Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 20, 1906, Second Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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Good Results in Lung Trouble
Commerce Commissioner Tells
Why Railroads Suffer
Car Famine.
Cunnnt Hclleve Prosperity vill Last.
Commission Will Make No Whole
sale Kate Reductions legal
ize Traffic Associations.
CHfC'AGO, Nov. in. Commissioner
Charles A. Trouty, of the Interstate Com
merce Commission, while in Chicago to
day on his way to Milwaukee, where an
Investigation of the elevator situation
will be made, took Issue with President
James J. Hill, of the Great Northern,
and other railroad officials who recently
have declared that the Government's rate
policy tends to frighten Investors away
from railroads and thereby, disable tho
roads from making: adequate provision
for handling the country's traffic. In an
interviey Mr. Prouty said:
"I came on the Commission In 1R97, when
business was Just beginning to revive.
Almost ever since' then business has
grown better and traffic heavier. The
mails have said from year to year:
".This thing can't continue. If we buy
enough equipment for this year's business
we won't need it next year," and they
have acted accordingly. This Is the rea
son why traffic has Increased So much
faster than the facilities for handling; It.
"I believe the tendency of rates ought
to be downward as traffic grows denser,
but the Commission contemplates no
wholesale reduction."
Regarding a recent report that Presi
dent Roosevelt would recommend In his
annua! message legislation legalizing the
various railway traffic associations, Mr.
Prouty said:
"1 have no information that the Presi
dent will mako any such recommendation,
but ersonally I am in favor of such
legislation. There is no doubt tho exist
ence ef associations violates the anti
trust law. Nevertheless they serve a
useful purpose, and if their proceedings
were made public and the Commislon had
supervision of rates made by them, the
associations would bo robbed of their
power for harm." .
War Department May Punish Hhu
for Criticizing Superiors.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. The case of
Captain Carl Reiehmann, of the Seven
teenth Infantry, lias been brought to
the attention of the military authori
ties and it Is stated that the officer
wili be called on to explain his alleged
iul rartion of tho articles of war.
Captain Reiehmann is now -with a
regiment at Havana, and it is alleged
that he recently wrote a letter to a
friend in New York, which was subse
quently published, in which he is said
to have etiarged that lie had been de
nied membership nn tho general staff
because of his German birth, and also
tuat ho had been otherwise discrim
inated against by his superiors in the
"irmy because he Is not a native Amer
ican.;.vr ikcI;Akki to be void
Central Pacific Holds 23,000 Acres
in the White Horse District.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. Secretary
Hitchcock has directed that a hearing be
clveti with a view to tiie submission of
?viience on both sides in the. matter of
tlin application of J. Aaron Ingalls et al.
who ask that a patent for '2.1.110 acres of
land in the White Horse district in Ne
vada, issued to the Central Pacific Rail
load Company, be set aside.
Ingalls alleges that tiie lands were
known to be mineral in character and the
ratent was Issued in IIHIJ. and conse
quently, he alleges, the patent is void.
t'ovemess on Liner Becomes Insane
and Drowns Immigrant's Child.
NEW YORK, Nov. W.-On the arrival
at New York today of the steamer Nicuw
Amsterdam, of the Holland-American
line, from Amsterdam and Boulogne, re
port wai made to the police that, while
tiie vessel was in midoceau, Rosa
Naegl", a Swiss governess, in a tit of
temponry ins:.nity, grasped a baby from
a crowd of children at play on the deck
antl threw it overboard.
Only the prompt interference of the of
ficers of the vessel prevented other pas
senger, led by the mother of the child,
lrom Inflicting serious injury upon the
t razed governess.
The steamer was stopped and a search
was made for the' Infant's hody, but it
was not r-ifovcred.
Mins Naegle, after throwing the child
fnto the sea, ran about, uttering Inartic
ulate cries. She was locked up in the
ship's hospital. The mother of the child,
Mrs. Gavowski, who. with her three chil
dren, was on her way from Russia to
join her husband in Fargo, N. D.. was
prostrat"d over the loss of her baby.
Mu-'S Naegle is a native of Berne, Switz
erland, and has served as1 governess with
several New York families. She boarded
t lie vessel at Amsterdam.
('rand Jury at Salt Iiiike Summons
Land Locators.
SAIr 1-AKK. Nov. 10. Several persons
wliii acquired public land which was
after ward disposed of to t lie t.'tah Fuel
Company were called before the United
states grand jury. This strengthens the
belief that the jury is Investigating the
criminal aspect of the frauds alleged In
the suit brought by the Government to
set aside atents to 20,000 acres of coal
land. I
United States Marshal Spry today re
ceived subpoenas for witnesses to appear
before the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion November 27 and 28. when Commis
sioner E. K. Clark will preside and J. T.
Marchand, attorney for the Commission,
examine. Three of the subpoenas served
today were upon employes of the United
States Land Office.
' ' Civil Service Reformers Meet.
NEW HAVEN". Conn.. Nov. in. Men of
National reputation in civic affairs as
wmbled here today for ihe annual con
vention of the National Civil Service Re
form Association.
A red, coarse, unsightly skin made fair by
AiiA akin cream and swdu.
Federation's Opinion on Stop
ping Child Labor.
Convention "Expresses Distrust of
Federal Courts Marine Disasters
Attributed to the Employment
of Incompetent Seamen.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Nrrt-.-13.-De-splte
Senator . Albert J. Beveridge's an
nouncement at Richmond. Ind., Sunday
evening that he intends to introduce a
bill In the Senate prohibiting the employ
ment of child labor, the American Federa
tion of Labor, now in convention here,
decided today that a National law would
be unconstitutional and therefore agreed
to urge the passage of state laws that
will "stop the crushing out of child labor
In the mills and factories and coining
Its life-blood into dollars upon the coun
ters of commercialism."
Tho convention also urged favorable
consideration of the proposed amendment
of the Federal constitution providing for
woman suffrage.
The federation extends a helping hand
to the postal clerks, who are character
ized as "helpless to better their condi
tion." The boycott law of Alabama is
to be fought: the employment of inef
ficient seamen, causing disasters., is de
plored: the employment of Chinese sail
ors on American vessels condemned: the
overloading of lake vessels condemned.
The convention also urged the taking of
steps to stop the employment of foreign
"cheap" musicians and reaffirmed the boy
cott against many large concerns.
The Convention voted to support the
bill which William R. Hearst will present
to Congress with a view to having the
defects to the Sherman anti-trust law re
moved. With only one dissenting, voice, the
convention adopted a resolution calling
upon tiie judiciary committee of the Na
tional House of Representatives to re
port to the House a joint resolution which
provides for the submission of an amend
ment to the Constitution allowing women
to vote.
Another resolution was adopted indors
ing and urging the passage of Represen
tative Golden's bill In Congress to safe
guard passengers on ocean steamers, so
as to prevent such disasters as the Slo
cum and Valencia horrors.
Debate over the relative desirability of
state or Federal legislation on child la
bor occupied much of. the session today.
State legislation was timilly indorsed by
the combined vote of those who held
that under the constitution Congress
could not legislate on the ages and hours
of labor in the various states and of those
who through distrust of the Federal
courts wished laws which would be en
forced by judges answerable more di
rectly to the voters.
Fernie Will Soon Begin to Relieve
Northwest Famine.
MINNEAPOLIS. 'Nov. 19 "Whatever
the difficulties existing between the oper
ators and miners in the Crow's Nest Pass
bituminous coal fields of Britisli Columbia,
they are all over now and the men will
.go- back to work."
This is the statement made tod;iy By
John Mitchell, president of the United
Mineworkers. The decision was reached
yesterday and S. H. Sherman and Peter
Paterson. the representatives of the strik
ers, have gone back to Fernie. B. C. Mr.
Mitchell declines to say which side won
In the strike, but says the men will work
under their old agreement with the
The question involved was the construc
tion of .the "check-off" clause of this
agreement, which, says Air. Mitchell, is
"too technical for me to explain now.
The strike Is over anyhow, and that Is
the main thing."
Given More Wages, but Union. Is Xot
NEW YORK, Nov. 1?. The automobile
strike ended early today when a settle
ment was reached by an agreement be
tween the men and thn official of the
New York, Trans porta tlon CnmDani. ' The
men will return as Individuals, except
those who had engaged in violence. Such
men are not to be re-employed. The strike
just ended has been productive of more
scenes of disorder than any strike in
many years, except the street-car strike.
Since it began on October 25 there have
been 65 arrests.
The men gained an increase in,
but the working day will continue at
12 hours. Tne strikers had also to
waive their demands that the shop be
made a union one. The men, however,
are given the ripht to maintain their
own union.
Norfolk & Western Raises Wages.
NORFOLK. Va.. Nov. ID. The Norfolk
& Western Railway, beginning December
1, will grant an increase of 10 per cent In
wages to all' employes now receiving less
than fJOO per month.
Passes Point Armour' Off Labrador
Coast and Expected Soon to
Itcach Syitney, X. S. -
NEW YORK, Nov-. 13. The following
telegram was received by tho Associ
ated Press tonight, dated Point Armour,
Quebec, November 16. announcing the
passing of Commander Peary's Arctic
steamer Roosevelt.
"Port Armour, Que.. Nov. 16. The As
sociated Press, New York: "
"Roosevelt passing Point Armour 3
P. M. Weather dull, wind strong east.
(Signed) - - 1'OPKRATOR."
Poin Armour Is -a headland on the
southeast side of Fortua Bay, Labrador,
and at the southwest extremity of the
Straits of Belle Isle.
SYDNEY. N. S... Nov. 19. The steamer
Prospero arrived tonight from Bonne,
N. V.. arid reported that she had not
sighted Peary's Arctic steamer Roose
velt, bound from Chateau Bay for this
port. It is believed that the Roosevelt
will not reach here before tomorrow night
or Wednesday morning. There was a
gale blowing oft shore tonight.
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Failing to Collect Wages, Designer of
Waists Puts Two Bullets in
Man She Is Captured.
NEW YORK, Nov. 19. Guetave Simon,
senior member of the Queen Waist Com
pany, with headquarters at 604-60S Broad
way, was shot at his office today, receiv
ing a wound from which ho died.
A woman, a former employe of the com
pany, is under .arrest charged with the
shooting. She had called upon Simon to
collect- money said to be .due ber from the
firm. t,
' The prisoner, who "was arr&sctd fls she
was leaving the "building, described herself
as 'Madame -Aniasta- Louise de -Masss
shirt designer living in' West Thirty-sev
enth street. She protested her,.
and . in, explaining her presence there
"I did not shoot him. I am a designer
and was employed there -for five days, and to collect $30 due me. 1 said "to Mr.
Simon, 'I want my $30.' He said. I would
have to come back and then he said I
'would have to sue- him for It, and I am
going to sue him, too. I did not shoot
According to the police, who allege that
the shooting was witnessed, the woman
approached Simon and asked for the
money due her. He told her she would
have to return some 2 hours later at the
usual hour when employes were paid
She retired to the hall, but at once re
entered the office, and Immediately after
ward the 50 women employes In an adjoin
Ing room were startled by the report of
three shots fired in quick succession. The
first bullet .plowed through a glass parti
tion and then two more. The second
struck Simon.
During the excitement the woman es
caped .to the street, where she was point
ed out to a policeman. A revolver of
large caliber with three chambers empty
was later found in a manila bag on the
stairway leading from Simon's office to
the main exit.' Iater at police headquar
ters the prisoner said her maiden name
i ;
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nir.fc. vitiUH
.If you wish to keep strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the grlow of perfect health, take Duffy s Ti
Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions, and take no other medicine. It is dangerous to fill your syfte
with drugs, they poison the body and depress the heart, while Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey tones and strengthens tl
heart action and purines the entire
in and nurlfies the entire
guarantee. Duffy's Pure Malt Whit-key has stood severe tests for fifty years
pure, free from fusel oil and to contain treat medicinal properties.
C AUTIOIV. When you ask yur
mark, tnr "OKI iieiniNi, ' on me innri
booklet and doctor' advice free.
was Anlaaia Louise de Vernon. Neigh
bors of the prisoner give her a good rep
utation. -
Manager Muzzier and Four Others
"Lose Their Lives.
REGINA, Manitoba. Nov. 19. The Hotel
Windsor, the1argest in this city, was de
stroyed by fire today and five people
burned to death. There were 65 guests in
the hotel at the time of the fire. The
dead: -
V'M. MCZZLER, manager of Regina Mill
ing Company.
I.. MrzZLER. assistant manager of Re
gina Milling Company.
Several others ' were burned, some of
them seriously. Lose, $100,000.
Grange Kejects llesolution Indorsing
It and Initiative.
DKNVKR, Nov. 10. The National
Grangpe went on record as opposed to
Indorsing the initiative and referen
dum today, when a resolution offered
by C. B- .Kegley, of Washington, was
voted down. The matter was referred
back to the state granges upon the
contention that such an innovation can
only be put In operation by state gov
ernments. The principal opposition was to the
proposition giving the people the right
to recall representative officer, the
argument being that this was too so
Mexican ltcbel Gains Time by Appeal
to Metcalf.
EL. PASO. Texas. No's 19. United
States Immigration Inspectors Strand,
Schmuckcr and "Gatling held another
investigation this afternoon of the case
of Antonio Vilareal, the alleged Mex
ican revolutionist in jail here 'pending
extradition, and decided to deport him
in accordance with instructions issued
by the Secretary of Commerce and- Ia
bor, reversing their decision made some
days ago. Vijareal, through his attor
ney filed an appeal to the Secretary of
Commerce and Labor, thus securing a
Resigns From IMrectorate of Many
of His Corporations.
NEW YORK. Nov. ' 19. Recanse of his
accumulating business interests and fear
ing that he ' could not attend to all of
them properly. Thomas F. Ryan tonight,
through Robert F Livingston, announced
that he had resigned from the board of
directors of a number of railroad and in
dustrial corporations. Neither Mr. Ryan
nor his business associates would furnish
a list of the corporations, but Mr. Living
ston said:
"Mr. Ryan's determination has the full
approval of his business asociate-s." .
Philadelphia Motormen and Conduc-
tors to Get 5 Per Cent More.'
board of directors of the Philadelphia
Rapid Transit Company today decided on
an increase of 5 per cent In the wages of
lt.i 7500 motormen and conductors to go
Into effect December 1. This means ad
ditional outlay of J270.0C0 a year.- The
men are receiving 20 cents an hour.
Turns Don n Heresy Charge.
TULSA, i. T.. Nov. 19. The conference
of the M. E. Church. South, today , re
jected the recommendation of the com
mittee on books and periodicals that a
charge of heresy be filed against G.. B.
Winton, editor of the Nashville, Tenn.,
Christian Advocate, the official organ of
tho church.
Smith Tours Pulajane District.
MANILA. Nov. 19. Governor-General
Smith, who is making a tour of the
southern Islands of the archipelago, will
arrive on the Island of Leyte tomorrow.
He has been journeying through the heart
a. 5 l. t .Ainu. -
Pure Malt
nrnua tho heart s hiu riifTv-"i Pnr
system. It Is the onl v whiskey that is
system. It Is the only whiskey that is
jvere tests for fifty years and has always been found abs
dlcinal properties.
irrr for DufTr'i Pure Malt Whlnkfjr hr mnrr you et hr
I mild onlv In neuled bottlm nrvrr In hulk. Look for thr
iurt th? fccal over the eork ia unbroken. Price 1.00. Jl
key Co., Rochester, -N. Y.
druersrlxt or itroorr
cum Hiniir Hurt
Malt Whlnkey
of the Pulajane district for the past two
days, discussing conditions with the mu
nicipal authorities, and observing the
results of the work of the political com
mittee appointed by the ex-Governor-General
after the recent Pulajane out
3Irs. Jefferson Davis Life Insurance
Divided Into Small Bequests.
VICKSBURG, Miss., Nov. 19. The will
of Mr. Vttrina Jefferson Davis, wife of
the President of the Confederate States,
leaves to Mrs. Davis' daughter. Mrs. Mar
paret Howell Davis Hayes, of Colorado
Springs, Colo., all of the estate with the
exception of $10,000 life insurance. This
sum Is divided into numerous small be
quests. , . , . .
.Sessions of C'oual Commission.
PANAMA, Nov. 19. An -f-xeutivft -order
lRiiei by President Roosevelt before he"
leu tne itsinmus, provides, among otner
things, that the Panama Canal Commis
sion shall hold quarterly sessions on the
Isthmus during the first week of Ku
mar', May, Auftust and November. The
executive committee provided under the
order of April 1. 1005. is abolished, and
the functions of the new governing board
brought into being instead are described
in detail.
Contracts for material 'amounting to
over J10.000 shall be made only after
publication In newspapers of general cir
culation. Firebug at Woodburn.
WOODBl'R.V, Or., Nov. 19. An attempt
was made at 3 o'clock yesterday morning
to burn the new resiednce building of E.
I. .Remington, the incendiary having
placed drygoods boxes soaked with coat
oil on the back porch and set fire to them.
The flames were noticed in time to
save the building. A party who had
threatened to burn the house Is suspected.
Miners Elect Old Officers.
INDlANvArOLlS. Nov. 19. Nominations
have closed for the election of officers
by the United Mineworkers of America.
John Mitchell for president. T. I... Lewis
for vice-president and W. B. AVIIson for
secretary-treasurer have 'no opposition.
The annual convention will be held at
Indianapolis January 15.
Textile Council Asks Advance.
NEW BEDFORD. Mass.. Nov. 19. The
Textile ounel! has asked cotton manu
facturers for 10 per cent increase in
wages. It is thought that an advance
equal to that offered by the Kail River
Mills Company to their operatives will
bp given. The local mills employ about
1700 handB.
Father of His Victim Testifies.
1IKRKIMKR, N. Y., Nov. in. Frank
Brown, father of the girl. Chester Gil
lette Is accused of having murdered, gave
the tlrst testimony for the prosecution
today in Gillette's trial on a charge of
Opening of Horne Show.
NEW YORK, Nov. 19. Madison-Square
Garden, resplendent in decorations of or
ange and black, was thrown open today
to the 2'ld annual celebration of the Na
tional Horse Show. About 1700 horses are
on exhibition.
Mrs. Frank R. Stockton.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 19. Mrs. Frank
R. Stockton, widow of the novelist, died
at her home in this city at 10:30 o'clock
PORTLAND. Nov. HI. Maximum temper
ature, -t4 deg. ; minimum, :t:t. niver rcadlnft
at 8 A. M., 1S.B reet; change in last
hours, fall M-foot. Total precipitation.
3 P.M. to P. M.. 0.4-inch: total since Sep
tember 1. 1006, 13. 2K Inches; normal, O.'JT
Inches; excess.. 4.ol inches. Total sunshine.
November 18. 100(1. 0 hours and 42 minutes;
possihlc, '.) hours and 21 minutes. Barometer
(reduced , to rea-level) at 5 P. M., 30.17
During; the last 12 hours the barometer
has fallen rapidly over the North Pacific
States and a cold rain has fallen in North
west Oregon and Western Washington, and
in the mtjuntams moderately heavy snow
nas occurred. In Eastern Oregon, Eastern
Washington and Northera Idaho the weather
Is cloudy and threatening, but no rain or
snow has yet fullen. The temperature has
risen In Southern Oregon and extreme
Northern California. but eHewhere the
changes In temperature have been smalt and
Th indications are for rain Tuesday In
Western Oregon and Western Washington
and for rain or snow In eastern Oregon,
Victor A. Beaucaire, a prominent
club woman of Chicago. 111., contracted
a severe cold from being exposed in bad
weather which resulted in serious lung
Mrs. Beaucaire. after taking several
of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey,
it has helped her wonderfully,
brought the color to her cheeks, and
she would not be without it.
pays high tribute to the world's
greatest tonic stimulant in the following
"As I am a member of the Hull House
Women's Club, I was called out many
times when the weather was very bal
and so caught a very hard cough, and
doctors claimed that my lungs were
afl'eeted; in fact the left lunp; was
almost gone, but since I have taken your
WHISKEY, I feel better and would not
without it. I have not taken it very
but I am sure of good results; I
good color in my face and feel
1 can work with a rreat deal more
ambition. I cannot praise it too much.
L have recommended it to several or my
friends and thev. too. are thankful for
benetit they have already derived
it."' Mrs. Victor A. Beaucaire.
Ogden Ave., Chicago, 111. May
Mall Whiskey tones and strengthens the
recognized as a medicine. nits is
recognizee as u mraivuir. nun i rt
and has always been round aosoiutely
Eastern WashinRton and Idaho. Tho tem
peratures will rise pllchtly.
Forecast made at Portland for the -S
hours ending midnight, November Uft;
Portland and vicinity Rain; slightly
warmer; southerly winds.
Western Oregon Rain; fdijchly warmer in
north portion ; southerly winds.
Western Washington ttaln; slightly
warmer; southerly winds.
Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and
Northern Idaho Rain or snow.
Southern Idaho - Increasing . cloudiness,
probably followed by snow.
liDWARD A. RFAI.P, Pistrlrt Forecaster.
Cured Quickly and Painlessly No
Risk, No Danger. -
A Free Trial rafknxe Convince. 'Sent--by
Mall to All Whp Write. ;
Common sense Is just as necessary
even more-so) in medicine -as In busi
ness or the- affairs of every-day life.
People are getting to know more -than
they used tn. Not so long .ago. it w;is
the fashion to make all soctsof claims
for a medicine, and wind tip'by asking
the leader to go to a drugstore and'liuy
a bottle. People won't stand tor . thrft
kind of thing now. They want proof,
tangible proof. They want to try the
remedy first and if they rind it to be
what is claimed they will be glad enougli
lo go and buy it.
That is why we say to every person
suffering from piles or any form of rectal
disease, send us your name and .we wili
gladly send you a free trial package. For
we know what the result will be. After
using the trial you will hurry to .your
nearest druggist and get a 50-cent box of
Pyramid, Pile Cure, now admitted . .by
thousends to he one of the most wonder
ful reliefs and cures for piles ever known.
"Please excuse my delay in writing lo
you sooner In regard to what your Pyra
mid Pile Cure has done for me. I con
sider it one of the finest medicinesIn tiie
world for piles. I suffered untold misery
for four months, when my wife begged
me to send for a 50c box. When it was
half gone I knew I was better and It
didn't take any begging to get. me to send
for a second box. 1 think I am -about
well now. but if I feel any symptoms of
a return I will order at once. I order it
from the Pyramid Drug Company to he
sure of the cure. Tell all about this tine
remedy for piles.
"And if thcr is anything in this letter
you want to use do so. I received -your
ietter a few days ago. Yours for a rem
edy like Pyramid Pile Cure.
"Honey Grove. Tex., R. R. S. Box 2ii.
"P. S. I only used two boxes and don't
think I need any more. Piles of seven
months' standing."
To get a free trial package semi today
to the Pyramid Drug Co., tit Pyramid
building. Marshall. Michigan. It. will
come by return mail and the results will
both delight and astonish you.
a 3