Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 21, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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Lawyers of State Discuss
Problems of the
Resolution That Grievance Commit
tee Be Instructed to Drop Disbar
ment Proceedings Is Defeated.
Banquet Closes the Session.
President. Robert T. Plitt.
Secretary, R. A. Leiter.
Treasurer. Charlee J. Schnabel.
Vice-Presidents. First District. A. E.
Rtamu: Second District. T. W. Benson;
Third District. William Galloway;
Fourth District. Fred V. Holman;
Fifth District. J. E. Hedges; Sixth
District, W. I Bradshaw; Seventh
District. A. T. Stillman; Eighth Dis
trict, Charles H. Chance; Ninth Dis
trict. Georc E. Davi; Tenth Dis
trict. Thomas H. Crawford.
Executive committee, Thomas I G.
Greene. William I. Brewster. Zera
Snow. O. P. Coshow and Sam White.
Auditing committee, A. F. Flegel. A.
King Wilson, and Waldemar Seton.
More than MO lawyers from different
sections of the state assembled in the
Federal courtroom yesterday morning
at the opening of the sixteenth annual
session of the Oregon Bar Association.
It was a lively meeting throughout,
and for once, at least, during the year
it was a rase where all rank was for
gotten, judges and advocates alike
locking horns in friendly fashion over
the lfgal problems Involved in the
various discussions.
The first clash came early in the
forenoon over an effort to secure the,
passage of a resolution instructing the
grievance committee to withdraw its
charges against Judge A. H. Tanner.
After a lengthy debate on the subject,
consuming almost the entire morning
tension. H. H. Northrup, author of the
measure, withdrew the resolution and
the matter was dropped, considerable
opposition to its passage having de
veloped. It was the prevailing opin
ion that inasmuch as the Tanner case
is now pending before the State Su
preme Court the Bar Association should
not interfere. The reports of various
committees were then received, and the
meeting took a recess at noon.
In the afternoon a resolution offered
by Judge Webster was adopted direct
ing the legislative committee of the
association to propose a bill provid
ing: for a uniform salary of $4000 a
year for all the Circuit Judges of this
state, instead of $3000. as at present,.
This resolution passed without a dis
senting voice.
Address by Senator Graves.
The chief address of the day followed
these preliminary matters. State Sena
tor Will C. Graves, of Spokane. Wash.,
delivering an interesting discourse on
the subject of " Radicalism versus Con
servatism." in which he analyzed the
relationship existing between the two
elements of human nature, taking the
ground that radicalism is necessary to
meet the requirements of advanced
civilization. In conclusion he said:
Do not frown upon the radical, whether
Tie the man upon the street, in legislative
balls or on th- bench. Be assured tnat we
will need all of his restless and progressive
spirit If we progress with sufficient rapidity
to solve all the complex prohiems of modern
life as thev are presented. There Is no need
to fear he will carrv the nation too far
The ubiquitous conservative may be relied
upon to keep him within reasonable bounds
In the effort to neutralize his plans. On
the contrary, give him all the assistance
you may. particularly In connection with
Internal affairs. He needs no assistance
Just now in our foreign relations, but at
home the safe and sane conservative may
easily be too much for him. While maln
: tainlnc a fair showing without, we must not
lorget the canker spots within.
"The State Tax Commission" formed
the theme for remarks by Frederick
W. Mulkey, which were listened to
attentively throughout.
Joseph X. Teal followed with an enter
taining address on "A State Railroad
Presents Many Resolutions.
After the scheduled speeches had been
de livered and each speaker had received a
penerous share of applause, the grievance
committee presented a series of resolu
tions relating to timely subjects.
Most of these measures went through
without any hitch, but when It came to
the question of adoption of the resolution
calling for the committee on legal educa
tion and admission to the bar to recom
mend an amendment to rule 2S of the
rules of the State Supreme Court, it
evoked considerable general discussion,
which was participated in by W. S.
V Ren, John K. Kollock. R. G. Morrow.
H. H. Northrup. R. R. Duniway. Judge
L. R. Webster and others.
The original resolution called for three
years' reading of law by applicants for
examination who are graduates of col
leges or other educational institutions of
recognized standing, and four years for
all applicants who are not such gradu
ates. Northrup's amendment providing
for the rule not to become operative until
Peptember 1. VW. so as to permit present
classes to finish their courses, prevailed,
and In that modified form the resolution
was adopted.
Puts Bars TTp Higher.
It was also resolved that a lawyer can
not be admitted to the Oregon bar on a
certificate from any other state unless
he has had actual practice In the original
jurisdiction before removal to Oregon.
Another resolution recommended the
appointment by the court of a standing
committee of the bar to assist the Su
preme Court in the conduct of examina
tions for admission.
Resolutions making it a crime for any
person, firm or corporation to practice
law without a license, and empowering
the grievance committee of the associa
tion to Issue subpenas and compel the
attendance of witnesses, were likewise
adopted without dissension.
A general discussion then ensued, which
was kept up until the hour for adjourn
Legal Lights Shine Brightly at Bar
Association Banquet.
One hundred and twenty-five lawyers
down to the annual dinner of the
Bar Association at the Corn-
Club last night. Men grown gray
study of knotty legal tangles
31 'SS.
(, v 'i .s
threw off professional sternness and en
Joyed themselves like schoolboys. Robert
T. Piatt, the newly-elected president of
the association, acted as toastmaster In
the absence of Judge Lionel R. Webster,
who had been assigned to that duty.
Before the programme began a love
feast was held, at which an informal re
ception was tendered ex-United States
Atcorney-General George H. Williams,
United States district Judge C. E.
Wolverton. Circuit Judge Thomas R. Mc
Bride. of Oregon City; Circuit Judge W.
A. Bradley, of The Dalles, and Circuit
Judges A. F. Sears. Jr.. John B. Cleland,
C. U. Gantenbein and A. L. Frazer, of
this city.
A toast was drunk in honor of Senator
Will G. Graves, of Spokane, who was
unable to attend the banquet on account
of a threatened attack of appendicitis.
Lydell Baker, in responding to the
toast. "A State Bank Examiner." told of
how he "worked himself into a fog and
how he worked out ai-in." He related
several good stories and declared that
his views on the bank examiner would
appear in print later.
"Time to Appeal." was the subject as
signed to Oscar Hayter, of Dallas. Dur
ing his remarks, he saiu: "We should do
nothing that would lower ourselves In
the esteem of every good citizen and
we should do all in our power to build
up ourselves and our profession, for no
other profession or occupation has helped
to fhape the affairs of business and of
Government as has that of the law."
"The country lawyer is often called the
one-hoss lawyer and more (often the
country pettyfogger." said W. B. Dillard.
of St. Helens. In opening his response to
the toast, "The Country Lawyer." Mr.
Dillard's speech sparkled from beginning
to end. and he closed by saying, "Many
persons come to us attorneys who prac
tice in the towns and say, 'I would like
to have you for my lawyer, but you are
too honest, so I'll have to go to the city."
A storm of applause greeted venerable
Judge Williams when he arose to tell
some recollections of the early days.
"There are only two lawyers living in
Oregon who were here when I came to
this state," said Judge Williams; "they
are Judge. Boise, of Salem, and ex-Governor
Grover, of this city. All of the
others have passed into the land of
shadows and of silence. I have been
called the Nestor of the Oregon bar. but
tuts credit belongs to Judge Boise. I re
call that one of the first cases I decided
as a Judge of the Territorial Court of
Oregon was that negroes could not be
held as slaves here. Colonel Ford, of
Polk County, had brought, his slaves into
this territory and they sued for their
freedom. Judge Mason, of the Iowa Ter
ritorial Courts, bad handed down a like
Robert Treat Piatt, President.
opinion. Now, the old negro mammy to
whom -I granted freedom named her next
born after me."
Judge Williams told many stories of
early days and paid beautiful tributes
to the memories of his old friends. Judges
Mason and Williams of Iowa, and Just
ices Miller and Bradley of the United
States Supreme Court.
Judge Gantenbein, in responding to the
toast, "Legal Education," gave a history
of the remarkable growth of the State
Law School and said that out of its 302
graduates only three had failed to pass
examination by the Supreme Court.
Mr. Piatt declared that one of the chief
objects of the members of the associa
tion for the coming year should be to
secure the Supreme Court to appoint a
committee from the organization to ex
amine the candidates for admission to
the bar. This work is now done by the
court. The president also declared that
every effort should be made to increase
the membership of the association.
A. F. Flegel gave the closing toast, it
being one without a subject. He began by
talking of Plymouth Rock hens and
closed by saying that the officers of the
association would find their greatest
troubles in securing lawyers to prepare
papers to be read at the next annual
meeting of the organization.
Mrs. Jungbluth Asks Divorce.
LOUISVILLE, Nov. 20. Mrs. Amanthis
Jungbluth filed suit here today for di
vorce from her husband. Carl Jungbluth.
secretary of the Continental Tobacco Com.
pany. making various allegations. She
asks for $200,000 alimony. She was grant
ed a temporary injunction.
Jungbluth is a member of the racing
firm of Jungbluth & Middleton. former
owners of The Picket and other horses.
IN ite&k ) .las w ijM
ifFffim& fear mxr a
Chinese Are Gambling but Po
lice Make No Raids.
Plain Clothes Men Recently Assigned
to Watch Celestials Become Phil
osophical After Brief Period
of Activity, Says Baty.
Gambling is running again in China
town, but the special plain-clothes squad,
consisting of Acting Detectives Mallett
and Kienlin. Is making no arrests. It has
been nearly two weeks since the squad
made a raid In that district; and in each
case then Mallett and Kienlen were led
by Detective Sergeant Baty.
Mallett and Kienlen were assigned to
watch the Chinese six weeks ago. For
three weeks after their assignment they
made numerous raids all along Second
street, and created great excitement in
the quarter, but their vigilance has
grown less pronounced each succeeding
week, until now they are making no ar
rests of Chinese gajnblers. although the
police admit that many games are in
Detective Sergeant Baty declares that
he is certain there is a great deal of
gambling going on in the Chinese quar
ter. ' His investigations, he says, have
proved that fact, but he admits he has
been unable to locate any game where
there was sufficient evidence to warrant
a raid.
"I do not know that anything Is
wrong.'' said Sergeant Baty. "I have
no proof of it, but it strikes me as a
bit peculiar that officers who were at
one time very active are doing nothing
Sergeant. Baty is unable to devote much
time to Chinatown, as he has many du
ties to perform. All kinds of detective
work comes under his supervision in the
R. A. LeJter, Secretary.
absence of Captain of Detectives Bruin,
and he cannot take sufficient time from
his other ditties to "keep tab" on all
that is going on in the Chinese quarter.
"While touring Chinatown," said Ser
geant Baty, "I have noticed that very
few Chinese are to be seen. To me that
j is evidence that they are going to places
as- yet unknown to me for the purpose
of gambling. I think gambling is running,
but I do not know where. I have learned
from experience that the Chinese will
gamble somewhere and in some manner.
When they are repeatedly raided they
may ceaEe for a while, but they are cer
tain to go at it again in some other lo
cality. When they are not to be seen
about the streets, it is first-class evi
dence they are gambling somewhere be
hind closed doors."
Acting Detectives Mallett and Kienlen
declare that they have accomplished a
great reform in Chinatown, and assert
that games are not running. Mallett Is
the leader of the squad. When Chief of
Police Gritzmacher assigned him to that
duty, the entire department was astound
ed, as his record is not of the best.
Mallett stated, however, that he pro
posed to raid the Chinese early and often
and to prove his ability and integrity.
East Side Improvement Association
Urges Immediate Work.
At the meeting of the East Side Im
provement Association last night, W. L.
Boise presiding, a resolution was passed
declaring for the immediate improvement
of East Stark street Thomas Hislop, H.
H. Prouty, W. H. McMonies and W. L.
Boise were delegated to go before the
Council this afternoon and urge that the
proceedings for the Improvement go for
ward without waiting for the Port of
Portland dredge. W. L. Boise expressed
the opinion that the demands for the
eervlces of the dredge cannot be met un
der two or three years, if at all. He said
the dredge would be employed first to
complete the fills between East Alder and
Morrison and Belmont, and then it would
be called on to deepen the channel in
front of the Supple dock, besides filling
up the block owned by the Western Elec
tric Company and Fisher. Thorsen & Co.,
which would take until late in the Spring.
He said that the property-owners who
were obstructing the East Stark-street
improvement were standing in their own
light, and cited that because of the fills
on East Washington and Morrison and
the low grounds blocks that-were former
ly held tor $20,000 are selling for $.,000
and $100,000. He said it would be the same
on East Stark if a solid fill is made.
Center Addition Progressive Associa
tion Discusses Villa A venae.
A rousing meeting of the Center Addi
tion Progressive Association was held
Tuesday evening at the home of C. T.
Groat, the secretary of the club, Chauncy
Ball presiding. The widening of Villa
avenue to 80 feet was indorsed and the
widening of East Glisan street west from
the Ladd farm as far as possible was
strongly advocated. The discussion
brought out the fact that while there will
be some damage to property owners on
Villa avenue there will be benefits that
will more than offset the damages, and
the large amount of property affected will
render the assessment light.
Frank Motter, of the East Twenty
eighth Street Improvement Association,
was present and made a vigorous speech
in favor of a wide street. Dr. William
De Veny read a letter from William M.
Ladd announcing that he favored either
an 50 or 100-foot street through the Hazel
farm, provided the street be extended
eastward and the action be taken at
once. At the conclusion of the discussion
the following resolution was adopted:
Pesolved. That it is the sense of the
Center Addition Progressive Association
that we are in favor of an 80-foot street
from the eastern limits of the city o the
Willamette River, or so far as is necessary
to connect with one of the bridges across
the Willamette River.
The following committee was appointed
to confer with the East Twenty-Eighth
Street Association: C. T. Groat. A. Bar
tholomew and C. W. Davis. The East
Twenty-Eighth Street Improvement As-
.. ....
Charles J. Bchnabei, Treasurer.
sociation will meet tomorrow evening,
when some definite action will be taken.
It will not be possible to widen East
Glisan street to the Willamette River
owing to the fact it follows Sullivan's
Gulch beginning at about East Ninth
street but it may be widened to East
Twelfth street to advantage.
This is a matter which will be settled
at the meeting tomorrow evening.
Scott Brooke Sells 88x100 on Sorth
Fifth and Burnside.
Scott Brooke yesterday sold the south
east corner of North Fifth and Burnside
streets, fronting 88 feet on Fifth and 100
feet on Burnside, for $70,000. The deal
was made through I. G. Davidson. The
names of the purchasers are not an
nounced. Old two-story frame buildings
are the only improvements on the prop
erty. Through the same agency block IS in
Highland, owned by Marion Smith, has
been sold to a buyer whose name is with
held. The price was $5250.
J. H. Fairbrook has sold for J. D. Hen
nessy, a Front-street commission mer
chant, a quarter block at the northeast
corner of Sixteenth and Johnson streets.
Peter Taylor is the purchaser. The con
sideration was $21,000. There are fpur
modern two-story residences on the prop
erty, which are bringing in a good return
on the investment.
Milwaukie Country Club.
Eastern and California races. Take Sell
wood or Oregon City car, starting from
First and Alder treats, V
After Much Dissension Policy
Is Adopted of Dividing
Announces Disapproval of Action or
Keal Estate Men's Organization.
Big Sales May Now Be Made
Without Written Contracts.
A rule of the Portland Realty Board,
forbidding the division of commissions
with any person outside the organiza
tion, was amended at the meeting yes
terday afternoon after a heated dis
cussion which at times threatened to
bring the body to an untimely end.
By the new regulation members will
be aJlowed to divide commissions on
transfers with any realty dealer of
standing, but there will be no sharing
of profits with outsiders who are not
dealers. This conclusion is a com
promise which is said to be accepta
ble to the fargo majority of members.
W. H. Grindstaff, however, voiced his
disapproval by announcing that he
would resign.
.Some time ago it was decided by the
board, which is a comparatively new
organization, that certain changes in
the constitution were necessary, and
several special meetings have been
held for this purpose. Among other
questions-that came up was that of
the division of commissions which had
been explicitly forbidden, except in the
case of two board members, when the
exchange was formed. This proved an
especially obstinate problem to solve
and it was not until it had been gone
over upon several occasions that the
new rule was agreed upon yesterday.
Commissions May Be Split.
There has been a great deal of dis
satisfaction among certain members of
the board over the rule against divis
ions of commissions. Several members
asserted that they were losing sales
because of the objectionable provision.
Outside dealers or private persons, they
said, would secure a customer and come
to them to make a purchase. When
they found out that they could not
get a share of the commission they
would go to some dealer outside the
board. The firms which are doing a
general banking and trust business in
connection with real estate were es
pecially outspoken in favor of the
Some firms urged that commissions
should be divided at the discretion of
the dealer, regardless of whether his
associate in the transaction was a
member of the board or even a realty
broker. Opposed to this position were
others wio contended that the board
should abide by. its original regula
tion that commissions should be di
vided only between board members.
Amona those who were insistent upon
the latter policv was W. H. Grindstaff,
of the firm of Grindstaff & Schalk.
When the decision to change the ruling
was made Mr. Grindstaff announced
that lie would resign from the board.
As he has been one of the most ac
tive workers in the organization his
fellow members are urging him to re
consider his position and they express
hope that he will do so.
Ko Contracts for Big Deals.
Another stumbling block in the way
of harmony was the exclusive written
contract clause in the constitution. It
had been provided that members of
the board should sell property in no
case unless they held an exclusive
written contract with the owner. It
had been found that many owners were
loth to sign an agreement of this
character, especially in the case of
large holdings, and many thought that
this stipulation should be rescinded.
It was asserted before the board that
certain firms were disregarding it and
that to an extent it was becoming a
dead letter.
As a compromise in this matter it
was voted to sell on written contract
only in the case of property $25,000
or less in value. For sales exceeding
that amount written contracts will no
longer be insisted upon.
It was also decided to reduce the
initiation fee for membership in the
hoard from $10 to $5. and the monthly
dues from $2.50 to $1. This change
is made in the Interests of a larger
membership, as it is desired to get
every reputable dealer in the city on
the rol's of the organization. " The
board har been organized about one
year and has been doing an excellent
work. It already has a large member
ship, including many of the largest
firms in the city, and it is believed
that under the rules as amended all
of the firms can get together.
Control of Domestic Wines.
NEW YORK. Nov. 20 The Journal of
Commerce today says that a great fight
for the control of the cheap domestic
wine business of the United States Is on
Require Steady Nerve for Pine Work.
Sitting at a watchmaker's bench day
in and day out is tedious work, and if the
workman suffers from headache, ner
vousness and indigestion, as he is liable
to do from his sedentary occupation, he
requires special food to put him right.
A Seattle man writes:
"I am a watchmaker and have eat
pretty constantly at my bench for 15
years, and have suffered badly from indi
gestion and its many evil effects, such as
headache, dizziness, nervousness, etc. I
always had a weak stomach until I began
to use Grape-Nuts.
"I didn't seem able to find anything
that would digest properly with me for
breakfast or supper, and my four chil
dren Inherited the weakness from me.
"Now, I place 4 teaspoonfuls of Grape
Nuts in a dish, then set it in the oven.
When good and hot J eat it with cream.
This with some other food gives me a
nice hot breakfast. For the children we
give each one 3 teaspoonfuls with warm
milk, which softens it and they like it
"We have practically the same for
supper and are not troubled tn sleep
with an overloaded stomach. With this
diet we keep our digestion in fine con
dition and our continual good health and
fat rosy boys prove that we are on the
right track.
"I have gained in weight and have
found a food in Grape-Nuts that has
saved me lots of doctors' bills for the
children, and has given me a clear head
steady hand and good digestion for the
past two years.
"One must have a steady nerve and feel
well to wSrk on fine watch work, and the
use of Grape-Nut3 twice a day has kept
me right up to the mark." Name given
by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich.
Read the book, "The Road to Wellville,"
in pkgs. "There's a reason." '
with the producers of California solidly
arrayed on one side and those of the
Middle West on the other. The busi
ness amounts to a very large total an
nually, and millions of dollars are repre
sented in invested capital. The proba
bilities are that no truce will be reached
and that one side or the other will be
benefited in any event through the
threshing out of the wine situation. The
California wine men have decided to ma
terially lower prices after January 1 in
order to drive their Eastern competitors
from the rich wine consuming centers,
such as New Orleans and St. Louis, where
the Easterners were able to secure a
strong foothold after the San Francisco
disaster of last April.
John McXuIIy Arrested by Police on
Serious Charge.
While Mrs. Sophia Wingate. aged 70
years, was telling Acting Detectives Price
and Inskeep yesterday morning how she
had been robbed of every article of
furniture in her humble home, at 329
Glisan street, she wept, and the best
friend she has in the world did his best
to weep with her. That friend was her
pet dog. which for 15 years has shared
her home. When he saw his mistress
in tears, he crept up to her side, and
whined . piteously. as though he fully
realized her grief. She patted his head,
and he ceased to whine when she stopped
The aged woman said she had been rob
bed by John McNully. airas Cummings,
and Detectives Price and Inskeep. within
two hours, had located every piece of
furniture taken from her home. During
the. afternoon they arrested McNully and
lodged him in the City Jail.
Mrs'. Wingate is old and infirm. She
rents two small rooms as a source of
income and it was from these rooms that
McNully is said to have taken the fur
niture, even to the carpets. He had it
taken to a North End secondhand store
tn an express wagon, where he sold it
for $". saying that his wife had Just died,
and he wished to dispose of the goods so
he could leave the city.
The secondhand dealer listed the goods
under an alias, separated them so they
were spread all over his store and at
first denied having purchased the goods
at all. A charge of receiving stolen prop
erty may be filed against him.
Portland to Be Represented at Rivers
and Harbors Congress.
President Hoge of the Chamber of Com
merce yesterday appointed Governor
Chamberlain, Joseph N. Teal and Phil
Buehner delegates to the National Rivers
and Harbors Congress to be held at
Washington. D. C. December 6 and 7.
The recommendations of the joint com
mittee on improvement of the mouth of
the Columbia River were followed by the
president in making the appointments.
A committee composed of J. C. Flan
ders. Edward Ames and Phil Buehner
was appointed to draft an insurance bill
to be presented to the coming Legisla
ture requiring a standard form for poli
cies written, in this state.
The trustees requested President Hoge
to correspond with the Revenue Cutter
Service, asking that one revenue cutter
be stationed permanently, or at least
during the Winter months, at Astoria,
as now several cutters are kept on
Puget Sound and none on the Columbia.
The following firms were elected to
membership: Boyd Tea Company. T. W.
Buist, Lion Clothing Company, Herman
Bach, George J. Schaefer, Western
Mantle Company, R. J. Stewart, C.
Carmichael. John Bingham, Atiyeh Bros.,
West & Owen. C. E. Ernst, A. M. Staples.
Henry Everding. Milliken Bros.. Martin
Marks Coffee Company. Bennes, Hen
dricks & Tobey, C. C. Robbins. W. D.
Garman Company, Lange, Kenyon &
Company, Ruby & Co.
Boat on the Lionel R. Webster Type
Will Be Built.
A larger and better ferryboat is being
built for the St. Johns-Linnton run. The
new boat is of the Lionel R. Webster
type, and the owners are to christen it
the "James John," in honor of the foun
der of the city. After sufficient revenue
has been earned by the new ferry to
justify the expense, the owners announce
they will purchase a monument in honor
of the memory of the old pioneer.
A case of destitution was brought to
the attention of St. johns last week,
and in a few hours needed relief was ex
tended by charitably inclined citizens.
The case was that of Mrs. Atchinson,
who is ill and on whose earnings several
children are dependent. The proper
county authorities have been notified.
The case of Youngferdort & Son vs.
City of St. Johns, in .which the former
parties were charged with violation of
the fire-limit ordinance, has been settled
-- ; g?gSc-
gggB5 ti.jL.--3 ff?j r'lIC
Htr Stands
UP For
WITH a Kodak and Tank Developer you can
make perfect pictures. The days of HAND
DEVELOPMENT and annoyances of the
DARKROOM are passing away. The KODAK
Let our expert show you the marvelous results ob
tainable by this method.
Kodaks from $1.00 up
Blumauer-Frank Drug Co.
142 Fourth Street Agents for Eastman Kodak Co.
Nearing Completion
Real Hustling on Washington
Street and What Is Be
ing Accomplished.
The work of remodeling the building
at Park and Washington streets, to
be occupied bv the Eilers Piano House,
retail department, is now progressing
wtth surprising rapidity. The old I w ide
stairway on Washington street d's"P
oeared yesterday, and a beautiful mod
ern plate glass show, window was
promptlv installed in its place, on
the Park-street side a new entrance
and stairway has been opened.
The Eilers people were promised
post-es.-ion of the entire premises in
September, and the entire work of re
modeling was to have been finished in
time to enable the firm to reopen the
retail department early tn October.
Unfortunatelv the new building being
erected for the college people was bad
lv delavd. and since the landlord
overlooked giving the required regular
thirty dnvs' written legal notice the
college, bv means of a Circuit court
restraining order, remained in posses
sion until about a week ago. Every
thing is now being done to regain lost
time. The work of bt.Uding new stair
ways, installing a fine elevator, re
partitioning, rearranging and redecor
ating the upstairs, the large sales
rooms, the teachers' studios, the small
display piano parlors, the large recital
hall, the pianola library room. etc.. is
being prosecuted w-ith truly wonderful
It is vet too soon to state just when
Eilers Piano House will again be def
initely and thoroughly actively en
gaged in the retail piano business, but
it is a certaintv that when the estab
lishment is finally thrown open to the
public, there will be presented an in
stitution perfectly up-to-date, and
thoroughly equipped in every way for
the safe, speedy and economical con
duct of a piano, organ, pianola, pipe
organ and talking machine trade.
Prompt, painstaking and satisfactory
service to the public has always char
acterized this house, and in the new
establishment everything will be ar
ranged and appointed with this . in
In the meantime carloa-1 upcm car
load of fine new instruments from the
various Eastern piano makers is ar
riving. Four cars of Chickerings alone,
of Boston, valued at over $46,000. are
due to arrive during the next six or
Eeven davs. , . .
Some of the pianos have already been
placed in the new establishment This
work was done by means of a hoisting
device attached to one of tne Park
street windows in the second story or
the building. The truly ingenious man
ner of swinging these pianos into tne
upper floor of the building, by means
of block and taeWe. and the all-round
expertnes; of the company s draymen,
who were entrusted with this work,
attracted and held the attention of
hundreds of passersby.
What's Being Done
In the downstairs salesrooms, which
are nearly completed, a complete line
of sample pianos is now displayed.
Although tho establishment is virtual
ly given over to a swarm of carpen
ters, plasterers, electricians, gas fit
ters plumbers and ftecorators. the
work of selling pianos, the work in
the accounting department, the worK
in the talking machine department, and
the work in the pianola library goes
on uninterruptedly. Early in the Sum
mer a mezzanine floor on the north,
or library, sidv of the building whs
built for the office. The pianola circu
lating library has once more hid to be
temporarilv installed, this time on the
second floor of the building, but will
be verv soon located in magnificent
quarters on this same floor, accessible
by two stairways and passenger elevators-
Eve-y inch of available space in tne
quarter block will be utilized. A fifth
floor, or gallery, is being provided,
and will soon be ready for the dis
play of parlor and chapel organs. The
pianola and orchestrelle rooms, which
department remains under Mr. Bruce s
able management, will be located over
the offices, and are also being rapidly
pushed to completion.
Thus there w'll be in the new estab
lishment virtually five floors, in a two
storv building. devot-ct to the sale of
pianos and organs, and pianolas and
pipe organs and talking machines.
Once the establishment has been com
pleted, according to plans now under
way. Portland will again he entitled
to boast possession of the most com
plete, best stocked and very largest
piano and organ institution in the
West, if not in the entire United
In connection with this it is grat
ifying to note that, although doing
business in all of the Western States,
including California ftwo stores in San
Francisco, one at Stopkton and one at
Oakland), Eilers Piano House is a dis
tinctly home institution, being owned
bv its three directors, the Messrs.
Eilers and Mr. S. J. McCormick. jointly
with Mr Hcidinger. formerly of Port
land, now manager of the Spokane es
tablishment: Mr. G, A. Hoffman, Mr.
Bruce and Mr F. T. Bourgeois. The
Portland house is headquarters of them
all. and here are located the entire
general and executive offices of the
by the removal of the objectionable fea
tures of the building. It was contended
by the city that the contractors were
stretching a permit for a roofed shed
Into a building for other purposes.