Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 31, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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l'ORTI,AM. HKDNESUAV, OCT. 31, 1996.
Many times The Oregonian has ex
pressed disapproval of the assertion, too
commonly made, that the immigration
of Italians into the United States was
a peril," that ought to be cheeked or
stopped altogether. The truth is that
the Italians who come to America are
not, in the ma , an "undesirable pop
ulation." On the contrary, they are the
heirs of all the ages of culture, art and
civilization. Most of them quickly fall
in with the new duties of citizenship
in our country; and their children, edu
cated in the public schools, rapidly be
come an important factor of the vari
ous racial strains and nationalities that
are making up our composite Ameri
can life.
"The Italian in America" is the title
of an important book owning the joint
authorship of Kliot Lord, of the Census
Bureau; of John J. D. Trenor, of the
National Board of Trade, and of Sam
uel J. Barrows, secretary of the Prison
Association of New York. It is a very
complete review of the position of the
Italian race in the United States, and
an exposition of its contribution to the
mini of our composite nationality. It
is shown that Italians are engaged in
nearly every possible industry in every
one of our states; that they are more
free than many other elements of our
population from pauperism, disease
and crime; that they are making
equal progrer with others in accumu
lation of properly, and that their chil
dren, among the very brightest of
those who attend the public school?,
catch with an eager intuition the epirlt
of the institutions and life of America.
Many indeed remain in the large cit
ies; but distribution of the Italian pop
ulation throughout the country is go
ing on rapidly, and they bring to each
and every industry the special addi
tional knowledge which in many
capes among our own people has
been lacking. Their adaptability is
immense. Hardly a single one of
our induntrlep, especially the minor
ones, to which they are not able to
bring valuable experience. In promo
tion of variety of agriculture, in fruit
growing and small farming, they are
unrivalled. There is, no mechanical
trade, especially in the higher arts. In
which they have not their representa
tives. And no wonder: because their
country is. and for more than twenty
centuries has been, the world's store
house of art and of mechanical design.
In reply to the assertion that they
crowd into the large eitieo and create
noisome districts within them, these
writers show that the sections com
plained of are better today materially
belter thi they were at the time of
their original occupation by Italian im
migrants. In New York City they have
literally cleaned up and transformed
many old and malodorous localities.
Much of the property has long been
held by old estates firt families who
there as here have been backward in
selling or improving. Italians, taking
leases, or buying when they could, 'have
made In such localities great changes
for the better, which former residents
or landlords never could be induced to
make. The thrift of the Italian is e-o
exceptional that barbers, groeerymen
and tailors, and even bootblacks and
common laborers, often save enough to
figure as tenement landlords. Particu
lar localities in New York are described
where these changes are in steady
prosre.-r. The like is seen also in other
cities, but it is more conspicuous in the
metropolis, where the population is so
greatly congested. To sanitary re
quirements the Italians yie'd more
readily than the people of several o:her
nationalities. including our own.
Among the Italians there are some
paupers, of course, but proportionate
ly not many. A reason why it is sup
posed by many that this race is ad
dicted to criminal acts, more perhaps
than others, is attributed to the fact
that crimes committed by Italians are
of more sensational character than the
average, or are more readily inflated
into popular sensations. Statistics in
fact show that in proportion of all
crimes to population the Italians do
not suffer in any comparison. Crimes
in which lethal weapons are used are
i:i a great majority of instances con
fined to their own nationality. Often
the Inciting cause is covered by trivial
pretenses and a quarrel flames up for
no reason apparent to ordinary ob
servers. It Is in the nature of the race,
no doubt, and much due to customs
that will undergo changes in the new
circumstances of American life.
Now while the Italian, judged by our
standards, has many faults, he sup
plies a strain of blood, an intellectual
quickness, an inventive" or acquired in
dustry, and various hereditary quali
ties, fusible into the composite life of
our own country. He supplies one of
the elements useful in making this na
tion a great, complete, homogeneous,
economic entity. We want new blood
everywhere to keep the old blood from
stagnation or take it out of the ruts.
The Italian is one of the factors of
this movement in America.
We think Mayor Lane exaggerates
the dangers of the public school build
ings of Portland. To every public
building there is some danger from
fire; but Portland's school buildings
are safe as those of other cities. You
may call any building a fire trap, if
you please; for any building may be
burnt, and no s-jhoolhouse can be con
structed that fire may not consume.
The Mayor's speech strikes us as a
panicky note, spoken large, without
practical object. Whatever additional
safeguards experience here or else
where can suggest should be adopted;
but the school buildings of Portland
are in general a type of those through
out the cities of the United States, and
sufcT rhan many because not so tall.
That some are built of wood makes
them no more dangerous than if they
were of ordinary brick construction;
for such buildings, when burnt,
usually take fire from within. Ample
passageways and stairways, and wide
steps, ought always to be provided;
and the construction should be such
that a fire starting in the basement
would not quickly find openings
to ruh through, to rooms above. We
believe these precautions, and others,
are now well observed. Our school
architecture, there can be no doubt,
will still adhere, substantially, to pres
ent plans.
The news dispatches contain the
pleasing Intelligence that the American
Stockbreeders' Association has decided
to divert a fraction of Its energies from
the improvement of stock to the eleva
tion of the human race. It will try to
effect its purpose by preventing the
marriage of defectives like idiots, in
sane people and congenital criminals.
A committee composed of men, sonie
of w hom are practical and some merely
learned, has been appointed to take up
the subject, and before a great while
an illuminating report may be expected.
The human race certainly needs im
provement. Men are not so handsome
after their kind as horses and are far
less healthy than the swine, to which
psychologically they are often so closely
akin. A finely proportioned man Is the
exception on the street. Most humans
whom one meets are either too short or
too tall, too thin or too rotund. Their
noses are out of joint: their chins re
treat disastrously; their beards are
scraggly; their eyes are a-squint. The
average human as a piece of physical
workmanship is a failure. He needs
improvement and he needs it badly.
Nor is he much better off mentally.
His general ineptitude has won him
many contemptuous epithets from his
spiritual and political guides, and he
deserves mest of them. To the com
mittee of the Stoclfbreeders' Associa
tion, which has undertaken his Im
provement, he owes 'both gratitude for
its benevolence and admiration for its
courage. Assuredly it is a courageous
committee which dares to undertake
the restriction of marriage. The privi
lege of the idiot, the thief and the mur
derer to unite himself to a. partner of
his own sort and multiply his precious
type Is usually numbered among the
inherent and inalienable human rights.
Whoever would take it away has a
sorious task before him. Superstition,
sentimentality and hysterical sympathy
are all against the committee. Work
ing with it is nothing but common
sense, which plays but a pitiful part in
controlling the affairs of men. With no
hope that the committee will accom
plish anything, one may wish them
well. In the full expectation of their
utter failure, as other similar commit
tees have failed before, me bid them
godspeed in their beneficent but futile
The assertion made in these columns
recently that the Willamette Valley
and Rogue River Valley can and
should produce as good apples as Hood
River has aroused the ire of the Hood
River News Letter. The editor of the
paper published in Oregon's best
known apple region says he is tired of
seeing the declaration that other por
tions of the state can and do produce
apples "just as good" as those grown
in Hood River Valley. That other, ap
ples are as good in some particulars he
is w illing to admit, but he asserts that
the general superiority of Hood River
apples is shown by the tiigher price re
ceived and by the fact that the apples
keep until midsummer.
Just what - bais the Hood River
writer has for his complaint is diffi
cult to understand. No applegrowing
section has ever claimed that it can or
does excel Hood River. No other dis
trict has manifested the least desire to
detract one iota from the splendid rep
utation Hood River has gained for its
fruit. In fact, every portion of the
state is proud of the achievements of
this far-famed apple region, and every
loyal citizen of Oregon will do all in
his power to extend and increase the
good nane that has been worthily won.
Is it detraction from Hood River's
reputation to say that other sections
can raise apples just as good? Is it
not rather an admission that Hood
River sets the standard of excellence in
the markets of the world? Hood River
has grown apples of the varieties that
find favor for shipment, has kept the
trees free from pests, has closely sorted
the fruit for shipment, has packed it in
the most approved manner, and has -not
lost an opportunity to advertise. It
may be. admitted that in the percent
age of first-class apples. Hood River
surpasses other sections, for in the Wil
lamette Valley, for example, orchards
have been neglected until a great per
centage of the. fruit is small . and
wormy. The few well-kept orchards
have had to suffer the evil conse
quences of proximity to neglected or
chards. But it is true, and when Wil
lamette Valley applegrowens have
wakened to their opportunities it will
be proven that other sections of the
state can produce apples "just as good"
as those grown at Hood River. The
product of a few well-attended or
chards shows this. What The Orego
nian d-esires, and what it is trying to
do by its frequent mention of the sub
ject, is to arouse the Willamette Valley
applegrow'ers from their lethargy and
Induce thetu to prune, cultivate and
spray their trees, thin the fruit, harvest
it carefully, sort it closely, pack it
honestly and then advertise it until it
will sell "Just as well" as Hood River
Breaking ground for the Tillamook
railroad the other day was an event
long anticipated by the citizens of that
pent-up section the realization of a
hope long- deferred. The people of Til
lamook County had treason for rejoicing
when, after all these yeans of waiting,
the first sod was turned certifying that
this long-delayed enterprise had at
length taken definite shape,-and that in
a year or two, or three at the utmost,
Tillamook County would have railway
connection with the outside world.
The shut-in condition of the people of
this coast county of Oregbn has long (
been a just cause of grievance to them.
Yet, in the face of the handicap that
it has imposed, they have gone for
ward in developing such resources and
industries as they could, growing in
prosperity, if not in contentment, year
by year. While lack of transportation
facilities has prevented development of
the vast timber resources of the
county, left its magnificent coal
deposits undisturbed and made man
ufactures .practically Impossible, much
progress has been made in home
building, in dairying and in lum
bering. The history of Tillamook
County in the last twenty-five years is
the record of a people who, in spite of
Isolation, in spite of discouragement,
have kept their courage, been loyal to
their country and made the most of
their circumstances. That rapid de
velopment will follow completion of the
railroad cannot 'be doubted. The nat
ural resources of the section are those
that make for contentment and pros
perity. The development of these will
give work and wages and homes to a
multitude. While other sections are
wrestling with problems of irrigation,
Tillamook rejoices In an annual rain
fall that insures" an abundance of
growing thing: other sections have
been "logged off" while thousands of
acres of her forest primeval are un
touched; other fields have paid tribute
to agriculture until they aire partially
exhausted; hers are waiting to welcome
the husbandman.
An old-new region is Tillamook
County old in that patient settlers
have waited for a generation for soil to
be broken for her first railroad; new
because completion of the railroad will
be the beginning of wide industrial,
manufacturing and agricultural activi
ties within her borders.
The Emperor William's "great idea,"
as Professor Burgess calls it, that
American and German college lecturers
should exchange pulpits occasionally,
had among itfs first fruits the establish
ment of the Roosevelt chair of Ameri
can history at the University of Berlin.
Upon this foundation Professor Bur
gess, of Columbia, has begun the ini
tial course of lectures, and he has con
trived to attract the attention of the
civilized world 'by his preliminary re
marks. The gist of the paragraph
which all the European papers are re
printing with varied comment is that
both the high protective tariff idea and
the Monroe Doctrine "are almost obso
lete, and that the reconstruction of Eu
ropean 6tates and their constitutions
and the acceptance by the United
States itself of its position as. a world
power have made them appear nearly
Professor Burgess admits that Amer
can politicians and, what is worse, the
American people in general, are not yet
ready to take this view, but he con
gratulates himself that his position as
a lecturer on an international founda
tion is so secure that he can utter the
truth as he finds it without fear of
making political enemies or losing of
fice. It may be admitted tat the outset
that if the Monroe Doctrine were un
derstood one-half as much as it is dis
cussed it would become very much less
of a National fetich. It originated with
Canning, the English statesman, who
put it into the mind of Mr. Rush, the
American Minister to Great Britain at
that time, to counteract the schemes of
the "Holy Alliance." This unhoJy com
bination of European tyrants had
among its objects the destruction of
the republican governments which had
just been formed in South America and
the restoration of the power of Spain
over that continent. To this Canning
was opposed, and he desired the co
operation of America against it. Rush
communicated the idea to President
Monroe, who declined to co-operate
with Canning, tout made, as an inde
pendent doctrine of his own, the famous
declaration in his mess-age that the
American Continent must not thence
forth be considered ground for Euro
pean colonies.
The purpose of the "Holy Alliance"
was to destroy republican institutions
throughout the world and subject the
entire human race to the rule of "le
gitimate" monarchs. Their South
American project was a direct menace
to the United States: and because it
was a direct menace. President Monroe
was justified by the principles of in
ternational law in promulgating his
"doctrine." Professor Burgess now
says that the changes in the constftu
tions of European governments have
been so extensive that the Monroe Doc
trine is obsolete and nearly senseless.
In this must concede him a meas
ure of correctness. The absolute mon
archical principle which was upheld
by the "Holy Alliance" has completely
disappeared from European polity, ex
cept in Russia, and there it is impo
tent. All the important European na
tions now .live under constitutions, most
of them quite as liberal as our own
and some of them more so. They, are
no longer united in an attempt to de
stroy republican institutions and never
will be again. The marked trend of
their current history is toward democ
racy. No menace to the United States
is discernible in any colonies which
they are likely to establish in South
America or elsewhere.
Thus the reason for the Monroe Doc
trine has been completely eliminated by
the progress of history. It has no
longer much significance except in the
shallow" mouthings of politicians. So
far as mere financial and Industrial ad
vantage is concerned, it would be much
better for us were South America popu-
i lated with steady-going, peaceful Ger
mans than with the excitable Latins;
but the fact of the matter is that the
greater portion of South America is not
populated at. all. Its enormous re
sources are unexploited, and are likely
to remain so indefinitely, unless the im
pulse to progress comes from an influx
of more energetic people. This seems
to be the thought of Professor Burgees.
But there is another point also.
So long as the United States confined
its activity to this continent and did
not mingle in the concerns of the
larcer world, the Monroe Doctrine
seemed logical enough. It was some
what surly and un-neighborly. It was
much like Mr. Pennoyer's message to
the President, that he would mind hte
business if Mr. Cleveland would do the
same. But since we have definitely
abandoned our policy of exclusiveness
and have actively taken hold of world
wide affairs and begun to acquire colo
nies in both hemispheres, the Monroe
Doctrine tbecomes blankly inconsistent.
We cannot hope that in these circum
stances other nations will continue to
tolerate it. What we claim for our
selves we must concede to others. If
we colonize in the Eastern Hemisphere
we must not deny to other nations the
previlege of colonizing vacant lands in
the Western. So long as we stayed at
honfe in parocnial solitude the Monroe
Doctrine did absolve us from the ne
cessity of maintaining a great Navy
and a numerous Army. To that extent
it was an advantage. But this advan
tage we have abandoned of our own
choice or through necessity. By un
dertaking foreign conquests we have
compelled ourselves to assume military
burdens. Hence even this purely do
mestic reason for upholding the Monroe
Doctrine has now vanished. The more
one examines the matter the more he
will be disposed' to grant that Professor
Burgess speaks with information and
w isdpm.
Senator Bailey, of Texas, flays
Hearst. Representative John Sharp
Williams, of Mississippi, says Bryan's
policy of Government ownership of
railroads must be repudiated. It is
hard to tell where anybody is "at."
Williams further expresses the belief
that "the country is on the verge 'of a
break-up of the old party alignments,
and that in five years there will be two
great parties, one paternalistic, com
posed of men who, having lost all con
fidence in the capacity of the people to
do anything for themselves, would in
trust everything to the Government.
The other party will be composed of
men who still believe in the initiative
of the individual and in the principles
enunciated by Thomas Jefferson".' " But
every person who appeals to Jefferson
interprets Jefferson's principles to suit
himself. The paternalists also do it.
Thomas F. Millard, 'who has had
much opportunity for observation in
the Orient, thinks that it will be a long
time before the Japanese can compete
to any important extent with the man
ufacturers of other nations. "The av
erage Japanese," he says, "is not only- a
rather poor workman, indifferent to his
own incompetence and destitute of
ambition to remedy it, but he has little
notion of the value of time a vital de
ficiency in the modern struggle for su
premacy." Also that "there is not in
Japan today anything that approxi
mates the skilled labor of other coun
tries, although the minute perfection
of certain artistic products conveys a
superficial impression to the contrary."
Ex-United States Senator Burton, of
Kansas, is supposed to be serving time
in a prison in Missouri, but according
to press dispatches he is permitted to
leave the prison and visit his wife's
apartments. His wife cooks his meals
and takes them to him 60 that he need
not live on prison fare. Serving a term
in prison under a Federal sentence is
not so bad after all. This ought to give
great consolation in Oregon.
Our far-famed citizen, H. H. Turner,
of Salem, is having his full share of
trouble. After having acknowledged
his guilt of state land frauds, he has
been made defendant in disbarment
proceedings and now the Supreme
Court has ruled against him in a suit
brought by an old man of feeble mind
to cancel a deed obtained by deception
and fraud. Surely the way of the
transgressor is :hard.
Almost every week brings a report of
the awful death of a. small child who
has fallen into a tub of scalding water
or played too close to a fire and burned
to death. These are accidents that a
little forethought and care would pre
vent, and parents who have small chil
dren should take warning from the sad
calamities that thave befallen others.
The vote on Representative in Con
gress in Cannon's district, the eight
eenth Illinois, two years ago stood thus:
Cannon, 30,520; McClenathan, Dem.,
15,168; Jones, Pro,, 2456; Rogers, Soc.,
1099. The "dead set" made against
Cannon by the labor unions will cut his
majority down; and this probably is all
his opponents, hope for.
The police of Cleveland, O., have
finally agreed to toelieve Anna Held's
story that she was robbed of $161,000
worth of jewels and $106,000 in money
while riding on a railroad train a few
days ago.- We'd like to see the Chief
of Police who could tell Anna that he
believed she fibbed.
Mr. Timothy Woodruff appears to be
greatly excited because President
Roosevelt said one thing and Hearst
says another about rich men and
wealth. What does he want or expect?
Hearst to advocate and stand for the
same things as the President?
The Supreme Court says that an at
torney is entitled to a fee commen
surate with his education, integrity,
ability and tact. Sometimes his fee
also depends upon the official position
he holds and not infrequently upon his
A Hood River paper indignantly de
clares that Hood River apples are
"better" than Willamette Valley or
Southern Oregon applee. They may
not be better, but everybody will agree
that they are best. And higher.
Mr. Hearst is a Lincoln Republican
and a Jefferson Democrat. Great
chance for some enterprising- medium
to find out what Lincoln and Jefferson
have to say to that.
Mrs. Eddy is surely alive. Every
Christian Scientist knows it because
he believes it: artd he believes it be
cause Mrs. Eddy told him so. She
ougtit to know.
The labor leaders exercise rare judg
ment in picking out for immolation a
candidate like Joe Cannon, -whom they
have no possible chance of defecating.
J-uet to quiet a rumor said to be going
the rounds, we feel authorized to say
that Yelguth. hasn't been released from
prison yet.
Mrs. Russell Sage has given $1000 fo a
church and $200 to a family servant.
There is '$1 00,000,000 left. She'll have to
Well all agree, now. that Mrs. Eddy
is alive, and paiis on to the next sensa
tion. .
Wlat the w York Papers Are Sty
lus About Hearst.
The Morning After.
New York Times.
Probably from the New York American, Nov.
7, 1906.
"Who wins
Hughes Elected Governor. But the Ananias
The Ananias Cup.
The Elec
tion is over.
A C T L. Y
ONE paper
1 v a s c o n -
vinced that HEARST WOULD BE
this gTeat metropolis said that the PEO
PLE WOULD WIN; that the Government
FOR THE MORGANS- would perish from
the earth.
It said that on Nov. 6 Hughes would be
HEARST would be elected GOVERNOR
of New York by those votes.
for him!
They were not cast, so they were NOT
They were not counted, so they were
Corporation Charlie was elected. All
the other papers said THAT HE WOULD
Who wins the ANANIAS CUP? Who
fooled the people and the other newspa
pers ? v
Who's a LIAR, anyway?.
I Did It, Snys Mr. Hearst.
' New Ytrfa; Tribune.
Who was it who exposed the Star
Route frauds but the head of the Star
Company (incorporated)? Who was it
who smashed the Tweed ring but Will
iam Randolph Hearst? Who was it
that issued the Emancipation Procla
mation and spoke freedom to 4,000,000
slaves but the supreme exponent of
Demagogracy? who was it that draft
ed the Constitution of the United
States, iramed the Ordinance of 1787,
wrote the Declaration of Independence,
with his own right hand heaved over
board that tea in Boston Harbor? The
muse of history draws a long breath
and fairly yells, "Our Willie!"
"Alone I did it!" And if anyone ven
tures to think otherwise, why
What's the matter, you dissentious
That, rubbing the poor itch of your
opinion, ,
Make yourself scabs?
Shall we not put upon our coins the
motto, "In Hearst we trust?''
The Faker and His Cures.
New York Globe.
At Madison Square Garden Hearst 'the
Promiser took a night off and yielded
the center of the stage to Hearst the
Braggart. He took as his theme "My
self and My Newspapers" with his lips
to his own horn he tooted advertising
blasts for some twenty minutes. One
can imagine him saying to himself. "I
may not be elected Governor, but I at
least have made the most of my oppor
tunity to drum up future business for
my business enterprises." The language
was practically that of the medicine
faker who boasts of his cures, the while
denouncing as enemies of health all who
doubt the genuineness of the perform
ances he proclaims. -
The I, I, ls Have It.
New York Mail.
Through that Garden speech flash the
I, I. I's "as telegraph poles slide by the
traveler," to use-the phrase of Kipling. "I
reduced the price of ice one-half;" "I in
stituted criminal proceedings;" "I fought
the New York Central;" "I fought the
Seventh National Bank and had the de
positors paid in full." So it goes through
some sixty-four repetitions of the "I." It
seems that agitation, impeachment and
punishment in American life were all the
work of Hearst. Nothing was left any
where in the country for President or
Governors, or prosecutors or Legislatures
or grand or petit juries. "I" did it all.
"I" am "the bos'un tight and the mid
shipmite and the crew of the captain's
What Millions of Money Can Bo.
.New York Times.
Than Mr. Hearst there has been none
more evil, none more dangerous, none;
more repulsive to the moral sense in
our whole political history. Our poll
tics have never known such a man, a
man of boundless ambition, a man re
gardless of decency and honor, who
was able and willing to spend millions
if need be in lifting himself to place
and power. Demagogues equally reck
less have appeared in our politics, but
they did not have Hearst's millions.
It is his money that makes him dan
gerous. Flocy and His FiiEHgers.
New York Herald.
Don't vote for candidates who wear the
Murphy or the Hearst collar and who
would be subject to the orders of the
bosses who have nominated them. Be
true to the best traditions of the people
of New York City and New York State.
Smash the infamous judiciary deal and
elect the able and independent non-partisan
ticket selected by the judiciary
nominators. "Fingy" predicts 150,000 plu
rality for "riot and rottenness" in this
state, but in Buffalo "Fingy" is looked
upon as a poor hand with "Aggers.'
Hearst and Hughes.
Hartford (Conn.) Times.
There is a young fellow named Hearst
Who, many declare, "is the wearst"
He owns eight newspapers.
And several skyscrapers.
And says "I'll be Governor or bearst.
Another bright fellow named Hughes,
"Who gave all the grafters the blushes.
Says, "I'll see about that
I'll a new hat
That I'll step into Higglns shughes."
The Teal With Murphy.
Kew York Sun.
I have made no deal with any human
being on ear.-h. William R. Hearst.
Alurpny certainly did not look hu
man in the Hearst cartoons.
The Mystic.
Through all the day our loads we bear
By common highways we must go.
But when at night we rest, we hear
Tho Voice again, whereby we know
Through all the rush of hurrying feei
One walked beside "u In the street.
Then wide your fpirifs casement fling
Tour censer All and lift it high:
Behoid, its tiame Is flickering
Be. au? a AVind is blowing nigh;
Look forth and see a Snadow fall
Upon the common roadside wall.
"Polly" the world may say. "We name
Tour vision empty phantasy.
What is the flicker of a name,
A wandering shadow passing by?"
But we. we know Who went unseen
Our censer and the world between.
O ye that walk this dusty place.
Whose spirit in the clamor reels.
Whose ears are filed wit:i nothingness,.
Unmeaning drone of endless wheels.
Come walk with us. and you shall learn
Whose Hands their mighty axles turn.
'Ti but our nichtly way we tread
With dizzy brain and brulcd feet.
While clouls of dust all tiery red
Sweep to the sunset up the street.
Yet the gloom quivers. Hush r and nark!
Who was it called us from the dark?
He Hones to Carry Reform Into the
Camp of Present Reformers.
New York Tribune (Kditorial).
The return of the Rev. Dr. Stephen S.
Wise to New York injects a now element
into the largest Jewish community in the
world, and his efforts to establish a new
form of Judaism will be watched with
interest, not only by the people of his
persuasion, but by all others, irrespective
of. creed, who give thought to religious
changes and evolution.
In outlining his plans in the Tribune
Dr. Wise shows that he is not like some
of the men who are dissatisfied with
Judaism as they found it; he is not a
destructionist, but a builder. He hopes
to point a way, "not out of Judaism, but
a way forward with Judaism: out of the
Judaism that never was, into the Juda
ism that never ceases to be." llis is
evidently a scheme to carry reform into
the camp of the present reformers, and
in order to accomplish his purpose he
probably thinks that some truths mut
be brought home to the people which will
be unpleasant to hear, some measures
must be adopted with which the majority
would not be tif accord and some forms
of ceremony should be introduced "which
might not be approved by a board of
trustees. - Hence his refusal to subscribe
to the supremacy of a board over its
rabbi and his assertion that ho would
preach only where he would not be
The great reformers in American Juda
ismIsaac M. Wise. Einhorn, Lilienthalfc
Hirsch and Marzbacher fought their
battles 60 years ago. They aimed to re
move Orientalism, to banish forms and
ceremonies which were incongruous with
American institutions, to substitute Eng
lish for Hebrew in the ritual, to make
the house of worship attractive by the
introduction of choir music and to keep
a hold on the young people, whom thoy
feared to lose If the old-time methods
were continued. It was a hard struggle,
and while many of the congregations
remained true to ancient ceremony, a
great many threw off the yoke, and re
formed Judaism in America, with organ
ized bodies in every city, was the result.
The movement was continued by able
men like Adlcr, Gottheil, Falk, Cohn.
Schlessingor an d a host of other learned
rabbis. In the meantime thousands upon
thousands of Jews came pouring into the
country from a land where reform was
unknown, where ritual and ceremonial
had undergone little change. They es
tablished houses of worship here after
their old honje plan, and looked with
horror upon their American reformed
neighbors. The leaders of the reform
movement had not pone far enough to
satisy some of their followers. To them
even the house of worship was a super
fluity, and they seceded, under the leader
ship of Felix Adler, who had been looked
upon by many as the successor to his
father in the pulpit of the Temple
Thus the Jews became divided Into
three classes, the orthodox, the reformed
and the secessionists, and the older peo
ple began to ask themselves." "Where
will our children go?" There was ndth
ing attractive in the ancient houses of
worship for the American, and as to the
uptown congregations. Dr. Wise may be
right when he says that these bodies are
little larger today than they were when
New York's Jewish population was only
one-quarter what it is at present. If
we can judge by what he has said, it
is the rabbi's- intention to re-establish
interest where apathy now rrevails, with
out leading his followers "cut of Juda
ism," but into the faith, in the stability
of which he firmly believes. When he
says he stands for "progress and pro
phetic Judaism," he sets for himself the
mission of vitalizing the faith and wor
ship of his people, a task which mission
aries and evangelists have often under
taken in the Christian Church, and his
succession, like theirs, must depend on
the extent of the reformer's own pro
phetic power and capacity to give in
spiration, rather than on any reformatory
The Countercheck Quarrelsome.
Boston Herald.
Perhaps the most notable event In the
Parliamentary career of the late Colonel
Saunderson, the pugnacious Orangeman
from Belfast, was his tilt with the late
Dr. Tanner, who, during an exciting de
bate very late one night in the Commons,
denounced Colonel Saunderson as a fool.
Colonel Saunderson thereupon arose and
remarked that Tanner was drunk.
"I may be drunk," said Tanner, "but
I'll be sober in the morning, while the
member from Armagh will be a fool all
his natural life."
Strange to relate, that closed the inci
dent. Here Is "Sarkasm.
Governor Cummins of Iowa, at Dan
ville Friday, declared for reform of the
tariff and control of corporate wealth.
Indianapolis News.
The tariff is to be reformed, some April
31, by its friends; wealth. Immediately by
its enemies. New York Sun.
Making Money.
Yonkers Statesman.
He was a counterfeiter.
And was clever at the game;
Be tried to make a living.
But they stopped him just the same.
The secret service agent
Gave attention to his tale.
But they baid it wouldn't answer.
So they clapped him into jail.
But when he got his freedom
He wrote a stirring play
About some counterfeiters.
And the thing began to pay.
He's making lots of money.
For his drama Is the rage.
Now they really cannot stop him
Making money on the stage.
Zf? 1
Sent It Bark, Rut Told About It.
Union Republican.
An exceedingly conscientious legislator
from Clackamas Countv has sent hack
hU railroad pass. Nearly every legisla
ture in every state has one of these
curiosities, who seek to impress the con
stituency as to his integrity by this
- The Busy. Busy Knocker.
Medford Mail.
The knocker always works cheap. He
will exert himself harder for less com
pensation than any other creature on
earth and his unbounded Energy and
enthusiasm in opposition to progress
would earn him a laurel wreath if It
could be directed in opposite channels.
Old System All Wrong.
Heppner Gazette.
It is better to put up the office of Sen
ator at public auction, where all of the
people hayo a show, than to return to
tlie tdd system of private sale, where the
people have nothing to say. The people
were emphatic when they tpoke in favor
of the law that places us untWr the
present pysiem.
What the Veonle Expect.
Heppner Times.
The Dalles Optimist is not likely to ac
complish much in its advocacy of the de
feat of Bourne ai the coming session or
the Legislature. No one seems to get
enthused over the proposition but Brother
Bennett. The truth of tho matter is the
people of Oregon will be satisfied if the
Legislature will ratify their verdict ren
dered at the polls last June.
One Letter Not Really Missed.
Albany Democrat.
The Democrat yesterday intended to
use the word Good when it said "God
for Heney," but perhaps, the error was
a good one to make. for there are many
things which make It look as if God was
with Heney in his prosecution of grafters
and political shysters. His success has
certainly been marvelous, and ho has
done a work for better conditions that
can leave no doubt that God is In It.
Drain Puts lu a Word For Itself.
Drain Nonpareil.
The State Normal School at Drain is
now the largest in tho state. Heretofore
the Monmouth School was in the lead,
but, strange as it may seem, it is now
the smallest of the four State Normal
Schools. Drain is in the lead. Ashland
second, Weston third and Monmouth
fourth. Much of this splendid success is
due to the untiring energy of President
Briggs, Vice-President Brown und the
careful management of the Board of
Regents. The completion of tho new
railroad to Coos and Curry Counties will
result in giving this school a tremendous
impetus, and no doubt it will always
remain the leading Normal School of
State Will ot Be Taxed.
Ashland Times.
There is no indication that the people
of Oregon will consent to he taxed for
an appropriation to wand Columbia itiver
improvement in the matter of jetties,
dredging Celilo Canal or otherwise. This
newspuier has always taken the ground
that Columbia River improvement Is of
the lirst importance In the state's needs,
but Washington and Ida-ho have as much
interest in the great river, generally
viewed, as Oregon. It is not to be seri
ously considered that the three states
will get together to help Columbia River
improvement projects. The United States
Government should do the work, and
must do it if it is done. Hence the need
of direct appeal to headquarters and the
shaping of every Influence possible to
ward the accomplishment of those good
commercial purposes in connection with
navigation of the Columbia.
Timber Meltlna; Awny,
Chicago Chronicle.
The National Hardwood Xuniber Asso
ciation, recently in session in Memphis,
Tenn., accepted the committee report
that, from the best estimates possible to .
be had, "there now stood in the United
States approximately 1.475.000,000,000 feet of
lumber, but that 4:,000,000.000 feet were
being cut every year." At this rate the
forests would last nearly 31 years, at
which time the production of commercial
lumber must cease altogether. But there
are several other contingencies which
must be considered In such calculations.
The annual tires in forests destroy an in
credible quantity of standing timber, in
cluding ail the younger growths which
have started and the seed as well, and
seed trees from which future forests must
be produced. Including the consumption
of wood for pulp and paper, lumber cut
for export and for domestic use, telegraph
poles, crossties, piling and fuel, of which
much is still used in many locations, the
timber used in mining operations and
that destroyed by forest tires, there are
75.000,000,000 feet of lumber consumed each
year, with an increased quantity yearly.
It is evident, therefore, that there Is not
enough timber standing to continue com
mercially for more than 20 years in all the
United States, including the Pacific Coast
forests. , :
The Slat-Hunter's Song.
New York Evening Mail.
Kathleen Mavourneen! the gray dawn Is
The voice of tho hunter is heard on the
Out !n the Bronx and in Harlem it's making
A similar noise to a ten-dollar bill.
Oh! hast thou forgotten that w must
To locate a flat? Come, Mavourneen,
let's start.
We may hunt for years and we may
hunt forever.
Oh! when shall we And It, thou voice of
my heart?
From the Tacoma Ne