Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 20, 1906, Second Edition, Page 5, Image 5

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Four Cases of Self-Murder the
Record of Blue Monday
in Portland.
Mrs. Timothy Collins, of East Side,
' Swallows Carbolic Acid With
Cup of Coffee and Lingers
in Terrible Agony.
J. Nelll McCloud, aged 35 years, t
a native of Prince Edward Island, 4
Canada, swallowed carbolic acid in 4
the Lewis and Clark House at 7 J
o'cHca In the morning and died I
fthortly after. Despondent because 1
T fce bad squandered his money.
I A. Dickson Henderson, a news- ?
paper man. agred about 35 years, of I
Minneapolis, Minn., engaged & room
in the Manhattan Court, and his
J body was found at V o'clock last t
I evening. He had committed sui- I
ctde by drinking carbolic acid. His 4
T motive is unknown, but the police
i suspect a- woman figures in his re- f
cent history. I
Charles Hall, aged 6' for 10 years 4
an Inmate of the Good Samaritan
Hospital, committed suicide at 3:30
o'clock in the afternoon by stab
bing himself with & rusty pocket
knife. Humdrum life had grown
Mrs Timothy Collins, aged 46
years, while suffering with stomach
trouble, mixed carbolic acid with a
cup of coffee at 5 o.'clock in the
afternoon and lingered In terrible
agony for hours.
There were four suicides In Portland
yesterday. One of the victims was still
lingering early this morning, but had only
a. few hours to live. It wag the most
startling record for many years. While
there are special reasons given in each
case, all are directly or indirectly attrib
utable to despondency, three of them, at
least, caused by Illness.
A. Dickson Henderson, a newspaperman
of Minneapolis, Minn., aged about 35. was
found dead in his room at the Manhattan
Court. .Stark street, at 7:30 o'clock
last night by the landlady, Mrs. L. B
Buctikofer. The police were notified and
Acting Detective Kay went to the rooming-house
and made an investigation.
Coroner Finley arriving soon after. Hen
derson had taken a quantity of carbolic
acid, drinking it out of a glass, and his
mouth and chin were terribly burned.
While there is no known motive for
the deed, the police believe it will prove a
love affair. With apparent deliberation,
Henderson went to his room, undressed,
hung his clothing up in a neat manner,
placed his shoes and hose by the side of
his bed. put on his nightshirt and crept
beneath the covers. Supporting his head
ry his right hand, he evidently lifted the
tumbler to his lips with his left. The
glass was found on the floor directly be
neath the left hand, which hung over the
body and almost to the floor. The features
were peaceful, the bed was not disar
ranged and death came to the unfortunate
man as easily as possible.
Henderson left a note on a piece of
yellow paper lying on a centertable in
the TOom, whk-h bore the following: "A.
Dickson Henderson, St. Paul. Minn.
Please notify William L. Hender
son. Forty-first and Main street, St. Paul.
Care Henderson. Bassford & Co."
No other writing that could be taken as
a. message from the suicide could be
found, and the bottle from which the acid
was taken was not located. Henderson
had many papers, was well clothed and
was a man of about 6 feet In height;
spare ana gooa looking, sitgntiy gray,
hazel eyes and dark hair. He was smooth
shaven and every one of his front teeth
was capped with gold. A cheap watch.
J?,.' in money and several trinkets were
found in his pockets. He carried personal
cards, which gave as references the Min
neapolis Tribune, Minneapolis Journal, St.
Paul Dispatch. St. Paul Pioneer Press,
and the Herald. Duluth. That the sui
cide had been connected with papers in
Seattle and Tacoma was ascertained from
letters found in his grip.
La ft Seen Alive Sunday Evening.
Henderson went to the Manhattan last
Friday night and engaged a room, ne
was quiet, orderly and not inclined to be
talkative. He was last seen alive at
10:30 Sunday evening by his landlady with
whom he conversed for a few moments.
At that time Henderson acted queerly,
the landlady thinking he was under the
influence of liquor. The Coroner believes
he was not drunk, bat was laboring
from suppressed excitement at. the time.
From the fact that discoloration had set
in on the body it was evident that the
deed had been done almost as soon as
Henderson retired that night.
A search of the effects disclosed the
fact that Henderson was in good circum
stances and that he had a wife while
in Seattle is evidenced by letters found
in his grips addressed to Mrs. A. Dickson
Henderson, Seattle. Wash. Where this
woman iS or what has become of her is
a mystery. A rate book and literature of
the Washington Life Insurance Company
were found.
Beyond a silver knot ring on the left
hand no Jewelry was found in the room
or an the body, except a cheap horseshoe
tie pin lying on the dresser. No money
except, the silver was found though a
checkbook on the First National Bank of
Crattle was found with entry stubs show
ing that Henderson had held an account
at that, institution.
Corner Findley decided that no inquest
was necessary, the evidence of the man s
own writing and his request for the noti
fication of relatives being conclusive evi
dence of suicide The manner of death
was perfectly evident. The body was re
moved to the morgue and the relatives
notified by! telegraph.- The remains will
be held here until something is heard
from those notified.
Aged Invalid Stabs Himself.
Afer havins suffered for years ' from
locomotor ataxia, and after having made
three previous attempts to end his life.
Charles Hall, aged SO. an inmate of the
Good Famaritan Hospital for ten years,
ucceeded in stabbing himself in the heart
with a rusty jackknife at 3:30 o'clock yes
terday afternoon at that institution. He
died in 15 minutes.
Hall, who came here years ago from La.
Grande, 'in Eastern Oregon, and was ad
mitted to the hospital, was alone in the
world, his only known relative being a
cousin living In Southern California. He
had for years been a victim of the mor
phine habit, and was at times much de
pressed. Some years ago Hall made two
attempts to kill himself by saving his
allowance of morphine for several days
and then taking the accumulated drug.
Both times he was saved by hard work.
The third attempt was discovered before
the man had time to take the opiate and
he was watched carefully from that
time on. He , was not allowed to have
morphine, except when it was necessary
for him to take it. and no one suspected
the man of planning to end his life with
a. knife. He had been cheerful all day.
and had chatted n a very natural man
ner with the nurses and other patients in
the ward.
At 3 o'clock, as was usual with him.
Hall asked the orderly for a screen to
be placed about his bed. This was done
and he was not noticed until 15 minutes
later, when a woman visitor who passed
by his bed and looked over the' screen
remarked how white he was. The at
tendant made an investtgatioa and found
that Hall had taken his knife, one which
he had used for years to cut tobacco,
with, and driven it into his heart be
tween the fifth and sixth ribs. His long
residence in the hospital had made the
man so familiar with his own anatomy
that he was able to locate the heart
with accuracy. The wonderful will of
the man was shown by the fact that the
knife was very dull and that it had
been necessary for him to stab himself
twice before he was successful in reach
ing the heart. While not a sound was
made by him, his agony for the moment
must have been Intense.
As soon as it was discovered that Hall
had succeeded in his oft expressed desire
to die. the Coroner was notified. No in
quest was held as the cause of death was
perfectly apparent- The body was re
moved to the Finley undertaking estab
lishment where it will be held to await
the action of the cousin, who was wired
for advice as to the disposal of the body.
It is probable that Hall will be buried la
Woman Takes Carbolic Acid.
Mrs. Timothy Collins, of 638 Alblna
avenue, swallowed carbolic acid with
a cup of coffee, as she was sitting; at
the table, at 5 o'clock yesterday after
noon. Members of the family declare
the poison was taken by mistake, but
little credenre is placed in this theory.
At an early hour this morning she was
lingering in pain, but it was said by
the attending physicians that she
could not survive unti ltoday.
Dr. C. A. Cordiner was summoned as
soon as it was ascertained that Mrs.
Collins had swallowed the deadly acid,
and he rushed to the house with all
possible speed. He did all in his power
to save her life, but at once expressed
the opinion that the vijtim would not
recover. In fact, he thought it remark
able that she should survive the ter
rible effects of the poison so long.
She had been ill all day with sto
machatrouble, in the nature of cramps,
and it is the theory of the family that
she thought tome carbolic acid would
help her trouble. Therefore she mixed
some of it in a cup of coffee and swal
lowed it. It immediately began its dead
ly work, and she was soon writhing in
terrible agony.
Timothy Collins, the husband, was
summoned from the O. R. & N. work
shops in Albina, where he is employed
as a painter, and all of the children
who were available were called home.
AH remained at the bedside, doing all
they could.
When it became known that, in all
probability, she could not recover,
priests were summoned and adminis
tered the last rites.
Mrs. Collins, aged 46 years, was the
mother of a large family, and nine of
her children are living. During her in
tense suffering, many neighbor women
were present to lend their aid and to
extend sympathy.
Squanders All, Then Suicides.
Despondent because of ill health and
financial straits. J. Neill McCloud borrowed
$1 from J. P. Littleneld yesterday morning,
paid 30 cents of it for his portion of room
rent in the Lewis and Clark House, pur
chased a bottle of carbolic acid with the
remainder and committed suicide. Mc
Leod was aged 43 years, and was a na
tive of Prince Edward v Island. Canada,
where his relatives, with the exception of
a brother, live. The brother lives in San
Francisco. . Coroner J. P. Finley took
charge of the body. McLeod was a
logger, but formerly prospected in Alaska,
and while there is said to have taken out
about $t0fi0 in dust, which he spent in
riotous living. He was reduced, to pov
erty, had been drinking heavily and was
tired of life. He reached here from
Tacoma with his friend. Littleneld, Sun
day evening.
A. D. Henderson Had Lived There
Nearly Forty Tears.
ST. PAUL, Minn.. Nov. 19 (Special.)-
A. Dickson Henderson, the newspaper
man who committed suicide in Portland
today, worked for many years on Twin
City newspapers For about a year he
ran the Insurance Budget, which was Is
sued monthly iu St. Paul, and was em
ployed for two years in the office of the
State Insurance Commissioner of Minne
sota. He was 43 years of age and came
to St. Paul from the South when he was
about 5 years of age. He was educated
in the St. Paul public schools.
Henderson left for Seattle about IS
months ago. His wife and two grown
daughters live in the West. W. L. Hen
derson, a prominent St. Paul banker and
broker, and Brooks Henderson, of For-,
est Iake, a suburb of St. Paul, are his
Escape From Soldier Escort on the
Way to Fort Meade.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 19. A spe
cial to the Tribune from Sheridan.
Wyo.. says that part of the band of
Ute Indians being escorted to FoVt
Meade by United States troops, escaped,
and are believed to have gone to the
Sioux reservation. The Utes objected
to the immediate presence of the cav
alry escort, and the troops were or
dered to keep at a certain distance.
This gave the Indians an opportunity
to desert, of whioh a number took ad
vantage. OMAHA. Nd.. Nov. 19. At Army
headquarters the rumor from Sheridan,
Wyo.. that part of the Utes on the way
to Fort Meade have escaped is regard
ed as extremely doubtful, as no such
advices have been received, and no or
ders for the troops to keep a certain
distance from the Indians have been
Raiji Swamps Mississippi Val
ley and Snow Covers
Poor People Driven From Homes by
Floods and Negroes Roost in
Trees Bitter Cold Adds
to Their Misery,
MEMPHIS, Nov. 19. As more detailed
reports are received from those portions
of Alabama. North and Central Missis
sippi and Western Tennessee swept by
the wind and rain storms of the past 4S'
hours, the situation increases in serious
ness. Following the wind storm of Sat
urday night, rain has fallen almost con
tinuously throughout this territory and
practically the entire district is under
water to a depth of several feet and
creeks and email streams are leaving their
banks and many of the poorer white
persons, as well as scores of negroes,
have been forced from their homes by
the rising waters, seeking refuge in many
instances under the trees.
To add to the seriousness of the situ
ation, the weather is becoming bitterly
cold and much suffering is anticipated.
From Winona, Maben and Mathiston,
Miss., more complete reports were re
ceived today, a conservative estimate
placing the total damage to the three
towns at $300,000.
Tonight the rain continues with no sign
of abatement. In Memphis the precipita
tion from Friday night until this after
noon had reached a maximum of 4.42
inches, and the continued rainfall has
wrought great havoc in this city and the
immediate vicinity..
Wolf River is out of its banks, the
overflow carrying away over 10.000 logs,
valued at $100,ooo. From present indica
tions it is believed that fully $100,000 dam
age has been done to the road and turn
pike system -of this county.
Probably never before has traffic on the
railroads centering in Memphis suffered
such complete demoralization.
Five Lives Lost and Five Ships De
stroyed Near Quebec.
QUEBEC. Nov. 19 Reports of disasters
caused to shipping by recent gales in the
gulf continue to arrive. The Norwegiaji
iron ship. Dybvag. Which was loading
lumber at Escoumains, on the north
shore, for Buenos Ayres, capsized during
Friday night and is a total loss. The
crew is safe.
The schooner Maxie Louise. Captain
Coudeau, which left here last Tuesday for
Riviere Blanche, was wrecked on Trois
Pistoles Reef Friday night. Her crew was
The tug Spray is a total wrec- on
Madore Island Captain Couillard lost his
life in the wreck of his schooner at
Riviere Blanche.
The steamer Canada, of. Fatane, was
wrecked on the Isle Verte and a crew of
four drowned. It was her first voyage.
Over Eight Inches Falls and Storm
Extends Into Mexico.
EL PASO. Tex . Nov. 19. At 6 o'clock
tonight 8.4 inches of snow had fallen,
breaking by three inches records since
the establishment of the United States
weather bureau nearly 30 years ago.
Reports from several points on the Mex
ican Central indicate that the storm ex
tends well down into Mexico. In New.
Mexico and throughout the valley of El
Paso there is great suffering and will be
heavy losses in cattle, the snowfall being
Storm Wrecks Agricultural College
and Many Houses.
DECATUR. Ala.. Nov. 19. The State
Agricultural School at Athens. Ala., was
wrecked by yesterday's storm and a num
ber of houses a Athens were blown
down. No loss of life Is reported.
New Orleans Hot and Damp.
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 19. New Orleans
is today sweltering from an abnormally
high temperature, and the atmosphere is
laden with humidity. The warm wave
struck the city Saturday niht. The
thermometer at noon today registered So
Northern Pacific Does Not Confirm
Report From Roslyn.
TACOMA. Wash.. Nov. 19 Reports by
telephone from Roslyn state that fully 200
feet of the Nortnern Pacific's two-mile
tunnel through the Cascade Mountains
has fallen in as a result of the recent
floods. The Northern Pacific officials
have no reports concerning the matter.
Additional sections of, track are still
falling into the water at --the, Cowlitz
At the Northern. Pacific headquarters,
It is thought that trains can be sent
through to Portland without the boat
transfer by next Wednesday night. The
boat transfer covers a distance of IS
On the line over the mountains tne tie
up of trains may last a week or 10 days.
Rivers have changed their courses and
have adopted the railroad cuts on both
sides of the Cascades for channels, prob
ably permanently. It is quite likely, say
the railway officials, that an entirely new
route through the mountains will have to
be selected.
Fratricide Sobs Bitterly Beside Bier
of Eer Accomplice.
SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 19 For tie
first trme since the unexpected death of
Mrs. Creffield. Esther Mitchell this morn
ing broke down and wept like a child at
the bier of the widow of the' leader of the
notorious Holy Rollers. The funeral was
held at the Bonney Watson-Company's
chape- .ur Mrs. Creffield. It was at the
end of this service, when a handful of
friends and relatives of the dead woman
were asked to take their final leave, that
Esther Mitchell stepped to the casket
and, bowing, wept.
Behind Esther Mitchell were O. V. Hurt,
father of Maud Creffield. Mae Hurt, her
sister. Frank Hurt, her brother, and Mrs.
Frank Hurt. In ' another part of the
room were Attorneys W. H. Morris and
S. M. Shipley, who represented George
Mitchell at his trial tor the killing of
Joshua Creffield, and Attorney Holzheim
er. attorney for Esther Mitchell. There
was no music and few 'flowers.
Coroner Carroll has not yet received
a report on the chemical analysis of
the contents of Mrs. Creffield's stom
ach, and the examination will not be
completed until this evening. Hurt
announced that the funeral services for
Mrs. Creffield would be strictly pri
vate, and expresed himself as being
very thankful that the morbidly
curious' public was not allowed to see
the body.
Sacher Arrives at Bay -City.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 19. Siegfried
Sacher has arrived here from Paris to be
ready for the contest his lawyers will be
gin in the Superior Court at Santa Cruz
a week from today, when an attempt will
be made by the opposition to administer
the estate of the widow of the late Colonel
D. D. Colton. who was a partner of Col
lis P. Huntington and Senator Stanford.
Sacher is the father and guradian of 6-year-old
Helen Margaret Beatrice Sacher.
the real contestant. The defendant ie
Mrs. Caroline Colton Cook-Martin-Dahl-gren.
thrice married, and the wife, since
a few weeks after Colton's death, of John
B. Dahlgren a Washington lawyer.
Sun Worshiping Laborers Clash With
CHICO. Cal., Nov. 19. A battle took
place tonight at Substation No. 3 on the
line of the Northern Electric Company
from Chico to Oroville. between gangs of
Hindoo laborers. Over 100 were engaged
In the fight, using fists, clubs and knives.
The Hindoos are divided in their religious
beliefs, about 60 being Mohammedans and
the others sun worshipers. The sun
worshipers believed the Mohammedans
were being paid more money than they
At 6 o'clock tonight the Ill-feeling be
came so pronounced that the Mohamme
dans were attacked. For two hours they
battled viciously and only ceased when
worn out.
Four Hindoos were seriously wounded.
Some of the sun worshipers have gone to
Chico to swear to complaints against the
Mcintosh, Vilas and Robertson Sur
render Rockefeller Sends Proxy.
FINDLAY. O.. Nov. 19. H. P. Mcin
tosh, of Cleveland, a director of the
Standard Oil Company of Ohio arid one
of the men indicted by the grand jury
last week, arrived here today, and was
formally placed under arrest. Subse
quently. Mr. Mcintosh was taken into
court. He pleaded not guilty to the
charge of violating the Valentine anti
trust law and was released on $1000 bail.
M. J. Vilas and J. M. Robertson, treas
urer and secretary respectively, of the
Standard Oil Company of Ohio, indicted
with John D. Rockefeller and H. P.
Mcintosh, appeared in court this . after
noon. Each signed a bond for $1000 for
their appearance on December 6. when
they will plead to the indictments.
Mr. Rockefeller was permitted to enter
a plea and give bond through his at
What the Frew Afents Say.
Great Relieiona Play, "The Sign of tbe
Cross," at Hellls Theater.
Wilson Barrett's great religious drama.
"The Sign of the Cross." will be the at
traction at The. Hellir Theater tonight and
tomorrow night at 8:15 o'clock. A finished
performance ts promised in every respect.
Seats selling at theater for both perform
ances. 'The Middleman" at the Baker.
The Baker patrons have learned to expect
great things from Mr. Sainpolis, but this
week as Cyrus Blenkarn in "The Middle
man.' ie has simply amazed them by his
wonderful portrayal of the great character,
oiiginated by E. -S. Willard. Seats should
be secured in advance as far as desirable.
"Peck's Bad Boy" at Empire.
The children are all happy this week,
because their old friends. Peck's Bad Boy.
Buster Brown, the Groceryman and all the
others are at the Empire, and making all
kinds of fun for them. There will be mati
nees tomorrow and Saturday afternoons,
and none should miss tms show. Evening
performances, S:1S.
Advance Sale for Robert Edoon in
"Strongbeart" at the Hellls.
This morning at 10 o'clock the advance
sale of seats will open for the distinguished
actor Robert Edeson and his excellent com
pany of players, who come to The Hellls
Theater next Thursday. Friday, Saturday
night. November 2. 23. 24, with a special
matinee Saturday, in his great comedy suc
cess. "Strongheart." The play, is by Will
iam C. DeMille. son of tne late H. C. De
Mllle. who collaborated with David Belasco
in well-known successes.
Max Flgnian Xext Sunday Xight.
Max Figman in the comedy-drama suc
cess, "The Man on the Box," will open his
engagement at The Heillg Theater next Sun
day night. November 25. continuing the fol
lowing Tuesday and Wednesday nights. No
vember 27, 2S. with a special matinee
Wednesday, pn account of Leoncovallo's
non-appearance Sunday night this favorite
comedian will be able to secure an extra
Shot Scares Off Terrorist Bandits.
' WARSAW. Russia, Nov. 19 A daring
Terrorist attack was made in the street
this morning on a collector of the gov
ernment alcohol stores, who was es
corted by two soldiers. The Terrorists
killed one soldier, wounded the collector
and seized a bag containing $1100. The
remaining soldier fired wildly, killed one
passerby and wounded another, where
upon the Terrorists dropped their booty
and escaped.
The two leaders of the band of revo
lutionists and 30 others implicated in
the train robbery at Rogow, November
S. by which the revolutionists secured a
sum of money, said to amount to $650,000,
have been arrested. They all belong to
the Polish Socialistic party.
Northwestern People in East.
CHICAGO, Nov. 19. (Special.) Ore
gonians registered today as follows:
P. A. Worthington. Portland; E. L. Har
mon. Portland.
Auditorium Mrs. Ed I. Field, Miss
Field. Portland.
Morrison Alexander Merchelder,
NEW TORK. Nov. 19.-(Speeial.) Ore
gonians registered today as follows:
From Portland Mrs. E. H. Parker, Mrs.
J. H. Humphrey, at the Grand Union.
From Baker City N. J. Losenson, at
the Hoffman.
From Spokane Miss G. Patterson, at
the Standard.
Only One Change Among Directors.
SALT LAKE CITT. Utah. Nov. 19
The annual meeting of stockholders of
the San Pedro. Los Angeles & Salt Lake
Railroad Company held here today was
purely formal. The old board of directors
was re-elected with the exception of
Charles Seyler, who ts succeeded by W.
R. Kelly of Los Angeles, the new chief
counsel of the road.
Having to close our branch store at 286
Washington street, all our made stock of
Umbrellas and Imported Leather Goods
will be sold by the first of next January
regardless of price. Fixtures for sale
After January 1 Our Business Will Be Carried On at the
v Main Store, 309 Morrison St., Opp. P. O.
Church Court of Review Af
firms Sentence.
Given Thirty Days to Conform Teach
: ings to Creeds Before Sentence
Is Pronounced Not Ex
pected to Recant.
BUFFALO. Nov. 19. The Rev. Dr.
Algernon S. Crapsey. of St. Andrews
Episcopal Church. Rochester. Is con
demned to suspension from the church
as a result of the decision of the Ec
clesiastical Court of Review, which is
made public today. The court sus
tained the decision of the lower court,
"The Court of Review has affirmed
unanimously the decision of the lower
court in the case of Rev. Algernon S.
Crapsey. D. D." , i
The decision was delivered to Bishop
Walker today, and will be sent to Dr.
Crapsey at Rochester. Bishop Walker
said that out of personal regard for Dr.
Crapsey he would not make the docu
ment public at this time.
The decision of the trial court, which
is affirmed by the highest court of the
church, was as follows:
That the respondent. Dr. Crapsey, be sus
pended from exercising the functions of a
minister of the church, until such time as he
shall satisfy the ecclesiastical authority of the
dioceae that his belief and teaching conform
to the doctrine of the Apostles' Cree and the
Nicene creed as the. church hath reviewed the
same. However, we express the earnest hope
and desire that the respondent may see his
way clear, during the 20 days, which, under
the canon of tbe church, must intervene be
fore sentence, can be pronounced, to fully
satisfy the ecclesiastical authority of such
conformity on his pext.
Questioned Fundamental Doctrines
. and Will Be Suspended.
NEW YORK. Nov. 19. The Crapsey
case has attracted wide attention since
the publication of Dr. Crapsey's book
on "Religion and Politics." Dr. Crap
sey in his sermons and writings question
ed the virgin birth of Jesus. He also
contended that there were fallacies in
other beliefs and doctrines forming the
foundation of the Protestant Episcopal
Church. Dr. Crapsey contended he had
preached only according to what he be
lieved to be true.
The decision of the court of review
apparently brings the Crapsey case to
an end. Under it. Dr. Crapsey will be
suspended from' performing the func
tions of a minister of the Protestant
Episcopal Church until his religious
teachings conform to the doctrines of
the Apostles' and Nicene creeds.
Will Publish Statement of His Posi
tion in Controversy.
ROCHESTER. N. Y. Nov. 13 -The
probability that Dr. Crapsey will recant
any of the opinions which led to his
ecclesiastical condemnation or that he
will In any way recede from the position
he has taken are so very slight as not
to be worthy of consideration. He will
issue a statement on his position in the
f, Kaiser Chooses New Minister.
BERLIN. Nov 19 The Press announces
that the Emperor has tendered the port
folio of Minister of Agriculture to Von
the Chest
Ask your doctor the medical
name for a cold on the chest.
He will say, "Bronchitis."
Ask him if it is ever serious.
Lastly, ask him if he pre
scribes Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral for this disease. Keep
in close touch with your
family physician.
We pnbliata the foranlsc
of sll oar preparations.
J. C. AyerCo.,
Lowell, Iffaas.
TAKE Wall Street as a background. Then
let some master-hand, who knows the
stories of high finance "from the inside,"
paint in the figures with bold strokes of
realism using the whole range of contrast,
from soul-stirring romance to heart -breaking
tragedy and you will have a word-picture which
for vivid, compelling interest cannot be equaled.
Thomas W Lawson
has done this as he alone can do it in his first
fiction story, Friday the 13th, which begins in
Christmas Number
Mr. Lawson, as the author of "Frenzied
Finance" and "The Crime of Amalgamated,"
is known to every reader of EVERYBODY'S
and to the country "at large. They remember
that it was impossible to buy copies of the
magazine on the stands after the date of publi
cation and that single copies were jealously
passed from hand to hand.
In Friday the 13th, Mr. Lawson, entering
the field of fiction for the first time, has pro
duced a tale which will make the reader ask,
"Is it founded on fact?" "Are the characters
drawn from life?" "And if so, who are they ?"
We cannot answer those questions, except to
say that in this new creative field Mr. Lawson's
wonderfully versatile mind has for a. tim
turned from
If you do not read it you will regret it. You will also miss this feast
of good things which fills this number with purposeful undertaking and
with Christmas light and cheer:
Mr. Charles Edward Russell writes about New Zealand of the truly
free men who are working out that country's future. Do you know
what they are doing? There's a message here for every earnest
American citizen.
in which Mr. Robert E. Park reports the blood-stained exploitation of
ithe Congo Free State by Leopold of Belgium.
Turning toward timely Christmas subjects are: "Where the "Toy
Come From," by Vance Thompson; "A Christmas Thought," by
Eugene Wood.
And then the fiction which taken by itself would ordinarily be
enough to class this issue as a fiction number: "Before Adam," by
Jack London; "The Heart of the House," bv Mary Heaton Vorse;
i'A Fool and a Mule," by G. W. Ogden; "In the Deep of the
Snow," by Charles G. D. Roberts; "The Stolen Bridegroom," by
Emerson Hough; "Peyson's Paint Lady," by Zona Gale and Jill
Menkey; with EVERYBODY'S regular departments.
Nothing in this number is trite, tiresome or tradition-bound
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31 East 17th St., New York
Advertise in a LIVE magazine to LIVE people and get LIVELY retxrut
Arm-Criewen. who is at present president
of the German Agricultural Society.
Bryan Confers With Admirer.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 18. Alexander
TrouD. of New Haven. "onn whn
prominent at the recent meeting of the
New England Democratic Progreesive
League at Boston, at which Democratic
Presidential possibilities were dis
cussed, arrived in Lincoln today to tell
W. J. Brvan about that meeting. Neith
er Mr. Troup nor Mr. Bryan would say
the Boston gathering had any partic
ular candidate in view and Mr. Bryan
said tonight that he had not yet dis
cussed the objects of the Progressive .
League, of which Mr. Troup is presi
dent. He said the visit was a social one.
u-ac !