6 THE MORXIXO OREGOXIAX, FKIDA.Y, OCTOBEK 1WW. BONES ARE1N RUINS Many Missing in Burned Tene ment at Kansas City. ACTS OF SUPREME HEROISM Unknown Man Passes Rescuers Rope to "Woman and Perishes Himself. Invalids Cremated Helpless in Their Beds. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 25. Four persons are known to be dead, eight others are missing, two are fatally injured and 50 are more or les3 seriously injured as the result of the fire which destroyed the Chamber of Commerce building in Kan sas City, Kan., at an early hour today. Only a single body has been recovered from the ruins, that of D. R. Young, aged 6J. identified by a relative, although burned almost beyond recognition. Charles A. Lynch, a laborer, and the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sparks are dead, but their bodies have not been recovered. J. F. Bran ham, an aged wagonmaker, died in a hospital today as the result of his injuries. The Kansas City. Kan., fire department stated today tiiat three bodies are positively known to be in the ruins. The firemen believe that George Mullin, an Invalid, aged w. living on the fourth floor, perished in the flames. The riremen abandoned their search for bodies tonight and tomorrow work of delving into the ruins will be taken up by the police. Charles Carlin. ill with typhoid fever, who had been a regular tenant of the building, and who had been missing until tonight, was located at the home of a relative, where he went yesterday. A railroad man, standing near the burn ing building this morning, heard a man in the second-story window giving the Brotherhood of Railway Firemen's dis tress signal, of which he was a member. Findinig a rope, he threw it to his broth er tireman. who, instead of saving him self, passed it to a woman in the window above him. The woman saved herself, but the man was lost. His name is not known. The fire interrupted street-car traffic on the elevated road, and a motorman whose car stood just opposite the burning build ing, said he saw rive or six persons in the upper floors struggling f ran tit-ally to es cape, and he is certain all of them suc cumbed to the smoke and toppled over into the ruins. He said he had a clear view, and would have witnessed the res cue of the persons if any had been pos sible. Long after the floors had fallen in. pil ing up household goods in one great mass, which was quickly attacked by the flames, gas from an open main that entered the building, continued to burn, reducing to ashes nearly everything within its reach. The total ilnancial loss is estimated at $100,000. Of this amount $60,000 was on the building, owned by W. A. Bunker, and in sured for $40,000. The known dead: Infant of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sparks; John Lynch, driver of a sand wagon: D. R. Young, aged 62, a laborer; J. F. Branahan, wagonmaker. The misting: Charles Carlin, engineer for Nekton Morris Packing Company, who was ill with typhoid fever; Mrs. M. E. Brigman and her two children, Amos, aged 15, and Leota, aged 12; Patrick Mc Guire, no occupation; George Mullin, in valid, aged 60; Mrs. Kdwin S. Low and two daughters, Mabel, aged 9. and Edna, 4: Edward Winslow, whose wife and two children were previously recorded as un accounted for; Mrs. Esia Harris, a widow. The fatally Injured: Unknown baby; Vr. J. Morley, Missouri Pacific fireman. MORMONS SELL OUT BANK Church Continues Policy of Retiring From Business. SALT LAKE CITY. Oct. 25. Reports that the Mormon Church as an orsaniza tion Is to retire from commercial business were further verttied today, when it was officially announced that the Utah Na tional Kank had been sold to V. S. Mc cormick, of the private banking firm of McCormlck & Co. The price paid by Mr. MeCormirk for a majority of the bank's stock i not stated. The bank's :stock was largely owned by the church. lu the past four months the Mormon Church has disposed of its big holdings In ihe Utah l.lsht Railway Company, which controls the principal public utili ties in this city; its I.os Angeles & Salt Ijike Railroad, with iu great pavillion at Saltair, and its big retail department store at Ogden. BIG STRIKE0N IN RUSSIA Ten Thousand Railroad Laborers Walk Out in South o( Knipire. ST. PKT blftSBl KG, Oct. 23. According to the Kecli, rremlrr Stolypin has received a telegram from General Kaulbare, Governor-General of Odessa, reporting that n extended strike broke out in South Russia yesterday at noon. The entire body of workmen in the railroad shops at Yekaterinoslav. Rriausk. and Pnieprovik, numbering more than jo.e(M men. have iiuil work and are rais ing the black flag. No confirmation of this report has been received here. CHALLENGE FOR CUP AGAIN Upton Hopes to Try 'Once More in 110S or 1909. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. At a dinner to night given in his honor by the Brooklyn Yacht Clult. Sir Thomas Upton made formal announcement of what he intends to do toward making enother effort to "lilt" the America's cup. He declared that lie "hoped" he might be privileged to challenge for the international trophy and intimated that he would issue a chal lenge next year for a race possibly in lfX or 1909 TRIAL FOR STARVING BABES Leaders of Brotherhood of Light Go to Jail Awaiting It. ALAMOSA SPRINGS, Colo.. Oct. IS. G. C. Rose and Mrs. Minnie Wheeler, l-aders of the Brotherhood of Light, which. conducts a home for ioor children on a farm near Arboles. Colo., were arraigned before County Judge K. K. Caldwell here today on the chaise of manslaughter In connection with the death of six babies on the place. They waived examination and were remanded to Jail until they can furnish ball. The charges were made by an agent of the State Humane Society, who alleges the children were fed almost exclusively on vegetarian diet and were practically starved to death. Seven children now at the home were made wards of the County Court until the court shall award them to the State Home for Dependent Chil dren or some other institution. BREAK TARGET RECORDS Torpedo-Boats Do Great Work tt Newport Practice. NEWPORT. R. I.. Oct. 25. While the second torpedo-boat flotilla was in New port waters recently for target practice it is reported to have excelled any prei-i-ous marksmanship by a torpedo-boat flo tilla of the Navy. The destroyers Hop kins, Lawrence, MacDonough, Truxton, Whipple and Worden tired ten torpedos at moving targets while racing at various speeds and made an average of eight hits. IS WANTED FOR MURDERS Los Angeles Man Will Be Taken to Tcias to Face Charges. L08 ANGELES. Oct. 25. George E. M. Pool was arrested here tonight by De tectives Ingram and McCann as a fugi tive from justice. He is wanted for mur der at Beaumont, Tex., in 1S93, of two or more men in the course of family feud, and of United States Marshal Jim Jett. Tonight the local police telegraphed the DARING ACT TO PREVENT UNDOING (Continued from Page 1.) This was one of the matters to be pre sented to the new grand jury. Coupled with many of these insinua tions, rumors and accusations is the name of Abraham Ruef, the acknowledged boss" of the politics of San Francisco and commonly known as Abe" Ruef. He is a lawyer, and it it is he who has been appointed by the Acting Mayor to the position of District Attorney. Ruef is said to b a man of rare ability, learned in his profession and a skillful politician. He is credited with having become very wealthy within the past few years. When Schmitz was first elected Mayor he publicly announced that he attributed much of his success to "his friend," Ruef, and ever since has been in acknowledged intimate relations with the political leader. Ruef has often been termed the power and guiding hand be hind the municipal throne. Gallagher's Twelve Reasons. Gallagher this afternoon at a meeting V Bp FRANCIS J. HENEY, WHOM RCEF REMOVED FROM OFFICE. authorities at Beaumont and after receiv ing a reply gave out the following state ment: "Pool was arrested in San Diego in 1W3 for the murder of Marshal Jett and oth ers, was taken back to Beaumont and there gave 'straw bonds, jumped his bail and disappeared. He will be held here until requisition is made by the Governor of Texas. FACTORY FIRE IN PARIS Barriquand & Marrcs Arms Com pany's Big Plant Is Destroyed. PARIS, Oct. 25. The Barriquand & Marres Arms Factory was destroyed by fire tonight. The factory was one of the most important in France. The losses are placed at many million francs. A number of firemen were in jured and one woman died of fright during the tire. THE DAY'S DEATH RECORD Colonel Holderich V. Herbert. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. Colonel Holderich V. Herbert, an old-time Missouri politi cian and member of the staff of Governor Fletcher, tiie war Governor of Missouri, died yesterday in Bellevus Hospital, aged 7a years. OUlest Gypsy lu America. NBW YORK. Oct. 23. Mrs. Louisa Smith, the oldest gypsy in America, died yesterday in a camp near Freehold, X. J., aged 101 years. W1H Rebuild Burned Churclies. ROCHESTER. N. Y Oct. 25. A board of bisiiops of the Methodist Chufc.li in session in this city decided, today to raise $70,000 to rebuild churches de stroyed by the San Francisco earth quake. A committee was appointed to report on some plan for raising the money. strikers Will Stand Together. KXOXVILLE. Teun., Oct. 25. Nearly lOOii strikers from the Southern Railway shops held a meeting today, at which it was decided to stand together. The labor agent who brought in the first batch of twenty men muft face trial tomorrow on three warrants charging him with having brought the workmen here from Cincin nati under alleged misrepresentation. Trial of Mexican Rebels Begins. EL PASO, Tex., Oct. 25. Mexican au thorities in Juare today opened the trial of five alleged revolutionists recently ar rested in that city. After the investiga tion seven men were released. Several bombs, -which were discovered in a sewer. were sent to state and federal officials at Chihuahua and Mexico City. Liquor Men's Opinion of Amis. NEWARK. N. J.. Oct. 25. Prohibition ists and anti-saloonists -were criticised in resolutions adopted at the closing session of the fourteenth annual convention of the National Liquor League of the United States, which has been in progress here for three days. The resolutions declared: The anti-saloon agitators promote eva sion and disregard of law and indirectly the commission of crime." Industrial Congress Opens. ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 25. The first Russian Industrial Congress assembled here today. The delegates were addressed by the Ministers of Finance, Commerce and Railroads. of the Eoard of Supervisors read a long statement, giving 12 reasons for suspend ing Langdon. Among them were neglect of duty, inefficiency and absence from the county for more than 30 days to cam paign the state as a candidate for Gov ernor on the Independence League ticket. Prior to today no objection was made to his absence, the office being in the hands of competent assistants. Langdon tonight spoke at Woodland, Yolo County. It is believed that injunction proceed ings will be instituted tomorrow to pre vent the Supervisors from removing him from office. While it was known that the adminis tration was considering the removal of Langdon from office as a bold counter stroke to the appointment of Heney, only a few of the politicians were aware that Gallagher had determined to take this action today. Gallagher Throws His Bomb. Today was the day for the regular weekly meeting of the Board of Super visors. The usual hour for the session is 3 o'clock. It was 6 o'clock this after noon before the board, which had evi dently been informed of Gallagher's in tention, met Fifteen of the IS Super visors were present. Rea and Furey be ing absent, as well as Duffy, who was recently appointed - to the Board of Works. Gallagher entered the room . at 6:30 P, M. and was immediately surrounded by the members of the board. A brief conference was held in subdued tones for five minutes. The Supervisors then took their scats, and after some unimportant routine business was transacted Galla gher arose, announced the suspension of Langdon, and instructed the clerk to read the charges and specifications as set forth by the Mayor for his action. "When these were read. Supervisor Sanderson made a motion that the Mayor's suspen slon of the District Attorney be approved by the Board, and that Langdon be or dered to appear before the Supervisors next Thursday and answer the charges. The motion was adopted. There was no rollcall. Having had his action In suspending the District Attorney approved by the Supervisors, Gallagher then informed the board that he had asked "his friend," A. Ruef, temporarily to occupy the oftice of District Attorney, and that Ruef had accepted the appointment. It was evident from the expression of their faces that this move was' not looked for and that the Supervisors were amazed at the Mayor's bold step. When the meeting adjourned, Gallagher was asked whether Ruef had shown any hesitancy or delicacy in accepting the ap pointment of District Attorney in view of the statements openly made that he wa3 one of the principal parties against whom the investigation was directed. "Not at all," replied Gallagher. Asked if he had anything to say regarding the removal of Langdon. the Mayor said that his action and the charges against the District Attorney sfcoke for themselves. Ituef Discharges Heney. Ruef tiled his bond and qualiried. His first official act was to discharge Heney nnd appoint In his stead Marshall B. .Woodworth. former United States Dis trict Attorney for Northern California. He announced that he would proceed to secure Indictments against the leaders of the movement agalntt the municipal administration. Mr. Ruef announced that he would ap pear before the grand jury tomorrow m his official capacity and that if Heney were present, he would be allowed to re main only as a private citizen. Ruef further stated that, when the grand jury was organized, he would have subpenas issued for Heney and Detective Burns and compel them to surrender the evidence they had gathered. Unconstitutional, Says Heney. Mr. Heney said tonight that the pro ceedings of the Mayor and th-Board of Supervisors were unconstitutional. He re fused to say what his plans were. Heney Keeps His Secret, Before the suspension of Langdon and his own removal from office. Mr. Heney today issued the following statement in reply to repeated requests for an an nouncement of the facts Siid to have been secured by Burns. I recognize the fact that the community is entitled to know the facts which are in my possession at the earliest moment con sistent with an effective prosecution, but it would be neither wise nor proper for me to try my case in the newspapers or to make any charge against any person in advance ot action by a grand jury or otherwise than in the manner prescribed by the statutes of this stale, while I occupy the offifial po sition of Assistant Distn-'t Attorney. I must therefore decline to answer any and all questions In regard to the nature cf the facts which are In my possession or in re gard to the person or persons against wiiom evidence has been secured. I am contident that no newspaper, will consider me dis courteous for taking this position. LA.GDO. DEi'IKS THE BOSS Denies Power of Suspension and Will Continue Inquest. WOODLAND, Cal., Oct. 25. District At torney W. H. Langdon arrived at Wood land this evening to address the people as the Independence League nominee. Dur ing his speech four or rive telegrams ar rived for him and one long distance call by telephone. He finished his speech, read the messages and answered the long dis tance call. When he finished, he said he would not talk. Later he gave out the following statement: "No person in California believes that my alleged suspension is due to neglect or inefficiency. No defence is- necessary before the people. It is apparent that my removal is deemed necessary by Ruef and Gallagher to prevent an honest and searching investigation of conditiqns that obtain in municipal affairs in San Fran cisco. "Their plans will come to naught, how ever, for as District Attorney I shall pur sue this investigation to the end. "I deny the legal right of the Mayor or the Board of Supervisors to suspend or dismiss me. The provision of the charter purporting to give that authority is clearly unconstitutional. The citizens must say whether or not this high-handed proceeding will be countenanced in a com munity which is supposed to be governed according to law and not by a boss and his puppets." Langdon left tonight for San Francisco on a freight train to catch the southbound Oregon express. JEROME ON THEIR TRAIL INVESTIGATES CONSPIRACY OF INSURANCE KINGS. Charges ot Coercion Against Mutual Life Directors Subject of Active Inquiry. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. The Tribune to morrow will say: District Attorney Jerome began an ac tive investigation yesterday of recent coercion conspiracy charges against the Mutual Life Insurance Company. The investigation is directed particu larly against the company's committee on insurance agencies. The following men compose this committee: Henry H. Rogers, M. Dumonte Clarke, Julian T. Davies, William P. Dixon. 'William S. Truesdaie, President Peabody and Vice President AicClintock. if li:lI15ll!H!ISffllllWi ' nobody Is- XKfcV-- r those ALL MUST BE REAL AGENTS Insurance Underwriters Bar Home Office l'rom Association. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Oct. 25. The final day's session of the convention, of the National Association of Life Under writers was the busiest of the conven tion. President Scovel characterized this convention as one of the most successful in the history of the organization, and, he said, exhibits a greater unanimity of thought than he has ever known to exist in the association. The report of the executive committee was taken up, recommending amend ments to the constitution and by-laws, providing that no person may hereafter become an officer, member of the "execu tive committee or a delegate to the as sociation, unless he be agent or local manager or other field worker for a regular legal reserve company, who is clearly identified with an agency as dis tinguished from the home oftice and un less also he be a member in good stand ing of a local association belonging to the National body: also restricting mem berships of ex-presidents on the executive committee. The recommendations were adopted. As first prize, a cup for essaya on the topic, "The Relation of the Public Press to American Life Insurance." wart won by Howard H. Hoyt of Chicago. Mr. Hoyt. after having been presented with the Calef Cup, delivered his essay. The Ben Williams vase was presented to Charles M. Marsh, winner of the second prize. The convention concluded today, after deciding to meet next year in Toronto. The following officers were elected: Presi dent, F. E. McMullin. Rochester: first vice. R. L. Forman. Atlanta: second vice, W. Y. Booth, Denver: secretary, F. J. Clark. Baltimore; treasurer, Eli D. Weeks, Litchfield, Conn., and an executive com mittee, among whose members are H. H. Haskell. Los Angeles; William Goldman, Portland, Or., and J. D. Spencer, Salt Lake. REFUSE TO GIVE TESTIMONY New York Life Men Object to Telling Their Tricks. NEW YORK. Oct. 25. An attempt to secure evidence from Thomas A. Buckner, vice-president of the New York Life In surance Company, and Edmund Randolph, treasurer of that company, to be used fn a legal action to prevent the expenditure of the company's funds in the election ot its directors, was stayed by a, court order today. Stephen Farrelly, a candidate for director on the International Policy-holders' ticket, has obiained an order for the New York Life Insurance Company and its directors to show cause why they should not be enjoined from using the company's funds tor the purpose of elect ing the administration ticket. Messrs. Buckner and Randolph refused to be eworn and give evidence in this ac tion yesterday, and today their counsel, William Nelson Cromwell, secured an or- i Ik I I I 1 ' m - a i 'SS? enough -v, to vu-ui-- ,re no .re ouiwriS " . der.ed. ...gust re V" .' rre ts . ,erv 5Wi' t declare waS a last Ab-- .v, a. 1 I 1 Ju& 1 ;topxy Edotte Willie" - ao.e-mai - - the M'stery . ...ustbe soo Not in our time, at least. JSLmw-' has th?re suddenly 5lu"va rnme from behind the scenes to the very renter of the nublic stape. - o en mvstprinus and elusive a character " ij j as William Randolph Hearst, Democratic nnminpft frr rrrwonorcVlin nf 1MW Ynrk. asnirflflt r .1 -i to .1 T T zl. J O-.- T-1 ll - ror tne presidency or ine unitea oiates. xnerc ue is, a oersonalitv to be reckoned with, one it is necessary to un derstand. Lincoln Steffens tells for the first time in a clear, force ful, fearless manner just where Hearst is Hearst and where he is some one .else; a vital, striking, out-of-the-ordinary delineation of him as journalist and politician his personality, his ambition, his theories, his proposed reforms. This is only one of the many good things found in TKe American Magazine FOR NOVEMBER It is very rich in fiction, humor, articles and illustrations, having among the other content "Adventures in Contentment," By David Grayson ; "The Test of Men," by Ray Stannard Baker; "Sky Sailing, the New Sport," by A. W. Rolker; "The Hunt for the She Wolf," by W. D. Hulbert; "A Bird in the Hand," a story by Ellis Parker Butler, author of "Pigs is Pigs." This is the magazine which is now issued under the editorship of John S. Phillips in association with the following editors and writers : Ida M. Tarbell, F. P. Dunne (author ot Mr. Dooley), William Allen WOite. Lincoln steuens, Kay aiannaro uauer. 51.00 a year On the News rliA-TTaoio J QjrWj . stands To-day lUI V w - - - 10c. m THE PHILLIPS PUBLISHING CO., 141-147 Filth Ave., New York City. der from Justice Davis staying the at tempt to compel them to testify. Arguments on the stay are set for tomorrow. DENIES STRIKE IS IMMINENT Southern Pacific Officials Say AU Is Peace With Employee. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 25. E. E. Cal vin, general manager, and W. S. Palmer, general .superintendent, of the Southern Pacific Company, deny the report that any strike is imminent in any branch of the service. Mr. Palmer made the follow ing statement today: "There is no joint committee represent ing the trainmen in session with the Southern Pacific officials. The only ques tions are those that have come up In the usual order under the agreement between the Southern Pacific and its trainmen, and these relate solely to conductors and to switchmen, the latter being represented by the Erotherhood of Railway Trainmen. A great many details are being gone over between the general superintendent of the Southern Pacific Company and the com mittee representing these two orders, but relations are not strained and there is no doubt whatever as to a satisfactory out come. It is particularly desirable that this should be known everywhere at the pres ent time, since the possibility of a strike which would tie up all the railroads in California would seriously affect the state at a very critical time. "There is no question under consider ation between the Brotherhood of Loco motive Kngineers and the Southern Pa cific Railroad.' GERMS LURK IN DEAD ENDS Bacteriologist Blames City Water for Hoquiaru Typhoid Epidemic. HOQUIAM, Wash.. Oct. 25. (Special.) Dr. Ralph C. Matson, the Portland bac teriologist who was called to this city by Mayor Mclntyre to analyze the city water and determine whether it was responsible for the recent epidemic of typhoid fever, has decided that question in the affirma tive. He found a number of water mains with so-called 4'dead ends," where the water stagnates; he also found the cases most numerous and malignant in the vicinity of these "dead ends." Dr. Matson has examined the blood of a number of patients and declares the disease to be true typhoid. In regard to the assertion that the tisease had been disseminated through the milk supply he say&c "If this be true, it is on account of the dilution of the milk with city water, or because germs were distributed by wash ing the milk cans with city water. Oys ters and contaminated vegetables are sometimes the cause, but here I have ex. ammed typhoid patients who have in no way been exposed to contagion from such sources and can only decide the water supply to be the' direct cause of virtually all the cases." Mayor Mclntyre, being a well read phy sician himself, is deeply interested in the matter and the action of the city author ities is eagerly awaited by the citizens. wwmwwimMimmmwmnwmimmmmimmi You need not depend on the "Old Oaken Bucket" and a doubtfully pure water supply if you carry carbonated with you on your "bubble trip. Chemists have declared it organically pure. Bottled, carbonated and corked at the' spring. Helps the digestion. Quarts, pints and splits. W.J.VanScfmyverCo. Distributors PORTLAND, OREGON loots iiHMniiiiiiiiiqiiaiiiifi'i""'"1"'"'1"'''1 Solar Time Governs Courts. AUSTIN. Texas, Oct. 23. The State Supreme Court has rendered a decis ion that solar time and not railroad or standard time must govern- legal pro ceedings. The case was one involving a valuable tract of land. The Jury had brought in a verdict three minutes past midnight as measured by standard time, or 15 minutes before midnight by solar time. The trial judge held that the term of court expired at midnight, standard time, and, refused to enter judgment. The Supreme Court ordered the entering of a verdict on the ground that solar time governs the courts. WE CURE MEN FOR Established 25 Years in Portland We'll treat any single uncomplicated ailment until December 1 for S10.00. CONSULTATION FREE, UNDER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic. Blood Poison. Gonorrhoea. Varicocele. " Neurasthenia. Nervous Decline. Paralysis. Gleet. SypBilis. Piles. Kidney, Bladder and All Urinary Diseases. It will not coat you anything; to call at oar office and connult us, and 1T o rtolnic It may nave you much time, worry and money, and bccnne If w cannot cur you we will honestly tell you ao, and you will not be under any financial obligation to us. -There comes a time in your life where. Rl.nnn pm snv HVPHILIS- .ft.. .avA triH nil th health resorts, snrinjrs. etc.. that vou Klve up all hope and at times you consider life very dark, lou have spent a great deal of money trying to be relieved and yet have received no result. We will guarantee to cure you of your dreaded malady and by our methods we do not use any drugs that will cause any bad effects or destroy your constitution. Call and see us before it Is too late. NERVOUS DEBILITY Loss of energy, will power, lack of concen tration of thought loss of memory, which weakens your entire system, mental as well as phvsical. This lowered vitality of the nervous and physical condition is strengthened so that in a short time you will have your original strength and be yourself again. VARICOCELE is a diseased condition of the scrotal veins. It may be caused bv blows, kicks, fails, heavy lifting, mumps, early Indiscretion or may be a symptom only of some special weakness. The proper treatment consists of local application for the purpose of dispelling the stagnant blood and contracting; the swollen veins, as well as internal medication to strengthen the nerves which govern the blood supply to these veins. Though causing you no trouble at the present time, your Varicocele will, if permitted to go without the proper treatment. Impair and de stroy the elements of vitality. We dally demonstrate that Varicocele can be positively and speedily cured without cutting, burning; or any other form ot operation. Specialist try to Imitate our methods of advertising anvl treat meat, but in. the past we have proven tlfe fact to our patrons tbet our treatment ! superior In every way to our imitators. OUR treatment stands on Its own merits and our success and reputation have been built upon this foundation. Tweuty-nve years In Portland curing men has demonstrated our ability to the public. Consult the old reliable dispensary before placing; your case elsewhere. We cure when others fall. Our methods are sure. HOURS A. M. to 5 P. M. ; evenings. 7 to 8:30; Sundays, 9 A. M. to 12 St St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary CORNER SECOXD AXD YAJ4H1LI. STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGOX.