12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, .MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1906. Ill CANNOT TRUE CHRISTIANS Preacher Says Church Mem bers Should Not Have Over $10,000. MORE WEALTH A HANDICAP Plutocrats Who Teach Bible Classes Get Xo Comfort From Rev. II. C. fehaffpr Pator Has "o Confidence In Them. Can a man -worth many millions, or even very many thousands, be. a true follower of the meek and lowly Jesus, who was so poor that he had no place to lay his head? Rev. H. C. Shaffer, pastor of the United Brethren Church, ays not. In a sermon in the Friends' church at Sunnyside yesterday after noon he made the declaration boldly. Men of wealth who are pillars of the church and who give to charity that they may be applauded by the multi tude, were put on the rack by Dr. Schaffer. He declared that to his mind a man who accumulates more than $10,000 to provide for his wants in old age is not a true Christian. Waiving the question of whether or not Jarse fortunes can be accumulated honestly, he said that a man who mere ly heaps up money has neither time nor inclination to live as a Christian should live. That the Rockefellers. Morgans, Goulds and other multi-millionaires who are envied in this world, will be ostracized in the next, is the outspoken opinion of the United Brethren pastor. That plutocrats can no more get past the pearly gates than the vilest sinner is his belief. But Dr. Shaffer drew the line more sharply than this. He de clared that anyone who accumulates more than from J10.00 to $25,000 cannot be a true Christian and cannot be an honest follower of him whose exhorta tion to his followers was not to lay up treasures on earth. He who hoards up gold finds no place in Dr. Shaffers list of Christians. To him. Christ's advice to the rich young ruler to give all his wealth to the poor and follow him. is binding today on all who would enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That the poor shall not inherit the earth but that, together with the meek, they shall possess the Kingdom is the belief of Dr. Shaffer. He doubts that the rich can be honest church members, and says that many wealthy men who are rhuhch members could never get into the church if Christ were the pas tor. For those pious millionaires who pose as philanthropists and lead the singing in Sunday-schools, but sally forth to carry on their usual sharp business practices on Monday, Dr. Shaffer has no use at all. "I have no confidence whatever in these wealthy men who teach Bible classes." said he. The subject discussed by Dr. Shaffer yesterday afternoon was "Temperance." hut he gave the word a wider significance than is usually attached to it. Instead of the stereotyped tonguelashing that is usually given the demon rum on such oc casions, the speaker advocated temper ance in all things, particularly in money making. His words were plain. "Opinions dif fer," said he, "as to what amount any Christian should save for the support of niniseir ana family, but it is my own 'pinion that $10,000 is the limit. But for the sake of latitude, let us say that $25, 0io is the largest sum of money any Chris tion should possess. "The subject of temperance is a large one." he continued. "It applies to every mora. theme. To he temperate is to abandon all sinful and harmful things or practices, and to use the good with mod eration. Many a person who declaims against liquor is guilty of intemperate speech and outrageous anger, and will no more inherit the Kingdom of God than the drunkard In the ditch. "There are many wealthy men who give large sums of money to deprive the drinker of his beverage, who are wild in their delirium of speculation and wealth getting. The acquiring of large sums of money is as un-Christianlike as any other sin. 'When a rich man tried to get Into the Kingdom by coming to Jesus. Jesus told him to go and sell what he had and give to the poor. He went away Ead. Today he is Invited into the church and offered a place as an official. We say that the rich young ruler had his heart set on his wealth. So has every wealthy man. "But whoso hath this world's goods and beholdeth his brother in need, and shutteth up his bowels of mercy ' from him, how doth the love of God dwell in him?' is the question of Scripture. The love of God does not dwell in him. The sin of intemperate wealth is as heinous as the sin of debauch, and It will merit and receive the just judgment of the Al mighty in the last day. "So person who claims to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, ought to hoard more money than sufficient to provide a comfortable living in case of sickness or old age. "Then there is a large class of so called Christians who deprecate the idea of the slum, and consider the outcast with abhorrence. But at the same time these same people give expression to the same passions within the marriage relation and consider themselves holy. Jesus taught that the sin of it all consisted not in the overt act, but in the awful surge of lust as the basis for it. Temperance in this century will mean a white life for two, and the use of the procreative powers as a holy sacrament, and the only, object in view the propagation of the species." PR B. E. S. ELY OX AXGEB. Thing to Be Had. but to Be Held in Check, He Says. "Getting mad who of us has not had the experience? With how few. if any, of us is it an infrequent occurrence? Ave! and the defeat, the mortification, the tears it nas caused us: How we have prayed and resolved and struggled against it! Truly, the subject is one of the keenest Interest to us all. With the foregoing introduction Rev. B E. S. Ely opened his address last night at Calvary Presbyterian Church. He con tinued: Not all anger is sinful. To get mad Is not always wrong. "Be ye angry and sin not' Implies sinless anger. Anger Is ahundred times attributed to God in the Bible. Look at the old prophets. Moses was culpably angry when he beheld the Israelites worship Ping the golden calf and broke in pieces the tablets of stone. Elijah commanded the destruction of the priests of Baal. "There are times." said a wise writer, "when the Christian Is not to blame for having the spirit of these Psalms. To be Incapable of anger is to be lacking In moral fiber. Under the form of Indig nation it flashes with a marvelous power ngalnst wickedness, untruth and- dishonor. It Is what makes men strike down giant evils. It lies at the bottom of all great reform. Anger Is not always sinful. It Is an essential quality of our better nature. Dr. rxAlA'a words about It at tru. "Wa are o ail that pity is- not more naturally awakened by the tight of suffering-, fear by the approach of danfer, delight by the vlaion of beauty, gratitude by deeds of gen erous kindness, than Is anger by many kinds of wrongdoing." But. on the other hand. are warned to have a, care lest being angry be sin. Hence Its second teaching: Some anger is sinful. There is anger that lacks Justice or cause -when men fly Into a passion over trifles. Much of human anger is of this sort- Then there is anger without love. . Our anger should be like God's. He is angry with the vilcked every day. yet he loves them. 'VTe can never be righteously angry beyond the point of Christian love. Again, there Is a v-ry mistaken Idea of love prevalent In these days, for It has been eulogized to such an extent that It has lost Its Identity It Is not a mere sentiment and does not exist wihcut moral qualities. Anger Is a thing to be had. but to be held In check. FOCXDIXG OF THE CHURCH Pastor of St. Mark's Says Catholics Have Divine Authority. "The Origin of the Catholic Church" was the subject dealt with by Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, at St. Mark's. Church, last night. "Upon this rock will I build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," was chosen for the text. Rev. Simpson said, in part: Our subject Is, "What Is the Catholic Church?" Tho text shows that Christ promised to found a church: that he promised to found it on the rock of the incarnation St. Pe ter's admission, "thou art the Christ, the son of the living God.' being the first explicit acknowledgment on the part of the dis ciples th-it Christ was God Incarnate: and -hat he promised that the gates of hell should not prevail against It. The Catholic Church, therefore, must show these marks; that it was founded by our Lord Jesus Christ; that It has as Its cen tral doctrine the truth that Christ Is both God and man. and that It has continuous and unbroken existence from the first. The word Catholic means universal, and the Catholic Church, embracing all who are in union with Christ through faith and obedi ence, cannot consist of any part or section of the whole. It must include all who have complied with the laws of Its membership, and entered Its organization. No body with in It or no sect outside it can be the Cath olic Church. No organization founded by man or coming into existence since the times f our Lord and his apostles can be the Catholic Church. H'ly scripture and Catholic tradition make it plain that there are three essen tial conditions of membership in the church. These are. repentance for sin. faith in Christ, and baptism in the name of the holy trlnltv. All who have complied with these conditions are members of the Catholic Church. hether they call themselves Catholics. Roman Catholics. Presbyterians. Methodists. Baptists. Congregatlonallsts or what not. all who In penitence and faith have been baptized with water In the holy name are members of the Catholic Church. This Is no narrow and sectarian doctrine. It includes all who belong to Christ In the one great fold. Christ's kingdom, the Catholic Church, shall yet embrace all. and the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever. GODLIXESS PAYS, HE SAYS. Dr. Clarence True Wilson Addresses Members at Y. M. C. A. Dr. Clarence True Wilson was the speaker at the Y. M. C. A. services yes terday afternoon. His topic was. "Chris tianity. Does it Pay?" The Auditorium was well-filled. "We are living in a very practical age." said Dr. Wilson. . "and the question is on the lips of many 'does it nav?' God liness is profitable in all things In this life and in its promises for the life to come. It pays us in our physical de velopment in our mental state: it pays socially and politically, it sweetens our domestic life and adds joy and vigor to our amusements. "But in order to be godly we must give up all our sins; sins of hatred, of passion, of hypocrisy and of pride. Yve must give up ourselves and sacrifice our lives for time and eternity. Paul saw the ad vantage of giving up his life for Christ, and sacrificed himself when Christianity was at its lowest ebb. 'Godliness is defined as the worshiping or Cjod. according to the dictates o con science. But as to the question that I shall try to answer, 'does godliness pay,' the prophet David says, 'I am old, and long have I lived, and I have never seen the children of God forsaken: neither do they beg for bread." Godliness helps us in dollars and cents; it is profitable for us financially. Many people say that the church is always beggfng for money, but I tell you many a man would spend more for a single wine supper than he would give the church in a year. And many a young man, like the prodigal son. will go out and give his life's blood, his vigor and his fortune In quest for questionable pleasures. "Godliness helps a man physically. Look out and see these men on our streets grown old prematurely, victims of dis eases that Inch by inch sap their vitality. The Bible says, 'The wicked shall not live out half their days." "Godliness profits a man socially, and one of the best introductions to society is the card of righteousness. Politically it helps a man, for the man who is not true to God will not be true to the people. and the man who dishonors God will dis honor the commonwealth. , STTXIi FIGHTING EVOLUTION Elder Snyder Thinks Theory Incom patible With Man's Antiquity. In replying to questions concerning man's antiquity as evidenced by geology and evolution. G. A. Snyder said in part: Since The Oregonian has admitted that nothing definite can be known as to the an tiquity of man from the various Implements found in the various strata of the earth's crust, there is not much left to argue about, for that is what I have said all along. We all believe in man's antiquity. It is only a question of how old he is, and since we cannot tell anything definite about his age, we might as well agree to disagree on thls point. .It is a little peculiar, however, to hear some argue for an inconceivably great an tiquity for man, and at the same time con tend for the theory of evolution. The facta are that human fosstls and implements have been found too far down in geological strata to agree with the evolution theory. Well developed human remains and implements have been found in strata which In theory are not supposed to contain anything higher In the scale of evolution than ape life. It Is the moral and social aspect of the evolution theory, however, that is most ob jectionable. When men are constantly edu cated to believe that all facial and individ ual advancement Is the result of an incessant struggle for existence, in which the strong always survive at the expense of the weak. it is only natural that greed and oppression should become the ruling elements of the age. It would seem that evolutionary com munism and plutocracy ought not to war with each other for carrying their theory into practice, and yet war unto the death of one or the other is the fundamental creed of each. The future outlook, from the view point of evolution, is only eternal warfare and endless defeat of the weaker by the ever-surviving stronger. The evolution theory acts as a stimulant to those selfish propensities of the human heart which are already too highly developed. filter serious illness Hood's Sarsaparilla imparts the strength and vigor so much needed. Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Welcome Miu4a Ev Remedy. It soothes. It cures. IS UN EMPTY NAME Father Thompson Says "Free Thought" Is Fallacy. COULD BE NO SUCH THING Speaker Contends That Only the Term Is Recommendation of New but Impossible Belief Which Is Merely a Snare. Modern Freethought was the subject of a strong address- delivered by Father Thompson at St. Mary's Cathedral last night. Rev. Thompson maintained that freethought as it is today is not really freethought. In fact there is no such thing as freethought, according to Rev. Thompson, who says the mind must run in certain channels. "The present term, freethought. is often used to cover an evil purpose. "' said Father Thompson. The follbwing is an abstract of his sermon. An attractive name is a valuable placard for many a commodity which has little else to recommend It. The system whica calls Itself 'F.-eethoughf has at least the ad vantage of a prepossessing name. But If the rame d' es nr.l correspond to the thing. It Is a snare, and like a plausible manner, may only serve to cloak an evil purpose. The designation of - Freethought" Is the combination of two incompatible Ideas. Thought cannot in tie nature of things be free. All rational thinkers must proceed In ouedience to law. and the "lawless" thinker Is a much a menace in his own sphere as is the "lawless" citizen to the community In which he lives. " Every ascertained fact puts a necessary restraint upon thought, and 'ne who would deny the rotundity of the earth would be classified, not as an inspir ing example of Intellectual freedom, but as a victim of invincible ignorance. Truth, the object of thought, makes us free in the true sense of the word, for it dispels ignorance and error, which mean bondage for the mind. What Freethought'- is meant to stand for. then, Is not the lax and lawless think ing, which the name implies, but the pur suit of truth without previous bias or pre possession, along any line of reason waereby It may be obtained. It is held that free dom of inquiry precludes any one from be lieving that he knows the truth before he starts his investigation, and. moreover, there is In fact only one sure way of arriv ing at truth the way of physical science, with its methods it observation, experiment and calculation. The great commandment of free thought, therefore, forbids any definite convictions as to the objects of in quiry, and with the freethinker there is no intellectual freedom where the object of in vestigation is viewed otherwise than as an open question. It is needless to say that this system is antagonistic to the Catholic church, wnich Is irrevocably commlttrd to a directly op posite principle. A Catholic believes on the authority of the church, in God, in the in carnation and redemption. In Immortality, In future judgment. In all supernatural truth, not because he has found such truth to be true on any line of independent in vestigation, but because they are propos, 1 to him by a teacher he accepts as divine, and without such submission, no man can be a Catholic. Hence it is frequently charged that no Catholic enjoys full intel lectual freedom in the domain of eitner science or philosophy. For the Catholic, it is said, the results of his investigations are predetermined, and he arbitrarily han dles every problem so as to 'bring about the answer which the exigencies of his position demand. Whatever weight this objection may ap pear to have at first sight, a little reason ing will show Its utter falsity as a general principle. It assumes gratuitously the very point that calls for -proof, viz.. that "the convictions held at the outset by the in quirer are erroneous, and that the knowl edge which r.e thinks himself "to possess Is in reality no knowledge at all. In such cir cumstances, where knowledge and convic tions are at fault, there is certainly no pos sibility of right reasoning. But if we s- ,. pose a conceivable case, where an lnquhw knows the truth before he adopts a process of investigation which will lead to It, cer tainly no one will maintain that his fore knowledge will incapacitate him for an ex act demonstration of the truth he already knows. True knowledge can not be a stumbling block in the way of right rea soning, for the truth can not be opposed to truth. The fact that we know on the au thority of competent acquaintance that the coming Christmas will fall on Tuesday, no way unfits us for the discovery of the same fact by independent Investigation. SECRET POWER OF CHRISTIAN Sermon by Rev. Ii. F. Smith at Trin ity Methodist Church. Rev. Lt F. Smith, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, spoke last evening on the topic, "Secret Power of the Chris tian." His text was "Mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts." Rev. Mr. Smith spoke of the longing of men to see God. He set forth the condition under which he may "see" God. Con tinuing, he said: We will not feel concerned about other people until we see their condition. We were aroused . to help the people of San Francisco when we knew jpf their condition, so we will be aroused wnen we see the aw-ful condition of the people in their sins. If we are aroused to help save those who may be in danger in the burning building, or those who are drowning, how much more should we be aroused to help those who are ruined, soul, body and spirit. What shall we do? Just what Isaiah did, cry unto God for "help, and He will send His messenger, as He did to Isaiah. "There flew one of the seraphim unto me, having & live coal from off the altar; and he laid it upon my mouth, and said. -Lo. this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged;' " also, "I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then said I, 'Here am I; send me.' " So when God touches our hearts and fills us with His holy spirit, we will want God to use us in His service, and he can use us. TAKES TEXT FROM ISAIAH. Dr. Clarence True Wilson Preaches on Christianity's Optimism. The sermon of Dr. Clarence True Wil son at Grace Methodist Episcopal Church last evening was based on a prediction of Isaiah, the prophet of promise. "These for Those" was the pastor's topic His text was taken from Isaiah. ix:17, "For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood, brass; and for stones, iron." He said: "The religion of the Bible is the only one which has its golden age before it. All others look to the past as the more desirable period. But whatever the pres ent darkness, the finger of revelation al ways points to brighter things. We do not look for failure, because a new gen eration is soon to be trusted with the conduct of the world. Because the Al mighty wants new things done in ew ways, he takes one generation off the stage of action and brings another on. The past teaches us that each succeed ing generation has conserved the hest se cured by the former and brought to light improvement not before discovered. And round about the text is the optimistic flow of a better order and a happier out ook, well adapted to the consecrated and rising youth of the land. "Young people, the terms of the- text have to do with endowments consecrated to God and human uplift. Whether your endowment oe stone, wood, iron or brass, you have no responsibility but you have to use whatever it may be, and with it do business for God. Have you received a spiritual endowment? Have vou been awakened to a sense of the awfnlness of sin? Do you realize that disagreement wnn -roa is no way to prosper? Have you truly and earnestly repented of vour sins; believed on Christ for salvation? Fxchange this repentance and faith for him who is made unto us wisdom, right eousness, 6anctification and redemption. Did ye receive the gift of the Holy Spirit when ye believed? Then go forth with the iron and brass and silver and cast them into the crucible of the world's im provement and look for the fine gold of the kingdom in exchange for thine out lay. Have something worthy to offer to God. TVi Tint atremnr. to buv with the irredeemable currency of ambitions and resolutions, but receive from Heaven me gifts divine. Remember that the means of the world's unlift are not inherited but derived: that outlay Is the price of acqui sition; that the increase win re commen. surate with our outlay in the things of God; that all the divine blessings are the result of investment; that the dividend Is greater than the price, and finally the more valuable the investment the greater the compensation." . The pastor enlarged these propositions and showed that religion requires the surrender and sacrifice of much but fur nishes a margin upon the investment and pays for the life that is now as well as for the one that is' to come. The musical oroeramme of the evening was one of the best yet rendered by the quartet and male chorus. Particularly wrthy of mention was. Miss Edith M. Ly tie's rendition of a Gospel solo. DEFINES ONE-SIDED PEOPLE Dr. Brougher Takes "A Cake Not Turned" for Subject The services last night at the White Temple opened with baptism, and of the musical features, the trio rendered by Miss Lawler. Mrs. Reed and Mr. Belcher was exceptionally fine. Dr. Brougher took for his text Hosea vii:S "Ephraim is a cake not turned." He said in part: Ephraim stands for Israel In this passage. The Prophet Hosea declares that Israel is one-sided. He ts like a pancake that ha been burnt on one side and is raw on the other. In eastern countries it was custom ary to heat the hearth or oven, as It was called, sweep It clean, and put the cake upon it. Then they - covered the cake with ashes and embers. In a little while the cake was turned, and the process repeated several times until the cake was well baked. But the prophet says that Israel is a cake that has been neglected. He has not been turned, therefore one side may be raw and the other side burnt. In this rather striking simile, Hosea teaches the Importance of having a full rounded life and character. There are many representatives of ancient Israel in the world today. They have neglected one side or the other in the development of their lives and have become lopsided. They have been cooked on one side, and left raw on the other. It Is my purpose to notice some ways in which people become "half baked pancakes." The person who develops either body or spirit alone is a "cake not turned." It is more than commonplace to say that a man has both a body and a soul. Everyone recognizes the fact that a fully developed man or woman Involves the development of body and spirit. Bu"t how few such men and women do we see in the world. We are negligent of either one or the other. We are one-sided in our judgments. We are Influenced by our prejudices. We are controlled by heredity and environment. The conscience Is developed in one direction and not an other. It Is tender on one side and seared on tne other. There are some church mem bers who are too conscientious to blacken their shoes on Sunday, who have no hesi tancy in using their tongues to blacken their neighbors' characters on Monday. There are some deacons who pray to tnt. Lord on Sunday, and then prey on the peo ple on Monday. There are business men who would not' shave on Sunday, but they are willing to shave the widow's note on Monday. There are some men who would not drive a horse on Sunday, but they are willing to drive their employes during the week until they almost drop dead. Jesus Christ came into the world to make men whole. It should be our aim, by the help of God. to develop an all round character of Christ-likeness. He who lives either for pleasure or busi ness alone Is a "cake not turned." Busi ness and pleasure go together. They are the two sides of life's activities. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy;" but all play and no work makes Jack a useless, vicious boy. It is important that we should get the proper proportion of these two. When one makes up his mind that the great end of life Is simply to have a good time, duty is neglected, sacred obligations are ignored, business is a failure, the prospects of life wither, and the end is utter ruin and despair. On the other -hand, the man who rushes into business and makes it his "be all and end all." has missed the mark equally with me pleasure seeker. DR. MACLAREN IN PULPIT Ivos Angeles Minister Tells of Strength and Beauty of Faith. Rev. Dr. Maclaren. of Los Angeles. who has been invited to take tempor ary charge of the First Presbyterian Church, delivered a sermon yesterday morning that attracted much attention. The text was Psalm xcvl:6: Strength and beauty are in his sanc tuary" He said in part: When I first visited London one of the ob jects I was most anxious to see was St. Paul's Cathedral. As I looked at Its great dome, I was amazed by its marvelous beauty. It was stained by ages of storms and London fogs, but these could not ob scure the absolute perfection of its lines and curves. It looked light and airy as though it mignt rise ana noat away. But associat ed with this beauty you could not fall to aee Its wonderful and ponderous strength. It Is tuilt to stand until the kingdom of God comtj in its glory. And then I thought of the great prlnrl- WE CURE MEN FOR LICENSED TO PRACTICE Specialtsts. feervauuu. If your system is impaired in any way, come and have a talk with us. We may be able to set you right again if we can cure you we would like to undertake your case. For many years we have made a specialty of MEN'S DISEASES, and we know we can cure you, IF your case is curable. Experimenting and theories are things of the past. Our treatment embraces the most modern and scientific princi ples, founded on years of successful practice. . We cure by the latest and best methods known to medical science VARICOSE or KNOTTED VEINS, BLOOD POISON, NERVO VTTAL DEBILITY, BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, and all associate diseases and weaknesses, with their reflex complications, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture and Weakness. We have cured thousands If your physical condition is impaired, if your vitality is assailed from overwork and worry, if your system is tainted with disease in any form whatever, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF to seek and obtain restorative power at once. HOME TREATMENT. If you are in or near the city you should apply for treatment in . erson, but if you live too far away for this, write us a full and un reserved history of your case. You will receive as careful, conscien tious and painstaking attention as if you came to our office daily. ' As men in different parts of Canada and Mexico, as, well as all over the United States, are being cured by our system of Home Treat ment, we feel fully justified in claiming that it is the most perfect and successful system devised. ' Honrs S to 5, 7 to 8:30 Dally; Sundays, 9 to 12. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary CORNER SECOJfD AND YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAXD, OR. pie of all architecture that the llnea of the greatest beauty are always the lines of the greatest strength. There are some things that are strong, but not beautiful, and there are some things that are beautiful but not strong, bat when you find the supreme of beauty and the supreme of strength you will always find them together. Let us look for trie strength and beauty that are in His sanctuary. The- one great object of our gathering here is to meet with God. and God. our Heavenly Father, is almighty in His strength, and glorious in His beauty. Dr. Maclaren showed that all forms of false religion uphold ideals of God both weak and unlovely. "The paganism of ancient and modern times pictures God aa subject to all the weakening vices of the most vicious men," said he. The countless new religions of the day. the fads and cults that so many are raving over. represent that you are God and that I am God. and we all are God together. They teach that we cannot be sick or suffer because God cannot be sick. But they wear out in spite or their creed and pass away, grasp ing at nothing. In contrast to all this is the strength and beauty of Jesus, our Saviour strong to bear the sorrows of all the world and glorious in His loving kindness. The doctrines preached in the sanctuary must be strong and beautiful. If anything ts preached that seems weak or unlovely, it is either false or imperfectly expressed. All truth is eternally strong and beautiful. The speaker in closing pictured the strong and magnificent .human charac ter that is sure to be developed if we walk in love and loyalty with Christ and imitate his example. God has ex hausted the power of human language in giving us some conception of the strength and beauty of the eternal city where there is room for all his children. "THE ASSIZE OF CONSCIENCE" Sermon by Dr. McGlade at Mizpah Presbyterian Church. ' "The Assize of Conscience" was the topic of the sermon last evening at the Mizpah Presbyterian Church, by Rev. Jerome McGlade. His text was. "And they said one to another, we are verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul when he be sought us and we would not hear." Dr. McGlade said in part: The word assize means an assembly of judges: also a decision pronounced by them; a , sitting for a judicial purpose. Black stone held that the original meaning of the word was Jury, citing Henry the II as insti tuting the Grand Assize, or grand jury. We may transfer the meaning, speaking cl the conscience ab an assize or Jury which passes verdict upon the acts of man. With in the breast of every person is a court, a Ji.cge, a Jury and man is arraigned before the bar of conscience and tried for his moral actions, and acquitted or convicted. A writer shows morality to be the progressive accomplishment of an eternal purpose with which man is in harmony, or should be: that the moral faculty is the man himself conscious in a1', actions of a good which he attains or fails to attain: that it is the voice of God in tne human breast, and at the same time that of man's true self. In the Scriptural incident of Jacob's ten sons who had been implicated in a plot j against tneir orotner, josepn. setting ntm as a slave and falsifying their action before their father, and after the lapse of years having their deed present itself before them, we have a case at hand. Meeting the memory of their sinful act, as it was brought before them, conscience within them pronounced the verdict of guilty. Had conscience slumbered ever since that fateful day when they trafficked in a life? Did conscience say never a word when they returned to their father with Joseph's gar ments stained with blood, reporting that an tvil beast had slain him? Were they un affected when thetr aged '.her made such sad lamentations over lost son? Tnrough these silent years did never the memory of their sin haunt rhem? We know that conscience may slumber, become a seared and scarred thing, but yet it is a terrible avenger of evil deeds, and roused in the breasts of these guilty men, caused each to pronounce himself guilty. The speaker dwelt at length upon the process of the trial which led to con viction, and pointed out how such trial processes are ever going on. He cited celebrated passages in the Bible and the world's l' erature and history and called attention to the Conscience Fund of our nation which dating from 1811, was in creased in the last 15 months by more than $i!700. DATLY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Nov. 11 Maximum temper ature, 56 degrees; minimum. 50. River read ing at S A. M.. 7.4 feet; change in last 24 hours, rise 0.7-foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., O fi-lnch: total since Sep tember 1. 1906. 10.71 inches: normal, 7.74 inches; excess. 2.07 inches. Total sunshine. November 10, 1H06. 7 hours and 4S minutes; possible, 9 hours and 42 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M., 30 14 inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The small high-pressure area yesterday over the North Pacific States has increased in magnitude and moved east to the Da kota!. The barometer is relatively low over Northwest Washington. Light ratn has fallen in Northwestern Oregon. Washington and extreme Northern Idaho, and the weather is cloudy in Eastern Oregon and Southwestern Idaho. The changes in tem perature since yesterday have been small and unimportant. The indications are for occasional rain todayNn Northwestern Oregon. Washington MEDICINE IN OREGON Established 25 Years) in Portland Consultation Free. No Pay Unless Cured Many people do not realize that in this day and age methods and plans of treatment have been so greatly improved that ailments consid ered incurable under the old forms of treatment are now easily curable by the physician who has kept abreast of the times. Of all diseases pecu liar to the masculine gender, none requires more skill, intelligent, painstaking, conscientious treat ment than such as those who come under our ob- and Northern Idaho, with increasing cloudi ness in Southern Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending midnight, November 12: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; southerly winds. "Western Oregon Occasional rain north, probably rain and cooler south portion; southerly winds. Western .Washington Rain: southerly winds. Eastern Oregon Cloudy and threatening with probably rain. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Rain. Southern Idaho Increasing cloudiness, with possibly light rain west portion. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. a 3 I WIND. STATION. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops. B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City. San Francisco. . . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island. . Walla Walla SiO.OO! 4. 30 0 00 4 o on! 4 6ti0.ll0 4! 500.00' 4 SOio.OOl 4 S4 0.0SI 5SIO.0O 4i 56i0.06 2 SOiO. 00' 4 6?i0 00i 4 S ICloudv NE IClear SE 'Cloudy W (Clear SW ICloudv E IPt. Cldy SE ;Cloudy w .Clear NWICloudy SE Cloudy N W iPt. Cldy. SE Clear NW'Clear w IClear NE Pain SE Cloudy E iCloudy SW Pt Cldy. I 74'0.00l 4 .1 SS 0 0O 4 . i T.siO.OO, 4 .1 4S' T 4 .i 5:o.oi! 6 . I 5fi o oo:is . ! MlO.001 1 T. Trace. EDWARD A FEAT.Sv Pis'rirt Forecaster. j- DR. W. NORTON DAVIS. IN A WEEK We treat successfully all private nerv ous and chronic diseases of men, such as variocele, hydrocele, sores, ulcers, skin diseases.- syphillis tblood poison), gonor rhoea and ailments of the kidneys, blad der, stomach, heart and liver. Also piles, rupture and all drains and losses of men only. We can restore the sexual vigor of any man. WE Cl'KE GONORRHOEA IN A WEEK. The doctors of this institute are all reg ular graduates, have nad 23 years' experi ence, have- been known in Portland for many years, have a reputation to main tain, and will undertake no case unless certain cure can be effected. ' We guarantee a cure fn every case we undertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion free. Letters confidential. Instruc tive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free in plain wrapper. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We have such confidence in our meth ods that we will take your case and treat you without asking for a dollar until ou are cured. If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment suc cessful. Office hours, 9 to 5 and 7 to 8. Sundays and holidays, 10 to 12. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS CO., Offices in Van Noy Hotel. Third St. Corner Pine, Portland. Or. TRAVELERS' Gl'IDE. San Francisco G Portland Steamship Co. PASSENGER SERVICE RESUMED from AiDS worth Dock (Portland) at 8 P.M. S S. "Costa Rica," November 12, 22, Decem ber 2. 12. 22 S S "Columbia." November 17. 27: Decem ber 7. 17. 27. From Spear St. Dock (San Francisco) at 11 A. M. S "Costa Rica," November S. 18. 28: De cember. S. 18. 2S. S S "Columbia," November 13, 2.1; Decem ber 3. 13. 23. Only Direct Fapseoirer Steamers Operating; Between Portland and San Francisco. JAS H. DEWSON. Agent. 24S Washington St. Phone Main 358. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Daily. 8:00 A. M For Mayners. Rainier. Clatskanle. Wesrport, Clifton, Astoria, War renton. Flavel. Ham mond. Fort Stevens. Gearhart Park. Sea Fide. Astoria and Sea shore. Express Daily. Artoria Express. Dally. Daily. 11:55 A.M. T:0(T P. M 9:50 P.M. C. A. STEVTART, J- C. MATO. Cumm'l Agt.. 24.$ Alder st. G. F. P. A. Phone Main 90S. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA ROUTE. From Seattle at 0 P. M. lor Ketcnlkan. Juneau. Skagway. White- Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. S. S. City of Seattle, November 3. 13. 23. S S. Humboldt. Novem ber K. IS. 2S. e s: i-ottare Citv (via Sitkal. Nov. 4, 18. FOB BAN FKAJfCISCO DERECT. Fro Seattle at 9 A. M. L ma til la. No vember 1 lfi. 31; City of Puebla. November 6. 21; Queen City. November U. 26. Portland Ofncc. -49 tl unhlngtoa St, Main 220. 3. M. Lee. Pass. X Ft. Agt. C. T. DUNANN. O- P. A.. San Francises Upper Coluiia River Steamer Chas. R. Spencer Leaves Oak-street dock every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 7 A. M. for THE DULLES and STATE PORTAGE, connecting with the OPEN RIVER TRANSPORTATION COMPANY STEAMERS for points as far east as HOVER. Returning. arrive Portland. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 3 P. M. Low rates and excellent service. Phone Main 2940 or Main 3201. Colombia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS. Daily service between Portland and The Dalles, exoept Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 A. M.. arriving about 6 P. M., carrying freight and paesengere. Splendid accommo dations for outflts and livestock,. Dock foot of Alder St., Portland: foot of Court at.. The Dalles. Phone Main 914. Portland- WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE For Corvallls. Albany. Independence, Salem. Steamer "POMONA" leaves 6:45 A. M.. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. For Salem and way landings Steamer "OREGONA" leaves 6:45 A. M., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ORF.GOX CITY TRANSPORTATION CO., Toot Taylor Street. HI MW I. . TRAVELERS' GCLDE. EAST via SOUTH S Leaves UNION DEPOT. I Arrives. 8:45 P. M. OVERLAND EX FRESS TRAINS 7:25 A. t for Salem Rose bn r r. Ashland. Sacramento. Og- den. San Fran cisco. Stockton. Los Anpeles. fc-l Paso. New Or leans and the East. 8:00 A. M. ilornlnc train 7:15 P. M connects at Woodburn daily except Sunday with Mt. Angei and Silverton lo cal. Cottage Grove passenger con nects at Wood burn and Albany dally except Sunday -with trains to and from Albany. Lebanon and Id branch points. Corvallls passen ger. Shrllan passen-g-r. Forest Grove passenger. 4:15 P. M. 11:00 A. M- TtOOA. M. 4:10 P. M. 5:50 P. M. 10:20 A. M. 5 :20 P. M. 11 .00 A. M. 52:50 P. M. 7:55 A. M. Daliv. gDailv except Sunday. a PORTLAND-OS' EGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Depot. Foot of Jefferson Street. Leave Portland daily for Oswego at 7:40 A. M. ; 12 :50, 2 :05. 5:20. 6:25. 8:30. 10:10, 11:30 P. M. Dailv except Sunday. 5:30, 6:30. 10 25 A. M. Sunday only. 0 A M. ReturntnR from Oswego, arrive Portland, dailv. 8:3.". A. M.. 1:55. 3:05. S 15. 7:35. 9:55. 11.10 P M ; 12 25 A. M. Daily except Sun day. 6:25. 7:25. 8:35. 11:45 A. M. Sunday oniy. 10 A M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and in termediate points dally. 7:30 A. M. and 4:13 P M. Arrive Portland, 10 15 A. II. and 6:25 P. M. The Independence-Monmouth Motor Line operates daily to Monmouth and Alrlie. con necting with S. P. Co.- trains at Dallas and Independence First-class fare from Portland to Sacra mento and San Francisco. SCO, hertii. $5. Second-class fare, $15; second-class berth, $2 SO. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe; also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITT TIOKJST OFFICE. Corner Third and Washington Sts. Fhone Main 712. C. XV. STINGER, VM. M'JII RRAY. City Ticket Agent. Gen. Puss. Agt. S. TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standards and tourist leeplng cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spo kane; tourist sleeping car dally to Kaussa City. Reclining cnlr cars (Keats frosj ta me :lJo JlRl a UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND r nn SPECIAL for th. East :30 A. M. 5:0O P. M- la Huntington. Pally. Dlly. 6-15 P. iL 8:00 A. M BPOKANE FLYER. Dally. Dally. For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Lewiaton, Coeur d'AUne and Great Norlaare. points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS 8:15 P.M. 1:15 A.M. for the ut via Hunt- Sally. .Daily, tngton PORTLAND . EIGGS 8:15 A.M. 6:00 P. H LOCAL. for all local (joints between Biggs and Portland. RIVER SCTTFDrT.K- FOR ASTORIA and :oo P. M- 8:00 P. U. fray points, connecting Dally Dally with steamer for Ilwa- except except eo and North Beaca Sunday. Sunday, teamer Hassalo, Ash- Saturday st. dock. 10:00 p. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore- 7:00 A.M. '5:30 P. M. gon City and Yamhill Dally Dally River points, Asn-at. except except Bock (water per.) Sunday. I Sunday. For Lewlston, Idaho, and way points from Flparla. Wash. Leave Riparla 5:40 A. M or upon arrival train No. 4. dally except Bat. orday. Arrive Riparla 4 P. M. dally xcepl Friday Ticket Office. Third and Washington. Telephone Main 512. C. W. Stinger. City Ticket Act.; Wm. McMurray. Gen. Pasa. Agt, THE COMF0RTASLE WAY. TWO OVERLAND TRAINS DAIL. THE ORIENTAL I.IMJTED The Fast Mull VIA SEATTLE OR SFOKANE. a Dally. PORTLAND 1 Dally. Leave Time Schedule. lArrlvs. To and from Sp.-! S.30am kane, st. Paul. iln-i' - neapolls. DulutQ andl 11:45 pm All Points East Via :30 pm Seattle. To and from St.! Paul. Minneapolis. , C:15pm Duluth an4 All 5:00 Points East Via Spokane. Grent Northern Steamship Co. Sailing from Seattle for Japan and China ports and Manila, carry ing passengers and frelght S. S. I.nkota. November 2R. ti. S. Minnesota, January 9. NIPPON YCSEN KA1SHA. (Japan Mall Steamship Co.l S. S TANGO MARU will sail from! Seattle about November 13 for Japan I and tnina pons, carrying passen gers and freight. For tickets, rates, berth reserva tions, etc.. call on or address H. DICKSON. C. P. A T. A, 122 Third St.. Portland, Or. Phone Main 68a. TIME CARD 0FT RAINS PORTLAND DAH-T. Xp&ri Arrlvr Tcllowvtoae Park - JOumaa Clty-St. Louis bpecUl fop Chehalls. CentraUa, Olym pltL, Gray Harbor, South Bend. Tacoroa. St-a-ttle, po kan. Lewlston. Butte. Bll llnffs. Denver. Omaha. Kacnaa City, St. Lout and bout h west 8:30 am 4:M ?m 2orth Coat Limited, elec tric IJchted. for Tacema. att)e. Spokane, Butte, Minneapolis St. Paul and the Eat 2:00pra Tr00m pBRft Sound Limited for Claremont. Cneballs, Cen tral.,. Tacoma and 8eattl oly 4:30 pm 10 :W 7 Twin City Expreaa for Ta coma. Seattle, Bpokane, Helena. Butt, Et. Paul. Minneapolis, Lincoln. Omaha, St. JoDh, St. Loula, Kansas City, with at chans: ot care. Direct connections for all points F)at and Southeast 11:43 pm 0:V P- A. D. Charlton. Assistant General Farae- rer A rent. Ift6 Morriava sU, corner TUu4, portUad Or, 0