Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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ining Co.
iullfrog Rush
Rumor of Corner on California
Evaporated Apples.
Bullfrog Rush M
Mining Co.
Strong Export Demand for the Fruit
In the East Oregon Prune
Crop Being Cleaned
Up Itapidly.
Practically all lines of dried fruits show
much firmness, but the greatest strength
is In tile apple market. Advices from the
East, say that the export demand there is
strong and that higher prices are predicted.
On top of this comes a rumor from Cali
fornia of a corner in the apple market by
packers, who have advanced the price 1
;ent in two days. These developments have
caused great interest In the local situ
ation, as values in this state will be af
fected sympathetically. Oregon has a fine
crop of dried apples this year, and the
holders confidently expect an Improvement
In prices.
Prunes are also looking somewhat better
all along the line. Stocks are being cleaned
up fast and very few desirable Idts re
main in growers' hands In Oregon. The Job
bing trade is also nearly over, and it is
merely a question now of packing and ship
ping the remainder of the crop. Advices
received from San Jose are to the effect
that several of the large packers had prac
tically cornered the market for Santa Clara
prunes by liberal purchases from growers,
which they were storing in San Jose. It
was said, that these packers are now holding
about 25 per cent more stocks than would
he called for by the normal requirements.
.lkes by wire from Sonoma County were
that practically all of the stock In growers'
hands thero has been cleaned up.
Crimen Now Show More Desire to Pell
lmdon Market Declines.
Hop dealers report It easier to buy in this
state than sell In toe East. Growers' views
In many cases have been lowered, but the
llca:i of "the Eastern trade have been re
durrt to an even greater extent, and there Is
still a margin between the prices of buyers
ami Kellers that prevents much business.
Growers do not feel like sacrificing their
h.ips In the face of the short English crop,
but Incy.src that If they sell at all, they
iuut do it at the unsatlsfactpry prices that
are offered them. Pome of them who are
fln-imlully able to. hold will do so until
tv.'. :iiK. when It Is hoped that the scarcity
of liony. will have , affected prices, but the
great majority will find it necessary to re
n'lz? on their crops before the year ends. It
.an he truthfully said that the dealers of
I'i'i-tland and Salem are doing what they
can to hold the market up, but it is a hope
less task when nearly all the other mar
kets of the world are weak and depressed.
New York, alone, of the great hop centers,
is showing strength, the strong buying of
Brewer Busch having lifted that market
cent or two.
The principal activity in this state yester
day was In the Aurora section, where the
growers showed much eagerness to sell.
The prices paid there ranged from 12 to
14Vi cents. The most important was made
by a Chinese lessee on the Crisell place,
who sold 112 bales to John Carmichael at
14 i.i cents. Another sale in Aurpra was
the Fred Gclsy lot of 5 bales, for which
l.achmund & Pincus paid 14 cents.
Klaber. Wolf & Netter bought the Newton
4 Downing lot of 09 bales at Whltson at 15
cents, and several other lots, all export
Mrs. Edith Linton, of Eugene, sold 100
bales at 134 cents, but the name of the
buyer was not learned. A report from
Grant's Pass said that Horst bought 50
bales from Henry rtuch. also another lot of
83 bales earlier In the week at the same
A cable from Thomas Ironmonger, re
ceived yesterday by Isaac Pincus & Sons,
said: "The London market has declined
10s. Very little doing, buyers holding off
waiting for lower prices." The Continental
market was quiet but steady.
Steamer Vegetables Delayed.
Trading In fresh produce was only fair
ye.steiday, so far as city business was con
cerned, but country orders were good.
There were no car lot receipts. The steamer
Roanoke, due today, has a lot of California
truck, consisting of sprouts, peppers, - to
matoes, peas, beans, persimmons, pome
grunatcs and grape fruit. Four cars of
bananas are duo today. Sweet potatoes
are scarce and the market is practically
bare of oranges.
Poultry Market Clows Weak.
As receipts of poultry were light yester
day, stocks were practically cleaned up In
spite or' the light demand. The market,
however, doted easy.
Thre were no changes In the egg market.
Hutter is moving out freely and as the
supply of cream has been checked some
what, the tone of tho market Is steadier.
Sharp Advances In Fish,
Sharp advances are reported from the
East in practically all grades of canned
and salted fish, owing to the phenomenally
short catch on both shores of the Atlantic.
Many orders cannot be confirmed on sar
dines and sprats and in some cases where
the orders have been confirmed they can
not be filled.
' 1
Grain, Flour, Feed, Kte.
WHEAT Export basts: Club. Wqi4c;
bluestem, tiu4t7c; Valley, 6lie; red 061c.
OATS No. 1 white. $24.00j25.60; gray,
$23 5024.
FLOUR Patents. $3.9034. 10 per barrel;
straights, 3.10W3.HO; chars, $3.103.25; Val
ley, (3.406 3. tki; Dakota hard wheat, pat
ent. $5(65.(10; clears. I4.10iix4.25; graham.
$3. Mi; whole wheat, $3.75; rye flour, local, $5;
Eastern, $5.&5.25; cornmeal, per bale. $1.003
BARLEY Feed, $21.50 per ton; brewing,
$22: rolled. $23.
RYE $1 35fi 1.40 per cwt.
CORN Whole. $25.50; cracked. $26.50 per
MILLSTUFFS Bran. city. $14.50; country.
$1550 per ton: middlings, $24; ahorts, city,
II; country. $17 per ton; chop, V. S. Mills,
$15.60; linseed dairy food, $tS; alfalfa meal,
$18 per ton.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 00
pound sacks. $7; lower grades. $5.5u."5;
oatmeal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks, $3 per
barrel; 10-pound cacks, $4.25 per bale; oat
meal (ground). 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per bar
rel: 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale: split peas.
$5 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes, $L40;
pearl barley, $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25-pound
boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound
sacks. $2.50 per bale.
HAY Valley timothy. No. I. $11W12 per
ton: Eastern Oregon timothy. $14 16.
clover. $78; cheat, $7.508.5O; grain hav.
$7 50rgs.30; alfalfa. $11.50; vetch hay, $7
U '7.50.
Vegetables, Fruits, Etc.
DOMESTIC; FRUITS Apples, common to
choice. 2575c per box; choice to fancy, 75c
f $1 ..Hi; grape. $1.501.65 per crate; peaches,
75ci$l: pears. 75'i$1.25; cranberries, $99.60
prr barrel: qhlnecs. $lf& 1.25 per box.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancv. $7 per
hox: oranges, Valencia. $.Vfi5.50; grapefruit,
,5ti: pineapples, $4j5.60 per dozen; bananas,
5c per jound.
FRfcJSH VEGETABLES Cabbage, lffliAo
pound; cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen: celery,
75r,5c per dozen; egg plant, $1 50 per crate;
lettuce, head, 20c per dozen; onions, HWJ12Vic
GOLDFIELD, Nev., November 6, 190G.
We desire to state that the use of our names in the 'advertisement of the
so-called Union Securities Company of Nevada as directors of the the Bull
frog Rush Mining Company, in which it is stated the six million dollars'
worth of ore is already blocked out in this property, is unauthorized, and
that, according to our best information, the statement is absolutely and un
qualifiedly false. - ,
The property is unquestionably a splendid prospect, and during the,
course of its early development held out great hopes of becoming a great mine,
but at this time the best average assays obtained in the lower workings are
from sixty cents to one dollar per ton. There is a large quantity of ore that
has been opened up in the winze and upper tunnels which gives asays' of
from fifteen to thirty-five dollars per ton, but this, in itself, after deducting
the cost of mining and milling, does not establish for this property a valua
tion of $825,000. which, on a capitalization of 1,500,000 shares, at the par
value of one dollar, offered at fifty-five cents per share, would be the case.
We retain our positions on the directorate of the Bullfrog Rush Mining
Company for the piesent, 8, in order to protect important interests, but we
warn anybody who intends investing in the stock of the Bullfrog Rush Min
ing Company that if he does so it is at his own risk, nor do we in any way
indorse anv other venture of the United Security Company of Nevada, of
whose responsibility we know nothing.
(Signed.) - JOHN SPARKS,
Governor of Nevada; Director of the Bullfrog Rush Mining; Company.
, President of the L. M. Sullivan Trust Co.; Treasurer and Director
of the Bullfrog Rush Mining Company.
' Consulting Engineer; Director of the Bullfrog Rush Mining Company.
per dozen ; bell peppers. Re; pumpkins. 1 c
per pound; spinach. 4$i5e per pound; tomatoes.
o03)c per box; parsley, 10 15c; squash. l!,4c
per pound: hothouse lettuce. 00$T5c per box.
ROOT VKGETARf.ES Turnips. UOc$$l per
sack; carrots, 90c4j?l per nack; beets, $1.2.w
1.50 per sack: garlic, T'lOc per pound;
horseradish, 910c per pound; sweet potatoes,
UtfrllMic per pound.
ONIONS Oregon. 73cl per hundred.
POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon Bur
banks, fancy. SSfiOOc; common, OOifr75c.
DRIED FUTITS Apples. SfcSc pound;
apricots, IftfiTlUe ; poaches. 1 1 4j lc; pears,
31S Wc; Italian prunrs, '2tif6c; California
figs, white, in sacks. StfitJiic per pound; black,
jtfiffk:; bricks. 7ucfS$2.25 per box; Smyrna,
ltt)c pound ; dates. Persian, 647c pound.
RAISINS Layer and clusters. 2 -crown,
$1. V; ".-crown. $1.75: 5-crown. $3.10; 6-crown,
$3.50; loose muscatels. 2-crown, 8c; 3-crowu,
8 Ho; 4-crown. (c.; seedless, Thompsons, iOjc;
Sultanas, OTllic.
Butter, Egg, Poultry, Etc.
BUTTER City creameries: . Extra cream
cry, 30c per pound. State creameries': Fancy
creamery. 259 27 c; store butter, l17c.
EUtiS Oregon ranch, ictifoc per dozen;
bet Eastern, 2627c; ordinary Kastern. 24
CHEF3SE Oregon full cream twins U
14Vc; Young America. 15'515Vjc.
POULTRY Average old hens, 12c; mixed
chickens, 11 16 & 12c; Spring. 12& I2UC, old
roosters, II ra 10c; dressed chickens. i:t 14c ;
turkeys. live. 17 & 10c; turkeys dressed,
choice, 2122'c; geese, live, per pound, $&
0c; ducks, 1413c; pigeons, $1 1.50; squabs,
Dressed Meats.
VKAl Dressed. 75 to 125 pounds. Rg
Rc; 125 to 150 pounds, 7c; 150 to 2 00
pounds. Oc; 200 pounds and up, 5 V tSc.
BBEF Dressed bulls, 2i2Vjc per pound;
cows. 4ff'5c; country steers. fi&S'ic.
MUTTON Dressed, fancy, S9c per
pound . ordinary, 6 7c.
PORK Dressed. 100 to ISO pounda, 8c; 150
to 200 pounds, 77c; 200 pounds and up, 6&
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the leading cities of
the Northwest yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland $1,124,501 $113,454
Seattle 1,702,321 27X938
Tacoma . . . 77,631 83,077
Spokane 881,734 48,022
Additional Relief by Treasury De
partment Expected Poor Bank
Statement Looked For.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9. Today's stock mar
ket was of much the same character aa
that of yesterday. Better resistance was
shown, however, to depression,. In spite of
the aggravation of the money stringency.
Money on call went to 12 per cent quite,
early In the day and to 15 per cent before
the close. The strength of the time loan
market was also Increased and the payment
of premiums over the legal Interest rate ex
tended in some cases to loans for the six
months' period. Loans for 60 and 00 days
were on a 7 per cent basis.
The .expectation became general that a
weak showing would be made by the banks
In the weekly statement tomorrow. The
outgo to the Interior has gone on this week
and with the absorption by the sub-Treasury
promises to diminish the cash reserves
of the banks by between J2.000.00u and
$3,000,000. It Is to the change in the local
market, however, to which most importance
Is attached. The action of the money mar
ket for the last day or two has suggested
that the banks are beginning to feel at last
the pressure upon their resources, due 'to
the transfer of loans from London to this
market In connection with the large reduc
tion -In the account of American securities
supposed to have taken place in London at
the last stock market settlement. It has
been the subject of puzzled conjecture In
the financial district that no effect has been
shown on the loan Item of the banks In the
last two statements as & result of thla shift
ing process from London to this market,
fe'o far contrary to expeotatlon was the
bank showing in the last two weeks, that
there were not lacking those who maintained
today that tomorrow's statement would show
a continued contraction In the loan item.
There was a. marked difference tn the tone
of the money market today, however, from
that on the days preceding the former bank
Northern Pacific was again a point of
resistance to tho depression In the market,
with no news beyond the reiteration of the
rumor of a coming "melon cutting." The
report of the determination to capitalize
the Pullman surplus and to distribute It to
stockholders gave some sympathetic cre
dence to the Northern Pacific report. Pull
man rose sharply at the opening, but fell
violently afterward. Reports were circulated
of Intended resistance to the form of tho
proposed bonus to stockholders on the part
of an organized majority. American Woolen
extended Its breaks of yesterday on account
of the decision to increase the Issue of pre
ferred stock. This stock subsequently ral
lied. The resistance to the decline and the
tendency toward recovery were due to the
positiveness with which reports were made
that additional relief for the money market
by the Treasury Dipartment had been de
termined upon. It was even asserted that
the Secretary of the Treasury was in the
financial district. These reports failed of
The foreign exchange rates were affected
by the local money situation and declined in
spite of the rise in sterling rates both at
Paris and at Berlin. The private discount
rate also rose at Psris. The week's exports
of grain showed a material decline from
those of last ,wcek, amounting to :::;7.1;i
bushels in the case of wheat and to 4"J!1,207
bushels in the case of corn. The recovery
in the money rate, after easing off. unsettled
the closing, which was heavy and lifeless,
and left net changes mixed.
Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value,
$1,:I44.000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Amalgamated Cop. 45. Coo lllvi 110 110T6
Am, Car & Found, o.too 43 43' 4:jv
do preferred lol
Am. Cotton OH... 40O ms-t "io
do preferred i-'1
American EScprens ; "40
Am. H. & L. pfd..' loll - as 5
American Ice l.iioo yo1, ay
Am. Linseed Oil 1714
do preferred as
Am. Loc. ex div... :w0 :i 72
Am. Loc. pfd 4ik lll'i 110 111
Am. Smelt. & Ref.. 7,1110 154:s 15o l":'.Ts
do preferred J17
Am. Sugar Refining tioo l.THj 13:1 1.1:;"j
Am. Tob., pfd. ctt. loo yui U-.H4 . 90
Anaconda Min. Co. 8,00 aoi. atisi-j 2n0
Atchison 7,'.MK) !)0 " OS's, 0J
do preferred 200 10J KM 101 ya
Atlantic Coast 1O0 1:!4',4 134''4 134
B. & 0 5,000 IIX'4 117 117
do preferred iMHJ H-J yi fnt
Bklyn. Rpd. Trans. 18.300 TS'i 77X 7S'4
Canadian Pacific l.loo 174 174 '4 174
Central N. J 2-0
Chte-a. & Ohio Hoo 53 5i;."S, 52
Chi. Gt. Western.. 200 17!4 17Vi 1 7 Vi
C. & N. W 400 203 202 201
C, M. & St. P 15,300 17114 170'4 171
Chi. Tcr. & Trans 9
do preferred 24
C. C. & St. L 200 03 l24 !I2
Col. Fuel & Iron.. 2,lK) 51 51 51 'i
Col. & Southern.. 2) 37 :7Vj 37 tt
do 1st preferred. lln) !!)' Kt l8'a
do 2d preferred.. W ST1, 57 57
Cons. Gaj "10O 139 13'J 138-j
Corn Products liia
do preferred 100 75 75 75
Del. & Hudson.... 1,000 216 211 21rt',i
D U & W 535
D. & R. G loO 39 S3 .19
do preferred ' 83U
Distillers' Securities 1.200 !'4 fiH tsov.
Erie. 7,500 3 51", 431,4
do 1st preferred '. 753-4
do 2d preferred tu
Gen. Ellectric 320 178 175 173
Hocking Valley jaj
Illinois Central.... 200 174- 173'., 173
Int. Paper, 400 18 17 J, 1R
do preferred 81 U
Int. Pump 300 441-1 44 44
do preferred 81
Iowa Central 100 2Sij 28',j 28U
do preferred v . . . '50'
Kansas City So 27V.
do preferred 300 5S 5Hv
Louis. & Nashville 8O0 1427s 142 142
Mexican Central... 300 23 22 ' 2"T4
Minn. & St. L. 2.200 67 7 Mti
M..St.P.& S. S. M. 100 147 147 14814
do preferred 107
Missouri Pacific... 8.800 94 3Ml sns
M.. K. & T OOO 34 331, 341n
do preferred. 07 v
National Lead.... 3H 75t-a 75 75U
N. R. R. of M. pfd 2mj ' 54 54 53
New York Central 3.200 12S'J 1274 127
N. Y. O. A W 800 45 Vj 451, 45
Nor. & West 0,1
do preferred 20O WO'i 9o-4 ls
North American... 100 8H'-5 88'i 88V,
Paclflo Mail 700 37 314 H7
Pennsylvania 92.200 130 139 130V.
People's Gas 100 8Sv SSTs 881
P., C. C. & St. L SO
Pressed Steel Car. . 300 62 . B2T4 72
do preferred 91 Vj
Pull. Palace Car.. 6.300 270 23j 24
Reading 219.800 I41H4 144 145
do 1st preferred. OOO 91 91 90
do 2d preferred.-. . 03
Republic Steel 700 35 35 35 at
do preferred.... 8O0 97 "4 974 97 V,
Rock Island Co.... 4,900 2s 28 281-i
do preferred 400 87 66 68
Rubber Goods pfd 105
Ft.L.&S F 2d pfd ..... 47
St. L. S. W 2.100 23V, 23 24
do preferred 57
So. Pacific 1.900 02 9114 01
do preferred 300 119 119 1184
So. Railway 6.00 33 33 3214
d preferred 400 95 95 94
Tenn. Coal & Iron 158
Texas & Pacific... 2,300 3614 35 357
T., St. L. & W 200 35 V4 34 32
do preferred 400 55 54 v, 54
Union Pacific 104,600 1831i 181;4 182l
do preferred 9214
U. S. Express n;
T-. S. Realty 84
V. S. Rubber 400 49 49 431,
do preferred
U. S. Steel.,...;.
do preferred. '. . . .
Va. Car. Chemical
do preferred
do preferred
Wells Fargo Ex...
West. Electric
Western Union....
W. & I E
Wisconsin Central .
do preferred
No. Pacific
Central leather...
do preferred
Sloss Sheffield
Great Nor. pfd...
Int. Mntal
do preferred
900 47 40-14
.200 185 104
200 158
300 86
50 'A
loO 220
2i 10
OOO 324
lisr- 37
000 77 li
NDS. .
U. S. ref. 2s reg.104',i
do coupon. ... 104
V. S. 3s reg 103
do coupon .... 103
L". S. new 4s rg.130
do coupon. . .1.130
U. S. old 4s reg. 1 02
do coupon. . . .102
Atch. Adjust 02
II. & H. G. 4s. . .
IN. y. C. gn. 3s
lorthern Pac. 3s
1 do 4a 1
Northern Pac. 4s
Irnion Pacific 4s. 1
Wis. Central 4s
l.lap. 6s. 2d series
I Jap. 4s ctfs..
Stock at London.
LONDON. Nov. 9. Consols for m
f-G 3-10d; do for account, 83'i-d.
Annconda 13;n. y. Central...
Atchison 103 AlNorfolk & Wrst
do preferred. .10444 1 lo preferred..
Bait. & Ohio. . .121 Ont. & Western.
';"' Pacific. . ..170ipennsylvania ...
Che. & Ohio... 55 rtand Mines ...
Chi. Gt. West. 17 P.eading
M- & St. P.175 Southern Ry...'
l!c 23ers, a preferred..
D. & R. C. 4o, Southern Pacific
uo preierrea.. 'Lnion Pacini; ..
tr!e 4 4 I Uo preferred..
do 1st pfd 77',:-,U. S. Steel
do 2d pfd 69 1 do preferred..
Illinois Central. 178 Wabash
Louis. & Nashv.1481 do preferred
M-, K. & Texas 34 (Spanish 4s
Money Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. Nov. 9. Money on call,
strong. 813 per cent: ruling rate, g per
cent; closing bid, 10 per cent; ofTered at 12
per cent. Time loans, strong and active
00 days. 8 per cent; 90 days. 7 per cent;
six months, 614 66 per cent. Prime mer
cantile paper, eiBO- per cent.
Sterling exchange, steady at a decline
witii actual business In bankers' bills at
f 4.8570'S'4.8575 for demand and at ?4.8050i(ji
4.8055 for 00-day bills; posted rates. $4. St
t'4.8U; commercial bills. $4.S0 &4 80 li
Bar silver. 71 c.
Mexican dollars. 55c.
Government and railroad bonds, steady.
LONDON. Nov. 9. Bar silver, steady at
32 15-16d per ounce.
Money, 55 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open mar
ket for short bills Is 6 per cent. The rate
of discount in the open market for three
months bills is 5 6 6 per cent.
SAN fRANCISCO, Nov. 0. Silver bars,
lc; Mexican dollars. 51c. Drafts, sight
10e; telegraph, 12c. Sterling, 60 days'
4.81c, algit, 4.86c.
Sale and Frlur Bid and Asked on the
Local Board.
Sales on the Stock Exchange yesterday
were 5000 shares Bullion, 7ooo shares Park
Copper and 100 shares Snowstorm. offi
cial prices follow:
Bank Stocks Bid.
Bank of California 36.j'
Bankers' & Lumbermen's
equitable Savings & Loan.
Merchants' National
Oregon Trust 4k Savings...
Portland Trust Company. .
United State National
Associated Oil 6s
City & Suburban 4s
O. R. & N. Rv. 4s
O. W. P. & Ry. 6s
Portland Railway 5s
Miscellaneous Stocks
Alaska Packers'
Associated Oil
Campbell's Gas Burner
Cement Products
Home Telephone
Independent Gas
J. C. Lee Co
Oregon City Mill & Lumber..
Oregon Life Insurance
Pacific States Tel:
Puget Sound Tel
Union Oil
Yaquina Bay Telephone
Mining Storks
Alaska Petroleum ..........
Alaska Pioneer
Blue River Gold
Brltlrh Columbia Amal
Bullfrog Terrible
Cascadia ,
Dixie Meadow -
100 101
100 103
101 ...
52 54
53 55
... 3
25 . 45
100 101
199 208
T 10
14 17
... 65
830 1,000
414 5
4 5
P4 65
.1 2
6 8
414 5
3 3
10 J
12 14
Garvin Cyanide
International Coal r
Lee's Creek Gold
Lucky Boy
Mountain View
Nicola Coal & Coke
North Falrview
Oregon Securities
Standard Con
Star Con
Tacoma Steel
Coeur d'Alene District
A J ax
To Stockholders:
Recent developments on the Bullfrog Rush-property are such that
we do not feel justified in further disposing of treasury stock at the
original promotion price.
The values reported in the Avinzeon which the early great hopes
of this splendidly located property were based, have not held out at
depth, and in the present workings the assays obtained were so unsat
isfactory that Ave cannot at this time further recommend the purchase
of the stock
To all who have purchased Bullfrog Rush Mining Company
shares from the L. M. Sullivan Trust Company, we make the follow
ing proposition:
Return the stock to us and select from any new promotions any
other stock you like before it is listed. We will credit you with tha
amount you paid for Bullfrog Rush shares against any subscription
you make to our new companies.
This offer is good until January 1, 1907.
L. M. Sullivan Trust
228 Lumber Exchange Building
Copper King
Happy Day
Park Copper
Rambler Cariboo
Ruth Con
Saks 3000 shares Bullion
24 27
11 13
37 41
19 22
350 300
12 14
20 35
410 450
at 11; 7000
shan;s Park Copper at 124;
Snowstorm at 410.
Daily. Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. Today's state
ment of the Treasury balances in the gen
eral fund shows: Available cash balance,
?22S,27,r24; gold coin and bullion, $113,
358,933; gold certiticates, S5l.3S7.045.
rrlces Puld for Produce tn the Buy City
SAN FRAN'CISCO, Nov. 9. The following
prices were quoted In the produce market
yesterday :
KRC1T Apples. choice $1.25. common
S5c-; bananas, 14; Mexican limes. $3.75
'a'4.50; California lemons, choice $5.50. com
mon $4: oranges, navels, $34.5l-. pineap
ples, $. (fr 5.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers, $Hirl.25; gar
lic. 2U3c; green peaH.trac, string beans.
57c; tomatoes. 40g75e; egg plant, loc'g
$1; okra, 50&i5c.
KGGS Store. ;:040c; fancy ranch, 50c;
Eastern.- 20fii 25c.
POTATOES River Rurbanks, $lfi1.15,
Rlvc-r Red?, nominal; Salinas Burbanks.
$1.40f 1.00; sweets, 1 c: new potatoes. 3'y
4c; Oregon Burbarks, $1.35 1.50.
ONIONS Silver skins. GO&70C.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 30c; creamery
seconds, 23c; fancy dairy. 28c; dairy sec
onds, nominal; pickled. 20i21c.
WOOL Fall Humboldt and Mendocino. 10
14c: South Plains and San Joaquin, 7(Sc;
lambs'. 8rl;:c.
HOPS California. 12ffl5c; Oregon and
Washington. 12il0c.
CHEESE Young America, 15c; Eastern,
10c; Western, 15c.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $195020.50; mid
dlings, $2829.
HAY Wheat, $1410.50; wheat and oats,
$10frtl7; barley, nominal; alfalfa, $811;
stock. $ilfl8.50: straw. 35iOOc per bale.
FLOUR California family extras, $4.05
5.10; bakers' extras. $4.30 4. GO; Oregon and
Washington. $3.75 U 4.25.
POULTRY Turkeys, gobblers, 10sT2,".c;
roosters, old. $l4.50; young. $4.50 CMC
broilers, smull. $2.50(6.1: broilers, large, $3.50
iU'4; fryers, $4&4.50; hens, $i.50'C; ducks,
old. $4 is 7.
Flour, 1340 quarter sacks; wheat, 11.094
centals; barley. 3127 centals; oats. 528 cen
tals; beans, 13,049 sacks; potatoes. 7003
sacks: bran, S34 sacks; middlings, 700 sacks;
hay, b75 tons; wool, 214 bales.
Mining Stocks.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9. Closing quotations;
Adams Con.
ILIttle Chief. . .$ .05
lOntario 3.25
Ophir 3.25
Potosi 17
Savage 1.25
Sierra Nevada.' 1.30
Small Hopes. .. 2.05
Standard 35
Brunsw. Con..
Comstock Tun.
Con. Cal. & V.
Horn Silver. . .
Iron Silver....
Lcadvllle Con.
Allouez . . .
. 870.
9. Closing quotations:
10 IQuincy $102.50
Cal. & Hecla
Centennial .
Cop. Range..
Daly West. .
Franklin . ..
Isle Royale.
Mass. Mln...
Mnn. C. & C.
Old Domin..
'Tamarack ...
United Cop..
III. S. Mining
W. S. Oil...
I Victoria ....
100 00
1 1.50
1 12.0O
37. OO
Winona ....
North , Butte.
Butte Coallt.
INevada ....
ICal. 41 Aril. .
Ariz. Com. . ..
Greene Con..
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9 The London tin
market was h:gher. with spot quoted at
194 15s and futures at 198 5s. Locally the
market was steady with snot quoted at
42.fi7c bid and'42.82c asked.
Copper was higher in London with spot
quoted at 99 and futures at 100 5s. Lo
cally the market was firm with Lake quoted
at 21.75ff22.50r; electrolytic, 21.5022c and
casting. 21.25 21.75c.
Spelter was unchanged at 127 10 in Lon
don, but was firmer in the local market at
Lead was unchanged at 19 7s 6d In Lon
don and 5.75 5.95c locally.
Iron was higher in the English market,
with standard foundry quoted at 56s Od
and Cleveland warrants at 57s. Locally
the market was firm.
- Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 9. Wool Steadr. Me
dium grades combing and clothing. 24S27c;
light line. 1821c; heavy fine, 14 16c; tub
washed, 32rg-3Tc.
Chicago Wheat Market Proves
to Be Overstocked. .
Light Receipts in Northwest Stiffen
the Market and December Closes
With a Gain of Three
Klgliths of a Cent.
CHICAGO. Nov. 9. The local wheat mar
ket today was firm on small receipts In the
Northwest, the December delivery closing
with a net gain of c. With the excep
tion of an easjt tone at the opening, senti
ment in the wheat pit was bullish all day.
Lower cablis and clear weather generally
throughout the United States caused mod
erate selling in the first few minutes, but
offerlng.-i were readily taken. The market
appeared to be oversold und local shorts,
actuated by the small movement of wheat
to Northwestern markets, were anxious to
cover. Total primary receipts were also
light. December opened unchanged to a
fhadc lower at 72&72c to 72c, ad
vanced to 73lic and closed &c up at 75c.
Liberal Argentine shipments and excel
lent weather conditions in the United States
caused some selling of corn early In the day
and result'.cl in a slightly easier feeling.
Tie market, however, soon became firm on
covering L shorts and a good demand by
commission houses. The close was firm.
December opened unchanged to c lower
at 42i(ii42c, sold up to 42 c and closed
at the highest point. Local receipts were
240 cars, with 30 of contract grade.
Trading in the oats pit was active anil
the market was firm all day. There was a'
good general demand, especially for the
May delivery. An advance of c in the
price of cash oats helped speculative trad
ing. December opened unchanged to a
shade higher at 34lit34c to 34c, ad
vanced to 34c and closed at 344j34c.
. With the exception of moderate weakness
early in the day, the provisions market was
firm. Tho feature of trading was the buy
ing of January lard by local packers. There
was also a fair demand for the entire list
by Investors. At the close, January pork
was up 7c at $14.15, lard was 2c higher
at $8.50 and ribs were unchanged at $7.62.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low.
December $ .72 $ .73 $ .72 $ .73
May 77 .78" .77 . .77"s
December .... .42 .42 .42 .42
May 43 .43", .43 .43
July 44 .44 .44 .44
.34 .34 .34'i .34
.: .35 .35 .35
.33 .3.1 .33 .33
January 14.5 14.17 14.05 14.15
May 14.25 14.27 14.25 14.25
November ... 9.30 9.30 9.27 9.30
December ... 8.07 8.72 b.K7 8.70
January .47 8.55 8.47 8.50
May 8.42 8.45 8.4S 8.45
January 7.57 7.05 ' 7.57 7.02
May 7.70 7.77 7.70 7.75
Cash quotations were aa follows:
Flour Steady.
No. 2 Spring wheat, 76S80; No. 3, 71jT79;
No. 2 red, 7173.
Corn No. 2, 44ST44: No. 2 yellow. 4G.
Oats No. 2, 34; No. 2 white, 36; No. 3
white. S3ft35.
Rye No. 2. 61.
Barley Fair to choice malting, 4750.
Flax eeed No. 1, $1.08: No. 1 Northwest
ern, $1.10.
Timothy seed Prime. $4.15W4.20.
Clover Contract grades, $13.25.
Short ribs, sides Loose, $S.o0'S8.50.
Meea pork Per barrel, $16.25.
Lard Per lOo pounds. $9.30.
Short clear sides Boxed. $K.37it8.50.
Whisky Basis of high wlner. $1.29.
Receipts. Shipment?.
Flour barrels 28,400 30,400
Wheat,' bushels 63,200 ' 6l)300
Corn, bushels. . .
Oati bushel
Hye. bushels....
Barky, bushels.
. 7,000
. 83,400
(rain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9 Flour Receipts,
14,000 barrels; exports, 5500; sales 7200 pack
ages. Market steady but quiet.
Wheat Receipts. 172,000; exports. 31,900;
sales, 1.000.000 futures and 24,000 spot.
Spot, firm; No. 2 red. S0c elevator; No. 2
red. 81c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern
Duluth. 81 c c. t. f. Buffalo, No. 2 'nard
Winter. 75c c. i. f. Buffalo. As a result of
lessened December offerings, wheat was
steadier today and at one time about a cent
above the recent low point. It reacted in
the afternoon, owing to a bearish Modern
Miller report, but still closeil V4 fr' c above
the previous night. May closed S3c; De
cember closed 8I74C.
Hops Quiet.
Hides, wool and petroleum Steady.
irain at Sun Franeiseo.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. Wheat and
barley, utiiet.
Spot tjuotations: '
Wheat Shipping. $1.20SI25; milling.
$I.25f 1.35.
Barley Feed, $191-07: brewing, $1.12
6 1.17.
Oats Red. $1.17ifi 1.42; white, $1.32
4fl.45; Mack. $ 1 .00 0 2. 10.
Call board s-ales:
Wheat December, $1.25; May, $1.31.
Barley December. $1.114; May, 1.14.
Corn Large yellow, $1.33i! 1.40.
fr.uropenn Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 9. The following were
the closing grain riuotations: Wheat De
cember, Us 3d; March, 6s 4d; May, 6s
Weather today In England, overcast.
LONDON, Nov. 9. Cargoes on passage,
dull; I'acillc Coast prompt shipment, 29s tid.
Wheat at Tneoma.
TACOMA, Nov. 9. Wheat, unchanged.
Eucstem, OSc; club. 6c; red, 64c.
Dairy Produce In the Kast.
CHICAGO. Nov. 9. On the Produce Ex
change today tiio hutter market was steady.
Creameries. )ti 2r .?c; dairies. lSfr'23c.
Eggs, firm; at mark cases included, 21 frp
23c; firsts, 2lc; prime firsts. 25c; extras,
Cheese, steady, 12 i 13 14c.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9. Butter, firm, un
changed: cheepe, quiet, unchanged; eggs,'
firm, unrhangpd.
The Pacific
Syndicate Stores
which in now rstabllfthbijc S.
10 and l.Vrent ftores in fifty
of the prinip rltles of the
Fiwlftc C'oaxt 'offers to the
public a limited number of its
Preferred Shares at $100
Per Share
For convenience of Subscrib
ers, the
Oregon Trust
and Savings Bank
Portland. Oregon
authorized depositary of the
company, will receive deponite
to the credit of the company
for the numbers of ftharee de
ftired, and Htock will be de
livered promptly.
For further information,
prospectus, etc.. address
Sec'y and Treas.
227 People Savings Bank
Building, bcattle.