Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 31, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Clever Fielding of the Beavers
Cuts Off Many Runs.
In the First Two Innings He Allows
Eight Hits and Walks Fonp
Men, Hesulting in
Eight Runs.
Yesterday's Results.
Portland, 10; Freeno. 5.
Seattle, 3; Lo Angeles, 0.
Standing of the Clubi.
Won. Lost. p.r.
Portland 11. firt -72
Seattle M TS ..V.R
San Kran-ico fcs. SI Alt
T.o Angelej...... . 0' IW .fo
Oakland 7.1 lint .414
Fresno .. 69 118 .335
FRESNO. Oct. 30. (Special.) Today's
game was a batzenfest of the highest
order, the visitors knocking Hoag out of
the box in two innings, getting eight
hits and four walks, netting eight runs.
Tiien the far-famed Truck Kgan mounted
the hill and his finish seemed to lie in
the same direction, but he pulled himself
together and held the Champions to a
shoestring after the third inning, allow
ing hut six hits and fanning seven. '
Callff was hit as hard as the Rairnn
Pitchers, but the Beavers tielded fast and
perfectly Vehind him and the score wart
10 to 5 in favor of Portland at the finish.
A feature of the game was the number
of double plays, no less than five of them
being pulled off. The score:
AB. R. H. PO. A. K.
Fwernrv, Ks. 4 2 'Z li 1
McHalr, .f 4 i 2 2 0
Mit.-he'l. In :i 3 r 1:1 o o
('int. rf. .. .. 5 1 .", 1 a v
Smith. 3b . :; l 2 0
Warner, ;!b 4 1 1 2 :l O
Ponahue. c 4 ft 1 fl 1 0
Lister. If 5 t 2 1 O t
CalifT, p. 4 0 O O 3 0
Total as 10 14 27 11 1
AB. n. H. PO. A. E.
a my. .h ;, 0 1 2 3 0
i ). .ib. rr r. o i n l i
Wollers. If. rf ." 1 4 2 1. 1
McLaughlin, If 4 2 2 2 0 o
Kaga!l, 3b. p 5 2 O 4 0
I.c nia. s ft o t 2 3 0
Cartwi iglit, lb 4 1 2 11 ft 0
llnean, c 4 O ft 8 1 ft
l-ac. p ft ft ft ft 2 ft
Dasliwood, rf 3 110 0 0
Total 40 5 14 27 15 2
Ba.e hits..
Base htu..
.0 4 2 0 0 0
0 1
3 5
4 14
1 1
1 ft 1 0
4 111
Two-base hlt.. Mrllalr. Welter. Three-base
hits, Meliale. Warner. McLauc h lin. First hasp
on calird haile., oft Callff. 2; Hoag, 4; Eagan, 2.
struck out, by Calilf. 4; Hagan. 4. Innings
pitched, by HoK. 2; Eaijan, 7. Left on haees,
Portland. It; Fresno, l(t. Double plays, Belmas
to Casey to Calili' to Tl-mahue to Mitchell;
Warner to Sweeney to M 1 tche 1 1 , Wild pitches.
Kalian 1, Hoas 1. Hit by pitrhpr. Meliale and
Califf by Eagan. Ttnip. !:::". t'mpire, Mahaffcy.
Oakland Make Krrors and (irahani
Wobbles at Critical Times.
OAKLAND. Cal.. Oct. HO. The effective
pitching of liltt for San Francisco,' cou
pled with Oakland's errors and (Iraham's
lark of control at critical moments, gave
today's game to tho Seals. The score:
Oakland 00 0 000 1 00-1 S :t
San Francisco ...1 0 3 0 0 1 1 6 8 3
Batteries Graham and Hackett; llitt
and Wilson.
Umpire Perrlne.
Garvin Wins Pitchers' Rattle.
I.OS ANOKLKS. Oct. 80. In a terrific
pitchers' battle today between Garvin
and Nagle, Los Angeles was shut out
with but ono liTt to their credit in the
ten innings, a two-bugger by Cravath
in the fourth. The score:
n. h. e.
ijnn ADgeles 0 00 0 00000 0-0 1 3
Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 S 1
Bmterles Naglc. Buckley and Eager;
Garvin and, Bltittkenship.
Umpire Derrick.
grading and clearing as may be neces
sary to prepare the ground for laying
out the cricket field and tennis court and
clubhouse site. Mr. Browne has made
tome tentative sketches of the proposed
clubhouse. The. building will be about
30x40, and will contain all the con
veniences usually found in a clubhouse,
where the members may entertain
cricket players from abroad. It is ex
pected to have the grounds anrl club
house completed for formal opening by
next May.
Will Play Willamette Seconds.
Manager Roberts, of the Portland
High School football team, received
word yesterday from the Salem High
School saying that its team would be
unable to come to Portland Friday,
as had been arranged. No reason is
Kiven for the cancelation of the date.
Having secured Multnomah field for
that date the High School manager has
made arrangements to bring the sec
ond team from Willamette University
here Instead. Willamette's second team
is a strong aggregation this season and
should put up a strong game against
the local High School team. Coach
Henderson,, of the High School, is
working his team hard and hopes to
lower the colors over the team from
the capital city.
Coach Is Changing the Position of
-Men to Develop Versatility.
Or., Oct. 3rt. (Special.) Very little work
-was done by the football team on the
practice tletd Monday evening. Coach
rVzdek devoting himself to working out
new plays and rearranging the lineup
of the men.
Gordon Mootvs and Captain Chandler
were drawn bark to positions at half
bark and- Fred Moullou and Henry Me
Kinney sent in to lill the positions at
either end. Dudley Clark, who has shown
up well at right half, is' shifted to full
hark position and will probably be tried
out in the Willamette game.
It is the intention of the coach to de
velop a team versatile enough to take
every advantage of the game as played
tinder the new rules and to this end he
will develop two sets of backs, one for
the he.wy smashing plays and one for
the long, sweeping end runs which the
new rules appear to foster.
Roy Zarharias is slated to take Moul
leu's position tit left tackle, but as the
new system is tried out he may be
shifted to end or even taken to fullbac.
position, should Clark fail to make good,
just at present Zaeharias is out of the
game with an injured foot and Quarter
back Latourette is on the side lines be
cause of his knee, which was bruised
again In the Idaho game.
The university football fans expect in
creased efiirlenry from the new arrange
ment -of men a lid the general feeling Is
that the varsity will conquer Willamette
next Saturday after a hard fight.
Site Containing Over live Acres Se
cured in North Albina.
The Portland Cricket Club Association,
which Is now Incorporated, has secured
live and one-half acres of land in North
Albina. on Pavis and Viola street, and
chappell Browne is preparing plans for
the clubhouse. The new grounds are a
mile nearer Portland tfcan the tract at
Montavilla first investigated, and is so
entuated that it may be laid out with
cricket field and lawn tennis court to a
better advantage. There is a grove of
small trees at one epd of the ground.
The underbrush will be cleared away,
leaving most of tho small trees. In this
grove it Is proposed to build the club
house. The tract is rarge enough to ad
mit of football grounds also.
The directors will hold a meeting Fri
day evening and let a contract tor such
Ward Is Manager of Track Team.
GROVE, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) At the
student-body meeting held today In Marsh
,hall, James R. Ward was elected man
ager of Pacific University's track team.
Ward holds the captaincy of the var
sity's football team and is one of the
best halfbacks In the state for his size.
He has athletic ability .in other lines,
running the 440 In 64 seconds.
Haskell Ferrin -was elected basket ball
manager. Ferrin plays with credit the
position of quarter, on the university's
football team.
H. P. Humphreys and J. R. Ward were
elected members to the athletic committee.
Billiard Tournament In November.
NEW YORK, Oct. SO A billiard tourna
ment for the 1S.2 balk-line championship
of America will be played in this city
on November 10 and following days. The
Held will include Charles Peterson, of
St. Louis: Albert G. Cutler, of Boston:
Al Taylor, of Chicago; "Gray Tim" Gal
lagher and Edward McLaughlin, of New
York, and Harry Cline. of Philadelphia.
Players who have not 'on a world's
championship for ten years are eligible.
Hill, Columbia and High School Well
Represented, and Each
Claims It Will Win.
Rivalry among the football teams in
the Portland Scholastic League is keener
this season than ever before, for the
reason that the teams are about evenly
matched. Portland High School, 1UU
Military Academy and Columbia Uni
versity are the teams that comprise the
league this season. Portland Academy
has for the past several years been in
the league, but football has been abol
ished at that institution. leaviDg only
three teams to compete for the pennant.
Each team is conjldenct of winning the
coveted rag and all three are practicing
Seth Kerron, of University of Oregon
fame, is coaching the Hill team and is
well pleased at the showing tnado in the
two games played this season. In the
first game Hill played the Pacific Uni
versity team to a standstill and last
Saturday defeated the heavy Marshall
Wells team by the decisive score of 12
to 0. Coach Kerron said: "We have a
good, heavy line and a speedy set of
backs equal to any of their weight in
the city. The players are hard workers
and have good wind and endurance. In
Taylor, Hill has one of the best punters
in the city, and with our speedy ends I
do not think we should have much trou
ble in defeating any team in Portland of
equal weight." The next game will prob
ably be with Pacific University in Portland.
The High School has played but one
game this, season, and that was against
tho Third Multnomah last Frioay, when
the former won out by one piint. Each
team scored two touchdowns and the
High School kickod one goal while the
Third Multnomah could not boot the pig
skin between the goal posts. The score,
however, does not indicate the strength
of the two teams. Everything considered,
the High School has the strongest team
in several seasons.
Columbia University is perhaps the
strongest team in the league. Ionergan,
who is coaching the team, knows every
rudiment of football and should be able
to turn out a fast organization. The
Columbia team is the heaviest in the
league and in Grussi they nave a punter
who is fast enough for any company,
Lonergan says he does not think there
is a shadow of a doubt as to which team
will win the pennant.
"Columbia should win the scholastic
championship with ease this season."
said the crack halfback, "for the team
is speedy and heavy and has the other
school teams outclassed in every depart
inent of the game. "
Portland Academy Boys Who Played
Football Are Suspended.
The Portland Academy students, who
played with the third Multnomah football
team last Friday in the game with the
High School, were surprised this week
by being suspended for two days and
being warned that if they played in any
other football game again while the game
is under the ban in the school, they
would be expelled.
By the ruling of the board that has
charge of inter-scholastic athletics, the
boys will not bo allowed to represent the
academy in any athletic contest between.
the schools of the city.
Handicaps Are Arranged.
An indoor handicap meet will be held
Friday night at the Y. M. C. A., in place
of the telegraphers meet, which was to
have been held with the Salem Y. M. C.
A. on that date. The handicap meet has
been arranged for the purpose of trying
out the men for the big Northwest tele
graph meet. Handicaps are as follows:
4Vyard Howerton, cratch; Keys, 3 4-5
seconds; Easter, tH seconds: Arbuthnot., S.
II.. 11 seconds; Li&ub, 6 seconds; "VVetterbors,
4 1-6 second; Arbuthnot. J. G., 10 4-5 sec
onds; Backua, 5 3-5 seconds.
14-yard potato race Howerton, Sims, Rich,
Stubbs, scratch; "W'etterborg. 4-5 second; Keys,
1 second; Oarlson, 'Z seconds; Forbes, S 3-5
seconds; Arbuthnot. S. H., 3 2-5 seconds; AT'
buthnot. J. G.. 3 4-5 second.
Shot put Carlson. Geo., scratch; Pease, 1
inches; Lighty, 1 foot 4H Inches; Vinson, 2
feet, 8 inches; wondaige. 3 feet 2 Inches;
Chamber feet 6 Inches.
Pole, vault Burns, scratch; Sheets, 3 Inches;
Chambers, Id inches; Backus, 14 Inches:
Liirhty, 14 Inchen; Sims, IS inches; Rich, 20
inches; Stubbs, 20 inches.
Running high jump Sheets, scratch; TValby,
Backus. 2 inches; Chambers; Wells, Burns, 4
inches; Stubbs, Sweeney, Campbell, Staub,
Wetterborg, Lighty, ti inches.
Suit the people, because they are tired
of bitter doses, with the pain and griping
that usuany follow. Carter's Little liver
I'uifc. una pui a aosa.
Harry Baker Goes Into Hysterics at
Referee's Choice and Specta
tors Surge About Ring.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 30. Abe Attell. of
San Francisco, won the decision from
Harrv Baker, of San Francisco, after
rounds of fast fighting before the Pacific
Athletic Club tonight, defending the
world's welter-weight championship and
the McCarey diamond belt.
When Referee Eddie Robinson held np
Attell' s gloves before the 4500 spectators
who had been brought to their feet by the
fierce closing rally. Baker threw up both
hands and fell face forward on the floor
in hysterics. Then followed a demonstra
tion at the ringside, the spectators hissing.
hooting and groaning and surging about
the ring in protest against the decision,
while a score of policemen, directed by
Police Commissioners Sadler and Hagan,
fought them back from the enclosure.
Baker, in a perfect frenzy of hysteria,
fought and cursed his seconds in his own
corner for five minutes, while a squad of
policemen escorted Referee Robinson out
of the pavilion. The crowd remained hiss
ing in the pavilion for 20 minutes, defying
the efforts of the police to clear the place.
The betting odds were 2 to 1 on Attell,
and much small money was wagered on
the short end, while thousands of fight
followers who saw Baker win a decision
over Frankie Neill wagered at even money
that he would get a draw.
The fight was one of the most scientific
exhibitions ever seen here, though it was
slow at times, and neither man bore a
mark at the finish. Attell was the ag
gressor throughout, rushing Baker to the
ropes again and again, the latter return
ing a rapid fire of jabs and saving h-im-
self by clever blocking.
Second Multnomah Arranges Contest
With Heavy Washingtonians.
Second Multnomah will clash with the
crack Seattle High School football team
November 10 on Multnomah .Field. Man
ager Sehell received a letter from the
High School manager yesterday saying
that a contract wo jld be forwarded in a
few days for the club's signature. The
High tachool has t le strongest team this
year that has ever been turned out by
that institution. Early in the season they
played the University of Washington a
scoreless game, and, it is said, in some
respects outplayed the university. The
team averages 1.0 stripped weight and
the players are fast and aggressive. In ad
dition to this they have one of the best
punters in the Evergreen State.
I'p to last night the second team had
not turned out for practice, but will set
tle down to good hard work from now
until the date of the game. Against the
High School team the clubmen will send
a team averaging about 163 pounds. The
following players have signified their in
tention of turning out for practice:
Guards, Morris, Fields, McMicken;
tackles, Sterling and Blackman; ends,
Wilder, Corbett and Smlthson: center.
Carlson. For the back field will be Foley
Austin, smitn. Pease, Alexander and a
number of others. Manager Schell may
go in the game, but has not yet decided.
Ilia first-team men express themselves
as well pleased over the organization of a
second team, as it will arouse more en
thusiH.m and bring out the younger play
ers. The Dalles Club team is scheduled to
play the Oregon Agricultural College first
team on iNoveniDer 10. and should thev
defeat the "Agrlcs," an attempt will be
made to bring them here for a Christmas
game with the second Multnomah.
Women's Golf Tournament Opens on
Waverly Links Wednesday.
The golf tournament for the trophy pre
sented by Miss Sallie Lewis will open on
tho Waverly links today. The tro
phy is a silver cup, and is to be contested
for by the women of the club. Every
woman member of the club will be enti
tled to try for the cup. The winner will
have htr name engraved on It and will
be entitled to hold the cup one year,
when it will be contested for again, and
so on each year tl'i all the space for
names Is filled. In addition to the names
the score of each holder of the cup is to
be engraved on it, and the year for which
It was held, intimately the trophy will
be returned to the club and preserved in
the trophy room.
The qualifying rounds will start
Wednesday. All contests are to be over
an 18-hole course, and each player will
be pitted against the field. The two se
curing the lowest score for the day will
qualify for the semi-finals. Wednesday,
November 7, the last of the qualifying
rounds will 'be played. The semi-finals
will be played November 14, and handicap
match play rules will govern.
Opponents will be drawn by lot, and
the winners of the finals will be the win
ners of the two separate matches. The
finals will be played November 21.
Next Big Football Game Will
Played Saturday.
The next big football game of tho sea
son will be between M. A. A. C. and
the Astoria Athletic Club met Saturday
on Multnomah field. Dr. Thomas Ross,
who is coaching the Astoria club, has
turned out a heavy, speedy team and
expects to give the local clubmen a hard
battle. The Astoria team has been rein
forced by a number of the strongest
players from the Fort Stevens team.
Last year Astoria played Multnomah a
scoreless game and the local boys are
anxious to even up matters by decisively
defeating the Astorians this year. The
Astoria team will be fully as havy as
Multnomah's and there are a number of
former gridiron warriors of renown in
their line-up.
It is not known whether Ross will go
in the game but it is the opinion around
the Multnomah, Club that he will. It is
doubtful whether the Astoria ends will
be able to do anything against Jordan
and Dowling, and it was demonstrated in
the Whitman game that more depends
on the ends than on any other position.
The Multnomah players are practicelng
hard and will be in better condition than
they were last Saturday.
Dallas Will Have ji Good Team.
DALLAS. Or., Oct., 30. (Special.) The
prospects for a good season of basket
ball at Dallas College are very promis
ing this year. The team, under the man
agement of Captain Launer and Manager
tritchlow, is already gettiug into work
ing trim and expects to be able to give
the Oregon Agricultural College a hard
rub for the championship. Morton, the
only man in Oregon that is able to hold
Swann down, will be in school, as will
also Ned Shaw, the crack center.
O. O. Arnold, one of last year's play
ers, is recovering from a severe illness,
and it is believed that he will soon be
in trim to play his usual strong game.
For forwards, Dallas has Launer and
Craven, both experienced players. Two
games have already been booked one
with the Crescents, of Chicago, and one
with the Salt Lake City team.
.,, )' mi
111 Pasggsja
iA H M ! 17
till r
Recent arrivals in our drapery and decorative de
partments consist of the very latest and most artistic
effects in Cluny and Arabian Lace Curtains, ranging
in price from $2.75 to $12.00 per pair. Also plain
nets, edgings and. insertions novel effects in wall hang
ings, art cretonnes door hangings.
- .
' 80PM wa JO
1 finiFQ I l isgoop
Commencing today special for three days only convincing
sale values in the following laces and materials a new and.
complete assortment of correct effects to select from:
40c white or Arabian Curtain Nets, 48 inches wide, imported
fabrics; per yard . . ... . . .-. . . .w. .--.::...? .25
6c Insertions and Lace Edgings; per yard 4
$3.00 Arabian Tint Renaissance Lace Curtains; pair. .$1.85
$4.00 Arabian and Cluny Lace Curtains; per pair. .w. .$2.75
$5.00 Arabian and Cluny Lace Curtains; per pair. .$3.50
tournament will be held at Multnomah
Club, and it is expected that it will extend
into December. There is a large number
of handball enthusiasts and players at the
club, and all will be given a chance to
try conclusions with George James, cham
pion of the Pacific Coast, who recently
defeated Ricardo Bcheverria, champion of
Spain. Both single and double contests
will be held.
Ilaccs at Jamaica.
NEW YORK. Oct. 30. Jamaica
Five and a half furlonBSSally Preston won.
Ace High eecond. James Leonard third; time,
Mile and a sixteenth Delmore won, Ptrat
Holly second, A Muskoday third; time. 1:4S.
Seilinsr, six furlonpa Chando won. Aster
D'Orm second, Comedian third; time, 1:14.
Selling, mile and a sixteenth Rye won, Wea
second. Bivouac third: time. 1:48 3-5.
Selling, mile and a furlong Alacy Jr. won,
McKittredge second, Nemeels third; time,
1:M 1-5.
Five and a hulf furloncs Cora Price won,
Critona econd, Jennie "Wells third; time, 1:08.
Slockraiscrs Propose a Censorship
on All Marriages.
CHICAGO, Oct. 30. Wedding bells will
ring only for those happy young persons
who succoed in passing a state Inspection
tost, if the ideas of the American Stock
Breeders' Association are carried out. The
association has turned for the moment
from the consideration of cattle, sheep
and hogs to the culture of humans, and It
will be the ultimate business of the com
mittee of eugenics, just appointed, to keep
an eye out for ill-mated pairs. A mar
riage censorship may result if the inspec
tion idea proves practicable.
Professor Charles R. Henderson, of the
University of Chicago sociology depart
ment, is a member of the commission, of
which Dr. Alexander Graham Bell is
chairman. Other members appointed by
Secretary William M. Hayes, of the Stock
breeders' Association, are Dr. Charles
Woodruff, C. W. Ward, of New York, and
Rev. J. E. Gilbert, of Washington. To
Improve the quality of human beings is to
be the task of the eugenics experts.
The immediate object of the committee,
as explained yesterday by Professor Hen
derson, is to spread information in regard
to the ill effects of the marriage of defec
tive persons, including "imbeciles, idiots
and feeble-minded," insane persons, con
llrmed drunkards, and moral degenerates
would ultimately be restrained in colonies
and kept from marrying.
Fortunately the cut ranged downward
and did not penetrate the Intestines.
Morriston is in Mercy Hospital and if
blood poisoning does not set in he will
recover. Dingnian was locked up and
will have his preliminary hearing when
the result of Morriston's injuries are
Handball at Multnomah Club.
Commencing November lSy a .handball
Herins I'ears Chicago Jury Stens
land 'Witness Against Him.
CHICAGO, Oct. 30. Paul O. Stens
land, former president of the Milwaukee-Avenue
State Bank, and now a
convict in Joliet, returned to Chicago
today in the custody of an officer to
testify in the trial of Henry W. Hering,
former cashier of the bank, whose trial
commenced today. It is not expected
that Stensland will take the stand for
several days.
The attorneys for Hering made a
motion to quash the indictment, which
wa3 overruled. A motion was then
made for a change of venue, on the
grround that Hering cannot be given a
fair trial in this county. Arguments on
this were continued until tomorrow
Diamonds Smuggled Extensively.
NEW YORK. Oct 30. Diamond cutters
and polishers, through their union, have
joined with their employers in declaring
that something should be done to stop
the smuggling of precious stones. The
Diamond Brokers' Protective Union is in.
vestigating the subject. An officer of tha
Cutters' and Importers' Protective Union,
composed of the chief diamond and pearl
importers of New York, said recently
that the gems smuggled each year equal
in value those on which duties are paid.
A. Meyer, president of the labor union
"The diamond industry in the United
States suffers a good deal of competition
from smuggling. No matter how watch
ful the authorities are and how severe the
punishment, there are -always people to
be found willing to take the risk for tha
sake of the profit. '
The Portland E. C. Klauber, Chicago; W.
Wlntle. Chicaeo; J. A. Davis. M bclmecker.
New York; A. C. Birkey. Oakland; r. H.
Tlerney and wife, San Francisco, . M.
Phillips. Hartford; F. J. Pauzek. Ann Ar
bor; E. ganger. Seattle; E. P. Bice. Rochester-
B. Tratt, Cincinnati; A. C. Ohurcmll.
Newberg; A. Lord. Spokane; J.
J. C. Winslow, Dallas: W. C. McEmily.
New York; J. T. Harvey, Seattle., H.
Ertlck. Milwaukee; J. M. Levy, Seattle: L.
l.eszynsky, San Francisco; L. b. Walton,
Nome; E. B. King, Wandy; N T. CoU-U.
Seattle; Mm. R. Stanley. Seattle; (. it.
Rhodes. Philadelphia; C. W. Thompson.
Cascade Locks, W. A. Magee. J. 1. blow,
Pittsburg: G. M. Griffith, Cincinnati; R.
Fortune. British Columbia; H. Wilson. Oak
land: E. Bowman. Lima; C. W. Thayer.
San Francisco; H. K. Winans, Denver; J. A.
Martin. Scranton; J. H. Ballon and
Scranton; L. A. Darwin, Hartford. E. c.
Mlchner. Minneapolis; H. A. Fallagher, ban
Francisco; M. Leopold, Chicago; K Keoph,
San Francisco; H. B. Cornwell. New York;
Dr A C Vilton, W. C. Barker. Boston; O.
A O'Brien. New York: J. B. Scott, Lima:
H. M. Fulwider. Bt. Louis; F. Horrls, Twin
Falls: F. P Saftord. New York: M. Sum
merflcld and wife, Mrs. L. E. Boufsky, Chi
cago; W. oakes and wife. Seattle; w. Mc
Brlde. Portland; W. E. Beall, St. Joe; E.
F Wilbur, San Francisco; S. Mulkey, Bos
ton; J. A. O'Shaughnessy, St. Paul; B. C.
Doyle. Philadelphia: R. P. Bellsmlth. S. W.
Wisham, Cincinnati E. H. Ford. Chicago.
Tho Oregon F. A. Wood. Seattle; (5. B.
Mann, New York; L. Jordan, lone; J. V .
Chute. Berkeley; C. W. McCormick, San
Francisco; Miss A. Barnes, Seattle; C. A.
Kern, Pendleton; Mrs. B. R. Cochran, San; D. P. Cameron, city; W. C. Van Sant,
Horner: T. A. canin, umana: r. m. noo-
erts. Chicago; Mrs. A. E. Cogwln, Miss Cog-
win, Kelso; Mrs. w. J. May, Baker my;
A. R. Sweetser. Eugene, E. J. Ferguson, J.
L. Caraon. Mrs. J. Barnett, Amy Carlson.
Astoria; II. L. Valencia, C. H. Castor and
wjfe. San Francisco: J. Watson ana wile.
Boise; W. Wallace. Bridgeport; G. E. Whit
ney, Tacoma; O, Weber, N. Cadmartin and
wife, Seattle; w. Mount, airs. u. i. jonci,
Lewiston: H. H. Plummer, Tacoma; W. L.
Hasbrouck, Kansas City; W. F. Foster, 6e
attle; R. A. Whidden, San Francisco; Mrs.
Settlemeler, Mrs. J-'lnzer, wooaourn; J. ir
"nelm, Spokane; B. Lynch. Butte; C. Marvin,
Salem; F. C. Kelsey, city; R. H. Deyo,
Binghampton; S. Mendelssohn. Chicago; t;.
Hallett. city; R. C. Bruchmann, San Fran
cisco; R. E. Samson and wife. Salt Lake,
E. H. Newhouse, T. A. Jones. Chlrapo; H. R.
Dagne and wife. Tacoma; W. Trussing, La
Salle; Anna C. Stevenson, Lake Clty;-T. H.
Richardson and wife, city.
The PerklM L. Gerger and wife, Seattle;
C. Sisson and wife. Mason, III.; I. S. Stuhns
and family, Minneapolis, Minn.; BesfMe- G. Til-
nen. Jamestown, in . u. ; i . m. MiTiara a-na
wife, city; W. Williams, Valdez; A. F. Snow,
Tacoma; John Douglas, La -Fayette; N. A.
Barlow. Seattle: Chas O. Rodgere. Gaylord;
Mary E. Bailey. St. Joseph. Mo.; F. S.
Norcross, Jr., Corvalllu: H. H. Crouch, Los
Angeles: Vv'ni. Lamp, Seattle; M. J. Sta-k.
M. H. Kelly. Mr. Shannen, C. F. Magata. ban
Francisco: J. W. Shean, North Bend; J. H.
Johnson, Astoria; f'apk G. W. Seaman. S. S.
Whltter: J. W. Riley; J. P. Shirley, city:
Oh. H. Johnson, city: F. Burton, San Francis
co; Frank L. watrous and wile. Jlrs. r. Hol
iday and daughter, Seattle: C. F. Allen, San
Francisco: Harriet Barton, Wallace. Idaho; I..
C. Palmer and wife, Vancouver. Wash.; Mi
H. McCarthy, walla walla; Mr. Mci-artny,
Walla Walla: F. H. Kidde. Isand City; W. W.
Boyd. Samue Harvey. Seattle: S. H. Ranker,
Astoria; Dr. R. O. McClintock. Philadelphia;
Mm Bollard. Chlcaco; Miss Billiard. Omaha:
Chas. W. Gray. Ft. Worden. Wash.: J. H.
Elliott, Selma. Cal.; Miss Hattle Childers, The
Dalles: J. R. Bgert. Aberdeen; Mrs. Hi.
Wheeler, Montesano; Mrs. T. A. Boyd and
daughter. Ashland; S. Pitta and wife. Seat
tle; August Giegon. Seattle: Jap. A. McLen
nen. V. L. Hamilton, O. W. Hamilton. Fair
banks B. F. Rhodes W. B. Pike, A. .1. Ma
rine and wife. McMlnnville: F. H. Martin,
Colorado Springs; C. E. bliiffer, Cornelius: J.
anort. urewhain: ll. anuer mi"
city; R. k. Simpson, Prlnevllle; R. D. Sun
derland. Ooldendale: A. R. Rennlck. Kelsft
H. c. Mahon. Eugene: John B. Kaiser. .mmui
J. Qulnn. Salem: L. R. Proctor. Arcadia. Wis.;
A. A. Tressle. Denver; B. E. Krontz and wife.
Athena: A. J. Knok, W. D. Rose. Gramon.
Wis.: Mm R. M. Waring. Barley. Idaho;
G. D. Spurr and wife, Puyailup. Wafh.; B.
.1. Brasher. Albany; Mrs. R. McLaughlin. As
toria; R. FJ. Jackson. Buxton. Wash.: A. T.
Glover, Sumpter; F. H. Mitchell, Seattle; W.
II. Carruthers and wife. Moscow; C. Stapln,
Wallas, Or.; Ed. lie batpln. Martha fatapin. Ida
btapln, Anna Stapln, aco. r.en.
The Imperial V. H. Boyinglcn, Steven's
Point, Wis. ; G. B. Attwell, Stevens Point.
Wis.; Zena Brink, Seattle; T. .1. Green. Clyde
Sldwell, Coburg; E. Jacobsen, The Dalles.
W. C. Harper, Wasco: Geo. Bennett. San
Francisco; Mr. Geo. Bennett. San Francisco;
Mri. 1 E. Pnlne. Eugene; C Lump, city;
Earl Keith. Denver; E. Coingan, Oakland;
Rev. G. Tavlor Griffith. Denver; Hattle I.
Stanfleld. Kate M. Stanneld. Pendleton; Mrs.
James M. Keeney, Norah E. Mattock, Heppner;
H. McCarthy. M. McCarthy. Walla Walla; J.
H. Blake, lone; W. H. Hollls, Forest Grove;
Mrs. John P. Ranzan, Grant's Pass. Mrs. J.
W. Sadler, Aurora; F. W. Putnam. lone; W.
E. Brown. II. S. Army. Ft. Walla Walla;
John Erlckson, Mrs. John Erickson, Salerti;
George Noland. Astoria; O. W. Biiggs, Coos
Buy; Geo. Mullberry. Seattle; C. G. Cornelius,
city; Mrs. S. J. Carlisle. Pittsburg. Pa.; Mrs.
Thos. C'RlIaghan, Master Callaphan, Deer
Inland, Or.; Hugh Lewlngton. Seattle; Henry
M. Cooper. Chicago; C. W. Cottam, Chicago;
B. M. Latham. Aberdeen: Zena Brink, (Seat
tle; E. M. Nettleton. H. H. Nettleton. C. R.
Nettleton. Covington; B. F. Jones, Mrs. B. F.
Jones, Master Jones, Detroit; M. Foard, As
toria; F. Keeney, Tacoma; A. Reed, As
toria; R. N. Hynier, lone; B. F. Russell. Med
fnrd; C. a. Roberts. Hood River; W. W.
Reese, Bsker City; Mrs. H. R. Mohler, S.
Smith. Omaha: Jesse Booth. Nampa. Idaho
Bertha M. Latham, Aberdeen; J It Hawkinx
Ilwaco; Mrs. Wm. Williams, Wm. Williams'.
Jr., Seattle.
The St. Charles;, r. MI)Si Veronica;
Hosford. city; w. Mallory, Sherwood; R. P.
i'.2 V. 'ili?r,V-R- B- illhrelh and wife. Th.
iailee , H. . Krahmer and wife. Mrs .1 M
Leunar-.. Miss Leonardo. .1. c. Fisher. Gaston';
i;,i' ,,rt,J1'ham -ruz: L. Dyer, J.
Huff I nited stale Army; F. B. Morgan. R.
E. Wynkook. Traverse City. Mich.: F. Jenkins.
F. Jrnk.ns. H. B. Martin. Vnlted States Armv
gsJY- J"7 ?nu W'f. Camas; George F.
bcholl, Hubbard; J. C. Williams. Troutdnle;
K-u vi ,n,and "'c- Stevenson: A. c. Archi
bald Hillsboro: George w. Taylor. Casil
Rock; Jamw Hauppe, Chinook: A. Sweenev.
city; C. E. Hall, M. Hogan, Davton: A. n
derson. Lents; H. L. Mills and wife. Hubbard:
J". H. Hanchett, ,T. O. Foster, city; ci. E. Dal
and wile. Brownsville. Ta. : B. L. Barry, Dav
LnJ, E;. Ml""' F- T Ml Us. .1. Jones. Hub
bard: T. Hunter. Coble; M. Ross, Astoria; .1.
p. Short and wife. Rainier; G. w. Tavlor.
Castle Rock; J. N. Heckard. Astoria; G. S-.ld.
Knappa; W. T. Dickenson. Marion Thomas.
i?byry,u2- A: '"""-,' vn: m. .i. Ri,av.
M. Tullida. S. Mia. city; W. M. Murphy. St.
Paul, r. Grin. Seattle; G. R. Mills. Ver
onla: P. F. Greinor. Condon: A. H. Adams.
A. E. Holmes, city: Frank Goyne and family.
Fairbanks; Mrc. M. Calvin. A. Lundbcrg
Gresham; H. M. Black. Charles Crowther, B
C. Creps, J. B. Craven. E. C. Wherry. L. v..
Warner H. Slenger. Eugene: Nellie flelsbe.
Moro: V. T. Thompson and wife, j. a Fester
and wife. Cnrvallls; G. W. McRee and wife
Dallas; E. M. Olson, city: F. M. Hudson, St.
Helens; W. O. Belce ani wife, Ridgefleld
Mrs. Marian, city: W. H. GUI. Cathlamet; II
D. Smith, H. Kinsman. Moro; N. c. Judd.
William Jackel. Bridal Vale; s. E. Alvers and
family, Montnzlm, Idaho; Mrs. J. Banford.
Camas: Miss Hazel Smith. Martin SymonisM,
Newport: AValter M. Honeyman, Sylvan; Esther
Martin, McMinnvllle; Olive I'arsell, Raymond,
Wis. ;
Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma. Wash.
European plan- XtaUa. 7ft cants to $2:M
I rer day. Free 'bua
MEN ! Wear Keith's Konquerors and be guarded against corns,
bunions, and tired, aching feet.
Konqueror shoe-making gives perfect foot comfort all the time.
Prices, 5.00, 4.00, 83.50.
PKESTON B. KEITH SHOE CO- Makers. Brockton. Mass.
SOLD BY W. J. FULLAM, 283-285 Morrison St.
Made in New York
OME men say style doesn't count. Yet
would you wear your every day clothes
to a wedding?
It's just as important that the clothes
you wear oe ine
New York Style
of to-day, as that
they be the appro-
Shooting Affray at North Bend..
NORTH BEND, Or.. Oct. 30. Yesterday
morning James Morriston, a saloon
keeper, was stabbed twice and seriously
Injured by Charles DIngman, a teamster.
Dingman had been drinking heavily dur
ing the night and by morning he was
in a quarrelsome mood. He went into
a saloon and became so quarrelsome that
he was ejected by Morriston. No sooner
had Dingman reached the sidewalk than
he drew a knife and plunged It twice
into the abdomen of the saloonman.
nriate clothes for the occasion.
Wear Alfred Benjamin & Co. Clothing,
made from the finest fabrics in the best man
ner, and know you are properly dressed.
Correct Clothes for Men
Exclusive Agent Here.
Buffum & Pendleton Co., Inc.
311 Morrison Si.