Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 17, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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School and College and Athletic Club Pennants on Sale Here Pennants for Today's M. A. A. C-Willamette Game Also Megaphones
Open Tonight Until 9:30 Demonstration Today on Third Floor of The Marconi Wireless TelegraphCome Open Tonight Until 9:30
The Meier (Sit Frank Store
8 to 9:30
Specials Tonight
Petticoats $1.19
Women's short -white Underskirts
embroidered and lace trimmed
styles made of good quality
cambric and muslins. Regular
$1.50 and $1.75 val- T 1 1 Q
ues, on sale 6 to 9 :30. S
2000 of "Lindsay" incandescent
gas mantles best on the market.
Great special value from 6 to
9:30 P. M., at this low Qc
price, each
Strainers 1 Ic Ea.
1000 of Vrooman 's silk Strainers
best on the market. Every house
hold should have one. Great spe
cial value, 6 to 9:30, at 1 I.
this low price . "
Couch Covers
100 Negus Couch Covers in Ori
ental patterns and colorings 60
in. wide by 3 yards long. Regu
lar $2.25 values, on fl f (LQ
sale 6 to 9:30 at...Pt
Silkoline 9c Yard
5000 yards of the best Silkoline,
light and dark grounds, floral and
Oriental patterns. Best Q
quality, 6 to 9:30 at
Doll Specials, Etc.
Dressed jointed Dolls with hats,
slippers and stockings. Q
Great values 6 to 9:30 at.2-l
Prettily dressed Dolls sleeping
eyes, jointed limbs, completely
dressed hat, slippers,
stockings, etc... J-Ji
Dressed Dolls 92c
Special lot of handsome 18-inch
dressed Dolls full jointed, sleep
ing eyes, pretty curls, hat, slip
pers and stockings. Great special
value for tonight, 6 to
9:30 only, at, each vC
Chocolate 25c Lb
1000 cans of Ghiradelli's famous
ground Chocolate on sale in the
Grocery' Dep't tonight from
6 to 9:30 only at this 0
low price, per can v
$1.00 Veilings
At 13c Yard
2000 yards of Tuxedo mesh Veil
ing in plain and fancy meshes,
also with chenille and velvet dot
ted effects in black, brown,
navy, black on white and white
on blackC Values up to 1
$1.00 a yard, on sale at. .
Sheet Music
Great Sale of Folios
The most popular Home Songs
all the old favorites Cf
75c value at
College songs, 80c value 39
15c Music Sale
including many of the "hits" of
the season "Waltz Me Around
Again, Willie," Indiana 3-Step,
"Take Me Back Again to Dear
Old Dixie," "I Never Can Forget
You, Dear," "The Secret Love
land" and many others, all at 15c
a copy.
The Meier Frank Store
7 th Annual "Doll Show
Today all day and evening
until 9:30 the great Annual
"Doll Show" will, as usual,
prove itself the star crowd
puiling attraction of the busi
ness year 50Q of the pret
tiest Dollies in town on exhibi
tion Dolls of every size and
nationality A sight worth
coming a long way to see and
of great interest to old and
young alike Grand prizes for
the winners in the different
classes A special prize for
every exhibitor The judges,
Mrs. T. N. Stoppenbach, Mrs,
S. Rosenfeld ,and Mrs. W. E.
Coman will do their duty at
2:30 P. M. Winners will be announced in Sunday papers
First prize, best dressed doll
Musical mechanical doll, value
Second prize, best dressed doll
Doll's fitted dresser, value
Third prize, best dressed doll
Handsome organ, value $7.00.
Smallest and best dressed doll
First prize, wash stand, value
Smallest and best dressed doll
Second prize, toy refrigerator,
value $5.0J.
First prize, largest and best
dressed doll Camera, value
$8 00.
Second prize. largest and best
dressed doll White enamel
desk, value $6.00.
Most original dressed doll First
prize, doll's trousseau, value
Most original dressed doll Second
prize, manicure set, value $5.00.
Special prize for the most comi
cal dressed doll Work box.
value $5.00.
On account of storm, entries will be received to 1 0 A. M.
Book News-New Fiction at $ 1 . 1 8
Jewel Weed, by Winter; Romance Island, by Gale; Rich Men's
Children, by Bonner; Mr. Pratt, by Lincoln; Puck, of Pook's Hill,
by Kipling, and many others.
Special sale of 5-volume sets of Corelli, Kipling, Hugo, Lyall's,
Ruskin, Longfellow, Cooper's Leather Stocking Tales, fl? 1 ff
and many others P VJvF
All the popular magazines and fashion journals sold here. Sub
scriptions taken. Xmas Delineator now ready.'
Misses' Coats at $4,75
Misses Suits at
$3.25 Each
On sale today a1 great special lot of
misses' and children's navy blue
Coats. Collar and cuffs piped with
red, lined throughout with red flan
nel and emblem on sleeve ages 6
to 14 years won
derful value for to
day at, each
Special lot of misses' and children's
Sailor Suits in all wool cheviot,
serge red, blue and brown, trimmed
with narrow braid on collar and
cuffs ; silk-embroidered emblem;
full sleeve, pleated into a cuff.
Great and special
value today at this
low price
Misses' and children's ready-to-wear
apparel of every description and
the largest and best assortments, and
at always the lowest prices 2d floor.
Sale of Women's Neckwear
Women's white embroidered Stocks with and without tabs large
variety of choice new styles. These stocks are washable and very
stylish for wear with lingerie waists, 75c values
on sale, at each . HpJC
Women's tailor-made linen Stocks with adjustable bows attached,
some made of the latest Roman striped and plaid ribbons, f
others with velvet ribbon and peau de Boie silk ribbon effects. . '
Women's ostrich feather Boas all colors, all lengths.
Women's high-grade novelty Neckwear great display. .
Principal Portland Agents for Bntterick Patterns and Publications Columbia Yarns
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order Xmas Orders Should Be Attended to at Once
The Meier Frank Store
Mens Furnishing Goods Specials
Still - selling men's shepherd plaid Ties the 50c values at 25c each.
Black and white, blue and. white and broken plaids, 2-inch Of
ewct Jr rr3fTl r-yp reversible, 4-in-hands, made full French fold at, each Gt-J
tCy6 iFyS tVSPl Just received by express entire new line of 4-in-hands 300 dozens
IvaL 1 Wi 3l viixXr handsomest novelties shown this season -light and dark C
f&SVjjjj X. watered effects and fancy stripes values extraordinary, at JVC
iAS- Fancy Handkerchiefs 35c Ea.
WZA r i!a S! a0zen merl's fancy mercerized silk and linen plaid Handkerchiefs
Jnisiillf It I iPi! VCr Sty6S mense assortment regular 50c values
rfev JifeirS Jr!iM Men's madras and Oxford negligee Shirts, soft attached collar, all new
WltKy Ppl patterns all sizes. Regular $1.00 values on sale at this LQ
fA0i &M vrice each ' V-7
Y$jivf I New silk hat Bands, all colors, 25 each.
Ltilllj Special line of men's extra quality flannelette Night Shirts, made full
size and extra long; collar and military style. $1.00
values on sale at
Men's extra quality white mercerized japonet Handkerchiefs. Beautiful large silk initial. 1 2f
Marvelous value at 6 for 70c, or this low price, each &
Men's madras and oxford golf shirts cuffs attached; made coat style; light and dark pat- 1 1 Q
terns; stripes, figures and dots. Regular $1.50 values on sale at. vltl '
?Mfe Millmerv at !4 Off
. .
Today our entire stock of women's and children's white millinery on sale at 4 off the regular prices.
Dress hats, theater hats, bear cloth hats, white caps, white bonnets, hats for dress, even- Ia 'ff
ing, theater and school wear, at. . . . VIl
300 women's and children's Tarn O'Shanters the styles and colors so largely in demand by CJChf
young ladies. Wonderful values today at, each
100 women's and children's fine fur beaver hats all colors trimmed in ribbons, silks, CO Q)
pompoms, etc. Marvelous values today at this low price s-J
75 white felt Hats trimmed with silk and ribbons great values $1.00.
Great Ribbon So!
6 Continues
Today you should buy your holiday Ribbons and
effect the big saving we are offering on Ribbons of
all styles, grades and colorings The best Ribbon
values of the year.
600 yards of fine all-silk
French taffeta Ribbons.
Light and dark shades in
great assortment. Widths
from 4 to 5 inches; mar
velous values at... 17
Just the. ribbons you
want for the holiday
fancy work.
500 bolts of No. 1 col
ored satin back velvet
ribbons. All the best
colors are included. 10
yards in each bolt.
Regular 35c values, on
sale at, piece 0
5000 yards of black satin and gros grain ribbons; all widths; best
quality; at very low prices. Take advantage: '
No. 1, 1 V2 and 2 4c value, yd., 1. No. 12 15c value, yd., 10y
No. 3, 4 and 5 5c value, yd.. . . .2. No. 22 25c value, yd 15
No. 7 10c value, yd 5. No. 40 40c value, yd., 201
15,000 -yards of beautiful all-silk
taffeta Ribbons in black and all col
ors; all widths; on sale at greatly re
duced prices. Grand values :
No. 2, 7c value, at, yard 5
No. 3, 10c value, at, yard 7
No. 5, 12V2c value, at, yard. .. . 8
No. 9, 15c value, at, yard .10J
No. 12, 18c value, at yard 12
No. 16, 20c value, at, yard 14
No. 22, 23c value, at, yard 16J
No. 40, 25c value, at, yard. . . . . .1S
No. 60, 35c value, at, yard 220s
No. 100, 50c value, at yard. . . . .32
3000 remnants of Ribbons; satin taf
fetas and silk taffetas; al colors, all
widths, all lengths. Values up to
60c piece, for, yard., 25
Great special values in fancy rib
bons of every kind. Buy your ribbons
today. Look to your wants.
Jewelry Specials
Fancy Bracelets Every one a novel
ty: values ranging from 75c up to
$9.50. On sale at one-third off the
r?gular price . . ...ONE-THIRD OFF
Hat Pins Fancy designs; all color
stone settings ; 35c, 50c val 190s
Gold-filled Beauty and Collar Qg
Pins special at
Nickel Watches Stem - wind and
stem set, special at, each 98
$ 1 0.OOPetticoatsonSale
At $5.98 Each
Great Thanksgiving Sale of high-grade white lawn and cambric
Petticoats; beautiful wide, fancy flounces, trimmed in dainty
VaL and torchon laces, edgings and insertions, tucks anil
wide embroidery flounces; with separate embroidered and
lace trimmed under flounces; magnificent m
styles in grand array. Regular $7.50 to
$10 values, on 6ale at, each..; S
The Meier (8i Frank Store
6 to 9:30
Specials Tonight
20c Kerchiefs 7c
200 dozen women's Handkerchiefs,
Val. lace and insertion trimmed,
hemstit ched, embroidered and
scalloped edges. Large variety of
choice patterns to select
from. 20c values at C
Hosiery 18c Pair
500 pairs of women's extra fine ;
quality black Egyptian cotton j
Hosiery, fashioned feet, double
soles, fast black, all sizes. 1 O
Great value, 6 to 9:30, at. OC i
Scarfs and Shams
White Swiss Shams and Scarfs in i
cutwork, stitched and embroid- :
ered designs, 30x30 inch and 18x54 !
inch, oOc values on sale 1 Q
from 6 to 9:30 at, each.
Rubber Gloves
Women's pure gum Gloves for
household work, black, white and
maroon, all sizes. Best quality,
regular $1.00 values, on TQ
sale from 6 to 9 :30 at, pair
25c Kerchiefs 1 5c
200 dozen women's sheer linen
Handkerchiefs with i-inch hems,
stitched border and hand em
broidered initial. Regular 25c
value on sale from 6 to 1
9:30 at..
Perfames at 19c
Eastman's Perfumes in fancy
boxes and ' baskets, all odors
violette, rose, helio, etc. Regular
35c value on sale 6 to 1 Q
9:30 at C
Bathasweetat 15c
Bathasweet a luxury for the
bath softens hard water, better
than perfume. Great special value
from 6 to 9:30 at this C
low price, per can
Women's Neck wr
Cluny lace Jabots trimmed in
white and light blue; suitable for
fancy shirt waists and
holiday gifts, 65c values at.C
White or cream lace Ties of fine
quality net and pretty Venise lace
floral ends ; very pretty, practical
and serviceable neckwear. Regu
lar 50c value on sale at OTt
this low price, 6 to 9:30. . JC
Women 's fine Swiss-ribbed silk and
wool Vests; high neck and long
sleeves; knitted cuffs; cream col
or; sizes 4, 5, 6; regular $1.75
values, on 6ale at,
Women's Cashmere Wool Vests
and Pants; high neck and long
sieves; ankle length pants; white
and natural; sizes 4, 5, nn
6 ; regular $1.25 values, at. 0"C
Women's fine ribbed natural and
white wool mixed Union Suits;
good. Winter weight; perfect fit
ting; regular $1.50 q q
values, per garment. M
Women's fine mercerized white
cotton Corset Covers; high neck,
long sleeves ; $1.25 val- OQ
values, at
Women's fine Swiss-ribbed wool
i Vests high neck, 4 sleeve ; pink,
blue, black, white; $1.25 Q7f
values, on sale at. . . . . C
G. Webber Charged With Failure
to Provide for Safety or
His AVorkmen.
Contractor A. G. Webber was censured
by a Coroner's jury at 10 o'clock yester
day morning. a.t which time Coroner J.
f. finiey conducted an Inquest over the
body of Frederick Heinz, who was killed
by being crushed under the weight of a
".VA-pound cylinder press frame at the
office of the Deutsche Zeitung. Thursday
forenoon. Webber was blamed for failure
to provide proper protection for his work
men. The verdict of the jury was as fol
lows: That th said Frederick Heinz came to hl
death from fracture of the skull, at No. 203
Second street. In the city of Portland. Coun
ty of Multnomah. State of Oregon, on the
l.Mh day of November, 1906. We. the Jury,
consider that deceased had very little con
sideration for his own safety by remaining
in the pit when the machinery was being
moved over him. yet Mr. Webber, who u
an experienced man in charge of the work
of placing the machinery, was more to
blame for the accident for not bavins a suf
ficient number of experienced men to handle
an iron frame, weighing 3S00 pounds, to
insure tne safety of his own men. as well as
himself, also that of the deceased, who was
in the pit when he was killed by the heavy
frame falling on htm.
(Signed) George H. Keene, M. W. Rath,
w. L. Higgins. P. Holland. C. S. SUver. J.
M. Gilbert.
In his own defense. Contractor Webber
took the stand and rave his version of
the accident. He said he had been en
gaged in handling machinery, especially
presses, for 20 years, this being his first
mishap. He declared he did not know
Heinz was in the pit until the workmen
who were moving the large piece of iron
lost control of it and It toppled over. Just
as he looked Into the pit as the iron fell,
Mr. Webber said, he first caught sight of
Heinz. Webber said he himself came
near being caught under the immense
weight and killed, but managed to escape.
He said he had been informed the pit was
all ready to receive the press foundations,
and never once thought of such a thing
as a man being in the pit at that time.
Webber was handling the contract work
for the American Type Foundry. He came
here recently from San Francifeo. where
his own establishment burned out in the
recent fire.
Heinz' funeral will occur tomorrow aft
ernoon at 1:30 o'clock, from the Finley
undertaking parlors. Interment will be
In Riverview Cemetery.
Matchless values here today in ready-to-wear
goods for men. women and chil
dren. Best J1.50 gloves 95c a pair: $1.25
and $1.50 Mount Hood shirts for men,
special. 60c; lS-button kid gloves, special
$2.75 pair: $1.50 umbrellas. 97c. Great Sat
urday specials In women's and children's
underwear. See window. The best fur
values in town are here. Don't miss these
great Saturday bargains. McAllen & Mc
Milwaukee Country Club.
Eastern and California races. Take sell
wood or Oregon Clur car, starting from
First and Alder street.
Cincinnati Man Loans
His Overcoat.
Stranger Tries It On and Disap
pears, but Reconsiders and Leaves
It Later at Police Station.
a fine overcoat you've got
I there, old man," said a stranger
to R. D. Ferris, a young man just ar
rived in Portland from Cincinnati, as both
clinked their glasses in the Atlantic Cafe
at noon yesterday.
"Tes. I think it's a pretty good one."
replied Ferris. . .
"Just let me try it on." 6ald the stran
ger. "Sure." said Ferris, as he peeled off the
garment and handed it to his new-found
Feeling secure In the belief that the
stranger was one of the proprietors of
the place. Ferris paid no attention to the
man's actions, but turned to talk with
a friend.- When he again thought of his
coat he discovered, to his dismay, that
it had disappeared, with the stranger who
asked to try it on.
Ferris hurried out of the saloon and
met Patrolman J. F. Anderson, to whom
he reported the theft. Later Ferris went
to police headquarters, where he related
his experience to Detective Sergeant
Jones. The latter started out at once to
investigate, but he had not been gone
from the central station long when in
walked a man with the overcoat. The
bearer explained that he was drunk when
he asked to try on the garment, and said
he did not Intend stealing it, so- wished
to restore it to the rightful owner. He
said he had forgotten where he got the
coat.' and hence thought the police' station
a good place to go to straighten out the
When Ferris called again hla overcoat
was turned over to him.
Nicholas F. Sargent, former manager
of the Arlington Cluo and of Sargent's
Grill., at San Diego. Cat. has leased from
E. A. Baldwin the Brown Hotel property
on the East Side, and will convert same
into a magnificent apartment hotel. The
building is an imposing etructure of
brick and stone, fireproof; is five stories
hign and contains 100 rooms. Each room
has a private phone, steam heat, hot and
cold water. The main dining-room, office
and lounging rooms are situate on the
ground floor. In this connection Mr.
Sargent will have an attractive grill,
wnich will be kept open till midnight, to
accommodate late diners and after
meater parties. The hotel will be for
mally opened December 1. and will be
known as "The Sargent."
To Se Sunday $1.50 Round Trip.
Rail and sail almost met again at
West Station on the A. & C. R. R.
last Tuesday when the big- ship Galena
was piled high and dry upon the same
sands of Clatsop that claimed the ill
fated Peter Iredale a fortnight before.
Next Sunday's excursion leaving- Union
Depot at 8 A. M. serves the scene of
either disaster within 15 minutes' walk
from Skipanon or West stations, giving:
visitors ample time to view both
People who suffered from rheumatism
have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla and found
lasting relief.
226-228 Alder Street, Bet, First and Second Sts.
Smith is giving the people Oregon meats right from the range, the old-fashioned meat that has been
the bone and brawn of the Oregon people since the first settlers came.
Don't Eat Beef Trust Meat-Chicago Meat!
Keep away from the beef trust markets, that say they are
fighting the trust.
Prime Rib Roast Beef, per id IOC
Rolled Roast Beef, per lb IOC
Porterhouse Steak, per lb 12C
"T" Bone Steak, per lb
Tenderloin Steak, per lb IOC
Sirloin Steak, per lb lOtS
Round Steak, per lb IOC
Hamburg Steak, per lb ..IOC
Rump Roast Beef, per lb SC
Pot Roast Beef, per lb Sc
Corned Beef, per lb 6
Boiling Beef, por lb 5c
Beef Stew, per lb 5C
Beef Suet, per lb 5c
Liver, per lb 5c
Mutton Loin Roast, per lb 12He
Mutton Loin Chops, per lb 12MtC
Mutton Shoulder Chops, per lb..... lOc
Mutton Snoulder Roast, per lb SC
Mutton Stew, per lb 5c
Lejr Pork, per lb
Pork Shoulder Roast, per lb 12V2c
Pork Shoulder Chops, per lb 12ViC
Leaf Lard, per lb 12V4?
Salt 'Pork, per lb 12Hf
Pork Loin Roast, per lb 15C
Pork Loin Chops, per lb ISC
Our own lard, 5 lbs. for fOc
Our own bacon, per lb 17Vbi
Hams, per lb 17c
Veal Breast, per lb Sc
Veal Stew, per lb $c
Veal Shoulder Roast, per lb IOC
Veal 6houlder Cutlets, per lb IOC
Leg Veal, per lb : 12HC
Veal Rump Roast, per lb. ..................... 124
Veal Loin Roast, per lb 12 H
Dressed Chickens, per lb 15c
We have the largest retail market in the city. We have the largest and best force of meatcutters to wait
on you. Come early if yon can, but come, come anyhow.