THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, NOVE3IBER, 23, 1906. Complete Stocks of "Perrins" Real French Kid Gloves in 12 and 16-Bgtton LengthsLowest Prices Mail Orders Carefully Filled Uhe Meier (Bb Frank Store Boys' Suits at $2.63 Each For Today's 878th Friday Surprise Sale BOYS' SUITS 300 of them in the best styles and materials, to be sold today at $2.63 each. By fair the best suit bargain of the year. Gray and brown mixed cheviots and tweeds and blue cheviots; Norfolk coats with plaits y and belt; straight cul - pftnts; ages 7 to 15 years. Kegular $5.00 suits Q on sale today only at the very low price of, suit mm w Boys' Clothing Department on the Second Floor. The Meier (Bb Frank Store Kobe Flannels at 2 It Yard For Today's 878th Friday Surprise Sale 2500 YARDS OF HANDSOME ROBE FLANNELS To be . sold today at a very low price ; double-faced flannels of splendid quality and style for bath and lounging robes, blankets, kimonos, etc. Attractive patterns and 9 I f colorings. Buy all you want of it today, at, special I See big Fifth street window display. Grand values. Demonstration of "Lindsay" Incandescent Lights in Basement Today. The Meier Frank Store Holly Stationery at 18c Box For Today's 878th Friday Surprise Sale TODAY'S GRAND SURPRISE SALE In the stationery department. 2000 boxes of handsome new holly boxes, containing a quire of linen paper with envelopes to match. A style and quality of stationery usually sold at 25c and 35c per box. Buy all you want of it today at this exceptionally low price, I for it is a great bargain in the line of stationery. Special w V Mail and Phone Orders Will Be Carefully Filled. IS School and College Pennants for the Thanksgiving Games All Prices Megaphones, Sleeve Emblems, Great Variety Third Floor Portland Agents for "Peninsular" Stoves, "Willamette" Sewing Machines, "Ostermoor" Mattresses, Butterick Patterns, Columbia Yarns Meier Frank's 878th Friday Surprise Sale 000 Prs. Women's Slices $3 Values $ 1 .98 Tho Shoe Department offers for Today's 878th Friday Sur prise Sale 3000 pairs of women's standard $3,00 footwear at $1.98 a pair High-grade shoes of the best styles and leathers at a price below actual manufacturing cost Patent colt shoes in lace, button and blucher styles Gunmetal shoes in lace, button and blucher Vici kid, patent tip shoes in lace and blucher All this season's best lasts Military or Cuban heels All sizes and widths Shoes that we sell thousands of pairs of every month at $3.00 per pair Supply your winter needs today at this unusually low price per pair Take advantage Mail and Phone Orders Carefully Filled 1 Table Dcamask 78c Yd. GREAT FRIDAY SPECIAL IN FINE TABLE DAMASK Choice of our entire one-dollar line at 78c a yard. Over 100 patterns to. select from; all the newest and prettiest designs and superb quality. Best dollar damask on the market. "We are selling this table damask today only at the special low price, the yard V Entire stock of fine linens at reduced prices during the Thanksgiving Sale. tm 'I' j C f I ft ' & r v II $ :h l Af .";! Hi -it (J ? ; mf Today's Great Surprise Sale of Men's Overcoat 0$16-$18 Vols., $12.35 Men's fine Overcoats at a big saving today A great special purchase of 200 garments from a well-known New York manufacturer enables us to offer the best $ 1 6.00 and $ 1 8.00 values at $12.35 each AH wool gray mixed oxfords and black kerseys of the best style 46 inches long, best serge linings, velvet collar, satin sleeve lining Handsomely tail ored throughout All sizes Overcoats selling regularly at $16.00 and $18.00 each -Your choice - A while they last at this phenomenally low M I 3 price each r price each Perfect Fit Guaranteed Second Floor See Morrison Street Window Display Men's Suits in All the Newest and Best Styles 25 Saved if You Buy Here 2d Floor $9.50 Chafing Dishes at $6.79 Ea. IN THE BASEMENT STORE TODAY 100 high grade chafing dishes, the famous - "Sternaw" make; best nickel-plating, fancy cover, best burner, handles on both pans, fr 7Q very sightly models, in good assortment. Regular $9.00 and $9.50 values, today only A Chafing Dish makes a very acceptable Xmas gift. A big saving if you buy today. Mail orders filled Portland's greatest showing of useful and ornamental articles for Xmas gifts. See big basement store. $18 Spangled Robes $9.50 For today and tomorrow a very unusual special value in beautiful silver and black spangled Robes; elaborate skirts, with material for waist; values up to $18 each, on sale today and tomorrow at (PA Cf this exceptionally low price, each Special lot of white and cream Lierre Lace Robes; flounced skirts, , and materials for waists; regular $18.00 values on sale CQ Cf at this low price, each ipZJ mJJ Black and spangled Allovers, also silver-spangled Allovers; beautiful styles for evening gowns, etc. Great values at: $2.75 values, yard $1.89 $4.50 values, yard $2.79 i 45-inch Evening Nets and Figured Chiffon; in pink, blue, CI yellow, gray and white; regular $1.75, at, yard V bl Round Mesh Val. Laces and Insertion; from 1 to 2 inches wide: very best patterns in large variety; regular values, $1.80 dozen CQ yards. Special sale price, dozen yards JfC $7.50 Lace Curtains $4.95 Special lot of white and Beige Lace Curtains with allover figures or plain centers, 50 inches wide by 3 yards long; all new, this season's patterns. Regular $7.50 values. On sale today and tomorrow at Cl Q tT this low price, per pair Take advantage....' J)i'-7 J Special lot of white and Arabian Lace Curtains plain cable net centers, with scroll pattern inserting and edges; 50 inches wide j?0 by 3 yards long. Regular $3.25 values on sale at J43 J Special lot of full mercerized Portieres ; heavy fringe top and bottom all colors; regular $7.50 values, on sale at, per pair 54.95 Special lot of Rope Portieres; heavy chenille cords, in a large variety of designs; red and Oriental colorings; $7.50 to $8.00 values;T j OC on sale at this low price, each Third floor..... iJHrOJ SPECIALS IN Handbags Special lot of women's Hand Bags, fitted with card case, coin purse and small mir ror; seal and walrus lea thers; black, brown and tan; silk moire or leather lininer; values to $4, at V2.30 Women's Suede Leather Shopping- Bags. In blue, green, brown, tan; $1.50 val., $1.33 Special lot of Burnt Leather Music Rolls; reg. $1.53. Beautiful new showing of Silk Belts, with gold and sil ver buckles at $1.35 to $9.0O. New Leather Belts, with gilt, pearl and oxidized buck les, at 91.50 to $6.50. Beaded Elastic Belts at prices from 50c to $5.00. Leather Belts in staple colors at 35C to $3.00 each. 1 2V2C Handkfs 5 c Each For today and tomorrow, 500 dozen women's and children's fine lawn Handkerchiefs; hemstitched fancy embroidered initial in the comer; pretty styles; regular 12Y2s values, on sale at, each 85c Veilings 34c Yard 1500 yards of beautiful heavy quality wide Chiffon Cloth Veiling, with fast finished borders on both ends, and colors, white, brown, lavender, gray, navy and black; regu- Af lar 85e value, at, yard 2xv Drug Sundries and Stationery La Premier Castile Soap, at 8i Sanitol Tooth Powder or Paste, great special value at ...18 Violet Toilet Water, bottle 49 A Pure Vegetable Shampoo ft and Hair Food ; special at. . . . OC 35c Face Powders at. 23 Chamois Chest Protectors, chamois both sides; can be washed; fTQfs great special value at Fancy Back Combs, pretty new styles, values up to $1.25; AjQf at this low price, each HfZfC Fancy Box Papers, Eaton-Hurlburt 's best linen, put up. in gift boxes; val ues from 50c to $2.00 per box; on sale at 1-3 off rcgu- j lar prices I ll Odds and ends of fine Linen Papers, best quality, white, blue, gray and other tints; regular 35c and 40c values, on sale at CJC Aluminum Ink Stands, fancy 1 patterns; very pretty " fcfV $2.00 Fountain Pens, every one guar anteed; great special J 1 A Q value at, each TCiT Jewelry Specials Fancy Gold Clocks, good fij 1 timekeepers, $2 val., ea. "r Silver-plated Jewel Boxes, ea. . .53 Gold Bags, kid-lined, each. . .1.49 Sterling Souvenir Spoons 28J 75c gold-plated Crosses 59 50c, G5c Brooches for, each 39 Gold-plated Beauty Pins, each.. 19 Thanksgiving Linen Sale Hemstitched Damask Table Sets Cloths 2 yards long, with one dozen napkins to match ; regular $6.50 values, on sale at this T Oft low price, per set v" Hemstitched Damask Table Sets Cloths 2V2 yards long, one dozen napkins to match ; regular $7.50 val ues, on sale at this QlCi lift special low price, set. Hemstitched Damask Table Sets Cloths 312 yards long, one dozen napkins to match; best patterns. Regular $0 values, on fti sale at low price of V Extra special value in hand-cmbroi-dered white Linen Teacloths; 36 ins. square, in handsome styles; great as sortment; grand bargains at: $3.00 values at, each $2.44 $5.00 values, at, each $4.08 $4.00 values, at, each.. $3.26 $7.50 values, at, each. $6.45 Ail-Over Hemstitched Table Sets Napkins, traycloths, teacloths, doilies, scarfs ; entire stock at greatly reduced , prices for the Thanksgiving Linen Sale. All table damasks, sets, cloths, etc., reduced. Take advantage. Evening Apparel V3 Off Reg. Prices Thanksgiving Sale extraordinary of magnificent Evening and Reception Gowns; superb costumes, the best efforts of the leading Parisian and New York artists; black lace and chiffon costumes, white etamine gowns, pink silk gowns, fancy silk gowns, champagne broadcloth cos tumes, pink chiffon, Dresden chiffon, lavender princess, canary broad cloth costumes; beautifully made and , trimmed ; high-class apparel for all occasions; values ranging from $100 to $300; during jA, f-f the Thanksgiving Sale, your choice at Vll Meier Frank's 878th Friday Surprise Sale 1 25 Tailored Suits Values $ 1 6.85 Today's great Surprise Sale of women's high-grade Tailored Suits will attract scores of shrewd buyers to Portland's Leading Cloak aid Suit Store Opportunity to buy Thanksgiving apparel at a saving everyone will appreciate 125 garments in the lot This season's most approved fashions in cheviots, tweeds, homespuns, tight and semi-fitting jacket styles Pony coats and prince chap styles Velvet, gimp and button trimming Pleated skirts, checks, mannish mixtures and solid colors Suits that have style and originality, well made and finished throughout Suits selling regularly at $25.00 and $26.00 each Your gf f e 9? choice today only at this wonder- ra I mTb JHh S fully low price a wey See Fifth Street Window Display Come Early if You Want the Best Bargains Meier (!k Frank's 878th Friday Surprise Sale Women's $2.00 Neckwear 98c ea. WOMEN'S FINE NECKWEAR-At less than half price for today's 87Sth Friday Surprise Sale. Beautiful chiffon jabots, made of accordion plaited, hemstitched chiffon, handsomely trimmed in white baby Irish lace ; collar made of taffeta silk and baby Irish lace and prettily trimmedi.with silk - braid, white, pink, light blue and helio; all new desirable pieces, each one put up in a sop- arate box and suitable for a holiday gift. Kegular $2.00 values, your choice at, each See Fifth street window display. Mail orders promptly filled. Meier (Ik Frank's 878th Friday Surprise Sale m en s Holiday wspenciers In Fancy Boxes, 35c a Box The Men's Furnishing Goods Store offers you an oppor tunity to buy a pleasing gift for men at a big saving today 2000 fancy boxes of Men's Holiday Suspenders, made of fine quality silk web, plain and fancy styles with novel ty buckles, silk elastic back straps and kid ends Pink, white, Helio, Per sian effects, stripes, figures, etc.. in immense assortment Each pair put up in a handsome lithographed holi- C day box Phenomenal value at this low price per box J See Fifth Street Window Display , Mail and Phone Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled $2 Flannelette Nightgowns $1.29 1000 WOMEN'S FINE QUALITY OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS At a low price today. While and pink and blue stripes, trimmed in fancy braids and silk stitching. All sizes. Well made, and well finished. They are the best $2.00 values obtainable, and they are on sale I Jy today at the exceptionally low price CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT SALE OF SAMPLE UNDERMUSLINS. SECOND FLOOR. Thanksgiving Sale in the Basement Great bargains in Table Furnishings for Thanksgiving Fancy china, silverware, cut glass, dinner sets, carving sets, etc., etc., at special low prices The housewife that has needs in the above lines will effect a big saving by taking advantage of this sale 84c Blue and White Semi-Porcelain Turkey Sets Con sisting of 12 7-inch plates and 1 16- C "X,7 inch platter; $8.00 values at, set Blue and White Turkey Sets 12 8-inch plates and 1 18-iuch platter. Kegular J 9 Q (T $10.00 values: special sale aL set H Large-Size Decorated Semi-Porcelain Tur key Platters; values up to $1.50, at 15-Piece Fancy Hand-Painted China CI7 DC Game Sets Regular $22.00 values. Y OJ 15-Piece Hand-Painted Game Sets (TO Aff Regular $27.50 values, special, set. sJi 100-Piece Haviland China Dinner Sets Pink rose decoration; gold on knobs and handles. Special value at, set &&&JJ 100-Piece Haviland China Dinner Sets Xeat blue sprav decoration, with gold edge. tQ CC $48.00 values for, special vJ'.VU 60-Piece German China Dinner Sets C 1 1 Q C Blue violet decoration, special.....? m JJ 300-piece set as above for $21.35 Cut Glass Jelly Dishes at, each S1.49 Cut Glass Bon. Bon Dishes, at, each $1.94 Cut Glass Olive or Pickle Dishes at, each 851.94 $2.25 Cut Glass Vinegar Cruets, each 1.76 $6.00 Cut Glass Mayonnaise Dishes, each. .4.69 $9.75 Cut Glass Celery Dishes, each 7.72 $6.00 Cut Glass Water Bottles, each $4.69 $6.50 Cut Glass Carnation Vases, each $5.14 $15.00 Cut Glass Fruit Baskets, each $11.92 3-Pieee Silver-Plated Water Sets, set $8.92 $10.00 Silver-Plated Relish Dish $7.97 $2.75 Silver Plated Almond Sets, set 2.18 $5.50 Silver-Plated Fern Dishes 4.49 $2.50 Silver-Plated Candlesticks 1.98 All styles and sizes of Pudding and Jelly Molds on sale at reduced prices. Great values. Great Thanksgiving Sale of Carving Sots. All grades all styles. On sale in the Basement. Thanksgiving Sale of Fancy China great values.