Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 08, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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WANTED-AGENTS TO SELL THB BEST Room. Vytth Board. Houses. LADIES. ONE WORD WITH YOU 25 BARGAINS IX ROOMING-HOUSES. Accordion Plaiting. Spirit uallsts.
grown nunnry stock on the Coast, Includ- years' of successful practice In Portland in LOOK MR UP 1 vtTU TO . . .
Inn Burhank's new pities plum. Miracle: CALL AND EXAMINE "THE BROWN" BEFORE YOU RENT EITHER A FLAT, the treatment of diseases peculiar to worn- 22 Year In Portland MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG. vtn THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL
commission advanced weekly; write quick SELECT APARTMENT HOTEL. Haw- apartment or house it will pay you to ex- en should be sufficient guarantee to those LILLIAN DE KEATER 426 Taylor. Accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. vL-- r.ivi
for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries. Al- to orne and Grand aves. ; new management, amine the hlgh-clae. apartments tn the seeking the aid of an experienced physician 8-room hoUBe, central....'. $300 ' (A SWlfr k bi- mvn rnn ., ,
Lany. Or. . many Improvements; finest rooms, views Washington, where housekeeping Is made and surgeon. I have assisted hundreds of ' g-room house, good buv 450 AccoqntarHs. AWAY C(Yv4i-i t ' thia wra-p '
- and table d'hote restaurant In Portland; easy at moderate rentals; all late Improve- and suffering women. I can assist la-room. central, cheap rent 750 u,.T-rw o, p.nI.p y MOP E HMO utai.
handsome ground floor dining-room and menta 695 Northrup et.. near 21st. Take Vt ou. It n trouble no matter from what 15 rooms, ekgant furniture, fln. residence. SEOROB T. MIRTON, 818 1 CHAMBER OF ASTRAL DEAD TKAC c'LAiRVOTANT
WANTED TO RENT. parlor; elevator and full hotel service: cars. All decorations made to suit tenants, ca!1 ,n 'd Dr- J- Grey, the old T havT tine buys in furnished houses, all Commerce Phon. Main .1681. Bookkeep- NO CHARGE IF NOT SATISFfKhM
electrlcltv sas mnnlm water (IreDlacea reliable specialist; no charge for consulta- iiin and nrlrpe expertlng, teaching. READlNr isi Air tj It-., n.- TitiTr'iV
BY YOUNG MARRIED COUPLK NO CHIL- .'' free' tflVphJnS In - ."iT ONE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. JUST FIN- Mon or advice 251 Alder et. corner 3d. BS'2Zlt, one of best In city. a 1 l DO HEREbV bOLMNLAG
.lien, 4-room unfurnished or furnished cot- car lines; 10 minutes- walk to center of lsned; strictly modern, gas. electric llgnts. 0r- Correspondence sacredly coa- , have (U klndt ot Dun., propositions A Mayers and Analysts. GUARANTEE to rnake no charge tf I iail
tage or 3-iwm furnished flat; steam heat. city; attractive rates to permanent guests. porcelain bath, furnace, cement cellar; naentlal. to make money, from $300 up. ninrpvirv . r-mwirnnn ....ITT,r.," , call, Tou by name In full, names of your
modern and nicely furnished rent reason- pnon. Ea,t 281. . " Washington at., car half block away. 783 ..;, ,.,... LILLIAN DB KEATER. 425 Taylor. GREENLEY ft CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL. friends, enemies or rivals, i promise to tell
able; references exchanged. Address Robt. . .. York St., near cor. 24th; $27.50 rent. In- INSTITUTE OF DRUGLESS HEALING. . cnemlsts. mining engineers. 204 Wash- whether your husband, wife or sweetheart 13
L. Wullcson. 211 4th at. Phone Pacific 3o7. F0RTI,Af;-c WOMAN'S UNION. 18TH quire Moore Realty Co., 401 Stearns bldg. ,.i LJUS? nrM" ehSJSie A COUNTRY GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ington St. true or false; tell you how to win the love
tages. flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses. Address Mrs. Ella Rawllngs, Supt., 610 610 ALDER. NEAR 15TH 25: LARGE. ""J "iUL?! .?i. 2? EaI?i.iV?lV Centrally located cigar store, netting 1140 sonst. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. speculation, lawsuits, how to marry the one
etc-. Landlords will do well to call oa Flanders. well-lighted workroom, suitable dressmaker l'Be? 1?JZ aVlJ X.,Jr every month; a week s trial given If de- ' S ?.?ar choice, haw to regain youth.
Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. or tailor: three Jiving rooms In rear. Key ? 'J" , S! "in!' sired; 30. part cash. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANALYST health and vitality: Remove evil influences.
cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. $7.00 COMFORTABLE, QUIET OUTSIDE 609 Morrison. Phone Main 1013. 5,, ""J fw m 1 o,!P V,h - Partner wanted in mercantile business. . Gold dust bought. 207 Alder St. drink habits, locates treasures, mines
. room for gentleman; private fiat; no fam- &"n' ? MM- ybi h Tm 1000 required. ' and oil wells, cures all nervous diseases.
SMALL COTTAOE. OR 3 ROOMS IN GOOD ilyjuseof sitting room; inquire upstairs over 7-ROOM HOUSE. GAS.. CEMENT BASE- "w,e na "adlson. Phone 03J. Boomlng-houee. netting 250 every month, Bontbullders. x xriu nn ,V,.BTI5
!..c!.tion. suitable for Hunt housekeeping. grocery. 21st. and Wash. . Pacific 2040. mnt. furnace, porcelain bath, walking dlsr- B.nI..,j ,r-r.Tr ivbtitiitp Tvti 1800. - .,,,. , TO DO Am ilhrli mu r unoir
West tilde, south of Morrison St., not to tance. Inquire 434 Montgomery at. from X-RADIUM MEDICAL INSTITUTE AND Partner wanted in small cash store. $300. GRAHAM S BOATYARD. FOOT E. PINE V w, AND A uRhAT DJ3AL MORii..
ex.etd 2." inlnuies' walk from P. O. ; not ROOMS. SINGLE AND HN SUITE. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. ., ... ,fL, ,tVf f j,M. , Call on Donald H. Smith, room 325 Lum- st. Launches and gasoline engines In stock. THE evtirp TTZr r. na Prr
over $20 rcr month. Ad.lree. 415 7th. New and elegant furnished; first clas. Z?lrtl!& ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. Carpet Cloanm. wE"i"oFE?llS
WASTED - HOUSES AND COTTAGES. ""tHB CARLETON. 13th and Alder. rooMT T g?' "".S?" eSn.uKtton"" Sr-dS.,"!ta5? !F YOTT ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD IN- C1"-'-r' ' MAND andIR wm prot'U T,oX VSSJi
East and West Shies; win rent at once. ; Bhv.fcUini and f nrfVonal nurses Mn attend- vestment keep your eye on Coeur d'Alene SanUa-T carpet cleaning carpets cleaned on by giving ou a "nout
Donald a. Woodward, agent. 104 2d St. BOARD AND ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO;' Fnrnl.bert Hornsea. lcl Mtte?nltv hosmtal Infants adoDted mining stocks. The time to buy U while floor; suction and compressed air. M. Su34. ' FRtfeTEST FREE
I'hone Main 14::ti. Administrator of estates. all conveniences and strictly flrat-class and ... a nvn bt pSbtt vn or prices are low. Snowstorm." "Snowshoe, by having your NAME TOLD '(IN FULL)
right down town; young men only. Apply $30 ELEGANT 6-ROOM HOUSE. COM- Corner Third PhoSf Main 2796 "Copper King- and -Missoula Copper" axe Chiropody and Manicorlmr. JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR and ski
WANTHD WITH NICE PRIVATE FAMILY. 147 West Park or phone Main 8609.. pletely furnished. 63 East 22d and Davla. jniru. rnone jiain a b(v(1 t prwnt prices. Ith the you advice absolutely FREE before you de-
, 2 furnished housekeeping rooms with yard; ' Main 4529. t ivv steady advance in the price of copper these ' . uttL!,r ESTELLE DEv EN Y, IHt cide to have a readlr.g WHO CAN OR WILL
west side; must be reasonable. Anschutz. 129 14TH. BET. WASHINGTON AND ' ; L, .tmentenoVrTt of Phiri.rn Woman's stocks are bound to go up. only scientific chiropodists; parlors room DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC?
OS th st. Alder-New and handsomely furnished FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE; ELECTRIC Hoinltal r?a diseases of women exclu- I am In the market to buy or sell any mln- 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. A3
rooms; home cooking; reference exchanged, lights, bath; central. Inquire 273 7th. Swiv- ladles wlll consult their best inter- stw-l 'n which there is a chance for a 1301. This Is the long-haired gentleman. IT U ILL NOT BE OFFERED YOU AGAIN.
WANTKD A n-HOOM FURNISHED HOUSE gentlemen preferred. Lil V'v cornmun estln. with 1 me- no fee for trade- Money loaned on Coeur d'Alene stocks. He Is the man you are looking for. Do not hesitate, delay is dangerous; coma
bv responsible in-ople: no children. Call - For Rent Furniture For Hal.. consultation- corresnSSd mm Absolutely con- T. P. BROWN. 401 McKay Bldg. ' ,. ; at once and find out:
room :!2.-. Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and YOUNO MAN WOULD LIKE ROOM AND K IT- mkteralcMer given fecial at- CHIROPODY AND MANICURING FOR LA- How can I marry well 7
Stnrk. board In private family, reasonable, west FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE CHEAP; Spntlon Sanitarium and offices 253 Alder dies and gentlemen. 40-41-42 Raleigh b.dg. How ciin I have good luck?
side preferred. State price. Address B 19, cottage for rent. $12: large grounds and Tf.?, porViTnd Oregon Phone Main THB NATIONAL FINANCING CO., 6th and W ash. sw. Pacific 235. How can I control any onef
Orcgonlan. large barn. 212 East 48tb st., handy to two 2796. Portland, uregon. t-none main 2ng Marqulm BMs ; Portland. Or. Main How can I conquer my rival?
WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. car lines; nice view to city; parties leaving 2?4. Incorporated 1904. Loans secured. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, "ow can I settle my quarrel?
, NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH citV- HARTMANT DFTFrTlVE AGENCY realty, timber, mines, preparation of char- room S30 Flledner bldg. Phone Pacific 135. ow n I succeed In business?
WANTED. board: bath and heat, at 161 West Park St., Will handle anything in the line of ds- ter, organisation of companies and sale of . How can I conquer my enemies?
Furniture I For opposite Hotel Eaton. Phone Pao. 1030. FLAT FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE tectlve work in and out of the city. "locks and bonds a specialty. Make good J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist; all lnstru- "ow n I get a good position?
Furniture Spot Complete and up-to-date furnished flat if"'; 1" i" r,J , rstherlni : evidence In all representations; Information free. ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main 6258. f" I keep my w-lfe's love?
Furn l"rl Ch NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD clow In; fine location; for rent reasonable. Eu . All I ork KrWlr consSal lol S w,."1!; h,T5 hT.I
Portland Auction Rooms. for 4 gentlemen; bath, furnace heat, tot Inquire Cov.ll Furniture Co., 184-186 First. "T". "orkdon0. through t gg v.rg Clen.n and Iyeta.. How I nS. anyatne"S?S meT
211 First st. Phone Main 5055. water; on two carllnes. 2St, 16th st. wt-T Rr.r.M ft at thl office. Room 24 and 25 Raleigh BUSINESS OPENINGS ; -,,,.. TIF How can I hold my husband's love?
. ------. st.v FLRNITURE OF FOUR-ROOM FLAT Bide- 6th and Washington sts Office The Ames Mercantile Agency has the lat- BERLIN DYE M ORKS SPECIALT1 r.a How can I mim ihl i Jhillt
WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING BLAKELY HALL, 270 6TH PTREET for sale; sam heat, gaa and electric lights; oMJay ,nd nlltht S P.clHo 273- est Information on trade opportunities In French dry cleaning, steam cleaning, dye- How can I make distannes th?nk of me?
and shoes- hlKrte-.t orlce paid Call at the peasant rooms, with flrat-clas board, suit- cement laundry tray, every convenience; fine open day ana nlgnt. pnone --acme Parties looking for loca- lng to sample; reasonable prices, prompt Fermanir.tly located in His Own Hom
"Fali ? Deal." IN? d? Phone Pacific U22. able for two; Hn. location. location. 400 Harrison St., flat O. BUTTS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60c- "' Ore,on or Washington are invited service. 847 2d st. Phone Main 6417. hoUkS! WTO I tvAltr 5?ND SUNdI?.
. free: highest prices paid for bones. Oregon -, " "h home-cooked meals; two modern house, very cneap for cash; five the tallor 106H Vh St., next to Quelle. Ablnglon Bldg. . - D,-r-U-B-P r.g Phon Maln 6076.
FertllUer Works. 792 Thurman. M. 1906. people to the room. minutes to center of city. Call 367 3d st. Ladle.' skirts pressed. 80c. Feathers and .,, HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF
- 'l boas cleaned and curled Phone Pac 'OSS SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old A SPECIAL 5 ItFADING FOR tl
WWTED TO TiL'T-A IIGHT ONE- KOOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY, 7 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS OVER BUSI- , Cleaned ana cuneq. Phone rac. .obo. Confectionery store, stock, awning, heat- rubber and old metal, and general commie- "St. George," the i'.Vchio marvel, bested-
horse gooseneck wacon Graves- Music walking distance; gas, bath and phone; rea- jess block, for sale cheap it taken at once. A rkineR PRACTICAL FURRIER. stove, everything complete; located on glon merchants. Front st.. near Main, Port- nrateJ. experienced spiritualist, medium.
S.?re "S WM..tton st sonable. 32S 6th. Phone Pacific 114. Expert fitter-' firs remodeledf repaired and carllne; city water, electric lights, low rent; land, Or. Cash advanced on consignments. clairvoyant, palmist, natural healer ever b.
' ' ' " ' ' redyed- 30 veers' experience Insures entire only $460. . . 1 fore American public, gives you a wonder.
wr- WII r BUY FOR CASH YOUR FURN'I- LARGE FRONT PARLOR. SUITABLE FOR FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 2 ROOMS FOR satisfaction; will call at residence and give CITY REALTY BUILDING CO.. TAYLOR. YOUNG at CO., SHIP BROKERS ful mental reading without asking or wrlt-
, .? w.. . iv... ,wo- w,th board. 895 6th. Phone Main If". Jn nJlclc bM8' ,n centr ot cily- 03,1 estimates: prices moderate. Phone Pacific 612 Commercial Bldg., Main 1940. and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg., lng names or questions; love, business.
Sure,c? Jl'i ,,tC;lJ 7' W"t,rn "alvage 64HO Pacific 2450. 2487. Lewis bldg.. MorrUon and Park. . " Portland, Or. health, money, changes. Journeys, partners.
Co.. 0. Washington st. PARTY WITH f2000 CAN BUY FOl RTH . friends, enemies; tells whom, when you
' Flats. QUICK SNAP e ROOMS. $86; FULL; SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HELSING- Interest In established good-paying hotel in ALLEN & LEWIS COMMISSION AND marry; cures lost vitality; bad luck, evil
FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS . block of Hotel Oregon, 6S 7th; $425 this fon graduate, positively cures' rheumatism. most prosperous town In Washington; ex- produce merchants' Front and Davis sts., Influences; teachers all occult powers. Of-
Don't worry, lose time or money. Call up HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE APARTMENTS week. nervous disorders and stomach troubles by perinced hotel man, good manager cafe and Portland, Or. fice' 800 Washington t.
pacific 793. to let; the finest and best equipped in the ' hand rubbing, steam, sweat, tub baths: kitchen help w ith gorl references, required. . . .i.i'
Northwest; all Improvements. Including 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND PART OF both sexes., 7 E. 11th St.-8.. 2 doors from Address N 18. care Oregonlan. . PORTLAND COMMISSION CO. FLOUR. MMR ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM,
SPciT CASH PAID FOR YOUR FURNITURE. grill, billiard-room elevator and roof gar- furniture for sale. 632 E. Morrison. E. Ankeny carline. Phone East 260. hay and millstuft'a. 204-266 Front et. cun ?" consulted on business, lawsuits, love,
etc.: prompt attention. Phone East 1067. den. Applv afternoons on premises. 689 - STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS OWNER matrimony; unites the seperated. no matter
to 605 Northrup St., near 21st. Stores. - DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES II wants a reliable partner to act as cashier; Carpenters and Builders. the distance or cause; satisfaction guaran-
WE CA.IL FOR DEAD HORSFS AND CAT- : ' a month keeps your clothing cleaned and will pay salary and share of profits from , teed; readings 50 cents, dally and Sunday.
tie free of charge. Phone East 2233. MODERN FLATS. ALL SIZES, FOR RENT. 6 TORE AT 621 WASHINGTON, NEAR 19TH, pressed, buttons sewed on. lips sewed up. the business: previous experience not w L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general M,n'l1,,to "'Oln'H'Sh hldg., cor. 6th. and
l! t Z Lll . East and West Sides. Portland Trust 25; smaller one for $15: ideal location Prompt cails and' deliveries. Unique Tail- necessary- r,0O required, fully secured. Jobbing contracting 330 Stark. Main 5S31. J1""'' ,0PP0e Postofflce. Elevator 6th
t tv cum iri-in ura'snmt n nnnnq Company of Oregon. S. B. cor. 8d and Oak. dressmaker, florist, artist, dentist, etc. T. I orlng Co.. 809 Stark St.. near 6th. Call 24SH Stark st. : floor. I arlors oo2 and 633. No sign.
w VV... ji- 1.1 iSh?, wn Phone Exohange 72. Garland. 228 Flledner Bldg., 10th and Wash- Danclnjr.
FIVE-ROOM FLAT MODERN; BTEAM Aza H. Rlbbecke, has opened parlors at 168 an,e partner to keeping hired help and DANCING LESSONS 25c. classes or private; reliable medium; all In trouble call
heat, hot water, choice neighborhood; close VERY DESIRABLE GOOD-SIZED STORE 10th et. for the scientific treatment of the wlH ,.,, hoif interest for $47.".. Owner waltzing, two-step, three-step, etc.; stage ?,n.a Let her valuable advice on all affairs of
toB In; no children. Phone Pacific 1068. near Sd and Stark. Three-year lease. face, scalp and general beauty culture. Ad- Ruarantee vou $150 a-nmnth: experl- dancing, buck and wing. clog, reel, skirt, llfe' business, lovo troubles; absent friends
ltom. ' - . Phone Main 77. vice free. Teiaclflc 830. ence not necessary. Call 248 Stark st. Spanish. Highland Ulng. etc., Prof. Wal. a ep'cia y. Room 72. Le wis b ldg. . 0V
"""n- MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. NEWLY TINT- " tu,v -rxrt.-p atw Wilson, Allsky bldg.. 3d-Morrleon. Morrlfcon ft. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 I . M.
ed. two blocks north Steel bridge, front- FOR RENT 40 ROOMS. 2 STORES, BEST MRS. DR. HUNTLEY, PHYSO-THERAPATH. e3.ROOM BRl,'K HOTF.L: DIN'ING-ROOM. : .T, '
ing river. East Hide. location in the city. Inquire 75 1st. Cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and ofrice, barroom; On. steady boarders; fine bar Portland Dancing Academy. A refined school. A. ., I,I"i't'- - , ....
. , ' . paralysis by hand rubbing, steam sweat ana nMriv t'o.i income- ! vears' lease Prof Rinirier InH m im Hnekenniever instrs 5.0O reading 91 this week, best dead-
THE BUCKINGHAM. KBW 8 AND T-ROOM MODERN FLATS. BTORB3 SMALL STORE ON 8TH AND AN- tub baths. In her .ew home 687 Wash. St.. XiZlZ cfass nlglfts Tica & a; clden Sat? aft! trance
Sightly. Inquire 913 Kelly st. Phone Main keny; $8 per month. bet. 18th and 10th. Pacific 2691. ,f eod at on' Xddresa K 24. Oregonian. Prlv. lee. dally, 8u9 Aid. cor 6th. Ph. M. 1951 J"1 7 w"at you call for. your name, age,
(Hifi f ' ! - - .. .. I,- . .1 1 , , ic. ovj 71 RsninKioiie
VReUm7hn'ratesBareanaTel! ' Offloea. PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN WITH A OPPORTUNITY-CIGAR, FRUIT Woodward's Dancing School Class. Monday. FCYPTIAN SFFREq PAT M-
nfnr,J"J t.;.rr,!i Till i h., ' FOR RENT 4-ROOM FLAT, STEAM HEAT. good practice, owning home, desires ac- and con feet ion erv store doing a fine busl- Thursday and Sat. eves.; private lessons
opposite loitland Hotel. 1 hone Main 31. gas range. Janitor's service! 406 Harrison st! DESIRABLE OFFICES INCLUDING ELBO- qualntance of refined lady under 85. some new. must be sold by November 10; long dally; social, fancy and step dancing taught. f'i ?
THF COMVIBRCIAL. l""1"5' h.l .T"5 "'"""r', )an!,or ftnd .means; object matrimony. X 21. Ore- Um. ch,ap at t,;oO: no .-.gents: only those Second and Morrison. Phone Pacific 1030. Jj Jl10" KimoS o".,"' jlor'rlson
Nlcely TueT'r'.SmV.ngl. or en H.nkseP,n Roon,- -rvice..n new airy common that mean bu.lne., apply. 167-4 First st. . McCul.och teacher of dancing" , ,
Sd'-cofd r.'er'.tta"'"" THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 . Bumslde . Agent, room 411. DR. G. V. KETCHUM CURES NERVOUS. FOR SALE-COMPLETE PLANT. MANU- 2o4 al&S?jL& t Yixtt-ASS''
""nlnrSom n ' connection; ' trarSenfs eo: Washington, cor. 20th-Nlcely furnished FOR RFN'T FRONT HAI F OF OFTirF chronic and private disease,; also special factoring mill work for local and Eastern " lnpv, n, A..rlvra , gall. 843V, Yamhill. Phone Pacific 199,.
licltcd- onen hM niirht- hest location In housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot .VT i s,- ?' female ailments; correspondence confiden- market; l.TO horse power: large dry kiln ca- MATTINQLY ACADEJil OF DANCING, Bi nrt Transfer
h ciiy " . free "bath, free phone, both floors; P"no1nari"nt' rVasonabi; Annlv ?omd22 Mh" ,la1' om" 17 3d. cor. Yamhill. P.C.222J pacity ;' shipping facilities by rail or water. 14th. near Jefferson. Phon. Main 3393. Storage and Transfer.
floor. 4K3 Washington. nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month; Ington. rent reasonable. Apply room 22. Owners, room 552 Worcester block. SAFFS PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED.
. best rooms In city for money. THIRD AND ALDER DFSIRABI P I 111HT Uan!y vl6r refltorPd b'". Dr' Roberts' Nerve . : - Dog and Horse Hospital. packed .ready for shipping and shipped: al
THB NEWEST. CLEANEST. REST FUR- - ; nfflces' very reasonable first floor K Globules. One month's treatment $2; 8 87-ROOM BRICK HOTEL. LBWISTON. IDA- ' -r ,. work guaranteed: lalge 3-story brick Va
nished and most up-to-date rooms In city at THE ELLSWORTH UNFURNISHED x-Radium InstltutS : 253 Alder months' $5 Sent securely sealed by mail. ho: well furnished, steam heat, etc.; rent Dr. ' C- E Brown . D V. S Dog, "o, warehouse for storage. Office 209 Oak
the Oxford Hotel cor. 6th and Oak sts. Ele- housekeeping suite, three rooms each, la , X-Radlum Institute. 03 Alder St. Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland. from store and restaurant pays most of rent; horse hospital. 106 N. 6th at..' Union Trans Co. J, c M olsen. Phone Main 547.
gant rooms with steam heat, hot and cold new- modern, fireproof bldg., steam heat?, -pni-.-a modprv OFFirra nnnvs. rth a vr r7Z 7 reason for sIIlng. other business. Address 1 !
running water, electric lights, callbells, etc.; electric light, gas, baths, hot and cold Sva"hlnton WakSlled Frist 18T2" ' BECK. TH8 JCT BLBR. 1906. A., Drawer R, Lewlston, Idaho. 1X Kennels. 0 PIrK OFFICE. 88 1ST. BET. STARK
9 $1 day; bath, free; very reasonable raise to water; c'.uac In. 106 Lownedale, near Mom- staJ? Wakefl"'a' irl" Co" 2i9 Bargain. In Silverware. . - L,and Oak Phono r.9.1. Pianos and furniture
permanent roomers; private baths. W. M. on. Phone Main 6474. ' 20j ALDER, BET I IRST AND FRONT. WANTED PARTNER. PREFERABLY Dogs boarded; new kennels; large exercising moVed and parked for shipment; commodious
Seward, prop. Main 88. trnovT Rnnu a vn hitis at tew Just ln r,ar of - p- altlng-Room. young man with $B;ioo. to Invest In a high- grounds; rates reasonable. Add. Chaa. Kre- btick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms.
. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM- Jl ... ALISKY - ' grade business rropcsitlnn; money fully se- ger, Crelghton. Or. City address, 250 Alder. Front nnd Clav sts.
HOTEL RUSHMARK WASHINGTON AND hill New house, elegantly furnished. In bldg.. 8d and Morrison sts. 6AVE MONEY AND GAS BY GETTING ONE cured: services of investor desired, but not .
17th First-class furnished rooms, single or suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold ...... Jf r, Jtrmbo mantellesa gasburners: gives , rfqulred. Rim T 20. Oregonian. Educational. Showcases, Hank and Store Fixtures.
en suite, steam heat, hot, cold water, elec- water; gas range each kitchen; steam neat, nans. big. bright light and last for life; price 25c
trie light, phone ln every room, suites with baths, free phone each floor; no children. M.TT wr p.nonnv.M . Agents wanted. .3';. N. sa. Pacific 169. LEAPING AND PAYING Instruction in German conversation by highly R H pirdsall deslsner; agent M. Winter
private baths. 7.60 per week; single. $:i; by "ttrmt convenh-nces- nrlce rVMonahle Tele. onv wnNTH'Q TRF.ATMFNT Vhfu ,-Kr. Rpa' ""a"- business for sale to substantial educated, refined German. Box 362. city. Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5530.
day, $1 up; reasonable by month. Main 5047. NEW BUILDING. NEW FURNITURE. 'hone Zim im ' reasonable. Tele- ONE L0. ,2 m , TnriT, of party: good location, favorable lease; best
housekeeping apartments, furnished and Phone Main .196. iclnes fPl) for all private dishes of re.Hsons for selling. Address O 20. care Engineering. PORTLAND SHOWCASB & FIXTURE CO..
HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. IOTH AND WASH- unfurnished: gas. bath, hot water; no vSirSf nuoen.arv th nd Alder Oregonian. 348 1st. near Market. Phone Pacific 1020.
Ington sts. Under new management; every- children. 290 North 16th st - r.v,,i, land Medical Dispensary. 5th and Alder. w.'R. PHILLirP. MECHANICAL AND HY-
thing new. cleun and modern; all the prln- '. liaajtiau tost pnwirpq nvs-rnRlrn r-v tuv PARTNER WANTED TO ATTEND OFFICE draullc engineer Drawings, specifications, THE LUTKB MANUFACTURING CO., COR.
ilpnl car lines pass the door; private bath TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS NEWLY PA- movvy to I dan areat Dr Lorenzo Verve Tonic Tablets- "'ic and collect as partner. $0)0 required for general engineering and superintendence. eth and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408.
suites: rates reasonable Phone Main 23i3. pered and furnjshed for housekeeping; gas, Cn trnprov,d,0?lt'yY prpeflvr for building I box Write or call at Eyaser. Pharmac,-? interest. This place has been established Room 430 Lumber Exchange blag- Main 4o82
Mrs. I-. )l..iii.i, prop. hath bay window, easy walking distance. purposes, for from 3 to 10" vears' time, with 227 Morrison st., between 1st and 2d. ' and pays well. Call 24S1, Harness and Waddles ' Typewriters. .
The EIlsworth-Nowly furnished rooms, single - hne"nan privilege to repay all or part of tarn after Ln.. ,..,..... ..,.. rTV S'ar''" "' ' New Typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and
or en suite. In new. mode, fireproof bldg; i, f.TH, HALF BIJCK SOUTH HOTEL monev a'dvancecT a.P buliuinj p?ogVeai2, e I ctricaf "1 and mlZS trea WANTBD-SOBBR. HONEST GENTLEMAN THF. GEORGE LAWRENCE CO WHOLE- reraire'd. Coast Agency. 231 Stark st. Tel.
t-olTw-M- TCZlJKlZhY "o rrtland,. .mall 2-room furnished cottage. moragetakeTupndepliced. P ' mems. "ladi?. 'only: chiropodist." manicurist. with small amount capital as partner In big sale saddfnd harness mf... leather and 1407.
Loinll 'ni,v r 1 rhk. MlS'(U-i r"ar ot hOU"e' or couP'' 10 month. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 41 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. profit-paying business. 103's First St.. New saddlery harcuare. 80-86 1st. Main J.6. -
Lownsdale, near Morrison. Phone Main 64,4. References. 242 Stark Street. Relmont Hjtel,- room 1, between 1 and 4 " , Vt hnle Amber.
T ' - . . . ' MICS FTHFL WARD MWICURIVG WD o'clock. Ilousecleanlna;. M
THE WILLAMETTE, 322 STARK, S. XV. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND SIN- LOANS M DF TO !AI APIFn PFOPI E chlropodv parlors- corns and Ingrown toe- . Made ln Norway; guaranteed finest shoe
cor titn st. Well-furnished rooms, large glB roo,ns. walking distance, free phone holding permanent positions 'and responsible nails successfully' treated: ladles and gen- FOR SALE 1500 SHARES IN BLOCKS OF WESTERN CONTRACTING HOUSECLEA.V- dressing out Your dealer handles It. Alfred
and light, single or en suite; transients. an(i baths. The Otis, cor Bumslde and firms: easy payments and strictly confiden- tmen. Room 10, 351 14 Morrison St. 6. 10 and loo each of the rapidly advanc- 1"8 Co., B. . Pea. Mgr. Windows, car- Andresen A Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
i.Oc to $i; by week, 2 to $5. Pacific 1296. Union ave. . tlal' also L lng stock of the Portland Coal a Develop- pets and cellars cleaned, woodwork and '
'. ' CHATTEL LOANS "SON OF A SWORD-MAKER." "TURKEY ment Oil stock: reasonable. W 19. Oregon- floors c MM ai ,d o lied on short notice: all Wnolesale Grocer..
HOTEL KEN YON, 1STH AND WASH. STS FORTLAND ACCOMMODATION AGENCY on personal property; rooming-houses a epe- Egg Orlftln." "The Harfcrlders." "The lan. work guaranteed. Ph. M. 3ol8. 30u Couch. '
Modern single and en suite; also 120 7th St. Call. Save searching. Obtain list. clalty. , Starbucks.' by Ople Bead. 25c each; list ,,, ,,,.. ,, ..,,. ALLEN 4V LEV.TS, WHOLES ALE OROCWRY.
housekeeping; running water: private and Nicest rooms. Lowest prices. Safe places. NEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY, free. A. W. Schmsle Co.. 229 First. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF Jnna, tiiuee and A cits. cor N Front and Davis sti., Portland. Or.
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacitlo 496. . 205 Ablngton Building. you have stocks or bonds for sale, let mo ,Tavk- z, r-n pi'pcmirii nc- umn
I " ' 487 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED 2- ' ; NOW OPEN MANICURING AND CH1ROP- try to sell them for you. George M.Kel- ' " ,' A ' ..ol fi rs' tallow old rubbers me iIT;
FOR RENT NICE FURNISHED ROOM. room housekeeping suite; modern conven- THB CRESCENT LOAN CO., 42SMOHAWK pody parlors for ladles and gentlemen; )ogs broker, 540 Elllcott Square. Buffalo. Ind sacks ' 312 Kront st" ruDD;r. metals BANKS.
suitable for one or two gentlemen. In a iences; new dwelling; no children. bldg. Loans to salaried employes on. note, also healing. 201 H 3d St.. cor. Taylor. . ' ' : 1
private family; no other roomers. Ap- without mortgage; easy payments. . 60-ROOM HOTEL FOR SALE AT A BAR- Launches BANKERS' AND LUMBERMEN'S BANK
ply at 427 3d St. TO COUPLE DESIRING FURNISHED ?nJ1- 4-H;o"th- yL;; MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. gain. If sold Inside of 10 davs, on account : ' .
' housekeeping rooms; tenant might board 5epay to "''I' i' or i'.'.-JSt or i. H N charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, of other changes; can give first-clnes recom- oFE its FOR Lil'NCHF' AVT Rl7m Corner Second and Stark Streets.
FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM owner If convenient. 655 Yamhill st. $TsZReDa5 l us'" 4 or I'oS 11 IIW room 330 Flledner bldg. PtK-lfic l.",5. mendatlon: no agents. P 7. Oregonian. ' tyie and price; "-'Little Special" launch! port I 4.ND ORE"OV
. S'rmAy"' " C""- THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Ar oSTtt fiXi'?. gainer and F.ndings. TMt 'vlcfSS
FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM IN PRIVATE Any salaried employe, wage-earner, ran Address P. O. box 495 cltv. JOHN A. K EA1ING 2d lce-Pwldent
family suitablo for one gentleman; baith, THE MAYNARD. 125 14TH. NEAR WASH- on his note, without mortgage (con- 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR 2 . . . STROWKRIDGE LE THFR rfl-F? E. C. WEARS. .Cash cr
ga. and phone. 52 N. 15th. near corner ot Ington; nicely furnished housekeeping base- tM): Month . H-month Week name 50c 50 for S5c; 230 business cards. FOn SALE THE NICETX.DION; HALF IN- tabitshed IS?! Leather ad find ngs; Stofk-' "i aPSJatT General Counsel
I-'av!. "' rooms: also other rooms. 'rImv ll ui"'$ 685 " lito or $103 Schmale Co.. 229 1st. tprfst or outright: dissolution of partner- ton sole leather and cut stocks; full line PLA rT & general Counsel
DOUBLE PARLOR OR SINGLE ROOM IN UNFURNISHED CONNECTING ROOMS, $1-Rep.y to u.! ! !i 4!)0 or $2.'f)0 or ILW RECENTLY OPENED MANICURING PAR- n!,Pfl,h ?-tr " Vuf'ced'- ' JmKS' manaBer' Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st. Commercial and Savings Departmente.
private family, for adults only. 8 Grand large, light, separate entrance, gas. bath. 210 M KAY BLDG.. . 102 THIRD. lors. ladles and gentlemen. 351H Morrison L . , Machlnca-v ' Interest Paid on baying. Accounts.
ave north, neur Durnslde. Telephone East phone; close ln. 331 14th st. St., room 12. GROCERY CENTER OF CITY. DOING A . Drafts nnd letter, of C red it Issued Avall-
M2. . MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE "business rent $20; a snap at 4i!o If B TREVKMAV & CO MINING SAWMILL able In All Parts of the World.
. : TWO OR THREE ROOMS, PARTLy FUR- 3 on your own name; no other security DR. CRISTION'S FRENCH TOILET PREP- Taken this week; cash trade; living rooms. logging macMneo; hvdraullc '
WHITE HOUSE. EUROPEAN HOTEL. $1.50 nlshed, to quiet couple 249 Grand ave. necessary: don't borrow until you see me; actions for sale. 406 Harrison st. Pacific K ,,,, Orezonlan. all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. FIRST 'A,I0,A,?;.K7;RT.r.oI
up per week- electric llxhts and hath 107 North. Holladay's Addition. my system is the best for railroad men. 823. 1 1 . OK 1'Olin.ANU. OREGON.
Decatur St.. near Riverside Hotel St Johns. ' clerks, bookkeepers, street-car men and all PARTNER WANTED GOOD RELIABLE the H G ALBEE CO SECOND-HAND Designated Depository and Financial Agent
: !L! " ' JOn . NICELY FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE- ciher employes; business strictly confiden- MANICURING PARLORS FOR LADIES man wi'h few hundred dollars can buy one- machinery ' sawmills etc 248. Grand ave of the United Stales
6TEAM-HEATED ROOMS AT REASONA- keeping rooms; fine residence location. o3 tlal. F. A. Newton, 424 Ablngton bldg. and gentlemen. 20.SU, Morrison St., room 14. j"? est good cash business x 20. Ore- i"achlner,. aw mills, etc. Grand ae. Prtarat A. I. MILLS
WashVnonrsta'Jkts Pholie" Mafn V,' MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED """-' . Mining Broker.. At'caVnier';," V !:a ALVogr5
asnington a. Mark sts. 1 none Main b-rfl. SUITES. FOUR ROOMS EACH. UN- and others upon their own names without specialist. Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Main 6478 qat r OLD ESTABLISHED GOOD All meritble mining stock bouirht sold . Secon.t Assistant ( ashler .... R. F. S TEVENS
I'LFSA.VT ALCOVF Al Q NF.T APART- furnished, housekeeping rooms, water ln security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; na-lng cigar new. .0 g"c, hfni T Bota G & ing ev 1 M Letters of credit Issued available In Europe
me'nU! Tfor 3 or 4 s-uje'nts sentlenfen nrel kitchen. 117 N. 18th St. offlcrs In o0 principal cities, save yourself Buet and neolt developed. Oriental method, re- PAi. golnJ ' in "it" bilnw 101 8th It changed. Bollam, Grussl & Hlglej, U8 8d. ,,, Ka..tern States ,
f.r?ed 8- N 11 Call ln"r ? P m P money by getting our terms first. - suit, guaranteed. 330 Flledner bldg. Pac. 1.15. Uase, going In other Business. 101 6th st. Moving Picture Machine. Sight exchange and telegraphic traVsfer,
T.rred. .1. is . 11. La.l a.ter 5 P. M. A SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE- TOLMAX, 223 Ablngton bldg.. 1061A 3d st. fin-REMABLE PARTNER WANTED Moving 1 1. tnre .Macnme.. 8old on New York, Boston, clilcago. St. Louis.
GENTLEMAN WILL FIND COMFORTABLE PJnSq?rmV,hril " """ 1'23 P8r in.W nv r,cv ,,.. p.-v - lrJir'!!?,,! ' Ph l?Pm 'S' Will pay you S4 a day; previous expert gtereoptlcons. lantern slides, films: correspond- St; '(''noC." of ' thNonl""."
Ilote, V,rtCTlth h,bl0Ck, frm ' L.aA,a"r1edpenp Ing In fair condition. Phone Pacific 1920. -Pnce not necessary. Cali 248H Stark,st. enceVllcited. E. H. Moorehouse. aiaTlder. lltT'fi Wlh dS l 1, 1. .ull ,,
' 3 THE OWEN APARTMENTS, 230H RUSSELL fidentlal. Employe's Loan Co.. room 718 BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- a nvtTVieTR ATOP IAIF-A GOOD PAYIVr " MtTsIcal " London. Paris IL"- ,r? h"'?;.?'
NICELY FURNISH ED ROOM IN FRTVATB -T&JSXSlSZ 'W The Dekum. 3d and Washington. Phone 224. ease,. 826 E. Belmont. Phone East 4034. S?'.! '.Sc. A.b?D!;iYI-NIn , """Iffi SnX&ZunS:
rally'ocale'd 'i-H -f"- beat; cen- and three, unfurni.Jied. WA NTEI Notes, mortgagee or contracts on MANICURING PARLORS FOR LADIES AND llre of Gerson & Hart. 115 3d street. vnS. R "RPUXO AoT. TmVc Honolulu.
tral.y located. 5 j N. 15th st. Light HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; GAP, any kind of real estate In Oregon or Wash- gentlemen. Morrison et.. room 14. Vu pnnT a vt WFSTFRV STOCKS BdmitT lessons. 53. Montgomery et. I hone raclfic Collections Made on Favorahle Terme.
115 V'TII Vl'Mt WAPinvcTOV TtnT-a' 'ove. phone and bath, electric llghte. 4S7 Ington; 2d mortgages purchased If well ee- IM, PO , V, r.; nd Hnr .oirt ehi,V " 1
.'js, ' &Fm igfiag -g-gs ..,.j:ni;::r. mWfM
reasonable. G 20. Oregonian. TWO PLE AS AVT ROOMS FURVISHED FOR , - GrlfT'"' "arK- OPP- '" f C"m' HnKgP rnt m rTT? , T., ' Talks" to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. it. '"'cj,''' f.Tr Hook of "ILLUSTRATIONS."
-COLUMntA, CORXER 10T-K,CKLT 1. "vt -D n .rF" ArZ?ZEr?Ug JSF& , Os.eop.tHle n.y.Can.. JJSSi eets.
fmnlWied front room; g:is, furnace heat, por- 55, I-iftn street. oiner s c""'' , , bldg rhone Ma n 610O weight 9oo to IO.10 lbs.; right hind foot nreas Rosehurg. Lock Box 3R8. . ",' f roil EN President
celaln walking distance. : room 4n. w asnington niog. 1 none Main Wioo. white. Reward. Ferdinand Floss. Latourell. DBS ADIX NORTHRUP St PITTO' K Vice-President
FOR RENT- UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR M In,.,Fn IN- SIrMS ov- . .vri T7 Or. FOR SALE A GOOD BUSINEFS PROPERTY 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. " il' , Jte PAGET Secretary
NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE SUITE; housekeeping 74 7th. Phone Pacific 1249. enU kindsof ecrurltv W A Hathnwiv" on Ma n street. In Oregon City. Writ. Dr? Third and Washington sts. ?' o GOLTRA Assistant SecretarV
very pleasant, phone, bath, single room Call all week. 1m 10 ffJhlliS bl(! ParlflrS ' FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- A A. Wright. San Jose, Cal. Phone, office. Main 349. J. O. .
$6.50: close in. 831 14th. room 10. asnington ping. Racine 18.iJ. trees renovated and returned same day. : Residence. Main 1503. ' 1. TIT TON BAVKFRS
riEASANT LIGHT ROOM IN PRIVATE eold water unfurnished; West Side. Phone sums on "improved and unimproved -ead Hair Factory. H. Met.ger. proprietor. good location; a rare chance. J. F. Croft! Transacf a Genril Bankln" Bulne.
Jro'n 'p o Vr h'0.,"" e": ' 5 b!0"'1"' P"C'flC 2-- "a?e. W. H. Sunn, 652 Sherlock block . -...- 7 Klamath Falls. Oregon. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY. GRADUATE OF IMercst Allowed on Time UeposUs.
fiom I". 0. 248 0th St. r j LOST SUNDAY EVENING. A GOLD the Osteopathic College of Klrksvllle, Mo. rvllectiona made at points on favorah'e
" $10 THREE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED, erjYifi OR LESS IN RUMS TO SUIT OV RFAT. wtach wtth monogram "1. A. O." Finder SAVE MONEY ANYTHING IN PRINTING who la a specialist on rheumatism, etom- , 1 , tiers of credit Issued available ln
25S., 13TH ST.-NICELY FURNISHED gas plate steel range. 620 7th . Phone 1,? charg4,' rsMonable. InqlrV J. H Please leave It at J. E. Ha.eitine ft Co.'s. C See Madden. Odd Feftow. Temple. 1st and ach and all female diseases. Office 410 yov and all point. In i7e United State.
100ms In new. modem home. Gentlemen Main 4529. M ddleton. 617 Chamber ot Commerce. 49 and 01 2d st. Alder st... upstair.. Falling bldg.. cor. 3d-Wash. Pacific 1862. sight exchange and telegraphic tranafca
only. ltoferpiiPCB. - . . -. ,. , M , , . - . . ,,, , , t .,.,. . , .,B v Yurk Waslilnirton Chicago St
Fl iiMSMBD ROOM FOR LADY BY GER- keeping rooms. 606 Flanders St., bet. 14th in securities R I Eckerson ft Co room 5 rlson. open-faced silver watch, grape vine make the Portland washer; capitalists see College of Osteopathy, professor of theory vslrlou. points In Oregon. Washington and
m:m widow on 2.'kl St. car line; cheap, clean. and Lith. Washington bldg Phone Pacific 1831 ' on hack, gold hands; rewaj-d at 2344 washer at 108 7th. and practice, ex-member California .State Idaho Montana and British Columbia.
3..I N. 2.1.1 st. " ' ., . . ; : : Morrison. : Board of Bxamlners . 601-2 Macleay bl lg.. Fxc'hanKo on London, Paris, Berlin. Frank-
KOOMft CLEAN. QL IET; SLEEPING AND DON"T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UV- t 7Z . FOR SALE 15O0 SHARES ALASKAN PE- 4th and Washington St. Phone Main 0500. for, HonKkong. Yokohama. Manila and Hono-
394 ALDER. CORNER 10TH TWO NICELY housekeeping. 612U Savler St.. cor. of 15th. ,,, T ,J HUTTOV CREDIT 'CO 512 LOST MOUSE COLORED PUP. MALE. troleum and Cal. tock; 15c share. J 17, i,H
furnished rooms, heat. bath, electric lights. Delvim Building vlth IM'ai' on baok- Finder return to 6 Oregonian. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH
gns: reasonable. 145 6TH ST. TWO FINE HOUSEKEEPING - 3d St. and receive reward. r ' 1 of Oregon, graduate Klrkvllle, Mo. 409 Ore- vFRPHANTS' NATIONAL BANK
. . suites of two rooms each, fronting 6th st. ctBie funds loaned 6 per cent W E Thomas ' gonlan bldg. Main 1242: res. Main 2752. PORTLAND OR
THE OWEN ROOMS. 230 i RUSSELL ST.- -, rT rtate ag Multnomah Co. M fh.m LOST A RING OF KEYS.. FINDER .FECIAL NO HCXS. , mvK WATSON . .' . President
Verv neat furnished looms; $2.1)0, $2.50 and FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; "ate agt --o- t nam. pl return to this ofTlce. Reward. Paint., Oil. and tilaM. ? IKII AM Vice-President
bsth, phone, heat and light. 91 10th. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- ' pTTy.- e. . - , Propo.aU Invited. b! W". HOYT...!!!!!! !..'.'!."..".". Cashier
. , A ' T curlty. Wm. lloll, rm. 9. Washington bldg. BOOIJ? Br?JfG-l?T; I?1'0 -iA"DEX?"ANGBD BASMUSBEJf ft CO.. JOBBERS, paint., oils. GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier
PAULiiR St ITE. ALSO SINGLB ROOMS; Houses. , at the Old Book Store. 22B Yamhill st. WATERWORKS GRAND JUNCTION, glass. Sash and doors. Ckir. 2d and Taylor! TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING
electric light., bath and phene. :;oS 10th st. "-. xr,,ar,m Z Low rate on furniture, etc., confidential. 228 .. .. Colo.. November 8, 1906 Sealed proposals BUSINESS.
- , THREE- HANDSOMBJ MODHRN 7-ROOM Flledner bldg.. 10th and Wash. Pac. 3659. FAC15, MAS,SA.E ANoDDBS.AI- TREATMENT. will be received' by the City Council of the F. E. Beach ft Co., the Pioneer Paint Co.. United States Depository.
ROOMS. SINGLE OR UN SUITR. MODERN houses. 910. 912 and 914 Corbett; reasonable . Pari. Hair Store. 80S Washington. city of Grand Junction, Colorado, until 8 Window glass and glazing. 133 1st. M. 1384 Drafts and letUrs ot credit issued avall-
convcnlcnees; adults; board optional. 209 14th . 8r0(1 tenants. David 6. Stearns, 240 LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE, PI- . o'clock P. M. Saturday. November 24th. able in all parts V the world.
" Washington St. anos. other security. 449 Sherlock. P. 211.1. 1906. for furnishing material and construat- Patent lwyers. Collection a specialty.
4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS: BATH, GAS, nn , T.- ' BUSINESS CHANCES. Ing the Kannah Creek pipe line and dls- . , .
phone; rent fA. Phone Main I0114. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. STRICTLY "MODERN W. S. Ward. Lawyer, moderate fees Loan. trlbutlng reservoirs. The work will consist R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA
throughout; large rooms: walking distance on mortgage, from $100 up. Allsky bldg. CIGAR AND FRUIT STAND. LARGE REAR of a wooden stave pipe line 10.8 miles long. patent.; Infringement case.. 6o4 Dekum. (Established ln'lsotl
LARGE, CLEAN. SUNNY FRONT ROOM. $7 o wholesale and retail dl.trict. 610 North- f room: established four years; reasonable. 20 varvlng ln else from 12 Inches to 22 inohe. . hfad officf sa v fh vV-rsco cat
month. 4SI) W. I'ark St. rup.- x LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR N. 6th St. In diameter, with head works, settling tank. Photographer.. Prertdent. . . . . ..... HOMF1! S KING
' chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. regulating and relief valves, and reinforced Gen Van nf Branches w irk'TVTnKir
FURNISHED ROOMS 243 2d. cor. Main. FINE 11-ROOM RESIDENCE). 8. W. CORNER CASH GROCERY HERE'S A PLACE AT concrete distributing reservoirs, having a ca- TO DEMONSTRATE OUR ARTISTIC OIL Capital uold up $4 OO11 Oiii)
. 6th and Montgomery sts.; rent J 75. Parrish, $500,000 TO LOAN AT B AND 0 PER CENT. Invoice. Clears $175 month. Call 24S,4 pacity of 5.000.000 gallons. Bids will be re- work, mall us a photograph (colors marked) Surplus and und!v'fdVd"proft':s ilfl'o3 4r.2
Rooms With Hoard. Watklns ft Co.. 250 Alder at. Wm. G. Beck, room 812 Falling bldg. Stark St. celved for both wire wound and continuous we will paint, frame and deliver same for A General Banking and Exchange Business
.. 1 - wooden stave pipe, except for the 12-lnch 86 centa. Send photo and money care Paris Transacted.'
ROOMS AND BOARD. $40 FOR 2: EVERY MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR NEW PARTNER IN BAKERY AND 1RESTAT- pipe, which shall be wire wound. Plans may Art Co., 19th and Couch. Portland. Or. Letter, of credit Issued available In all
convenience; walking distance; furnace heat. High school, walking distance. Call 691 PERSONAL. rant. JSOO required, fully eecured. V 20 be seen, and specifications obtained at the parts of the world. Interest paid on time
314 Mill. Main 3.-.TS). ' E. Washington st. , ' Oregonian. - . office ot the City Clerk of Grand Junction, Rubber Stamps. deposits.
1 ' " Mme. Courtrlght. dermatologist; facial blem- - Colo., or at the offices of WIUard Young and ' ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT
$35 Fur 2. WITHOUT LUNCH. QUIET. CHOICE 7-ROOM HOUSE ON 11TH ST., Ishe. removed; scalp treatments; vibratory FOR SALE CORNER GROCERY. CONFEC- Frank C. Kelaey. civil engineers. Salt Lake Rubber Stamps, Stenc41s, Seals, trade, bag- Aocunts opened for sums of $lo' and up.
modern, home rooking; walking distance. south of Jefferson t.t $25.00. Room. 16 body massage. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 6042. tlonery, bakery, cigars; $325. Phone Pacific City. Utah. A bond furnished by a surety gage checks. P. C. Stamp W'ks. 249 Alder, ward
024 K. Morrison. Washington bldg. , 912. company will be required for 20 per cent WM A MACRAE Maneger
EMMERT, THB CHIMNRTS SWEEP AND : of the contract price. The time stated In ALSO SEALS, STENCILS. TEL. SLUGS, BAR J. T BURTCIIAELL Assistant Manage-
lOM.j 10TH PLEASANT ROOM. WITH $18 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEWLY furnace man; leave order, at Bern!-. Drug VERY NICE FURNISHED HOUSE. 10 the rroposal for completing the work will be checks, etc. Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. .
beard, suitable for one or two young men; finished. 834 Caruthers, near 6th. Phone Store 233 Washington .t. Tel. Main 400. rooms; central location. Inquire 425 Taylor considered In awarding the contraot. The " T-VT-rtr-r, rtatvs vatiovat. riAXg
table board. . Main 4529. : street. right I. reserved to reject any or all bide Safe.. ""'"fj PORTT AND fmFCloN
REFINED YOUNG LADY JUST FROM THE . "" to award separate contract' for the pipe . . United States Depository" '
The Ferns Rooms, elngle, en suite: elegantly House, and flat., furnished and unfurnished. East gives vapor baths; ladle, only. Room FOR SALE CIGAR STAND; GOOD LOCA- Hie and for the reservoirs. DIEBOLD Manganese and fireproof safes; lock- Northwest Corner Third nnd Oak Street.
furnished: fine table board. 150 Eleventh-st. . Hynion. 270 Wash. st. Main 7039. 6. 29H4 Alder. tlon: cheap; good business. Call 192H 8d st, BUNTTXG, Mayor. outs opened; metal fixtures; vault and Jail Transact a Gener.-U Banking Business
: : JOHN M. CONLEY, Cits- Clerk. work; jacks. J. E. Davis. 60 3d. Main 1655. Draft. Issued, available In all cities of the
THE OZARK ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS SER- HOUSE. 056 OLISAN ST.. WILL BE FOR DR. ATWOOD. female disease.; maternity $550 FOR A WELL LOCATED BAKERY United States and Europe, Hongkong and
vice; hot. cold water. 225 11th st. rent about the 16th. Phone Main 5724.; private hospital. 8 Lewis bldg. P. 1753 and re.taurant. X 19. Oregonian. Master." Notices. SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; GREAT Manila.
' 1 ' ' bargains. 70 8th St., bet. Oak and Pine. Collections Made on Favorable Term.
board. 3115 Morrison, cor. 10th. Harrison wt. labough's Shoe Repairing Shop, 267H Taylor. day. Call 248 Stark et. tain Corbanlee Neither the captain nor the Sign Painting. Vice-Pre.ldent ! R. LEA BARNES
--- . ' undersigned consignees of above named ship - Cashier R. W. SCHMEER
BOARD AND ROOM. 440 JEFFERSON PA- 8-ROOM HOUSE. SOUTH PORTLAND, H TURKISH BATHS, SOO Oregonian bldg.; ladle. A GOOD HOTEL BUSINESS FOR SAI. will be responsible for any debts contracted . SIGNS ("That Attract") Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT
cltlc 1302. Home cooking. Mock from car, $23: Mala 1410. j days, gentlemen nights. Phone Main 1938. address R 59. care Oregonian. a by the crew. Ksrr, G I fiord ft Co. A- H. Boal Co., 287 Stark. Pacific 1596. Assistant Cashier. ....W. A. HOLT