Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 20, 1906, Second Edition, Page 11, Image 11

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Southern Pacific Improves
Coast Line Service.
Gives Night Train From rortland to
San Francisco and Clips Two
Hours Off Present Run
nine Time.
A third daily train to Pan Francisco
will bo put Into operation by the
Southern Pacific, beginning nen ou..
day. The great increase in traffic be
tween Portland and San Francisco
during the past year has made the ad
ditional train necessary. At present
the Overland leaving Portland each
evening is so crowded that it has been
the custom or the past few months
to run It in two sections. The same
is true ol the train arriving here from
ban Francisco in the mornings.
While the passenger and the oper
ating departments of the Southern Pa
cific realize that this is the wrong
time of the year to put on a fast train
between here and the Bay City, the
new trwfn will, nevertheless, clip two
hours oft the present 36-hour schedule.
In the Spring, when the main line will
be in better condition for fast running,
better time probably will be niifde.
The new train to the south will
prove a great benefit in many ways.
It will leave Portland daily at 11:30
P. M., arriving at San Francisco at
9:48 A. III. the second morning. The
schedule Is intended to meet the de
mands of busy men who dislike to
spend more time on the road than is
absolutely necessary. The time of de
parture allows one to spend the even
ing in Portland and take the train at
bed time. The present schedule,
whereby the evening Overland departs
at 8:45 P. M., makes it necessary for
the traveler to spend an additional
evening on the train.
Allows Close Connections.
The new Overland will leave San
Francisco at 3:45 P. M. and reach Port
land at 11:30 P- M. the next night.
This arriving time will be a decided
benefit to passengers for -the Sound,
who will be enabled to catch , the
Northern racific train leaving at 11:45
1. M.
The new train will be officially
designated as No. 13. and, in addition
to one of tne heaviest and most power
ful oil-burning passenger locomotives
In the Southern Pacific service, will
have the following equipment: An ob
servation car, a diner, three standard
rullmans. a tourist sleeper, a chair
car, smoker and combination mall,
baggage and express car. Plans for
the additional service have been in
preparation for some time, but it was
not until yesterday that the schedule
was announced.
In addition to another Overland,
some changes will be made In the time
card of the other through trains.
Train No. 11, the morning Overland,
leaving at A. M., will leave at 8:30,
giving connections with the Sound,
Spokane and West Side Southern Pa
cific trains. This will prove a benefit
to the traveling pabc. which will Ap
preciate it. Notwithstanding the fact
that the train will leave half. an hour
later than at present, the time of ar
rival in San Francisco will bo the
same, 8:28 P. M. the next evening.
I,eaves Bay City Earlier.
Train No. 12, Jeaving San Francisco
at 10 A. M,, will be changed to leave
the Bay City at 8 A. M. instead, reach
ing Portland at 5:30 P. M., instead of
7:15, as at present, allowing earlier
connections here.
Train No. 15, leaving Portland at
S:45 P. M., will get away one hour
earlier, reaching San Francisco at 7:48
A. M. instead of 8:48, as at present.
Train lC's schedule will not be
changed, it being listed to leave San
Francisco at S:20 P. M daily, arriv
ing in Portland at 7:25 A. M., as at
These changes in schedules are the
result of careful study of the needs of
the passenger business between Port
land and San Francisco by Southern
Pacific officials. The time tables, as
finally arranged, are believed to meet
the demands of the public in the best
possible manner.
Northern racific Obliged, to Take Big
Steamer Off Cowlitz.
After having suffered heavy damage
by floods along the Cowlitz, the North
ern Pacific was embarrassed yester
day by the lack of sufficient water in
the Cowlitz to operate the steamer
("ndine between Olequa and Castle
Rock. The craft had been chartered
by the Northern Pacific -to transfer
passengers, but because of the rapid
fall in the river, the steamer was
turned back to Portland yesterday.
The steamers Northwest, Kellogg
and Burton are still In commission and
carrying-passengers around the breaks
In the Northern Pacific line. The
tracks between Tacoma and Seattle
were in commission' again last night,
and no further trouble is anticipated
between those points. It is expected to
bridge the places in the line along the
Cowlitz that have been washed out
within the nex few days.
Two daily trains to Puget Sound
were placed in commission yesterday.
No. 8 leaves Portland at the usual
time, 8:30 A. M., but on account of the
Belay In transferring passengers from
the Sound at Castle Rock does not re
turn to the city until between 5 and 7
In the evening. Last night No. 4, leav
ing Portland at 11:45 P. M., was re
sumed. This train will carry baggage,
while No. 8 does not handle anything
fxcept hand luggage. Upon the ar
rival of No. 7 from Castle Rock, a
Northern Pacific train is operated to
the East over the O. . R. & N. The
leaving time of this train is indeter
minate, as it depends upon the arrival
tf the sound train, it gets away daily
between 5 and 7 P. M.
Trains today will doubtless be oper
ted over the entire Northern Pacific
line between Portland and Seattle,
with the exception of the 12-mile
stretch on the Cowlitz which is cov
ered by boat.
.The other railroads out of Portland
operated trains all right yesterday,
llthough the detour by the Springfield
6ranch is still necessary on the South
ern Pacific because of the washing
iway of the Jefferson bridge on the
nnin line. A temporary structure is
te!ng built as rapJdly as possible, and
t Is expected that before the end of
the week the main line will again be
Directors Fall to Meet.
An adjourned regular meeting of the
0. H. & N. was scheduled to he held
vesterday afternoon in the offices of
tV. W. Cotton, but because a quorum
sould not bo secured the meeting was
adjourned until next Monday. The
nly matter of Interest to come tip at
the meeting is understood to be the
adoption of maps by the directors
showing the cut-off near Pendleton, by
which the main line will be shortened
a trifle. Authority must be given the
right of way agents by the directors
before the former can secure the prop
erty desired. .
. '
Mrs. V. J. Honey man, " Retiring
President, Honored by Y. W. C. A.
An interesting reception- was ten
dered Mrs. W. J. Honeyman, the re
tiring president of the Y. W. C. A.,
last evening at the association rooms,
Sixth and Oak -streets, which was pre
ceded by a dinner given by the resident
members of the organization.
Miss Constance MacCorkle, general
secretary, acted as the toastmistress
at the dinner and introduced the speak
ers. Mrs. Sarah Whiteside spoke of
Mrs." Honeyman's, efficient work as
president and their appreciation of her
splendid efforts.
MiRS Helen Saxton, wljo has held the
office of secretary for many years,
also voiced these sentiments and laid
great stress upon what Mrs. Honcyman's
excellent influence meant to the secre
taries of the association.
Miss Day spoke of the future of the
association and of their delight that
the retiring president was now to be
come first in office of the Y. W. C.
A. of both Oregon and Idaho.
Miss ray spoke with feeling of the
advanced work that would be carried
on in the new building, which would
add so materially toward developing
an ideal association.
At the reception which followed, Miss
Carlotta Parker and Miss Delta Watson
gave interesting talks on the lives and
works of many of the famous artists.
Several representative reproductions of
these masterpieces were presented the
Y. W. C. A. some years ago by Mrs.
Helen Ladd Corbett. These copies were
the subject of the talk. Among the
most prominent- were reproductions of
paintings by Velasquey, Murillo, Rem
brandt, Raphael, Troyon, Puvis de
Cherannes and Corot. '
Miss Margaret Bekher, the German
teacher of the association, gave sev
eral pleasing vocal selections. Mrs.
Moore followed with a cornet solo,
tier accompanist on the piano being
her sister. Miss Lillian Datesman.
Mrs. J. P. Morgan, chairman of the
social committee, on behalf of the Y.
W. C. A., presented Mrs. Honeyman
with a handsome weathered oak
desk, bearing an Inscription in silver.
Mrs. James Failing is to be the tem
porary president of the Portland Y.
W. C. A.
Methodist Ministers Discuss Topics
of Interest at Grace Church.
The Methodist preachers' meeting at
Grace Church on Monday morning at
10:30 was of unusual interest. The
subject forillscussion was: "How to
Popularize the Kvening Service," and If
all the suggestions made there should
be put into practice, there will be some
unusual services hold hereafter in the
Methodist churches in and around
iPortland. Dr.. Wilson was called out
as one who had taken a church that
hud never had an evening audience be
fore and how had a popular hearing
every Sunday night, and he explained
it -on the ground of harmony and co
operation on the part of his church,
and said that the absence of the spirit
of criticism explained the present pros
perity of Grace Church. He said with
some spirit:
" 'One sinner destrpyeth much good.'
And one of ficlal .member that gets the
devil In him can throw more cold
water than any of you can fire the
best year of. your life." Dr. "Ford then
announced the subject of his last Sun
nily evening's sermon concerning the
killing of young Whitney by Murray,
who avenged his sister's disgrace and
told how large numbers came to hear
it. ButTt was evident that many of
the brethren did not agree with the
sentiments expressed by Dr. Ford. A
number expressed the hope that the
grand jury would not find a true bill
and predicted that if they should, no
Jury would convict a yound man of
Murray's standing for sucha manly
act. One of the preachers said: "There
is an unwritten law of nations that- are
civilized that a manly man is the nat
ural protector of the good name of his
wife, daughter and sister, and that law
is as sacred as any one in the consti
tutions or statutary provisions of the
state. It does more to hold in check
the libertines of a community than any
written law of the land. The recogni
tion of the severity of the penalty of
this unwritten law is needed still."
East Side Organization Will Have
Rooms In Brown Block.
The East Side Club of Portland met last
evening in the Brown, on Grand avenue,
W. L. Boise presiding, and approved the
articles of Incorporation filed by the offi
cers and directors; adopted by-laws and
authorized the directors to lease quarters
for the use of the organization. Mr. Boise
first read the articles of incorporation,
placing the capital Btock of the club at
J3000, and on motion the action of the di
rectors was approved. The by-laws are
modeled largely after those of the Arling
ton and Commercial Clubs, the member
ship being divided into regular, absentees,
temporary, Army and Navy and honor
ary. The initiation fee for the regular
members is $25, and the monthly dues $2.
After the present charter roll closes,
which Will not be until the rooms are
opened, -admission will be by approval of
the directors, posting on the bulletin, and
finally by a majority vote.
On motion the board of directors was
authorized to lease apartments on the
second floor of the Brown, and the mem
bers of the board will meet this afternoon
at the office of the president to complete
the lease. As soon as the lease has been
secured the rooms will be made ready and
furnished. The cafe of the club is already
being fitted up on the first floor of the
building. In a month or six weeks the
club quarters will be ready.
It was announced that 15 new members
had come in since the last meeting, and
it is expected to raise the membership to
200 by the time the quarters are ready.
Stampede In Dining Car.
RENO, Nev., Nov. - 19. A serious
panic occurred this morning on the
Pacific Express, one of the fast South
ern Pacific trains, caused by a stove
blowing up in the dining-car. The
steam pipes had frozen, and when tho
porter built a pre the stove blew up,
filling the car with gas. Several wom
en fell to the floor and were trampled
upon. Mrs. D. K. Parker, of St. Louis,
jumped from a car window and re
ceived serious injuries. Ten or 15 per
sons required medical attendance. '
The Right Kind of a Friend.
Advice Is cheap; almost anyone is will
ing to give it gratis, but when a man
baclts It up with hard-earned dollars then
you may count him as a real friend.
Lucy Suddreth. of Lenoir, N. C, had
been troubled with a very bad cough for
over a year. She says. " a friend told me
about Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, but
as I had tried several cough -medicines
and none of them did me any good, I
had no faith in it, did not get it and
went -on coughing. Later on my friend
bought a bottle of it, brought it to me
and insisted that I should take It. I did
so and to my surprise it helped me. Four
bottles of it cured me of my cough." For
sale by all druggists.
Lownsdale, of Yamhill, to
Show "Hood River's Equal"
Challenges Competitors to Contest
Between Keeping Qualities and
Other Points of Excellence
of the Two Districts.
That Yamhill apples will- keep
longer than Hood River apples, and
have a better flavor and finer texture
is the assertion of M. O. Lownsdale. ap
ple grower "of- Lafayette, Yamhill
County, who challenges his Hood
River rivals to a test on these points,
and promises to demonstrate tomorrow
by an exhibit of apples from the counties
of Linn, Lane, Benton, Washington and
Yamhill in a down-town store's windows
that the Willamette Valley fruit is equal
to the best of the famous Hood River
region, and that claims of superiority for
Hood River .are not based on truth.
Mr. Lownsdale will make the exhibit
as proof of his assertion and that of
other Willamette Valley growers that
their fruit Is ""just as good" as that
of Hood River orchardists an asser
tion which has aroused the ire of the
latter, who are very sure that their
fruit Is the best in Oregon. fine points of the Hood River
product are admitted by Mr. Lowns
dale, who, while saying that Yamhill
apples are the more durable in keep
ing qualities and have the better
flavor, concedes that the dark red ma
hogany color of the Hood . Iiiver
Spltzenbcrgs gives them a boost over
the scarlet Yamhill Spitzenbergs in the
market, though the Willamette Valley
will last longer and are truer to the
original Spltzenberg type, in elongated
shape, color, juiciness, texture and
musky flavor. But Mr. Lownsdale's
own Spitzenbergs have the deep red
color that characterizes the Hood River
product, owing, evidently, to the high
er elevation of his orchard than most
of those of Yamhill.
"When the people of Portland see my
Spitzenbergs," said he last night, "they
wiil not detect any difference from the
Hood River apples in color. '
The Yamhill man challenges the Hood
River orchardists to a contest between the
relative keeping qualities of the two
classes of apples. "But,." averred he.
"they will not risk such a competition,
for they know" they would be worsted
There is absolutely no question at all
that lamhill apples will last the longer.
As evidence I may cite that Hood River
growers must dispose of their fruit be
fore -January, whereas I do not let my
apples go until January. February and
March. What conditions In the Willam
ette Valley give the superior hardiness
to its apples we do not know; we simply
recognize the fact.
"Then Willamette Valley apples are su
perior to Hood River?" was suggested.
"I do not say that," was the reply,
"Insofar as marketable value Is concerned.
You see, appearence of apples is their
chief selling quality, and the dark red
of Hood River Spitzenbergs is very valu
able to them. The appearance of a box
of apples will add 60 cents, Jl or $1.50
to its market value. Now It is not a
fact that the scarlet of most Willamette
Valley Spitzenbergs- indicates inferior ap
ples. .Hut crarK rea nas greater value in
the market this although the Willamette
Valley fruit will outlast the others and
has more pleasing flavor."
Mr. Lownsdale puts great reliance In
Baldwin and Ben Davis varieties in the
Willamette Valley, and the exhibit to
morrow will contain fine specimens of
them. These two varieties he says pos
sess keeping qualities equal to those of
Spitzenbergs. Last March he was sup
plying the local market with Baldwins,
and this, he says, was long after Hood
River fruit was out of the market.
Keep Her Warm, Dry and Happy and
She Will Lay All Winter,
Says an Expert.
Hens will lay eggs in Oregon all
"Winter, says J. W. Bailey, State Food
and Dairy Commissioner, if they are
hatched right, fed right . and kept
happy. Their happiness, he declares, is
the most necessary condition, and this
can be attained only by keeping them
dry and warm.
"There's no good excuse for a scarc
ity of eggs in Oregon," he declared last
night before a group of citizens who
were grumbling at 40-eent hen fruit.
The hen may have to work hard to
produce the eggs at this time of year,
was the sentiment of the auditors, but
the consumer has to work harder to
get the money for. the price. They
wondered what was the matter with
the barnyard fowl in Oregon, that It
did not do its full duty in the tem
perate Novembers of this state..
But they were finally rounded up by
Mr. Bailey, who declared:
"Hatch chickens in March in Incu
bators, and keep them out of the rain
and the cold the next Winter and they
will lay,V-and forthwith he told of a
man named Tucker in Jefferson, Or.,
who, .from 24 hens, has been gather
ing 18 and 20 eggs a day this month.
"Mr. Tucker," continued Mr. Bailey,
"hatched his chickens last March, and
now, in their laying period, keeps them
protected from the weather. He
doesn't allow thiem to run round in the
wet and the cold. They have dry liv
ing quarters, comfortable like his own.
They don't shiver in a wet barnyard,
nor steam in fence corners nor under
an old shed.
"Large numbers of farmers neglect
their chickens or give them poor care,
and the result is scarcity of eggs. They
need to wake up to business. The old
idea that Oregon Winters are too wet
for laying is exploded. The hens can
be kept out of the wet."
Medium weight hens are best for
Winter eggs, says Mr. Bailey, such as
Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes or Rhode
Island Reds. Careful attention to
breeding must be given, as in building
up milch cows in the dairy. Just as
cows that yield little milk should be
culled from the dairy, so hens that lay
few eggs should give place to. larger
An indispensable aid to such work
is the keeping of a daily record of
each hen, so that the lagging fowls
can be picked out from the busy ones.
Tour DrnpBist Will Tell Ton
that Murine Eye Remedy Cures Eyes. Makes
Weak Eyes Strong. Doesn't Smart. Soothes
the Fain and Sells lor 50 cents.
Do not purge or weaken the bowels, but
act specially on the liver and bile. A
erfect liver . correcter. Carter's Little
dver Pills.
Avoid alum and alum phos
phate baking powders.The
label law requires that all
the ingredients be named
the labels. Look out
for the alum compounds,
NOTE.- Safety lies in buying only
Royal Baking Powder, which is a
. pure, cream of tartar baking powder,
and the best that can be made.
Ex-Superintendent of Portage
Road in Toils of Law.
Land Agent West Files Charge of
Larceny by Bailee After
Thorough Examination of De
posed Official's Books.
E. a. Cook, ex-superintendent of the
State Portage Road at .Celilo. was ar
rested yesterday at The Dalles on a
charge of larceny by bailee. Oswald
West, state 'land agent, who has been
experting Cook's accounts for the past
few days, filed the charge and swore
out the warrant.
That Cook feathered his nest at the
expense of the state by every possible
means is said to have been ascertained
by Mr. West, who returned to Portland
yesterday from Celilo. Mr. West says
he found that while Cook's favorite
method was to rad the payrolls, he
overlooked no opportunity, however
small, to fill his purse at the public's
expense. He is charged with having
nought a rowboat for use In connec
tion with the Portage Road for which
he paid $2, but which he charged up to
the state at $7.
"It is Impossible to tell just how
much Cook's peculations aggregate,"
said Mr. West. "Many of the men who
worked for him Wave gone away and
cannot be asked if the amounts they
received for wqrk from Cook tally with
the amounts . charged in the accounts.
However. I learned enough to warrant
me in asking for Cook's arrest."
Forgery, aiso, is said to have been
resorted to by Cook in carrying on his
alleged steals. He is charged with
having carried on a systematic cam
paign of mulcting the state by hlrlnsj
laborers for a few days at a time and
putting in vouchers .for their wages for
a longer period than they actually
worked and is said- to have forged the
names of the claimants on the voucher,
pocketing the difference after paying
the employes what was really due
Mr. West says he nas unearthed one
of Cook's transactions that illustrates
the ex-superintendent's methods. Cook
is said to have sold a carload of coal
belonging to the state, worth $6.75 a
ton and amounting to about 40 tons.
To take the place of the missing coal,
he bought 25 tons of cheap coal and
dumped it into the bin.
When Cook paid off laborers in cash,
he is said to have taken their receipts,
but instead of turning them in, he in
variably tore them up to cover his
Charles E. Sleelsmlth has been ap
pointed superintendent of the Portage
Road to succeed Cook, and has gone to
Celilo to take charge. Frank J. Smith,
superintendent of the water lines of
the Open River Transportation Com
pany, has been acting as superintend
ent since the removal of Cook.
Mr. Steelsmith, for the past few
years, has been agent at the Oak street
dock for W. P, Fuller & Co., the lessees.
The new superintendent will retain his
position as agent of tne dock, but will
appoint someone to look after his work
Fear Steam neat Will Be Shut Off
In Building.
Rowe & Martin druggists, yesterday
brought suit In the State Circuit Court
against Fannie E. Kelly, owner of the
building, and G. W. Waterbury, to re
strain them from shutting oft the steam
heat in the basement and ground floor of
the premises at 323, Washington street,
of which plaintiffs claim they have been
tenants for the past ten years. It Is
alleged by them that at the expiration of
a former lease, on July 1, last, they took
a 5-year lease of the property in ques
tion, which they declare is heated on a
plan whereby one heating plant in the
basement supplies the entire building;
that defendant Waterbury claims to have
acquired the heating plant from defend-,
ant Kelly and threatens to shut off their
heat unless otherwise restrained.
Judge Sears Issued the restraining
order, making it returnable before him
next Wednesday morning.
Drawing Made lor the Term Begin
ning; Xext Monday.
Trial Jurors to the number of 60 for the
term beginning Monday, December 3,
were drawn before .Judge Sears yester
day, the following being selected: Mike
Beno, farmer. Bertha; C. R. Bloyd,
farmer, Holbrook; Jeff Brooks, farmer,
Holbrook; Michael Burns, farmer, Cleone;
C. I. Brown, farmer, Seappoose; Fred
Cyles, farmer, Cleone; Edward Cree,
farmer, cleone; F. H. Craln, farmer,
Cleone; George Coupland, farmer, Cleone;
J. Carr, farmer, Linnton; George Clark,
farmer, Firland; A. B. Chamberlain,
farmer, Monticello Addition; Francis
Dickenson, farmer Cleone; N. Davis,
farmer, Troutdale; W. Ellison, farmer,
Cleone; B. W. Emery, farmer, Gresham;
J. N. Farris. farmer. Gresham; Frank
Fisher, farmer, Cleone; David Fieher,
farmer, Cleone: Lou Harlow, farmer,
Troutdale; William Harris, farmer, IJnn-
n- V W T T j t h farmer Hillsdale! E.
Hauawirth. farmer Holbook; T. R. Howett,
farmer. Gresham: S. I. Jones farmer.
Gresham: Charles Kinsey. farmer,
Srlvon- S Ulncman faftnur T.innton! A.
L. Kronenberg, farmer, Cleone; Ernest
Kroner, architecb. ISO, ' Morris street,
Portland: J. F. Kruger, farmer, Hol
brook; Bmil Lukey. 'farmer. Sylvan; Jacob
Luscher. farmer, jieone; Aiex aicviure,
farmer t4r,rhrnnV- Af Meier. farmer.
HilLsdale; Henry Mctzger, farmer. Gres
ham; J. C. Metzger, farmer, Gresham;
Martin Multhauf. farmer, Cleone; Henry
Nigera, farmer, Kertna; A m. l-uiien,
farmer. Cleone; Cnarles Reimers, farmer,
HnthmnV- R T Rpvnolds. farmer.
Cleone; George Ryella, farmer, Monta-
villa: J. Sharp, farmer, riomrooK; c
Shenherd. farmer. Cleone: C. W. Slerit.
farmer. Gresham; William Wenb, farmer,
University fark; . v tuara, larmer,
"Mnntavilln. fpnrcA Zimmerman, farmer.
Cleone; Abe Zurbrugg, farmer, Holbrook
and Charles Zurbrugg, tarmer, rroiDrooK
Refuses to Enjoin Inspectors From
Destroying Infected Apples.
In the injunction proceeding brought
by J. H. Broetje, a Multnomah county
fruit grower, against Fruit Inspector
Richard Deich to restrain him from
destroying fruit alleged to be lnrectea
with codlin moth. Judge Frazer yester
day upheld the constitutionality of the
state law permitting county fruit In
spectors to destroy infected fruit
wherever found, and dissolved tne In
The court was called upon to decide
two questions upon which Broetje based
his application for a permanent re
straining order first, whether the law
authorizing Inspectors to destroy fruit
is not unconstitutional because it per
mits of the taking of the property of
another without due process of law,
and, second, whether the frnit owned
by Broetje was really infected. Judge
Frazer held in favor of the fruit in
spector in both Instances.
Inspector Deich was represented by
Deputy District Attorney G. C. Moser,
while Councilman W. Y. Masters ap
peared for Broetje. It is understood
the case will be appealed to the Su
preme Court.
Brlng Suit in New Court.
Judge Sears yesterday morning dis
solved the injunction brought by Gos
slin & Hamblet against the Pence Com
pany to restrain that corporation from
building a flume across certain land's
alleged to belong to plaintiffs, near IJnn
ton'. The court's ruling carried with it
a stipulation that the Pence Company
should furnish a bond in an amount suf
ficient to cover any judgment that might
be obtained against it for the alleged
trespass, and this bond was given by de
fendants. Later it was announced that
Gosslin & Hamblet had secured an In
junction order from the State Circuit
Court of Washington County, where most
of the land lies and had asked for the
dismissal of the injunction proceedings
In Multnomah County.
Sues for $8000 Damages.
S. P. Collins has brought suit In the
State Circuit Court against the Portland
Consolidated Railway Company for $SOO0
damages on account of personal Injuries
alleged to have been sustained November
19, 1904, by reason of being thrown sud
denly from his seat. He alleges that his
left knee and leg were badly sprained.
The accident occurred while crossing
from Vancouver on a ferry boat belonging
to defendant. Omar C. Spencer and Ben
CcTJey are attorneys for plaintiff.
Administrator Must Show Cause.
Alleging that he has not filed any re
port since February 21 last, although
asked repeatedly to do so. Judge Webster
yesterday cited Robert Catlin, admin
istrator of the estate of James Johns,
deceased, to appear before him December
3 and show cause why he should not be
removed as such -administrator.
Employer Causes Arrest, but She
Denies Accusation.
NEW YORK, Nov. 19. Gustav Simon,
senior partner of - the Queen Waist
Company, was shot and painfully
wounded today in the Broadway offices
of the company. A woman who de
scribed herself as Madame . Anista
Louise de Massy, a shirtwaist designer,
38 years of age, was arrested on the
charge of having done the shooting.
She denied the accusation.
According to the police, the woman
appeared at Mr. Simon's office and
asked for $30, which sne said was due
her for work done for the company.
Simon told her to return a few hours
later, at the hour when the company
regularly paid off. Instead of comply
ing, the woman remained in the office
and soon afterward the shooting oc
curred. Basis for Railroad Rates.
PORTLAND, . Nov. 19. To Senator Fulton,
of Oregon Dear Sir: I am Informed that
it has been the burden of the Interstate
Commerce Commission for the last nine
years that Congress should pass & law giv
ing tfiem the power to have all the railroad
property of the United States valued by com
petent persons as a basis 'for determining
the rates between states on commerce. I
understand In the last Congress you voted
against such an amendment to the present
How is It possible for the Commission to
make a rate without railroad property val
uation that would be respected by any rate
reviewer or that would stand before the
Supreme Court of the United States?
Earthquake on Australian Coast.
PERTH, West Australia, Nov. 19. An
earthquake occurred at 3:20 o'clock this
afternoon along tne whole coast from Al
bany to Sharks' Bay. The disturbance
was very severe at Perth, Busseliton and
Sv Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up. I
European Plan. Free Bus. ?
Fifth and Washington Streets., PORTLAND, OREGON
Booma, II OO to 13.00 Per Day
According to location.
i. r. DATXE8, President.
St. Charles Hotel
Front and Mortfson Streets, PORTLAND, OR.
A soda cracker should be the most nutri
tious and wholesome of all foods made
from wheat
Comparative But ordinary soda' crackers absorb moist
ure, collect dust and become stale and
soggy long before they reach your table.
There is however, one
soda cracker at once so pure, so clean, so
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in its supreme excellence the name is
Uneeda Biscuit
iv$ In a
50 Years
In Favor
A product that grows In favor, year after year, for
over 50 years must possess unusual merit.
That's the history of Ghirardelli's Ground Choco
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been increased to keep pace with the growing de
mand, 'in spite of sharp competition and frequent
Try one can and you'll understand why. You'll ap
preciate the delicate flavor and satisfying goodness.
,Ask yoor irrocer for It.
Be sure that yaa get It
Ground Chocolate
Blood, Skin, Nervous and Special
Diseases of Men
. We do not treat all disease of the human
race, but make a aperlaltv- of treating and
tlons of the GK.MTO-l KI AHV ORGAN'S of
men only.
Men Cured Quickly, Safely and Surely
There Js absolutely no inconvenience, loss
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results are direct, speedy and permanent. We
cure you of disease to stay cured. We want
to talk with every man who suffers from
those afflictions, due to any cause whatever.
We want to explain our methods of curing;
disease and all aliments of the kidneys and
blaldcr. Our office is equipped with every
thing: science can devise and money can buy that will assist us In cur
ing diseases we treat. We are truo specialists, and do not attempt to
treat all diseases, but cure all we treat. Our methods of curing ar
original, positive, absolute.
Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been -Cured at a
Cost of $10 and Many Only $5.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. ; Sundays and holidays, 10 A. M. to II K.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Offices tm Tls Nor Hotel. G2fc Third Street, Coraer Pine. Portlsusd. Or.
: : i
Ppeclal rates mode
to families and
insrls gentlemen.
The management
will be pleaoed at
all times to show
rooms mad srWe
piicrs. A modern
Turkish bath es
tablishment In the
HOTEL CO., Props.
Flrst-Clas Check Itpstaarmat
Connected With Hotel.
C. O. DAVIS, Sec and Ti ns
dust tight.
- Eh
moisture proof package.