rnS MORXING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1906. in SHORTWALNUTCROP California Yield Only Half What Was Expected. DELIVERIES TO EE SMALL I'rices of Other Xuts Will Mso Hule llisli This Season Plan or So noma llopsrowors to Kle valc the "ont Market. WALNUTS California crop one-half Short. J HOPS On'y rxfrtrns buying. W H K A T Ii--uni -t ion or tt h ipping movement. ! BL'TTEK City crramny grades J eteady. EGGS Quality of ranch stock Im prove.. POULTRY Chickens in pwd de mand. As staled some time ago. the opening price on California walnuts, announced by tho "Walnut (irowera' Association, was regarded as very low in view of tho, probable short age In tho crop. It now develops that only about half a crop has been produced and dull verb s will be correspondingly tight. The local trade has received the following circular from Arlss, Campbell & Ciault, rep resentatives of -the association, which ex plains the situation: "We are just In receipt of letters from t he various walnut associations which we represent and the general tone of all these letters would Indicate that the crop would fall very much short of first estimates, in tact lai st estimates put the crop at only about 00 per cent of what was first esti mated. They find, after beginning to pick, t hat the crop is all on the outside of the tree, which, of course, uccounts for their misjudging the sizo of the crop originally. "From all appearances now the deliveries will be made pro rata and possibly as low as 0t per cent deliveries will be made on orders, our principals, however, express tho hope that tin y will be able to do better than tills. YWe, of course, n grit to adviso you of this condition, but we feel It is our duty to do go In order tli;i you can advise the retailer that .you will not be able to make full delierks on your orders, providing you have sold futures to cover your purchases." Nut only are walnuts going to be high, but stilt prices are looked for all through the nut list this season. Almonds, the first car of which ha- arrivod, aro quoted II to 4 cents higher than at the opening of last Mt'Ufct'ii. I'eeans are also higher and the optMitrg prieo on extra large will be 37' cents. Brazils are ulmost out of the market and w hat can be secured will bring 3 0 cents. Arrivals of new walnuts will be gin in about two weeks. ONLY KXroKTKKS AKK BUYING HOI'S. IMun of SoiHiiiui (irmverh to Take Advantage of tho London .Market. All tho hop buying done yesterday was on export account, so far as could be learn ed. Particulars were withheld, but it was I'fpirtrd that for one lot In the Dallas sec tion, Iti'.-j ci'iits was puivl. TIim dealers who depend on Last in n orders for business aro In ginning to feci blur. A brief tel. 'graphic outline was given in this paper Wcdncsd;i y of the plan of So noma growers to ship a blm-k of hops to London. The Santa liosa Republican of etoher 22 gives further details of the scheme, as follow s: Secretary Sidney Gibbons, of the Sonoma County Jlop Growers' Exchange, is inter viewing the growers on a business propo sition that may mean considerable to those who aVc interested. A plan is propose! by which it is hoped to secure a pool of" on-"--third of the hops m this vicinity and ship them at once tn Eng land. Hops are polling there for I15 to -in fMits per pound mid hero thty are only bilnmng about 15 rents at present. An English firm has made the proposition to tho hop giovorn and will guarantee It and 15 cents per pound right here, will ay the expensesTif a man rhoscii by Hie Imp growers to Mnd from England, mid will ause the hops to be shipped to England at once. This representative of the hop growers ts to have absolute control of .the bops, will be turnislo'ii with inside infor mation there by the English firm, amf w ill g i v his p( rson;i 1 a 1 1 en: I'm to t he market . None f (he hops will be fold until this l e present all ve says the wot d and orders them placed on the market, In this manner it is expected that :'. cents per pound rim bo secured for th hops s nl across the water. The English firm will charge only one per rent commission and out of this will pay the tare of the Sonoma County rep resentative across the ocean aud return, and will pay bis expenses while he is thej-s watting the s.ile of the hops. Tho grow ers will pHy tun freight and Insurance on their hops. Secretary Gibbons is enthusiastic over thr proposition, and is meeting with great pii- tura fioment Not otic hop grow t a p proaehreS with the proposition bus failed to accept i lie sa me. and in the near future It is b"iieed there will b- heavy ship ments from Santa Kosa to Knglatid. Sec retary Gibbons declares thnt the single per cent is an alhn tn: lntuic as compared with past experiences. v hen prow ors have paid one per cent he re a art a not her in New S'ork, and auotlvr in England. H" says the grower usually pays out obout . cents In commissions before his hnpq rench the consumer, and that in New York as high us 3 sad 4 cents is demanded t times. At the meet i ng el the hop P rowers Sat ur day afternoon it was deeided to take the tep: which the secretary endeavoring to rut ry out ;if present. N- xt Suturdny a general meeting of the hop growers will be held, in order to have a general discussion of the matter. The hanging of the by laws will nlso come up for consideration next Satiirda . Much Wheat to He Moved. settlement of t h w a tor front strike, i good thing a'! around, is nut likely T1 w hl te tl ause unu h increase in t lie activity of wheat mai'Ket at present. During the ttm w ere thsi tfie .strike wa on tiie exporters hu ing steadily in tho country, though as Viecly as before tho trouble began. c mi pp lies are now to be disposed of the hiors of the shippers, in the 1m iate future, will be directed toward nwk dehxeries. rather t'-an taking on fresh dies The tone of the market whs steady e ; . pot The: find Hied Ing SUp est t it j Creamery Butter Steady. Although the butter market is very weak on Front street, the city creameries- report steady tone owing to the good local ni mend Country store butter is selling well at quotations, but receipts are still light. Arrivals of poultry were liberal yester day, but the demand w as strong and sup plies cleaned up at full prices. The Oregon egss now arriving are gen erally of good quality and the market is active. Vresh Produce Quiet. There was only a fair movement in fresh produce yesterday and supplies were rather scarce. Among the day's receipts was a car of sweet pot a toes. PORTLAND 4JVOTATIOX9. Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc. FLOUR Patents. $3.'y 4. 10 " per barrel; iraiFMa, $3.10;t; clears. $3.10.23; Val W. $t 40fj:'. u; Dakota and hard wheat, pat ents, $;J5.tii; clears, $4. lu4.25; grab no, $J.60, vhole wheat, $3.75; rye flour, locAl, $5; Eastern. S5S5.25; corn meal, per bale, SI. 900 fci.au. WHEAT Club, 64c; bluestera, tiSc; Valley. tj7c; red. (He OATS No. 1 white. $24& 24.50; gray, $23 L':;.ro. BARLEY FsM. J 20. 50 per torn: brewing. S21.Su: rolled. ?23. RYE $1.'.'7,q 1.40 per cwt. CORN Whole, $25 50; cracked, $26.50 per , ton. MTLLSTUFfS Bran. city. $14 50: country, $?5 00 per ton; middlings. $24; norw. city, $10; country. $17 per ton; chop. U. S. Mills. $15.30; linseed dairy food, $18; acaiia. meal, $18 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oata. cream. 00 pound sacks. $7: lower grades. 5.&if?6-75: oatmeal, steel cut. 50-pound aacke, $3 per barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale: oat meal (ground). 5"-pound sacks. $7.50 per barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale: apilt teas, $3 per loo-nound sacks; 25-pound boxes, S1.40; .pearl barlev, $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25 pound boxes. $: .25 per box; pa try flour. pound sack. $2.00 per bale. H A Y ValLey timoth. No. 1. 910011 pr ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $14rlt; clo ver, 96.50 & 7; cheat. $737.50; rrain hay. $7; alfalfa. $11.30: vetch hay. 977.50. Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, common to choice, 25&75c per box; choice to fancy, 75o xl.i!"; ai-ape, $i'ul.50 per crate; Concords, Oregon, 27Hc half basket. Eastern, 3013 35c per basket; peaches. TociiSl: pears. 75c& 91.25; craniierries. S.."0 'q y.."it per barrel; Quinces, $1 ' 1 2.i pr box. v Tin PH A L FRT'ITS Lemons. $rf.50i 7 per box; or-inges. Vlemdas, SO'fo.u'; grape fruit. $4'y0; pineapples,. $o '.a 4 per doxen; ba nanas. 5c per pound. FRESH VEGETABLES Cabbage 1 4 Ijo pound ; cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen; celery. 75'n&.c per dozen, egg plant, $1.50 per crate; lettuce. M-ad, 2'c per dozen; onions,. I03i 12 -2c pcrozen; bell peppers, 5c; pumpkins, lc per pound, spinach. 4 3y5c per pound; tomatoes, J0 1501; per box; pars ley, io iTi. 15c; Miuash, 1 per pound; hot house lettuce. 25cper dozen. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips OOcfe $1 pe- sack; carrots. 9uca$l per sack: beets, $1.25&1.50 per sack, garlic. 71--"10c per pound; horseradish. 010c per pound; Bweet potatoes, 2''21-irc per pound. ONIONS Oregon, iuc t S 1 per hundred. POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon Bor banks, fancy. $1'j1.1u; common. 75 itUOc. IjRTED FRITTS Apples. G fn 7c pound; apricot. 15's 1Vjc; peaches. 12&fcl3c; pears, lll'5;tl4c; Italian prunes. 4 'a 5c , California flg5, white, in sacks. Sijiiu per pound: lack. 4'-ji.V.-; hrirks. 70 S2 25 per box, Smyrna, 20c pound; dates. Ter-dan. (-7 pound. RA IS INS Seeded. l-ounce packages. &9 SV-c: lij-oLince. 0' 1: loo-e muscatels. 2 crewn. fiM;'i7e; 3-crown. G (ii7c; 4-crown, 7(77V.-c; unbleached, seedlca3 Sultanas, fu7c; Thompson's fancy bleached. 10'llc; London layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pound. $2; 2 -crown. $1.75. Buffer, Eggs, Poultry. Etc. BUTTE K City creameries: Extra cream ery, 30 o2Vi;c per pound. State creameries: Fancy Creamery, 25 i( 27,,c; store butter, 16 a 17c. EGGS Oregon ranch, 32?32Hc dozen; best Eastern, 2tl'ft 27c; ordinary Eastern, 24 li 25c. CH EESH Oregon full cream twine, 14' ll-c; Young America. ISalSi-c. . 1'Ol'LTUY Average old hens. 12 filSc: mixed chickens. 12 i 12 Vjc; Spring, 12 bp lllc; old roosters, Ji'fi 30c; dressed chickens, i:r 14e; turkeys live. l7rfjl7M;c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 21'u221ie; geese, live, pr pound. Ktfi'io; ducks. 14U'15c; pigeons, $1 4j. I.oO; squabs, $21 3. Dressed Meats. VEAL Dressed, 75 to 125 pounds, 7 4 8c; 125 to 150 pounds, 7c; 150 td 200 pounds, tic; 2oo pounds and up, Stic. ItEEF Dressed bulls, 2 2 c per pound; cow s. 4 5c ; country steers, 5 5 c. M I'TTON Dressed, fancy, 7c per pound; ordinary. 5 ffi. tic : lambs, fancy. 8c. PORK. Pressed. UK to 130 pounds. 8c; 150 to 2"0 pounds, 77 Vjc; 200 pounds and up, 6 Groceries, Nuts, Etc. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, fitc; South ern Jai'an, fi.40c; head. .75c. COFFEE Mocha, 22s.c; Java, ordinary. IS 22c; Cota Rica, fancy, lb&uc; gooa. 10(tf lbc; ordinary, Ib4j22c Per pound; Columbia roast tats, loO, $15; 50S, $15.25; ArbuuUltt. $17. L5; Lion, $15.75. SALMON Cplumbia River. 1-pounl tall, $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound flats. $1.10; Aiaska pink, l-pound tails, toc; red, 1 -pound talis, $1.25; sockeye. 1 -pound talis. $1 ;o. SUGAR Sack basis, H?0 pounds: Cub. $5.:;i; powdered, $"5; dry granulated. $5.45; extra C, $4.1R; golden C, $4.S5; fruit sugar, $5.45; P. C. $5.35; C. C $5.5. Advance sales over sack basis as follows: Barrels. 10c; half barrels, 25c; boxes. 5nc p?r 100 pounds. Terms: On remittances within 15 davs deduct per pound- if later than 15 days and within 30 day, deduct e Heet Jtnear. $5.5 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, 15 a 1 he per pouna. .NUTS WALNUTS. 14 15c per pound by sack; Uracil nuts, Uic; filberts, ltic ; pecans, jumbos, !. exti a large, 17 '-jc; almonds, lii 2K-; chestnuts, 1 talian. 12 H J tic.; Ohio, 20o; peanuts, raw. 7c per pound; roasted. 0c; pim-mus, 1 iki 1 2r; hickory nuts, 7 So; cocoanuts. U.'f'i'.ior per doz-n. SALT California dairy, S13 ton; Imita tion Liverpool. $ l ;t per ton ; hal-ground. lOt's, $11; 50s. $'.K50. lumb Liverpool. $lu.50. KF.ANS small white. 4e: laree wnite. 3 Li c; pink. 2 c; bayou, 3 :c; Lima, 4 9c; Mexicans, red, 4 VsC, HONEY Fancy. $3.25 'fr 3.50 per box. Provisions and Canned Meats. tiACOX Fancy breakfast. 22c per pound; staii'iurd breaktoiit. l&c; choice, loc; LngiUsh, 11 tn 14 pound. 10c; peach, llbjc HAMS Hi to 14 pounds, lO'-c per pound; 14 to Hi pounds, lOu; 18 to 2o pounds, titc; t.'.tlirornia iiirtnlc. lpilc; cottage, i;tc; shoul ders, none; boiled. 24c; boiled picnic. boneie, 2tc. PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrels. $21; half-barrels, $11: beef, barrels. $11; half harrels, $i. SAUSAGE ITam, 13c per pound: minced ham. 10c; bummer, choice dry, l7c; bo loKi.a, l-n;g. b " . weinerwurst, lOc; liver, pork, ltc; headcheese, tic; blood, 0c; bologna link, r.ic. DRY is ALT CURED Regular short clears, drv salt. 12c, snnUe,l l ; clear hacks, dry fr ait. J2e. f.niokcd. 13e; clear belll, 14 to 17 pounds average, dry salt none, smoked noae; Oregon export?. 20 to 25 pounds average, dry salt 13 V c, smoked 14l-jc: Union bellies, 10 to IS pounds aver age, nunc. l.ALP --Kettle rendered: ierces, 12'.'.r; tubs. 12:-Lc: fn's. 12"ic; 20s. . 1 2 e : 10S. Ki(.; Tn-. U-.e. St nnd rd pure: Tierces, 1 1 i..e; tuK- 1 1 r; ,'s. 1 1 , : 2Us. 11 "8c: lt)S, llic; :,s 12-kc. ('ompiiund: Tierces. 7Vjo;tube, 7"ic; 5i'c 7:,ic; lus, S1 ( c; 5s. 8ir. Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc. HOPS i:'oi;. choice. 15 j 17c; prime, V.ty 14-; medium. 1-y 1-ac per pound; ords, iiominaL V00L EUstern Oregon average beat, lofflSc per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley, "Off 21c. accord! lii: tu iineness. MO II A 1 U--Choice. 2i'u 2c. H1LES lrj ; No. 1. Hi -pounds and up,r pound. lS'ii2; dry kip. No. 1, a to 15 pounds. lb21c p-t pound; dry salted bulis and stags, one-thiid Itss than dry flint; cullta, moth-eaten, bad i cut. adored, murrain, hair cped. weather-beaten or grubby, 2c to 3c per pound lest. Salted hides: btevrs. sound, 00 pounos and over, per pound, lu&iic; atecrg, sound, 50 to 00 pounds, lujllc per pound; suens, sound, under 50 pounds, and cows, Wfi luc per puund; fctags and buUs. sound, 7c per paund; kip, sound, 15 to ao -xiunds, 10c per poimd; veal, siund, U 14 pounds, lie per pound; call, sound, un ier lo pounds. 11 12c per pound; green unsdlied. lc pt-r pound hss; veals, lc per pound leas. Shttpiklus: Sfiearllnjv, No. 1. butchers' stock. ach, 2.V.J 30c; short wool. No. 1, butchers stock, each, fnVOOc; medium wool. No. 1 butchers' ttock. each, $1.25i:t; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or lStflOc per pound. Horse hides: Salted, each, according to size, $1 1 .On; colt hides, each. 25tf5oc. Goatskin. Com mon, each, I525c; Angora, with wool on, each, "tu i? 1.50. FURP No. 1 eklns: Renrskins. an to slis each. $-":i2b, ubs. each, $!ji;i; badger, pri:n each, 25550c; cat, wild, with head perfect, o0.i50c; house cat, 5'ji20c; fox. common gray, large prime, encb.. 501 70c; red. each, $3i.v cros, each. $5i 15: silver and black, each, each. $4.5Wifi; mink, strictly No. 1, eaeh, ac cording to size, $lij3: marten, dark. Northern, according to size and color, each, $1$ 15; pale iine. according to size and color, each, $2.f0'fl4: muskrst, large, each. 12 15c; skunk, each, 40v;itioc; xdvet or polecat, each, 5 15c; otter, large, prime skin, each, $jgl0; pant.'ier. with head and claws periect, each. $2go; raccoon, prime, large, each. 50tr75c; mounta.il wolf, with head perfect, each. $3.50??5; prairie (covote). OocwSl. wolverine. each. J'ijS; beaver per kin. lare. $5Jtl; medium, $t7; mail, S1&1.50; kits. 5-'5iT5c. BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 223'25c per pound. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 44i&c; No. 2 and j; reuse, 2 If 3c. CASCARA SAGRADA (chlttam bark New. 4c per pound; 10-04 and 1905, cariota, 6c; less th;in carlots, P'T5V,c. GRAIN BAGS SV,4TSl0 each. Oils. TURPENTINE Cases, Sic .per gallon. COAL Cased, 19c per gallon; tanks. 12H0 per itauon. GASOLINE Sfov. cases, 24!ic; $6 test. 32c: iron tanks. 20c. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 74c; 500-pound lots. s. i.os than 500-pound lots, 8Hc tin 25-pound tin pails, lc above keg price; 1 to 5-pound tin cans, loo pounds per case. 2a per pnn r.d above keg price. ) LINSEED Raw. in barrels, 47c: In cases. 5:V ; boiled. In barrels, 50c i In cases, 55c; 250-palh n lots, lc less. BENZINE Cases. 10C per gallon; tacks, 12c per gallon. Bank Clearing. Hank rlearancts of tiie leading cities of the Northwest yesterday were Clearimss. Balances. PortiMiid $ 07:;.4: $14!1.770 tettl J..:iS.12L J4tt.27S Taconia 7.1.5,t 56.574 Spokane V! 2,053 fc2,;ilH MARKET IN CHECK Stock Speculation Restrained by Banking Interests. DAY'S BUSINESS IS SMALL Progress of London Settlement Is Watched With Interest Call Money Again Easier Clos ing Is Weak. NEW YORK, Oct. 23. It would b dif ficult to extract a meaning from the action of today's stock market, beyond the nega tive inference of the determined abstention of all operators of any importance. The total tales for the day expanded slightly over those of yesterday, but the increase was dona during the first hour. For most of the day the market had a more stagnant appearance than for a long time past. The dullness was partly attributed to the understanding that banking interests frowned upon trie idea of any present spec ulative activity. Such essays as are made by traders to initiate a price movement bring to light the fact that the matter is in a suspended state A rise In prices brings out stocks tn sufficient volume to check it, while a drive against prices will me.-t support In the shape of buying or ders. The present political campaign Is conceded to have some influence in de pressing the speculation and in suspending financial plans which were supposed to be working out, and were relied on to stimu late speculation. Some udditional attention was again given to friction of workmen on railroads both East and West. Denials were offered on behalf of some of the roads affected that any serious consequences were expected from the demands being made, but the re ports by telegraph of the Intended demands persisted. The Increasing shortage of freight cars was said to be reaching a stage where some of the receivers were re Iorted to be refusing grain offered for transportation. The progress of the London settlement was watched with much interest. Tomor row is the day for payments on the stock market settlement, and any financial diffi culties would be disclosed at that time. Call money was again easier in this market, notwithstanding further remittances from here to London and to the South for cotton-moving purposes. The Government re port on cotton ginned was regarded as sat isfactory, but made no Impression on stocks. Trading was heavy during the last and the closing was ea..y. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, l,4ts4.000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sales. High Low. Close. AdaniA Express Amalgam. Coi.per.. Wt.OOO 113 HO 11014 Am. Car & Foundry i,"00 4:1 4S,, 4:)'4 do preferred 3UO lWHt luu-j, jooi, Aiuer. Cotton OH j1 do preferred ..... ..... o-'l-j American Expre.. 21o Am. Hd. & Lt. p ! --""i Am. K-e Securities.. 4,300 90 8914 Ml 14 Am. Linseed Oil ls do prfcf erred 3.8 Amer. Locomotive 74 do preferred HO1 Am. Smelt. & Refln 12.300 154 15314 10314 do preferred 3u0 11714 117. 116 Am. Sujrar Refining . 9u0 13314 133 132 Amer. Tobacco ifd 99 Anaconda Min. Co. 14,000 2li8-Vi 2I6 2ti69i Atchison 8,30 1004 100 14 do preferred...'.. 400 10C14 10014 1""!4 Atlantic Coast Line 130 Baltimore & Ohio 3.000 11814 117i 11714 do preferred 92 Rronk. 1 Rap Tran. 7.S0O 7!li 7814 7814 Canadian Pacific 17314 C"Ut- of New Jersey 122 Chesapeak"- & Ohio 57 "4 Oil. 3t. Western.. 700 1714 174 17 Chi. A- Northwest. 200 20:j 2"2 2"2 Chi.. Mil. . St. P. 9.3U0 171 17014 17U14 Chi. Term. S: Tran . . . . It do preferred 24 ('.. C C. & St. L !' Colo. Fuel X- Iron.. 4.7O0 52 51 'A 51 '4 Coin. & Southern.. IX.J) :iS 38 3014 do 1st preferred 6S do 2l preferred., l.loo 58 57 5714 Consolidated Gas... Son 138 13714 137'4 Corn rrortuoti- 200 20 1914 194 do preferred ..... 7414 Delaw. & Hudson 217 Del.. Lark." & West. 525 Den. & Rio Grande 400 40 39:H 39H ilo preferred 83 14 DlMUkns'. Securtt. 4110 . SU, B8 6S Eric IS, l' ' 4314 4314 do 1st preferred. . 1.OO0 73 75 do 2d preferred 07 Gepernl Electric 17414 Ho. king Valley 115 Tllinoi. Central 600 17414 173'4 1734 International Paper 1714 do preferred 81 International Pump w .- 43 do preferred ' Iowa Central 28 do preferred 57 Kansas City South 27 do preferred Hon 5f 59 59 T-ouis. Nashville -too 14314 143'4 14314 M. xican 'Central . . . 1.500 20 20 2" Minn. & St. Loui.i ll M.. St. P. - S.S.M 14Wj do preferrrd 107 Missouri Pacific 5,100 94 03 4 9314 Mo.. Kan. & Texas 000 3314 3314 3314 .lo preferred HR National Lead 74 M.x. Xt. R. R. pf M New York Central 2.100 12914 128 12854 V Y.. Dnt & West. 8i 4.". 45 45 Norfolk & Western 1.500 94--4 944 II4V1 do preferred 9014 North American... 600 90 SS SS14 I-a-lfi- Mai! 34 Pennsylvania 28.700 144 13914 139 People's Ga 400 89 87 ' 89 P.. C. C. : St. L 83 Tressed Steel Cur.. 2.70O 54 0314 531.', d- preferred 9814 Pullman Palace Car 2.19 Reading 15.9110 143'4 140 14014 do ls-t preferred 89 do 2-1 preferred 95 Republic Steel". 7n0 3014 .35 3.V4 do preferred 300 97 97 97 R.h l.lnd Co 2.O0O 27 2'4 2t do preferred R4"4 St. I.. St S. F. 2 pf, 200 40 4 4 St, L. & Southwes.' 24 do preferred 57 Southern Pacific 2. BOO 91 9o 90 do preferred 20O I18ti; 1S HR Southern Railway.. 2.i"0 .1:154 33 "4 3.H4 do preferred 2nO 95 95 94 14 Tern. Coal & Iron l.",i Txa A Pacific 4oO 3K54 r.C'i 3'iV, Tol., St. L. & West. 2lK 3B . .". 35 do preferred 52 L'nion Paoilic. 8.400 1S2 181 1SI do preferred 92tj I. S. Kxnress 120 lr S. Roilty RR r. S Ruhher 5O0 49 49 48 do preferred l' 107 1073J lo IT. S. Steel lS.'.fra) 40 54 45 45'4 do p-eferred 3.0oi lottii 105 10514 VI-i:.-Caro. Cbem.. 2"0 37 37 35 do r-referred 1"9 Wabash '"O 19t; 19U 1914 ilo rre'erred 5"0 44ti 4414 44 WelM'alRO Fxpr. l'lO 3oo .".Oil 298 -w.-tineho.v--e Klec 150 Western l:nlon.... 200 RB fut 85 -4 Wheel, if- L Erie) - 17 Wlscoi'Sin Central 251J do preferred 100 52 52 51 Northern Pacific... 8.100 2Ht4 21014 21"14 Cent-al Leather 100 36 3 36 . d. pre'er-ed 101 S,. 1,1ns.. Sheffield .. lOO 71 71 7114 Great Northern 4,50o 321 II 31814 318 Int. J.! 900 .17. 37 3fi .10 preferred 2,000 77 76 "6-4 Total sales for the lay. 7tt5,400 shares, BONDS. NEW YORK, Oct. 23. Closing quotations: U. S. ref. 2s reg.104 iAtch. Adj. 4s... 95"4 do coupon 104 ID. & R. G. 4s.. 9954 V. S. 3s re 102-A'N. T. C. gn. 3US 9514 do coupon. .. . 1031 'North. Pacific 3sT54 I. S. new 4s rg.l:;o do 4s IO314 do coupon. ... 131 iSouth. Pacific 4s 91 14 V. S. old 4s rg.1"2 'Prion Pacific 4sl03 do .coupon. .. .102 !wis. Central 4s. 8914 Stocks at -London. LONDON. Oct. 25. Consols for money. S5 13-lSd. do for account. 85 15-164. Anaconda 13'N. Y. Central .. 137 14 Atchison 103-S iNorfolk & West. 9714 do preferred. . 104 "r i do preferred... 93 Bait. & Ohio. .121 1. Ont. & Western. 404 Can. Pacific. 179 Pennsylvania-... 72 '4 cnes. Ohio. .IOS-4 Rand Mines ; 5 Chi. Gt. West.. IS Reading 13 c. M. & St. P..1715 iSouthern Ry.... 34 De Beers 20 I do preferred . . 99 u D. & R- Grande 41'4:South. Pacific... 93 -4 do preferred.. 80S';I"nton Pacific ..1R"4 Erie 4f" do preferred.. t; (Irt- 1st pfd... 77;TJ. S. Steel 474 do 2d pfd ... 9 . do preferred .. 1ifl Illinois Central. 178 Wabash 2014 Touis. & Nashv.l47l4f do preferred.. 4ft Mo., Kan. & T. 34si Spanish 4s 9 Money Exchange, Etc NEW YORK. Oct. 25. jlloney on call, firm. 34: ruling rate, 44; offered, 3 per cent; time loans, very dull and strong; 60 days. 6& 84 per cent; ao days, 6 per cent bid; six months, 8 per cent. Prime mercan tile paper, e&C1 per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actuaj business In bankers' bills at .S.".OS 4.S5U5 for demand, and at $4.S0$G& 4. SOTO for 60 day bills: posted rates, $4.804.81 and $i.8Sfe4.St5:.-; commercial bills, $-1.80 4.801-. Ear silvei- 69C Mexican dollars. 54c. ' Government bonds, Bteady; railroad bonds irregular. ' SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 25. Silver bars. 69fcc; Mexican dollars. 54sc. Drafts, sight. .6iic; teleerraph, .OOc. bterllng, bo aays. .SIM; sight, 4,S6i- LONDON. Oct. 25. Bar silver, steady, 3214d per ounce; money, 5H per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 5a'6 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for three months bills is 5T&66 per cent. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. Today's state ment of the Treasury balance shows: Avail able cash balances. S22t.31.R32; gold coin and bullion, $109,016,843; gold certificates, ?40,065.764. Improvement on Paris Bourse. PARIS, Oct. 25. There was a slight Im provement In prices on the Bourse today when it was announced that the Bank of France had not raised its discount rate. Bank Bate Unchanged. LONDON, Oct. 25. The Bank of England's rate of discount was unchanged today at 6 per cent. PORTLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. Sales and Prices Bid and Asked on the Local Board. Sales on the stock exchange yesterday were 40 shares Alaska Packers, 1000 shares Interna tional Coal and 2000 snares Rambler Cariboo. Official prices follow: Bank Stocks Bid. Asked. Bank of California 304 Merchants National 14' Oregon Trust & Savings ... Portland Trust Co.. 130 120 1U5 Eankers' St Lumbermen s United States National Equitable Savings & Loan Miscellaneous Stocks Campbell's Gas Burner Union OH Associated Oil Alaska Packers Pacific States Tel Home Tel Puget Sound Tel... Oregon Life Ins Cement Products J. C. Lee Co O. R. & N. Ry. 4s Yaquina Bay Telephone Oregon City Mill & Lumber Co. Mining Stock Nicola Coat Eritish Columbia Amal 200 5 19814 206 39 40 03 103 60 50 1000 50 120 loO lol 10 10 41i B14 4 5 66 60 25 14 1714 00 12 2-)4 5 290 350 75 . . . . ' 114 a 11 12'i 4 5 3 Pacific Metal Kxtractlon. . Alaska Petroleum Alaska Pioneer Standard Con Oregon Securities , Snowstorm Snowshoe Iee'a Creek Gold , Tacoma Steel Galiee Con Gallaher Golden Rule Con Bullfrog Terrible Golcor.da , North Fa.rview Le Roy , Hiawatha Cascadia Lucky Boy Hecla Rambler Cariboo Dixie Meadow Great Northern , Mountain View lilue River Gold Garvin Cyanide Alameda Con 2 4 12 35 SI 10 10 1 950 t 4 86 Ruth Con Pales 40 shares Alaska Packers at imjO shares International Coal at DS1 ; shares Rambler Cariboo at '62, 53; 2XH Ql'OTATJO'S AT SAN FRANX'ISCO. Prices Taitl for Products in the Bay City Markets. . SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. "5. The following prices were quoted In the produce market yesterday: FRUIT Apples, choice, 51; common. .;.n; bananas, 7uii$:i; Mexican limes, $3.iu(1' 4.50; California lemons, choice. com mon, $4.50: oranges, navels $U4.50; pine apples, nominal. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, nnfrfluc; gar lic, tfj Ac; green peas, '.'.'a, 5c; string beans. Zft'tc; tomatoes, -o ax Oc; egg plant, due okra. 50&' 05c. EGGS Store, 30fg 47c; farfcy ranch, 50c Eastern, Wfo- 25c. POTATOES River Burbanks. S5cfl.20; River Reds, nominal; Salinas Burbanks, ?: sweets. 3 1 c. BUTTER Fancy creamery. !Uc; creamery seconds, U3c; fancy dairy, Sc; dairy sec onds, nominal: pickled, 'J0'2lc. WOOIj Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 10(&.14c; South Plains and San Joaquin, 7 8c f lambs. 8i & i:tc. HOPS 12tlc. e CHEESE Young America, 15Ac; Eastern, 17c: "Western, loc. MILLSTUFFS Bran, f 18.50f$ 2ft; mid dlings. f'Jrtb9. HAY Wheat, ?lo-!2 2ft; wheat and oats, $10 Si 15; barleyt nominal, airaira, $s3 .1 1 stocks. SSfrft: straw, 55 Si 65c per bale. FLOUR California family extras, 5.10; bakers' extras. $4.o0 (jj 4.G0; Oregoji and Washington. $;i.7ioh 4.2n. RECEIPTS Flour, 21.7K2 quarter sacks wheat, 4!:J6 centals: barley Vo54 centals oats. 2070 centals: beans. :24S sacks; corn 976 centals; potatoes. 2070 sacks; bran. 25!C sacks; middlings, 40 sacks; hay, '.IH0 tons; wool, 05 bales. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, Oc. 25. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows; AUa $ -4 JJulia . . . .$ .07 . . . .04 Alpha Con Andes . . . (justice .21 !Ky. Con 04 Belcher 25 i Mexican Best. & Bel.. .92 Occidental Con. .76' Bullion 25 iOphir 2.50 Caledonia 'Overman 09 Challenge Con. .16 iSavage 95 Chollar 12 IScorpion 06 Confidence ... .70 ISew. Belcher ... .ns , iron. Cal. & V. .76 ISierra Nevada. .47 Con. Imperial. .01 (Silver Hill 72 Crown Point.. .14 U'nion Con 37 Exchequer ... .5ft JUtah Con 05 Gould & Currie .17 Yellow Jacket. .59 Hale & Norc. .96 J NEW TORK. Oct. 25. Closing quotations: Adams Con. .$ .20 (Little Chief. ..f .05 Alice 4X1 JOntRrio 3.25 Breece 35 Ophir 2.80 Bruns. Con.. .65 jPotosi 10 Comstock Tun. .18 jSavagc .90 Con. Cal. & V. .75 (Sierra Nevada. .50 Horn Silver.y . 1.80 'Small Hopes... .:ift Iron Silver 4.50 Standard 2.50 I.eadville Con. .03 t BOSTON. Oct. Adventure. $ 6 Allouez .... 3S, 25. Closing quotations: 25 (Shannon . . . $ 16.62 50 (Tamarack1.. 104.00 Amalgamatd 110- Trinity 9.75 Atlantic Bingham . - . Cal. & Hecla Centennial . Cop. Range. Dalv West.. Franklin . .. Granby .... Isle Royale. Mats. Sling Michigan -. Mohawk . . . Men. C. & C. Old Domln.. Osceola .... parrot 15.50 ll'ntted Cop.. 63.25 72 . 1 '. o. milium S55.00 't:. S. Oil... 28.25 I Utah . 79.75 Victoria .... 17.25 W'inona 63. 10.25 66.ttO 6.62 11.00 155.00 20.87 V Wolverine 13.37'North Butte. 111.23 25.00 (Butte Coalit. 800 Nevada 17.25 (Mitchell 37.0ft 20.00 5.75 139.00 15.25 40.OO 25.00 67.25 Cal. & Ariz. 2.37 Vt ;Tecumseh . .. 63.50 fAris. Com.... 124.00 jGreen Con... 27.00 j Report on Cotton Ginned. "WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. According to a bulletin issued today by the Census Bureau, there had been ginned up to October 18, 4.910,290 bales of cotton of the growth of 1906, counting round bales as half bales. For the same period last year 4,990,306 bales were ginned. NEW TORK, Oct. 25. There was a 'Sharp break iife. the cotton market today, with December selling down to 10.50c and January to 10.60c, or 40 to 42 points under the closing prices of last night and 70 to 80 points under the recent high level. Cot ton futures closed steady, October, l0.5Sc; November, 10.54c; January, 10.60c; March, 10.79c; April. 10.79c; May, 10.86c; June, 10.S7c, July, 10.90c Dairy Produce in the Hast. CHICAGO, Oct. 25. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady, creameries. 19 25c; dairies, 18 (g 23c Eggs, firm; at mark cases Included. 20A 22c; firsts, 23c ; prime firsts, 24 c ; extras, 27c. Cheese, steady, 12&134c. GRAIN FIRM ALL W Chicago Prices Strong Despite Lower Cables. volume or Trade large Report From Kansas City of Wheat Damaged by Wind and Rain. , Smaller Arrivals in the Northwest. CHICAGO, Oct. 25. Despite lower prices at Liverpool the wheat market here held firrrf all day. There was an active demand and the volum of trading was much heavier than for some time past. A few leading bulls bought heavily and there was frea covering by shorts. Arrivals at Minneapolis and Duluth. today were more than ilOO cars less than for the corresponding ay on yar ago. Another bullish factor was a re port from Kansas City that wheat had been damaeed by wind and rain. Late In the day prices yielded somewhat, out .ne ciose wns firm. December opened unchanged to ho higher at T272;c. advanced to i.f4 714hc and closed at tli.c. steady cables and small local receipts caused moderate strength In corn. There was an active demand by pit traders and commission houses, but offerings were not large. The recent unfavorable weather has had considerable effect on the movement oi the new crop The close was firm, w ith De cember M to c higher, at 4242c. Trad nff in oats was QUiet DUt llic tone of the market was firm. December ciosea frt c hi h her at 3!i i?to.;c. Provisions were firm early In the day on the advance in hoes and a good demand for lard. Selling by packers and local longs caused a moderate reaction late in the ses- ion. At the close January pork was on 5c: lard was unchanged and ribs were up a shade. Leading futures ranged as rouows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. December .$ .T2 $ .711 I .72 .724 May . .77 -TS CORN. .. .45 .45 .. .42 .4:5 . .43',, A2 OATS. . .:nf4 . ..4 -to MESS PORK. .-i:i.7n l't-75 .13.75 13.77 77 .77 October . . December .45 .42 .43 45 .42 .43 .31 May December May July January May October November January . October . January .33 .33 .:4-4 .33 13.65 13. Or 13.72 13.72 , LARD. . 9.K5 9.SS . P. 20 9. SO . 8.32 8-37 SHORT RIBS. . 8.30 8.35 -. 7.45 7.50 9.77 9.20 8-30 9.80 0.2 8.30 8.35 7.45 830 7.42 7.57 May . 7.00 7.62 7.j 7.57 Cash quotations were as follows Flouiw-Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 74S79c; No. 3, 71 77c; No. 2 red, 711i72Vic. Corn No. 2, 45c; No. 2 yellow, 40Uc. OaU? No. 2, 33Vic; No. 2 white, :i4Vi&35c; No. 3 white. 32(&34c; No. 2 rye, 612c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 4651c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1.06 ; No. 1 Northwest ern. 91.13. Timothy seed Prime, $4.104.25. Clover Coatract grades, $13. Short RibI Sides loofe), $8.508.73. Mees Pork Per bbl., $16.50. Lard Per loo lbs., JD.jjo. Sides Short clear boxed), $8.50f?f8.62. Whisky, basis of high wines, 91.20. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels . Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . . Oate, bushels . . Rye, bushels .. Barley, bushels 45,nuo 17,0 M 77,im) 10,0i0 231, it 10 4Hi,J00 .X-fJ.WM 31K.UOO lO,f)i0 8.0'M) 150,000 23,000 (ruin and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 25. Flour Receipts. 17.000 barrels; exports. 0000 barrels. Mar- aet, steauy. Wheat Receipts, 314.900 bushels; ex ports, 345.000 bushels: sales. " 1 Ouil htixh. els. Spot, barely steady, No. 2 red, 79c tivH.ior and BUftc t. o. b. afloat: No. 1 ortlreru, SS f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, 81 Tie f. o. b. afloat. During the forenoon wheat was firm and c higher on small Nortr. f est receipts, bull support and covering. Later it yielded to realizing and closed 'ic net lower. No. 2 red closed Ot-?&c, uecemoer closed 81c. Hops Firm. Hides, wool and petroleum Steady. (rain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 25. Wheat, firm barley, strong. Spot quotations Wheat, sntppinp, l.UHiwi.L'f,; milling. S1.251.32 Barley Feed, 00 ; brewing, Si.12'' 1.17. . Oats Red, $1.17f1.42; white, 1.32 !!-'; mack, tj.mjq -j.. in. Call Board sales Wheat, October, $1.27 rsovemuer, i.su. Barley. October, $1.14; May. $1.16. Corn, largo yellow, $1.351.40. W heat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 25. The following were tne ciosmg grain quotations: Wheat De cember, bs 4T4d; March, 6s 5d. Tho -weather in England today was fine. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 25. Wheat Decern her 72 74 c : May 70 c; No. 1 hard, 764 c, No. 1 Northern, 7irsc; No. J Northern, 74c No. 3 Northern, 71 ;i & 72c. TVfwmt at Tacoma. TACOMA. Wash., Oct. 25. Wheat, un changed; bluesteni, 68c; club, 6flc; red, 64c. PORTLAND I.IVK STOCK MARKET. Prices Current - Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. The following livestock prices were quoted in the local market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers. $3.50 3.75: me dium, $3 3.25; cows, $2.ol)& 2.65; second grade cows. $2U2.2o; bulls, $1.50(&2; calves, $4& 4.50. SHEEP Best, $4.504.75; lambs, $4.75 5.00. HOGS Best, $6.50)6.75; lightweight, $6 &6.Z0. Fa tern Livehtock. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 25. Cattle Receipt 7000; market, steaay. .Native steers. $4 6.75, cows and heifers. $24.75; stockers arid feeders, $2.7..tr 4.7.; bulls, $2. 10 3.50 ralvex. $5.75 fu-6.50; Western steers, $3.50& 0.00; western cows. ?.2un.f. Hogs Receipts. 6OO0; market stronger to c hight-r: bulk of sates. $6.20u ti.27 : heavy. $6.20 tft 6.30: packers, $6.15(6.30; pigs and lights. $.j.7i$i 6.3j. Sheep Receipts, 5000; steady; muttons, $4-u0tt o.50; lambs, $0. io 7.3.: range weth ers, $4.25r8. o. to; fed ewes, $3.5(0'5.15. OMAHA, Oct. 25. Cattle Receipts, 2700 steady, stronger; native steers. $4. 256.40 cows and heifers. $2.50(fr 4.50; Western steers, $3.255t 5.50; . canners, $1.302.40; stackers feeders. $2.7.Vtr4.50; calves, $36; bulls and stags, $2(i S.75. Hogs Receipts. 2800; steady to stronger heavy, S6.05ffi 6.15; mixed. $6.10S-6.15; light. $6.156.25; pigs, $5&6; bulk of sales, $6.10 fix 6.1;;. Sheep Receipts, 6500: stronger "to 10c higher; yearlings. $o.0 6.10; wethers, $5 5.60; ewes, $4.505.30; lambs, $6.757.40. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK, Oct. 25. The market for evaporated apples was steady. High choice, 88c; choice. 7ti c; prime, 6(a 6c Prunes aro in light supply, with quota tions ranging from 3c to 8c for Cali fornia fruit. Oregon 40s to 20s at quote 9 (&10c Apricots unchanged, choice, 16c; extn choice, 17c, and fancy, lbni'W. Peaches, firm, old choice 11c; extra chaice. 12 Li c, and fancy to extra fancy 1 2 4 c. Raisins are steady, loose muscatels, 6 it 7c: seeded raisins, 68c; London lay ers, $1.45 !.:. Big Week in Boston Wool Market. BOSTOX. Oct. 25. The volume of buI ness concluded in the Boston wool market D0WNING-H0PKINS CO. I - ESTABLISHED 189 BROKERS STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and sold for cash and on margin. Private Wires ROOM 4, CHAMBER the past week, which aeereeated fully 25.- 000.000 pounds, is the largest of any week of the year. There have been several weeks during tae year when the aggregate of wool transfers has been between 10.iHiO.000 nd 15.OO0.OOO pounds, but the only previous transaction of 25.000.000, so ftir as known. in lttoi. In this week's dealings the bulk of the business was in territory aud fleece wools. Metal Market. NEW TORK, Oct. 25- There was a de cline of ,10s 15d in the London tin mar ket with spot closing at 107 13s and futures t 19i ins. Locally the market was quiet and lower at 42.S5H? 43.25c. Copper was unchanged tn tho Jncal mar ket with lake ouotated at 21.75c; casting, 21 25 rv 22.75c. TVe English market w as lower, with spot quoted at 9 1 s and fu tures at 97 lOx Lead was 2s lower, at 19 7s d In Lon don. Locally the market was unchanged at 5.751? 5.95c. Snelter was 5s lower at 28 In London. Locally the market was quiet at 6. 20 tr 6.30c. Iron was lower in the English market with standard foundry quoted at 57s 2d. Lo cally the market was nm ana nigner. rso. 1 foundry $24.25rg$25; No. 2 foundry, $23.75; No. 1 foundry southern, $24 tl 24.50; No. 2 southern. 24S 24.5ft. Coffee and hugar. NEW TORK, Oct. 25. Coffee Futures closed steady al a net advance of 5 fir 10 points. Sales. 8000 bags, Including Decem ber at 6.20 1f 8.25c; March, 6.40 tg 6.50c; April. 6.45c; May, 6.55 w :0.-.iC : June. 0. 0c ; July, 6.70&6.8OC; August. tf.SOc; September, 6.S5c. Spot Rio, steady; Cordova, SilSc Sugar Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4c; molasses sugar, 3fic. Refined, steady; crushed, $5.0O; pow dered, $5; granulated, $4.90. Wool at St. Louis. ct t rTTTi f -: 'W.'rtnl tfnrlv medi um grades combing and clothing, 24(25c; lignt, line, J.ra'ic; neavy uiie, liwuti tub washed, 32 37c. 1 BOY OF 11 STAR STUDENT M6st Remarkable College Youngster Just Doles on Philosophy. I Boston Despatch. Albert Wiener. 11 years old, is the youngest college student in the United States, if not in the world. He will be graduated three years before the average boy thinks of entering college. This lad, who is considered the most remargable youngster in the country, is a son of Professor Ljeo Wiener, of Har. vard, and he was entered In Tufts Col lege with an ease that surprised the fac ulty of that institution. I don't see why any one is interested In me just because I am young," he re marked to a reporter. "I don't see any thing wonderful in being fond of study. Philosophy la more Interesting to me than fairy tales. In fact philosophy is fairy land to me. 'Do I play? Of course I do. Swim ming is my forte. When I have partici pated in the boys' games, I like to rest, and then I turn to my Huxley or my Spencer." Professor Wiener thinks his son is so far advanced by reason of his tremend ous memory. He said: "At first we didn't think he was so bright, though he could say his alphabet at 18 months. Ho could read, write and spell at 3 years, and began Latin at 5. At 8 he was fitted for college in mathe matics, philosophy, Latin, German and the sciences. Now he is ahead of his class. "For instance, his certificate from the Ayer High School admitted him to Tufts in some studies, but not In all. So he took examinations in physiology, botany and triKonometry, which are not required for entrance in any college. He demon strated that in mathematics he was far ahead of the freshman class, and so he is doing npper-class worlt in the theory of equations and determinates. He is so well versed in philosophy that he has been placed in a class by himself. "Comparative philosophy, of course, he has done, and many of the sciences. Mathematics is an open book to him. Geometry and trigonometry are simple, and he has mastered analytics. He knows more about higher mathematics than the average graduate who has made a spe cialty of them. "Zoology, botany, chemistry, physics he has them all. But it is always to philosophy that he trims. For instance, when you come to chemistry, it is the philosophy of chemistry that interests him the most. "The classics? Oh. they are simple enough. He has done his Caesar, Cicero, Ovid and Virgil, and now he is taking up Greek. He knows German. He is taking it up at Tufts for the literary side. But don't let any one think we are forcing him. We are not. He is lazy and doesn't study as much as the average boy of his age. He learns by reading, reasoning and remembering." At the moment this youngster is tack ling Latin. Knglish, mathematics, phys ics, chemistry, biology, mental and moral science, philosophy, Greek and German. He will be a post-graduate B. A. at Har vard before hfi is 15. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. CAMPBELL At 513 Umatilla avenue, October 21, lo the wife of Frank U. Camp bell, a daughter. "jRAHAMj-At Hawthorne avenue, October 25, to the wife of Horton N. Graham, a son. NATLOR At 611 Fourth street, October 22. to the wife of Arthur "W Naylor, a son. PALMER At 713 East Couch street, Oc tober 17, to the wife of Harry P. Palmer, a daughter. WILDE At Portland Maternity Hospital, October 22, to the wife of Lewis J. Wilde, a son. Marriage Licent-s. BOYCK-M'CLELLANE. R. Boyce, 22; Retta McClPllan.- 21. OBERG-JOHNSON H. W. Obers, 05; Amanda. C. .Tohnson. 2i. BRUNO-DE GENNORO Ralph Bruno, 23; Ida De Gennoro, 21. THOMPSON-M'NAMETi L. B. Thompson, 24; Lena F- McNamee. 17. Deaths. BRL'CK At 520 Lovejoy street, October 24, Mrs. Katherine Bructe, a native of Ger many, aged 5 years. COFFIN At St. Vincent's Hospital, Oc tober 23, Isaac Coffin, a native of New York, aged 83 years. DOCKARTT At 580 Second street, Octo ber 23, Arthur J. Dockarty, native of Kew York, aged 47 years. HILL At Baby Home, October 24, Flor ence Hill, an infant. JOHNSON At Phoenix, Ariz., October 20, George G. Johnson, a native of Oregon, aged 2S years! 3 months and 14 days. Remains brought here for interment. RUSSELL At Woodstock, October 21, Mrs. Diademona B. Russell, a native of New York, aged 70 years, 11 months and 4 days. SIMPSON At Good Samaritan Hospital, October 24, Victor C. Simpson, a native of Washington, aged 17 years, 10 months and 24 days. Remains taken to Albany for in terment. SLOAN At 909 East Ninth street North, October 22, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sloan. SPRINGER At 83 Minnesota avenue, October 24, Oelera E. Springer, an infant. WEIR At Portland Sanitarium, October 23. Mrs. Anna R. Weir, a native of Indiana, aged 50 years, 11 months and 25 days. WILSON At Salem. October 24, Charles Wilson, a native of Missouri, aged 6tf years OF COMMERCE Phons Main 37 and 15 days. Remains brought here for interment. WILSON At Ljnnton, October 2-, Ed ward Wilson, aged t3 years. Buildinr Permits. F. V. SPEAR One-story frame shop. Roselawn; S7. W. M. STANTON One-story frame dwell ing. East Twenty-sixth street, between V'y- gant and Ooinp; 2"0. G. W. DOTSON One-story frame dwell ing, Lexington, street, between East Sev enth and East Ninth; ?10l0. J. R. GP.EGN One and one-half story frame dwelling. Lexington street, between East Seventh and East Nintii: $VJ0O. A. .1. t'HOFTON- one-stiTT frame dwell ing. East Twenty-first street, Vetween alar- ion anil l.rr.n; ?:;oiv CAilll.K APACH One and one-half storr frame dwelling, Mt-Ann street, near Willam ette boulevard; $1000. c. u. WILLIAMS One-story frame shed. Sumner .treet, between Michigan and Al bina, $100. HANNAH M. PILVET One-sto"v frame dwelling. East Eleventh street, between Springtield and Wygant; $900. W. J. LANDER Two-story frame dwell ing. East Third street, between Wasco and Clackamas; $-000. ELIZABETH WARREN One and one half story frame dwelling, Carpenter street, between Mississippi and Missouri; $1250. R. F. HALL, -Two-story frame dwelling, Hoyt street, between North Twenty-Uilrd aud Nortli Twenty-fourth; $5000. K. A. KEXNEY Two-story frame dwell ing. Willamette boulevard, between Mon telth and Van Houten; $1250. STANTON SYREK One and one-half story frame dwelling, Prescott street, near Penn; $ofr0. J. B. LISTLER R.pair dwelling. St. Louis street, between Hubbard and Ander son; G. A. DOl'GLAS One and one-half story frame dwelling, Belmont street, between East Thirty-seventh and East Thirty-eighth; $i:!00. S. D. TAYLOR Two-story frame dwell ing Rodney avenue, between Delium and Portland; $1700, CHANCE GILLAND Three one-story frame dwellings, Riverview avenue, near Patton road;. $1600 each. Real E.tat Transfers. Em 11 A. Johnson and Olivia Johnson to Malinda Carat hers, east of lot 6, block .52, Tibbett's Add 1700. J. H. and Mary M. Amiss to C. Jr Well man, lot 5 exc. north loO feet and west 8.6 feet of lot 4 exc. the north loo feet, block 2. John lrving's lt Add. to East Portland; also lot 5 an! wet 8. a feet of lot 4. block 10, Hol laday Park Add 67M) Chaa. M. and Ivy Maud Whitcomb to P. H, Shuck, lot Mi. block 2. Eden... 125 P. A, and M. A. Mann to Alex Luras den, lots 1 and 2, block 1, Williams Ave. Add. No. 2 1 Wh. M. and Dora Klllingsworth. Frank M. and Anna S. Waxren to Lucy A. Lunisdcn, lot 0, block TJ, Walnut Park 1000 Martha A. Cool edge to The Public, last will of Martha Cooled ge, willing to Lucy A. and Sarah Cooledge Ely 77 feet of lot 3, block 11, Caruther's Add. Ellen J. Newell and husband to Harriet S. Calhoun, 1-10 acre in Sec. 1. T. 1 S., R. 1 E 1 Edw. H. Fitzglbbon and wife to Mllon K. Blackford, lot 7 and 8, block 1. in west 14 of lot "L," In M. Patton tract 1000 Jno. A. Beard and w ife to Geo. E. Man gas, lots 1 and 2, block 1, North Ivanhoe Add 450 C. U. Gantenbeln and wife to Otto A. Anderson, lot 3 in east 6 of Trace "L" of M. Patton Tract 300 James V. Shaver, trustee, et al. to Ma lena Johnaon, S. W. H of lots 2 end 3, block 1. Shaver's 2d Add , 1000 M. B. Thompson and wife to Theodore W. and Maggie F. Metca, lots 15 and ltt, block 2), North Irvlngton 325 M. C. Bantield and wife to Kmily O. San ford, lota 20, 21 and 22, block 1, Lent's Add 4000 Union Trust & Inv. Co. to G. G. Gam mans, undivided 1-12 of, beginning at point iny. sec. line running north and south through Sec. 21. 1502.3 feet north along said line from center of said Fee. 21 1500 J. C. and Alic'j H. Ainsworth to G. G. Gammans, undivided 1-12 of bame property irs above 1750 J. P. Nowfell to Ellen J. Newell, 1 14 acre tract in Sec. 1, T. 1 R. 1 K. - 1 Alice Russell Brown and husband to A. , D. Marshall, lot 4 and east ' let 3. block 7, John Irving'd First Add. to East Portland 6500 IsabiHle J. Sellwood to John P. Miller, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7, block 4, Sell wond 1350 BmrfJtt. V. Sell wood to John P. Miller, lot 8. block 4 . Sell wood 270 Joseph A. Sellwood and wife to John P. Miller, lots 1, 2, S, 4, 7 and 8, block 4, Sellwood 1 Annie V. Holland to F. N. Pendleton et al.. lota 5 and 6, block 135, Citv 17,000 J. C. and E. L. McGrew to Ray H. Groves, lot 6, block 11, Kern Pa.k..T. 150 Mary H. Couch to Kate Binghnm. lot 9 and west 40 feet of lot 8, block 286, Couch Add 6500 R. W. and F Klrkham to Mrs. J. T. Mackey, south of lot 3, block 22, Smith's Subdivision and Add. to East Portland 40O May E. Swigert to Jm, A. Longhead, lots 17 and 18. block 2. Subd. of Tract "K" In M. Patton Tract 5H3 pean W. and Alice L. Park to trusters of Park M. FJ. Church, lots 23 and 24, block 18, Norwood 420 Hurlflirt Ingalls and wife to Andrew M Oall, lot 30, block 2. Arleta Park No. 3 i8oft C. M. Keep and wife to John H. Dewitt, lots 3 and 4, Mock 25; Tots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, block 25, Council Crest 10 L. G. Peterson and wife to Wllheim Olson and wife, lot 8, block 17, Mult nomah 1 Chas. O. Brown and wife to W. FA Bou lette. lots 7 and 8. block 2, Orchard Homes x Joan Ruddy to Catherine E. Norrie, lot t. Mock 13. King's 2d Add 1 Tl.e Peninsula Bank to Mvron A. and Mary A. Ritgood. each yA of lot 4, Oak Park Add. to St. Johns I Amos L. Miner and 'wife to Chas. T. Miner, lot 6. block 1, Davis Highland School Houte Add t Win. M. Iadd et al. to Chas. Baren- steeher. lot 5. block 2. Strong's Add. 3500 M. E. Smith, trustee, to Fred A. Rout ledge and wife, north of lot 3, and east 45 feet of lots 9 and IO and part of lot S, block 10, North Mt. Tabor. 125 Ira O. Shattuck et al. to R. B. and Car rie Keenan, lot" 1 to 16, inclusive, block 2. N. E. Portlnnd 200 John and Elizabeth Staehil to Chas. Grunlg. east 434 feet of lot 1, block 10, Elizabeth Irving' Add. to East Portland 2S50, Isaac Dove tn Theresa M. Dove, lot 3, block 2.".rt. East Portlnnd Add 1 M. A . and G. W. Webber to James Blanc, lot 37. Hazelwood 1 H. r. Allen. tru-te. et al to H. M. Owen, trustee. Subd. 2 in lot 10, New hurst Pnrk. containing 1 acre 350 John H. Shepherd and wife to Bethanv Baptist Church, lots IO and 11, block BO. Sellwood 1 Jamej A. I.autrhead anil wife to .T. H. Knit a. lots 17 and S. block 2. Subd. of Tract "K . M. Patton Tract So) C. V. Gantenbein and wife to J. II. ' Nolta, lot 17 "d 1R li eaft of Tract 'L." M. Patton Tract flOO CIvde .T. SeorTIns to J. F. Healev. capt 2't 2-3 feet of lot 34. block 14. Al bina 1000 Hazel D. Fulton and husband to H. Fall man, lot " and north of lot 13, Mock 1. Miriam 1 Same to H, Fal'man, lot 13, block 23, Mt. Tnbor Villa I Harry Falimnn to Em i lie Fa It man. lot 13. Voe: 23. Mt.' Tnbor Villa 1 Inceborg John.nn to Peter Johnson, lot 12 and 14. block 52. Sunnyside 1 Amos and Annie Burg to Amelia Davis. lot T. bloek 3. Piedmont Park 2O0 A. S. and Rom A. Ellis to Amon H. and Fusan M. Roberts, lot 4 and north 10 feet of lot 5. block 1, Williams Ave. Add. No. 2 3500 H. H. Jnnest and wife to W. H. Gind staff et al., lot 3, block 1S3. Couch Add 4500 Annie T. and F. Lt Lent to Wm. p. Affh. lot 6, block 1, Bernhardt Park.. 850 Total $01,303 Have your abractf made r th Security Abstract tt Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Com mere. Seven Injured by Car Collision. CHICAGO, Oct. 25. A defective rail was responsible last night for a street car col lision in which even persons were seri ously injured. The crash occurred on the Ashland Avenue line at Thirty-ninth street. .The bad rail was on the south bound track, causing; the car on that track to collide with a car going in th opposite direction. Charles Stadtman and" Mrs. Ethel McDowell may not recover.