12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1906. PEED. McLEOD In thin city. November 10. 1906. J. Nil MrLeod. ag'd 43 years; funeral notice hereafter. ROTHFOS In this citv. November 19. I!. Henry Rothfos. aged 71 yearn; funeral notice hereafter SMITH November 15. 1906. Jerome B. Smith, at Ms late residence on East 7th St., Vancouver. Wash., of apoplexy of the heart. Funeral notice will appear later. ELLER In this citv. November 19. 1906. at the fam:lv residence. SriS N. 17th street. Homer Condon. Infant t of Homer ana Grace Elle.r. aged 2 months and 1 daye. rrxER-tt notices. SMITH Friends wnd acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral eervlree of Wilbur Smith, which will be held at the family residence. 614 4th St., at lft A. M. today. Tuesday. jl'GEE At retldence, 81 Grand ave. North. November 19, 1W6. Harry Lawrence Mc Gee. aged 22 years and 3 months. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services Wednesday, November 21. at 3 P. M. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. ZEPLIN In this cltv. November 18, ISO, at the family rwtidence. Roe East 14th street North. Peter Zeplln, aped 56 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be heid at the above residence at 2 F. M. Wednesday. November 21. FELLXER In this citv. November 18, lfioa. at the famllv residence. 732 Fourth etreet. George Fellner, aged 75 yeans. beloved father of John. Joseph and Andrew Fellner. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at St. Joseph' Church, corner 15th and Couch streets, at 10 A. M. Wednesday. November 21. Interment In Mount Calvary Cemetery. iTARRIS In this citv, November 19. 1906. at the familv residence. SS! Kearney street. Edna Harris, sr;ed 39 years, 11 months ana 4 d-avs. FTtenoe are respectfully invited to attend" the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P. M. today. Tuesday. November 20. Interment River View Ceme tery. DOTTING. M'ENTEB tl GTLBAUGH Sue eyesore to Dnnnlng A Campion undertakers and rmbalmers; modem in every detail; th and Fine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOI.MAN CO., Funeral Direct or, 220 3d st. Lady assistant. JPbone M. 607. J. P. FTN'LEY & SOX. Funeral Directors. No. 261 3d St., cor. Madison. Phone Main S. F. 8. DTTNNTNG, Tndertaker, 414 East Aider. Lady assistant. Phone Last 62. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., TTnr-ertakers, En h aimers. 27S Russell. East 1088. Lady asst. EJtlCSON UNDERTAKING CO., 409 Alder at, Lady assistant. Fnone Main 6133. PIANO STUDIO LOUIS H. BOLL PARLORS 9 AND 10, 842 tt WASHINGTON street. Is now open for reception of pupils. AMUSEMENTS. ah.h!nB,?,o. HEILIG THEATER J3?Z TONIGHT TOMORROW NIGHT. Wilson Barretrs religious Drama, PRICES 25e. 35c. SOc, 7Sc, $1. Seats Selling at Box Office of Theater. wanton HEILIG THEATER Man. THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY NIGHTS, NOVEMBER 22. 2r!. 24. SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE 6ATUR.DAY ROBERT EDESON IN THE COMEDY-DRAMA STRONGHEART tt ff Evening prices Lower floor, $2, $1.30; bal cony. $1.50. $1. 75c; frallery. 50c. Matinee prices Lowr floor. $1-50, $1; bal cony, $1. 7V; entire gallery. 60c. Seat now eejlinfr. Rater Thflafpr 8k&t&. Wunu. iiiuuiui GcQ u Biker. Mgr. Most popular t'ne.ater In Portland. The Famous Baker Stock Company: A1J this week E. S. Willard's success: The wonderful drama "THE MIDDLEMAN" Matinee Saturday. Evening-. 25c. 35c, SOc: matinee. 15c, 25c. Next Week Hoyfs. "A Temperance Town." EMPIRE THEATER Main 117. Milton W. Seaman, Manager. Playing: the Eastern Road Shows Only. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday; to night all -week the funniest of all the farce comedies. "PECK'S BAD BOY." A scream of laughter. The only original TDon't Miss It. Empire prices. Next week: "Uncle Josh Spruceby." LYRIC THEATER WEEK BEGINNING NOVEMBER 19. "The Sign of the Four" A SHERLOCK HOLMES SENSATIONAL MELODRAMA IN 1 ACTS. The Grand Prof. Clark's Dog, Cat and Monkey Minstrels. Edward Newell & Co. Billie McRobie. Mays and Hunter. Riva Brothers. Harold Hon". "Secret Service." 'Week of Nov. 19. Mr. and Mrs. rrnesdell Co. "Aunt Louisa's Advice." THE STAR Week of November 19. Phone Main 5498. ItlH. ALLtN STOCK COMPANY Presents "POLLY AND I" "Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 P. M. : prices 15c and SOc. Every evening at 8:15 P. M. . prices 10c. 20c and 30c Next week "The little Minister." EXPOSITION RINK Nineteenth and Washington Sts. Every Afternoon and Evening This Week, ProLBell and Baby Ruth America's Champion Roller Skat ers, in exhibition of fancy and trick skating:. Usual Admission, 10c. NEW TODAY. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 318 Worcester Building. Phone Paclflo 1S0T. , ORIENTAL CARVED IVORY, 149 6TH at. ..Mexican Drawn work Co. mfiefl MEETING NOTICES. A. A A. S. RITE. AINS WORTH CHAPTER OP ROSE CROIX NO. 1. Regular meeting in Auditorium. Scottish Rite Ca thedral. This evening at 8 o'clock. Work In 18th degree. By order, WISE MASTER. RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS The first regular meeting of all retail liquor dealers of Portland Is called for Wednesday, Novem ber 31. at 2 o'clock P. M., In Redmen's Hall, northeast corner Yamhill and Second streets. Every retail liquor dealer should be present. By order of the President. MACCABEES Portland Tent will give a whist party and dance Thursday evening. November 22, In K. of P. hall. 11th and Alder streets. Refreshments. Friends are Invited. E. M. LANCE. R. K. All members of St. Joseph Benevolent So ciety are hereby requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. George Fellner. Sr., at the society's hall, Wednesday, Nov. 21st. at 8 A. M. By order of JOSEPH RIESCHEL. President. JOSEPH PANS, Secretary. PORTLAND MEATDEALERS' ASSOCIA TION meets tonight at 8 o'clock. 800 Alisky building. New members please attend. AUCTION SALES TODAY At 413 Washington street, at 2 and 7 o'clock P. M. S. L. N. Oilman. Auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at 26S Second, corner Madison street, at 10 A- M- J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Gilman's Auction Rooms. 411 Wash ington street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gilman. Auctioneer.' Today at Baker's auction house, corner Alder and Park streets. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at' 10 o'clock. Baker & Son. auc tioneers. NEW TODAY. To get your pick of Oreen way Lots (On the Heights) for $500 On the carline. This is a pretty easy way of making from $100 to $250. Plats and full infor mation at the office. H. P. PALMER 222 Failing Bldg. Main 5661 FIGURE ON THIS F U L L BLOCK FINE MANUFACTURING SITE IN RAILROAD DISTRICT OF ST. JOHNS. THERE IS $3000 PROFIT FOR YOU ON THE COST. S5000 y3LBEC-ftCNHrtM Q0MMNY Phone Md S00, 24SS Concoro" Buitmy . Two lots make a quarter-block. 50x65 makes a good lot. Lots on 25th 6tr'eet are worth S3000 100s65, corner 25th and - Marshall, Makes As good as a quarter for a s-ell home Or Two good lots for two good houses. Therefore a snap at S5100 For a few days only. 'Look quick and act quicker, Morgan, Sweet & Chapman 213 AblnB'on Building. Phone Main 2015. 12j Per Cent on Investment Two-story building, 25x100, on Rus sell street. Leased for 2Va years, $5000. ' Jordan & Garbade Room 22, 232 Washington St. Choice Acres One to five-acre tracts, close in, on O- W. P. & Ry.; choice black soil, im proved. $300 per acre; easy terms. Jordan & Garbade Room 22, 232i3 Washington St. UNCLE MYERS- LOAN OFFICE, 343 8D St.. near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds, Jewelry and sealskin 3DaysLeft 'EW TODAY. A CONVENIENT METHOD A SAFE METHOD SENDING MONEY ABROAD by draft or money order purchased through the "OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREfiOX", combines SAFETY AND CONVEN IENCE. These money orders are payable throughout the British. Isles and the European Continent. LETTERS OF CREDIT and TRAVELERS CHECKS avail able for travelers throughout the world are Issued by us on very fa vorable terms. INCORPORATED APRIL 22, 1M7. Call or write for free booklet of "ILJ-USTRATIONS." Portland Trust Company ef Oregon S. E, Corner Third and Oak Sts. Phone Exchange 72. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. . .Assistant Secretary RIVER FRONT 20 acres, quarter mile X. E. of Vancouver, sear Jrojected electric caxline, sularvle- for platting; timber estimated to cut 700 cor da of wood. f35-ft 350 feet river front, deep water, right in the center of the business district of Van couver and 30f yards eafit of th new railroad bridge; suitable for wharf, mill or manufac tory; the N. P. Railroad run on the north aide of thia property. $30,000. 600 feet river front, quarter mile west of the city of Vancouver, near the railroad bridge that crosses the Columbia River, with; 5 acres of high land nil table for eawrniU or other factory. $11,500. 160 feet river front adjoining- the above, with large dairy barn and house; 15 acres of rich bottom land. $6500. Terms. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN" CO., 107Vi Sixth street. Room 4. Mortgage Loans 5 and 6 Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL 101 to 203 McKay Bldg.. 3rd and Stark Sixth St. Corner The last one at a ' reasonable price. Destined to be one of the 'best business corners on the street. $2S,000; part cash. "Owner." Oregonlan. FOR KALE REAL. KSTATK ONLY $400 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY, WILL make you owner of the new 8-roora house with porcelain bath, toilet, sink and hot water heater; woodrtber plaster; y block car; price ?1650. Home Land Co., 145 First st. BUSINESS CORNER. RUSSELL ST., OPP. Bates' Bank; brings good income now. and we can show you how to get 15 per cent on your investment, price, $5250. Cord Sengstake & Co., 90 5th st. $2500. Sunnyside. 7-room house, large hall, bath and toilet; elevated grounds, facing north; fine fruit trees; one block from car. A. B. Richardson. 522 Chamber of Commerce. 1 BLOCK, E. 24TH AND TAGOART. $1100. One 6-room house and lot, E. 16th and Flanders; $3000. One corner lot. 17th and Spokane, Sell wood, $400. C 37, Oregonlan. WILL BUILD HOME OR FLATS, ON A 50x 100 Bast Side lot. 10 minute' walk from Morrison bridge, on $1000 down, balance monthly. Kroner. 16 and 17 Cambridge bldg., 3d and Momson. $1575 PER ACRE 3 1-3 ACRES NORTH side of Division St.. between 29th and 30th sts; level; land adjoining held at J25O0 the acre. Address S. Raxwathy, 745 Hoyt st., city. $15,000 SECURES 2 FINE NEW T-ROOM houses and an elegant double 10-room flat and grounds; right near Steel bridge; brings handsome rent. Home Land Co.. 1454, 1st st. WILL CLOSE OUT 7 FULL-SIZE LOTS fronting on car line. 20 minutes from busi ness center: low price for cash, or install, mentt. Owner. 432 Lumber Exchange. X4550 4 BLOCK, UNION AVE AND HAL sey: also lot 40x100 for $1550; lot 50x60 for $1450; corner lot 50x60. for $1700. Cul ver, 62H Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU WISH A FINE MODERN HOME. suburban lota or other real eetate at a bargain, call upon us. Jenne. Trimble & Trimble. 411 Marquam bldg. M'CUSKER-KEADY INVESTMENT COM pany. 307 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 1258. Stocks, bonds, real estate and timDer lanas. See us for investments. 5 ACRES. HOUSE, GOOD WELL. ON CAR line and beet county road; nne place ror chickens and strawberries; 51200. J. J Oeder, 1 N. Grand ave. HOLLADAY'S ADD.. BLOCK: 2 MOD ern dwelllnirs: cement basements, fruit. lawn, flowers, cement sidewalks; cheap for cash. 375 E. 3d Bt. -N. 67x100. TRINITY PLACE. NEAR WASH ington st. We have a low price for quick sale; it will surprise you. 'Cord Sengstake & Co.. 90 5th st. $6200 NICE. MODERN , 9-ROOM HOME ON East Bumside St., near 22d; ask us about this. Grlndetarr & scnaik. 264 stark at. Phone Main 3S2. FOUR ACRES ON CAR LINE INSIDE CITY limits: all cleared, no stumps: ideal ground for platting: will be sold tnis week for $6000. G 41. oregonlan. WEST PARK CORNER FRACTIONAL COR ner lot on West Park. 50x57, north of Col. lege st.. for sale, unimproved; no agents. L 43. Oregonlan. I HAVE THREE OR FOUR COTTAGES for sale; take Mt. bcott car. get ore at Millard ave., and call for Doran. K 46, Oregonlan. SAVIER AND 26TH STS., 150x100. S. W. corner. We can deliver these three lots for $10,500. Cord Sengstake & Co., 90 6th st. 7-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. GAS AND ELEC tricity. full corner lot. t-o blocks from car. $2400. Hatneid s smlto. iss 4th st J3750 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, FIN ished In natural fir: if you want a nice home look at this. M. C. Davis. 253 Alder. HOUSES ALL PARTS OF CITY. BUILT AND sold on Installments. Kroner, 16-17 Cam bridge bldg , southwest cor. 3d and Morri&on. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. UNFINISHED. READY to plaster, corner lot, 1 block to car; price $1000; easy terms. J 6i, uregonian. 6-ROOM HOUSE. KEW AND MODERN, 15 minutes' ride from business center, $2000. Hatfield & Smith. 185 4th st. $600 CHOICE LOT. REASONABLY CLOSE In. East Side, on Division st. A bargain. Pallett. 304 Fenton LOT 50x120. WITH 3 HOUtVS: ROOSEVELT, near 23d st. ; owner must sell. Inquire Low engardt, 33 Park st. 1S2X200 EAST FRONT BUSINESS BLOCK. Call early. Zella Gossett, Riverside sta tion, St. Johns car. MODERN 6-ROOM RESIDENCE. LOT S3Hx lr. rruit, noweie, tn be., west eiae. 47, care Oregonian. 8-ROOM HOUSE, TWO LOTS, 100x100, IN lrvington. X4O00. Terms. Matneld & Smith. 165 4th st. $2775 NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE IN HOI.T.i. day Park, rented $25; naif cash. Phone cast lout. $3000 5 AND 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSES West lrvington; part cash. M. C. Davis, 253 Alder. WE WILL SELL YOUR BUSINESS OR residence property. Sphinx Agency. 305 "A Etark t. 1 BLOCK. 2O0 FT. R. R 1 MILE FROM Burnside. only $40,000. Moore, 604 Gold- smun. v $3300 S-ROOM HOUSE. 100x100, ON j vi u. , j.oo ' rirau BUY AT ONCE, $12O0. COR. LOT. HOUSE, Highland; terms. Phone Woodlawn 202- $15002 COTTAGES. NEW, MODERN, 4 $1350 rooms, near car shop. 208 4th. OWNER WILL SELL TWO LOTS IN PIED mont for $800. P 39, Oregonian. $3500 TEN ACRES; CAN BE PLANTED" terova. Phone East 5297. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. THE OREGON-ALBERT A REALTY CO. will buy. sell or trade. Our Jurisdiction is the world. Our specialty is land, loans and rentals, in Oregon and Alberta. Al berta, the celebrated province of Can ada. The land of free homes. Property listed with us will receive prompt and dignified attention. The Oregon-Alberta Realty Co., head offices rooms 9 and 10. . Lafayette bldg., cor. 6th and Washington sts., over bank. $2730 6 ROOMS. FINE LOT, CLOSE TO car. $3000 6-room new house, lower floor furnished: a splendid bargain. $10.500 50x100. corner, two 10-room houses, fine income property: close in. $8000 12-room modern colonial house. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO., 612 Commercial Bldg. Phone Main 1940. LOT 66 2-3x100, WITH A TEN-ROOM house, full basement. 5 minutes' car serv ice, for $4500, terms; sold on account of settling up an estate; we also have about 100 lots Immediately Joining lrvington. and only 35 minutes' walk, to the Steel bridge, for $250 up; will give terms. Ny lander & McAuley. room 307 Alisky bldg. ROSE CITY REALTY CO. FOR SNAPS. Corner lot. 50x100. East Oak. west of 20th St., $850. , Lot6 near Hawthorne ave.. $350. 5-room house on Hawthorne, $20OO. 5-room house, -furnished, Sunnnyside. $2500 5-room house, furnished, for rent. $16. 3034 Wash. st. Phone Main 5925. Room 4. $5700 FULL LOT AND EXCELLENT BUILT 8-room home, with oak floors downstairs, fireplace in reception hall, four large sleep ing rooms. combination brass fixtures, ehades, screens, cement basement, furnace. Holladay's Addition; move right in; Just w-hat you are looking for. Grindstaft & Schalk. 264 Stark st. Pbone Main 392. FOR SALE PLAINFIELD, ADJOINING Richmond: beautifully situated, overlook- lng city; 12S lots, each 50x100 feet, price. part casn, Daiance iu inree yea.r , at 6 per cent: this property acquired by trust estate on toreciosure oi mortgage, for sale at .cost. Frederick H. Strong, trustee, at Ladd A Tilton's Bank. REAL ESTATB. .If yon want to sell your, real estate or rent your house, cottage, stores, etc., quick, we have customers waiting to buy real es tate if prices are right. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN CO.. '107 6th Street, Room 4. $11.000 CORNER LOT. TWO GOOD MODERN noueec; exceptional value. $14,000 Corner lot. five houses: carline: walking distance: good buy. $8.500 Elegant home, Willamette Heights. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO., 612 Commercial Bldg. CRISP SNAP. Elegant block on 3d-st. car line, not far from 3d and Yamhill, partly improved; Just right for apartments or stores; here's & chance to make this good income prop erty for the price. $22,500, part cash. Owner, box 380, city. SEVENTH ST.. CORNER. NORTH OF Burnside, bringing over 6 per cent net from old buildings; Income can easily be increased and property is in line for big advance In values; $iS.30O. Cord Seng stake & Co., 90 5th st. , $1700. - Lincoln Park Quarter block with house of 5 rooms, bath and large basement: several large bearing fruit trees, fine garden and nicely elevated. A. B. Richardson, 522 Chamber of Commerce. Houses built Easy payments: lots If desired. Miller. 612 Commercial Blk. M. 1940. FOB SALE FARMS. STATE FARM FOR SALE. The trustees of the Burhank Fund offer for sale to the highest bidder the South Yam hill farm, recently bequeathed to the state by the late Eleanor Burbank, lying about 7 miles southjest of McMinnville. Oregon, and containlnz 2V0 acres, more or les. The land is practically all clear, and is now, or nas oen. in cultivation: aoout nair of it lies on a hillside, and the balance is rich bottom land. Adjoining it on the west ana nigner up on tne mil is one or tne finest prune orchards in Yamhill County. The place is beautifully situated and over looks the valley of the South Yamhill, and is well adapted to diversified farming. Any one wishing to purchase a fine farm on easy terms should examine the place and send in a Dm. Sealed bids will be received by the under signed up to and until 2 o'clock Tueeday, December 11. 1906. Each bid' must be accompanied by a draft or certified check for one-fourth of the price offered payable to Chas. S. Moore. State Treasurer. The terms of sale will be one fourth down and balance on time, with in terest at 6 per cent. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. OSWALD WEST, State Land Agent. Dated this lth day of November, 1906. FOR SALE 320 ACRES. 60 UNDER. OULTI vatlon, 40 easily cleared; balance good fir timDr: gooa ounamss. pnone. daily mail, good roads. 6 miles from R. R. town; all farm machinery, hay. livestock: half cash down: $14 per acre. Full particulars, write owner, t. a. Miller, Fhllomato, or. IF YOU WANT A GOOD DAIRY RANCH at a reasonable price see Eldredge & Mer rlnald. 110 4th st.. Vancouver, Wash. FARM. $17O0 160 acres, near Gaston, Improved. 208 4th. Tel. Pac. 2125. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS, timDer lands, tsamard & (Jo.. Kaiama. wash. Buy now. Improved dairy farm, splendid spring water; owner says sell, woodlawn 202. WANTED REAL ESTATB. I WILL BUY FOR CASH OR TERMS THE following property: 5-room modern cot tage, $150o to $2000; 6-room modern house, $1800 to $2250; a block or -block of lots, well located, for building pur poses. Call 107 Sherlock bldg. Phone Mam ions. WANTED ON WEST SIDE. 6 TO 9-ROOM house. S3000 to $0000: also on East Side, B"ar car, from $2000 to $4000; we have parties looking for good investments. Tel ephone Pacific 2673. M. C. Davis, 253 Alder. $5000 TO $10,000 CASH AND TRACT LAND Mt. Tabor, as whole or part payment on West Side property: state price, location and income, if any. V 50, Oregonian. FOR INVESTMENT. ANY CITY PROPERTY at bargain figures; give full description and lowest price first letter; desirable residence property preferred. H 43, Oregonian. HAVE CUSTOMERS FOR GOOD CITY property of all kinds. If you want action list your property with Sphinx Agency. 305 Stark st. I HAVE $2000 TO INVEST IN A PROP erty bringing good rental. No agents. Ad dress G 45. Oregonian. IF YOU HAVE VACANT LOTS OR ACRE age for sale, give full details first letter. B 39. Oregonian. HAVE $40,000 TO INVEST IN GOOD IN come business property; no agents. J 45, Oregonian. WISH TO INVEST $14,500 IN INCOME bearlnj? property; owners only. S 45. Ore gonian. WANTED 9-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE for cash: not over $1700; no agents. W 41. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE 6 full lots. 50x100. in Pendleton, Or.: 2 lots In Switzler's Addition. 4 blocks from Postoftice, and 4 lots in Reservation Ad dition to Pendleton, valued at $2500; will exchange for house and lot, same valu. East or West Side. 320 acres in Tillamook County. 3 miles north of Dolph Station: good dairy and pasture land; will exchange for house and lot. East or West Side, or lots -valued at $2000 8 lots in West Superior. Wis., on Marion st-, Montgomery Addition, for vacant lots or acreage near Portland. Two full lots on Adeline st . Oakland, Ca!.. for Portland city property. What have you to offer for any of the above ? SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN CO.. 107 i Sixth street, room 4. PARTY WITH GOOD EASTERN OREGON wheat lands, exchange general merchan dise stock; man waiting to Investigate. What have you ? Alexander Land Co., 63 14 6th, near Pine. Phone Pacific 25. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR Improved Portland real estate from $1000 up? 1 prefer San Diego or Los Angeles real es tate. W. E. McPherson. San Diego. Cal. BY OWNER $4000 INCOME PROPERTY for farm, vacant land, hotel or good busi ness. F 45. Oregonian. FOB BENT FARMS. 25 ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE. WITH buildings; close in; by owner. Call room 26 Ainsworth bldg. city. WANTED TO LEASE. WANTED LARGE -BUILDING SUITABLE for boarding-stable; lessee will make al terations under favorable lease. O 49, Oregonian. FOB SALE: TIMBER LANDS. 8,000.009 FEET SAW TIMBER: GOOD MILL. near Columbia River. Sawmill. 14.000.000 feet timber, good prop osition. 25 miles from Portland. 600 acres timber, about 30.000,000 feet; can trade for city property. 125.OfO.0O0 feet fine timber, email mill: will sell Interest for purpose of increasing the Business; fine opportunity for the right man. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO., 612 Commercial Bldg. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND timber we will buy lor casn any gooa timber tributary to Nehalem River; will deal with owners only; no others need answer. Write, giving full particulars, to Box 8. TJ. P. Station. Portland. Or. - WE WILL PAY CASH FOR CLAIMS IN townships 12 and 13 south. 10 east; also townships 17 and 18 south, 10 and 11 east. Crook County; single claims or large tracts. Monteith & Murdoch. 401-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. WILL THE PARTY WHO ANSWERED J 2i, Oregonian, Nov. 11. offering sawmill on Columbia River, write again; wrong telephone number given and no street num ber. I want a mill of this kind. 35.000,000 YELLOW FIR AND OEDAR, ON railroad and river; cuts 75 per cent first class logs. near Puget Sound; price $55,000. I. P. Callison. Chehalls. Wash. WILL SELL INTEREST IN FINE TIMBER and lumber proposition; cruise 125,00(1.000 feet; can offer great bargain. City Realty & Building Co., 612 Commercial bldg. 7000 PILING WORTH $4.50. EACH AND 200.000 ties worth 45 cents each; 16 miles from Portland, li miles from railroad; $35 acre. Owner. P 36. Oregonian. 5,500.000 FEET OF FIR. ON TIDEWATER. 3 miles from railroad depot, down grade, suitable for logging or mill; $6000. Kel logg. Kelso. Wash. 4 MILLION FEET FIR IN TOWNSHIP 5 North, range 2 West, on line of new railroad. Address owner, O 47, Oregon ian. ' WANTED AND FOB SALE LAND SCRIP. All kinds, including approved forest re serve scrip, for surveyed. unsurveyed. timbered and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton. The Portland, Portland. Or. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT A FEW ACRES OF tillable land, with house and barn, with in a few miles of Portland; cash rent. W 38. Oregonian. i FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. BARGAIN $35 BUYS BROWN HORSE, weighs 1075 lbs., suitable for small ranch, gentle, for family use. Call Regal Stables. 14th and Burnside sts. Ask for Dopson's norse. VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS. NEW AND second-hand; largest stock, lowest prices; horses and rigs rented by day or month. Tomllnson & Cassiday. 211 Wash. Pac. 57. $150 BUYS PAIR OF HORSES AND HAR nees; team weighs 2600 pounds; good, true pullers: harness is new. Call 23 N. 14th fit., ask for Miller's team. SNAP $50 BUYS SMALL TEAM SUITABLE tor express or delivery, well broken and 60und : also large horse $45, weighs 1300 lbs. Call 23 N. 14th. TEN HEAD OF DRAFT HORSES JUST AR rived at the corner 2d and Main; weight from 1100 to 1600 pounds. John Dick. BX'SINESS RIGS. HORSES AND WAGONS for hire by day or month; boarding. Red Front Stables. 26 N. 15th St. We buy. sell, rent, exchange, horses, wagons, saddles, harness. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th. FOR RENT A GOOD MAHOGANY WEB er piano. Phone Main 1769- Mlscellaneons. $$$$$$$$ $ IF YOU WANT THE BEST STOVE OR range In Portland at the right price come to the $; we guarantee our stoves and ranges; also all'kiuds of furniture. Square dealing our motto. 232 1st st. Main 6374. $$$$$$$$$ OYSTERS CAREFULLY PICKED FOR A select family trade and shipped dally from beds; they have the correct oyster flavor and smack of freshness: retail and wholesale; free delivery. Routledge Oys ter Co., 27 Grand ave. North. Phone East 952. 60 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic. White. Household. Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Sigel, 335 Morrison St.. Marquam bldg. STERN-WHEEL STEAMBOAT. GROSS TON - nase. 746: net. 444; length. 169 feet: breadth 36 feet; depth of hold. 5 feet 5 inches. Built in 1699. Machinery all in good condition Hull needs some repairs. For particulars address Drawer oi. r'ortiana. or. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Baike-Collender, 49 3d st. A GENUINE "LIMAIRE" FIELD AND MA rine glas. 40-mile power, with leather case and strap: only $14. Uncle Myers. 143 Third 6t., near Alder. HAMMBRLESS 12-BORE SHOTGUN: KRUPP 6teel barrels, diamond sight; cost $350; will sell for $100. Collateral Loan Bank, 269 Washington at. MOTION PICTURE MACHINE. $25: 1000-FT film at 4c a foot: fine gas outfit. $15: sons slides. $2 50 per set; views 15c each. 1451 b:n. room . w A BEAUTIFUL OPAL RING SURROUNDED by 12 genuine small diamonds; original cost 4t. only si'o.so. Lccle Myers, 143 Third St.. near Aider. FOR SALE GOOD HOUSE. TO BE MOVED from Park and Washington; price very reasonable. inquire rfoo Washington. FOR SALE LARGEJSIZED DIEBALD 4: Kier.zler safe, with vault inside. Address r. O. Box. 3S9 City. BUSINESS COLLEGE TUITION CHEAP Phone Main 3613, between 10 A. M. AND 12 CHOICE ROSE PLANTS. 10c EACH: DELIV- ery East feide only. Fhone East 1266. THOROUGHBRED POMERANIAN PUPS for sale.. Apply 7i0 -Raleigh 6t. FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER SHOP FIXTURES for sale. (all phone Main 61O9. FOR SALE CHEAP 3-H P. STATIONARY gasoline engine. J05 r irst St. HELP WANTED MALE. ROOFERS WANTED, TINNERS WANTED, sheet metal workers wanted. Apply Wyn koop. the Roofer. 24S Ash st. TAILOR WHO CAN DO PRESSING: Ex perienced preferred; can call Sunday. J. K Stern 432 Washington s. 1 WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE grocery wa?on; one who knon-s the citv N KO ("I ....... TAILOR WANTED: MUST BE ABLE TO clean and press. At Gilbert the Tailor, 106 6th St. WANTED IMMEDIATELY CAMPBELL MA chine operator. John Clark Saddlery Co., 104 r ront st. RODMAN. $45; CHAINMAN. $45: RAIL road survey, free fare. Hansen, 26 N. Second. DRUG CLERK WANTED COTTEL DRUG Company, northwest cor, 1st and Sherman streets. HALLBOY WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK Apply at 695 Norfhrup St., M car to 21st 6treet. A MAP DRAFTSMAN APPLY TO THEO dore Rowland, County Assessor's Office, City Hall. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bers. Special membership, $2. Y. M. C. A. 100 SHIP CARPENTERS WANTED $5 PER day. W. A. Boole & Son. Inc.. Oakland. Cal. REPRESENTATIVES. BOTH SEXES. BIG wages; something new. 215 Commercial Blk. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. Shoes, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Tel. Pacific 46. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. UPHOLSTERERS WANTED STEADY work. 55 Front, corner Davis. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS. Nicoll. The Tailor, 108 3d st. WANTED GOOD BOY WITH WHEEL: wage3 $25. 131 Grand ave. WANTED A BOY TO HELP ON CAKE. 271 Front st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE STAVES BOLT CUT ters: ware XI An nr j-t-ri tadv work. Apply Western Cooperage Co., Stearns bldg., Portland, 'or Houlton, Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: discharges positively cured In from $ to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute. 3d and Aider sts.; entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. WANTED TWO MILLWRIGHTS. NEW netmakers. $3.50: others. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. 12 North 2d. 205 H Morrison St. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instruct ors; catalogue free. Moler System of Col leges, 35 N. 4th t.. Portland. WANTED 600 TUNNEL MEN ON WEST- ern Pacific R. R., at Beckwitn. cal. t ore men, $4.50; machine men, $4: roachlno helpers. $3.50: muckers. $3.00; board $5 per week; two years' Job. PACIFIC STATIONER'S k PRINTING CO.. so-ao7 2d st. Phone Main 821. we .aesmn and Install the most modern and approved cfflce systems. Complete line loose leaf filing devices. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmkg-Engrav. Sch'l, 1426 4th av. Seattle x AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Burbank s new stone less plum: miracle; big pay; permanent position. Chlco Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED AN ENERGETIC, CLEAN CUT salesman. A worker who proves honest and reliable will be advanced rapidly. Address O 31. cars Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO PREPARE FOR examination for custom Inspector. Govern ment position paying monthly $125. Mr. Heynen. 315 Columbia bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE painter, good striper and. finisher; good wages to good workman. Pullman Auto Car Co., 6th and Everett. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SHINGLE saw filer; one who understands hammer ing. Address Western Cooperage Co., 306 Stearns bldg.. Portland. WANTED AMATEUR ACTORS FOR DRA matlc stage, etc.; good opportunity to learn tne oueiness. Theatrical information Bureau.. 14514 6th. room 2. WANTED A GOOD MACHINIST AND gasoline engine expert; steady work, good wages. F. E. Nelson Iron Works, Marsh- field, or. WANTED MAN AND WIFE TO WORK on small ranch near city, family of two. Good home for the right party. 332 John son st. DANCING LESSONS. 25c. private and classes taught daily. Prof. Wal. Wilson, offices and academy. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED MAN TO TAKE CARE OF horses, buggies and harness; must be ail around stableman, can early, 23 N. 14th st. HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET WORK TN A cash business as partner; will pay you $4 a day; aio required, call 24Si-i Stark st WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BOTTLER Steady position, only those with experience need apply. Brunn & v:o., 1st and Alder. WANTED GROCERY. HARDWARE AND furniture salesman. Commercial Abstract Co.. suite 34, Z'-d1 Washington st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. CAMPBELL machine operator and harness cutter. Jno. Clark saddlery Co., 1114 ront . st. BROOM-MAKERS WANTED STEADY work, good wages. Washington Broom & WANTED LOUNGE MAKER. 55 FRONT, corner Davis. WANTED GOOD STEADY BOY. 65 FRONT, corner Davis. 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE.. WANTED A NURSEMAID FOR CHILD 2 years old: competent person: good w-aires no other need apply. Call room 523 The mil notei. STEADY GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking: small family; good wages. tall between 1c) and 3. 581 Marshall st. corner 18th. INTELLIGENT. NEAT APPEARING WOM an. capable of earning $75 a month as saleswoman; rererences. w 31. uregonian. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOK SEC ond girls, nurses, waitresses. St. Louis La- oies Agency, zimu. Yamhill. Main 5413. Manicuring, Halrdresslng, special $5 course, one week only. Trade school for girls and women, 394 Alder. "The Montgomery. WANTED COMPETENT DRESSMAKER for waists. Mrs. Zeitfuchs. 36 Washing ton st., between West Park and 10th. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn ehlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; must be good cook, small fam ily, call boi E. Main, corner 15th. WANTED (URL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; 6-room flat; 3 in family. 748 Irving st. Appiy any Time alter 1 A. l. WANTED LADY WITH HOME WITHIN 7 blocks of Oregonian to care for child dur lng the day. Phone Main 2325. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework; small family. Apply mornings, a&i rj. layior st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK NO cooking: to assist with children; $15 month good home. $47 5th st. WANTED WAITRESS AND CHAMBER mald. The Lindell, Market Etreet. be tween 3d and 4th sts. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, light washing. Call 763 1st st., at once. Take s car. WANTED A GOOD -CAPABLE EXPERI enced girt for general housework. Call at z7 nr. 24th st. WANTED A GIRL TO COOK AND AS sist in general housework. Apply 434 Holladay ave. YOUNG LADY AS CLERK IN CANDY store Call after 11 A. M. fewetland's, 2io Morrison. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID and dining-room girl at 53 North 18th St., corner Davis. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN eral nousework. small family. Apply 695 Lverett st. WANTED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO ASSIST housework: good home. Waiting room. 1SS Morrison st. WANTED GIRL WAITERS. SHORT hours. At iiorris Aestauraot, zjy wash ington st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK No cmldren. Inquire 223 N. lst st, cor Lovejoy. STENOGRAPHER IN" WHOLESALE GRO eery: give refernces and experience. G 4S, oiegoman. WANTED GERMAN GIRL TO DO HOUSE work: one that goes borne at night. 47 N. OLn st. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE Mission. Apply 206 2d St.. at 7 o'clock f M. DANCING LESSONS 25C. WILSON'S school, Alisky bldg. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK: small family, no children. Apply 367 10th st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. small family, good wages. 234 10th st. WANTED GIRL FOR CROCKERY STORE, easy Job. small w-ages. Appiy 361 3d st. WANTED TWO GIRLS TO WORK IN bindery. Kriedt Printing Co.. 49-51 1st et GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK Apply forenoon, 308 Holladay ave. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 201 14th St.. corner Taylor. COMPETENT COOK. SMALL FAMILY; .good wages. 295 West Park. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. - 321 N. 24th st. Call mornings. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 165 20th St., N. . WANTED WOMAN TO CLEAN OFFICE. Apply Elks' Bldg. GOOD COOK GOOD WAGES. CALL 670 Hoyt st. WANTED A COOK. 45 BX'SSELik HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register w-lth us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. LADIES TO ASSIST AT HOME MAKING cushion tops for holldav trade: work will continue after Xmas; easy, rapid; no ex perience Call 9 to 6. 326 Fliedner bldg.. 407 Washington st. WHOLESALE HOUSE DESIRES SERV- iccs of competent girl as filing clerk, rapid accurate worker; state experience in de tail and salary expected. H 50, Orego nlan. WANTED AT ONCE. MEN AND WOMEN for wholesale house; good saiary. steady employment; experience unnecessary. Ap ply room 51, Commercial Hotel. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons glvn to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave.. and E. Taylor st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- w-ork: a nice, modern home: second girl em ployed, best of wages paid, but must b good cook. Apply 394 12th st. TEACHER WHO WOULD LIKE TO GIVE a man (foreigner! private lessons eve nings, send particulars. Please address S 49. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good wages: German preferred. Soft Lovejoy. Phone Main 2929. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Zi3 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Fhone Main 2692. HOME LADIES' AGENCY. 1654 Fourth St.. corner Morrison, upstairs. Phone. Main 5826. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN TO WORK for the "Shell Form" Co.. 22S 6th st. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. 381 12th st HELP WANTED M"' OR FEMALK. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAID. COOKS, dishwashers, agents, family help, grub bing, jvoodchopptng, Japanese. Chinese, everybody. Drake's. 205Vi Washington st. The Great Western Employment Office. 300 1, Couch st. Fhone Main 35 IS. We make a specialty of furnishing all kinds of labor. S. St. Clair, general manager. WANTED EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN to solicit, deliver and general work in. grocery; references. N 11, Oregonlan. WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPETENT bookkeeper. Address in own handwriting, D 46. Oregonlan. WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS OVER 16 TO wrap soap. Luckel, King & Cake Soap Co.. 648 Hood st. MARKER WANTED. APPLY INDEPEN dent Laundry Co.. 266 Glisan st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books, make up your statements and take oft monthly trial balance at small expense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton. the ac countant. 618 Chamber Commerce. M 20SL A YOUNG MARRIED MAN WHO HAS hadt4 years' dry goods experience would like to secure a' permanent position with a good firm, in or out of city. L 49, Ore gonlan. POSITION IN HARDWARE ESTABLISH ment or Implement store; will work for low wages to start; some experience In bookkeep. lng. R 40, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER EMPLOYED AT PRESENT desires position in city; first-class refer ences. Q 36, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN, 19, GOOD WRITER, Accu rate at figures. seeks employment at anything: willing to begin with moderate salary. W 49, Oregonlan. MALE ATTENDANT. HOSPITAL. SANI tarium. asylum experience, open for private. . mental or nervous cases 1st December. L 33. Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 263 Everett. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED LADY, rooming-house or hotel to manage; city or out of town. F 44. Oregonlan. YOUNG EXPERIENCED SCANDINAVIAN, willing to work hard, desires position with housemover. R 49. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS. SOBER AND RELIABLE stableman wants position; good driver; references. J 50, Oregonian. A YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS A Po sition as school boy in small family in N. Portland. H 41. Oregonian. SCANDINAV IAN YOUNG MAN WITH Bus iness education would like work of any kind. Cl 49. Oregonlan. STEADY AND. SOBER MAN WANTS Po sition as watchman: have references. Ad dress E 48, Oregonian. POSITION OF JANITOR OR WITHIN 3 hours' work locked for by a student. Jap anese Mission. SITUATION WANTED BY A COLORED bov to do dishwashing. Call, phone Main 3227. POSITION IN REAL ESTATE OFFICE: small remuneration to start. S 40, Orego nian. JAPANESE WANTS SCHOOLBOY SITUA tton. city or country. 264 Davis st., city. JAPANESE BOY "WANTS POSITION AS schoolboy In country. O 4S. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeoers and Stenos-raDhers. REFINED. EDUCATED YOUNG WOMAN stenographer, owning Al Underwood type writer, desires permanent position : will ac cept $10 per week. Phone Main 6375. LADY STENOGRAPHER. EXPERIENCED in lumoer. shingle, excelsior and Indexing, wants good, permanent position. M 60, Oregonian. A PERMANENT POSITION BY COMPETENT stenographer; 6 vears' experience; references. Phone Main 2219. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG LADY bookkeeper. Competent. References. W 42, Oregonian. Dressmafters. DRESSMAKER OF YEARS' EXPERIENCE cuts and fits by system all kinds suits; would like engagement by day in city or suburban towns; references. Address M 46. Oregonian. LADIES' HATS REMADE AND RE trlmmed. Order w-ork a specialty. Mrs. Westphal. 266 14th st.. Main 7151. MRS. M. B. SAVAGE. DRESSMAKER, 200 Halsey st. Phone Earn S804. TRY ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS. 242 6th and Main. Pacific 9S2. , Housekeepers. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS SITUATION AS working housekeeper. Answer Immediate ly. Phone Pacific 663. Ml seel lajieotu. A GOOD EXPERIENCED COOK WANTS place by week or day. H 4S. Oregonlaa CAPABLE WOMAN BOARDING-HOUS3 cook, middle-aged woman housekeeper, fam ily cmas. chambermaids, nurses. 230'4 Yamhill. Ma.:n 5413 CAN YOU EMPLOY 2 GIRLS EVENINGS ? Also waitresses, chambermaids, cooks, do mestics, anybody. Drakes, 205l4 Wash ington. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. EXPER- lenced: phone Union 1276. Mrs S. M. Scott, WANTED AGENTS. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL THE BEST grown nursery stock on the Coast, includ ing Burbank'e new pitless plum. Mirac!; commission advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries. Al bany, Or. BIG COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO SELL Everett's Encyclopedia; over 600 uagea, sells for $1.50: the best selling subscription book on the market today. Particulars fres. Ad dress Mgr.. box 205. Boise. Idaho. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nurs ery Co.. Salem. Or. AT ONCE. SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS CITY canvaesers; article in much need; bl money fox hustlers. Call 91 6m.