUMBER IS MADE IN NORTH Investigation of Trust May Be Pros ecuted in Oregon and Washington. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 22. United States District Attorney Robert Devlin said today regarding his investigation of the so-called lumber trust: "All the evidence I have gathered I have transmitted to the Attorney-General at Washington for consideration. "The greater portion of tho lumber Used in San Francisco is manufactured in Ore gon and Washington, and the mills are situated In these states. It is probable that an investigation will be had in those states under lirection of the Washington authorities to ascertain whether or not the price of lumber Is raised or the out put limited by a combination, and if. so, how it is operated. So far as any com bination among the dealers of San Fran cisco alone, and without the co-operation of those in other states, is concerned, the Federal Government has no Jurisdiction The wholesale price of lumber is fixed at the place of manufacture." ENDS THE BELV1DERK CASE Grand Jury Takes Vp Matter of Bay City Disorderly Houses. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 22. The grand Jury resumed its inquiry this morning into the charge that Abraham Ruef performed extortion, before the fire on an O'Farrell street amusement and drinking place. A number of witnesses were present for ex amination. Peter Duffy, who was arrested yester day on a charge of perjury preferred against him by the grand Jury, had not succeeded, up to noon today. In securing bondsmen for his release. He spent the morning in the custody of a Deputy Sheriff endeavoring to secure the $0000 bonds and S'.TiOO cash necessary to keep him out of jail. The Investigation Into the alleged ex tortion aid to have been practiced in connection with the Belvidere, a resort on.O'Fnrrell street, was completed today and this afternoon the grand Jury took up the matter of disorderly houses. The inquisitorial body begun by examining several persons, who, it is saM, are In terested In a resort on Pacific street, which it Is alleged was opened by ar vangement with the administration. Ko Indictments were tiled today. wW?L)f OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE NEWS .H-w- A Convention "Knowledge begets either confidence or dis trust. "We feel this, and are, therefore, anxious for YOU to know us better." At some stores you're often asked to take what they hav; here you get just what you want and at less price than you'd expect to pay. An Olds, Wortman & King Friday Bargain; is a thing of itself, as any experienced shopper knows. A Remarkable Trio of Values Await Silk and Dress Goods Buyers Friday and Saturday In the Annex Fifth street. First floor. 50c JAPANESE SILKS FOR 29. Over 5000 yards of Japanese Silks, 24 inches wide, iu every color imaginable. Our 50e value. Special for Friday Economy Sale, also for Satur day's selling, at, the yard, 29. . BROADCLOTH WORTH $1.50 FOR $1.19. 1500 yards of 52-inch, all-wool Broadcloth, in navy, brown, Alice blues, greens, old rose, etc. Our $1.50 value. Special for Friday and Saturday at, the yard, 1.19. - - $1.00 PLAID SUITINGS FOR 78tf. 1800 yards of imported English Plaid Suitings every wanted color combination from which to choose" Splendid $1.00 value. Special for Friday and Saturday at, the yard, 78J. Hosiery Specials First floor. WOMEN'S 50c HOSIERY, 35. Imported black cotton, Silk Embroidered Hose, full finished ; regular value, 50c. Special 35i pair. WOMEN'S 25c HOSIERY, 15. Black Cotton Hose, seamless foot, fashioned ankle; regular value, 25c. Special, 15 pair. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Children's Black Cashmere Hose, fashioned foot, 2x1 rib, wears well. Sizes 7 and 7', regular value, 40c. Special, 28 pr. Sizes 8 and 8y2, regular value 45c. Special, 33 pr. Sizes 9, 9V2, 10, reg. value, 50c. Special, 38 pr. Women's Warm Flannelette Night gowns, Dollar Values, 84c Annex Second floor. Ladies' Gowns of blue and pink and white 6triped flannelette, either kimono style neck or yoke of fancy domet flannel and turned-down collar ; reg ular price, $1.00. Special at 84S Two Unusual Values in thf Annex Salons Second floor. Children 's Bathrobes Women 's Shoulder Shawls Worth $2. 00 for $1.37 Children 's Bathrobes of plain blue, pink and red or fancy striped eiderdown, all satin bound and col lar and cuffs, large wool cord and tassels and fancy frogs. These garments are slightly soiled. Sizes from 6 to 14 years. Regular prices, $3.75 and $3.50. Special, $1.96. Regular prices, $5.00 and $4.50. Special, $2.17. Fine all-wool circular shoulder and head Shawls in fancy stitching, plain black or white or white" with blue or pink border: regular price, $2.00. Spe- cial, 51.37. Jewelry News: Special Bargains Annex First floor. 35c GOLD-FILLED HATPINS, 23. An assortment of pretty gold-filled Hatpins in rich Roman gold-finish, extra strong pin-stems. Our regular 35c values, 23. 50c GOLD FILLED LINK BUTTONS, 35. Men's Gold Filled Link Buttons, in a variety of designs and finishes, with lever ends; our regular 50c values. Special, 35. FINE GOLD PLATED BEAUTY PINS, 8 PAIR. Another new lot of pretty Gold Plated and En ameled Beauty Pins; a good value at 15c. Special at, 8 pair. See our new line of fine Gold Filled and Solid. Gold Beauty Pins, 25 to $3.50 pair. NEW LINE OF BELT BUCKLES JUST IN. A large assortment in gilt and French-Gray Belt Buckles at 35 each. Fine quality gray silver and Roman gilt buckles, a nice selection at 65 and $1.00. Fancy pierced and jeweled Belt Buckles at $1.25 to $4.00. HERE'S A TIMELY SAVING: Ladies9 $2.50 Umbrellas $1.50 Ladies' piece-dyed Taffeta Umbrellas, with selvage border, paragon frame and steel rod. Pretty pearl handles with gold and silver trimming. Our $2.50 value. Special Economy Sale Price, each, $1.50. Pretty $2.50 Center-Pieces $1.67 Art Needlecraft Salons Second Floor. 27-inch Centerpieces, in hand-embroidered Berlin .ross-stitch work, in many pretty designs and color ings; all hemstitched or fancy border. .Regular price, $2.50. Special. $1.67. of Marvelous Values Grouped Grand Friday tTO - " '4 The Biggest Petticoat Values in Portland Beautiful $7.50 and $10.00 Silk Petticoats $4.95 Handsome rustling taffetas, black, beautiful plaids, and rich plain colorings in changeable hues of red, blue and green. All the favored clans in plaids, black and white, greens, blues and reds in all combinations. Skirts have 10-inch flounces trimmed with bands of same materials. Some have silk dust ruffle, others a heavy dust resisting satine under ruffle. The best $7.50 and $10 values ever shown in the city. For two da vs. Friday and Saturday, at $4.95. Grand Galons of Dress Second floor. FlloyJ Vlfnllyin rr hrirf- in t-lto f-fmiea and Saturday at One-Fourth Smart Neck " Fixin's" in the Sale A Friday Bargain, in Women's Furnishing Shops. First floor. Ladies' Embroidered Turnovers 10S or 3 for 25 Narrow top turnover collars, neatly embroidered in assorted patterns. Special at 10 S or 3 for 25tf. LADIES' 35c TO 50c STOCKS FOR 25. , Ladies' fine Embroidered Stocks, embroidered on linen ; alsof ine Lace Stocks with front tab ; in cream only. Our 35e to 50c values. Special at 25. LADIES' $1.00 SILK SCARFS, 65. Ladies' fine Crepe de Chine Scarfs, nine inches wide, with double row of hemstitching on ends. Come in white, black, light blue and pink. Our $1.00 value. Special at 65 Laces at Saving Prices First floor. I . 50c, 65c and 75c LACES FOR 38. Point Venise Applique in white and cream; two to three and one-half inches wide; our 50c, 65c and 75c values. Special Economy Price, the yard, 38. 75c TO $1.00 LACE APPLIQUES FOR 48. Point Venise Appliques, also some pretty bands, in white and cream, iy2 to 3y2 inches in width. Our 75c to $1.00 values. Special Economy Sale Price, the yard, 48 HANDSOME ALL SILK PLEATINGS in black, white, cream and colors; one inch wide. A very stylish trimming. Price, the yard, 25 and 35. Shoe Bargains in Friday's Great "Hourly Sale" of Good Footwear No advertised item In this list will be sold at less than regular price EXCEPT during hour advertised. Special from 8 TO 9 A. M. WOMEN'S 60c RUBBERS, 43. Women's Storm Rubbers, good quality, all sizes; regular 60c value. Special for one hour at, pr. .43 (None sold to dealers.) 0 TO 10 A. M. WOMEN'S SHOES, VALUES TO $&50, FOR 91.98. Broken lines of Women's Shos, in many styles, a big assortment of shoes of all kinls, in patent and bright . leathers, heavy or light soles, button or lace; plenty of narrow .widths. Values to J3.50. Special for one hour at, the pair ." .$1.98 10 TO 11 A. M. WOMEN'S f l.SO JULIETS FOR 98. Women's felt .Juliets, in black, brown or red, and trimmed with black fur. or low cut. with braid trim ming; hand-turned soles. Our $1.60. value. Special for one hour at, the pair i 98 11 A. M. TO IS M. WOMEN'S 0 AND 4.00 SHOES FOR 92.89. Women's Shoes In five of our best styles. In either patent or kid leather, blucher or regular cut, high or medium heels, welt soles Regular $3.50 and $4.00 values. Special for one hour at, the pair $2.89 ia M. TO 1 P. M. MEN'S SHOES, VALUES FROM 4.00 TO S8.00, FOR Men's high-grade shoes, in 20 good styles, either patent or dull leathers; blucher. button or regular lace; medium or heavy soles. Products of high-class factories; no better goods made. Our $4.00 to $6.00 values. Special for one hour at, the pair... $3. 89 1 to a P. M. Men's Hitch-Cut Shoes, ten and twelve Inches high; MX p I';.---.. . Economy Sale Grand Clearance of the Millinery Stocks One-Fourth Off on Any Trimmed Hat In the Annex Salons Second Floor $2.50 Sailors, Stylishly Trimmed, 98c In connection with the sweeping reduction on all Trimmed Hats, today we shall place on special sale in the "Bijou" Salons 200 very handsome and smartly trimmed Sailors in latest, most popular shapes, all jauntily trimmed with feather breasts and quills, a charmingly becoming hat to most faces. These, in black, navy, brown and gray. Splendid $2.50 values. QO "o Special Friday, at , ,...0 IS. Mm trvm 1-rit1rfi fc-Cv. Off vVJp Women's $2.00 Leather Handbags $1.15 Annex First floor. A large assortment of all grain leather Hand bags, medium size, solid leather handles, gilt and gunmetal trimmings, leather-lined, invisible coin purse; several colors to select from; one of our best $2.00 values. Special at $1.15. $3.50 Bedspreads $2.98 Domestic aisle First floor. A fine line of Marseilles Bedspreads, extra large, fringed and cut corners, regular value, $3.50. Special, $2.98. A GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF Men's Fancy Vests and House-Robes Annex First floor. MEN'S FANCY VESTS AT 14 OFF. A line of Men's Fancy Vests in a large variety of patterns, values from $1.50 to $5.00. Special at , off. MEN'S $4.00 LOUNGING ROBES, $2.85. A line of Men 's Bath or Lounging Robes, blanket cloth in Oriental designs, regular value, $4.00. Spe cial, $2.85. BOYS $1.25 WOOL SWEATERS, 93tf. Boys' Wool Sweaters, V-shape neck, in oxford, navy, white, cardinal, oxford and red- and navy and red; regular value, $1.25. , Special 93. About Shoes -II 9 In black or tan; grain or Napa tan leathers; with hooks or big eyelets; Cull double soles to heel and vlscolized to keep out water; values to $7.00. Special for one hour at, the pair $4.49 Same aa above, in seven-inch top; special for one hour at, the pair $3.19 2 TO 3 P. M. WOMEN'S $5.00 SHOES FOR $2.19. Women's French heel shoes, in patent kid and bright kid leathers, with dull tops; lace; nand-turned soles; plain or tip toe. Several styles and all good stock. .Our $5.00 value. Special tor one hour at, pair. $2. 19 3 TO 4 P. M. WOMEN'S SHOES, VAL. T.00 TO $C.OO, FOR $3.89. Women's high-grade Shoes, made by Laird, Schober & Co.; Wright, Peters, and Hurley Bros., all flrst class shoemakers. Eight desirable styles. In kid and f latent leathers; in lace or button, with heavy or ight soles; swing or straight last- Values from $5.0.1 to $6.00. Special for one hour at. pair... $3.89 4 TO 3 P. M. Girls' Shoes, in patent kid or box calf leather; either button or lace: heavy or light soles: spring or low heels; patent or kid tops; very satisfactory, depend able shoes. Sizes 5 to 8, our $1.75 value, special for one hour at, the pair $1.39 Sizes 8 to 11, our $2.00 value, special for on hour at, the pair $1.69 Sizes 11 to 2, our $2.5i) value, special for one hour at, the pair $1.89 5 TO 6 P. M. Boys' Shoes, in box calf and pebble goat, with good heavy soles, and "titched with best linen thread. In the choosing are ten styles in broken lines of shoes, that will give very satisfactory service. Sizes 9 to 13. our $1.75 value, special at, pr.$1.39 Sizes 1 ' to our $2.00 value, special at. pr.S1.69 Sizes 2 to 5. our $2.50 value, special at. pr.JKl.S9 for the Store's Beautiful 50c Ribbons for 25c First floor. Fancy Shaded Silk Ribbons worth 50c for 25S Handsome All-silk Fancy Shaded Ribbons for cushion ruffles; in three shades of light, medium and dark combined in one ribbon. They come in popular shades of red, brown, purple, lavender, 'etc. Our 50c value. Special Economy Sale Price, the yard, 25. Children's Kerchiefs for Less First floor. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HANDKERCHIEFS, with white or colored borders. Prices each, 5i and 8. RICHARDSON'S PURE LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS, with hemstitched border. Prices each, 10 and 12Vz. SEASONABLE SPECIALS IN Women 's Knit Underwear Stocks First floor. WOMEN'S 75c VESTS AND PANTS, 55. Natural merino, long sleeve Vests, good Winter weight, French band pants to match; regular value, 75c. Special, 55 each. WOMEN'S $2.50 UNION SUITS, $1.98. Extra size ''Merode" Union Suits, cream colored merino, long sleeves, ankle length, half open front, extra silk, trimmed; regular value, $2.50. Special, $1.98. WOMEN'S $1.25 VESTS, 89. White Swiss ribbed mercerized Long Sleeve Vests, medium weight; regular value, $1.25. Spe cial, 89. Thanksgiving Suggestions for Housewives Third Floor. Turkey Roasters, covered and self-basting, from 27 up. Food Choppers, chop everything, at 85 and np. Soup Kettles, enameled wares, at 60 i and up. Egg Beaters, at 4 and up. Mayonnaise Misers at 60 and up. Pie Pans at 36 and up. Cake Pans at 8( and up. Decorated English Porcelain Dinner Sets at $5.80 and up. Decorated German China Dinner Sets at $14.25 and up. Decorated French China Dinner Sets at $19.00 and up. Carving Sets, guaranteed quality, at $2.00 and np. Bread Knives at 15 and up. A complete line of table glassware of all grades. Portland agents for Libbey cut glass. Name etched on every piece. Blankets and Pillows at Special Prices ALL-WOOL wm x . . . blankets RLANKtTo TOR 5)55.75. IfsUyg very line, au g f7T(T7f fleece wool R (fl( .(L Blankets, in fawn color ; extra large size and very warm. Our $7.00 value, pair. $5.75. Special Economy Sale price, the $7.00 FEATHER PILLOWS FOR $5.25 All white live goose feather-filled Pillows; a splendid $7.00 value. Special Economy Sale price, the pair, $5.25. Drastic Reductions in Dinner Sets Third floor. Give the Thanksgiving tables a new dress. Noth ing so sets off the festal board as a shining set of new china. Special values for Friday buyers. GERMAN AND FRENCH CHINA DINNER SETS. A large line of German and French China Dinner Sets, with one or more pieces missing Regular $29.00 set. Special $17.50 Regular $37.50 set. Special $24.00 Regular $48.00 set. Special $30.00 New lines Bohemian Gold Glassware in almost everything for the table. New Marble Statuary and Pedestals. Gas and Electric Banquet Lamps for the Thanks giving table. Candlesticks, Candle Shades and Candle Trimming for table decoration. A. Bevy of Bargains in Notions and Nick-Nacks Small Wares Shops First Floor. 19c double-stitched Whisk Brooms special. . .10 15c bar White Castile Soap special 10 5c roll Toilet Paper special, 3 rolls 10 or, dozen 40 75c fine Nail or Hand Brushes special 25 25c bottle Espey's Fragrant Cream special 14 35c 1-lb. package Linen Lawn Cloth Finish Writ ing Paper special 20 35c box odd lines Fine Writing Paper special.10 10c heavy fine lace-edge Shelf Paper, 10 yards in piece special 7 Ruled Pencil Tablets for school use special.... 4 20c fold Fancy Decorated Crepe Papei? spec'1.10 American Thread Co.'s best 6-cord Spool Cot ton special, 7 spools 25 10c cube best White-Headed Toilet Pins sp'l.. 6 5c bottle best Sewing Machine Oil special 3 25c pair White Lightweight Dress Shields special J 10 15e pair plain Shell .Side Combs special 10 (Uttt.. My