14 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1906. MEETING NOTICES. W. O. W. AH iwmbrn in the city with their men friends are I requested to meet in the East Side hall tonight. Contests be tween Webfoot and Multnomah Camps. Programme and refreshments. CITY BOARD OF CHARITIES The annual meeting of members for the election of di rector and transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before It will be held at 30.t Jefferson St.. near 5th, Monday. November 28. at 8 o'clock P. M. W. R. WALFOLE, Secretary. THF, W. R. C. will give a supper and tasaar in the O. A. R. Hall, corner Grand avi.nue and Pine street. Saturday evening. November 24, from 5:3o to 8 o'clock. Price of supper 2Sc. Public invited. Mrs. R. B. Jack son, secretary. MT. TABOR I-ODGE. NO. 42, A. F. ii A. M. Stated communi cation this (Friday) evening, Grand avenue and East Burnslde. M. M. degree. All M. M. invited. By order W. M. GEO. P. LENT, Secretary. MYRTLE CHAPTER, NO. 16. O. E. S. Regular communication this Friday) evening in Mnsonic Tem ple. Degree. By order W. M. JENNIE- H. GALLOWAY. SEC. HASSAIX) LODGE, NO. 15, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 7::s0 o'clock. Work in the third degree. Vis itors welcome. F. COZENS, Sec. rOiERAI. NOTICES. COOK In this city. November 21. 1906. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. .1. A. Melton, 1204 fX 8th St. North. Kcner Cook, aged 78 years. 7 months and 8 day. The funeral will take place from the above residence this, Friday. November 23, at 2 P. M. In terment will be In Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. C RON AN November 20, lftOS. Albert Joseph t'ronan, aged 23 yeai. son of Mr. and Mrr. Joseph E. Cronan. Funeral will take place from residence, 140 North lth street, today. November T.t. at 8:45 A. M.. thence to the Cathedral. Kith and Davis streets at 9 A. M.. where requiem mass will he offered. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Friends respectfully invited. JORDAN In this city. November 22. 1006. at the family residence. 158 Macadam street, Gladys J. Jordan, aged 4 months and 6 days. The funeral service will be held at Finley'a chapel at 1:30 P. M. today. Friday. Friends invited. Interment Rlverview. PAYNE Tn this city. November 22. 1906. at the family residence, 5112 Vj Fourth street, I.lllle L. Payne, aged 9 months and 15 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which Will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. oday. Friday. Interment Lone Fir. DI NNING. M'ENTEK C.II.BAl"GH SiKS rrssors to Dunning Campion, undertaken and embalmers; modern in every detail; ?tll Had Fine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOI.MAN CO.. Funeral Direct or, 220 3d t. Lady assistant. Phone M. 607. J. p. FIN LEY SON. Funeral Directors. No. 261 3d St., cor. Madison, l'tione Main 3. F. 8. DUNNING, I'nrtertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. 1'hune East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Undertakers, Em baliuers, 273 Kussell. East 1088. l.ady ass't. EKICSON UNDERTAKING CO., 400 Alder st. Lady assistant. Phone Main (J133. AMUSEMENTS. WAn. HEILIG THEATER ZTt Tntilfht Special Price Matinee Saturday Tomorrow Night THE DISTINGUISHED ACTOR ivuur.n a i"j u rir In the Compdv Drama strong heart Kvenlng Prices Lower floor. $2.00, $1.50; blconv, $l.5o. $1.00. 75c; entire gallery. 50e. Matinee Prices Lower floor, $1 .50, $1.00; balcony, $1.0o. 75c; entire gallery, 50c. Seats now telling at theater. Uion. HEILIG THEATER Mpar,e Sunday, Tuesdav. Wednesday Nights, Novem ber 25. 27. ITS. SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE SATURDAY MAX I'KiMAN 'n the Delightful Cnmedv TI1K MAN ON THK KOX." Evening Pric Lower floor, $1 .5o: $1.00; balcony, $1.00. 75e, 50c; gallery, 35c, 25c. Matinee Pricey Lower floor, $1 .(. 75c; en tire balcony, 50c; entire gallery. 25c. Seats now selling at Hellig Theater. HEILIG THEATER MONDAY AFTn?TOS -NOV. 26 THE WORLD FAMOUS COMPOSER. LEONCAVALLO And the La Scala Theater Orchestra, from Milan. Italy. 65 Musicians 65, together with 10 Operatic Vocalists 10 Monday Afternoon "ZAZ-V Mondav Night "PAGLIACCI" Prices, both afternoon and night: Lower floor, first (i rows, $5.00; lower floor, last 10 rows. $3.00. Balcony, flrst 4 rows, $3.00: balcony, next 5 rows, $2.50; balcony, last 5 rows, $2.00. Gallery, reserved, $1.50; ad mission, $1.00. Seats Selling at Box Office Heillg Theater. Baker Theater ESS;iiei- Most popular theater In Portland. The Famous Baker Stock Company : All this week E. S. Wlllara's success: The wonderful drama "THE MIDDLEMAN" Matinee Tomorrow. Kvenlng, 25c. 35c, 50c; matinee. 15c, 25c. Next Week Hoyt's, "A Temperance Town." EMPIRE THEATER Main 117. Mtlton W. Seaman, Manager. Mat tnoe tomorrow : t on i eh t al 1 week the funniest of all the farce comedies. 'PECK'S BAD BOY." A scream of laughter. The only original Don't Miss It. Empire prices. Next week, starting Sunday matinee. Uncle Josh Sprucoby." THE STAR Week of Korrmber 1. Phone Main 5198. THE ALLEN STOCK. CUMPA.NT Presents "POLLY AND I" Matinees Tuesday?. Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2:80 P. M. ; jirices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15 P. M., prices 10c, 2oo and 30e. LYRIC THEATER WEEK BEGINNING NOVEMBER 19. "The Sig'n of the Four,, A SHERLOCK HOLMES SENSATIONAL, MELODRAMA IN 4 ACTS. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Beats can be reserved by telephone; Main 4685. The Grand ALL NEW ACTS TODAY Week of Nov. 19. Mr. and Mr. Truesdell Co. in "Aunt Louiwa's Advice." PAN TAG ES THEATER Drew & Wright. Jimmy Cheatham, 5 La Ford Brothers, Two-and-One-Half Cascades Musical comedy. Biff and Bans, Leo White, New Animated Pictures. Performances daily at 2:30, 7;30 and 0 P. M. Admission. 14ic. Reserved seats, 20c; boxen, 25. Take any seat at weekday ma ti nt cs for TEN cents. Free Show! Lodges, ofleties. clubs, etc., Tak Notice, nat w will furnish you gratis first-class dramatic, vaudey'lle or motion how. Particu lar re, call at Newman's Am lie e men t Association lt5; Sixth street. NEW TODAY. UNCLE MYBKS' LOAN OFFICE. 143 3D St.. near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable ; any amount loaned on watches. - diamonds, jewelry and sealskins. INVESTORS ! Th owner offers for a few days a fine cor ner on Sixth street. Price $'JS!.ono; $16,000 will handle. Address C 10, Oregonlan. A CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms." "Room and Board." "House keeping Rooms, "Situations Wanted," IS words op less. IS cento: 18 to t words, SO cents; 21 to 2.1 words. S cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertion. CNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today,' SO cents for IS words or less: 18 to 20 words, 40 cents: 31 to 23 words, SO cento, etc. first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (cause measure s grate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. AXSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian. and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregronlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. SEW TODAY. River Frontage in Demand And Selling Fast 2000 Feet Of High Land Deep Wa ter Frontage $30 Per Foot Can You Duplicate It? H. W. Lemcke Company Main 550. 6th and Wash. Entire Second Floor Our Automobile Takes You to It WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND'S BROADWAY O.'lxlOO. corner $17,500 50x100, corner 15,000 50x100,, inside 12,500 Near ' I Oth street, cheapest property on the street. Washlngton-etreet property almost at residence, district prices. Phone Main 538:1. 114 Third St. Magnificent Residence QUARTER BLOCK Finely improved, house modern in every reFpect : cost $15,0OO; lot worth $12,5'10. Corner 18th and Irving. Will sell for $25,000. Wm. B. Streeter 114 THIRD STREET LOCATION WANTED FOR WHOLESALE BUSINESS. Two floors and bawment or three floors 50 by 1X. Corner preferred. Long term. Prince Shoe Co. SO 5th St. WAKE UP 100x109, 14th ' and Kearney, $18,000 Five houses, all rented, but this property fs more valuable for wholesale or warehouse purpose. Quarter adjoining sold this week ror .?:u.ooo. J. II. JIEIIBROMER & CO.. 517 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. . ED. O. MAYOR. MGR. BEACH PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO LOTS AND FIXE HOISE. WITH BATH. $;WOu; FUR NITURE INCLUDED WM. B. STREETER NO TRIFLING I mean business Wanted immediate- sev eral fi-ooU income placet- of property, Weet Side, elefp In. from l'vOO to $."o,000. i have a number of buyere with the money' ready to buy if price and location suit. F. DUBOIS AVaf hlnRton Bldg.. Room 3. SAWMILL, PROPERTY TOR 8 ALE. Location on Columbia River, with river and, rail facilities; boat point on N. P. for cars; mill capacity 25.0OO to 30,000: about lu.0o0.00o timber goes with mil), and more timber available; a complete logging outfit, two donk.-ys, cook and bunkhouses, office, barns; full electric light plant, in fact a No. 3 plant every way; .name is for sale at about price of the timber; plenty of orders on band. S 4S, oregonlan. A BARGAIN IN BUSINESS PROPERTY. We have for sale the Quarter Block (100x100) and 2-story bull. lings at the southeast corner of East Morrison and Ea-xt Third streets. Buildings are fully occupied. If looking for a flrst-cia Investment, do not delay, as this is one of the best buys on the East Side and the opportunity to secure It. at the present price, will remain open but a few days. BfCHTEL & KERNS. 362 Bast Morrison St. Mortgage Loans 5 and 6 Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL 201 to 203 MrKar Bide-. 3rd and Stark BIG BLOCK West 8lde, close In. for lease, thirty years. 3250 per mo., or one half for 31S0 ir mo. Fins for manufacturing plant. V 47, care Oregonian. ALEX. C. RAH. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, SO" McKay Building, Phone Main 6491. ORIENTAL- CARTED IVORY. 149 6TH St.. .Mexican lrawnnork Co. E. 1 DALY NEW TODAY. I TO BUY j GREENWAY J "ON THE HEIGHTS" j Lots for $500 j Until 6 Tonight You can come in and pick our your choice of the un sold lots for $500. Quite a few of them are directly on the carline. I H. P. PALMER 222 Failing Building. . Main 5661. $10,000 7th and Hoyt Corner $15,000 7th Street Close In $is,ooo 18th and Glisan Corner $40,000 7th Street Quarter Block Investig'ation Convinces That We Advertise Bargains Only H. W. Lemcke Company Main 550. 6th and Wash. Entire Second Floor Auto at Your Disposal ASSURANCE OF SECURITT HONORABLE RECORD The chief concern of the officers and directors of the "Oldest Trust Company in Oregon T.i the welfare of the depositors and the security ofthoir deposits. Ha offi cial are mm of integrity and nound business Judgment. Kesourcc over $1,750,000.09 Bankers, rorporations. firm and Indi viduals dfilrins the very best servio thrt n trng. modern bank efficiently officered and thoroughly equipped, can furnlph. are cordially Invited to open accounts here. INCORPORATED APRIJ, 2S, 1887. Call or write for frets booklet of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Portland Trust Company o! Oregon S. E. Corner Third and Oak Stu. IJhone Exchange 7l BEXJ. T. COHEN President H. U PITTOOK Vice-President B. LEK PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. . .Assistant Secretary 25 Below Market Value 100x100 Income-paying property, short dis tance from business center. Bight thousand handles this. McGuire Realty Co. 315 Oregonian Building. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN 5-ROOM COT tage on 20th. close to Raleigh, lot 33 1-3x100. price $3000: tomorrow only. F. T. Berry, 4 North 6th. Phone Pacific 2082. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND LOT 30x100, . near East Sidf High, School, $:fOo0; terms. Culver. o23 Chamber of Commerce. NKW, MODERN B-ROOM COTTAGE," LOT 5.1x100, two blocks to station. $1000. terms. Tower, ownr, University Sta. . 5-ROOM HOUSE, EAST DAVIS; EVERV thing very best; bargain. Holllster & "Watson, 313 Commercial Block. ONLY 6 LOTS LEFT PATTON'S ADD., li'-ar carline. close In. Vanduyn fc 'Walton, 303 Chamber of Commerce. BLOCK P. E. CORNER EAST COUCH and East 7th; or N. wo feet of same. Culver, 023 Chamber of Commerce. 7-ROOM HOUSE, BASEMBNT. EAST SIDa 2 lots ftOx 100. Price $1900. Alexander Land . , uo -2 vlu, near nne. SEVKRAL CHOICE VACANT LOTS, NOB Hill dtetrict. Vanduyn & "Walton, 303 Chamber Commerce. BARGAIN LOT NEAR HAWTHORNE ave. ; $650; will be worth $800 In Spring. Phone Tabor 25S. 1 BLOCK, 200 FT. R. R.t 1 MILE FROM Burnside, only $40,000. Moore, 504 Gold smith. FINE 6-ROOM COTTAGE. LOT 100x100. $50.; $1000. balance to suit. Phone East 675. $3300 8-ROOM . HOUSE. 100x100, ON Caruthers sr. State Land Co., 133 First. Bouses built Easy payment; Jots if deslrad. Miller, 612 Commercial Blk. M. 1940- Last Day FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, HOUSES FOR SALE. 624 Quimby Street $3000 A newly painted and papered cottage, nice location and a bargain. 166 E. 8th street $3000 7 -room house, modern. 331 Clackamas street $4000 8-Toom house, fine location. 3140 Yamhill street $2300 tt-room modern house. 1141 East Morrison.. $5000 10 rooms, modern and attractive. 6SS Fifth street $1750 Cottage, modern Improvements. EASY terms: We would be pleased to show prospective purchasers these houses. Our automobile ' at your disposal. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY. Main 550. Sixth and Washington. Entire Second Floor. $4750. 60x50. being a northwest corner on Fland ers st. in the very ultra fashionable neighborhood where building site, and espe cially corners, are scarce and rapidly in creasing In value, as rapidly in fact as busi ness corners further downtown. We will build you four modem up-to-date flats on this, costing anywhere from $72uO to $8000. according to style of construction, and rent them for $160 monthly or $ltHX yearly, which means 16 per cent on your money. Tenants will hunt you up before the flats are completed, and if you want to sell the investment, we'll guarantee you $15,000 for it in less than a year. WHITING & ROUNTREB. , 419 Abington Building. r Agenta German Alliance Immrance Com pany of New York, a dollar company. GREAT BARGAIN IN NICE HOME. 7 -room partially modern house and full lot, situated near Highland School and Unton-ave. car line; has porcelain bath, hot and cold water, - gas. e,tc. ; well fin ished Inside and out. concrete walks, wpII located and worth $2700; wiU be sold for $2150. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington, corner First, upstairs. HOME. GARDEN. FRUIT. Nice 5-room cottage, li acres of ground, nicely fenced, 50 fruit trees, grapes and. berries; fine garden soil, chicken-house, well, etc.; price. Including this year's veg etables, $1450. $750 down. ELLIS. KAHLER & LANKEN. Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison Street. SOMETHING NICE. We have two very choice 6 -room modem homes, close In on car line and corner. East Side; full basement. Fine place near new High School. All the condition that make a choice home are here. 15 minutes' walk to business. Will give bargain and make terms. HBNKLE & HARRISON, 217 Abington Bldg. FULL LOT AND 6-ROOM RESIDENCE, besides sewing room. bath, laundry-room and basement; concrete foundation, cement walk around house, workshops, woodhouse and chicken-house; 8 bearing fruit trees. k grapes, 40 choice roses; carpets, $45 steel range and heater; H block car line; all for $1550, 4 cash, balance $'20 per-month. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington, corner First, upstairs. LOT 66 2-3x100. WITH A TEN-ROOM house, full basement, 5 minutes' car serv ice, for $4500, terms; sold on account of settling up an estate; we also have about 300 lots immediately joining Irvlnpton, and only 35 minutes' walk to the Steel bridge, for $250 up; will give terms. Ny lander & McAuley. room 307 Allsky bldg:. RENT $324 PER ANNUM. PRICE $2750. Two cottages, in best of repair, well lo cated, block car; rent $27 per month, or about 32 per cent per annum; always rented to good tenants; only $2750. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington, corner First, upstairs. $5700 FULL LOT AND EXCELLENT BUILT 8 -room home, with oak floors downstairs, fireplace in reception hall, four large sleep ing roome. combination brass fixtures, shades, screens, cement basement, furnace. Holladay'a Addition; move right In; Just what you are looking for. Grindstaff & Schalk, 2G4 Stark st. Phone Main 392. $5500 11-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, CLOSE In. West Side. $:H00 7 rooms. 2 lots. East Side. $20iK 7 rooms. E. 21st st.; bargain. $1850 6 rooms, 2 lots, plenty fruit, $500 cash. CIT3T REALTY & BUILDING CO., 612 Commercial Building. FOR SALE PL A INFIELD, ADJOINING Richmond; beautifully situated, overlook ing city; 128 lots, each 50x100 feet, price. $17,600. part cash, balance in three years at 6 per cent; this property acquired by trust estate on foreclosure of mortgage; for sale at cost. Frederick H. Strong, trustee, at Ladd A Tilton's Bank. FOR SALE CHEAP 9-ROOM HOUSE... FULL lot, E. 16th. one block E. Morrison car, completely and nicely furnished;- easy terms monthly installments; be quick if you want a bargain In nice home all ready to commence housekeeping; walking distance. Vanduyn & Walton. 303 Chamber Commerce. REAL ESTATE. If ton want to sell your real estate or rent your house, cottage, stores, etc., quick, we have customers waiting to buy real es tate if prices are right. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN CO., 107 Vi 6th Street. Room 4. NICF. HOME. 006 E. EVERETT. LOT 50 300. 7-room It nunc. gas fixtures, good plumbing, tinted, well arranged, nice lawn, roses, etc.; $2750, part cash, balance 6 per cent. J. H. Heilbronner & Co.. Ed O. Mayor, manager, 517 Lumber Exchange building. BARGAIN MODERN NEW SEVEN-ROOM house; lawn, shrubbery: everything In perfect-condition, easy walking distance; Enst Side, or car c!os ty: $375H: terms; spfn- .did home or pood invostmnt. sure to in crease. Owner leaving. Inquire S East 14th st. ANNUAL RENTAL $1200. PRICE $13,O0. Hotter than 9 per rent interest; nice corner and 3 flaiH. good location; rents $100 mouthr price $13.oort. .1. FRANK PORTER. 222 Washington street, upstairs. "WEST SIDE. Corner lot witii two Rood houses, all in good condition ; choice location on Jefferson trt. A good invertment. HENFCLE & HARRISON, 217 Abington Bide. GOOD INVESTMENT QUARTER BLOCK, Pecon-J street, south Madieont fasy terms; Income about 6 pf r cent, can Increased 10 per cent by improving. Buy in riouth Portland now: val ae sure to soon double. Vanduyn & Walton, 303 Chamber Commerce. SIXTH STREET LOT. South of Pine, north of Washington ; Income neprly $400 per month; cash to swing $25,000: balance easy; no agents; hurry. Q 47, Oregonian. $0000 S4 ACRES JUST NORTH OF MON tavilla car. near West ave., all in cultiva tion; house, barn and city water: best buy on market. Grindstaff & Schalk, 264 Stark t. Main .102. WASHINGTON STREET GOOD INCOME properties at bargain for few days. Nothing better for the price on the market. Van duyn & Walton, 303 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU WISH A FINE MODERN HOME, suburban lots or other real estate at a bargain, call ujon us. Jenne, Trimble & Trimble. 411 Marquam bldg. 5 ACRES, HOUSE. GOOD WELL. ON CAR line and best county road ; fine place for chickens and strawberries; $1200. J. J. Oeder, 1 N. Grand ave. M'CUSKER-KEADY INVESTMENT COM pany, 307 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 1258. Stocks, bondu, real estate and timber lands. See us for investments. HOLLA DAY'S ADD.. Va BLOCK; 2 MOD ern dwellings; cement basements, fruit, lawn, flowers, cement sidewalks; cheap for cash. 375 E. 3d st. N. 6-ROOM. MODBRN. CORNER. WILLIAMS ave.; room to build another house: full base ment. Price $::&0u. Alexander Land Co., 63i 6th. near Pine. SOME GOOD RESIDENCES AND ALSO VA cant lots in Holladay and Ii vington ; bewt East Side district. Vanduyn & Walton, 303 Chamber Commerce. $3000 BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME 6 rooms, modern, electricity, gas, bath; $500 cash; $25 monthly. S8V East Main. Owner, East 523. $2250 SNAP Lot 40x100, Northrup street, 160 feet west of 25th st. ; cement sidewalk ; owner. M 48, Oregonian. $4550 Vi BLOCK. S. E. CORNER UNION ave. and Haey: or east 40 feet, $1550; or west 60 for $3150. Culver, 623 Chamber of commerce. C-ROOM HOUSE, $3000 ; 5-ROOM COTTAGE, $1S00; 7-room house, $2600; smalt pay ment, balance monthly. Owner, phone East 675. HOUSES ALL PARTS OF CITY, BUILT AND sold on Installments. Kroner. 16-17 Cam bridge bldg., aouthwest cor. 3d and Morrison. 4 VACANT LOTS. CHEAP: EAST SLOPE Mt. Tabor, near carline: easy term. Van duyn & Walton. 303 Chamber of Commerce. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. UNFINISHED. READY to plaster, corner lot, 1 block to car; price $1000; easy terms. J 37, Oregonian. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE-. SUBURBAN HOME. NEARLY 4 Af'RES, 7 room house, 2 barns, 2 wells, chicken park, fruits and berries, near echool, store and cars, beautiful outlook, furniture if desired; ateo cow. chlckefte. hay, potatoes and wood; very cheap. 3)9 Alder, room A. REAL ESTATE. $1350 Full lot on Broadway, near East 19ih, street improved, cement sidewalk. GRINDSTAFF & SCHALK, Tel. Main 392. 204 Stark St. $25.0O0-100xV)O CLOSE IX EAST SIDE; good buy. 612 Commercial bldg. $3500 TEN" ACRES; CAN BE PLANTED; term?. Phone East 5207. FOR 6 ALE TIMBER LANDS. f TIMBER OWNERS. Timber owners should understand that our Timber Department is the best equipped of any on the Pacific Coast for the handling of timber in large or small tracts. We are in direct touch with the large buyers. You better see us immediately. Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company. Lumber Exchange Building (2d floor). S. E. cor 2d and Stark streets. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND timber We will buy for cash any good timber tributary to Nehalem River; will deal with owners only; no others need answer. Write, giving full particulars, to Box 8. U. P. Station. Portland. Or. WE WILL PAY CASH FOR CLAIMS IN townships 12 and 13 eouth. 10 east; also townships 17 and 18 south. 10 and 11 east, Crook County; single claims or large tracts. Montelth & Murdoch, 401-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. CASH FOR YOU. Will buyfor cash any timber land from 160 acres up. situated In townships l'" to 30 South, ranges 10 to 17 East. In reply ing give description and lowest cash price. R 50, Oregonian. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT AND 80 acres cleared land. 2.1)00, o0 feet yellow pine. 5 acres cultivated and irrigated. 4 room house; price $400. 302 Lumber Ex change. 85,000,000 YELLOW FIR AND CEDAR, ON , railroad and river; cuts 75 per cent first class logs, near Puget Sound; price $55,000. I P. Calllson, Chehalls, Wash. SAWMILL, WELL LOCATED. 15.000 DAILY capacity; longing outfit; plenty yellow fir timber; investigate at once. Whitten & Bryant, 718 Marquam bldg. 750 ACRES FIRST-CLASS SAW AND PIL ing timber, 20 miles from Portland, 3 miles from Willamette River. Box 29, Newberg, Or. 4tt MILLION FEET FIR IN TOWNSHIP 5 North, range 2 West, on line of new railroad. Address owner, O 47, Oregon ian. A SACRIFICE SO ACRES PINE TIMBER, 1 , 500, 000 feet. $400 ; and hnmest ead re linquishment cheap. 315 Oregonian Mdg. WILL PAY CASH FOR TIMBER OR HOM K stead relinquishment,' or location. V 52, Ore gonian. WANTED A TIMBER LOCATION OR homestead relinquishment. H 38. Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. STATE FARM FOR SALE. The trustees of the Burbank Fund offer for tale to the highest bidder the South Yam hill farm, recently bequeathed to the state by the late Eleanor Burbank. lying about 7 miles southwest of McMinnville. Oregon, and containing 2o0 acres, more or ks. The land is practically all clear, end Is now, or has ben. in cultivation ; about half of It lies on a hillside, and the balance Is rich bottom land. Adjoining It on the west and higher up on the hill i one of the finest prune orchards in Yamhill County. The place is beautifully situated and over looks the valley of the South Yamhill, and Is well adapted to diversified farming. Any one wishing to purchase a fine farm on easy terms should examine the place and send in a bid. Sealed bids will be received by the under signed up to end until 2 o'clock Tuesday. December 11, 1906. Each bid must be accompanied by a draft or certified check for one-fourth of the price offered payable to Chas. S. Moore. State Treasurer. The terms of sale will be one fourth down and balance on, time, with in terest at 6 per cent. The right to reject any and all bids la reserved. OSWALD WEST. State Land Agent. Dated this 16th day of November. 1906. FOR SALE FINE MOUNTAIN RANCH IN yellow pine timber belt, in Grant County, Or. ; country road through land ; 400 acr-s nearly all fenced; 60 acres under cultiva tion ; enough feed raised to supply public house on place, 2-story housn. 14 rooms, furnished: email postofflce and country store; one private dwelling, 5 rooms. 3 barns, out houses, garden, corralls, 18 head cattle, million feet yellow pine on place; all Im plement necessary to run farm; enough feed and supplies for house to last nearly one y-ar; 75oO; also one section yellow pine land, 2 mlRs from above place; will cru?ee S.'KiO.OOO feet, $75oo. Addrs Box 133, John Day. Or. FOR SALE 320 ACRES. 60 UNDER CULTI vation, 40 easily cleared; balance good fir timbt.r: god buildings, phone, daily mall, good roads. 5 miles from R. R. town ; all farm machinery, hay. livestock; half cash down : $14 per acre. Full part iculars, write owner. E. A. Miller, Philomath, Or. 200 ACRES ON WILLAMETTE RIVER: all level. 1.0 acres in cultivation ; nood apple orchard, lots of woixl, flue water, house, barn, warr house; very cheap ; $2S ))t -acre; no asents. T. J. Jackson, 100 5i.h 1st. IF YOU WANT A GOOD DAIRY RANCH nt a reasonable price bee EldreUg" & Mer rliiold, 110 4th fit., Vancouver, Wash. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS, timber land. Barnard & Co., KaJama, Vanh. Buy now. improved dairy farm, splendid spring water: owner pays sell. Woodlawn 202. WANTED REAL ESTATK. W A N T K 1 FR A CT I O N A L LOT. WITH O R witMi.U! 5 or 6-rooni modern bouse, ioutli of Morrison nnrf ear.t of Twelfth t3.. West tide. H 41. Orosfonian. HAVE CUSTOMERS FOR GOOD CITY property of all kinds. If sou want action list vour property with Sphinx Agency. 305 Stark st. ROOM I NG-H OUSE. NOT I .ESS THAN 2t rooms; must be first-class, close iu and g .tod location. H 51. Oregonian. $:tO.OuO TO INVEST IN BUSINESS INCOME property. X 51, Oregonian. -"' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 1 " ' ... TO EXCHANGE. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR Improved Portland real estate from $10Ou up? I prefer San Lit go or Los Angeles real es tate. W. E. Mcpherson, San Diego, Cal. TO EXCHANGE 20 ACRES FRUIT LAND In Marion County, for suburban lots or acreage. P. O. Box 4G0. city. FOR RENT FARMS. 25 ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE. WITH buildings; close In; by owner. Call room 26 Ainsworth bldg. city. FINE FARM FOR RENT 350 ACRE., well improved. Cash or grain rent. 1st st. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCKIF. All kinds, including approved forest re serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed, timbered and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland, Portland. Or. FOR SALE Horse-s, Vehickles. Kte. SORREL HORSE. Wl-ilGHT 15m. POUNDS. Is well broken siV.gle and double. 7 yurs old : also one brown marc, weight 125'. H year. old: one pair nf horsps, weffrbt 2'i'M pounds; one black horse. 7 years old ; suit able for delivery; one pair of panics at your own price; alo wagon, bupKi'-s, hum ess of ail kinds. Call Regal Stables, Hth and Burnside M.. VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS, NEW AND second-hand; largest stock, lowest prices; homes and rigs rented by day or month. Tomllnson & Casslday. 211 Wash. Pac. 507. SNAP $100 BUYS PAIR OF BROWN horse sv weight 1150 each; work single or double; also new hornesp with breeching collar, all complete. Call 23 N. 14th st. BUSINESS RIGS. HORSES AND WAGONS for hire by day or month: boarding. Red Front Stables. 26 N. 15th st. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE. $750. TERMS; used only two seasons; original cost $2750. Main 31. We buy. sell, rent, exchange, horses, wagons, aaddles. harness. Hubert A Hall. 2 (id 4th. FOR SALE CHEAP SINGLE EXPRESS outfit. Stand First and Clay. WANTED Nt. 1 HORSE; WILL PAY GOOD cow and cash. 241 Front 6U FOR SALE Morses, Yehick.es. Etc. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES, WAGONS, etc. N 55. Oregonian. M Iscel kaneons. $$$$$$$$$ IF YOU WANT THE BEST STOVE OR range in Portland at the right price come to the $; we guarantee our stoves and ranges: also all kinds of furniture. Square dealing our motto. 232 1st st. Main 0374. $$$$$ OYSTERS CAREFULLY PICKED FOR A select family trade and shipped daily from beds; they have the correct oyster flavor and smack of freshness; retail and wholesale; free delivery. Kout ledge Oys ter Co., 27 Grand ave. North. Phone East 952. STERN-WHEEL STEAMBOAT. GROSS TON nage, 146; net, 444; length. 160 feet; breadth. 36 feet; depth of hold, 5 feet 5 Inches. Built in 16U9. Machinery all n good condition. Hull needs some repairs. For particulars address Drawer 732. Portland, Or. A FEW THINGS LA W SON FAILED TO tell. Our booklet, "Something to Set You . Thinking," gives the remedy. Sent free upon request. Write for It. Pacific Coa.t Securities Company, Commercial Block, Portland, Oregon. . FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod em bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Ealke-Collender, 49 3d t. TWO-LIGHT GASOLINE SYSTEM, TWO cheese cutters, good tent, scales, electric motor, hot oda fountain. Any or all for sale. St. Johns Grocery Co., SJt. Johns. H A M M BR L ESS 12-BORIS SHOTGUN: KRUPP teel barrels, diamond sight; cost $;!50; will cell for $100. Collateral Loan Bank, 269 Washington st. A LOT OF YORK. CONN AND OTHER make cornets; expert repairing and sup plies. York's, 52 Union block. Stark st. TWO GOOD JERSEY COWS. FRESH. ONE Jersey yearling. 1 year old. 533 Smith st., Montavilla. Phone Tabor 478. A FINE TONE ROSEWOOD GUITAR AND case, only $9. . Uncle Myers, 143 3d t., near Alder. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 500 TUNNELMEN ON WESTERN Pacific R. R. at Beckwlth, Cal. Foreman. $4.50; machine men. $4; machine helpers. $3.5o; muckers, $3; board, $5 per week: 2 year job. Addrese Utah Construction Co., Cromberg, Cal. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instruct ors; catalogue free. Moler System of Col leges, 35 N. 4ta st., Portland. WANTED ENTRY CLERK WITH HARD ware experience. Must be fine penman. State salary expected. Answer in hand writing and give present employment and reference. D 47, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS MEAT CUTTERS WANTED at the Frank L. Smith Mtat Co.. 226-228 Alder st. WANTED GOOD GLAZIERS, PUTTY runners, leaded glass man who can cut and glare; high wages, short hurs. Ad dress Pacific Manufacturing Co., Santa Clara. Cal. THE METER & FRANK STORE WANTS A large number of young boys for various -positions; good pay and rapid advance ment. Apply to Superintendent before 10 A. M. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing. Jeweler work, optica, easy term; posi tions guaranteed ; mrfhey made learning. Watchmkg-Engrav. Scb'l. 1426 4th av. Seattle SALESMAN TO HANDLE ADVERTISING calendars, etc., after January 1; good op portunity; state age, former occupation; answers confidential. W 51. Oregonian. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Burbank'a new stone less plum; miracle; big pay; permanent position. Chlco Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING man; grocery shipping clerk and grocery man for country store. Commercial Abstract Co.. suite 34, 323Mr Washington st. SALESMAN HAVING $150 CAN SECURE half interest in business paying $4 to $lo per day ; will demonstrate this; (jive tele phone number. E 50, Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE. FIRST-CLASS watchmaker who can engrave; $25 week; give references; permanent position. J. D. Bennett, San Rafael, Cal. WANTED AMATEUR ACTORS FOR DRA matic stage, etc.; good opportunity to learn the business. Theatrical Information Bureau, 145 0th. room 2. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO PREPARE FOR examination for Custom Inspector. Govern ment position paying monthly $125. Mr. Heynen. 315 Columbia bldg. WANTED SHIPPING AND STOCK CLERK ; must be familiar with wholesale dry goods or men's furnishing goods. Address X 49. Oregonian. WANTED MAN AND WIFE TO WORK on small ranch near city, family of two. Good home for the right party. 332 John sun st. DANCING LESSONS, 25c, private and ciasses; taught daily. Prof. Wal. WHon. offices and academy, Altshy bldg.. 3d and Morrison sis. PHYSICIAN TO ASSIST IN ADVERTISING doctor'. office. Must he registered in this state. Good salary. Rox X 51, Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS (T.OTHING salesman at once. Apply at 427 Lumber Exchange bldg., The Snaier-Whuti r Co. WANTED FIRST AND SECOND COOKS (colored) for restaurant in city. 2"5ij Morri son st.. room 1. Phone Pacific 146. MA N A N D W I FE. COOK I N R A T LKO A D camp for 40 itk-h : good wagtt?. 1 'hone Ea.st 260. or call at 215 N. Grand avenue. WANTED MAN TO HELP IN SAUSAGE and pork packing factory. Kxperience re quired. Stensloff lire-.. Salem. Or. WANTED A GOOD MAN WHO UNDER stands slaughtering and sausage-making. Address Box 301. Eugene, or. ROOFERS WANTED, TINNERS WANTED, f-heet metal workers wanted. Apply Wyn koop, the Roofer. 243 Ash st. WANTED FIRST-CLASP MEN, PORTLAND and stare. Excellent opening for the right one?. Call 6o7 McKay Bidg. W A NTE I LA IIOKER F R GOOD 1 X s IDE job. Mun familiar with logging business preferred, p 51. oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH HOME Experience- as bookkeeper for general office work. V 40. orrgonian. WANTED A BAKER FOREMAN AND A -econd-hr.nd baker. Apply to the Zlon Bakery, 051 Second. A REGISTERED DRUG CLERK IN THE city ; steady position if satisfactory. X 5o, Oregonian. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY. FINE Lo cation. $250 will buy it; rent $10. 183 Morrison st. TATT.OR WANTED: MUST BE ABLE TO clean and prt3. At Gilbert the Tailor, lt'6', 6th st. GOOD BARBER WANTED. CALL AT 177 Madison st.. between Front st. and the bridge. KIRST-CLASS CARPENTERS WANTED, biiich workers. Apply at 610 Northrup st. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bers. Special membership, $2. Y. M. C. A. BOY WANTBD GLASS & PRUDHOMME i"o.. printers and bookbinders. 123 First st. REPRESENTATIVES, BOTH SEXES, RIG wages; something new. 215 Commercial Blk. WANTED MEN S OLD CLOTHING. Shoe, highest priced paid. 52 3d. Tel. Pacific 46. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. UPHOLSTERERS WANTED STEADY work. 55 Front, corner Davis. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS. Nicoll. The Tailor. 10S 3d st. WANTED MAN TO WORK ON FARM. IN qulre 325 Abington bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED SKOEMAN. Ap ply 247 Morrison et. WANTED LOUNGE MAKEU 55 FRONT, corner Davis. WANTED GOOD STEADY BOY. 55FKONt7 corner Davis. WANTED BOY WITH BICYCLE. 504 Washington. B OOT BLACK WANTED. 1 30 a R A N D avenue. WANTED A GOOD COOK. ,10 RUSSELL street. WANTED 3 BARBERS. 211fc 4TH ST HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED TWO DONKEY ENGINEERS. one teamster, $2.75; 25 loggers for Northi i California, top wairen. reduced fare; in t cutters. Eastern Oregon (tamarack). Wli ter'w Job; 25 other woods jobs, top ww; : mill and yardmen, $2.25; 2 arrtiwie nif $2-50; lug decknian. $2.70. Large list of m work every dav. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. 12 North 2d St.. 2v5.j Morrison t. WANTED AT ONCE STAVE-BOLT CUT ters: wages $1.40 ppr cord, Mteady work. Apply Western Cooperate Co.. Stearns bldg-. Portland, or Houiton, Or. WANTED FOR U. S. ARM'S. ABLE-BOD-led unmarried men, between a Res of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speaa. read or write fc-ngiisn. Appiy io Recruiting Officer. Ainsworth block. 3d and Oak sts.. Portland, Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured Imfrom 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum .Medical Institute, 3d and Aider ts.; entrance 253 Alder t.. Portland. MALE STENOGRAPHER WANTED FOIL law offlct-; licht work; salary to tart $25. S 50. Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 h-t Washington st., cor. 7th. upstair. WANTED 4 OR 5 CASH GTRLS AND GIRLS to attend door. Apply to superintendent The Golden Eagle. WANTED STENOGRAPHER TN LUMBER office, with some experience in billing and invoicing: state experience and salary ex pected. Address Willamette Valley Lumber Company, Dallas, Oregon. LADIES TO ASSIST AT HOME MAKING cushion tops for hntldav trade; work will continue after Xmns; easv. rapid; no ex perience. Call 9 to 5. 326 Flledner bldg., 407 Washington st. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE WANTS A large number of young girls for various positions; good pay and rapid advance ment. Apply to Superintendent before 10 A. M. WHOLESALE HOUSE) DESIRES SEKV ices of competent girl as filing clerk, rapid, accurate worker; state experience in d-tuil and salary expected. H 50. Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave., and E. Taylor st. WANTED GIRL OR ELDERLY WOMA N who would do light houjtfwork in exchange for home; small compensation. 230 'j Yam hill. Main 5413. WANTED A WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE TO act as steward of a family hoiel; state ai?o and where you have worked. Address X 52. Oregonian. WOMAN RESTAURANT COOK. 510; WA1T ress, domestics, second girl, chambermaid, $16. Everybody call. Drake, 205 W Wash ington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, SEC ond girls, nurses. waltr-ssei. St. lvtiW Ladles Agency. 230U, Yamhill. Main 5413. Manicuring, Hairdresslng, special $5 cour.se. one week only. Trade school for girls and women, 304 Alder. "The Montgomery." WANTED AN INEXPERIENCED GIRL To assist In general housework; willing to teach; Email family. Apply 005 Everett. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaking. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. LADY WITH FAIR KNOWLEDGE l F httokkecping and typewriting. Apply -Purt-land Steel Shipbuilding. St. Johns. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WIT 1 1 llKht' housework and care for baby. 5oj E. Pine st. Phone East 1000. WANTED A GIRL OR WOMAN AS COOK and first help in small family at good wdges. Apply 574 E. Pine st. W A ITR ESS, AT ONCE. EXPERIENCE I ; one who wants steady place ; wages $20 Golden West Hotel, 7 Everttt. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343' Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. HOME LADIES' AGENCY. : IG5 Fourth st., corner Morrison, upstairs. Phone Main 5820. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FoTt general housework ; small family. Apply mornings, b3 E. Taylor st. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and will pay good wages. Mrs. R. M. Gray, 621 E. Washington. GI RL FOR HOUSEWORK. SMALL FA M -By, washing and ironing sent out. 513 Myrtle st. Main 3328. ., , ,. , , , i . i . . j , .. , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking. Good wages. 741 Glisau bt., be tween 2 2d nnd 23d. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOL'SH work and cook. Small family. Good wages. 570 Hoyt st. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, fnmlly of three. Wages $20. Phone East -K.65. AN' ANTE I) A GIRL FO It G ENER A L h -uswork. Call 671 Glisan St., between J and 1 1 A. M. WANTED LADY FH GENERAL HofSK work. $4 per week. C. W. Mower, 3o4 Marguerite ave. COMPETENT GIRL TO ASSIST WITH cooking and general housework. Apply 731 Sttvisr st. N EAT GI UL FOR SECOND WORK I N family of three. Apply 824 Marshall. Phono 1300. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Small fumlly, good wages. 50 Tillamook street. DANCING LESSONS 25C. WILSON'S school, A'isky bldg. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN DINING rooiq work at 104-'0 N. 7th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AT lo4-lvnt Nuth 7th st. WA XTKD C A PA RLE COOK. 751 FLA N ders street, corm-r tJ. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work. 553 4th st. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. STENOGRAPHERS are prepared in a deelm plan ; piaco and night chtf-Hi-A versdrv, -1.I5-H Were A N D BOO K K E E P E RS few week' I hue by our 6 to 8 each we-k ; da y Kclftlr Business I'ni Ltffer hiuck. The Great Western Employment Office. 300Vj Couch st. Phone Main 3518. We make a specialty of Inrnishing all kinds of labor. S. St. Clair, general manager. W ANTED CO M I ' ET E NT TEACHER, P R I -va'e I-ssoi:h. ciregg shorthand; stale t'rms and number of hours each day. I, 4 s, M-egonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE, bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION IN HARDWARE KSTARLISII nient or Implement store; will work Tor low wages to start; Some experience In bookkeep ing. R 40, Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED YOUNG MA N to solicit, deliver and general work in grocery; references. N 11. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER EMPLOYED AT PRESENT desires position In city; lirst-class refer ences. 4 36, Oret'oniun. INDUSTRIOUS MAN OF 30. WANTS posT lion In hardware Htore. V 51. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION AS N Ii.i I IT WA TC I f -man by sober, reliable man. J. Htone, 63 N. 10th st. POSITION OF JANITOR OR WITHIN 2 hours' work looked for by a student. Jap anese Mission. JAPAN ES E ROY WANTS SITUATION famiiy; cooking or hout-ewurk. Togo, Rurnslde st. POSITION IN . REAL ESTATE OFFICE; ir.alt remuneration to start. S 4n. oro nlnn GOOD .JAPANESE BOY WANTS ANY KIND -t(fre or oOiet.- work. S 51. Or' onian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION IN private family. AV- 6L Oitgonlau.