Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Multnomah Veteran Finds the
Seattle Wrestler Easy.
Dranga-Hope Go Is Declared
Draw, and James-Gordon Con
test Goes Three Rounds, With'
Victory for Puget Sound Lad.
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 9. (Special.)
Seattle and Multnomah broke even in
the two wrestling matches: one of the
boxing events was declared a draw after
an extra round of milling and the second
was given to Seattle before the end of
the third round. This gave Seattle two
events and a draw in the third in the first
Interclub tourney of the Winter.
The veteran Edgar Frank had no trou
ble in winning from M. Hewitt, whom he
took on at ISO pounds. Frank won in
straight falls, the first in 6:30 and the
second in 9:Wi. There was never any
doubt about the result, but Hewitt has
all kinds of confidence and he ought to
make good later.
Kirk Montague stood off Frank Vance
over nine minutes, but the foeattle boy
won almost as handily as Frank in
Btraight falls.
Charley Beckingham refereed both box
ing matches and he refused to give a de
cision between DYanga and Hope. At the
end of the third round he sent them out
again for a. fourth round and would have
kept it up all night if Superintendent V ill
Inglis, of the Seattle Athletic Club, had
not pulled the rules on him and showed
Beckingham that four rounds was the
limit for amateur affairs. Then the ref
eree allowed a draw.
Hope did all the leading during the
first two rounds and he hurt more than
Dranga, but the Portland man was com
ing strong at the end. 4
The James-Gordon match was stopped
Just before the end of the third round.
While he was not much hurt, the Mult
nomah boy was too weak to keep up a
Line-t'p of Team AVill Be Changed
to Develop Speed.
attle. Nov. 9. (Special.) Student activity
is still centered in football. The whole
week has been given up to bringing out
a winning team for the Willamette game
tomorrow. Washington lias a team whose
work has been almost perfect in defense,
but slow on offense. Two scoreless games
have been played this season, against Ore
gon Agricultural College and Whitman
College, but though the visitors have been
unable to score, the home team has also
failed to make yardage.
No scrimmage practice has been at
tempted this week, everything being sub
ordinate to the acquisition of speed and
snap. This change will probably result
In some change in the line-up. The coach
will not finally announce the line-up till
the morning of the Willamette game.
Boggs, the fastest man on the team,
may be taken off right end and used at
half. If Captain Crim cannot gain the
requisite speed he will be superseded by
some one from the line. The fastest men
on the squad will be put in the back field.
Considering the tact that Willamette
has a very snappy line of backs, the game
next Saturday is looked upon as the big
gest and best game in Seattle this season,
and the full school of 1100 students is ex
pected to be out. Willamette will find an
entirely different team from what Whit
man lound last Saturday.
AV111 Meet Heavy O. A. C. Team at
Corvallis Today.
The Dalles football team, accompanied
by Coach Stubling. arrived in Portland
last night, en route to Corvallis, where
they meet the heavy Oregon Agricultural
College team today. Against the O. A. C.
team Stubling will send a team averaging
I'M pounds, but every man is a veteran
and will fisht to the last ditch. Stubling
himself will go into the game, and his
presence will make the youngsters fight
harder. In Bob Murray The Dalles lias
one of the best quarter-backs in the West.
He is a great field general and a whirl
wind on defense. Fullback McCoy and
Joe Mclnerny are both crack punters and
In this department the Eastern Oregon
boys will have the farmers outclassed.
While The Dalles will have O. A. C. out
classed in the bacK field, it is thought the
heavy line of the farmers will go through
The Dalles because of greater weight.
Although the O. A. C. boys will have a
big advantage In weight, they are going
against a team of gritty youngsters who
are flushed with the triumph of a dozen
straight victories and unacquainted with
defeat. Without doubt. Murray will out
general the O. A. C. field captain at every
turn, for he Is a veteran and knows every
trick in football. Everything considered,
today's game promises to be the most bit
terly contested ever witnessed at Corval
lis. None of The Dalles boys expects to
win from Corvallis. but they do expect
to hold the score down to a touchdown
in each half.
"Club Statistician," and Averages.
PORTLAND. Nov. 9. (To the Sporting
Editor.) I notice that a Fred Bay, the
official statistician, In his averages,
backed up by . the so-called approval of
Manager McCredie, gives Portland only
two hitters in the .300 class. You can't
figure McLean because he is not with us
any more. Who is this, Fred Bay, and
since when has the local club a statist!
clan? A FAN.
We know of only one Fred Bay. He was
the bellringer at the games during the
past season. The "official statistician
is a new one on us. We have heard of
official bat-carriers and official scorers.
The bellringer of the past season was not
the ofrtcial scorer. If the Portland club
has such an appendix as an official sta
tistician. It is springing a new one on us
during these safe- and sane off-season
days. James H. Anderson, secretary of
the Pacific Coast League, Is the only real,
dyed-in-the-wool league statistician. In
addition to his duties as secretary, Mr.
Anderson gets out the official averages.
Bay and the rest of the dopesters can
figure their heads off if they want to, but
the fans must wait for Secretary Ander
son for the correct averages.
Basketball at Y. M. C. A.
The first games of the Inter-Association
Basketball League were played last night
at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. Schramm's
team of the 5 o'clock class defeating
Northrup's team of the noon class; score
1 to 9. Schramm. Thornton and Mc
Kenzie stand for the 5 o'clock class and
Clark in tne noon class.
The second game was between Stubbs.
of the young men's class and the first
team, score, 81-2. Hartman, throwing 23
goals from the field, was easily the star
of the evening. It was through the team
work of the other player that the record
was made possible. Forbes as center
showed remarkable speed. Young played
a good passing game. This game was
free from fumbles and showed the result
of systematic coaching. The teams lined
up as follows:
Noon Northrup. forward; Bamford, for
ward; Clark, center; Kenworthy, Dority,
5 O'clock Schramm, Thornton, forward,
McKenzie, center; Gordon, Roberts,
First Hartman. Russell, forward;
Forbes, center; Young. Gates, guard.
Evening Stubbs. Vosper, forward:
Watterborg, center; Wheelock, Sheets,
Willamette Team Goes North.
Willamette University's football team
passed through Portland yesterday en
route to Seattle, where they meet the
University of Washington today. The
game between these teams will be
watched with interest, for they are about
evenly matched, and should give some
line on the Paoific Northwest champion
ship. Washington has won no games this
season, but neither has she been defeated.
Should Willamette defeat Washington,
Oregon will undoubtedly win the cham
pionship. If Washington wins the Oregon-Washington
game at Eugene next
Saturday will be decisive.
Winner Will Probably Be Champion
of League Both Teams Hope
ful of Result.
Portland High School and Columbia
University will meet on Multnomah field
this afternoon at 3 o'clock. This will be
the first game played this season in the
Interscholastic League and is attracting
considerable attention. The league com
prises three teams. Portland High School,
In the East.
Harvard vs. Carlisle, at Cambridge.
Yale vs. Brown, at New Haven.
Princeton vs. West Point, at West
Dartmouth vs. Amherst, at Hanover.
Williams vs. Wesleyan, at Williams
town. In the West.
Chicago vs. Minnesota, at Chicago.
Wisconsin vs. Illinois, at Urbana.
Missouri vs. Arkansas, at Columbia.
Kansas vs. "Washburn, at Topeka.
In the raciflc Northwest.
Willamette vs. Washington at Seat
tle. Oregon Agricultural College vs. The
Dalles, at Corvallis.
Oregon Second Team vs. Oregon Ag
ricultural College Second Team, at
Hill Military Academy and Columbia
University. In past years Portland Acad
emy has been in the league, but football
has been abolished at that institution this
season. For several successive seasons
Portland Academy won the pennant and
turned out some of the greatest football
players in the United States.
While Hill Academy must tie considered
in the fight for the championship, the
opinion is pretty general that today's
contest will be a decisive one so iar as
the championship of the league is con
cerned. Columbia defeated Pacific, while
the best Hill could do was to play Pacific
to a standstill. From this it is apparent
that Columbia is stronger than Hill.
Should Columbia win from High School
today the fight will be between Hill and
Columbia, with the chances strongly in
favor of the latter. Should Hirh School
defeat Columbia it should be able to
lower the colors over the cadets without
much difficulty.
Coach Henderson has been working
hard with High School and has developed
great speed and team work. Columbia
will have the advantage in weight, and
in addition Lonergan has been coaching
the boys for two seasons, and has a
good line on his men. Lonergan when
coaching Columbia puts on a suit and
goes into the game, which Is a strong
factor in coaching a ' team. The boys
have confidence in their coach and can
be depended on to put up a game fight.
Coach Henderson eaid: "High School
should win by one or two touchdowns
if it plays the game it is coached to play.
Lonergan is a good coach and has expe
rienced men in Columbia's lineup, but I
do not think the Columbia ends will be
able to check High School's end runs.
If Columbia gains she will have to do it
through our line and It has been dem
onstrated under the new rules that no
team can gain 10 yards consistently
through an opponent's line."
Coach Lonergan said: "Columbia will
win in a walk unless all signs fail, for
the boys are playing great ball this sea
son." The teams will line up as follows:
P. H. S. Positions.
Gerspach fl53) -
Ford (IrtOl R. G Li. . .
Ross 14S) L G. R. .
Hickson 1.15). . .R. T L. . .
Kmythe HSOt L,. T R..
Lewis (cap. 154). R. E I,...
Dabney (1USK...L. E R. .
Latourette (140) Q
Hastings (13r) . .R. H-L. . ,
Baldwin i:iS)...L. H. R..
Meier (140) F
Jury Sustains Ruling of Police
Judge Cameron.
Strenuous Efforts of Defendant's
Lawyer to Prove Persecution by -.
"Moral Squad" Fail Attor
ney and Court Clash.
Strenuous efforts to prove police perse
cution by the prosecution's own witnesses
failed to turn defeat into victory for W.
L. Diel, in the State Circuit Court yester
day, before Judge Frazer. Diel was con
victed in police court last September of
conducting a disorderly house, and was
fined J30. The case came before Judge
Frazer on an appeal from Judge Cam
eron's sentence, and was tried de novo, as
the lawyers put it, before a jury, which
brought in a verdict of 'Guilty as
charged" at 10 o'clock last night.
Attorneys John L. Logan and A. Walter
Wolf represented the defendant and ap
pellant, and put up a bitter fight, attempt
ine to force the police officers who were
placed on the stand by the city to testify
as to the reputation of Diel's place the
Le Roy lodging-house, to admit that there
were dozens of other North End rooming
houses and hotels of equally unsavory
In his endeavor to force the police to
admit that they had, as he termed it.
"singled out" the Le Roy house In heir
crusade against vice. Attorney Logan
overstepped the bounds of prudence and
asked questions that the court ruled out
A sharp clash between Judge Frazer and
the lawyer resulted.
The proof of the prosecution was that
"girls" from notorious brothels of the red
light district were roomers at the Le Roy
and that several fallen women were ar
rested when the so-called "moral squad"
raided the place last Summer.
The court's patience became exhausted
while B. F. Smith, a policeman, was on
the stand. '
"Does this house differ from any of the
other lodging-houses in the North End,
with the exception of the regular hotels?"
inquired Attorney Logan.
"I hope you will not be dragging in oth
er houses in comparison with this house;
let us confine the trial to this case," in
terrupted Judge Frazer.
"I do not Intend to drag this house or
any others in by innuendo, comparing it
with any other house: I desire to do it
openly, and not by indirection, but by di
rect question and defense; I am not try
ing to go around," began Mr. Logan.
"The court will not permit it, because
It is not a defense."
"I do not care to be put in a position
of having attempted to do a thing indi
rectly when I am trying to do it directly,"
insisted Mr. Logan. "I want to show that
this house has the same standing as all
other lodging-houses in the North End."
"You have made that statement for the
purpose of affecting the jury; you have
made it for the purpose of Insinuating
that as a defense before this jury. I will
dismiss this jury and call a new jury and
fine you for contempt if you do it again."
threatened the court. "I know your pur
pose in doing this. You have tried to get
in before the jury the fact that this man
is being persecuted because other houses
were permitted to run and his was not.
I won't hear any more of it."
"I wish to note an exception. Your
Honor," said Mr. Logan, closing the in
Southern Pacific Locomotives Drown
Voice of Harriman Lawyer.
W. D. Fenton, chief counsel for the
Southern Pacific in this city, was yester
day made the unconscious victim of an
unimpeachable argument why the tracks
of his railway company should not be al
lowed to remain on Fourth street. He
was making an effective argument for the
defense in the damage suit of W. C. Bar
ren against the Auto Dispatch Company
in Judge Cleland's court, and, while In
the midst of one of his most forcible de
ductions was interrupted by the tooting
of the locomotive of an outgoing train.
As soon as it had subsided he continued:
"As we have shown to your entire sat
isfaction, gentlemen of the Jury, the plain
tiff in this case must have known that a
trailer' was being towed by the large
auto of the defendant at the time of the
accident, and "
"Toot! toot! toot!" came from another
passing locomotive at this juncture. The
lawyer paused, and a sickly smile played
C. U.
. .. Bavey (liis)
. . Dooley ( 157 )
Krelgerl (155
. . Backer (l.'O)
... Grussi 16U)
.. Brogan (13S)
. . . Ennis (140)
Porterneld (143)
Williams (14S)
. . Moore (147
.. Walker (16o)
Averay weight High School. 14S; Co
lumbia. 15U.
Exciting Contest Played on the
Grounds of the Victors.
SPOKANE, Wash.. Nov. 9. (Special.)
Washington State College defeated the
University of Idaho at Pullman this af
ternoon by a score of 10 to 0. after one of
the most exciting contests ever wit
nessed in Washington. With a confidence
inspired by past victories, scores of root
ers from Moscow accompanied the Idaho
eleven and cheered loyally but vainly.
Once the ball was on Washington's yard
line and Idaho seemed assured of a touch
down, but the stonewall defense of the
Pullman aggregation asserted itsen. and
Idaho was held for downs. The state col
lege immediately booted the ball out of
The only score of the first half was a
pretty field goal from the 20-yard line.
Halm of Washington, secured a touch
down in the second half by a brilliant S0
yard run by Nissen, after catching the
ball on Washington's 30-yard line. .Bet
ting was active and rivalry was intense:
Idaho was on the defensive throughout
the game and once recovered the ball on
its one-yard line.
Great Rugby Game Today.
The eyes of the West are fixed on the
Stanford-Berkeley Rugby game today,
which will be played on the Berkeley field.
Today is the first time Rugby has been
played between these two colleges, and
the fate of the English game hinges on
today's contest. Particularly are Portland
people Interested in the game, for five of
the Stanford players have played football
on Portland school teams, three of them
being natives of Portland. The Portland
players are E. P. Stott. A. J. Chalmers,
H. L. Fenton, W. Koerner and J. R. Hoi-man.
$1.00 DOWN
$1.00 WEEK
Our line embraces every style and size for
wood, coal and gas, including the Buck's
Hot-Blast, Buck's Oak, Buck's Air-Tight
and the Monarch line of gas heating appli
ances, gas radiators, gas heaters and gas
grates. Many superior and distinctive
features are embraced in the construction of
these two splendid lines of heaters. Take,
for instance, the Buck's Hot-Blast. The
construction of this wonderful heater is en
tirely different from, all others. In it can
be used the cheapest grade of coal slack or
screenings with as much satisfaction as if high-grade lump coal is
used. The draft is so constructed that it enters above instead of be
low the fire, thus preventing the escape of gas, soot and smoke, which
is lost in the ordinary straight-draft heater. Ordinary tests of this
heater have proven an actual saving of no less than 38 per cent in fuel.
These heaters are handsomely designed, and are made in the most de
sirable sizes.
. f ' .
In the carpet department, 6th
floor, Bigelow Axminster Rugs
(24 in.x48 in.) in several attrac
tive patterns and pleasing color
combinations. Good values at
the special price of $2.10 each
No mail, telephone or c. o. d. or
ders taken for this special.
(T li-iTTN
around his features as the courtroom
spectators saw the connection.
" he must also have known that It
had a tow line "
"Toot! toot! toot!" came the gladsome
call from another train, and Fenton's
brows assumed a corrugated aspect.
' and, of course, when he tripped over
it. he became subject to the accident
through his own carelessness "
"Toot! toot! toot!" was the mocking
salute of the fourth train that went by
in almost as many minutes, and the law
yer joined in the hilarious laughter that
The jury disagreed, and Mr. Fenton is
said to be positive that if his flow of elo
quence had not been rudely Interrupted
the result might have been different.
Corporation Made Defendant in Sec
ond Suit Within Two Days.
The United Hallways Company was
made defendant in a lawsuit the second
time within 24 hours when L. Y. Keady
and Thomas McCusker yesterday .after
noon filed a suit against the corporation
demanding $15,000 on account of services
in having furnished sureties in the sum
of J100.000 at the time the Front-street
franchise, was granted to the company
last Summer by the City Council.
This franchise was signed by Mayor
Lane June 5, and the United Railways
Company was allowed 30 days in which
to furnish bond in the amount stated as
an evidence of good faith. The complaint
filed . yesterday alleges that the company
engaged plaintiffs to raise the amount,
which they succeeded in doing at the last
moment, July 4 being a legal holiday,
giving them one extra day in which to
operate. This fact enabled them to suc
ceed in their undertaking, idayor Lane
approving, the bond only a few hours
before the expiration of the time limit.
It is claimed that defendant promised to
pay a reasonable remuneration, but has
done nothing in . that direction.
Martin L. Pipes is attorney for plaintiffs.
Union Veteran of Civil War One of
the Plaintiffs.
Charles H. Huesler, a veteran of the
Civil War. and a member of the famous
llfF Jf .WkME1' ovT'Sv ft iNl 1
B fg3 m eve f? r- piece" mm m
May be found within a block in almost every city,
town and village in America.
People want them because they can eat Low-
ney's freely and still be happy they are digestible.
Always the same delicious, pure, wholesome
and fresh and the packages are full weight.
Fancy Boxes and Baskets in exclusive designs for Gifts lH
Makers of Cocoa and Chocolates
i , ci i" "i rr'iy '
"Iron Brigade." was granted a divorce
by Judge Gantenbein yesterday from
Agnes Huesler, to whom e was married
at Farmington,. 'Wis., in 1867. He has
been a resident of this county since 18S7.
For many years he and his wife had
been unable to agree.
Anna Kennedy was divorced from J.
Fred Kennedy, a barber, on the ground
of cruelty. They were married in
city In May, 18S3, and she alleged that his
conduct towards her became so unbear
able that about five years after their
marriage she left him and went to Cali
fornia. Upon his promise to reform she
returned, but his conduct did not appear
to have undergone much of a change,
although she admitted that there was
some improvement after the first year.
measurably certain that the public pros
ecutor will not avail himself of the right
which he possesses to be heard in the in
terests of the general public. Neverthe
less, it is known that the creditors are
using every influence to prevent the
granting of a divorce until after their
cee is disposed of.
Red Eyes and Eyelids, Weak Eye
And Tired Eyes Need Murine Eye Tonie.
Packing Company Incorporated.
Articles of incorporation of the Boston
Packing Company were filed with the
County Clerk yesterday by William
O'Donnell, John Driscoll and James B.
O'Shea. The capital stock Is 116,000.
Court Notes.
The jury in the case of W. C. Barrell
against the Auto-Dispatch Company, a
damage suit for personal injuries alleged
to have been sustained by plaintiffs, were
unable to agree yesterday morning and
were discharged by Judge Cleland.
Countess Boni Sure of Victory.
PARIS, Nov. 9. Counsel for the
Countess de Castellane, In her suit for
divorce against her husband. Count Boni,
are confident that the application of the
Count's attorneys' for an examination of
the witnesses in the case will be denied
by the court when the matter comes up
next Wednesday. It id also regarded as
ow to Save DOLLARS in
Cooking and Meafini
It has cost many Stove users HUNDREDS OF
WASTED DOLLARS to find this out.
We have solved this vital problem and '
Will tell YOU how to do so, "
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Write us and we will fully
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Inform us the kind mf stove
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Cast Range
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Address Manaser Advice Department,
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Lrjrt Mtk.n of SIotm and Bupi la lb Warld.
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FT h
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and. play when in health
and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor
life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and
the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health
should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of
every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a
remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence
should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial
in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in
many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and
excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be
cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in it's action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained,
by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici
ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian
blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem
edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not
approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup
of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in
bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty
cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not
accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects.
Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial
lur ine parents ana me cnnaren, wnenever a laxative remedy is required.