Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 02, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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More Interest in Hops Shown
by American Trade.
licavy Speculators Have Entire Con
fidence in Future of Market.
Sharp Dec-line In Coast
Sugar Prices.
HOPS Larger orders arrive from
SUGAR Sharp decline In Coast
FRUIT Bananas to come by
southern route.
BUTTER Active at steady prices.
EGGS Local quotations un
changed. A considerable volume of business is under
Way in the bop market. More Eastern or
ders are-coming In and being executed than
was the case last week, and it looks now
as if the Americun brewing trade was get
ting ready to operate more freely in Oregon
hops. It is to be hoped that such is the
case, for the export demand is not suffi
cient to keep the market in a very active
condition. Besides, the exporters are only
taking the choicest lots, which are com
paratively few in number. Though quite
active, the market still lacks the snap that
usually characterizes it at the opening of
November, and the freedom with which
(rowers are making offerings prevents any
great strength from developing.
Aside from the statistical position of the
market, which In Itself should mean much,
the confidence with which some of the larg
est operators regard the future is taken
by many hopmen as an exceedingly good
sign. The K. Clemens Horst Company is
now one of the heaviest buyers and it is
said that its purchases to date in Oregon
have been fully 1500 hales. Paul It. G.
Horst Is backing his judgment with an Im
mense amount of money, and according to
some authorities has already taken on from
20.000 to ao.000 bales of New York aud Pa
cliic hops. Any number of lesser speculators
have loaded up. waiting for high prices later
In the game. To offset this is the backward
ness of some of the biggest houses in the
East who have not bought a pound of hops
on the Coast since the crop was picked, and
the lack of Interest shown by the majority
of brewers whoso early wants have been sup
plied with contract hops. Some shrewd ob
servers, however, believe the tide is turn
ing and that a volume of business will be
clone this month that will make up for the
time lost in October.
Among the deals closed yesterday was the
purchase by K labor. Wolf & Netter of three
-lots, aggregating 475 bales, at top prices.
Tooze & Page, of this city, bought a lot
of 110 bales of primes from Hill Bros., of
ugene, paying 14 cents.
Five lots aggregating 300 bales were
hought on the west side by Bishop & Co.
and A. J. Ray at 14 and IS cents. The lots
secured by Bishop were those of Yeargin,
Haythorn, Smith and Charles Buchanan, at
Laurel and Cornelius, and the Ray lot was
hought at Reedvillo.
The Seavey Hop Company during the week
hought nearly 700 bales at Eugene, Browns
ville, Mount Angel and In Yamhill County,
among "them being the c rops of Mrs. Edith
Linton, at Eugene, P. K. Johnson, at Mount
Angel, and AVong Sam, at Brownsville. The
prices paid ranged from 14 to 15 cents.
Considerable buying was reported yester
day in Western Washington, where common
hops changed hands at low prices.
Caue Grades Are Down 30 and Beet Sugar
40 Cents.
Refined sugar prices declined sharply yes
terday, all cane grades 110 cents and beet
sugar 40 cents. By the new price list
'dry granulated is quoted at $5.ln and beet
sugar at 4.S. Both the California and
Hawaiian Company and the Western Re
fining Company are in line on the drop.
Local jobber.? have been looking for this
decline for several days. The Eastern augar
markets have been weak of late, and lower
prices were expected on the Coast, but the
extent of yesterday's decline was greater
than was looked for. As the Coast mar
kets are below a parity with New York, it
Is hardly possible that prices will be fur
ther reduced here.
The Eastern market for raw sugar has
been depressed by European declines in
beet sugar, and this has weakened refined
erodes in the Eastern States. Discussing
the effect of the European situation, the
circular of a New York broker says:
A better adjustment of the parity now
ruling between the United States prices and
those of Europe will tend to a more stable
quotation on this side. For two months yet
European happenings will govern the course
of our market. After that the quotation
will depend upon the figures made by the
Cubans, and our quotations during the first
lour or five months of 1007 will move along
with Europe as the guide, of course, but
experience has shown that during the early
part of the year we are always 20 or 30
points behind the guide.
3-ess Than Ten Days in Transit From Gulf
Ports Grapes Are Scarce.
The time of year has come when the ba
nana merchants patronize the Southern
transportation lines. A tralnload of 15 cars
of bananas is now on the way to the North
west over the Southern Pacific, which has
promised a service of less than ten days
from the Gulf ports. There will be one more
delivery over the Northern Pacific, three cars
being due today from New Orleans via Bill
lugs. This lot was reported yesterday In
Kood condition.
A car of lemons arrived last night and
another Is due today. Private advices from
Southern California said It looks like a high
lemon market for the next four months.
Roceipts of grapes were light and higher
prices were asked. A small shipment of
Florin strawberries was on hand and offered
at $2.50 per crate. Two cars of sweet po
tatoes arrived in good order.
Country Produce Steady.
A good, all-around movement was reported
In the butter market yesterday, with prices
on a steady basis.
Eggs were fairly active and unchanged.
Receipts of poultry were not heavy, but
were sufficient.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearances of the leading cities of
the Northwest yesterday were:
Portland $1.0MMi4M
Seattle 1.40T.7NI
Spokane lli,4:!4
S 8U.143
.-.a. 007
Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc.
WHEAT Club. 64c; bluestem, 66c; Valley,
6tc; red, 61c.
OATS No. 1 white, $24.50 25.50; gray.
FLOUR Patents, 13.90C4.10 per barret;
Straights. 3. 10(0 J. 0; clears, S3.1O03.2S; Val
ley, $3.4003.60; Dakota and hard wheat, pat
ents, $.105.60; clears, S4.104.aC; graham.
$3.60; whol. wheat, X75: ry Hour, local. S;
Eastern, $55.2; cornmeal, per bale, $1.9u0
$2.20. ,
BARLEY Feed. $21.50 per ton; brewing,
$22: rolled. $23.
RYE $1.35 1.40 per cwt
CORN Whole, $23.00,cracked, $26.50 per,
ton. r I
MILLSTUFFS Bran. city. $14.50: country,
$15 60 per ton: middlings. $24: shortsi, city,
$16; country, $17 per ton; chop. U. S. Mills.
$15.60; linseed, dairy food. $18; acalta meal,
$18 per ton.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 80
pound sacks, $7: lower grades, $5.5038.73;
oatmeal, steel cut. 60-pound sacks, $3 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale: oat
meal (ground). 60-pound sacks, $7.50 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale: split
peas. $5 per 100-nound sacks: 25-pound boxes,
$1.40; pearl barley, $4.25 per 100 pounds; 24
pound boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry Hour, 10
pound sacks. $2.50 per bale.
HAY Valley timothy. No. 1. $10PU per
ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $1416; clo
ver. $6.507; cheat. $77.50: rraln hay. $7:
alfalfa. $11.50: vetch hay. $77.50.
Vegetables. Fruits, Etc
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, common to
choice, 2575c per box: choice to fancy. 75u
x1..ju: grapes, tit&fl.tio per crate; peaches,
7fcSf$l; pears. 70cffj $1.20; cranberries, $9
&0.u0 per bariel; quinces, $14 1.25 per box;
persimmons, $i.'2ral.o0 per box-
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, $6.50 per
box; oranges. Valenclas. $o5.50; grape
fruit, $.Vg. o; pineapples, $3& 4 per dozen; ba
nanas. 5c per pound.
lVsc pound; cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen;
celery, 7585c per dozen, egg plant, $1.50
per crate; lettuce, head, 2uc per dozen;
onions, 10l2&c per dozen; bell peppers, 5c;
pumpkins, lc per pound, suinach. 45
per pound; nmatoes, SO&5UC per box; pars
ley, lOplSc; squash, 114c per pound; hot
house lettuce, 25c per dozen.
per sack; carrots, tluc&$l per sack:beets.
$1.251.50 per sack, garlic. 710c pel
pound; horseradish. Il10c per pound; sweet
potatoes, 2n2.c per pound.
ONIONS Oregon, 75cfe$l per hundred.
POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon Bur
banks, fancy. Hue: common, 65I&80C.
DRIED FRUITS Apples. 64 STc pound;
apricots. 16(1 mVjc; peaches, 12313c; pears,
HM:4xl4c: Italian prunes. 4ftirc. California
flci. white, in sacks, 636u per pound; black.
4Vj(65c; bricks. 75'a$2.23 per box, Smyrna,
20c pound; dates. Persian. UfrTc pound.
RAISINS Seeded. 12-ounce packages, 89
8M;c; 16-ounce, 9trffHc: iooSe muscatels. 2
crown, 6ti.7c: 3-crown. 63-7c: 4-crown,
7?7e: unbleached, seedless Sultanas, W7c;
Thompson's fancy bleached, 10llc; Londoa
layers. 8-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds, $2;
2 -crown, $1.75.
Bntter, Eggs, Poultry. Etc
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery, 30c per pound State creameries:
Fancy Creamery, 25gi27c; store butter, 16
f 17c.
EGGS Oregon ranch, 32'435c dozen;
best Eastern. 26527c; ordinary Eastern. 24
CKEESH Oregon full cream twins, 14
14Vjc; Young America, 15&15UC
POULTRY Average old hens. 1213c;
mixed chickens. 12(tfl2M:c: Spring. 12
13c: old roosters, 9'u.lOc; dressed chickens,
13ftl4c; turkeys, live, 1717c; turkeys,
dressed, choice, 21 22 Ms c: geese, live, per
pound, 8&9c; ducks, 1415c; pigeons, $1
1.50; squabs, 23.
Dressed Meats.
VEAL Dressed. 75 to 125 pounds. 7 V4
8c; 125 to 150 pounds, 7c; 150 to 2UO pounds,
6c; 200 pounds and up, 5tt4J6c.
BEEF Dressed bulls, 2&2c per pound;
cows, 45c; country steers, 55c.
MUTTON Dressed, fancy, 7c per pound;
ordinary, 3&'tic; lambs, fancy, 8c.
PORK Dressed. 100 to 130 pounds. 8c: 150
to 200 pounds. 77c; 200 pounds and up,
Groceries, Nuts. Etc
RICH) Imperial Japan No. 1. 614c; South
srn Japan, 6.4Uc; head, 6.75c.
COFFEQ Mocha, 2t(i2ac; Java, ordinary. If
(J22c; Coeta Rica, fanuy. lb&2uc; good. lf.if
18c; ordinary, 18&2c per pound; Columbia
roast casus, KM)s, $15; 60s. .15.25; Arbuckl.
$17.25: Lion, $15.75.
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails,
$1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1-pound
flats. $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, Due;
red, 1-pound talis, $1.25; sockeye. J -pound
talis, $1.70.
SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cub's.
$5; powdered, $5.25; dry granulated, $5.15;
extra C, $4.fi0; golden C, $4.55; fruit sugar,
$5.15; P. C, $5.05; C. C, $5.05. Advance sales
over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; half
barrels, 25c; boxes, 50c per 100 pounds. Terms:
On remittance, within 15 days deduct ',4c per
pound; If later than 15 days and within 30
days, deduct He. Beet suKar, $4.95 per 100
pounds; maple sugar, 15.18c per pound.
NUTS WALNUTS, 14 15c per pound by
sack; Brazil nuts, lCc; filberts, 16c; pecans,
jumbos, 10c, extra large, 20c; almonds, 18
20c; chestnuts, Italian. 1214 16c; Ohio,
20c; peanuts, raw, 8Vsc per pound; roasted,
10c; pinenuts, 10ft 12e; hickory nuts, 7 hi &
8c; cocoanuts. 350i lK)c per dozen.
SALT California dairy, $13 ton; Imita
tion Liverpool, $14 per ton; half-ground,
100s, $0: 50s. $9.50. lumb Llverpoul. $19.50.
BEANS small white. 4c; large white.
314c: pink, 2c: bayou. 3c: -Lima. Ac;
Mexicans, red, 4a
HONEY Fancy. $3.253.50 per box.
Provisions and Canned Meats.
BACON Fancy breakfast, 22c per pound;
Btandard breakfast, ISc: choice, lCVsC; Eng
lish, 11 to 14 pounds, lGc; peach, 1414c.
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds, 1614c per pound:
14 to 16 pounds, 10c; 18 to 20 pounds, 16c;
California (picnic), 1014c; cottage, 13c;
shoulders, none; boiled, 24c; boiled picnic,
boneless, 20c.
PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrels. $21;
half-barrels. $11: beef, barrels. $11: half
barrels. $0.
SAUSAGE Ham, 13c per pound; minced
ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17Hc; bo
logna, long, 6c, welnerwurst, 10c; liver, 6c;
pork. 10c; headcheese. 6c; blood, 6c; bologna
link. 5Vjc
DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears,
dry salt. 12c, smoked 13c; clear backs, dry
salt, 12c, smoked, 13c; clear bellies,
14 to 17 pounds average, dry salt none,
smoked none: Oregon exports. 20 to 25
pounds average, dry salt 13 He. smoked
1414c; Union bellies, 10 to 18 pounds aver
age, none.
LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 1214c:
tubs. 12"4c; 50s. 12V4c; 20s. 121ic; 10s. 13c;
6s. 13c. Standard pure: Tierces. 11U,C; tubs,
lisjc; 50s, 1114c: 20s. llc; 10s, 1214c: 5s.
12c. Compound: Tierces. 714c; tubs, 7&c
os. 7c: 10s. 814c: 5s. 814c.
TURPENTINE Cases, 81c per gallon,
COAL Cases. 19c per gallon; tanks, 1214s
per aauon.
GASOLINE Stove, cases, 2414c; 86 test.
32c: Iron tanks, 26c.
WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7c; 500-pound
lots, 8c, less than 500-pound lots, 8 lie (In
15-pound tin pails, lc above keg price; 1 to
5-pound tin cans, 100 pounds per case, 214a
per pound above keg price.)
LINSEED Raw, in barrels, 47c; In cases,
63c; boiled. In barrels, 50c; In cases, 55c:
250-gallon lots, lc less.
BENZINE Cases, 19c per gallon; tanks,
1214c per gallon.
Hops, Wool, Hides, ' Etc.
HOPS 1900, choice, 1517ci prime, 139
14c; medium, 12 0 12 he per. pound; olds,
WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 1318o
per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley,
2o&21c, according to fineness.
MOHAIR Choice, 204J2SC.
HIDES Dry: No. 1, 16 pounds and np. per
pound, 18&20C-, dry kip. No. 1, 6 to 15
pounds, 184)210 per pound; dry salted bulls
and stags, one-third less than dry flint; culls,
moth-eaten, badly cut, soured, murrain halr
cllpped, weather-beaten or grubby, 2c to 3c
per pound less. Salted hides: Steers, sound, H
pounds and over, per pound, lugilic; steers,
sound, 6o to 60 pounds. lullc per pound;
steers, sound, under 50 pounds, and cows,
9100 per pound; stags and bulls, sound, 7o
per pound; kip, sound, 15 to 30 jiouncs, 10c
per pound; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 11a
per pound; call, sound, unier 10 pounds, 11
12c per pound; green (unsslted), lc per pouud
less; veals, lo per pound leas. Sheepskins:
Shearlings, No. 1, butchers' stock, each, 25 j
80c; short wool. No. 1. butchers' stock, each,
6(X360Cr medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock
each, $1.26U3; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20
per cent less, or 15&'16c per pound. Horse
bides: Salted, each, according to size, $ia
1.60; colthldes, each, 25&'50e. Goatskins: Com
mon, each, lG&2oc; Angora, with wool -on.
each, 3U1&1.50.
FURS No. 1 skins: Bearskins, as to size
each. $5-620; cubs, each, tlif.i: badger, primal
each, 254;50c; cat, wild, with head perfect,
30$i50c; house cat, 6&20C: fox. common gray,
large prime, each, 6070c; red, each, $3.t;
cross, each, $5'15; silver and black, each,
each, $4.6060; mink, strictly No. 1, each, ac
cording to size, $13: marten, dark. Northern,
according ' to size and color, each. $1)15;
pale pine, according to size and color. . each,
$2-&0&4; muskrat, large, each, 1215c; skunk,
each, 4OffS0c: civet or polecat, each, 6jl5,;;
otter, large, prime skin, each. $6(5:10; pantner,
with head and claws pertect. each. $2&5;
raccoon, prime, large, each. 5075c: mounts. n
wolf, with head perfect, each, $3.505; prairie
(coyote), 60c$l; wolverine. each. $6aS;
beaver, per skin, large. $5'ltl; medium. $307;
small. $131.50: kits, 50375c.
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 2225o
per pound.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 4414c; No.
2 and grease, 23c
CASCARA SAGRADA (chittam bark)
New, 4c per pound; 10O4 and 1905, carlots,
6c; less than carlots. B!P514e.
GRAIN BAGS 8I41SSI40 each.
London Sheepskins Sale.
LONDON. Nov. 1. A sale of 4S00 bales of
sheepskins was held here today. There was a
good attendance and active competition pre
vailed throughout. Merinos and fine cross
breds advanced 5 to 10 per cent, but coarse
and long stapled orossbreds showed a slightly
easier tendency.
Stock Market Active and
Prices Rise.
Raising: of Pennsylvania's Dividend
Has a Beneficial Effect on the
Whole Market Relaxa
tion in Money.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1. There was a fur
ther expansion of business in the stock mar
ket today and some gain in animation and,
moreover, the Increase of activity was ac
companied by rising prices.
The speculative interest centered largely
In Pennsylvania. The whole market was
benefited by the raising of the dividend rato
on that stock to 7 per cent and by the
declaration of a semi-annual dividend of 314
per cent, compared with 3 per cent for the
preceding six months period. The action of
the stock on the news was confirmatory of
the reports heard for some time that the
question of the increase was really an open
one up to the time of the meeting of the
board to decide it. The uncertainty over
the action to be taken was attributed to
the doubt over the policy of a larger divi
dend disbursement, in spite of the large
surplus being earned over the current- rate
of distribution owing to the large capital
requirements of tho company and the heavy
Increases In lixed charges that are being
added to the company's accounts by the Is
sues of new securities. From the stock
market point of view also there was doubt
among operators as to the probable response
of the stock in case the dividend was in
creased. The heavy demand for the stock
and the manner In which It was sustained
after the dividend action was taken, proved
encouraging to speculative sentiment in the
whole list as proving that the rule of set
tling on favorable news was not of uni
versal application.
The holiday in London may have Berved
to have freed the market from some press
ure from that source. Discounts hardened
in London and the Bank of England report
ed a further slight decline in proportion of
reserve to liability. The week's gain in bul
lion was trivial in spite of large acquire
ments of South African gold.
Call-money rates here are still above the
normal, but there was no aggravation of
yesterday's stringency, and a gradual re
laxation is expected with the passing of the
November 1 period. The time money mar
ket, however, shows sustained strength, and
loans for 60 and 90 days command a pre
mium over the 6 per cent rate. Mexican
Central Securities reacted sharply from the
recent advance on the report of a rupture
of negotiations for the purchase of the prop
erty by the Mexican government. Yester
day's short sellers were among the influen
tial buyers today, so far as the effect on
prices went. The day's advance, however,
proved somewhat more than sufficient to
retrieve yesterday's declines and the mar
ket closed strong and quite active.
Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value,
$2.tiS4.000. United States bonds were quiet,
the 2s advancing H per cent on call.
sales. High.
Adams Express
Amalgam Copper.. 61.400 111
Low. Bid.
109 111
Am. car at rounary l, uo
uo preierred
Am. Cotton OH
400 35
do preferred
American Express
Am. Hil. H Lt. pf
Am. Ice Securities 5,900
Am. Linseed Oil
do preferred
91 T4 9t
Am. Locomotive.,
do preferred
200 74
110 '4
Am. Smelt. & Relln 11,000 155
do preferred 500 11714
Am. Sugar Rcfln.. 1,000 133 13214 133
A 111. iooacco pr ....
Anaconda Min. Co. 10.000 27114 268
101 "4
1 T4
8,200 lolli
do preferred
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore & Ohio..
do preferred
ouu jut
300 137
4,400 119
174 1i
5S" "
Rrook. Rap. Transit 6.100
Canadian PaclrJc...
3.500 17514
Cent, of N. Jersey ..
Chesapeake & Ohio 5,400
Chi. Grt. Western.. 300
Chi. & Northwest
Chi., Mil. & St. P. 18,800 172
Chi. Term. & Tran ,
do preferred ,
C C. C. & St. L,
Colo. Fuel & Iron..
do preferred..
do 2d preferred..
Consolidated Gas...
Corn Products
do preferred
Delaw. & Hudson..
do preferred
Den. & Kio Grande
do preferred
Distillers' Securlt..
do 1st preferred. .
do 2d preferred..
138 U,
General Electric
Hocking Valley 123
Illinois Central 172
International Paper 600 17T4 1714
uo preterrea
International Pump
do preferred
Iowa Central
do preferred
Kan. City Southern
do preferred 200
Louis. & Nashville 800
Mxiean Central..'. 16,100
Minn. & St. Louis
M., St. P. & S.S.M
' 8S
34 14
" 2314
142 u.
no preferred...
700 38
i',606 '57'
4(10 139
200 J !);4
200 75
8U0 21614
"166 39"
'""306 "69
2.S00 44
300 76
"ooo" Hi"
Missouri Pacinc 2,400 94 9314
Mo., Kan. & Texas 300 3414 33
do preferred
National Lead 4"0 7414 74 1i
Mex. Nat. R. R. pf 3.SO0 56'i 54 Yt
N. Ys Central 4.700 12X 12i4
N. Y.. Ont. & Wes. 700 45 45lJ
Norfolk St Western 800 9414 9314
do preferred
North American 400 88 S814
Pacific Mall
Pennsylvania 341,300 145 (141
People's Gas 40O 88 8814
1 Pits.. C. C. & St. L. 100 844 84
Pressed Steel Car.. 700 5414 54
do preferred
Pullman Pal. Car.. 200 25914 259
Reading 161,400 142 13814
do 1st preferred
do 2d preferred
Republic Steel 1.500 35 3514
do preferred 300 9714 9714
Rook Island Co. 3.000 27 27
do preferred
Rubber Goods, pf
St. L. & S. F. pf 500 48 47
St. Louis Southwes. ...
do preferred
Southern Pacific.. 18.300 91 9014
.do preferred 11814
Southern Railway.. 300 3414 3314
do preferred 300 95 94
Tenn. Coal & Iron ;
Texas & Pacific 1.7O0 3B'4 35
Tol.. St. L. & West. 2O0 3414 34
157 V,
do preferred 400 55 54
Union Pacific. . .
do -preferred..
V. S. Express. . .
U. S. Realty...
U. S. Rubber...
do preferred . .
TJ. S. Steel
55.200 18214 I8014 182
300 92 9214 9214
4914 49
105 irm
46 47
106 in
19 1914
41 43
154 154
86 86
51 5214
2f'9'4 212
36 37
700 49
1.5O0 107
84.400 . 47
do preferred ' 3.000 106
Vlrg.-Caro. Chem
do preferred
do preferred
Wells-Fargo Exp..
Westinghouse Elec.
Western Union
Wheel. & Lake Erie
Wisconsin Central..
do preferred
Northern Pacific...
Central Leather....
do preferred
Fchloss-Sheffield ..
Great Northern pf.
Int. Met
200 l.-.4Vj
200 8614
3.OO0 52
840 212
5.OO0 317 814 317
1,400 36 35 3814
do preferred 400 18 1o 75
Total sales for the' day, 864.200 shares.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Closing quotations:
TJ. S. ref. 2s reg.l04.',D. & R. G. 4s... 99
do coupon 104 14, N. Y. C. G. 3s. 93
V. S. 3s reg 1021-i!Nor. Pacific 3s. ..75
do coupon. .. .102 !Nor. Pacific 4s..l031-a
U. S. new 4s reg.130
do coupon. ... 130
U. S. old 4s reg. 102
dn coupon .... 102
So. Pacific 4s. . . 91
Union Pacific 4s. 103
Wis. Central 4s.. 60
Jap. 5 2c ser.. 9714
Atchison Adj. 4s 9214!Jap. 4 lis cer..
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. Money on call,
strong and higher, 3 "frO per cent; ruling rate,
7 per cent: last loan, 3 per cent. Time
loans, strong and dull. 60 and 90 days, 614
per cent; six months. 6 per cent. Prime
mercantile paper, 6S 614 per cent.
Sterling exchange, heavy, with actual bus
iness In bankers' bills at $4.8555&'4.8560 for
demand and at $4.844014.0445 for 60-day
bills; posted rates, $4.81 4.86 ; commer
cial bills, $4.80.
Bar silver, 70 c
Mexican dollars, 5414 c.
Bonds Government, firm; railroad, steady.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov.' 1. Silver bars,
70 c.
Mexican dollars. 54 c.
Drafts Sight. 7c; telegraph. 10c.
Sterling on London Sixty days, $4.81;
sight. $4.80.
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Nov. - 1. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the general
fund shows:
Available cash balance .$223,300,810
Gold coin tfnd bullion 100,314,501
Gold certificates - 43,659,650
Portland Stock Exchange Stoves.
The Portland Stock Exchange was moved
yesterday to its new quarters in the Lafay
ette building, and for that reason, no session
of the Exchange was held.
Hereafter the dally call will be at 11:30
A. M.
Prices Paid for Prod acts in the Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1. The following
prices were quoted in the produce market
FRUIT Apples, choice, $1; common. Sue;
bananas. 75c&$3; Mexican limes, $3.75
4.50; California lemons, choice, $5.50; com
mon, $4; oranges, navels, $3(&4.50; pineap
ples, nominal.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 75ci$l: gar
lic, 2(y-3c: green peas, 58c; string beans,
5S.8c; tomatoes, 50c6$l-25; egg plant, 40
50c: okra, 50 (15c.
EGGS Store, 30ff46c; fancy ranch, 51c;
Eastern, 20fa'25c-
POTATOES River Burbanks, $11.20;
River Reds, nominal; Salinas Burbanks,
$1.75&1.90; sweets, lc.
ONIONS Silver Skins, 60S 70c.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 3014c: cream
ery seconds, 23c; fancy dairy, 2Sc; dairy
seconds, nominal: pickled, 2014 frfl21c.
WOOL Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 10
g)14c; South Plains and San Joaquin, 7 8c;
lambs', 8ft' 13c.
HOPS 12 C 16c.
CHEESE Young America, 13c; Eastern.
17c; Western. 15c.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $19&'20; middlings,
$28 29.
HAY Wheat, $13. 5020; -wheat and oats,
$1017; barley, nominal; alfalfa. $8frH;
stocks, $6 8.50! straw, 35(Si60c per ale.
FLOUR California family extras. $4.65'f
5.10; bakers' extras. $4.30 4.60; Oregon and
Washington, $3.75li 4.25.
POULTP.Y Turkeys, gobblers, 1829c;
roosters, old, $3.50ftr 4.50; young. $4.50ftj6;
broilers, small, $2.50(q;3; broilers, large, $3.50
&4; fryers, $4&4.50; hens, $4.50-6; ducks,
old, $4i7.
RECEIPTS Flour, 8424 quarter sacks;
wheat. 627 centals; barley. 45,460 centals;
oats, 2000 centals; beans. 8769 sacks; pota
toes, 7375 sacks; middlings, 60 sacks; hay,
1166 tons; wool, 110 bales; hides, 1630.
Prices Current iHically on Cattle, Sheep
and Hogs.
The following livestock prices were quoted
in the local market yesterday:
CATTLE Best steers, $3.50(83.75; me
dium. $33.25; cows, $2.25(6 2.65 ; second
grade cows, $2(2.35; 'bulls, $1.50(2; calves,
SHEEP Best, $4.50W4.75; lambs, $5(fi5.25.
HOGS Best. $0.500 6.75; lightweight, $6
Eastern Livestock.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 1. Cattle Receipts.
6000; market, steady; native steers, $5.25
6.25; cows and heifers, $2.50(ff4.50; Western
steers, $3. 255,40; cannere, $1.50(2.50; stock
ers and feeders, $2.7514.75; calves, $3'fe0;
bulls, stags, etc., $2?(3.75.
Hogs Receipts. 5000; market, steady;
heavy. $5.906.05; mixed, $5.956.05; light,
$6.056.20; pigs, $5.256.90; bulk of sales,
Sheep Receipts, 13,000; market, strong to
10c higher: fed muttons, $5.506.30; wethers,
$55.60; ewes, $4.505.25; lambs, $6.75&7.50.
CHICAGO", Nov. 1. Cattle Receipts, 9000;
strong; beeves, $47.25; stockers and feeders,
$2.403 4.50; cows and heifers, $1.605.20;
calves, $0'7.50; Western steers, $3.90&ti.
Hogs Receipts today, 18,000; strong to 5c
higher; mixed and butchers, $5.90(.42;
good to choice heavy," $6.256.42; rough
heavy, $5.856.05; light, $5.9006. 37 .; pigs,
$5.706.05; bulk of sales, liG.35.
- Sheep Receipts, 20,000, strong; sheep, $1.75
5.60; lambs, $4.75&7.75.
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 1. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
Alta $ .06 Ju!ia $ .11
Alpha Con 08 Justice 05
Andes 22 Kentuck Con.. .OS
Belcher 32 Mexican 1.20
Best & Belcher 1.15 'Occidental Con. .76
Bullion 29 lOphir 3.15
Caledonia 46 (Overman .14
Challenge Con. .24 iPotosi 18
Chollar 14 Savage 1.05
Confidence 85 Scorpion 07
Con. Cal. & V. .98 Seg. Belcher... .11
Con. Imperial. .01 ISierra Nevada. .S3
Crown Point... .17 LSilver Hill 75
Exchequer 59 Union Con 59
Gouid & Curry .25 lutah Con 12
Hale & Nor... 1.00 jYtllow Jacket.. .85
. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Closing quotations:
Adams Con...$ .20 Little Chief... $ .05
Alice 6.12 Ontario 3.00
Breece 20 Cphir 3.00
Brunswick C. .60 Fotost 16
Comstock Tun .30 Savage 1.10
Con. Cal. & V. 1.25 Sierra Nevada. .60
Horn Silver... 1.80 Small Hopes... .35 i
Iron Silver. . . . 4.75 Standard 2.S0
Leadvllle Con. .05 1
BOSTON. Nov. 1. Closing quotations:
Adventure ..$ 6.25 JQuincy $102-00
Allouez 37.75 Shannon 15.8714
Amalgamatd 111.37:Tamarack .. 100.00
Atlantic 15.00 Trinity 12.23
Bingham ... 32.50 lnited Cop.. 63.6714
Cal. & Hecla 850.00 U. S. Mining 64.00
Centennial . 30.23 U. S. Oil 10.00
Cop. Range. 81.30 Utah 10.00
Daly West.. 20.00 Victoria 04.00
Franklin ... 22.37 14 .Winona 10.87
Granby 13.37 1- .Wolverine .. 133.00
Isle Royale. 24.75 .North Butte. 115.00
Mass. Mining 8.23 iButte Coal.. 7.50
Michigan . .. 18.25 Nevada 20.00
Mchawk ... 07.50 Mitchell 6.12
Mont. C. & C 2.25 Cal. & Ariz.. 148.00
O. Dominion 62 00 iTecumseh .. 15.75
Osceola 127.75 iGreene Con.. 25.00
Parrot 26.00 1
Dried ITuit at New York. '
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The market for evap
orated apples was steady but quiet; high choice
are quoted at SSc; choice at 7&7c; prime.
Prunes have been arriving in considerable
quantity, but have gone into consumption and
available supplies on spot are not heavy. Prices
are firmly held with California grades quoted
at SMjBc. and Oregon 40s to 2us at 10c.
Apricots are unchanged with choice quoted
at 16c; extra choice at 17c and fancy at
Peachea are quiet on spot with old crop
choice selling at 11c; extra choice at 12124c,
and fancy to extra fancy. 12.12-c.
Rabsina are coming forward quite freely from
the Coast, but supplies are not Increasing
owing to shipments on Interior orders and
prices hold firm with looee muscatels quoted at
6:yt'Ic; seeded raisins at Qfatoc, and London
layers at ll.ttSl.TS.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. There was a decline
of Ts tid in the London tin market, with
spot closing at lit2 5s and futures at 193
15c. Locally the market was steady and a
shade higher in spite of the foreign decline,
with spot quoted at 42.20c bid and 42.40c
Copper was 2s 6d lower in London with
spot quoted at 97 and futures at H7 15c.
Locally the market was very quiet with lake
quoted at 21.75 1& 22.50c; electrolytic at 21.50
22c; casting at 212521.75c.
Lead was unchanged at 5.753 5-95c. Local
ly and In London the price advanced to
19 5s.
Spelter was unchanged at 27 15c In Lon
don and at 6.20 6.30c locally.
Iron was unchanged locally and in the
English market.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The market for cof
fee futures closed steady, net unchanged
to 5 points higher. Sales for the day were
reported of 104.240 bags. Including Novem
ber, 5.95c; December, 6.05(g'6-10c: March
6.306.4Oc; May, 6.50 & 6.65c ; July. 6.65; Sep
tember. 6.80(g6.85c; October. 6.90c. Spot Rio
quiet; No. T Invoice, 7c; mild, steady.
Sugar Raw, quiet; fair renning, 3 7-16c.
centrifugal. 96 test, 3 15-16c; molasses sugar,
3 3-16c. Refined, steady; crushed, $5.50;
powdered, $4.90; granulated, $4.80.
Bonsht and sold for cash and on mars-in.
Private Wires ROOM 4, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE x Phons Main 37
Wheat Becomes Strong on De
crease in Offerings.
Scarcity of Milling W heat in Minne
apolis and the Southwest
One of the Factors in
the Kally.
CHICAGO. Nov. 1. Early In the day sen
timent in the wheat pit was bearish because
of easier cables and improved weather con
ditions. Shorts were active buyers and as
the session advanced the demand from that
source became more urgent. About the noon
hour offerings began to dwindle and a quick
upturn in prices followed. The scarcity of
milling wheat at Minneapolis and In the
Southwest was the chief cause of the rally.
At Minneapolis it was said No. 1 Northern
wheat was welling 4 cents a bushel higher
than the December option. The close was
near the highest point of the day. De
cember opened Mc to c lower at 73
4 73 Tc, advanced to 74 Tic and closed up
c to c at 74i74c.
The corn market was easier at the open
ing because of the weakness of wheat, but
later the market became steadier along with
the wheat market. The market closed
steady. December opened He to HHc
lower at 43 c to 43 J4 fi 433c, sold up to
43c and closed unchanged at 43 & 43 i-fc c.
Oats responded moderately to the sharp
advance In wheat, but the market In general
was steady. December opened c lower at
33c, sold up to 33c and closed hc up
at HSc. '
Provisions were strong all day. because
of. a light movement of hogs, and trading
was active. At the cloae, January pork was
up 32 bc, lard 17&&20c and ribs 20(220
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Opn. High. Low. Close.
December $ .73' $ .74 $ .73114 $ .7474
May 7Ss .79 .78 '9Ts
December .43 .43 1 .434 .43
May 44 .44' .43" .44v;
July 44 .44 vi .44 .44
December 33 .33 .33 .33
May 344 .'3fU -84
July 33 Vi .33 Va .33 U .33-:
January 13.90 14.17V- 13.90 14.17
May 14.02 14.25 14.02 14.25
May 8 45 8.65 845 8.62
November ... 9.20 9. 35 9.25 9.35
December 8.65 8.82 862 8.S0
January 8.45 8.05 8.45 8.62
January 7.50 7.75 7.50 7.72
May 7.67 7.85 7.67 7.S5
Caeh quotations were as follows:
' Flour Steady.
"Wheat No. 2 Spring, 7578c; No. 3. 71
79c; No.-2 red, 7274c.
Corn No. 2, 46c; No. 2 yellow, 47c.
Oats No. 2, 33Hc; No. 3 white, 32U&34c.
Rye No. 2. 61&62c.
Barley Fair to choice malting, $46.50.
Flax seed No. 1, $1.07; No. 1 Northwest
ern. $1.14.
Timothy seed Prime, $4.104.20.
Clover Contract grades, $13.00.
Short ribs, sides Loose, $8.2o4j8-'5.
Mess pork Per barrel, $16.50.
Lard Per 100 poundd. $9.35.
Short clear sides Boxed, $S.508.75.
Whisky Basi of high wines, $1.29.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels .
Wheat, bushels
Corn, buehels .
Oats, bushels .
Rye, bushels . .
Barley, bushels
32,400 23,500
73,O0 38.700
187,000 194.000
3:S1.300 132.000
13.0U0 5.000
90,000 40,000
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Flour Receipts,
15,400 ; exports, 10,400 ; sales, 10,250 pack
ages. Firm and fairly active.
Wheat Receipts, 11,600 bus.; exports, 79,
800 bus.; sales, 2,700,000 bus. futures. Spot
firmer. No. 2 red, H2c elevator and 84 &c
f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 89 c
f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, 84 c f. o.
b. afloat. Except for a short time aroufid the
opening wheat was firm today. Last prices
showed c to c advance. No. 2 red. May,
closed, 85c; December, S2TiS4c, closed,
84 c.
Hops, hides and wool Steady.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1. Wheat, quiet,
but steady; barley, quiet, but steady.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping, $1.201.25; milling,
$1.25i 1.35.
Barley Feed, $1.10 & 1.12 ; brewing,
$1.12 ra 1.1.
Oats Red. $1.17 rQ 1.42 ; white, $1.32
61.45; black, $1.602.10.
Call-board sales:
Wheat December, $1.27; May, $1.31.
Barley December, $1.13; May, $1.154.
Corn Large yellow, $1.35 if 1.40.
European Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 1. The following were
the closing grain quotations: Wheat De
cember, 6s 4d; March, 6s 5d.
Cargoes on passage, steady, 29s 6d
29s IM.
The weather in England today was over
cast. Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 1- Wheat Decem
ber, 75c; May, 79c, July, VJc. No. 1 hard,
8c; No. 1 Northern, 79c; No. 2 Northern,
77c; No. 3 Northern, 7475c.
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, Nov. I. Wheat Unchanged.
Bluestem, 68c; club. 66c; red, 64c.
Albany Packers Unable to FiJJ It, Present
Contracts Exceeding Output.
ALBANY, Or., Nov. 1. (Special.) The
fame of Oregon dried prunes Is spreading.
Toiiay Lassalle Bros, received an order for
five carloads of dried prunes from Liverpool,
England, which had to be rejected, their
packing establishment having already more
contracts than can be filled with this year's
output. Several carlouds of neatly packed
prunes have been sent to England this year,
and one car for Liverpool is now ready for
shipment. This week's shipment from the
Albany packery will be five carloads, aggre
gating 160,000 pounds. Already 33 carloads
have been shipped this year, and the estab
lishment will send out 40 carloads more be
fore the end of this month, completing the
work for the season of 10u6.
Prunes are arriving daily from the driers
of the state, and at the packing plant 85
people a:-e employed packing the fruit firm
ly In boxes. The Industry has become an
Important one in Albany, and furnishes a
ready market for a crop which some years
ago was a drug on the market. Prunes
that could be sold with difficulty some years
ago are now eagerly sought when they have
been placed In - neat boxes ready for con
sumption. Most of the fruit Is shipped to
New York and European points, orders from
the latter source becoming more numerous
every year. This has b-en the busiest year
in the history of the prune-packing industry
In Linn County.
Pay Millions in Dividends.
NEW YORK, Nov, 1. The banks her
paid out in dividends more than $65,000,000
today. Among the big dividends paid are
those of Canadian Pacific, Central Kailroad
of New Jersey, Detroit United Railroads,
Evansville & Terre Haute, Great Northern
Railway. H. B. Clanin Company. Interna
tional Steam Pump. Michigan State Tele
phone Company, New Central Coal, Northern
Pacinc, Pacinc Coast, Tennessee Coal and
United Traction.
Dairy Prodnce in the East.
CHICAGO, Nov. 1. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady;
creameries, 19'n 251c; dairies, 18 ig 23c.
Ktrtrs Steady: at mark, cases Included,
20(if22c: firsts. 23c; prime firsts, 24Vac; ex
tras, 27c.
Cheese Steady, 1213c.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Butter Steady to
Cheese Quiet and unchanged.
Eggs Firm; Western firsts, 26 27c.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. Cotton futures closed
steady at a net decline of six to nine points.
November and December, 10.03c: January.
10.10c; February, 10.18c; March. 10.27c; April,
10.32c; May, 36c; June. 10.4oc; July, 10.45c.
Bank Rate Unchanged.
LONDON, Nov. 1. The rate of discount
of the Bank of England remained unchanged
toduy at 6 per cent.
IY00! at t. Toiiis.
ST. IOt'IS. Nov. 1. Wool, steady:
torv and Western mediums. -4(t27I,'j
flue mediums, lSf;i'-2c; line, 14fal7o.
Earle Keopens Hippie iBank.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. l.-Under tho
presidency of George H. Earle, Jr., th
Real Estate Trust Company, which failed
on August 28. reopened lor business to
day. The company failed because of
financial irregularities on the part of
Frank K. Hippie, its president, who, be
fore the failure, committed suicide. Earle
was appointed receiver, and the concern
reopened under an organization plan per
fected by Mr. Earle. More than $000,000
was deposited in the first hour of busi
Will pay top price for all Oregon and
Coeur d'Alene mining stocks.
T. P. BROWN, 401 McKay Building
I pj 1 in rm m m s I mM
ii " am s's i it, ,m ti-.ii .rv i
la Interested and should know
about the womlarful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The new TkfhJ ayrtmg: Jnjec
lion ana aurtxon. umi-mi.
eat Sloit ConTenien.
taa. lttlMlMI UltUMT.
Art Tmr tranlst for It.
If he cannot auppiy the
M ARVKi.. accent no
ot hr, hut aand autn.p fr f
ilhmtrtpd book tJi I
It gtre.
full naxttculani and ltr Mti-
i s tu-
vftlujabletn laliea. if KYI
(Kl, CO.
Vr'oodard, Clarke fc Co., Portland, Oregon.
Laue-Uavls Drug Co.. U stores.
EAST via
:45 P. M.
for Salem. Rom
fcurg. Asaland.
Sacramento, Og
Jen. Ean Fran
.leco. Stockist.
Los Angeles, El
Paso. New Or
leans and ths
Morning train
connects at
ft'oodburn dally
except Sunday
with Mt. Angel
and Silverton lo
cal. CottaKS Grove
passenger con
nects at Wood
burn and Albany
dally except
Sunday with
trains to and
from Albany,
Lebanon a n J
Woodbnrn -SprinifUl
branch points.
CorvalUs passen
ger. 6herldan passsn
ger. .
forest Qrov. pas-
:00 A. If.
7:18 P. M.
11:00 A. M.
:00 A. M.
:10 P. M
:60P. M.
10:20 A. M
2:50 P. M.
,7:55 A. M
1:20 P. M.
.00 A. M.
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
Depot, Foot of Jcltdi-son Street.
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:40
A. M : 12:50. 7:05, 6:20. 6:25. s:30, 10:10,
11:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 5:30, 6:30,
:40. 10:25 A M. Sunday only. 9 A. M.
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland,
dally. S:35 A. M . 1:55, 3:05. 6:15. 7:35. i 35.
11:10 P. M.; 12:25 A. M. Daily except gun
day. 6:25. 7:25. 0:35. 11:45 A. si. Sunday
only, 10 A. M.
Leave from earns depot for Dallas and In
termediate points dally. 7:30 A. M. and 4:15
p M. Arrive Portland, 10:15 A. M. and 6:25
P. U.
The Independence-Monmouth Motor Llns
operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. con
sectlns with 8. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and
i independence.
! First-class fars from Portland to Sacra
mento and San Francisco. S20; berth. 15.
! second-class fare, $15: second-class b.rth.
j S2-50.
Tickets to Eastern nolnts and Eurons: alss
Japan China. Honolulu and Australia.."
CITY TICKET OFFICE. Corner Third and
Washington Sts. I'bone Main 713.
City Ticket Agent. Can. Pass. Agt.
Columbia. River Scenery
Dally service between Portland and The
Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at
7 A. M., arriving about 5 P. M., carrying
freight and paesengens. Splendid accommo
dations for outfits and livestock.
Dock foot of Alder at., Portland: foot of
Court fit.. The Dalles. Phone Main 814,
Willamette river route
Steamers Pomona and Oregona for Falem
and way landings from' Tsylor-strest dock,
daily (except Sunday) at 6:45 A- M.
OXtkca and Dock, toot Taylor ak
SHOjgr LsflE
Through Pullman standards and tourist
sleeping- sari dally to Omaha. Calcago. Spo
kane: tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas
City. Reclining chair cars (seats frss) to th
.aat dally.
tNlON DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
SPECIAL for th. East A. M. 5:00 P. H-
vla Huntington. Dr.
..,. . x. 6:13 P. U- 8:00 A. M.
For Kastern Washington. Walla Walla.
Lew 1st on, Coeur d' Alecs and Great Northers
ATLANTIC EXPRESS 8:15 P. M. 1:15 A. M.
for th. East via Hunt- Dally- Dally.
PORTLAND . BIGGS 8:15 A.M. 8:00 P. M.
' '-" AL. for all local
points between Biggs
end Portland.
. it iyer sc
FOR AETORJa and 8:00 P.M. 8:00 P. U.
way point, connecting Dally Dally
with steamer for Ilwa- except except
to and North Beacs Eunday. Sunday,
tteamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday
it. dock. lu.00 p.
..DATT - 7:00 A- :0 P- -
ron City and Yamhill Daily Dally
Klver points. Ash-sL except except
dock(wB,ter per.) Eunday. Sunday.
Far Lewlston. Idsho. snd way points from
Rlparla, Wash. Leavs Klparla 5:40 A.
or upon arrival train No. . dally except Sat
urday. Arriva Rlparla 4 P. M. dally except
Ticket OflW, Third and Wasblngtom.
Telephone Mnln 71 1. C. W. Btlnger. City
Ticket Agt.: Was. McMurray, Gen. Pass. Act.
Tbe Fast Hall
Dally. PORTLAND LDally.
Leave. Tim. Schedule. Arriva.
g:S0 am kane. St. Paul. Min- 7.00 am
neapolls. Duluth and
11:45 pm All Points East Via 6:50 pm
To and from Stl
Paul. Minneapolis. L
6:15 pm Duluta and aiiS:00as
Points East Via
Pnoknne. j
Great Northern Steamship Co.
Sailing from Seattle tor Japam
snd China ports and Manila, carry
ing passengers snd freight.
8. 8. Inliot:i. November 2.
S. S. Minnesota, January 9.
(Japan Mail SteamshiD Co. I
S. S. TANGO MAKU will sail from I
Seattle about November 13 for Japan 1
and i-nina ports, carrying passen
gers and freight.
For tickets, rates, berth reservation-1,
etc.. call on or address
11. IIH KS1IX. C. P. T. A,
12 Third St., Portland. O.
t'hons main kxu
Deparu Antra,
Yellowstone Park - Kansas
Clty-St. Louis Special for
Cbehalls. Centralla. Olym
pla. Gray's Harbor, South
Bend. Tacoma. Seattle. Spo
kane. Lewlston. Butte. Hil
lings. Denver. Omaha.
Kansas City. St. Louis and
Southwest 8:80 am : 0B
North Coast Limited, elec
tric lighted, lor Tacoma.
Seattle. Spokane. Butte.
Minneapolis. St. Paul and
th. Bast 2:00pm T:0a
Paget Sound Limited for
Claremont. Cbehalls. Cen
tralla. Tacoma and Seattle
4:80 pm llw
Twin City Express for Ta
coma. Seattle. Spokane,
Helena. Butts. St. PsuL
Mlnnespolls. Lincoln.
Omaha, St. Joseph, St.
Louis. Kauai City, with
eut chanse of cars. Direct
connections for all points
Bast and Southeast 11:45 pm 6: BO pm
A D Charlton. Assistant General Passen
ger ' Agent. 'HA Morrison U sornar Talrs.
Portland. Or.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. UNION DBPOT. Arrives,
Dally. For Maygere. Rainier. Sally.
Clatekanie. Westport,
Clifton, Astorls. War
6:00 A.M. renton, Flavsl, Ham- UM A.M
tnond. Fort Stsvens, .
Gear hart Park, 1
aide. Astoria and Bas
so ors.
T-00 P a( Express Dally. tAO P.X.
Astoria Express,
a KTffiWART.
Comm'l Agt.. 248 Alder st Q. F. P.
Pboa. Mala 90S.
From Seattle at 9 P. ML
for Ketchikan. Juneau.
Skagway, Whit. Horse.
Dawson and Fairbanks.
8. 8. City of Seattle,
November 3, 13. 23.
S S. Humboldt. Novem
ber 8. 18. 28.
S v.ta"e (itv ivia Sltka. Nov. 4, IS.
From Seattle at t) A. M. Imatilla, No
vember 1. Ill, 31: City of Puebla, November
6 21- Oueen city, November 11, 26.
Portland Office. 349 Wasblngtus St.
Main XS9.
O. M. I-ee. rasa. Ft. Aft.
C. D. DUNANN. O. P. A., Baa Francises.
Upper Columbia River
Steamer Chas. P.. Spencer
Leaves oak-itreeL dock every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 7 A. M. for THB
DALLES and STATE PORTAGE, connecting
COMPANY STEAMERS for points as far
east as HOVER.
Returning. arrives Portland, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 8 P. M. Low
rates and excellent service.
Poon. Main 29UO or Main S201.
San Francisco 6 Portland
Steamship Co,
Leave rOaitu, ttiu treigiit only.
S. S. "AZTEC." November I).
S. S. "COSTA RICA." November 10,
November 14.
p .s. "BARRArolTA." November 10
Lease SAN FRANCISCO, witli freight onlj.
.s. s. BAHKACUI TA," November 2.
S. S. "COSTA RICA." November 7.
S. S "COLUMBIA." November 12.
8ubject to change without notice.
Freight received daily at Alnsworth Dock.
Phone Main 268. J. H. Dewson. Agent.