Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 22, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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Strength of Bean Market At
tracts More Attention.
Movement From the Pari fie Cousit
Kisstuai'd tp to Date Latest
Deals In the Hop Market.
No Changes in Sugar.
(Strong interest is shown in the Lima bean
situation, hnlh "n the ("oast nml tn the
Kast. The speculative ffaturcu of the mar
ket have ben brought tiut recently by Ktti
tlties of the Kast ward movement. The
Miort sol Its were jammed ' on October con
tracts and they may be. hit hard in Novem
ber. PlM-usi-liiR tn situation, one of the
I be"t posted authorities in tlie trade says;:
Thne 1m no mystery about t h situation.
Speculator have alwuv ben prone to sell
the crop .short. The horts sold October
lima. '- Thfwy paid the tiddler. Shipments
from the I'arlfie t.'oayt in bags during the
following periods were;
Total to
Tear. .flit v. August. Sf pt. Oct. Nov. 1.
. .ir.:;7'i 14. M7 2i;i.:tM ir.:o.:;::7
ltiH .. l:;.:;o .vunm 23o.U74 :;:m,;;s6
"There were nearly 1 00,00.1 bagw more
tehifipt this year ttmn during the sriih pe
riod last year. Iurin? November, lltt.".
there were hMpjied l-lii.'Jtt:. liaffM. The eroi
f IfHtt Is ) in warehouse or bun hern
Miipped. and ll turns out to hr :tr..lWiu ackri.
There w a- a carry -over 'f 4Mon sack,
making a tota! available this year of 87
nan bneki Kioin thin Rrand total we should
deduct, for shrinkftffo and seed beans. 7."V,0X
.vai kfc. tnat these tiKnreg Flinw t liat on
Nov. l there were 470,000 wacks available
for Kateri shipment.
"It i.-; wfr to estimate Umt the shipments
du: niK November will be dose to 17.".iti0
sa-k-. leaving ::oo.oim) ,-aeks on hand on
lie t'o.'-l on Iteeenihei1 1. There Is undoubt
t iv a Mmrt Internet that v ill have to be
n;i-hie;ed when JlguMnR on 1 lie November
shipments, and we com-idcr If our estimat-
d IthUtcH for November snipments are ror
iti t - thHt there will lliave been shipped by
eiTTiiper 1 a total of M0,Oio bags, a very
iaifce percentage of which cannot have gone
in t his u 111 pt ion and w ill not for months
to come.
"I ..i t year the shnrtM and speculators
i-.'! if -1 the market in December to the
i -n- .'f about li-V'.OnO bags. The move was
in 1 1 Mh-f evf ul. and from 4Uc price tney
dehi'rd 10 ;;'yc, and on this lower "level of
-Mics business was done to the point that
leu a cairj-over uf fully in.fM'k) -bags.
lleNerT nncl rafton ltuying in That Section
. Hale In Oregon.
Ad vie y received from Yakima yesterday
reported niore movement In hops in that
mm tiM". Jaek McNeff bought 200 bales and
:n: f'lMfton 150 bales prtme to choice at
1 I and' 12 cents. .
Hniutf also continued on a fairly liberal
:-. in Oregon. The Henry Reck lot of
ni Aun ra was bought by Ed llerren
ii 1"1 cents. ShoreCfc Rels pur'hased 12S
bubs from YV. H. Landlss. of Carlton, at the
-a ife price. K laber. Wolf &" Net tor ttought
lots at McMinmtlle, Aurora aTid Hubbard,
but th. partlrulurft w ere not learned. The
J. V. Seavey Hop Company purchased over
inn bales at Eugene at 12j and 11 cents and
115 bales of choice goodu from local dealers
at i:p2 cents. The mm yesterday took in
and shipped the Mc"onneU, Her, Davis,
:ruger and Campbell Bros, lots in the Wil
nonvitle section, aggregating over 200 bales,
whi'.b. cost them Kl to 14 cents.
Car Situation Is a Little Better, But There
Is Much Room for Improvement.
Wheat prices In this market are practi
cal ly nominal. There is a little more busi-,
ness under way than was the case last week,
when all the exporters were out of the mar
ket, but the volume of trade now passing
Is scarcely enough to make a market. A
very small improvement may be nofed In the
car situation, but the lak of cars is still
to serious as practically to paralyze busi
ness. There must bo great improvement in
this respect .before the wheat movement
reaches normal proportions.
The railroad situation l also responsible
for Inactive conditions in the barley and
ouw -markets. Thtre Is a fair demand for
itf-t- cereals, but .defers and 'shippers are
laiuH-apped in Ailing orders by the lack of
Jobbers Are Not Complaining of the Course
the Market Has Taken.
No further changes were announced In
t he sugar market yesterday. One of the
l-trgst local handlers of sugar made this
: ly.tement last evening:
"A story printed in an evening paper to
the ehVct tli at the Portland Jobbers have
)o:.t a lrge sum in sugar is entirely without
foundc i ion. Even if the Jobbers had met
: h h ss, t his would be known only to
l Ik iiis Iv and certainly would be no one
ct.-e'H business. As a matter of fact, what
speculative sugai the Portland jobbers have
on hand var, as a rule, purchased at a low
figure. I do not see what right such out
ttders have to pry Into the private business
of mercantile houses."
Only Low Prices Will Move Stock Other
Poultry In Demand.
The poultry market was liberally stocked
yesterday. Chickens moved somewhat bet
ter, but at low prices. Most of the day s
sales were made around 10 cents. Higher
prices are not looked for until the railroads
to the north are opened. There was a strong
demand for geese at 10 cents and ducks sold
readily at 14 to 30 cents. Live turkeys were
also in request at 17 to 18 cents. Dressed
turkeys did not .sell so well unless choice.
The egg market was active for both Ore
con and Eastern stock.
Buiter moved steadily at former prices.
Bananas Are Due Today.
Four cars of b&nanas arrived over the
Southern Pacific last night and will be de
livered today. A ear of bananas en route to
Tacoma was in the railroad yards all day
e.nd may be disposed of here. A good ship
ment of grapes was received by express.
Trade was only fair.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the leading cities of the
Northwest yesterday were:
. $I.0S4.41
. l.::5.74s
Tort land
Grain, Hour. Peed, Ktc
-WHEAT Export basis: Club,' 6lc; blue
stem. Ci7c; Valley, title; red, tile
OATS No, 1 white. $24.5ufc23.50; gray.
FLOUR Patents. $3.004.10 per barrel
straights, S3.1O'93.60; clears, $;1.10(3.25 Val
ley, $:t. 4043.60; Dakota hard wheat, pat
ents, .(". 60; clears, $4.l0y4.25; graham
$J 50; whole wheat -$3.73; rye flour, local. $5;
Eastern. $5.5.25; cornmeal. per tale. $1 Oo'ii
2 20. w
HA RL5Y Feed. $21.50 per ton; brewing.
$22 50, rolled, $23.
RYE $1.40 1.45 per cwt
CORN Whole, ,$25.50; cracked, $26.60 per
MILLSTUFFS Bran, city. $14.50; country.
$i550 per ton; middlings, $24; ahorta, city,
$16: country, $IT per ton; chop, U. S. Mills.
$13.50: linseed dairy food, $18; alfalfa meal.
$1$ rv ton.
CDREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, oo
pound sacks, $7; lower grades, $5.506.75;
oatmeal, steel cut, 50-poun4 sacks, $3 per
barrel; 10-pound racks. $4.25 pr bale; oat
meMl (ground), 50-pound acks, $7.5o per bar
rel; 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale: spilt peas,
J5 per luO-pound sack; 2.'-pound boxes. $1.40;
pearl barley, $4.T per loo pounds; 25-pound
boxes, $1.1:5 per box; pastry tiour, lo-pound
a ks. $'2.? per bale.
HAY Valley timothy. No. I. $11M2 per
ton; Eastern Oregon timothy. $14016.
rlover. $7g18; cheat, 97.5008.50; grain hay.
97.50S.3O; alfalfa, $11.50; vetch bay. $7
- Vegetable, Fmlts, Etc.
DOMESTIC- KRUITS Apples. common to
choice. 0oii 7.".' pw box; etioice to fancy, $L
ui -.on; grapes. tWk U $ 1 -" crate: pears. 75c
G 1 -0; cian berries, $ loy 10.50 per barrel ;
quinces, $11.5 per box; pereimmons, $l.SO
per box.
TROPICAL rRtTiTS Lemons, fancv. $7 per
box; oranges. Valencia. $5tyu.5U; navels, $1;
grapefruit. $4. .; pineapp let. $4& u..0 per
d'zen; bananas. 5c per pound; pomegran
ate. $2.50 per box.
FRBSH V KG F.TAFr.FSS Cabbage. 1 Vil
pound ; caul i flow e. $1.25 per dozen: celery,
75S5c per dozen; egg plant, $1.50 per crate;
lettuce, head. 20c per dozen: onions. 104? 12 Mia
per dozen ; bll peppers, be; pumpkins, 1 c
per pound; spinach. 44 3c per pound; tomatoes.
30St"50c per box; parsley, 1015c; squash, 1
Qc per pound: artichokes. 65 75c per
dozen ; hothouse lettuce, 50 Sj-75c per box;
cucumbers, 50c per dosen.
ROOT VEGETABLES-Turnips, Jc$t per
sack; carrots, 00cifc$l per sack; beets, $1.2.
1.50 per sack; garlic, "H-'SlOc per pound;
horseradish. UiftlOc per pouna; sweet potatoes,
24r2'.c per pound.
ONIONS Oregon, 75cff$! per hundred.
POTATO KSHuying prices: Oregon Bur
banks, fancy. 70i'Rre; common. 070c.
DRTFD FRIT ITS Apples, SflSc t pound;
aprieo's. tVf 10c; peaches. U&13o; pears,
1 1 14: Italian prune.. 2 tV : California
Hps. white. In sacks, !,?6&e per pound; black,
4v1j5c: bricks. 75chS2.25 per box: Smyrna,
20c pouml: dates. Persian, Cttic pound.
T! A ISINS Lsvpw and clusters. 5-ernwn.
$1,5; ;;-erown. $1.75: 5-crown. $3.10: 6-erown
S'l 50; loose inirscatei. 2-crown. Sc; 3-crown.
seedless. Thompsons, 10 Vic;
Sultanas. OlCc.
Butter, Kggs, Poultry, Etc.
BVTTER City creameries: Extra'cream
ery. JOc per pound, state creameries: Fancy
creamery. 2fli27V-c; More butte-. lti$17c.
Kt;iS fireon ranch, 05 otic per dozen;
Eastern, 255 2Sc.
CHEKSK Oregon full cream twins, 14
15e; Young America, 15$ ltin per pound.
rOl'I.TUY Average old hens, lOfrllc;
mixed chiekens. 10'a He; Spring, IQfa lie,
old r-oosters, j J0c; dressed ehickens,"
14c: turkeys, live. 17'ffl8c; turkeys, dressed,
choice. I't'ir :Mc ; g'jf-se, live, per pound Hc;
duck?, Hr,fii;V; pigeons, $K&-1.50; squabs, $2jX
Dressed Meats.
VEAL Dressed, 75 to 125 pounds,
8ic; j7t to 150 pounds, 7c; 150 to 200
pounun. tc; aw pounos and up, 5', 6c.
BfciLOF Ureased bulls, 2ftf2 Vic per pc
cow. 4-?i 5c ; country steers. 5,ft 5 U,c.
MUTTON Dressed. fancy, 8 do per
pound, ordinary, 6$$ 7c
KiHK Dressed. Hl to 110 pound, 8c; I.V
to 20o pounds, 7p7V6c; 2tK pounds and up, ti
Groceries, Nuts, Etc.
HICK Imperial Jupan NoC I. 5c; Southern
Jaj'un, 5.4IK-; head, 6.75c.
COFFBB Mocha. 2&28c; Java, ordinary. IS
W22c; Costa Rica, fancy, lSfr20c; good, 1'
ISc; ordinary, lfs22c per iKund; Columbia
roast, cases. 100s. $15; 60s. $15.25: Arbuckle,
$17.25; Lion, $15.76.
SALMON Columbia River, l-p.und tails,
$1.73 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound
riats. $1.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis, 0c;
red, 1 -pound talis. $1.25; eockeyc, 1-pound
tails. M.7o.
tSl ci.Yt: Sack basis, luo pounds: Cube,
$5.25; powdered. $5.15; dry granulated. $5;
cxM-a C, $4...u. golden C. $4.40; fruit sugar,
$5; berry, .f 5; K C, $4. SO; C. C. $4. HO;
st ;tr. $4.Si. Advance sales over sack basts
as follow;; Barrels, io; half barrels. 25c;
boxs. 5nc per 100 pounds. Terms: On re
mittances within 15 days deduct Uf Pr
pound; if later than 15 days and within :'0
days, deduct c. Beet sugar $4.70 per
hundred pounds; maple sugar, 15 'a 18c per
NTT: Walnuts, 10c per pound by sack;
Hrazll nuts. 17c; Alberts. 1.V-; pecans, Jumrjcj.
10c; txtra large, 20c; almonds, lS20c; chest
nuts, Ohio. 17 '-jjc; peanuts, raw 8VjC per
pound: roasted, mC; pincnuts. lo12c; hick
ory n u l o-; rocoanu t , ::."iffr 90o per dozen.
SALT California dairy, $13 ton; Imitation
Liverpool, $14 per ton; half-ground. 100. $0;
50s, 0..'0; lump Liverpool $10.50.
BEANS Small white, 4c; targe white, 3;
pink, -Jc: bayou, 31c; Lima, 4c; Mexicans,
red. 4c.
HONET Fancy, $3.253.50 per box.
Provisions and Canned Meats.
BACON T'aney breakfast, 21c per' pound;
standard breakfast. ISc; choice, IGVfcc; Eng
lish, M to 14 pounds. 10c, peach, 14V4C,
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds, 10 Vic per pound;
14 to 16 pounds, 15c; 18 to 20 pounds,
15Tlc; California (picnic), 10Vc: cottage,
13c; bhoulders, mme; boiled, 24c; boiled
picnic, boneless. 20c
PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrels, $21;
naif -barrels. $n ; beef, barrels, $10; half
barrels, $t.
SAUSAGE Ham, 13c per pound: minced
ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry,. 17Vic; bo
loRna, long, 6c; weinerwurst. 10c; liver, 6c;
pork, 10c; headcheese, 6c; blood, 6c. bolog
na link, 5 Vic.
DRY SALT CURED Regular -short
clears, dry salt, 12c. smoked. Lie; clear
backs, dry salt. 12c, smoked. 13c; clear bel
lies. 14 to 17 pounds average, dry salt none,
emoked none; Oregon experts, o to 5
pounds aveiaice. dry salt 13 He, smoked
14Vqc, Union bellies, 10 to 13 pounds aver
age, none.
LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 12 Vie,
tubs, I2ic; 50s. I2Hc; 20s. !2vbC; 10s
13 Uc; 5s. 13 c. Standard pure: Tierces
llVic: tubs. Wc; 50s. 1114c; 20s, llc
10s, 12V4c: 5s, H!c. Compound: Tierce..
8c; tubs, SUc; 50,s, SUc; 10a, 8-Sic; 5s, SJic.
TERPENTINE Cases, SSc per gallon.
COAL OIL Cases, luc per gallon; tanks,
12Vic ier patlon.
GASOLINE Stove, cases. 24V4c, 86 test.
32c; iron tanks, 2c.
WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7 i c - 500-pound
lots, Sc; less than 500-pound lot! 8V4C (In
25-pound tin pails, lo above keg price; 1 to
5-pound tin cans, 100 pounds per case, "Vc
per pound above keg price.)
LINSEED Raw. in barrels, ,Vc; In cases
55c: boiled. In barrels, 52c, in cases, 57c:
230-sniion lots, lc less.
BENZINE Cases, 19c per gallon; tanks,
12I2C per gallon.
Hops, W'ooJ, Hides, Etc.
HOPS HHM, choice, 14 15c; prime, 12(3)
13c; medium, 10 12c per pound.
W OOL Eastern Oregon average best, 13
)Sc per pound, according to shrinkage;
Valley. 20 21c, according to. fineness.
MOHAIR Choice. 2lfc2Se.
HIDES Dry: Xo. 1. 10 pounds and up.
per pound. 1Si"20c: dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 13
pounds, 18&'21o per pound; dry salted bulls
and stags, one-third less than dry flint;
culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, mur
rain, hair-clipped, weatherbeaten or grubbv,
23c per pound loss. Salted hides: Steers,
sound, 00 pounds and over, per pound. 10j
11c; steers, sound 50 to 00 pounds, 10iio
per pound,; steers, sound, under 50 pounds,
and cows. 910c per pound; stags and
bulls, bound, 7c per pound : kip, sound. 15
to 30 pounds, 10c per pound; veal, sound,
10 to 14 pounds.' 11c per pound; calf, sound,
under 10 pounds. ll(iI2c per pound; green
tunsalted), lc per pound less; veals, leper
pound less. Sheepskins: Shearlings, No. I,
butchers' stock, each, 25 30c; short wool.
No. 1, butchers' stock, each. 50 60c; me
dium wool. No. 1, butchers' stock, each,
$1.253; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per
cent less, or 1510c per pound. Horse
hides: Salted, each, according to size, $1
1.30; colthidts, each, 23 50c. Goatskins:
Common, each, 151250; Angora, with wool
on, each, 30c$1.50.
FURS No. 1 skins: Bearskins, as to size,
each. $520; cubs, each. $l3; badger,
prime, each, 25p50c; cat. wild, with head
perfect, 30(50c; house cat. -3!&20c; fox.
comomn gray, large prime, each. SOlSOc;
red, each, $3 5 ; cross, each, $5 13 ; sliver
and black, each. $4.50$?' 6; mink, strictly
No. 1, each, according to size, $1 3; mar
ten, dark. Northern, according to size and
color, each, $1 13; pale pine, according to
size and color, each, $2 50 fa. 4; muskrat.
large, each. 12 13c; skunk, ch. 403tJ0c.
civet or polecat, each, 3'g 15c, other large
fine skin, each, $6 10; panther, with head
and claws perfect, each, $2 3; raccoon,
prime, large, each, 5075c; mountain wolf,
with head perfect, each, $3.505; prairie
coyote), 60ct'$l; wolverine, each. $G&8:
beaver, per skin, large, $56; medium, $3
7; small, $101.50. kits, 5075c.
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure, 22
25c per pound.
TALLOW Prime, per pound, 44Vc,
No. 2 and grease. 2 3c.
CASCARA SAGRADA (chlttam bark)
New. 5!c per pound; 1004 and 1905, carlots.
6c; less than carlots, 5 He.
Dairy Produce in the East.
CHICAGO, Nov. 2-1. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady.
Creameries, 20to271sc; dairies, 10 4$ 24c.
EkSS Steady at mark, cases Included. 24
S?-2tic; firsts, 27c; prime firsts, 30c; extras,
Cheese Steady ; 1314c.
NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Butter, strong;
street prices extra creamery, 202916c; of
ficial price creamery, common to extra, 20
2!)c, held second extra. 214z2Sr; state dairy,
common to extra, 20 27 c ; renovated,
common to extra, t6 22 c.
Cheese Quiet, unchanged.
Eggs Steady, unchanged.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 21. Wool, steady; me
dium grades, comhing and clothing. 23
27c; light tine. irrt-21c; Aeavy fine, 1416c;
tub washed, 32&37VsC
Stock Prices Governed, by
Course of Money Market. "
But Mucli UosislaiKB Is Shown to
Pressure and There Is Evidence
of Underlying Strength.
Jump In Pacific Mail.
NEW TORK. Nov. 21. There was a good
deal of uncertainty in the movement of the
prices of btocks today, the varying fluctua
tions being mostly traceable to the chang
ing course of the rute for call loans. When
the ralo ran up to 10 per cent in the first
hour, th resulting downward movement of
stocks was fairly comprehensive! Afterward
the market showed no very consistent tone.
The advances were spotty and uneven, and
there wire important stocks which failed
to respond to the advance.
The general Impression was one of resist
ance to pressure and of underlying strength.
The recession tn the money rate was al
lowed to huve an important influence in the
The action of the money market was.
puzzling. The rise of the two previous days
was. In spite of factors, suyposcd to be
working for the replenishment of. loanable
funds, whll today's easing of money con
ditions seemed Inconsistent with the ces
sation of some of yesterday's favoring influ
ences. Thu recent upward course of New
York exchange at Chicago was reversed to
day, in spite of the attraction of the money
rate of yesterday snd this morning. The
possibility of a recurrence of the interior
demand for currency is not lost sight of and
the Interior exchanges are carefully watched
for Indications ol It. There was deposited
at the Sub-Treasury also 750,000 for tele
graphic transfer to an Francisco, said to
be attributable to the active work of re
construction going on in that city.
Foreign money -markets were disturbed by
the new demand for gold from Brazil, which
is making inroads on the Bank of Eng
land. London sentiment was quieted by re
ports of additional sums to be relinquished
by the Bank of France for London.
Time-money rates here continued to re
cover from Monday's recession In spite of
the decline in the latter call-loan market.
From this lime thtro Is an inclination to
look for some special cause for the course
of the call-loan market.
The yielding of the call-loan rate proved
an ..ffeetive argument for renewed strength
in stocks, notwithstanding the obscurity
about its cause. There was a noticeable di
version of speculative attention to low-priced
stocks and a circulation of rumors to 'ac
count for some of them. The rise in Pa
cittc Mail was clearly enough due - to the
strong slsud for a ship subsidy law taken
by the Secretary of State In his speech at
Kansas city, and the assumption that the
attitude of the Administration on the sub
ject might be thus Inferred. There was a
recurrence of active Interest in the Hill
stocks, Union Pacific and Reading. Illinois
Central relapsed from yesterday's violent
advance and St. Paul, United States Steele
Amalgamated Copper and some other prom
inent favorites were backward. rroflt-tak-ing
by professionals affected the whole list
late In the day, and the closing was Irreg
ular and generally below the best.
Bunds were irregular. Total sales, par
value, $2,114,000. United Stales registered
2s. declined U per cent on call.
Sale. High. Low. bin.
Adams Express
Amalgamated Cop.. 10,400 11414
44 1 j
es -
75 1 4
11 1U,
Am. Car & found. i,iw
do preferred-
Air.. Cotton Oil ..
do preferred .
American lixprefes.
Am. lid. & Lt. pf.
American ice .....
Am. Linseed Oil.-.
do preferred ....
Am. Locomotive. .
do preferred ....
Am. Smelt. & lief.
do preferred ....
Am. Sugar Ref..
Am Tobacco pfd . .
112 '
300 HKH
1.201) i:irt!4
:tr v- 13"
97 W
Anaconda Min. Co. 20."0 280'a
Atchison : . 20.200 103
do preferred :! 1"2
Atlantic Coast lino 1,400 i:i9
Bait. & Ohio 2.000 119"i
do preferred
101 --Si
181 lu
38 "i
SI 14
IBt! '
Brok. Itap. Tran.44.Yoon
Canadian Pacific.. S.fiO
so -n
Ccnira! of N. J...
Chesapeake & Ohio
S00 22Vj
Chi. Great West.. 1.0C0
"hl. & Northwest. 400 2"8
C. M. 4k tit. P...1U2.70O l7i,
Chi. Term. & Tran
do preferred .
C. C. C. & St.
38 '4
Colo. Fuel Si Iron
Colorado & South,
do 1st preferred,
do 2d preferred.
1.500 87
Consolidated) Gas . .
Corn Product. . . .
Dela. & lludison...
Oel.. Lack. & Wes.
D. & R. Grande . . .
2.T0 21 'j
7.4(10 229
DiMillers' Securi.. 2.9O0 72's 71 '.j
Erie 4,200 4.1. 44U,
do iBt preferred. 100 70"4 714
do 2d preferred
General Kle.-tric .. 1781 llli'i
Hot king Valley
Illinois Central .. 100 17'.j I7S11
Int. Paper 200 18 184
do preferred 100 SHj 81
Internat. Pump
do preferred .... 100 81 'i 81 li
Iowa Central 2.oo no', 3o
ck preferred .... 7i0 .114 5114
K. C. Southern... 500 3(1 .to
do preferred .... o"0 tll't Win;
Loots. & Nash R.S00 148"-, 147
Mexican Central.. 14..VI0 2.V4 24Li
!.. A St. Louie... 200 'USV 66V4
M..St. P. & S.S.M
do iweferred
Mo. Pacific 2.4UO r, 94 't
Mo.. K. & Texas 12.1O0 SS',4 37 "4
do preferred 1.B0O 72 71 ?4
National Lead ... 0 734 7S14
Mex. Nat. Ry. pf. 1,900 Mi 3.1
N. T. Central... S.400 132 l.Sos4
X. Y..Ont. & Wes. 1,100 4714 4(j
Norfolk & West... So0 93 94'4
do preferred
North American.. 200 WTt 8f)i
Paclfle Mail 4.210 :i9'i 7 '4
Pennsylvania 13.400 140", 13f(
People's Gas 2.200 ftl:.', 93
88 '-i
no '4
94 '4
1.18 V,
P.. C. C. & St. L.
Pressed Steel Car
do preferred .....
Pullman Pal. Car
Reading 184.100 149
do 1st preferred . . .
do 2d preferred
99 "
Rpubllc Steel ... 900
do preferred .... 1.5c0
Rock Island Co... 67.900
do preferred .... 6.400
S. L. & S. F. 2 pf. 200
St. 1. Southwest
37 i
f 18 '.4
do preferred
400 61 t
27.300 954 64 4
'2.706 'Si'-A '3414
8' 16 itlll'i l.ifi "
4,700 37 3'4
400 3414 33
I2LB0O issii 1SH
600 93 92 "J
'2.700 ssi-i '88 "
1.4O0 52V4 5114
42.010 4SS 47i
5.200 lfl.iNi insu
400 - 3S 38
Sii "43 " '43''
son 8a"4 R.i-
903 17 10
12.8O0 22.1'i 222'i
4O0 37U, 37"4
loo 103V, 10314
27.3110 74 "4 7314
7.500 33214 32614
10.700 3814 :9;ii
2.500 78 77
Southern Pacific.. 27.300
do preferred
Southern Railway.
do preferred
Tenn. Coal & Tron
Texas & Pacific. . .
Tol.. St. L. A Wea.
do- preferred ....
Union Paclrtc '
d preferred ....
U. S. Express....
U. S. Realty
U. S. Rubber
do preferred ....
U. S. Steel
do preferred ....
Virg.-Ca'-o. Chem.
do preferred ....
dn preferred .-..
tVells Fargo Ex. . .
TVestinghouse Ele.
Western Union ...
Wheel. & I.. Erie
Wisconsin Cent....
do preferred ....
Northern Pacific. .
Central Leather ..
do preferred ....
107 V,
38 U.
I .V.
81 "4
Schloss Sheffield., 2T.3i
Great North, pfd.. 7.5f
Internal. Metal
do preferred .
Total sales for the day. 948.800 shares.
V. S. ref 2s rg..l03!N. Y. C. 3A.'. 9.1
do coupon. .... 104 ID. & R. G. 4s.. 99
U. S. 3s reg 103 IN. P. 3s 7.114
do coupon lo3 I do 4s 10314
U. S. new 4s reg.ixnu's. P. 4s 91
do coupon. ... 130'4 W. P. 4s 103
U. S. old 4s reg.lOltt'WIs. Cen. 4s 90 14
do coupon. ... 101 14 'Jap. 6s 2d series 97 '4
Atch. Adj. 4a.. 9214!JaP. 4Vbs ctfs.. 92V4
Storks at .London.
LONDON. Nov. 21. Consols for money,
S6 11-16; do for account, 86-ll-16d.
Anaconda 14314 'N. Y. Cen ..... 1.15
Atcnison lOlVaNorf. & West.. 9714
do preferred..
Bait. 4k Ohio..
Canadian Pacific.
Ches. & Ohio...
Cht. &. Gt West,
C. M. A St. P.
De Beers
D. & R. Grande,
do preferred.
do 1st pfd ..
do 2d pfd
Illinois Central.
Louis. & Nashv,
M., Kan. & Tex,
105!4l do preferred
. 93
122 Ont. & West..
. .484
183 14 nnsylvanla
.16 'Rand Mines
19 'Reading ....
19.' Southern Ry.
.21 do preferred
. 71
. 0
. 75
. 3.1 14
. 97
42 .ootbern Pacifl
c 97
8.1 Union Pacific.
45?4 do preferred
78 14 U. S. Steel . .
70 I do -preferred
182 IWabash
152 I do preferred
38 14 'Spanish Fours
. ti
. 49 4
. 20
. 44 4
. 9614
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Money on call,
strong. 4 to 10 per cent; ruling rate. S per
cent; closing bid, 4 per cent; offered at 4 per
cent. Time loans, strong; 60 days. 714 per
cent; 90 days. 7'ff7H per cent; six months,
rtfcfl'i per cent. Prime mercantile paper,
0tfr6Vi per rent.
Sterling exchange, steady, with actual
business In bankers" bills at 4.S570S 4.8575
for demand and at $4.S0.1O4.8O35 for 60
day bills. Posted rates, $4.81 14 4 2614.
Commercial bills. 4.S0 4.801.
Bar silver, 7114 c.
Mexican dollars. 5514c.
Bonds Government, easy; railroad, irreg
ular. LONDON. Nov. 21. Bar silver, steady,
3274d per ounce.
Money. 5$j 5'4 per cent.
The rate of discount tn the open market
for short bills is "a1 -per cent; do for
three-months' hills, 5 15-16&6 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. Silver bars,
71 "4 c.
Mexican dollars, 5414fi'53c.
Drafts Sight. 214c; telegraph. Sc.- "
Sterling on London Sixty days, 4.S1; do
sight, J4.S614.
Pally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 21. Today's state
ment of the Treasury shows:
Available cash balances $227,570,718
Gold coin and bullion 121.880,472
Gold, certldcates 48.8S0.320
Sales and Trices Bid and Asked on the
JLAcat Board.
Official prices on the Slock Exchange yester
day were an follows:
Bank Stocks
Rank of California
Hankers" ft Lumbermen's.).
Equitable Savings & Loan..
Merchants' National
Oregon Trust & Savings....
Portland Trust Co
United States National......
Bonds .
Associated Oil 5s
City & Suburban -4s
O. R. & N. Ry. 4s
O. W. P. & Ry. s
Portland Ry. 5s..
Miscellaneous Stocks
Alaska Packers
Associated Oil
Cement Product
Home Telephone
Independent Gas
J. C. Lee Oo
Oregon City Mill & Lumber
Oregon Journal preferred...
id. Asked.
11214 150
200 2o5
t)9!i 101
.1114 M
21 4214
- 6 10
714 10
13'4 17
4 5
30'4 35
4 "tV"
62 70
1 "4 2
214 10
9 2.1
2'i , a
10(4 12
12 14
Puget Sound Tel
Yaquina Hay Tel
Mining Stocks
Alaska Petroleum
Blue River Gold
British Columbia Amal
Bullfrog Terrible
Dixie Meadows
International Coal
Lees Creek Gold
Lucky Boy '.
Mountain View
Nicola Coal & Coke..,
North Fa irview
Oregon Securities
Standard Con
Star Con
Tacoma Steel . . .-
Great Northern
Coeur d'Alene District
Burke -.
Copper King
Gertie v
Happy Day
Idaho Giant
Park Copper
Rambler Cariboo
Ruih Con
' M
; Root)
S. National Bank at 201
Sales 10 U.
Gallaher at 4: 1000 Alameda at 22;
-Happy Day at. $5.
Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. The follow
ing prices were quoted in- the produce mar
ket, yesterday:
FRUIT Apples, choice $1.23. common 35c;
bananas. $13.50: Mexican limes, $3.75(8
4.50; California lemons, choice. $4, common,
$3; oranges, na'el, $4pl.1; pineapples, $3$3.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers, $1.25; garlic,
23c; green peas. 3&3c; string beans. 33
0c; tomatoes, 40c6 $1; egg plant, 75c (i $1.25.
EGGS Store. 32 Is 50c, fancy ranch, 53c;
Eastern. 2025c.
POTATOES River whites. 8.1c(g$I.I0:
river reds, $l(f$1.15: Salinas Burhanks, $1.40
1.90; sweets. $1.401.50; Oregon Bur
banks, $l.25W' 1.50.
ONIONS Yellow, 50S63e.
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 31c; creamery
seconds, 23c; fancy dairy. 28c; dairy sec
onds, nominal; pickled. 21'2114c.
WOOL Kail Humboldt and Mendocino. 13
rl4c; Soutli Plains and, San Joaquin, 7J
Sc. lambs". 814 SI 14c.
HOPS California. 1213c; Oregon and
Washington. 1214 (Si 16c.
CHEESE Young America, 1314c; Eastern.
1014c; Western, 1.1c.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $1920.10; . mid
dlings. $2fc&-20.
HAY Wheat. $1420: wheat and oats.
S1 1 17: barley, nominal; alfalfa, JS'iill;
stock. $0niS.50; straw, 33(?t'60c per bale.
FLOUR California family extras, $4.509
5.10; baker's extras. $4.3034.60; Oregon and
Washington, $3. 754.25.
POULTRY Turkeys, gobbler. 1820c;
roosters, old. $4.50: young, $.119)7; broilers,
small, $2.50ifi3; broilers, large, $3..10g)4:
fryers, $4ji4.50: hens, $54f5.70; ducks, old,
$1 7.
RECEIPTS Flour. 9138 quarter sacks;
wheat. 070 centals: barley. 4U4.1 centals;
oats. 710 centals; beans, 9427 sacks; po
tatoes, 30,10 sacks; bran, 220 sacks; mid
dlings, 200 sacks; hay, 445 tons; wool, 5
barrels; hides, 1001.
Mining Stocks.
NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Closing quotations:
Adams Con. . .$ .20
Alice 7.2.1
Breece 33
Brunswick Con. .63
Comstoek Tun. .33
Con. Cal. Va. 1.35
Horn Silver .. 1.80
Iron Silver . . . 4.00
Leadville Con.. .05
ILittle Chief. .$ .0.1
lOntarto 3.10
Ophlr 3.00
Potosi . . 20
Savage 1.20
Sierra Nevada .95
Small Hopes.. .33
Standard .... 8.00
Adventure . .$ 5
Allouez .... 4(2.
21. Closing quotations:
.10 IQulney 101.00
00 Shannon ... 17.1214
0714 ramarack . 101.00
.10 n'nlt. Copper 71.75
00 u;. s. Mining 2.73
H) 'Trinity 11.75
67$jlU. S. Oil 9.50
7.1. JVictoria ... 6.00
.10 'Winona .... 11.00
50 IWolverine . . 158.00
371t;No. Butte.. 111.50
50 Butte Coal.. 36.50
25 Nevada 19.6714
73 Cal. 4k Ariz. 109.00
7.1 Teeuroseh .. 16.8714
75 Ariz. Con... 2G.50
00 Greene Con. 26.50
Atlantic ....
Cal. & Hecla.
1 .'",
. 21
Centennial . .
v?op. Range.
Daly West. . .
Isle Royale. .
Mass. Mining
M ichigan . . .
Mohawk ....
Old Dom.
Parrot . ..
Alta $ .07
Alpha Con 13
Andes 20
Belcher 3.1
Best & Belcher 1.40
Bullion .30
Caledonia 44
Challenge Con. .22
Confidence .... 1.00
Con. Cal. & Va. 1.25
Con. Imperial. .03
Crown Point .. .23
Exchequer 58
Gould & Gurrle .30
Hale & Norc. 1.10
Nov. 21. Closing quo-
Julia ..
.. $
.. 1.0.1
Con. .76
opnir 3
'Sag Belcher . .
Silver Hill
iSlerra Nevada
UTnlon Con. ...
Utah Con
Yellow Jack.. 1
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21. The market for
evaporated apples continues firm on both
spot and futures. Offerings from the- West
are a little better, however, and immediate
demands are being supplied. High choice in
the local market are quoted at 814c; choice.
748c and prtme, 714c.
Prunes are reported in good demand, with
quotations ranging from 3 to 9c, according
to grade. .
Apricots are firm but quiet, with choico
quoted at 16c; extra choice. 1518c; fancy,
18 tr 20c.
Raising are scarce, but the market rules
firm with loose muscatels quoted at 714
SVjc: seeded raisins. 7f10!4c.
Peaches are unchanged, with new crop
choice quoted at 12c; extra choice, 1214c
and fancy, lie.
Wheat Market Weak in Spite
of Bullish News.
l-'eature of Day at Chicago Is Re
newed Selling of December
Delivery oy J.ongs' and
Elevator Interests.
CHICAGO. Nov. 21. The feature of to
day's trading in wheat was the renewed sell
ing of the December delivery" by longs and
elevator interests. For a short time after
the opening the matket showed some firm
ness because of a sharp advance in the price
ef wheat at Minneapolis, due to a still fur
ther falling off in receipts. Arrivals today
at Minneapolis and Puluth were about one
half of what they are on the corresponding
day last .year and the price of No. 1 hard at
Minneapolis was quoted ftlic above the De
cember delivery. News from the Southwest
was bullish, an Omaha dispatch stating that
cash houses were bidding a higher premium
for wheat than at any previous time this
season. Despite these advances the market,
after the slight firmness at tha opening,
was inclined to be weak. The total volume
of trading was small. The close was weak,
with prices near the lowest point of the
day. December opened unchanged to a
shad. higher at 73c to 73 iv 74c, sold off
to 73 lie and closed e off at 7314
73 c.
Trading In the corn pit was quiet, but
the market was firm all day. Small local
receipts and wet weather throughout the
corn belt were the sources of strength. De
cember opened 14c to 14 6 c higher at
42V4e to 42'4S'42c, sold up to 42c and
closed rac up at 44(fr44c.
Oats were quiet and steady. There was
a fair demand. December opened a shade
higher at 33c. sold between 33,-4ii33c
and 3333c and closed a shade higher
at 33c.
Although trftdtng in provisions was not
active, tho market was firm all day because
of a decrease In hog receipts at 'Western
packing centers and an Increase in the ship
ments of meat and lard. January pork
was especially strong. Considerable dispo
sition was shown by outsiders to buy prod
ucts for investment. At the close. January
pork was up 15c at $14.7714; lard was 5c
higher at $S,57,4; I'lbs were 5c higher at
Leading futures ranged as. follows:
Open. High.
.74 $ .74 $
.7914 ,7914
73 V.
ivwmber ... .42 .42 .42 .42
May 43 .43 .43 1 .43 V,
July 44 .41', .44 .44
December ... .33 .33 .3.T4 .53
May 35'4 .35 .3.1 .33
July 33 . .33 .33 .33
January 14.73 14.82 14. 7I 14.77
May 14.95 15.00 14.90 15.00
'November ... 9.25 9.25 9 25 9.2.1
December ... 8.77 8.S0 8.7.1 8.811
January 8.15 8.57 8.55 8 57
May ......... 8.50 8.52 8.50 8.52
January ..... 7.82 " 7.85 7.80 7.85
May 7.95 - 7 95 7.90 7.95
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flout" Firm.
Wheat NO. 2 Spring. 78-S2c; No. 8. 73
81c: No. 2 red, 73146 78c.
Com No. 2. 44c: No. 2 yellow, 46'947c.
Oats No. 2, 33c; No. 3 white. 33fi35c.
Rye No. 2. 63c, . .
Barley Fair to choice malting. 4S'-'j..13c.
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.13; No. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy seed Prime. $4.25.
Clover Contract grades, $13.25.
Short ribs Sides lloose). .$8.2588.75. 1
Mess pork Per barrel. $16.00.
Lard Per 100 lbs., $9.25.
bides Short clear (boxed), $8.37 i&S,50.
Receipts. Shipments".
Flour, barrels
Wheat, bushels ....
Corn, bushels
Oats, bushels .....
Rye, bushels
Barley, bushels ....
117.0I '
. .360.400
. .490,000
. . 9.000
.. 125.400
Grain and Produce at New York.
NBW YORK. Nov. 21. Flour Receipts,
31. 300 barrels; exports, 21. 600 barrels; sales,
950O barrels. Market, steady to firm, with
a moderate trade.
Wheat Receipts. 118.500 bushels; exports,
96.100 bushels; sales, 2.7OO.00O futures. Spot,
easy: No. 2 red, 80c elevator and 81 c
f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Dulutli. 83c
c. I. f. -Buffalo; No. 2 hard Winter, 77c I. f.
Buffalo. The early wheat market was steady
and at times higher on strength in the
Northwest and smaller receipts, but after
midday weakened undeT renewed December
liquidation and reactions in outside markets.
The market closed heavy at 3c net de
cline. Sules Included No. 2 Red, May. 84
ft)85c. closed 84c; December, 81
82 5-16c. closed 81 9-18e. . ,
Hops Quiet.
Hides, wool and petroleum Steady.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. Wheat and
barley quiet.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. $1.25 1.30; milling,
$1,351) 1.40.
Barley Feed, $1. OSS 1.13; brewing.
$1 07 01.17.
Oats Red, $1.17 1.50; white, $1.45
1.55: black. $1. 602.15.
call-board sales:
Wheat May, $1.134. v-.
Barley May, $1.15. "-
Corn Large yellow. $1.3591.40.
European Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 21. Closing prices in
the grain markets were as follows:
Wheat December, 6s 3d; March, 6s
54d; May, 6a Slid.
LONDON Cargoes slightly lower, with
Pacific Coast prompt shipment, 29s 3d Q
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 21. Wheat Decem
ber. 78Vic; May. 70&70c; July. 81q
8iv,c; No. 1 hard, 83c; No. 1 Northern,
82c; No. 2 Northern, 80c; No. 3 North
ern, 77 78c.
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, Nov. 21. Wheat, nominally un
changed; bluestem. 68c; club, 66c; red, 64c.
Prices Current locally on Cattle, Sheep
and Hogs,
The following livestock prices were quoted
in the local market yesterday:
CATTLE Best steers. $3.50g3.75; me
dium. $3fSi3.25:, cows. $2.25(fT2.65; second
grade cows, $22.25; bulls. $1.50'82; calves,
SHEEP Best, $4.755.25: lamb,. $5(95.23.
HOGS Best, $6.00&6-85; lightweights, $6
Eastern Prices.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Not-. 21. Cattle
Receipts, S000; market, steady to strong;
native steers, $4 96.75; native cows and
heifers, $25.25; stockers and feeders, $2.60
4.eo, Western cows, $2.35'S4; Western
steers. $3.505.25; bulls, $2.253.75; calves.
$3 6.50. '
Hogs Receipts, 8000; market, strong to
5c higher; bulk of sales, $6.106.20; heavy.
$6.156.25; packers, $6.1066.20; pigs and
lights. $5.756.15.
Sheep Receipts. 4600: market, steady;
muttons. $4.505?5.60; lambs, $g7.35; range
wethers, $4.2500; fed ewes, $4jj'5.35.
CHICAGO, Nov. 21. Cattle Receipts. 21.
000; steady to strong: beeves. $47.25;
stockers and feeders, $2.40(4.50; cows and
heifers, $1.006 5.15; calves, $6.257.75; West
ern steers. $3. 90 & 8.10. '
Hogs Receipts today, 27.000: strong to
5c higher; mixed and butchers, $5.S513; 6.35:
good to choice heavy, $6.156.35; rough
heavy. $3.8006: irght. $5.856 6.30; pigs. $5 50
S1: .bulk of sales. $6.30.
Sheep Receipts. 25.000; strong. $3.90$jf
5.50; lamb)!, $4.60 7.50.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 21. Cattle receipts.
50O0; market, steady; native steeers. $3,754$
0.5O; cows and hetfers.N $2.505 4.75; Western
steers, $3.2,15.40; canners. $1.502.30;
Blockers and feeders. $'2.7Tf& 4.75; calves, $3fc!
6; bulls, stags, etc.. $1.803.8.1.
Hogs Receipts. 3200; market, 5e higher:
heavy, $5.956.10; mixed, $66 610; light,
$6.10?6.25; pigs. $3.25Sr5.S3; bulk of sales.
$6i . 10.
Sheep Receipts, 14.000; market, steady;
yearlings, $5..""'g ri; wethers, $5'a 5.U0; ewes,
$4,605- 5.25; lambs, $6.7ofc 7.40.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21,There was quite
a sharp decline in the London tin market,
spot closing at 195 5s and futures at 196
15s. Locally, the market was easy in sym
pathy, with spot quoted at 42.05 42.800.
Copper was unchanged in the local mar
ket, with lake quoted at 22.2522.50c; elec
trolytic at 21.7S(fi 22c. and casting at 21.50
(321.87c. The English market was lower,
with spot quoted at 100 12s ttd and futures
at 102.
Lead was Is 3d higher at 19 Is 3d in
London. Locally, the market was unchanged
at quotations, ranging from BSec, accord
ing to delivery.
Spelter was quiet at 6.35' .40c locally and
was unchanged at . 27 15s In London.
Iron was higher in the English market,
with standard foundry quoted at 59s and
Cleveland warrants at 59s 6d. Locally, the
market was steady and unchanged.
Ginnrd Cotton Report.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 21. The amount of
cotton of the crop of 1906 ginned up to No
vember 14. according to a bulletin Issued
by tile Census Bureau today, was 8.531.486
bales, counting round bales as half bales,
against 7.5O1.1S0 bales last year. The
number of active ginneries is given as 27,
SS1, as against 28,310 last year.
NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Cotton futures
closed steady. November, 10.50c; Decem
ber. 10.3.1c; January, 10.42c; February,
10.50c; March. 10.19c: April." 10.61c; May,
10.69c, June. 10.73c; July. 10.77c.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Coffee futures
f Sales were reported of .17.2.10 bags. Includ
ing December at .i.9o((?6.0.,c; March. 6.254i'
fi.30c: May. n.4.1fi6 .',0c; July. 0.60c, and
September, 6. 75'tG. 80c. Spot Rio, quiet; No.
7 invoice. 7 9-16o; mild, steady.
Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining. 3 13-16e;
centrifugal, 96 test. 3 13-16c; molasses su
gar, .1 1-ICc. Refined, quiet; crushed, $5.50;
powdcrc-l, $4.90; granulated. $4.80.
New York Gang Planned to Make
$200,000 Coup.
NKWJORK, Nov. 21. The memhers
of a clever paiisr of forgrers decided in
the midst of their trial yesterday to
plead guilty to forgery In the second
degree. The prisoners were Thomas
McCarthy, his wife, Annie, and Thomas
S. Shadd, a former messenger employed
by the Bank of New York. They will
bo sentenced o,n Friday.
Charles Muntwyler, who was tho
head of the gang and who engineered
the system of forgeries, turned state's
evidence. When the original arrests
wore nWd3 last Summer Muntwyler
fled to Chicago. but was captured
there. While being brought hack by a
detective lie escaped front a train at
Buffalo. He was caught again soon
after his escape.
The forgeries ot the gang were well
conceived. Thomas SliaJd, as a bank
messenger, was trusted with checks.
These he took to Muntwyler. who
would trace the signature on blank
checks.. Several thousand dollars were
obtained by the gang in this way and
in adition $1000 was secured by copy
ing the photographs In newspapers of
signatures on checks given by those
who subscribed for' the funds for tho
San Francisco sufferers.
The method of this gang of forgers
was discovered by the police In the
nick of time, for they bad made ar
rangements, it has been stated, for ad
ditional forgeries amounting to nearly
Frank tioultl and Wife Sail for
Europe After Countess.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank G. Gould sailed for Kurope yester
day on the Kaiser Wilhelm II. Mr. Gould
announced just before sailing that his
sister. "Anna, the former Countess tie
Castcllane, will return to this country
with them at the end of Juifc. Mr. Gould
said :
V We intend to bring back my sister,
but I do not know if the French courts
will allow the children to accompany their
mother. This will be the first time my
sister visited this country since she was
last here with Count Boni de Castellane."'
Owner of Comb "Works Dying, Wife
Dead, Others Injured,
NEW YORK. Nov. 21. By an explosion
of the celluloid plant of the Bouffard
Comb Company, on Kast Seventy-tlfth
street, today, the owner of the business,
Charles Bouffard, his wife and a boy
employed by him, were blown through the
window to the street below.
The woman was instantly killed. Bouff
ard was dying tonight and the boy is seri
ously injured.
The explosion wrecked the third floor,
and Are that followed, though it was soon
extinguished, badly , burned several em
ployes of adjoining plants.
Three Workmen Killed by Collapse
of Concrete.
ROCHESTER. N. Y., Nov. 21. Three
men were killed, eight seriously Injured
and six slightly hurt today at Eastman
Park kodak works. The men were at
work on a scaffold near the top of a two
story building In course of construction.
The probable cause cf the accident was
the removal of the supports of the steel
flooring before the concrete had properly
set. About 20 workmen were on the up
per scaffolding when the top floor gave
way. The men were hurled Into the de
bris, falling about 40 feet.
NORTON Born to the wife of Frank W.
Norton. November 10, at 825 liast Wash
ington street, a son.
THORP Born to the wife of Charles C.
Thorp. November 7, at 36 Powell street, a
PRICE Born to-the wife of Richard W.
Price. November 20. at Portland Maternity
Hospital, a daughter.
RASBR Born to the wife of C. W. Raser.
November 10, at 410 Jefferson street, a
Marriage License.
WANNER-RUDELL William Wanner.
Jr., 22, 134 North Fourteenth street, anJ
Geneva Rudcll. 22.
SAOER-M'AFFKK-C. J. Sager, 33, 149
East Serenth street, and Mazle MeAffee. 23
WALKER-JORDON Curtis W. Walker,
20, 109 East Fourteenth street, and Flo
rence Jordon. 10.
LARSON-CTTKR Emil Larson, 51, 508
Thurman street, and Anna 1'tter. 36.
BELL-REIS Henry Bell, 22, 607 Harlem
street, and Paulina Reis. 21.
TOLSON-KAY W. L. Toleon. 19, Seghers.
Or., and tora E. Kay. 16.
K AT-PAR SONS Ralph Kay. 20. Dllley,
Or., and Jessie Psrwon, 19.
24. 1C94 Pennsylvania avenue, and Hazel M.
Jacobus. 18.
Teasdale-Bnckell, 29, Shanks. Or., and fccl
ma R. Rroftken. 3::.
COWE.V-l'INK Allen Coweo. 31. 359
Borthwick street, and Lottie J. Fink. SO.
IIAI.L At Good Samaritan Hospital. No
vember 19. Charles Hall, aged 60 years.
COLLINS At 638 Alhlna street, Novem
ber 20. Sarah Collins, aged 46 years. .
- ROTH Fes At 449 East Couch street. No
vember 19. Henry Kothfos. aged 71 years.
WAGNER At 413 Glisan street. Novem
ber 20. William Wagner, aged 10 years, son
of August Wagner.
HERMIKTON At 1112 Lynn street. Novem
ber Is. Mlla Hermiuton. aged 23 years.
WILSON At 821 Kirby street. November
20. the .ntant daughter of William Henry
FEI.LNER At 732 Fourth street. Novem
ber IS, George Fe'lner, aged 74 years.
Building Permits.
G. L. READ One"-story frame dwelling,
Tacoma utreet between East Ninth and Easl
Eleventh: $300.
MR. SCHiKWB One-story frame dwell
ing, Montana street between Beech and Fail
ing streets; $30.
A. D. STACY One-story frame dwelling,
Leo street between East Thirteenth and East
Fifteenth: $400.
R. ALLWEN One-story frame dwelling.
East Twentieth street, between Wysant and
Going: $1000.
H. KRIEGER Two-story frame dwelling
on Rodney avenue between Cook and Fargo
streets; $1900
K. w. T1LTON One-story frame dwell
ing, East Twenty-sixth street between Mil
dred and Stirman; $1.10.
J. M. TAYLOR One-story frame dwell
ing on East Lincoln street between Bast
Thirty-fourth and Marguerite: $1,100.
E. BL'GI.ASO Two-story frame dwelling
on East Seventeenth street between Alberta
and Wygant; $2o(tn.
HENRY J. WHITE Repair one-story
frame dwelling in Center Addition: $173.
STANLEY (i. JEWETT One-story frame
dwelling. Lexington street, between East
Seventh and East Ninth; $800.
E. WELLS Repair dne-story frame dwell
ing. Kast Twenly-nintli street between Sur
man nnd Mildred: $150.
J. 1.. OONN'ER Two-story frame shop.
Kast Nineteenth between Clackamas and
Marion streets; $t,i0.
MAKGARKT 1". HONDT Two-story frame
dwelling. East Nineteenth street between
Tillamook and Thompson: $"OOn.
F. N. WHITEHEAD Two-story frame
dwelling on East Eleventh between Ij!iwlon
and East Thurman streets: $2000.
W. J. BENSON One-story frame dwell
ing, Lexinslon street between East Thir
teenth and East Fifteenth; $700.
Real Estate Transfers.
I. Vandnyn et al. to Jno. Glenn, lot 3
bloek 4. Chlpman"s Add. to St. Johns. $ i.0
Mathew and M. .1. Al-.rtcli to Minnie E. -Foster,
lots 1 and 2. block 43, Tre- .
niont . l')7
Wm. Gclger and wife to J. N. Atter
bury, lota 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, block 7.
Satatoga 600
John W. Kennedy ct al. to J. L. Put-
-man. lot I. block 1. Plnehurst 50
Chas. V.. K Itching and wife :o Jennie
H. Parish, west t- of lot 15 and all
of lot 111. h!o;k 65. Third
Add 1
John S. Elliott and wife to Henry
Groat, tiorlh 'a of lot 2i. block 2.
I. aureiwood
Chester O. Perkins and wife to Amos
II. Cllft, lot 7. block "J." Kern
Richard Williams
to .1. L. Lcwidge,
lot 17. block 8. Williams' Add. .So. 2
Wm. E. Rrair.ard and wife to Cha. I.
Snyder, lot 17. block 6, Terminus Add.
Annie I-'rothlich to J. W. Hook and
wife, lot 14. block 15. Klnzcl Park..
J. Olsen and wife to Alice J. Harris,
lot 20. block 4. Gay's Add. lo Alhina
J. .1. Harris and wife to Redmond 1.
Marshall and wife, lot 20, block 4,
(Jay's Add. to Alhlna
Mary W. Patlon to Go. V. Lowe and
wife, lot 2. block 6. W. .T. Patton sub
division of lot "I." In M. Patton
John W. Flink and wife to Mav -Park-man.
I'd 14. block !. P.ochellr
A. II. Rirreii and wire tn It. H. Carev.
I lls 21. 22, 23. 21. 2.1. block 5; lots 3,
37. 3S. 39. 40. block 12. Peninsular
Add. No. 2
Mary W. Patton to B. S, Barnard,
lot 1. block . W. I. Patton sub, I. vi
sion or lot "I" of M. Patton tract...
Ancni A. Graham and wife to A. S.
Elii.s. lots 7. 12. 116. 117, Arleta
A. F. "'rien!er and wife 1
Hoffman, lot 17, hlov-k 1.
Park ,
Henry H. Staub and wife t
.1. X.
H. G.
Guild and lfe. lot 4. block 4"
John C. Sauvaln and wife to L. E. and
John W. Siegfreld. lot 8. block 3,
Macgley Highland Add
Chas. K. Henry and wife -to Jos. and
Sam Simon, north of block "o."
in Couch Add ,
Samuel F. Owen, trustee, et al. to Seva
R. Stewart, north 66 2-3 feet of lots
12 and 13. block 1. Acme Add.; also
lol 1. 2. 3. 1.1. . 17. 18, 19, 20. 21.
and N. E. Vi of lot 4. block 1, Owen
Cha.s. K. Henry and wile to Johan
Ivanstroin aim I'eter (.,. Carlson
8. block 41. Couch Add
Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper Co. to
O. R. & N. Co., right -of wav across
lot 3 Ol Sec. 31. T. 2 N. R. 7 E
yt. O. W'ilhins to Klhel I. Wilnins.
undivided '-. of lot 1. block "It.""
Ilolladay Park First Add
Chat. E. Spragtie e; a!, to Guitsf
Swan.'von, 9.C39 ueret in Sec. 7. T.
1 S.. R. 3 E
Jos. Paguct and wife to II. L. Cate. iois
5, 6. 7. 8. block 100. Stephens' Add.
W. J. Thomas ami wire t'i Hattie Gard
ner, lots 34 and :l,1. block 4. Penin
sular Add. No. 2
E. J. Newman and wife to Wm. Lov
ette P.'Weil. north 2-3 of lot 41 in
subdivision 2 of I.aLatdimutt & Cai
man's Little Honurt
John A. West et a!, to Anna I'eters'm.
beginning at lliteiect:on of south line
of Francis Ave.. In K.-nilwoMh, with
wrst line or S. E. ', .f Clinton K.-'i"
and wife U. I C. I hence south 276
feet 6 Iucheei. thence east 22U feet,
thence north 276 feet 6 inches, ther.ce
weot 220 feet to place of beginning.
Victor Land Co. to C. i. Klrkland. lot
5. block 4, Gal'f Add. to Alhlna
Rees Price and wife to E. Goldsmith,
lot 19. block 24. Mt. Tabor Villa
R. M Wilbur and wire to Medrlck
Liberty, west or lot 6. block 311,
Couch Add
John Denner and wife to John Uonner,
lot 12. block 108. Sell wood :..
Nettle !,. Palmer lo John IVmner. lets
t and 2. block 81. Sellwood
Lydia E. Hlatt to 'Wm. T. Kerr, lot
1 and east 8 feet of north 45 feet
of lot 12. block 1. Abend's Add. to
Lizzie L. Banker to Dorothea and Clara
.1. Rebe. lots 7. 8, 9. lo. 11. 12. 13.
14. block 1. Good Morninc: Add
C. C. Bozworth to Ida E. Parent, lots
22 and 2lt. block 6. and lot 20. block
9. Highland Park
River View Cemetery Association to
Cl-.a. M. Fraley, subdivision ""A" 'of
lot 28. See. 4. Riverview Cemelery
J. W. Bennett and wife to Jesse Klngs
bery. lot 12. block 2. Mansfield Add . .
H. C. and A. Bohlman to Geo. F
Thompson, lots 5 and 8. block 101,
Couch Add. . .-
' 75
James Cook and wife to
Caeper Wei-
gant, lot 5. block 1,
Cook's First
Add. to Alhina
J. E. Scott and wife to L
P. Johnson.
lot 5. block 4. Multnomah..........
Mary Grace and Edwin P. Northrup
to Marion Versteeg. lot 4. block 49,
M E. Gallagher to Hattie A. Galla
gher, lot 19. block 1, GilhanVs Add.:
also part of lot 20
Louis P. Reno to R. M. Wilbur, lot 6.
block 811. Couch Add
R. M. Wilbur and wife to Carl W. Jen
sen. eat 4 of lot 6, block 311,
Couch Add.
Wlnfleld Oliver et al. to James Vincent,
lot 6. block 2. subdivision 1, 4. In
C. W. Fallen, administrator, to W. R.
Thomson, lots 4. 5. 6, 7. Davia' Add.
to Mt. Tabor
A. J. Pickthorn and wife to A. R.
Hodges. lots 3 and 4. block 8. Sum
mit Add. to EaAt Portland
Elizabeth Campbell to Wm. A. Flnnev,
west of lout 3 and 4, block 88,
E. W. Qulmby to Amy Linden, west tj
of lot 1. block 2. Spring Water acre
age in Sec. 28, T. 1 N.. R. 2 E
.- $105,320
Have your abstracts made br the BeenrUy
Abstract Trust Co.. 7 Chamber ot Oommerea.
lank Wreck to Be Probed. j
CHICAGO, Nov. 21. United States
District .Attorney Sims today an
nounced that the failure of the Chicago
National Bank, which occurred last
year, will be Investigated by a special
Federal rand jury early next month.
Corner 6th and Washington Street,
Member Portland Stock Exchange