Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 14, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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Puget Sound Capitalists Back
Their Faith in Portland
With Coin.
pay $100,000 for TTnimproved Prop
erty Between Stark and Washing
ton and Will Probably Erect
a Large Office Building.
Seattle money continues to Ilow into
Portland for investment in real estate,
yesterday capitalists from the Puget
Found metropolis purchased a lot on
the east side of Sixth street, between
Stark and Washington, for $100,000 net.
It was owned by a local syndicate com
posed or W. H. Grindstaff, J. B. Yeon.
George D. Schalk and F- C. Perrlne.
The property was transferred through
the agency of Grindstaff & Schalk to
Riresell & Blyth. and by the latter firm
to the Seattle buyers.
The property is a full lot with 50
feet frontage on sixth 6treet. lying be
tween the Quelle Cafe and the Lafay
ette building. It was purchased last
March by the local syndicate from the
Eeck estate for $75,000, the sale show
ing an increase in value of $25,000 in
less than a year. The advance is not
exceptional, being simply an illustra
tion of the upward movement in prop
erty throughout nearly the entire busi
ness section of the city.
The lot purchased is virtually unim
proved, and the price paid represents
the actual land value. It is announced
that valuable improvements will be
made by the new owners, whose names
are withheld for the present. As the
lot is in a splendid location, the own
ers are assured of a good revenue on a
heavy investment, and are therefore
planning to put up a large and modern
business structure.
The purchasers are very well satis
fled with their buy. and assert that op
portunities for investment in Portland
property are unrivaled. Atecording to
their statement, a lot in such a desir
able location in Seattle would bring
$250,000. which shows the extent to
which prices have been advanced in
Seattle, and also the comparatively low
and advantageous prices for investment
jthat prevail in Portland.
Further north on Sixth street anoth
er sale was made yesterday involving
$75,000. It was of a single lot at the
southeast corner of Sixth and Burn
side streets, owned by T. Scott Brooke,
and was purchased by F- G. and S. A.
Arata. Grindstaff & Schalk were the
agents for this transaction also.
Wooden buildings are at present the
only improvements upon this corner,
but these will be replaced by a more
substantial structure in the near fu
ture. It is said that the building- to
be erected will be a four-story brick.
Many other improvements are now
planned and in progress in the same
There is a constant demand for Sixth
etriat property, which has become a
feature of the local realty market for
more than a year. Lots in the vicinity
of Sixth and Burnside streets are espe
cially in demand at present, as both of
these thoroughfares are constantly ad
vancing in Importance. The prominence
of Burnside street at present is due in
part to the extension of the street-car
line from Fifth to Washington, which
is nearly completed.
W. B. Fechheimer sold yesterday his
10-acre tract on Killingsworth avenue,
near the St. Johns car line. The pur
chaser was a local land company, and
the price paid .was $12,000. The new
owner expects to plat the tract for resi
dence purposes immediately and place
it on the market.' As rapidly as large
holdings of this character are offered
for sale now they are picked up by
local firms, as the demand for suburban
lots is showing a constant increase.
Grindstaff & Schalk were the agents in
this sale.
One of the largest East Side sales
closed yesterday was when the Ladd
eFtate disposed of the entire 'block
bounded by East First. East Second.
East Morrison and East Alder streets.
It was purchased by the Security Sav
ings ir Trust Company, as trustee for
a local syndicate. The price and the
identity of the real purchasers are not
Lawyer. Arrested for Hunting With
out License, Denies Guilt.
.JVfen John F. Watts, a Portland law-
.vi. was, ttiiEsica yepieraay morning on
a warrant issued out of Justice Reid's
court. Justice Reid went bail for the
prisoner; at least Justice Reid said, in
answer to a question from Watts, "I
will go on your bond " Watts was re
leased on his own recognizance The
charge, filed by Deputy Game Warden
Fred Beal, is hunting without a license.
The case is peculiar and promises a
sensation. Mr. Watts has license No. SO,
issued, he says, by he Auditor of Co
lumbia County. When taken into custody
he exhibited his license, which bore data
January 16. 1906.
"This is a case of spite work." declared
Mr. Watts after he left the Justice Court.
'Deputy Warden Beal approached me
last Sunday when I was shooting on my
own preserve on Sauvies Island and asked
me for my license. I did not have it
with me, as it is not convenient to carry
a piece of paper in a hunting coat, but
I assured him I had license No. 30, issued
from Columbia County. He remarked,
however, that he proposed to file a com
plaint, anyway, saying it would cost him
nothing to do so. I intend to see whether
a man can be treated in this high-handed
' manner without redress.'-
Beal denies the charge of persecution
made by Watts, declaring that he is
simply making an honest attempt to en
force the laws. He declares that he has
a letter from the Clerk of Columbia
County, stating positively that no license
has ever been issued to John F. Watts,
snd inMmat. that th 1!..... i . '
fendant has in his possession is bogus
and not regularly secured
The case will come up for hearing in11!
justice tteia s court at a later date.
,niTii I a Tnr ,- .......
f.wiHLLH inc itniviiiMUb
it-ar Owners of Rosene'6 Alaska
Railroad Will Abandon Taldei.
Stockholders of the Anglo-American Oil
Coal Company are much interested in
the announcement from Alaska that the
Guggenheims and Morgans have pur
chased all the holdings of the Copper
River & Northwestern Railwav Company,
the Alaska line promoted by John Rosene.
Catalla. on Controller Bay, has been
chosen as the coast terminus of the road,
instead of Valdez. This feature is en
couraging to the Anglo-American Com
pany because the railroad will cross the
property of the corporation within a few
miles of Catalla and will furnish trans
portation one year earlier than was ex
pected. Unless some unforeseen contingency
arises, the road will be hauling coal be
fore snow flies in the Fall of 1307. This
means that before many months Portland
people will be burning a semi-bituminous,
smokeless coal, equal, if not superior, to
the famous Pocahontas coal of West Vir
ginia. M. B. Rankin has already leased several
hundred feet of waterfront Just above
the Morrison-street bridge for the purpose
of erecting coal bunkers, at which he will
handle Catalla coal.
The work of building a big breakwater
at Catalla will be started this Winter. It
is understood that a large amount of
rock work will be hastened, in order that
track-laying may be started early in ftie
Spring. Valdez is to be abandoned after
more than $250,000 has been spent on term
inals and grading work. By the change
Catalla will be made one of the principal
ports of call in Southwestern Alaska.
Almost limitless tonnage has been pro
vided for the railroad line by the pur
chase of a majority of copper properties
In the interior of Alaska by the Guggen
heim and Morgan Interests. Big smelters
will be built at Catalla, ground already
having been selected. It is expected that
a double-track line will be built from Ca
talla. Sites for terminals there have been
selected and miles of waterfront bought.
'College Spirit" Microbe Invades
"Preps," Who May Determine
Superiority on Football Field.
The bitter rivalry between the two sen
ior classes of the Portland High School
broke out in a free-for-all rush in the
basement of the school building, yester
day morning, where the forces of the
February, '07, class were pitted against
those of the June, '07, class, each being
reinforced by other students in the school
who sided with their favorite class.
Monday afternoon the February, '07,
class stretched a class banner from one
telephone pole to another on Morrison
street, near the High School, which was
torn down and destroyed in the evening
by the June class. As this was done late
in the evening, the opposition class did
not discover the act In time to retaliate
that night.
Testerday morning when the members
of the February class came back to
school they beheld across the entrance
of the High School the sign, "June. '07."
painted with the class color. This was
quickly blotted out with yellow paint,
giving an entirely new appearance to the
On entering the building the February
class was attacked by their opponents,
and a pitched battle ensued, which was
stopped by the arrival of Professor Boyd.
At his entrance most of the rushing
stopped, and upon the arrival of Prin
cipal Davis, a few minutes later, it ceased
Principal Davis ordered the boys to the
assembly hall, where they were censured
for their conduct. Class rivalry was still
running high, however, and the remarks
of Principal Davis were repeatedly inter
rupted by rounds of applause from the
students. One youth suggested that the
school should rent Multnomah Field for
the classes to use as ' an arena where
they might meet and settle disputes,
which met with the favor of the students,
but the speaker was quickly rebuked by
the principal.
During the noon recess the two classes
met again on the street in front of the
school and resumed their struggles in a
color fight. They were again dispersed,
however, by Professor Henderson, who
was detailed by Principal Davis to keep
order during the recess. There has been
no agreement between the two classes,
and they may settle their difficulties in a
football rush some time soon.
Police Captain Lectures
Advlnen Them to Follow Example of
Patrolman Aaundaon and Take
Into Themselves Wives.
THE marriage of Patrolman A. O.
Anundson to Miss Rena. Arntson last
week was an event of interest in police
circles. The young policeman returned to
duty yesterday after a short absence on
his wedding tour. Captain Slover. com
manding the first relief, took occasion to
make some remarks on the subject when
his men lined up at rollcall yesterday
One duty of a captain of police is to as
sign patrolmen to beats. It sometimes
happens that sickness or other and more
unpleasant causes suspends a policeman
from duty, and some one else has to be
detailed to "travel" such officer's beat.
Assignments are made at rollcall.
"Patrolman Anundson- will take his
beat as usual tonight, just as though
nothing had ever happened." saiJ Captain
Slover, gravely, when the relief lined up.
Despite the fact that it is against the
rules to laugh or smile when at Atten
tion, there was giggling among the young
patrolman's brother officers over Captain
Slover's remark. It was then that the
policemen still single, "got theirs."
"I commend to the single patrolmen of
this relief the example of Officer Anund
son." said Captain Slover "and "hope that
they will soon see their way clear to fol
low suit."
Anundson had a laugh coming and took
it then and there.
Patrolman Gittings Arrests Citizen
Who Keeps Temper Admirably.
Having been placed under arrest for
building a house without first obtaining
a city permit, F. W. Winn, engineer at
the Hotel Perkins, asked Captain of
Police Moore at headquarters yesterday
afternoon if he would assign an officer
to show him through the City Jail at
some convenient time.
"We're a little busy right now." re
plied Captain Moore, "but after you get
through with your case in court tomor
row, drop in and I'll detail a man to
take you through the jail, with pleasure."
"Very well." replied Winn, as he laid
down bail to guarantee his appearance dn
the Municipal Court today.
Mr. Winn had never seen the inside of
police headquarters before, and having
been escorted there by Patrolman Git
tings from 99S Albina 6treet, where he is
engaged in building a house, he washed
to take advantage of the opportunity and
investigate the institution. Patrolman
Gittings says Mr. Winn was the most
unconcerned prisoner he ver accom
panied to headquarters.
Hantaa City and Return. $60.
Account Seventeenth Annual Session
Trans-Mississippi . Commercial Con
gress, tho O. R. & N. Co. will on No
vember 14 and 15 sell round trip tickets
to Kansas City for $60 with a limit of
30 days from date of sale. Further par
ticulars by calling upon C. W. Stinger,
city ticket agent. Third and Washing
ton streets, Portland.
P. Martin Impersonates Offi
cer and Is Arrested.
Comes to Police Station Wth Carefully-Prepared
Story and En
counters One of His Vic
tims Arrest Follows.
After playing one of the most daring
bunco games recorded in the police annals
of Portland. P. Martin exhibited his
brazen nerve yesterday by walking into
police headquarters and telling Jailer
Branch how he had "shadowed" a hold
up man about the city for several hours
during the morning, saying the criminal
had at last managed to evade him and
had escaped. While Martin was unfold
ing this tale the very man to whom Mar
tin had referred was telling the real facts
to Captain of Detectives Bruin, at the
latter's desk, ten feet distant. Martin
was seen by the other man. who excited-
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Mrs Potter Palmer, of Chicago, who will spend a day this week In Port
land, did not arrive last night, but will reach the city either tonight or to
morrow. Las night her private car, "Independence," was at Sumaa, Wash.,
Mrs. Palmer having made a side trip to Victoria, B. C.
It is expected that today Mrs. Palmer will turn south and reach Port
land by the Northern Pacific from Seattle. Or she may decide to stay another
day on the Sound and come to Portland tomorrow. She Is on her way to
California from Chicago and Is understood to have a small party of friends
with her.
ly exclaimed to Captain Bruin, "That's
the man now!" Martin was placed under
Martin was booked on a charge of car
rying concealed weapons, as he was wear
ing a large -revolver in a belt of cart
ridges. Captain of Detectives Bruin will
appear before District Attorney Manning
today and ask that a charge of imperson
ating an officer' be placed against Martin.
Martin is said by the police to have
worked a bunco trick on George Powers,
an old man traveler, who was intoxicated,
at the Union Depot yesterday morning.
Powers had considerable property with
him, which he left for a time at the de
pot. When he returned he found it had
been stolen. Martin soon appeared on
the scene, and is said to have informed
Powers that he was a city detective. He
exhibited his revolver and cartridges to
the old man, and said he would take the
case and recover the stolen goods for $5.
Being Intoxicated and unfamiliar w-ith
city ways, Powers is said to have given
Martin the $5. The latter told Powers to
wait at the depot until he returned. Pow
ers waited patiently a long time, but Mar
tin did not appear.
Following out his daring game. Martin,
the police say, left the depot and soon
met a young man, giving his name as
John Larkin, who was passing through
Portland on his way to California. . Still
playing the role of city detective, as the
police charge, Martin informed Larkin
that he answered the description of the
man who had stolen the goods from Pow
ers and "arrested" Larkin.
Larkin, after accompanying Martin for
a short distance, broke away from him
and ran, going direct to police headquar
ters. There he was engaged in telling
his story to Captain Bruin, when Martin
appeared and began relating his story to
Jailer Branch.
Martin will be arraigned in the Munici
pal Court this morning. The chief wit
nesses against him will be Larkin and
Powers. The latter was locked up on a
charge of drunkenness by Patrolman
Welch, who found him at the depot. Mar
tin was arrested last week on a charge
of robbery, but the evidence proved in
sufficient and he was released. He is a
man who travels about the Coast cities,
and the police declare him to be a dan
gerous criminal.
By questioning Larkin, the police
learned that he had some money in his
possession, and they also learned that
Martin was taking him to the waterfront,
although Larkin was told that he was to
be sent to police headquarters. It ts the
belief of the police that Martin intended
to rob Larkin.
Postmaster Minto Prepares for Rush
of Holiday Business.
Postmaster Minto is preparing to
take time by the proverbial forelock.
He has sent to Washington, D. C. an
application for the help he -will need
during the coming holidays, and he ex
pects that Tie will receive almost any
day a letter from the Postmaster-General
instructing him that his applica
tion for additional help has been favor-
ably passed unon. Last year the local
Postofflce did not begin to feel the in
crease of holiday business until Decem
ber 1. This year the increase was felt
November 1.
The volume of business done by the
local office during the Christmas holi
days last year was large beyond all
precedent, but." according to Postmaster
Minto, the holiday business which the
office will do here, will greatly exceed
that of last year.
"Last year, you know," said Post
master Minto. "people spent most of
their money taking their relatives and
friends to the Exposition, and they did
not have much money to spend buying
Christmas presents. This year it is dif
ferent They have the money and our
registry department already feels the
pressure of increased business."
In order to handle the Christmas bus
iness Postmaster Minto has aked the
Department at Washington for 2S0
days of additional clerical help. A
great deal of this extra help will be
assigned to the registry department,
where the pressure of business is by
far the heaviest during the present
sending days. Mr. Minto has also
asked for 160 days of carrier service
and $60 for wagon hire. The wagons
are used on Christmas. They are
loaded at the Postofflce and are presid
ed ever by carriers who distribute the
County Assessor Says 15 Mills Is
Likely to Be 190 7 Tax.
County Assessor Sigler announced
yesterday that until County Clerk
Fields had finished his computations on
the assessment roll, in accordance with
the changes made by the Board of
Equalization, he would be in no posi
tion to say definitely just what the
total property valuations will be this
year. He said, however, that he did
not think the Board- had reduced his
estimates more than $1,000,000 or $2.
000.000, in which event the valuations
would be approximately $160,000,000
for the city and $20,000,000 from the
county, or a total of about $180,000,000.
The largest reduction, according to
Mr. Sigler. will be in the assessment
of the Portland Flouring Mills Com
pany. Not getting any return from
that company, he levied an arbitrary
assessment of $1,000,000. which the
Board has reduced to $750,000. In other
respects, he declares, the equalizers
sustained him in every material in
stance. Under the circumstances Mr. Sigler
can reach no accurate basis of com
parison with the last tax levy, but
thinks the next rate will be about the
same, approximately 15 mills. The
County Clerk will probably get through
with the roll during the next fortnight
after which the Assessor will be in
shape to present the total valuations,
upon . which the next tax levy win be
Taxes will be Increased about 6-10
of a mill, on account of extra expense
incident to the appropriation bills that
were voted at the last general election,
besides which a new County Hospital
will probably be built, and heavier de
mands are expected from the city gov
ernment. The, road and bridge funds
ox the county will also come in for
their share of attention, and, g-enerally
speaking, there wiH be extra demands
from all sources. This the Assessor
believes will have the effect of keeping
the tax rate up to about the 1906 figure.
Goes to Kansas City as Delegate to
Trans-Mississippi Congress.
Portland and the State of Oregon will
be well represented at the Trans-Mississippi
Commercial Congress, which meets
in Kansas City, November 20 to 23. Head
ed by Tom Richardson, manager of the
Commercial Club, Portland's delegation Is
made up of representative citizens Mr
Richardson left last night for Kansas
City, going by way of Chicago. Other
delegates are M. F. Henderson. E. J
Jaeger, Al Kadderly. Frank O'Neil. W
L. Lightner, C. M. Hyskell, all of Port
land: J. E. Gratke, Astoria: B. May, Har
risburg: Peter Loggie. North Bend; D.
L. Kent, Dallas.
While in the East, Mr. Richardson will
make an effort to interest W. E. Skinner,
secretary of the International Livestock
Association, in an annual stock show to
be held in Portland. Mr. Richardson will
also visit St Paul, Chicago, Denver and
points in Texas. '
BHIwaukie Country Club.
Eastern and California races. Take Sell
wood or Oregon City car, starting from
First and Aider street
Otto Kleeman Tells of Scheme
to East Side Club.
Question of Cost to Be Investigated.
Samuel H. Friedlander Talks
on Prospects for Theater
Across the River.
Otto. Kleemann. the architect, spoke be
fore the East Side Improvement Associa
tion last evening, outlining plans for a
double street on East Morrison street be
tween Grand avenue and Morrison bridge,
that would bring all the street-car and
general traffic to a viaduct above the
Southern Pacific and O. R. & N. Com
pany's lines and provide a double busi
ness street for adjacent buildings. With
a diagram Mr Kleemann explained how
this could be done. He would start with
the second street, or elevated roadway,
at Grand avenue. At Union avenue it
would be 12 feet above the present street,
and at East Third. Second. First and
East Water. 15 feet above the present
grade. There a gentle incline would
connect with the first span of the Mor
rison bridge.
The upper street would be supported
by steel posts, and the pavement would
be of reinforced concrete laid on a steel
Mr. Kleemann placed particular empha
sis on the constantly increasing traffic
over the Southern Pacific, which occupies
East First street with several tracks.
Soon the West Side traffic will be brought
across the Willamette River at Oswego
and Milwaukie and enter Portland
through the East Side, which will in
crease the number of trains passing daily.
The time will come when street-car and
general traffic must go above the main
line of the Southern Pacific, he said. So
confident Is Mr. Kleemann that such a
viaduct will be built on East Morrison
that he has written on his diagram the
date of his statement so that he can tell
exactly when it was first proposed.
W. L. Boise, who presided,, said he
considered the plan feasible, unless the
cost should be prohibitory. He also said
that the same plan could be adopted on
Hawthorne avenue when the Madison
bridge is rebuilt. Mr. Kleemann was
thanked for the work he had done and
for his explanation. He was requested
to continue his investigations and ascer
tain approximately the cost of the via
duct, when the association will take up
the matter. It was thought the viaduct
will be paid for by the property-owners
and the street-car and railway companies
whose tracks intersect East Morrison
S. H. Friedlander was the guest of the
association and gave an interesting talK
concerning Portland theaters. He said
among other things that he considered
that the time had come when the East
Side should be provided with a theater,
and that in his judgment a good, first
class theater would pay in that part of
the city. He was looking forward to
the time, he said, when he would manage
theaters on both the East am West
In reply to a question as to cost and
probable patronage. Mr. Friedlander said
that a theater could be built on a quarter
block on the Eas Side, meeting the re
quirements of tHe fire ordinance, for
$50,000. As to the patronage he said that
at present 50 per cent of the patronage
of t.he Portland Theaters comes from the
East Side. He said that Oakland, across
from San Francisco, has several paying
The question will be taken up at anoth
er meeting, when it is possible it will be
announced that a theater will be put up
on the East Side, possibly on Grand
It was announced that representatives
from the different push clubs would meet
this afternoon on Grand avenue and then
wait on the water committee and urge
that 500 fire hydrants be provided for for
next year, instead of the 100 usually pro
vided for.
California Authorities Want Fukuchi
for Abducting AYhite Girl.
Sam Fukuchi. the Japanese, who is
held at the County Jail on a charge of
contributing to the delinquency of a mi
nor, will probably be taken back to Cali
fornia to answer a charge of abduction.
Hhe was arrested at the Union Depot
Monday morning on the arrival of the
train from San Francisco by Policeman
Welch, upon telegraphic advices received
from the conductor of the train at Salem,
who notified the local police that the
Japanese was eloping with a young white
girl. Fukuchi was locked up in a cell at
the County Jail, and will probably re
main there until the authorities of Contra
Costa County, California, come for him.
as he is accused of having enticed Flor
ence Williams, a 14-year-old girl, away
from her home there. 'tj
According to the girl's story, as told to
officers of the' Juvenile Court and Assist
ant District Attorney B. E. Haney. her
parents are separated and she was living
with her mother, in almost destitute cir
cumstances, at A-lamo. a village in Con
tra Costa County, about 20 miles from
Martinez, the county seat. She has known
the Jap for some time, she declares, and
under pretense of going to the dentist,
she met him by appointment last Satur
day and went to San Francisco, where
they engaged passage on the train for
this city.
She was yesterday taken to the Home
of the Good Shepherd, where she will be
cared for until her mother can be heard
Yesterday mornfng Acting Chief Gritz
macher received a telegram from Sheriff
Veale. of Contra Costa County, asking
him to hold the Japanese on a charge
of abduction.
Continuation and Close of Testimony
on Libel Complaint.
Testerday morning the grand Jury re
sumed its hearing of the complaint
against The, Oregonian on charge of libel
by cartoon, preferred by William M.
Ladd. Additional witnesses called were
W. B. Ayer. C. F. Adams. R. Livingstone.
E. C. Bronaugh, Dr. Harry Lane, F. A.
Knapp, Mrs. W. S. Ladd and Mrs. W. M.
Ladd. Colonel Harrington, who had been
summoned, appeared at 3 P. M.. but was
informed that the grand Jury did not wish
to hear any further evidence.
It Is thought no return will be made on
the case till the final report of the grand
jury, at the. close of Its work, shall be
rendered. The work may be completed by
the end of the week. Longer time, how
ever, may be required to finish present
Investigation into the Murray murder
case occupied the attention of the in
quisitorial body after it had finished with
The Oregonian matter, and several wit
nesses were called to testify in connection
with the killing of Lincoln C. Whitney
last Monday morning.
Hose to Be Sentenced Today.
Henry Hose, who was convicted a week
ago of murder in the) first degree for
killing Madge Wilson, alias Madge Doyle,
by cutting her throat with a razor, will
be sentenced to death at 9:30 this morn
ing by Judge Gantenbein. The condemned
man was in court yesterday morning for
the purpose of receiving the customary
legal notice of the court's intention to
pass sentence, and displayed very little
concern over the situation. He appears
resigned to his fate and has declared
repeatedly that he has no idea of mak
ing any further fight for his life.
City Must Pay ex-Policeman Salary
Due Him.
State Circuit Judge Cleland has decided
in favor of R. L. Eberman in the suit
brought by the latter to recover $92 S3 on
account of salary alleged to have been
due him from the City of Portland while
he was under suspension as a police
officer from November 1, to December 7,
last year.
The evidence In the case was that Eber
man was a regular patrolman, with a
salary of $50 a month; that October
12, 1905. by order of the Executive Board,
he was discharged from his position. An
appeal was taken to the Civil Service
Commission. which investigated the
charges preferred, and finding that they
were without foundation, reinstated Eber
man November 1. 1905. The next day
Acting Chief of Police Gritzmacher. on
the advice of Mayor Lane, peremptorarily
dismissed Eberman from service for
The same charges were thereupon pre
sented' to the Executive Board and
sustained, but on another appeal to the
Civil . Service Commissioners. Eberman
was reinstated. The suit was for pay
during the period of suspension.
The deposed patrolman, while success
ful in connection with the charges against
him that formed the basis of the suit,
was finally ousted on others, and is not
now connected with the department.
J. T. Harahan, Xew President of
Illinois Central, Rises From Ranks.
J. T. Harahan. who for 16 years has
been second vice-president of the Illinois
Central, is now its president, having been
elected to succeed Stuyvesant Fish on
J. T. Hamahsn.
November 7. Mr. Harahan is probably
as widely known as any railroad man in
the country, certainly as widely as any
in the West. He is 6S years old. and has
spent 42 years of his life in railroading.
He was roadmaster of the Nashville &
Decatur in 1872. Seven years later he was
made division superintendent of that road,
which position he occupied during the
first half of 1SS4, when he was promoted
to general manager. For a few months
in 1SS3 he was general superintendent of
the Pittsburg division of the Baltimore
& Ohio, and then assistant general man
ager of the Louisville & Nashville, from
which, in October. 1SS5. he was promoted
to the position of general manager.
After occupying this office for three
years. Mr. Harahan was successively as
sistant general manager of the Lake
Shore & Michigan Southern, general man
ager of the Chesapeake & Ohio, and gen
eral manager of the Louisville, New Or
leans & Texas. On November 1, 1S90, he
assumed the second vice-presidency of
the Illinois Central. Mr. Harahan has
had general charge of both operation and
traffic during this long period.
J. P. O'Brien Explains Failure of
Recent Chicago Conference.
J. P. O'Brien, vice-president and gen
eral manager of the Harriman lines in
Oregon, returned yesterday from New
York and Chicago. The object of his
trip primarily was to attend the peace
conference -of the Hill and Harriman
officials at Chicago. He made a visit
to his old home in Connecticut while in
the East.
"I am sorry the conference in Chicago
failed to accomplish its purpose." said
Mr. O'Brien yesterday. "I hoped the dif
ferences over the Portland terminals
would be settled This would admit of
getting the Improvements we have plan
ned for the Northern Pacific Terminal
Company under way at once. The exten
sion is badly needed and delays are in
convenient. Now, I suppose, the terminal
controversy will have to be fought out in
the courts.
"The only thing the Hill people were
willing to trade on was the uptown ter
minal situation, while we wanted track
age rights so that we could get to yards
we have purchased below the North Pa
cific Mill. The contention of the -Hill of
ficials that they could confer only on the
terminal situation, proper, effectually
blocked negotiations and put an end to
the conference."
General Manager O'Brien said that he
did not make arrangements while away
for sending gasoline motor cars to Port
land for further trials on the Oregon
lines of the allied roads, but that he did
make a recommendation that the new
steel passenger coach recently built by
the Southern Pacific be sent here for ex
hibition. Another Boom at Pasco.
. Pasco. Wash., which has been lost to
the public gaze sice the slogan. "Keep
your eye on Pasco," was abandoned,
promises to regain something of its once
while prominence because of the activity
of the Portland & Seattle Railway at
that place. The company Is now building
16 dwellings for the use of its employes
and is reported to have purchased a large
tract of land there to be used as rail
road yards.
New Tork Tourists Coming.
Mrs. Lawrence Williams and party, of
New York, will reach Portland this after
noon at 4:30 o'clock in the private car
"Colonial." They come over the Northern
Pacific from the Sound. A trip to The
Dalles has been arranged for them over
the O. R. & N.
Hopper Opens Independent Theater.
CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. 13 The newest
link of the chain of Independent theaters
C '
Cure For The' Blues
Health Fully Restored and the ioy of
Life Regained.
When a cheerful, brave, lig-ht-hearteiS
woman is suddenly plunged into that
perfection of misery, the BLUES, it is
a sad picture. It is usually this way :
Shi has been feeling '"out of sorts'
jtfrj. Rosa AdamW
for some time ; head has ached and
back also ; has slept poorly, been quite
nervous, and nearly fainted once pr
4wice; head dizzy, and heart beats very
fast ; then that bearing-down feeling",
and during her periods she is exceed
ingly despondent. Nothing pleabes
her. Her doctor says : ' Cheer up : you
have dyspepsia ; you will be all right
But she doesn't get " all right." and
hope vanishes ; then come the brood
ing, morbid, melancholy, everlasting
Don't wait until your sufferings have
driven you to despair, with your nerves
all shattered and your courage gone,
but take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. See what it did for
Mrs. Rosa Adams, of 819 12th Street,
Louisville, Ky., niece of the late Gen
eral Roger Hanson, C.S.A. She writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham;
" I cannot tell you with pen and ink what
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
has done for me. I suffered with fi-male
troubles, extreme lassitude, ' the blues,'
nervousness and that all-e;one feelins. I was
advised to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, and it not only cured my female
derangement, but it has restored me to perfect
health and strength. The buoyancy of my
younger days has returned, and I do not suf
fer any longer with despondncy. as I did be
fore. I consider Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a boon to sick and suffering
If you have some derangement of
the ferncle organism write Mrs.
'trVlnr-i. j v. or ndvlr.e.
under the Shubert management, the new
Lyric Theater, in this city, was opened
last night by DeWolf Hopper and Mar
garet Clark, in "Happyland." A fashion
able and enthusiastic aucuence crowded
the house, which is a beautiful steel and
cement structure as near fireproof as pos
sible and located within half . a block of
Fountain Square, the city's heart. Shu
bert attractions will play exclusively at
the new theater.
Much Business to Come Before Ini
tiative One Hundred.
Committee reports and a number of im
portant matters for discussion will come
before the Initiative One Hundred at Its
regular annual meeting which will be
held in the Abington building next Fri
aiy evening at 8 o'clock. It Is especially
desired to have a large attendance at
this meeting and the president. Francis I.
McKenna. has called attention in the
notices to the section of the by-laws
which provides that "any member- who
shall absent himself from three consecu
tive regular monthly meetings, ceases to
be a member."
The following committees will report:
boulevards. parks. parkways. high
bridges and speedways. J. C. Ains worth,
chairman. Ion Lewis. Drake C. O'Kftllly,
Francis I. McKenna; poles and overhead
wires. J. Frank Watson, chairman, H L.
Chapin: legislation, liquor license. P. L.
Willis chairman. Rufus Mallory. R. W.
Montague. Judee Seneca Smith: printing.
Dr. Emmet Drake chairman. C. W.
Taylor: civic esthetics. John Van Zsnt
chairman. E. W. Barnes. B. C Bronaugh.
F. B. Gibson: membership. Dr. Emmet
Drake. J. B. Laner, H. H. Emmons. O.
W. Taylor. P. E. Sullivan. George P.
Lent; street improvements. George P.
Lent, chairman. B A. Kemp. William
Goldman: Mount Tabor Park. W. Q.
Kerns chairman, H. H. Carter, W. Wynn
Columbia Brewery Destroyed-
NEW YORK. Nov. 13 The plant of the
Columbia Brewing Company, recently
purchased by Lembeek & Betz. and lo
cated on the Newark Bay. at the foot
of Winfield and Bartholdl avenues. Jer
sey City, comprising seven buildings, was
burned early today. The loss will be
about $150,000. Hugo Schuler, the engi
neer, was seriously burned in an at
tempt to save property. ,
Nobody Hurt in Train Wreck.
ST. LOUIS. Mo , Nov. 13 A westbound
Missouri Pacific passenger train, while
running at full speed, was hurled from
the track by spreading rails near Gleirco,
27 miles west of here, today, and beyond
cuts and bruises, all on board miraculous
ly escaped. The entire train plunged into
an embankment and the track was torn
up for 310 feet.
Senator Cullom Is Taken 111.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13 Senator Cul
lom suffered a slight attack of indigestion
and nausea while at the Navy Depart
ment today, requiring the attention of a
physician. He is resting easily, and it is
believed soon will be completely recov
But Changed His Mind on Investigation.
It often seems ridiculous what a simple
thing can do in shaping our lives. .
We do certain things because our fath
ers before us did, and don't stop to think
that we might be better for a change.
A man tells how he changed from cof
fee to Postum Food Coffee and the re
markable difference it made in him.
"I have been a heavy coffee-drinker
for years, got very nervous and my mind
seemed dazed. I would go to work every
morning with an unsteady hand, and act
ually endanger my life, as I am a build
ing mechanic.
"I had read of the results that occurred
by changing from coffee to Postum. but I
was in such a condition mentally and
physically that I never though of it for
myself But I kept growing worse every
diy until I was advised to try Postum.
"I laughed at first, but finally tried it.
and to my great surprise. I was dead
sure I had at last found the real trouble
and how to get rid of it
"While using coffee, among all the
other ails I was also troubled with sour
stomach and gas, but thanks to Postum
and the friend who advised me to use it,
my stomach can now stand almost any
kind of food. The whole change is a
wonder to me." Name given by Postum
Company. Battle Creek. Mich. Read the
book. "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
"There's a reason."