Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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Waterusers Pay Highland Pipe
Cost and Land Gets
Free Benefit.
Were This Tube and Others Charged
Against Landowners, Consum
ers "Would Pay Lower Rates.
Mayor Lane Favors Change.
Paid for out of monthly receipts from
water consumers of Portland, the High
land pipeline, nearly finished at a cost of
KM.OOO, runs through many areas of va
cant land, between Mount Tabor and
Portsmouth. Improving their value to
many thousands of dollars, yet the own
ers of the land pay nothing in return for
tue benefits and are charged no more for
water than users in any other part of the
This method of paying for pipe exten
sions is fixed in the charter and can be
changed only by amendment. It places
the cost of new mains on consumers
throughout the city, necessitating high
rates for water in order to provide the
funds required by the W ater Department.
Were the cost charged against the property-owners
benefited, as is tiie cost of
sewers and streets, instead of against con
sumers, rates could be reduced one-third,
lessening the average family water charge
per year from $18 to $12. This would in
crease the cost of water for residents of
those areas which should require new ex
tensions or renewals of pipes, but would
place the expense on those receiving the
service and exempt those who obtain no
benefits from the improvements.
Vacant Tracts Benefited.
The Highland pipe is bordered by long
stretches of unoccupied land, the largest
single holding being the Ladd farm, north
of Base Line road, three miles from the
center of the city, which farm the pipe
skirts on the north border and parallels
near the east margin. Other tracts along
the pipe have few or no houses, their
size ranging from one lot to many and
to acres. All these holdings have been
greatly Improved in value by the pipe.
Their owners anticipated the advent of
the pipe in many cases by marking up
the price of their land and since the pipe
is laid have marked it up aagin.
This pipe is very much needed on the
Peninsula and its con-struction should
probably not have been deferred longer.
It serves only a fraction of the popula
tion of the city, yet is paid for by all
consumers, though most of them are sev
eral miles distant and can never use the
big tube.
This Is the most expensive water-duet
ever laid in the city, on account of its
extreme length. Other shorter pipes have
been laid by the department. Large sums
must be expended in the denser part
the city on both sides of the river, in
the next few years in order to secure bet
ter distribution of water. The tubes are
too small in the compact city to afford
the needed service. Mayor Lane said
yesterday that the new larger mains
would coat between $400,000 and $300,000.
Mayor's Views on Subject.
The present system of compelling con
sumers to pay for new mains is declared
by Mayor Lane as "unjust, dishonest and
cruel." "The pipes shoulcl be paid for
by property-owners,1 he remarked yes
terday, "not by consumers. It now costs
many families more for water than for
bread. A charge of $1S per year for a
family is too high. The system in this city
that makes that high charge should be
changed and I am going to do what I
can to bring the change about. In many
a block of houses like those over there
(pointing across the street from the City
Hall) the total monthly cost for all is
between S20 and $30. There are blocks of
ground, owned by rich persons, who use
several streams of water, more than all
the consumers in that block over there,
and who pay only $tl. Thus I consider un
just. Many a poor householder pays for
water-mains, while rich owners of vacant
land pay nothing, and yet the land of
the latter Is enhanced in value just as
much as that of the former."
How AVater Board Stands.
On the "Water Board, R. B. Lamson
favors the proposed change in the meth
od of paying for pipe extensions and
G. XV. Allen is understood also to favor
it. Dr. C. H. Raffety, It is said, would
not be unwilling, but Dr. S. E. Joseph! is
put down as opposing the change. The
Mayor's influence on the Water Com
mission will be exerted for the change.
The route of the new Highland pipe is
as follows: West from Mount Tabor,
down Pant avenue to West avenue; north
on West avenue to Base Line road; west
on Base Line road to county road, be
tween tracts of Betsy Bamford and C. M.
Wiberg; north on county road to north
line of K. B. Davidson's donation land
claim; west on that line touching Ladd
farm and Ralston's Addition, through O.
R. & N. track and Sandy road to county
road, adjoining H. C. Leonard tract:
north on that road touching Fernwood
Addition to north line of Isaiah Buck
man's tract: west on that line touching
Irving-ton to East Seventeenth street;
north on East Seventeenth street, through
Vernon to Killingsworth avenue; west on
Killingsworth avenue through Piedmont
to Patton avenue; north on Patton ave
nue to Portland boulevard; west on Port
land boulevard to Delaware avenue; north
on Delaware avenue to Pippin street;
west on Pippin street and Dawson avenue
to Porstmouth avenue; south on Ports
mouth avenue to Willamette boulevard;
north on Portsmouth avenue near to Co
lumbia boulevard.
Will Then Recede, According to the
Weather Bureau Southern Pa
cific Is Repairing Bridges.
Edward A. Beals. district forecaster,
reports that the river will come to a
stand at Portland today after reaching
a stage of about 9 feet. It was 8.4 feet
above the lower-water mark at 5 o'clock
last evening and rising slowly. During
the preceding 24 hours it rose 1.2 feet.
The stream began to fall at Salem early
yesterday morning and the crest of the
flood is expected to reach here this after
noon. Storm warnings are up at the
various seaports along the coast in the
district. Heavy rains are expected to
follow the blow and consequently there
is still some danger of exceedingly high
water. There is thought to be no, imme-
RIVER READINGS. 5 P. M.. NOV. 8. 1908.
Height. in last
Stutlon feet. i hours.
Eugpne 5.2 1.4
Harrlsburg 2.9
Alt.any S.7 11.1
Salfm 10.7 0.9
Tualatin 52 ' 0.7
Barton 6.7 2.6
Portland 8.4 1.2
dlate likelihood that the river will reach
the danger point of 15 feet. On attaining
that point a number of the upper floors
of the docks would be flooded, as well aa
many of the basements along Front
street. Much driftwood is being borne
toward the sea by the swtft current.
The locks in the Yamhill river at La
fayette have been closed to navigation
on account of the freshet. "Water is over
the walls of the structure. The work of
repairing the government dam at Can
dlanl bar in the "Willamette has had to
be discontinued and the plant will be
brought to Portland. Operations at that
point will not be renewed until next
Spring. The Lewis river is full of float
ing logs and brush and it is feared, that
the boats will not be able to get up that
stream for a day or so. All of the trib
utaries of the Columbia are bankfull. The
latest river data issued by the Weather
Bureau is as follows:
Repairs were being pushed yesterday on
the Jefferson and Abigua bridges on the
Southern Pacific East Side lines. Other
structures in the Willamette Valley
which were weakened by the recent
freshets in the Santiam and Mollala
rivers have been strengthened and with
Federated Trades Listens to
Advocates of System.
If Proposition Is Brought Before
the Voters Union Men Will
Work for Its Adoption
at the Polls.
Organised labor in Portland is
strongly in favor of the free-water
movement, started by the Water-Con-sumers'
League. If the proposition is
brought before the voters by the initi
ative and referendum, all local unions
will work for adoption of the new sys-
would bear the burden in proportion as they
are land users, renters or owners.
I ask you. Mr. Lamson, what the land
of Portland wonld be worth If renters were
to leave Portland? Clearly. It Is the pres
ence of the industries, working men, women
and children who make the land values,
and not the owners.
We see that you know what you want,
that you have been found out. It Is mere
ly a compromise in reducing water rates
you are willing to "cut it In half." Tou
remind me of that old negro down South
who was caught ccming out of a widow's
hen house with four hens by a man who
knew the darky, and said: "Sam. have you
no more honor than to steal chickens of a
widow?" Sam answered: "Gosh, masser. Is
she a wldder? Den I put half de chickens
The Free-Water Association says no com
promise; the present water management Is
discredited: it knows nothing of the people's
rights, or cares nothing.
Our plan Is common, since it is a well
tried plan. Any man with common tenso
and honestly can mark it, and we ask, in
Justice to the common people, in the name
of the men who do the work in Portland,
in the name of the women who work in our
laundries and often have to do without a
roll of butter in order to pay the water
tax; men who own the land, can you not
spare these women workers, or must you
have their butter money?
Mr. Lamson. you acknowledge that the
water has been a great snap for the land
owners, not the property-owners (mark the
distinction). ,
The people will have to vote on the prop
osition of the Free-Water Association.
A Cream of Tartar Powder
free from alum or phos
phatic acid
SPS. 4 4
1! ilvt in. 1
-4-f - f 1
" 4
mm , - '
f ) 1
- " - " - f"i: C" ,
the fall of the streams they are no longer
Conditions were reported as generally
improved yesterday. The floods had sub
sided all along the line. Overland trains
to California and Southern Oregon will
continue to be operated by the West Side
division of the Southern Pacific and the
Corvallis & Eastern for at least a week
or until the Jefferson bridge is sufficient
ly repaired to permit the passage ot
trains. Local service will still be main
tained to, Jefferson on the East Side.
Because of the longer haul to Albany
by the West Side trains continue to come
in late. Mails yesterday from California
were delayed about three hours.
Hood River Flood Recedes.
HOOD RIVER, Od.. Nov. 9. (Special.)
The high water in the Hood river which
caused some damage and threatened to
do more has gone down and the fear
that it would carry away the dam of the
power company has passed. The struc
ture is being strengthened to withstand
any future flood. The track of the Mount
Hood Railroad has also been repaired
sufficiently to allow of the running of
trains. The flood did some damage to ir
rigating ditches in the valley and is also
said to have carried out a dam in the
west fork of the Hood river.
Logs Floated Down by Freshet.
TILLAMOOK. Or.. Nov. 8. (Special.)
The flood in Wilson river has floated
about 3.000,000 feet of logs belonging to
the Hadley Logging Company down to
the bay. These logs comprised half the
logs In the river.
River Falling at Salem.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 9. (Special.) The
water in tha Willamette river at this
place began receding this forenoon and
is now at 11 feet 6 inches, or six inches
less than high mark. No damage has
been done here.
Hon. S. C. Tichenor. Mayor of Clats
kante. Or., has left for San Diego, Cal.,
to visit his son.
Mrs. Kelsey, widow of the late Judge
Fred D. Kelsey. of Kodiok, Alaska, is
visiting her mother at 56S Vancouver ave
nue. She is on her way to her future
home at Columbus, O.
William T. Hobson and Frank W. Eck
strom, of the firm of Uhl Bros., San
Fraieisco, are guests at the Hotel Port
land for a few days.
D. H. Karm. a well-known traveling
man of San Francisco, who was taken
to the Good Samaritan Hospital two days
ago from the Portland Hotel, is in an ex
tremely critical condition from pneu
monia. At St. Vincent's Hospital the deckhand
of tha Charles Spencer, . Stratton, who
had his right leg pulled off at the knee
at Porter's landing some days ago, is,
contrary to expectations, improving and
will recover.
CHICAGO. Nov. 9. (Special.) Orego
nians registered today as follows:
From Portland W. C. Barker, Mre. Et
Little, at the Auditorium.
From Oregon C. E. Briggs, at the
Palmer House.
MOSCOW7, . Idaho, Nov. 9. (Specials
Northwestern people registered today as
From Spokane J. M. Anderson, at the
From Seattle Mrs. J. West Gerard,
Mrs. M. B. Sayre, at the Woodstock.
If Baby Is Cuttlnc Teeth
Be 0nr and use that old and well-tried rem
edy, lira Wlnslow'e Sootnlnc Syrup, for chil
dren teething. It aoothee the chud. often
the gums, allays all -" ' " cure wlaa eolla
and diarrhoea.
tern, which provides for the mainte
nance of the water system at the ex
pense of the property-owners of the
city, and not by payment of monthly
tolls by consumers.
The Federated Traces Council showed
its hearty support of the movement
last night at its regular meeting in
Union Hall. A committee was present
from the Water-Consumers' League
and addressed the Council, explaining
the proposed change and advocating it.
The committee was headed by C. E. S.
Wood. H. D. Wagnon and E. S. J. Mc
Allister. Each spoke at some length,
outlining the plan of the league and
showing reasons why it should be
It was contended that the change in
the present system so that the ex
penses of maintaining the city water
system would fall on the landowners
instead of the consumers would meet
with the support of all citizens. The
Trades Council has already taken fa
vorable action on the proposition and
showed itself heartily in sympathy
with the views of the committee. It
was stated that when the plan is re
ferred to the people by means of the
referendum, organized labor will rally
to its support.
The movement to form a labor party,
which was launched at the last meet
ing, was discussed by the Trades Coun
cil last night. Over half of the repre
sentatives of the different unions re
ported favorably on the movement, and
the several organizations have named
delegates to a convention in Union
Hall November 30, when the party will
be formally organized and a platform
The plan of reorganizing the Build
ing Trades Council, which was formed
several 5'ears ago. but which has not
been strong, was discussed and the mat
ter was made a special order for the
next meeting of the Federated Trades
Council. It is the" opinion of labor
leaders that the Building Trades Coun
cil will be reformed on a stronger
basis. All seemed favorable to this
plan at the meeting- last night.
R. B. Lamson's Objections Answered
by Leader of New Plan.
H. D. Wagnon, president of the Free
Water Association, yesterday sent the
following open letter to R. B. Lamson,
member of the Water Board:
Portland, Nov. 9. (To R. B. Lamson.
member of the Water Board.) Dear Sir:
I have read your letter In The Oregonlan
in' which you try to take shelter behind the
city charter for the sins of the water man
agement. You know they are unjust, and
now 'come out and try to make amends toy
the suggestion that the land bore the ex
pense of the water mains, all of which is
included in the reforms that will be sub
mitted by the Free-Water Association.
Mr. Lamson. it is plain why you rushed
into print at this time. Tou say that free
water is out of the question and then pro
ceed to set up a man of straw of your own
make and say it is what the Free-Water
Association proposes, which goes to show
that you know no more about what the Free
Water Association proposes to do than you
do about the proper management of the
water system. In your zeal to serve the land
interests you quite lose your temper when
you vent it in the following assertions:
"Such a proposition would be on par with
free heat, free light, free bread, free any
thing: to be mado free by a general tax
on city property," and goes to show that
you know noLhing or care nothing for econ
omic Justice. The people of Portland (all
the people) own cur water system, not the
Water Board or the land speculators.
We claim that the act of the people (all
the people) In bringing Bull Run water
into Portland has added millions of dollars
In value to the land in Portland, and on this
fact rests the justice of our contention that
the landed interests should pay for the
As all the people are land users, so all
This letter I will give to The Oregonian
for publication. Respectfully .
President Free-Water Association.
had sunk so that only the tops of her
masts were showing above the water. No
trace could be found of her crew.
The Foam was owned by Absalom Joed-
ray. The wreck must have occurred about
three weeks ago. for fishermen at Peters
burg say the boat had been In the water
ten days when they found her.
That Thoroughfare Will Be Opened
Through Ladd Farm at Once
if Council Consents.
At a meeting last nigiit of some of the
heaviest property-owners on Villa avenue
east of the Ladd farm, Chauncey C. Ball
presiding, the announcement was made
by Dr. William De Veny that the Ladd
estate would consent to either an 80-foot
or a 100-foot street through the farm, con
necting Villa avenue and East Glisan
street, but preferred that the street
should be made 100 feet wide. Following
this announcement a motion was made
and carried that an SO-foot street be
opened from the eastern limits of the city
to the western side of the Ladd farm,
with a committee to prepare a resolution
to the Council to this effect.
Before the motion was put to the meet
ing Attorney H. B. Dickinson explained
the methods of opening a street as pro
vided by the charter, as many were not
informed on this point. Mr. Dickinson
stated that viewers would be appointed
who would assess the damages and bene
fits, and that where houses were moved,
or where an owner was directly damaged,
damages would be paid by those bene
fited. James Hart made an earnest appeal
for a 100-foot street extending from the
west side of the Ladd farm to the city
limits and undertook to point out the
great advantages of a wiue street. He
said that 50 houses would have to be
moved that would cost probably $10,000.
which would be paid for by the property
benefited. Mr. Hart declared:
"If you do not now make Villa avenue
a 100-foot street you will live to regret it.
It is a street with an easy grade and
would be one of the finest streets leading
out of Portland."
He could not prevail upon the meeting
to accept his views, although several
favored the 100-foot plan. Charles Hyle.
H. B. Dickinson and Dr. William De Veny
were appointed to carry out the wishes
of the meeting, and they will have a
resolution prepared.
Announcement was made at this meet
ing that the work of preparing a piat
for the Ladd farm is now in progress,
and there will be no direct streets be
tween the right of way of the electric
and the Base Line road, but that all the
land will be "contoured."
Dr. De Veny stated that the farmers
beyond Montavilla were anxious to know
what would be done on Villa avenue, as
they were willing and anxious to continue
Villa avenue to Fairview as a county
road as soon as definite action had been
taken inside the city limits. He also
stated that the matter of extending the
Montavilla car line eastward to Fairview
had been taken up with the Portland
Railway Company.
Sunk With All Sails Set.
SEATTLE. Nov. 9. (Special.) A fishing
vessel found to be wrecked on a reef in
Frederick Sound, and reported as being
the sloop Foam, is thought to have gone
down with all hands aboard. News of
the wreck's discovery was given the
Alaska steamer Humboldt at Petersburg,
the headquarters for the halibut fleet, and
the Humboldt brought the news to Seattle
this morning.
Wrhen the wreck was discovered by fish
ermen all the sails were set and the boat
Single Lot on First and Morrison
Streets Sells for $101,000
and Marks Advance.
After several days of comparative in
activity in the real-estate market, due to
the rain, several important sales were
closed yesterday. The largest transaction
involved a consideration of slightly over
$100,000, and there were others of $75,000,
SSS.OCO, $23,000 and $20,000 each.
A single lot at the southwest corner of
First and Morrison streets was purchased
for $101,000 by Leo Friede and the Lewis
estate from Mrs. Louisa Heuston, of New
York. The sale sets a new figure on
lower Morrison-street property, as the lot
was offered a short time ago for $SO.O0O.
There is a two-story brick on the property
with a frontage of 100 feet on Morrison
street and 50 feet on First. It is occupied
by a millinery store on the first floor,
with offices above. This is a step in the
recent activity which has been shown on
First street, and which promises to de
velop into a still more Important move
ment. A large sale of North Portland realty
was made by Brooke & Kiernan. A quarter-block
at the northeast corner of Third
and Couch streets was sold by this firm
to A. C. Pike, a lo.l merchant. The
previous owners were S. B. Linthicum
and several other local men. The hold
ing is unimproved except for a frame
building, and brought $65,000. This is re
garded as a very reasonable figure In
view of the advance of values in the
northern part of the city.
A large tract of land, owned by A. L.
Parkhurst, at the head of Lovejoy street,
was sold yesterday to W. B. Scott, who
recently came to Portland from Montana.
There are 40 acres in the holding, and
the price was $75,000. The property lies
north of King's Heights, which is a fine
residence district, and will be platted for
residence property. The sale was made
by Knapp & Mackey.
Dr. R. C. Tenney has sold a lot on the
east side of Park street, between Morri
son and Yamhill, to James Surman for
$20,000. The lot lies immediately south
of the Park-street annex of the new Tull
& Gibbs building.
A lot at the northeast corner of Seventh
and Everett streets has been sold by Mrs.
Mary T. O'Brien to Mrs. Florence Lyman
for $23,000. There are three frame dwell
ings on the lot, which will be removed for
the erection of a three-story brick warehouse.
Five Blazes in Few Hours Cause
Panic and One Death.
NEW YORK. Nov. . One woman is
dead, a man is in a hospital suffering
from severe burns, 2000 persons fled from
their homes in panic, and thousands more
passed a sleepless night as a result of
a series of incendiary fires in the two
blocks bounded by Sixtieth and Sixty-first
streets and Columbus and West End ave
nues early today. Scores of persons
whose lives were endangered by the con
flagration were rescued by firemen. In
all there were live tires, everyone of
them incendiary, between midnight and
3 o'clock this morning.
The woman who lost her life was Mrs.
Caroline Swain, 70 years old. whose home
adjoins one of the buildings which was
fired. She died of heart failure, induced
by fright. Adrian Tompkins, in a hos
pital with his hands and feet severely
burned as a result of climbing down a
redhot tire-escape, is seriously injured.
The rapidly-succeeding fires raised the
people throughout the vicinity to a high
pitch of excitement, which spread even
to Broadway and the Maria Antoinette
hotel in the neighborhood.
In each case the firemen quickly stopped
the progress of the flames. The loss
was about $20,000.
Frank Morris, of Boston, a vaudeville
performer, was arrested on suspicion of
setting the fires. The police allege that'
in each of the hres tenants reported that
when they fled from, their apartments
Morris was the first person they met.
All the houses where the fires occurred
were flats, three occupied by white and
two by negroes. There were many brave
rescues by firemen and tenants.
Mikkleson Loses Part of Crew.
SEATTLE, Nov. 9. (Special.) Three
members of the crew of Captain Mikkle
son's polar exploration ship Duchess of
Bedford have deserted him. and the reve
nue cutter Thetis has filled their places-
News to this effect was brought down by
W. T. Lopp. superintendent of the rein
deer herds and native schools, here to
testify against the notorious whaler. Cap
tain Newth, accused of despoiling Eskimo
Lopp left Captain Mikkleson at Point
Barrow. It was the explorer's Intention
to Winter somewhere near in the vicinity
of Bank's Island, making sledge journeys
overland to Heriand Island. Mikkleson
Is of the opinion, from the action of the
currents, that there is an undiscovered
island between these two points.
Forged Check at Fifteen.
SEax J7LE. Nov. 9. (Special.) Harold
Fisher, a lo-year-old Ballard boy, passed
a forged check for $16 at the Oriental Tea
Company yesterday. When the check
went to the bank today it was shown to
be bad and the lad was promptly arrested.
Later he was sent to the reform school
at the suggestion of his father.
v U
ijf With a Perfection Oil Heater you can heat a cold
bed-room, make a sick-room more comfortable, -warm a
Jty chilly hallway, heat water quickly, and do many things
gs better than can be done with any other stove no matter
sf what fuel it burns. The superiority of the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
lies In the fact that It generates Intense heat without smoke
or smell. The oil fount and the wick carrier are made of brass
throughout, which insures durability. ' Gives great heat at small
cost. Fount has oil indicator and handle. Heater is light and
portable. Absolutely safe and simple wick cannot be turned
too high or too low. Operated as easily as lamp. All parts
easily cleaned. Two finishes nickel and japan. Every heater
warranted. If not at your dealer's write nearest agency for
descriptive circular.
can be used in any
and is the best aU
house lamp made. Gives
a clear, steady licht. la
3 the safest lamp you can
E3 buy. Brass throughout and nickel plated. Equipped with
the latest improved burner. Handsome simple satisfactory.
3 Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency If you cannot
pi get it from your dealer.
Proof of
The enormous and ever Increasing de
mand for Ghirardelli's Ground Choco
late is conclusive evidence of inherent
The Ghirardelli process of preparation
preserves all the nutritive quality and
delicate flavor, and renders it most de
licious and satisfying.
Ask your grocer for it.
B sure that you get it.
Ground Chocolate
4 Mi k4 A
Shoes often meet their worst
Do You Believe then is determined the extent of
their future usefulness.
We cannot foresee accidents,
but we can be prepared for them.
Crossetts are made so well of
such good materials that hard
service only shows them in their
true light.
Call on our agent in your city, or write as.
North Abington, Maio.
in Signs ?
I No baby will bt
bright unless it
falls out of bid
the first ytar.
The soda cracker is an
ideal food. Uneeda
Biscuit are the ideal
soda crackers. Indeed,
soda crackers rightly
made in the first place,
rightly protected first,
last and all the time.
rJ$ In a dust tight, '
moisture proof package.
- M wi u.Kjii. uimimin-i. -u'y.-iHTiumMiu mil. ,m: m
iTT?"itr7,f'7i'riii''tT-iii'ii,i" )tn.!'li;..T,1wTfTii'