THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER, G, 1906. Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns, Columbia Yarns, La Grecque Corsets, Stamping Done to Your Order, Artistic Picture Framing 18 Full Line of School and College Pennants Felt Letters Made to Your Order 3d Floor "Willamette" Sewing Machines 15 Models at Prices From $18.00 to $35.00 Each The Meier Frank Store 4.00 White Felt Hats 95c Great Novenber Clearance Sale in the Millinery Dept. New, up-to-date headgear for women, misses, and children on sale at very interesting prices Look to your needs and profit by these splendid offerings Second Floor Special lot of 100 women's white felt Hats; all are slightly soiled from handling; desirable shapes; values up to $4 each; on sale at, each. .95 200 women's black velvet Shapes, ready to trim; very best styles. Q regular $2.50 values, on sale at this special low price, each Our entire stock of wings, quills, birds and fancy feathers, black, white and .14 Off Dress Hats at Vi Off 1000 Evening and Dress Hats at one-fourth .off the regular prices hats for dress and evening wear every new shape and effect for this season's wear. Light blue hats, pink hats, white hats, black hats, navy hats, green hats, brown hats, garnet hats, gray hats immense variety. Ia Cff All prices entire stock on sale at Vl "15 colored flowers all on sale at one-fourth off the regu lar prices. Grand values. Take advantage. Great November Rug Sale In all sizes Oriental and floral designs richest colorings and com binations. The grandest values in Axminsters Rugs ever offered. Mail orders will receive our prompt and careful attention. Order today. 27x54-ln. Axminsters, $2.50 Values Reduced to $1.69 27x6Q-ln. Axminsters, $2.75 Values Reduced to $1.88 36x63-In. Axminsters, $4.00 Values Reduced to $2.69 36x72-In. Axminsters, $4.50 Values Reduced to $3.45 High-Art Bigelow Axminsters, beautiful designs, colorings, 24x48, $3.50 values $2.45 27x54 Velvet Rugs, $2.50 Values Reduced to $1.55 Five great lots of Fiber Rugs in dainty patterns and colorings. 2 7x6 0-Inch Rugs, our $ 1 .65 Values Reduced to $ 1 .00 36x72-lnch Rugs, our $2.50 Values Reduced to $1.65 6 x 9-Foot Rugs, our $8.50 Values Reduced to $6.35 8V4xlO'2 Rugs, our $ 10.50 Values Reduced to $8.35 9x1 2-Foot Rugs, our $ 12.50 Values Reduced to $9.85 ROOM RUGS IN ALL SIZES All grades, all styles; the very best designs and colorings. Tapestry Brussels, 8 Ft. 3 Ins. by 10 Ft. 6 Ins., regular $15 values at, each Tapestry Brussels, 9x 1 0 Ft. 6 In., $ 1 6.50 Val. $ 1 2.65 Afghanistan Brussels. 9x 12 feet, $25.00 Val. $18.65 Axminster Rugs, lb'ixlSVa feet. $40.00 Val. $33.65 Axminster Rugs, 1 2 Ft. x 15 Ft.. $45.00 Val. $38.65 Royal Wiltons, lOVa Ft. x 12 Ft., $55.00 Val. $45.05 Royal Wiltons, IOV2 Ft.xl3'2 Ft.T $62.50 Val. $53.50 Royal Wiltons, 1 P4 Ft. x 15 Ft., $70.00 Val. $57.50 $10.95 Thanksgiving Sale of Roasters and China Our annual Thanksgiving sale of the celebrated "Royal" Turkey Roasters, in all sizes. Take advan tage. On sale in the Basement. 8x12 Royal Roasters, each. 67 10x14 Royal Roasters, each. 79 11x15 Royal Roasters, each. 89 12x17 Royal Roasters, each.$l.Q3 Small size Family Roasters. .35t Medium size Family Roasters.42J Large size Family Roasters . .49t 300 of the famous Savory Roasters, regular $1.25 values, at 89 lS-inch decorated semi-porcelain Turkey Platters, at, each...84cs Decorated China Turkey Sets, one large platter and 12 7-inch plat ters; blue and white decorated; value extraordinary 7 at, per set pO.C J Decorated China Turkey Sets, one extra large platter and 12 S-inch plates; blue and white decorated; grand value at, per set... $7.99 Women s ail ored Suits $45.00 Values $36.85 The season's best offering in high grade Tailored Suits is announced for this week's selling All the newest and most approved fashions in solid colors and checks Pony, Prince Chap, tight-fitting and Jacket styles Also a few Blouses Velvet and button trimmings Skirts pleated or gored Tweeds, broadcloths, cheviots and mannish mixtures, every suit beautifully made and finished Splendid variety to select from AH sizes Regular $45.00 values d VT Q f on sale while they last at this low price. . VOJ A suit bargain we know positively yoa can not equal any where about town Second Floor Better plan to come early today if you want the best values Second Floor Women's Coats $7.45 Each For today, a special lot of 100 women's Long Coats; loose back, made up in gray shadow-plaids, velvet collar and braid trimming, all sizes; the best coat bargain of the year, at. this surprisingly low price. Only 100 of them ; hctter come early if A. you want one. Second Floor H ' tVJ The Meier (Sl Frank Store Great Valixes In Stationery Drug Sundries Your choice from our entire line of - "Henckel's" steel manicure and nail Scissors at 20 per cent off the regular prices, which range from Off Glogan's Alcohol Stove manufac tures its own gas; special.. 43 Infants' AVater Bottles and Face bags white or red rubber, pint size; regular C5c values j.i on sale at, each "JC Eagle combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe; every one guaranteed; great value at. 79 Kirk's Witch Hazel Soap, 5c cakes on sale at 3 cakes for 10 Woodbury's Facial Soap, 1 at, per cake "C Pond's "Extra" Tooth Paste, the 20th Century Dentifrice; 1 Q great value Tetlow's Talcum Powder, in 1-lb. cans, sprinkler tops, at 19 Pompeiian Massage Cream; large size jar; great value at 53 Celluloid Dressing Combs, in shell only; great value at, each. ..12 Ball Top Hairpins, special 19 Eaton-Hurlburt's Hot-Pressed Vel lum the new writing papers all shapes and sizes; 50c lQ values, on sale at Leather Postcards, great comic ser ies, 100 subjects; special at. 5 Congress Playing Cards, gilt edge and fancy backs, special at. 39V Poker Chips, 100 in box, red, white and blue ; special at, per box.43? Commercial Envelopes, 5 and 6-in. sizes; 5c value, at 2 pack ages for JC Picture Specials Colored Pictures of scenes, figures and animals, framed in black and brown frames; size 7x9 inches great value at, each . 15 Oil Paintings, framed and in fancy black, brown and gilt frames; sizes 30xC0 inches ; regular $10.00 values, on sale at, each.. $3. 95 Framed Pictures of fruit, game and landscapes, in fancy gilt, black, green and brown frames squares and round; regu- (JO lar $1.50 values, each Large variety of framed Pictures, sizes 16x20 inches; fij A C regular $2.25 values. t J . Complete stock of Pyrography novelties and outfits. Largest dis play of burning outfits in the city. Portland Agents for the "Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses All Sizes Trunks and Traveling Bags on the Third Floor Immense Assortment Lowest Prices The Meier Frank Store 4.50Snitsa Boys5 $ IS3.10 Our Boys' Clothing Department is enjoying the greatest business in its history because it offers economical parents an opportunity to select from the largest stocks in the city at a saving of fully 25 on what equal styles and quality cost at the exclusive clothing store and with every purchase of boys' clothing to the amount of $5.00 or over at regular price, we give free, one year's subscription to the American Boy the biggest, brightest and best boys paper published Special lot of boys' $4.00 and $4.50 double-breasted Suits on sale at very low price fancy mixed cheviots, in dark brown and gray 1 f mixtures; 7 to 16 years; best school suit bargain in toton. . . " Little boys' Overcoats and Reefers, in the very latest styles and cut; blue, tan and gray mixtures ; ages 2z to 8 years ; splendid values fl? 'Jt 1 C at this unusually low price, per garment P? 1 Boys all-wool, two-piece Suits, double-breasted style, trousers made with extension waistband and seams aped; tweeds, cheviots and 5 QD worsteds, in the very best patterns; ages 7 to 15 years; suit. .PJJ Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, dark fancy mixed cheviots in brown and grays very desirable patterns; coat made in Norfolk style, with yoke; knickerbocker trousers; ages 7 to 15 years. Remarkable values at.j3.65 Men's Furnishings 200 dozen men's Ties, 4-in-hands, 1 ins. wide, reversible; light and dark patterns; large as sortment of 25c and 35c values, at...... 15 Men's gloria twilled Umbrellas, plain and fancy handles, in large variety; special price.$1.19 Dr. Wright's Health Underwear, fleece-lined, all sizes shirts and drawers; best $1 value. .69 Men's "Shawknit" Sox, plain and fancy colors, all sizes; great value at, pair 17, New stiff-bosom Shirts, $1.00 values 69. 35c-50c Ribbons At 17c Per Yard 15.000 yards of fine satin taffeta, all-silk taffeta, French Faille, Messaline Taffeta and ombre Ribbons; full line of staple colors. Regular 35c to 50c values, at, yard... v 5000 yards of choice print warp Taffeta Ribbons, in floral and conventional designs; 75c to $1.25 values, on sale at, yard. . $1.00 Silks, 73c 1500 yards of Dresden Crepe de Chine Silks; splendid quality; rich, effective designs and colorings; for dress waists and gowns; f regular $1.00 value, per yard OC 2000 yards of light and dark checked silks; best styles; regular S5c value, on sale at fQs tlvis low price, per yard VI 7i Sale of Couch Covers Negus and double-faced Bagdad stripe Couch Covers, 60 inches wide by 3 yards long; splendid designs and colorings. Regular $3.00 values, on sale at, CI yf each ty&.&X) Cashgar and double-faced tapestry Couch Covers, in the very best designs and color- ings; 50 and GO inches wide by 3 yards long. Regular. $4.50 values d 11 at, each JfJj Heavy double-faced tapestry Couch Covers, in rich Oriental colorings and designs; (0 inches wide by 3 yards long; the richest $5 cover on the market; on sale ft. at this low price 9JOJ Novelty weaves in heavy Tapestry Couch Covers; patterns taken, from Oriental rugs; also floral patterns; magnificent styles; large assortment; 60 inches wide by 3 yards long. Regular $7.50 j & f values on sale at tJv7? Extra heavy Oriental tapestry Couch Covers, heavy knotted fringe all around; reds, greens, olives and blues ; 60 inches wide by 3 yards long; best $8.50 val- Oft ues on sale at ij)" Custom Shade and Drapery Work our spe cialty. Best materials and workmanship lowest prices guaranteed estimates cheer fully given. Third Floor. New, Silk Petticoats $10.00 Values $6.45 Ea. One of our famous Silk Petticoat bargains attracted a great throng of eager buyers to the second floor yes terday 200 high-grade silk Underskirts on sale at an exceptionally low price A special purchase from one of the largest and most reputable makers in the land These petticoats of fine quality taffeta silk with deep pleated ruffle and two inch bias bands Pleating in Van Dyke points with ruche and ruffle or deep pleating with tucked ruffle and ruche Colors include white, pink, fight blue, lavender, dark gray, red, brown, green, navy and black Silk dust ruffle Underskirts that are well made and finished Full width Every skirt in the lot regular $9 or $ 1 0 value, your choice d T A C at this marvelously low price each T' Sale Continues Today Come Early if You Want One Sale of Laces and Embroideries Great Speelnl Values. Allover Swiss and Batiste Knibroid ery in dainty new patterns fMi" linpori, wKistH, etc.; values up to $4. .VI a yard, on sale at this wonderfully low piicc. jut yard $1.39 Sale extraordinary of 2000 yards of Swiss, Nainsook and CamVn'io Km broidery and Insertion; 1 V to ." inches wide; values tip to 4."c yard, on sale at this low price, per yard 19? Small lot of wliite Hatiste Embroid ered Medallions; in preat demand for trimming lingerie waists, corset covers and gowns: values up to $2..0 a yard, on sale now for $1.12 Clo.iing out special lots of Ap pliques and Hands in white, cream, ecru and Persian effects; great, bar gains at the following low prices; 9 .75 Values tr, yard $ VI. 75 Valneo for, yard !S .J8 f2.."0 Value, fur, ynrd $1.6!) 4.IM Value fur, jaril $1.08 Great special on white and cream Lierre Lace Kobes and black and silver Spangled Kobes; magnifi cent styles; values up to J.i.oo, on sale at tiiis low price, each $13.98 HOT MUCH BETTING HERE FEW WAGEllS PI,ACKD OX THE KLECTIOX RESULTS. Much liuorc.t in Hughes-Hearst I'ight, But Total Amount Wag ered Is Xot More Than $1000. Portland's speculative men have not wagered a fortune on the elections that are to be held all over the country to day. Perhaps not more than $1000 all told will be put up. and practically all of this will be bet on the result in New York. The fight between Hearst and Hughes in Gotham has attracted Intense interest here, but It is not the kind that results in the placing of wagers. Before Francis J. Heney began stirring up the graft animals !n San Kranclsco there was some interest In the California situation, but no sooner than Heney began his exposes all thoughts of the election were turned to betting on whether Heney would land Abe Ruef and the rest of the grafters. Yesterday around the places where money is wagered on elections, prize fights and other events that call up the sportive blood of those who bet money there was plenty of Hughes money at 3 to 1. There' were also a few bets made at 10 to 60 that Hughes would carry New Xork. City. At ilia cigar etora At Sixth and "Washington streets a man who re fused to give his name for publication left J90O to bet on Hughes at 3 to 1. This fellow shaved the prevailing odds in New York, for at one time yesterday they were betting 5 to 1 on Hughes. He was lucky enough to get most of his money on at 3 to 1. Perhaps less than $501) was bet at 2 to 1 that Hearst would carry New York City. This was the only fight that seemed to interest anyone, so far as' the sporting ly inclined people were concerned in this one election. The fight in Philadelphia and in Massachusetts. Colorado and other places did not seem to matter. Whether the next Congress would be Republican or Democratic was another question that did not make the sporting blood tingle. Not all of those who grabbed the willing better's" money believed that Hearst would win. They simply got down be cause a 3 to 1 or a 4 to 1 bet for a small amount is a good one to lose where there is actually a chance to win it. At one of the rope factories there was a man who wanted to bet $200" even that if Hearst should be elected he would be counted out, just as he was when elected Mayor. Rural Routes in the Northwest. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Nov. 5. On November 1 there were 190 rural free delivery routes in operation in Oregon. 211 in Washington and 61 in Idaho. Out of 257 petitions for rural servr ice since the inauguration of the system, only 57 requests have been rejected, leav ing ten now on hand awaiting action. Seventy-five petitions in Washington were rejected and 43 in Idaho. FRUIT TO BE THE TOPIC GROWERS TO HOLD A MEETING AT GRANT'S PASS. Success of Josephine County in Rais ing Fine Product Moves Douglas to Action. GRANT'S PASS, Or.. Nov. 5. (Special.) A fruitgrowers' meeting is to be held In Grant's Pass Monday, November 12, under the auspices of the Oregon Agricul tural College and the Grant's Pass Fruit growers' Union, in co-operation with the Grant's Pass Commercial Club. Hereto fore mining and lumbering have been the chief industries of this section of Rogue River Valley and these have built Grant's Pass up to a thriving city of 5000 popula tion, and now it has been proven by progressive farmers that the fruit indus try, if fully developed, will add as much wealth to Josephine County as both the mines and the timber. The soil, climate and other conditions are exactly the same as the neighboring county of Jackson, which has made a reputation for growing fancy Spitzenberg and Newton apples quite equal to Hood River, and pears that on the New York market for the past five years have led all the United States for the highest price. $2000 per car being the lowest price this season, with the world's record being made on a car of extra fancy Cornice pears at $2707. The record price for Jlogue River pears last year was $2429. Rogue River Valley is equally as famous for its fine grapes and peaches. With this en couragement before them, both the farm ers and the business men are taking an active interest in the building up of the fruit industry to its fullest extent. The attendance at this fruigrowers' meeting promises to be the largest ever held in Rogue River Valley. The pro gramme has been arranged to cover all the principal features of the fruit indus try. Those taking part will speak upon but one topic each and no talk is to exceed ten minutes In length. The only exception to this rule will be to Professor A. B. Cordley and Professor C. I. Lewis, of the Oregon Agricultural College, who will each be allowed all the time they may require to fully present their sub jects. A question box will be an Im portant feature, and all attending the meeting will be supplied with a pad of paper and they will write their queries and place the slips in the box. to be an swered at the close of the regular pro gramme. Requisition for Butte Embezzler. ST. PAUL, Nov. 5. Governor Johnson has granted requisition papers to Gover nor Toole, of Montana, for the return of F. E. Garside, who is wanted In that state for alleged forgery. Garside is charged with embezzling $4064 from the Aetna Banking & Trust Company, of Butte. He left Montana and was arrested in Minneapolis last week. The embezzle ment alleged against Garside is said to have been committed last August. AT THE THEATERS Wlut the Frew Acents Say. LAST TIME TONIGHT. I Charles H. Yale's Extravaganza, "The Devil's Auction." The last performance of Charles H. Yale's everlasting success, the spectacular extrava ganza, "The Devil's Auction," will be given tonight 8:15 o'clock at the Heilig Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets. This always welcome favorite has crowded the Heilig the past two evenings to delighted audiences, and, judging from tonight's ad vance sale, the last performance will equal the two preceding ones. Seats selling ac theater box office. "At Piney Ridge." Every one pronounces "At Piney Ridge" one of the best plays ever presented by the popular Baker Stock Company. This is per haps on account of the unusual character of the piece and its charm of Southern at mosphere and setting, the scene of the in cidents portrayed being laid in the "historic Tennessee Mountains. Mr. Thornton is at his best. 'A Royal Slave' Matinee Tomorrow. The rich settings and the thoroughly in teresting action of the bip production of "A Royal Slave," now playing a week's engagement at the Kmpire, makes it un questionably one of the finest of the "sea son's many fine attractions. The situa tions are thrilling, and the whole piece is a continued series of beaut If uL stage pic tures. A Mr matinee will be given tomor row at popular prices. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "Arizona," Augustus Thomas Great est Drama, at the Heilig. August Thomas' greatest drama, "Ari zona." will be the attraction at the Heilig Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets, next Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. November 0, 10 and II, with a spe cial matinee . Saturday. This year's pro duction will contain a troop of 23 mounted cavalrymen, which will give this the greatest of all military plays new interest. An ex cellent cast is promised. Seat sale will open tomorrow (Wednesday) at the box office of the theater. "The Lion and the Mouse." "The I-ion and the Mouse," undoubtedly the most "talked about" play for many years, will be presented at the Heilig Thea ter, Fourteenth and Washington streets, next Monday and Tuesday nights, November ' 12 and lo. with a matinee Tuesday. Seat sale' opens next Saturday. Mountain Mules for Cuba. HELENA, Mont., Nov. 6. A special train of five carloads of pack mules and a coach carrying 14 soldiers left here this morning over the Great Northern, says a special to the Montana Dally Record from Fort Assiniboine. The expedition will make fast time to Newport News, whore the animals will be shipped to Cuba for use in carrying supplies to the troops. leed of Trust Canceled. OLTMPIA, Wash.. Nov. 5. Special.) The Western Trust & Savings Bank, of Illinois, today Hied notice cancelling a deed of trust pi veil it April 11 l'.t".".. by the Alaska Central R;iilwy Company. AVr arc the only genuine Heef-Tnm Fighter. 'I'Iiohc who hiivc Mtolen ur motto, l,ihtinir tlie Hi-ef Trul," Mrr nicent of the Trunt. trying to fool ihr proplr. The trnnt will loop to Hoy unprincipled trick. I httt him lwn n been Km policy. A void t hre itmrk; don't let the in pull the- wool oer your rypx. I'fttronlzr home industry. Tnitle with .Smith. Frank L. Smith Meat Co. Allrr St., Hrt. at and 2d Ma. "Fighting the Beef Trust" Porterhouse Steak, choicest cut. per lb 13', T"-Bone Steak, choicest cut, pi r lb." lS'-.- Sirloin Steak, choicest cut, per lb .lOc Tenderloin Steak, choicest cut, 10..1OC There will be plenty for everybody running ibort. Veal Shoulder Roast, per lb 10" Veal Breast, per lb 8f Veal Stew, per lb Ho Veal Shoulder Cutlet, per lb lOp ieef Round Steak, per lb ! Beef IOin Steak, per lb lO4 Reef Hamburg Steak, per lb 1o Beef Prime Rib Roast, per lb iuc Beef Rolled Roast, per lb 1 Beef Stew, ner lb f Boiling? Beef, per lb ...-5 irieef tor Mi nee Meat, per II ;w- Beef for Pot Roast, per lb S Corned Beef, per lb Hv Mutton Shoulder Chops, per ib...lOc Mutton lytn Chops. pr lb t Mutton I.oin Roast, per lb lS'-t Mutton Shoulder Roast, per lb Sc Mutton Breast, per lb Mutton Stew, per lb rf Ijirri. our own brand, " lbs. f'r.. Hams, per lo J 7 f Bacon our own brand, 5 lbs. for..l7',''C