Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1906, Section Edition, Page 5, Image 5

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eye m barrett
May Be Appointed Director
of the Pan-American
Portland Mao May Be fhoM to Bind
Ties of Three America Instead
of Bccoinlnu Ambassador
to BraalL
Washington, Oct. 24. While Secretary
Boot is considering John Barrett as a
possible Ambassador to Brazil, the
diplomats of Central and South Amer
ica are debating among themselves
whether or not to elect Mr. Barrett
director of the Bureau of American
At the recent conference at Rio
Janeiro, attended by Mr. Root, a gen
eral desire was shown by delegates
from the Republics south of us to es
tablish closer relations with the United
Stats and the plan was heartily ap
proved by Mr. Root. It was then con
feded that the best means of bring
ing about more Intimate relations was
through the Bureau of American Re
publics, but it was likewise conceded
that before any effective work could
be accomplished the bureau would
have to be reorganized.
American to Head Bureau.
The United States, being the great
, est Republic Interested, is in reality
entitled to the principal office In the
bureau, but Mr. Root did not feel dis
posed to urge the claim of this Govern
ment for fear of offending the smaller
Republics. It is beginning to be under
stood, however, that an American must
necessarily be at the nead and Mr. Bar
rett la mentioned by many diplomats
because of his familiarity with condi
tions in Central ,and South America
and because of his wide acquaintance
amonsr tne leading citizens of these
Republics. Mr. Barrett has championed
tneir cause since his return to the
United States and his recent magazine
article has brought forth still further
While he is making no campaign for
election as director of the bureau, Mr.
Barrett would probably accept if it
came to him unsolicited.
Barrett Fittest Man.
The State Department believes Mr.
Barrett admirably fitted for this posi
tion and officials declare that, it
elected, he will restore the bureauto
Its former dignity and usefulness and
make It instrumental in arousing mu
tual interest among various countries
represented. The President and Sec
retary Root are both anxious that clos
er relations shall be established with
the Republics of Central and South
America and both would gladly see
Mr. Barrett chosen to undertake this
Important duty. The office is not un
der the control of President Roosevelt,
Vnut Is filled by election of the govern
ing board of the bureau, representing
all countries Interested.
It is by no means certain that Mr.
Barrett will not he made Ambassador
to Brazil, but if it becomes apparent
that there is general demand for his
election as director of the Bureau of
American Republics some other man
will be sent to Brazil.
Will Send Warning Under Water.
Washington, Oct. 24. Columbia River
lightship and other light stations along
the Pacific Coast are to be equipped
with the newly invented apparatus for
sending warnings under water to ves
sels at sea when tile weather Is thick
. and lighthouses become of little value.
Vessels properly equipped are able to
pick up messages under sea trans
mitted by this apparatus for as much
as seven miles. Experiments on the
Atlantic coast have proved entirely
(Continued from Pag. 1.)
ing Thornweil Mullally. the assistant to
the president of the United Railroads, to
a conference in his office. Mullally came
under the wing of Tirey L. Ford, general
counsel for the corporation.
Deal With Suloonnirn.
Next in importance to the trolley graft
In his efforts to indict Ruef and Schmltz.
Heney regards the payment of $10,000 by
the liquor dealers to thwart the high
license movement Ruef. as attorney for
the Liquor Dealers' Association, was paid
this amount to square the matter with the
It has also developed that $2S.0OO was
paid to Ruef by the French restaurants to
allow them to continue their ."Bohemian"
system of handling guests.
In addition to confessions from Super
visors. Heney has secured valuable mtor.
nation from Frank A. Maestretti. ex
president of the Board of Public Works,
and Thomas Reagan, ex-Police Commis
sioner, who were until recently members
of the Ruef machine, but who were re
moved from office when they failed to do
as Ruef desired.
Says Rurf Got One-Tenth.
Maestretti charged in writing this month
that one-tenth of the amount of the bills
presented to the Board of Public Works
had to be pa:d to a certain person, whom
he did not name. His language, however,
made It appear that the person to whom
the vast tithes went was Ruef. Maestretti
also let It be known that he could tell a
preat deal more, and he has given Heney
and Burns some valuable leads.
Reagan has told Heney of a plan Mayor
Sehmitz laid before him that they should
go Into the wholesale liquor business,
force all saloons to buy from them and
make a profit of Sort a barrel on whisky.
Boy City Grafters Plot to Have Proa
ecutor Removed From Office.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 34 Eighteen of
the 19 men to compose the new grand jury
which is to Investigate charges of alleged
corruption In the municipal administration
and before whom It Is exoected that
Francis J. Heney and Secret Serviic
Agent W. J. Burns will present evidence
of alleged graft and malfeasance In office
en the part of some municipal officers,
were selected today under the supervision
of Judge Thomas F. Graham, presiding
Judge of the Superior Court. Twelve more
Lames were drawn from the jury box and
subpenaed to appear before Judge Graham
tomorrow, when the last man to complete
the grand jury will be selected.
Interest today centered in the selection
of the new grand jury and in the action
of Abe Ruef. the alleged political dictator
of this city, who is making good his in
timation that he would strike back at
some of those whom he terms his enemies.
Ruef swore to a wartant- in the Police
Court, charging R. A. Crothers. editor of
the Bulletin, with criminal libel.
The charge is based on an article pub
lished in the Bulletin on October 5. in
which It is set forth that Ruef was con
spiring -with certain interests in the pur
chase of a municipal water - supply for
the city, for which he was to receive a
large sum of money.
Ruef intimates that there will be some
sensational developments in a few days,
and declares that the coming week will be
an interesting one to the public. He said
that in a few days he expected to be in a
position to expose a systematic attempt
on the part of certain people and inter
est to put him out of business.
Although it was persistently rumored
today that the administration ie planning
to remove District Attorney Langdon
from office, and thus be in a position to
dismiss Assistant District Attorney F. J.
Heney, no move indicating such intention
has yet been made by the administration.
That this has been under consideration,
however. Acting Mayor Gallagher admit
ted today, but he eaid that no .definite
conclusion had teen reached. Under the
charter, the Mayor cannot remove an
elected officer, and can only recommend
Langdon's removal to the Board of Super
visors should Langdon refuse to resign If
his resignation be demanded.
What the Freas Acnnta Say.
Favorite Actor Will Begin Engage
ment at the Heilig Theater.
The eminent actor, Louis James, will be
gin an engagement of four performances at
The Helllg Theater. Fourteenth and Wash
ington Btreets, tonight at S:15 o'clock
Phakespeare'a delightful comedy. "The
Merry Wives of Windsor." will be the play
for the entire engagement. Mr. James will
be seen aas the rollicking, fat Sir John Fal
staff. The company Is an especially capable one.
Nellie McHenry, who has been specially en
gaged for Mistress Quickly, and Norman
Hackett. a young actor of excellent promise,
will be Mr. Ford. j
"Cp York State" at the Eater.
"Back to the soil" is an expression which,
finds echo in the hearts of all men and
women at times, and at the Baker this
week it is back to the country, with Its
rural cnarms and quaintly homely, honest
people, in "Up York State." Howard Rust-ell
is a great hit as the hired boy who
sings a funny song. Matinee Saturday.
Packed Houses at Empire This Week
A good play and a pure play is always
welcomed by intelligent people, and -this is
the reason that "The Holy City," now play
ing at the Empire, Is having such an un
precedented run of patronage. It Is mag
nificently staged. Popular priced matinee
Seabury as "The Man From Mexico."
Willie Collier In "The Man from Mexico"
was a national success and Forrest Seabury
is a success in Portland within the limits
of the city in tne same role. "The Man
from Mexico" is causing thousands to laugh
this week at the Star. There will be a mat
inee this afternpon.
Great Labor Play at the Lyric.
This Is official labor week at the very
popular Lric. where "The New Partner"
Is the offering. Scores of people are turned
away at every performance, owing to the
unparalleled rush to secure seats.
Seat Sale Tomorrow for "In the Blab
op' Carriage at Heilig.
Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the ad
vance sale of seats will open for Llebler &
Co.'s big production of "In the Bistop's
Carriage." which, comes to The Heilig The
ater. Fourteenth and Washington streets,
next Sunday night, October 2S, for four
nights, with a special matinee Wednesday.
Rose Eytlnge, formerly of the Belasco stock
company, is in the cast.
Next Week at the Baker.
"The Sorceress," which will be the special
attraction of the Baker stock company so
far this season, will be the offering at that
theater next week, starting with Sunday
matinee. Seats are now on sale.
"Dora Thorne" a Familiar Story
Every reader of fiction is familiar with
Bertha M. Clay's famous novel, "Dora
Thorne." and theater-goers will appreciate
the fine dramatization of this book which
will be presented at the Empire next week
by a fine Eastern road company, opening
Sunday matinee.
"Human Hearts" at the Lyric Next.
Commencing Monday afternoon the Lyrlc
stock company will present Hal Keld's melo
drama, "Human Hearts." The Lyric wWl
chanpe its policy and give but one per
formance a night instead of two. beginning
Monday, and only high royalty plays will be
"Princess of Patches" Next Week.
"The Princess of Patches," a new melo
drama, will be produced at the Star next
Monday nigat by the Allen stock company.
The title role will be entrusted to Vera
Vaudeville at the Grand.
Vaudeville, the kind which people like
best, the kind which makes an hour pass
pleasantly, is such as the Grand programme
contains this week. Ten beautiful girls are
the headline act. The Tidbeaux Zouaves
are agile girls, carefully trained in military
Pantages Good Show.
There Is an exceptionally strong bill, with
eight big acts on it. at Pant ages this week.
The great feature Is the "Unbleached Amer
ican Quartet-" Kippy, the tramp cartoon
ist, Beatrice Lorne. the Scottish nightingale;
Stroud and Thatcher. O'Neill and Company,
Fred Merrill, Leo White and the moving pic
tures are all good.
Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes Welcome
Murine Eye Remedy. It soothes. It cure.
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
Removes Tn, Pimples,
Freckles, Moth Patches,
Bui, and Skin Thstues,
aaa ury o.enum
on beauty, ted do
ne detection. It
bae stood tne test
of 7 years, ana
Is so harmless we
tasteit tobeiuitit
Is properly mad.
A cctpt no counter
felt of Imiiar
name. Dr. L. A.
Savre said to a
Udy of the hut
toa (a patient):
As you ladies
wul use them.
Gonranda Crenn' as the least harmful of all the
iin pnjparauons. r le bv aJt druTfRK and Fancy,
(roods Dealers in the United States, CanaUa and Europe.
FcRO. T. KQFK1XS, Prcj, 37 Bred J;n Sheet KktTc-L
Santa Fe Road Ordered to Produce
Its Books.
Federal Grand Jury at Lob Angeles
Digs Ueep Into Rebates to Fur
niture MenMay Indict
Both Parties.
L09 ASTGELE3, Cal.. Oct. 24. United
tates District Attorney Lawler and the
Federal Grand Jury at 10 o'clock this
morning resumed Investigation of the
charges that the. Santa Fe Railroad Com
pany is guilty of rebating in freight
charges to certain furniture implement
dealers in this city.
Judge Olin Wellborn,' of the United
State District Court, decided late
yesterday afternoon that the rail
road company must produce their freight
books in court on subpena. Attorneys for
the corporation resisted this action, and
consumed nearly ,the whole day yesterday
In argument before the court in an en
deavor to show that a corporation, like an
individual, was entitled to immunity, and
could not be compelled to furnish evidence
asainet Itself. The court,, however, ruled
to the contrary.
The decision stated that a corpora
tion could not avail itself of provisions
of law enacted solely for the pro
tection of individuals. The book9 will,
accordingly be produced in court when
wanted. Indictments will be sought un
der the Elklns law, not only against the
railroad company, but also the firms and
individuals alleged to have received the
rebates. It Is asserted that the Southern
Pacific and possibly' the Salt Lake Rail
road will be drawn into the investigation
The mass of papers was guarded "by
two armed United States Deputy Mar
shals. Deputies also guarded the doors
and prevented any of the witnesses from
being interviewed. A reporter who en
deavored to gain information from them
was threatened with contempt of court
Among the witnesses were heads of sev
eral of the large furniture stores of the
city and two or three railroad officials. It
was stated that the District Attorney had
also subpenaed several former employes of
the furniture companies who would be
likely to have information of the freight
Farmers in Congress Discuss Meth
ods of Co-Operation.
TOPBKA. Kan.. Oct. 24 Plans for op
posing the packing companies and the
commission dealers were discussed at the
meetings of the Farmers' National Co
operative Congress today.
Schemes to be used to break the force
of the packing trust, so-called, were de
cided upon and probably will be put Into
execution. One is that the members of
the congress will try to cure the majority
of the meat they use themselves, and also
will cure meats for the market. The
other ,plan is to- have an agent in each
county who will handle all the stock of
the members and ship to another agent at
the market, who will sell direct to the
packing-house. There is -no intention to
build a co-operative packing-house.
The farmers ' have a grievance also
against the fruit commission dealers, and
an effort will be made to organize the
union in fruitgrowing sections.
Today's session was devoted to a gen
eral discussion of co-operative plans and
much sentiment was manifested in favor
of the Government ownership of rail
roads. A resolution urging Congress to
take steps to have the states as well as
the Nation adopt more stringent pure
food laws was passed. A committee to
deal with this subject was named.
A committee was appointed this after-
from the
In order to make
We are prepared to furnish yon
with Coats and Suits at New
York Prices.
noon for the purpose of formulating a
uniform system of organization of co-operative
bodies- Xo merging of co-operative
bodies is contemplated, but it is pro
posed to have all co-operative societies
work under the guidance of a strong cen
tral organization.
Attorney 'Will Flsht Claim to Pacific
Terminal Rates.
ington. Oct. 24. R. M. Stephens, of Spo
kane, counsel for the shippers of his city,
is here gathering data at the Interstate
Commerce Commission in support of the
protest that has been filed with the com
mission charging transcontinental rail
roads with discrimination against Spokane
and in favor of Portland and Puget Sound
ports on freight from Eastern points. The
railroads have not yet made answer to
the complaint filed by Spokane, but when
they do Mr. Stephens expects to appear
and push Spokane's case. Speaking of
the freight situation at Spokane, Mr. Ste
phens said:
"The cities on the Pacific Coast have
been built up at the expense of those In
land, such as Spokane. Our jobbers have
been limited in their competition with Ta
coma. Seattle and Portland. For this rea
son all the people of the Northwest wel
comed the rate law. and will now seek
relief under Its provisions. The roads
claim that water competition is the cause
of lower rates to the seaboard cities. We
reply that they can give us better rates
and still make a big profit. They are
fighting for the great trade that is being
emptied out of the Northwest into Alaska
and the Orient."
Carriage-Builders Consider Plan for
Revision Board.
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 24. At today's ses
sion of the Carriage Builders' National
Association Convention,-- two resolutions
were introduced bearing on the tariff and
action was deferred until tomorrow. One
resolution called tor the complete and im
mediate revision of the Dingley tariff act.
The second suggested a complete separa
tion of the tariff question from politics.
It was urged that the tariff be' assigned
to some department of the Government
or board 'of tariff revision, provided
for by f ederal power, whioh board shall
be constantly in session. Copies of these
resolutions were engrossed and sent to
President Roosevelt.
Interstate Board Continues Grain In
quiry at Omaha.
OMAHA, Oct. 24. Interstate Commerce
Commissioners E. E. Clarke and Frank T.
Lane continued here today the hearing on
matters connected witn the grain trade.
About 200 grainroen of Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs have been subpenaed to testify,
and it is understood that others will come
from different points in the state. At
torney John H. Marble represents the
J. E. Vondorn. of Council Bluffs, testi
fied that the elevator company of which
he is the head, besides operating an ele
vator at Council Bluffs, does busines at
Underwood and Neola. Ia. In both places
the elevators are rented from the Rock
Island Railroad Company. At Underwood
they pay 3125 a year, and at Neola $200.
Mayor of Dayton, Ohio, Drowned.
PORT ARTHUR. Ont.. Oct. 24. Charles
Snyder, Mayor of Dayton, 6.. was
drowned today while duck-shooting in the
Whitefish district. He had been in this
vicinity for the last two weeks hunting
moose. This morning he went out after
ducks on the lake. His companions re
turned to the city tonight, saying that
the boat had been overturned acci3ent
ally and that Mr. Snyder was drowned.
He was 38 years old and was serving his
third term as Mayor of Dayton.
Storm-Bound In Straits.
SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 24 (Special.)
The schooner John A. Campbell, ship
Lucille and schooner Rosamond are
storm-bound in Clallam Bay. They were
forced by a strong southeast gale that
Increased to a velocity of 38 miles an
hour to put back today and anchor in
the harbor.
room for the continuous incoming: shipments of Coats, Suits and Skirts, we are making:
radical reductions throughout the house for ONE DAY ONLY
$7.50 COATS
$10.00 COATS
Thursday , . .
$15.00 COATS
$20.00 COATS
$30.00 COATS
qJO AT,.
Gained Ten
- - Wr 7
MR. J. B.
Is an absolutely pure, gentle and invigorating stimulant and tonic, it builds up
the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the brain, strength and
elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings Into action all
the vital forces, it makes digestion perfect and enables you to get from the food
you eat the nourishment it contains. It Is Invaluable for overworked men. delU
cate women and sickly children. It strengthens the system. Is a promoter of
Rood health and longevity, makes the old young and keeps the young strong. .
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a form of food already digested, it contains no
fusel oil and is the only whiskey that is recognized as a medicine. This is a
Sold by all druggists and grocers, or direct, in sealed bottles only; never
in bulk. Price $1. Insist on the genuine, and see that the "Old Chemist"
trade-mark is on the label. Beware of refilled bottles and spurious malt
whiskey substitutes offered for sale by unreliable dealers. They are posi
tively harmful and will not cure. Medical booklet and doctor's advice free.
Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Eochester, N. Y.
Cambria Steel Company Han New Dis
aster at Scene of Slaughter at
Johnstown In 1902.
JOHNTOTVN, Pa., Oct. 34. By an ex
plosion in the mine of the Cambria Steel
Company here today seven men are re
ported to be dead and two painfully but
not fatally hurt. The explosion Is thought
to. have been caused by the generating of
gas by the setting off of a blast. Most
of the victims are foreigners. The explo
sion occurred in the mouth of the" shaft.
In a statement to the Associated Press
today, the company says:
By an explosion in the rolling mill mine
of the Cambria Steel Company this evening,
seven men are dead and two axe painfully,
but not fatally, injured. Up to the present
argest Stock
Pounds in
Pure Malt
time only one of the dead nas been identi
fied. He is an American-born miner named
Sampson Luther. It is believed the other
dead are all foreigners, as are the two in
jured. The explosion took place in heading N"o.
23. a short distance from the ill-fated Klon
dike section, where 114 men lost tneir lives
about four years atgo. The exact cause is
not known, but it is supposed tbe gas was
fired by the putting off of a blast. All the
men when found had their safety lamps
in proper trim, showing that the accident
could not have been by negligence in this
direction. No damage was done to the
workings and the mine will be running to
morrow' as usual.
Many, reports were spread as to the
large number of men imprisoned in the
mine, but these subsequently were found
to be untrue. The men killed were alone
in the heading at the time of the explo
sion. They were taken out about 9 o'clock
Will Ask Government Aid.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 24. (Special.)
E. P. Eberly, who brought the news to
Seattle that 60 men and women were
without food on Yakataga Beach, has
been unable to secure assistance from
any one of the private steamship com
panies. He said today that he would
on the
$i5.oo suits cn nc
Thursday ....v) I i J
$20.00 SUITS $ 1 1 nz
Thursday. :..plllJ
$30.00 SUITS E J Z
Thursday LUmCiD
$40.00 suits $9 1 nz
Thursday $ L 3L I s)
$30 Silk Shirtwaist Suits CI J 0C
Thursday $lU0J
STREET, Bet. Washington and Alder
Two Weeks
.' Mr. J. B. Cooper of Scotts
ville, Ark., who wasted
away from 180 pounds to 150
pounds in a few months,
praises Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey for restoring his
It required only two bot
tles to effect a cure and in
crease his weight 10 pounds,
according to his own state
ment, written June 6, 1906,
which follows:
"During my seventeen years as &
salesman of general merchandise I
have lost about six months' time only
until recently, when I contracted a
fcevere attack of bronchitis, which made
me feel as though I had consumption.
"I had been bothered with a slight
cough for eight or nine months. I
lost in weight, from ISO to 1.S0 pounds.
My doctor recommended Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey as the best cure for
consumption, so I decided to try it. and
after using two bottles sweetened with
rock candy, I gained ten pounds in
two weeKS.
"It certainly does all the doctor told
me it would do. and is the most effec
tive tonic and stimulant I have ever
taken. The doctor had me order some
of It for his patients, so you can see
what he thinks of it."
Respectfully yours,
a ppeal to the Government to send a
revenue-cutter to the lonely spot with
relief. The cutter Rush is at Sitka and
could carry supplies to Yakagata Beacn
at a short notice.
Other Chicago Murderer Caught.
CHICAGO, Oct. 24. A man suspected of
being Leonard Leopold, wanted for the
murder of Mrs. Margaret Leslie, has been
arrested at Bureau Junction. 111.
"Get well
For delicious Bouillons. I
Heat Jellies and strength- j
enin; Invalid Delicacies, nothing equals ,
the original
Extract of Beet.
We are the only firm In Portland
equipped for manufacturing Ladies'
Costs and Suit. We have expert
factory employe, and garments pur. '
chased in our More wiJI be handled
expertly and with dHpatch and ab
solute reliability.