THE MORNING OREGONLVN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 21, 1906. 9 ITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAN TELEPHONES. Counting-Room .... Main TnTO City Circulation Main 7070 Managing Editor Main 7070 Sunday Editor Main 7070 Compolng-Roora Main 7070 City Editor Main 7070 FuptrlntencJent Building Main 7070 East Sid Ofrice But 61 AMUSEMENTS. THE HEILIG THEATER (14th and Wash ington streets) Tonight at 8:15 o'clotk. tha religious drama, "The Sign ot the Cross.'' BAKER THEATER (Third, between Yam hill and Taylor) Baker Theater Com pany in "The Middleman"; tonight. 8:15. EMPIRE THEATER (11th and Morrison) "Peck'a Bad Boy"; tonight at 8:15. GRAND THEATER (Washington, between Park and 7th) Vaudeville, 'lM. 7:30 and 9 P. M. TANTAOES THEATER (4th and Stark) Continuous vaudeville; 2:30, J:3t and 9 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Allen Stock Company in "Polly and I"; 11:15 and S:15 P. M. LVRIC THEATER (7th and Alder) The Lyric fcitock Company in "The Sslgn of tne Kour"; 'J: 15 and 7:110 P. M. Concert for Sbambn. The regular weekly concert at the Seamen's Insti tute, 100 North Front street, will be Riven tills evening at S o'clock, under the direc tion of Hiss Lena Ilarwas. The pro gramme follows: Song, J. Cullen, S. S. luneric: mandolin, J. McConkey; piano nolo, P. Cropka, Ship Bankburn; sons. "The Song That Reached My Heart," Miss Lena Harwas; recitation, Mrs. J. McNally; sons. Mr. Ewlns. British ship (Jlcnalvon; piano solo, R. Emmett, Ship Kobert Duncan; recitation. Miss Muriel Smith; piano solo, Miss Florence Jones; whistling solo. Mr. Tom Sandercock; duet, Messrs. (jleeson and Schwarz. Ship Bank burn; violin solo, Professor Sylvester, ac companied by Miss Jones; song, Mr. Tur ner; bugle calls, David Harry; songs, by the Seamen's Institute Quartet; song, (-'. Fernand, French ship Jacobsen; song, J. Tarbyne, British ship Inverness-shire; t-ong, Mrs. Fred Olson; song, J. Petit, French ship Jacobsen; song, W. Way ward; song, Mr. Daponschel, British ship Owcenee; gramophone, J. Hodgson, Brit ish ship Glenalvon. In conclusion, Amer ican, British and French National hymns. Boy Accused op Theft. Phil Burkett, R boy 19 years old, employed in the sport ing department of the Honeyman Hard ware Company's store, was arrested yes terday afternoon for the theft of a num ber of revolvers from his employers. For some time revolvers have been disap pearing, a total of IS or 20 guns being missed. Frank Snow, detective for the Htore, was assigned to Investigate, and Kuikctt's arrest followed. After giving Information which resulted in the recov ery of several of the stolen weapons, the youth was taken to the Counuty Jail and locked up. He will he arraigned this morning at 9 o'clock in Justice Reid's court. I.EfTL'RB OX FOREIGX MISSIONS. Miss Talitha Myers, of Los Angeles, will speak at a special meeting of the Women's For eien Missionary Society of the Sunnyside Methodist Kpiscopnl Church, at the resi dence of Mrs. Lizzie Oliver, 315 East Thirty-fourth street, at 2 o'clock this af ternoon. Miss Myers is on her way to Chi Kang Shan, China, as a missionary. tShe will sail from Seattle November 28. She will talk on missionary work, and will also dovote attention to the deacon ess movement, in which she was formerly engaged. Sruxn Night in Citt Jail. William Cline, under sentence of four years for burglary, and G. P. Dougherty, under sentence of five years for assault with Intent to commit murder and robbery, were lodged in the City Jail by Deputy Warden George V. Charlat last night for safekeeping. They were en route to the penitentiary at Walla Walla, Wash. Their crimes were committed at Monte-sano. Complains op Hoodlums. Complaint was made to the police last night by Victor Guild, a farmer giving east of the rlly. that a gang of boys on Carlson Heights make a practice of throwing Ktonos at him when he comes to the city with wood. Mr. Guild has narrowly es caped serious injury -several times from the missiles, so he says, and an effort will be made to apprehend the culprits. Dies op Diphtheria. Edward Dreger, the 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dreger, living at 5H6 Vancouver avenue, died at !:H0 o'clock last night, from diph theria. The boy was taken ill Sunday af ternoon. Dr. Wheeler, the City Health Officer, on being notified, immediately used antitoxin and quarantined the resi dence. New Policemen Assigned. Officers Leiscy and Howell, the two new members of the police force, have been assigned to the second night relief. Captain Bat- lev, and went on duty last night in unl form. They will be given no regular beats until they have served for some time. Agkd Man Carries Much Coin. With f:2.U In his pockets. G. W. Palmer, aged 6!' years, was found by Patrolman Hum nhrey last night at Second and Btinv side streets in an Intoxicated condition. The aged man was sent to police head- .qunrters, and lodged in the City Jail. Dr. F. B. Eaton, late of San Francis co. Oregon records saved. Eye. ear, nose. 311 Macleay Bldg., 4th and Wash. Meeting! Retail Liquor Dealers! Today Bed Men's hall, northeast corner Second and Yamhill streets. 2 o'clock P. M. Wanted. Young lady as clerk. Call afler 11 A. M., Swetland's, 273 Morrison St. Dr. F. B. Eaton. 311 Macleay Bldg.. 4th nd Wash, sts. Eye, ear, nose, throat Gammans & Malarkf.t have moved to the Commonwealth building. Sacked Heart Whist will be next Wednesday. PR G. M. Wei.i.s has returned. AT THE THEATERS What the Frets Agent-8ay. of his life as Sherlock Holmes, the great detective. The character of Holmes Is rec ognized as the greatest of Its kind ever created. Big Acts at Pantages. i nere are two aecmeaiy cieer l. .. Pantages Theater this week. The five La Ford brothers bring with them innumerable i .-i I 1 .nnAu .tiinta which are new, novel and entertaining. The "Two j . iT.u jt ,, v. n . -. v. -t h f nm- KilU VMir- I ijiu anwira 1 1 - - - etly skeicn. presenting tne cievcrosi i child comedians. Other acts are first-class. EDESON TOMORROW NIGHT Distinguished Actor in the Interest ing Comedy-Drama "Strongheart." Th. ltlnnilshed actor. Robert Edeson, will be the attraction at The Heillg Theater tomorrow (Thursday). Friday. Saturday nights, November 2'i 23. 24. with a special matinee Saturday, in his great comedy drama success, "Strongheart." As Strong- heart, Mr. Edeson will be seen in a roio un like any In which he has previously ap peared, in fact, this Is the first Instance in which a college-bred Indian has been se lected as the dominant figure of a drama. The author introduced as an exciting ara matlo episode in the play a football game, the result of which forms an Important part In the development of the story. Iieoncavallo Monday Only. The famous Italian composer. Ruggero Leoncavallo, and his orchestra of 65 men from the La Seals Theater, Italy, will not appear at The Heillg Theater next Sunday night. "aza," wnicn was to nave ucc. given, will be produced the following after noon (Monday) at 2:15 o'clock. "Pagliaccl" will be given Monday night, as previously advertised. Sunday night's tickets are good Monday afternoon. Seats selling at theater for both afternoon and night. Temperance Satire Next Week. Tl nnltnn haiama nnniltA1 AS a substitute for prohibition the late Charles Hoyt wrote a celebrated satire on the sub ject, calling it "A Temperance Town." The Baker company will produce this screaming comedy next week, witn .tuny viun in Mi. hA Klholnm dflumn The production la anticipated with great Inter est by both politicians and fun-lovers. Open ing bunoay matinee. Max Figman Next Sunday. Max Figman. supported by an excellent company of players, will present the de lightful comedy, "The Man on the Box," at The Heillg Theater next Sunday night, No vember 25, continuing in the same bill the following Tuesday and Wednesday nights, November 27 and 28, with a special matinee Wednesday. Scat sale opens next Friday. CdFORT IN TRAVELING The OREGON TRUST and "Cncle Josh Spruccby" at Empire. "Uncle Josh Spruceby" has the reputation of "delivering the goods" and he is ex pected to be in Portland In time to open next week's engagement at the Empire, in spite of all the big floods and storms. This Is a delightful rural comedy drama, es pecially appropriate for Thanksgiving week. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Star. At the Star this week the Allen stock company Is presenting "Polly and I," a com edy drama. It is a play wherein Henry McRea is aeen in one of his best heroic characters. Forrest Scabury as a comety lawyer is a great "ntt and Verna Felton In a soubrette role Is playing opposite Seabury. All the members of the organization appear to better advantage this week than they have for a fortnight past. "Polly and I" will . hold the boards until next Sunday night, with matinees tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. Grand. Despite the floods, washouts and other tribulations which have demoralized travel in Washington and Oregon, the new vaude ville acts for this week at the Grand have arrived, only one day late. On the bill are the Riva brothers, gymnasts; Wlllard New ell and his company, presenting the comedy sketch "Last Night," and Mays and Hunter, banjo experts. The feature act Is Mr. and Mrs. Truesdell and company In "Aunt Lou isa's Advice." a dramatic novelty written by Blanche Bates. It Is a big bill and a good one. CHURCH BAZAAR OPENS "THE SIGN OF THE CROSS." Wilson Barrett's Powerful Religious Drama at Heillg Tonight. The powerful religious drama, "The Sign of the Cross." will be the attraction at The Heillg Theater. Fourteenth and Washington streets, tonight at 8:15 o'clock. No play 1k hotter known nor more universally praised than Wilson Karrctt's story of the persecution of Christians In the days of Nero's terrible reiKn of Home. It will pass through the ages of dramatic record as the first play to be championed by priests and clergy of all denominations in all countries where "The Sign of the Cross" has planted Its success. Seats are selling at the box office of the theater. Special Matinee "Peck's llatl Roy." "Peck's Bad Bny" continues to draw crowded houses at the Empire and is so wholesome and funny that it simply con vulses every audience. The children are all anxious to see the bad boy and his friends. Buster Brown and the Groceryman. This is an up-to-date Eastern company and the specialties are far above the average. Today s matinee at popular prices. Curtain 2:13. Mr. Sainpolis at His Best. To see John Salnpolls' portrayal of Cyrus Blenltarn In "The Middleman" is an oppor tunity so appreciated by the Baker patrons that not even the bad weather of this week has kept any of theiu at home. This favor ite actor Is without doubt at his very best this week and Is giving a characterization of tao old potter quite equal to that of the famous Wlllard. The production is 'well cast and is pleasing every audience. Frank Fanning as Sherlock Holmes. A play of absorbing Interest and acted by the best popular price acting organization on the Coast, is to be seen at the Lyric this week, where "The Sign of the Four" is the bill with, frank: Fannlns making -the nit Christmas Sale of Grace St. E. Ladies' Aid Society Is On. The first bazaar and Christmas sale of the season wa opened at the Grace Meth odist Church last night under the aus pices of the Ladies Aid Society, and will continue this evening. The attendance was most liberal and the many handsome articles offered at the various booths found ready eale among the eager Christ mas sliopers. The prices were reasonable and the quality of the goods sold of the very best. All kinds of gifts were to be had. and the dolls, aprons, bags ana elm ilar articles went like the proverbial "hot cake." A feature seldom Included at bazaars was a booth of potted plants, and this not only added to the decorative features of the room, but proved a popular depart ment. A Japanese tea booth was most attractive, and the Ice-cream room and candy tables attracted large crowds. Mrs. L. O Ralston, president or tne Aid so ciety, supervised the bazaar, and the ten different booths were in charge of the fol lowing ladies i Fancy work Mrs. Crane, Mrs. F. S. Akin. Mrs. Patterson. Candy Mrs. Harry Haseltine, Maud Tiftt, Mrs. Shelley Morgan. Aprons and handkerchiefs Mrs. mond Kelly, Mrs. Frank Chown, Emily Lyon. Bags Misses Winifred Eankln, Anna Clary. Ethel Miller. Dolls Mrs. Scott Bozorth, Mrs. John James, Mrs. G. W. Lilly. Japanese wares Mrs. Osmon Royal, Mrs. Norman Lew-ton. Miss Ethel Lytle. Flowers Mrs. M. B. Rankin, Mrs. E. W. Cornell, Mrs. J. E. A. Boyce. Kitchen articles Mrs. vantlone, Mrs, W. B. Lytle, Mrs. Philip Buehner, Mrs, Keasy. Mrs. Charles Allison. Ice-cream F. J. Catterlin, Mrs. Chand ler Bloom. Mrs. Frank Stiles. Miscellaneous Misses Lillian Buehner, Hazel Ricgs, Florence Clary. The sale continues this evening. Ad mission Is free. Mrs. Rloh-MieS NEBRASKA LAND FRAUDS Judge Slunger Overrules Slot-ion and Case Goes to Trial. OMAHA, Nov., 20. After listening to ar guments for a week on the motion to quash the ind(ctments In the Richards and Comstock land fraud cases. Judge Munger this morning overruled the motion and the case wont to trial this afternoon. The defendants In this case are Bartlett Richards. Will G. Comstock and Charles C. Jameson, officers of the Nebraska Land & Feeding Company; Ammi B. Dodd and SAVINGS BANK furnishes LETTERS OF CREDIT Which enable travelers to obtain money without inconvenience in any part of the 'world, ob viating the necessity of carrying large sums of money on the person. EXCHANGE Sold on all civilized countries of the globe. Sixth and Washington. Pi ANOS Twelve different makes to choose from, selected from the world's best output. We are in a position to give you reasonable time for payments and these values positively cannot be equalled In Portland or anywhere on the coast. Also we wish to call your atten tion to the Apollo Interior riayer Piano the only interior player made which plays the entire key board of the piano or 88 notes. All others play only 65 notes. Would you bny a 65-note piano? Certainly not. Then why consider a piano player or an Interior player piano unless it covers the entire range of a modern-piano. A few "snaps'" In used upright pianos ranging1 in price from J35 to lloO. Also several squares, $25 to 175. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. 372-374 Morrison Street, Corner West Park Street. Aguilla Triplett, agents of the company; Thomas M. Huntington. Fred Hoyt and James K. Reid. officers of the Maverick Loan & Trust Company, "through which some of the fraudulent transactions are Raid to have been done, and ex-Senator F. M. Walcott. legal adviser of the land company. There are 40 counts in the In dictments, which Include conspiracy to se cure fraudulent title and Illegal fencing of Government lands. i ACTORS, BUTN0 SCENERY Floods Delay Production of "The Sign of the Cross." There was no performance of "The Sign of the Cross" at the Heillg last night, owing to the failure of the scenery to ar rive in time. It got through to thi city about 9 o'clock, and will be set up to day, making it certain that a performance will be given tonight. The company spent the day here in resting up from the fa tigues and discomforts which they ex perienced in the flooded district. The present 'high water means the loss of thousands of dollars to the theatrical business in this section. Dozens of com panies have been unable to play their dates, and the bookings for weeks are do- moralized. The Northwest syndicate, the company managers and the actors have already suffered much loss, and the end la not yet The same applies to the vaudeville cir cuits and performers. Thousands of pounds of baggage are piled up here, at Seattle, Taeoma and other points, and while in many Instances the people them selves are able to reach their destination. they are unable to give performances through their Inability to get their scen ery and wardrobes over the road. It will be a matter of several daya be fore theatrical conditions become normal. WHEREJO DINE. AH the tfellcscles of the season at th Portland Restaurant; fin. prlvats apart ments for parties. 306 Washington, nr. ith. RAIN ORJSHINE. Come to Aune. sixth floor Columbia building, for Christmas photographs. Do not put It off. Come at once. THEY HAVE ARRIVED. A line of beautiful fancy and plaid silk waists. Le Palais Royal, 375 Washington street. FURSFURS. Buy them at Le Palais Royal and save at least 25 per cent, 375 Washington at. Weak. Weary, Waterr Eyes Welcome Murine Eye Remedy. It soothes. It cures. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of THE POLICY-HOLDERS COMPANY. Economically Managed Life Insurance. Annual Dividends to Policyholders Home Office, Commonwealth Bids., Sixth a nd Ankeny, Portland, Oregon. A. L. Mills. President. L. 6amueL General Mansrwr. Clarence g, BamueL AssUtant Manager. : OVERCOATS RAINCOATS of all the distiction that expert knowledge1 of re fined fashion can give them. You will find in them that inimitable Style, Fit and Quality for which our Men's Apparel is famous. Then also re member the inestimable advantage of selecting from an enormous stock. MID-SEASON SPECIAL SUIT SALE Men's Fine Cheviots Regular $15, $18 and $20 Suits reduced to $11.00. Very attractive patterns and mixtures, just the thing for business wear.. The assortment consists of several lines each of which is broken somewhat in sizes. See samples in Fourth-Street Window. $15 SALE PRICE Cf omq oat r? or irY? I $18 SALE PRICE $20 SALE PRICE 1 To save money while yon Invest it and to invest money while you save it, is financial wisdom. MnUe your money earn you 2Gr PER YEAR and kprp It nnctar your own control. Write today - for particular. Fulleat invest igrat ion invited . Pacific Coast Securities Company PORTLAND, OREGON 513-614 Commercial Block Phone Paclflo 123 success INuggets Blta of compact counnei and wisdom mined from the world's experience. by ORISON SWETT MARDEN Editor ot "Success" Bpeela.1 type designs in two colors Cloth, 75 cents; leather. $1.25 net Postage 8 cents Thos. Y. Crowell & Co. New York J. Whyte Evans AND Harry L. Sale Have For Sale : 500 feet waterfront at Rainier, Or., with wharf and lumber mill for sale. Mill capacity 50,000 feet daily, adjoining railroad track and on main street in City of Rainier. This is the best money-making proposition on the Columbia River, Price $20,000. 11-room residence on Twelfth street, near Montgomery; mod ern with all improvements, good neighborhood, near schools, car line and in easy walking distance ; insured title. Price $10,500; easy terms can be arranged. 10-room residence on Corbett street, between Lowell and Bancroft avenues ; modern with all improvements. Price $4000 ; part cash, balance easy terms. 100x100 feet on Washington street, leased for three years, paying 9 per cent now on in vestment. This property will increase double in five years; $43,500 cash. 6-room house, lot 50x112, on Cat lin avenue, near Hawthorne; modern, with variety of fruit and berries; good car service; very cheap at $2500; part cash, balance terms. Good clothes cost a Rood price, bnt the mere fact of your paying; a Rood price dors not always mean that 70a arc fcettlna; the acood clothcM. Come -where all the condi tions are right for yon, where the rltht clothes, the right price and the rifrbt treatment are wait ins; for yon. $15, $20 and $25 Buys our fully hnnd-tallorcd suits, overcoats and raincoats. LION ClotliingCO GuSKuhnProp' ' Men's and Boys' Outfitters, 166-1S8 Third St., Mohawk: Bids;. Christmas Presents in Hand-Painted China Great bargains at auction now on at 413 Washington street, between Tenth and Eleventh at 2 and 7 P. M. daily. IT'S THE BEST OF ALL PARKER RYE WHISKEY ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Or, SOLE DISTRIBUTORS 1 1 si $ X J. 4 Dealers In Cascara Bark, Clarke, Woodward Drug Co. Wholesale, Manufacturing and Importing Druggists Announce the completion of their Analytical Laboratory Completely equipped In every detail for the analysis of Foods. Rocks, Oils, Fuels, Fertilizers, Drugs. Mineral Waters and for technical research. Our Establishment, Corner 9th & Hoyt, .and conveniently located near Union Depot and Terminal Grounds, Is the largest In the Northwest. Balsam Fir and Crude Drugs of the Northwest. NOTE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY of discarded Lenses for which we sub stituted accurate glasses. Hundreds were shelved in favor of SOLID "INVISIBLE" KRYPTOKS COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. Dearer, Omaha, Kansas Clry, Salt Lake. Dallas. Trias Portland, Orrron. 133 Sixth SL FLOYD F. BROWER. Mgr. Oregonian Bldg REBE'S PURE ICE CREAM 310 WASHINGTON ST. Phone Main 1701 3 A nsmsEQ SHE 5 and 6 CORPORATION WT municipal rS fj r (t SCHOOL FOR CONSERVATIVES INVESTORS. rSAKK ROBERTSON, Falling Bids., cor. 3d & Washington sts. How to save Hav solved problem. Writs, mentioning stovs you want. Will give frss information and sdvlce. Add. Mgr. Advlcs Dept., Tha Michigan Stove Co.. Detroit. Mich, largest makers stoves and ranges In world. KEITH'S KONQUEROR SHOES MEN. WAS? "Jims IKxi irZ CBmfHnimiinHmmmntmiiinnmiiiiiiwiiiiiiifiiwmiimtmiiiiirmimttnTmmH,mmMwwwM....l.-..i A review of points that make Keith's Konauerors nnnular: Linings moulded to lasts no wrinkles Lasts built to distribute bodv weight va 1? : j o All leathers selected. Prices, $5.00, $4.00, and $3.50, within reach of all. PRESTON B. KEITH SHOE CO.. Maker, Brockton. Mass. SOLD BY W. J. FULLAM. 283-285 Morrison St. imaiHiiaayiaimBiiiiL'iiiiiimnimmiiiiiHiininiwy foThe Be"t Bitter Liqueur Ml 1".' flu.. . '.1. tvm -iT.r.-s::n.-!!;:'f!'JI !,Jr. V . : .life':"'..! ,:''!'. ' '- Luytiet Brothtf.AsU.,N.Y. TUXMAN a BEXDF.I., San Franelsoo. Pacino Slope Distributers. fichwab Printing Co. BtST WORK. RBjtSONjttLE PRICEt J4JX STARK STREET Every Vcman IB uuflruiea ana iiioaia now about tb wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The nW Yaff-taal ftrrtaf Jnjec as& .Most LonvATiieni. Atk vow 4rcctat for ft. Jf he oannoi supply tb9 MARVGL, v--ripl no othflr. but mmI aifcmD fr-r 111 nitrated book . It rItps full oe.rticulvr and Otr rlions In- valuable to lame. M KVKI. fO., 44 m, 38d BT., UK iV ,UKk. Woodaxd, Clark Ai Co Portland Oreoa. sUa,ue-avla ruff Co.. tt storja. TEETH A K12.00 Foil Bet lor M.tO. FRED PUSH &oom 40S Delias! s)uUdio.