Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 23, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Counties aiTd Other Judicial
and Municipal Districts
Need Enabling Act. -
Intention of Amendments Was lo
, JL.cave Regulation of Cities as JFrce
us Possible From Interference
by the Legislature.
OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
An enabling art by the Legislature is
not considered necessary to make effect
ive the constitutional amendment adopted
last June giving cities and towns power
to initiate local laws; but such an act is
necessary and should be passed by the
Legislature to enable counties and other
judicial and municipal districts to exer
cise power over local and special legisla
tion. This is the opinion of W. & U'Ren,
of this city, who was a member of the
committee by which the final revision of
these amendments was made. In discuss
ing the subject today, Mr. U'Ren said:
The amendments to th constitution adopt
ed I apt June, referring to rfty charters and
further reserving tho initiative and referen
dum powers of the people to the lepal vot
ers of every municipality and district as to
all local, npocial and municipal Jppislation.
should be construed together. The word
"municipal" was used In its technical sense.
Including countlen as well as cities. Reading
them, together, lawyera generally agree that
they are self-operative.
Hon. W. t Bristol, Seneca Smith, Hon.
Thomas N. Greene, and J. C. Veassie formed
the committee which made the linal revis
ion of these amend ments. I was present at
some. of the "meet i tigs,' though not all, and I
slathered from the discussion that It was
the intention to leave- the people of cities
as nearly as posslMo wholly free from In
terference by the Legislature in their purely
local city legislation, except as it might af
fect the criminal laws of the state. This
npplted to the manner of exercising the in
itiative and referendum, and was intended to
he covered by the sentence, the manner of
exerclsl ng said powers shall be prescribed
by general laws, except that cities and towns
may provide Tor the manner of exercising the
Initiative and referendum powers as tf their
municipal legislation."
The time within which referendum peti
tions must be filed after the passage of an
ordinance, in w hich ' Initiative petitions must
bo filed before a city election, the calling of
a special election for city measures as well
h the percentage of" signatures required, as
I understand the committee, were consid
ered to be governed by the phrase, "man
ner -of exercising the initiative and referen
dum pown s," and the only limitation In
tended to be placed on the city- was the per
centage of signatures that could he required, '
not more than li per cent for the initiative
nnr more than 10 -per cent for the referen
dum on city ordinances, charters and amend
ments. This seems to be the general understand
ing by the lawyers at Astoria, Baker City,
t'oqullle, and perhaps other towns have al
ready taken steps to submit amendments to
their charters"" at their .municipal election.
As to the plan of revision in Astoria, Mayor
Wise wrote me last Summer that the Coun
cil formed a oommisslon "consisting of one
member of the Council fim each ward; the
Senator and Representatives elected to the
next Legislature; Mayor, City Attorney,
Auditor and Treasurer; three representatives
of the Labor Council, representing the vari
ous labor Interests, and live large property
owners, who are considering the charter sec
tion by section, and. If any change Is to be
made a resolution must be Introduced in
writing, lay over for one week before ttjial
action is taken so that no hasty or ill-ad-vlsed
action can be had. We have also In
vited the people at large to send In their
suggestions. If they may have any, in writ
ing, or else attend our sessions In person. All
amendments receiving a majority vote of
the entire commission of 111 members will
then be submitted to the people direct, at
the city election to be held next December,
iind every amendment receiving a majority
of the votes of the people will then become
a part of our charter; that will he a great
Improvement over former charter tinkering,
which was never done In the open, but
smuggled through tho Legislature, causing
wrangling and enmity between the residents
of the community."
The committee believed it would be diffi
cult, if not Impossible, to draw a general
enabling act for tho city use of the initi
ative and referendum powers that would
apply to the best advantage and give com
plete local satisfaction in all cities and
towns. Hut If the people in every city were
allowed to provide their own method they
could easily amend and appeal until they
had worked out a satisfactory method for
their own ordinances and charter amend
ments. The fundamental idea seems to be
that self-government municipal, as well as
state and National is yet in its experimental
stage, and the 'smaller the scale on which
experiments can be tried the more rapid is
likely to be tho general progress toward suc
cessful methods.
The local and special legislation provis
ion of the amendment was Intended to cover
acts of the Legislative Assembly applying to
a district composed of a part of a county
or parts of several counties, as for instance.
Irrigation districts; districts composed of one
or more counties, as for instance, judicial
districts or tho Port of Portland district, and
two single counties, as for instance the laws
regulating the salaries of county officers, etc.
An enabling act should be passed by the
legislature or by tho people for the opera
tion of the Initiative and referendum powers
as to such local, special and district legisla
tion. tfuch an act will probably bo much the
same in general features as the enabling act
for the operation of the Initiative and ref
erendum on general laws enacted by the Leg
islature In li0;i. Amendments to that law
will be offered In the coming Legislature, em
bodying the experience of the past four
years, as it seems to be generally admitted
that the practice proves that this statute
may be very much simplified and improved.
Bids for Sale of Land in Vicinity of
Salem Are Opened.
SALKM. Or.. Oct. 22. (Special.) The
State Board of Public Building Commis
sioners today opened bides for the sale of
land for a home for the feeble-minded.
The call for bUls announced that the state
desired to purchase a tract of about TXH)
acres within 10 miles of Salem, and in
vited landowners to offer their land either
separately or jointly in tracts which
would aggregate tho required amount.
The bids opened have not been arranged
according to locality, and. as the charac
ter of the land and improvements cannot
be readily ascertained, it is impossible
yet to say what kind of a purchase the
state can make. In general it may he
said that prices run all the way from 540
to $150 per acre, and that values are placed
higher than the board expected to find
them. An average price Is about an
acre, -which would make the land f or p.
home for the feeble-minded cost the state
about $G5,0i.
Among the places offered, usually in
connection with adjoining tracts, are the
M irk lkiff farm, north of Luke Labish;
the tJesner and MeCornaek farms, be
tween the Asylum farm and the Peniten
tiary; tho Gilbert & Pauenson farm, at
Eola; - the Ben Hayden farm, - between
Eola and Independence; the Putnam farm,"
in the hills west of Salem; .the Geer farm,
at Macleay; the Tilmon Ford "farm, -south
of Salem on the Sidney road; tho Wain
and Frank Baker farms, south of Salem
on the Jefferson road, and the John
Hughes Company farm, south of Salem on
the river road.
Duck Hunter Near Laurelhurst Fills
Boy Full or Shot.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 22. (Special.)
Percy Dobston, duck hunting near
Laurelhurst, fired through a clump of
busnes into a group of children, se-.
riously wounding Alton Hurley and
slightly wounding li is sister and John
nie Lamb. Young Hurley may lose the
sight of his rignt eye and physicians
have picked 22 fine bird shot from his
body- Kight shot were found in the
girl, while the Lamb child is not so
seriously injured.
The children were with a party
walking with H'. D. Hurley and his
wife in tho vicinity. The children ran
ahead of Mr. and Mrs. Hurley down
the road and disappeared from sight.
A moment later several ducks rose on
the water and Dobston fired, - hitting
the children. - -
When the cries of the children no
tified Mr. Hurley and the hunter that
they were injured. Dobston rowed
ashore and met Hurley as ho knelt bo
side his son. Dobston surrendered his"
gun and' offered to give himself up.
Later he assisted in getting the three
children to their homes and left his
address with Hurley.
Salt Lake and Ojjden Lose Business
From a Very Productive
FOCATELLO, Idaho. Oct. 22. (Special.)
Under the new joint freight tariff
adopted by Western railroads, Pocatello is
granted a sweeping reduction in rates
from Chicago and - Mississippi and Mis
souri river, points. The new tariff goes
into effect November 24, and extends to
Southeastern Idaho." The low rates now
obtain from Eastern points to Salt Lake
and common points in Utah. The reduc
tion affects class rates and commodity
rates as well, and the cut ranges from 5
to 30 per cent.
The Utah common-point rate will,' after
November 24, extend as far west as Poca
tello and as far north as Idaho Falls, and
on most commodities will place this-city
on an equal footing with Salt Lake and
Ogden, which, cities have heretofore dom
inated this commercial territory by virtue
of their lower freight rates.
The cut in first-class rates is from $3.30
per 100 pounds to $2.85 from Chicago, and
irom ?2.."0 to $2.15 on first-class freight
from Missouri River points. The effect of
the reduction will be to constitute Poca
tello the commercial distributing point for
a territory bounded on the east by Kem
merer, on the south by Cache Junction, on
the north by Idaho Falls and on the west
by Mountain Home.
Salt Lake and Ocden can no longer
compete for tho trade of this region. The
effect of the announcement of the reduc
tion was noticeable today, when' local
merchants announced their intention of
increasing stocks, oh hand and entering
the jobbing business. This afternoon op
tions were taken on much vacant ground
along the line of the new Short Line
warehouse track on the East Side, and it
is confidently expected that several big
wholesale houses and Jobbing "establish
ments will be erected within the next few
Black Sand Company Will Make
Provisions Against Fire.
IIOQUTAM, Wash., Oct. 22. (Spe
cial.) The contract for rebuilding the
works of the Shaw Crucible Steel
Company, which were destroyed by
lire this Summer just after a success
ful cast of steel hud been made from
the black sands of North Beach, has
bcri let and work on the enterprise
will bo commenced at once. Officials
of the company are not willing to talk
very much on the matter, except to
say that the bulk of the money lias
been raised in the East and that the
industry wih soon be working again.
The contract calls for the construc
tion of several new buildings, which
are to be made of corrugated iron, also
new furnaces, as the old ones were
destroyed. It will take several months
to complete, this contract.
St. Johns Votes for School Bonds.;
ST. JOHNS. Or.. Oct. 22. St. Johns
voted today almost unanimously to bond
the school district for $20,000 to erect a
new school building and procure grounds
in North St. Johns. Little or no interest
was manifested, and the vote cast would
hardly reach 25 per .cent of the voting
population, as taken from the June elec
tion. Although it will be several months
before actual work on Hhe structure will
begin, the location of a site will be com
menced at once. It is imperative to have
the new structure ready before the next
school year, as present facilities are taxed
to the utmost. At the same time it was
voted to issue the $SvO0 bonds to pay for
the addition built to the present school
building this Summer.
Burglar Compromises on a Dollar.
HOQUIAM, Wash.. Oct. 22. (Spe
cial.) A burglar entered the house of
C. W. Pettit this morning and when
being discovered grappled with Mr.
Pettit for several minutes. Finally,
peeing himself being overcome, he
threatened to shoot and was released.
Mr. Pettit then gave the man a dollar
and he left the house peaceably.
Mrs. Pettit was lying dangerously ill
in the next room or the burglar would
not have escaped.
llorscthicf Wanted in Oregon.
SAX JOSE. Cal., Oct. 22. Sheriff Levi
Chrisman, of Wasco County. Or., and
Mayor J. I Kelly, of The Dalles, this
afternoon arrived to take Robert Wil
son to Oregon, where he is wanted for
several thefts of horses and other
crimes. Wilson has been in jail ever
since September 2' when he was ar
rested while in the act of stealing a
horse by Deputy Sheriff Cottle, at
which time shots were exchanged.
Wilson has served two terms In the
Oregon prison.
Fuller to Manage Michigan Mill.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 22. James
H. Fuller, bookkeeper at the Llndstrom
Shipbuilding Company, has resigned to
accept the management of the Michi
gan null, recently purchased by Mayor
Lindstrom. of this city, and Beadle
Bros of San Francisco.
Iloquiam Business Block Sold.
HOQUIAM, AVash., Oct. 22. (Spe
cial.) R. I. Peck today bought the
Royal block in this city from Edward
Campbell for $S000. This is one of the
best business locations in the town.
PAZO OINTMKXT i guaranteed to cure any
cay of Itchlnir. Blind. B!edin or Protruding
Filea la 6 to 14 day or .money refunded. 50c
Lostine Editor Fatally Wounds
"Scotty" Sims.
James Dorris Calls 'fouiig Scotch
man a Liar and When Struck
Tteplies With a Bullet
From a Revolver.
ENTHRPR13E. Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
James Dorris. associate editor of the Los
tine Ledger and Democrat, shot and fa
tally wounded "Scotty" Sims in front of
the Hotel Haun, at Lostine. last night.
The trouble arose at a dance held Satur
day night. Dorris and Sims 'became in
volved in a quarrel over the' music fur
nished. Last night the quarrel was re
newed and Dorris took exception to some
statement made by Sims, and called him
a liar.
Sims responded by slappiuj? Dorris in
the face, and the latter immediately drew
his revolver and fired, striking Sims in
the abdomen. Examination by physicians
showed the intestines were pierced in nine
places, and there Is little hope for the
recovery of the wounded man.
Dorris is a young man who came here
recently from Portland. He has borne a
good reputation. He gave himself up at
once, and is held In Jail, pending a hear
ing. Sims is from Scotland. .He is a grad
uate of the University of Edinburgh and
was engaged in the insurance and map
Sarcastic Comment at Meeting of Ta
coma. Ministerial Alliance.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 22. (Special.)
There was a hint thrown out in the
Ministerial Alliance' meeting this morn
ing: that certain preachers have been
endeavoring to use the alliance for a
grindstone for the whetting of politi
cal axes. Dr. J. A. Keener was in the
chair and said he considered it a good
opportunity to say that he thought
more of the ministers should attend
the meetings.
"When I came here last Spring I
found a good bit of politics around
and there were a lot of ministers here
at every meeting. Now fhe politics
have ' quieted down and we do not see
the number so great."
Dr. J. P. Marlatt. president of the
alliance, agreed with Mr. Keener.
"Since I have been in the chair," said
Rev. Marlatt, "I have noticed generally
very few of the pastors of our central
churches are here. One minister has
not been here since last Spring when
he came with some political resolution
he wanted to get through."
Promoters Ride in Autos From Mos
cow, Inspecting the Route. '
LEWISTOX. Idaho. Oct. 22. (Special.)
A party of officials of the Spokane Inland
Electric Railway Company, headed hy A
A: Blackwell. vice-president and general
manager of the company: P. Lewis Clark,
second vice-president, and several engi
neers reached here this afternoon in auto
mobiles, having made the trip overland
from Moscow in order to make an inspec
tion of the route of the proposed line into
this city.
General Manager Blackwell states that
on their return the engineers will prepare
estimates of the cost of construction be
tween Moscow and Lewiston. He gave
the impression that his company will very
likely decide to build. The men were in
conference with Mayor Heitfeld and oth
er members of the city government, and
expect to make a proposal to the city
soon for rights of way and terminal
Mrs. Morring, Her Daughter, Still in
Hypnotic State, and Follows
Insane Suggestions.
HILL9BORO, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
Charles Morring. of Farmington, this
evening telephoned Couny Judge J. W.
Goodin that his wife and her mother,
Mrs. Mack, are much worse, the mother
being violent and his wife declining to
take nourishment. He asked the court for
advice and wanted to know if he could
send the two afflicted women over to the
State ftf Washington, as another daugh
ter of Mrj. Mack arrived today and wants
to take her relatives home with her.
The County Judge informed him that 1t
would be better for him to come to Hills
boro in the morning and confer with Dep
uty District Attorney Tongue. This ho
promised to do.
Mrs. Mack and her daughter, Mrs. Mor
ring, are the two women who are the vic
tims of the faith-cure propaganda, and
Mrs. Macks mania increases in violence
each day. The daughter with whom Mrs.
Mack lives is still in her hypnotic or cata
leptic state, and follows suggestions from
the mother, who is conceded to be vio
lently insane. Mr. Morring is about dis
tracted over the situation, and has con
sequently appealed to the authorities for
Funeral of Albert D. Hall.
WOODBURN, Or..' Oct. 22. (Special.)
The funeral of Albert D. Hall, who died
at Marquam Saturday, took place this
afternoon, services being held iri the
Methodist Episcopal Church in this city.
He was a native of Woodburn, and was
born September 6, 1S57. the son of the
late Benjamin F. Hall, an Oregon pioneer
of 1645, and Mary Johnson Hall. A widow
and five children survive him. He was
well known and highly esteemed through
out Marion County and other portions of
the state, and was a successful farmer.
Mrs. A. M. Hills.
ASTORIA, Or.. Oct. 22. (Special.)
Mrs. A. M. Hills died at her home in
Svensen thi3 morning of dropsy after
a long: Illness. The deceased was a
native of New Jersey, 62 years of age,
and had resided at Svenson for 2G
years. She left four children, two sons
and two daughters.
Logging Road From Elgin.
LA GRANDE, Or.. Oct. 22 (Special.)
The George Palmer Lumber Company has
begun work on a two-mile branch line,
which will connect their vast holdings of
timber lands on the Looking Glass with
the main track of the Q. R. & JI. at El
gin. The route which the .logging-road
will follow has been surveyed and . the
company is advertising for an increased
force of men. A quantity of construction
tools has been -moved to -the scene of op
eration. W. B. Hagen, who has charge
of the O. R. & N. Co. right of way fenc
ing crew, will superintend the work.
Pocatello Youth Returns Home Alter
Xight Spent on Prairie.
POCATELLO. Idaho. Oct. 22. (Special.)
Louis Whitman, 16-year-ora son of a
prominent minister of this city, became
lost on the sagebrush prairie north, of
town last night while out riding horse
back. Search parties were organized and
spread over the country in every direc
tion. This afternoon the young man re
turned home after spending the night in
an abandoned shack on the Indian reser
vation and suffering severely from the
cold. One of the. searchers is' now lost,
and other parties have been sent out.
Senator Piles Speaks at Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Oct. 22, (Special.)
Senator Piles opened the campaign in
this city tonight with a speech in the new
Grand Theater, which was crowded to its
capacity. The speech was delivered un
der the auspices of the Young Men's Re
publican Club, which arranged a torch
light procession, headed by a band of
music, all of which preceded the exercises
at the theater. Senator Piles was given
an ovation and talked for nearly two
hours on the questions' of paramount In
terest to the public.
Jury of Farmers Is Chosen to Try
a Notable Case at
- Albany.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.) This
afternoon in a courtroom packed to its
capacity with curious spectators the trial
of Elmer E. Wagstaff, accused of at
tempting to poison his wife with arsenic,
was begun. It was a- Hard afternoon
for court, attorneys, jury and all. The
atmosphere of the crowded room was
stifling; and the court did not adjourn
until 6 o'clock. Numerous sharp legal
clashes between attorneys for the state
and for the defense punctuated the ses
sion. The afternoon was consumed in select
ing a jury, opening the case for the state
and defense and the examination of Mrs.
Wagstaff, the woman against whom the
alleged poisoning was directed and who
is the star witness for the state. The
jury was selected with great care by at
torneys for both sides. The state de
voted considerable attention to lodge and
church affiliations of the jurors. The ex
amination of the defense was along the
line of second marriages, divorce, family
Infelicities, etc., indicating the line of de
fense. The jury as finally selected is
composed entirely of farmers.
Mrs. Wagstaff was subjected to a trying
examination, remaining on the witness
stand for two hours. There are nearly
30 witnesses to examine yet, and the trial
will probably last two days longer.
Mrs. Wagstaff says she saw her hus
band place rat poison in her teacup. She
alleges that she found tbe poison by ac
cident in his pocket at night and watched
the attempt to kill her next morning.
Indictments Charge Charles Kros
- chel With Illegal Sale of Liquor.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 22. Today when
Judge Burnett convened court Dis
trict Attorney John H. McNary hand
ed in a number of indictments, the
result of bis grand jury work last week.
Among these were indictments against
Charles Kroschel, one of the proprietors
of the Franklin House in Albany, charg
ing him with violation of the local option
liquor law by selling whisky in his place
in Albany. The Franklin House is a
rooming-house on First street, in one
part of which is a billiard hall and bar
room. Kroschel fled a day or so ago and
the Sheriff has been unable to locate hips.
Other criminal matters called up by the
District Attorney are State of Oregon vs.
William Curtis, Elsworth Curtis, Seymour
Curtis, Chester Curtis and John Curtis,
a father and four sons, all charged with
assaulting Chauncey L. Williams with
clubs, guns and other dangerous weapons.
The defendants took a day to plead and
it is understood will ask that the case
be continued until the next term of court.
The trouble grew out of a quarrel be
tween Williams and Curtis, Sr., over
financial matters, concerning a lease of a
farm belonging to Williams on which the
Curtis family has resided for the past
year. When Williams attempted to' en
ter the farm to place his threshing ma
chine in the shed he was met by Curtis
and his four sons, all able-bodied, strong
men, who gave him a severe drubbing.
Neighbors Intervened and prevented more
serious trouble.
The District Attorney also accuses
Harry Beard of the larceny of a horse
from Charles Vsetecka, a resident of the
Bohemian settlement on the, San t lam
River near Scio. The case will come up
for hearing tomorrow.
When the case of State of Oregon vs.
Edward Purdu was called, the defendant
accused ctf larceny of a steer, failed to
resnond. bondsmen. Dr. W. H. Davis
Doan'a Kidney Pais Have Done
Great Service for People Who
Work in Portland.
Most Portland people work every day
in some strained, unnatural position
bending constantly over a desk rid
ing on jolting wagons or cars doing
laborious housework; lifting, reaching
or pulling, or trying the back. In a
hundred and one other ways. All these
strains tend- to wear, weaken and In
jure the kidneys until they fall behind
in their work of filtering the poisons
from the blood. Doan's Kidney Pills
cure, sick kidneys, put new strength
In bad backs. Portland cures prove it-
A.. L. Maney, repairer on the Port
land Cable Railway, and Jiving at 654
Elm St.. Portland, Or., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills completely rid me of an
attack of backache which was brought
on through the jarring .and jolting of
riding on the cable cars. At least, that
was the only way I could account for
It. It was very annoying and worried
me a great deal. Being Induced to try
Doan's Kidney Pills through the rec
ommendations of the remedy I found
quick relief and a- final cure. That was
over three years ago, and there has
been no return of the trouble, since."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
for your f I
Save a CI
two dollar V sfiT
bill pay n
At the good Stores
of Albany, and Commissioner T. J. .But
ler, the county bridge builder, were also
called and upon failure to respond the
court declared the bond of $250 forfeited
and entered tha amount, against tho
bondsmen. A bench warrant was ordered
issuedSfor- Purdu, the court renxing the
bail at $400.
But Forty Get Away and Schooner
Must Tay Dearly.
VICTORIA. B. C. Oct. 22. Twenty
two of the Japanese illicitly landed from
the Japanese schooner Suian Maru. which
was seized by the customs officers for
running- Japanese coolies Into Canada,
have been arrested. Among those taken
were three women.
From statements' made by those cap
tured it is believed that many more were
landed, some estimates being that 40 or
more were put ashore surreptitiously. For
landing passengers without entering, the
schooner is liable to a fine of JSO0. and
there are many fines that may be levied
by the quarantine and immigration de
partments, several of whose regulations
were infringed by the schooner's master.
Customs officers are in charge of the
schooner at Esquimau.
Games to Be Played on Campus.
attle. Oct. 22. (Special.) Beginning with
the University of Washington versus Ore
gon Agricultural College football game
next Saturdy. the "U" will play all its
games on the campus. In former years
the games have been played down town.
Work was begun today on a new covered
grandstand, whoso seating capacity, when
finished, will he 1400. The old grandstand
will be used for bleachers, and the man
agement hopes to be able to handle a
crowd of 3000.
Aberdeen Loses Part of Street.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 22. (Special!)
The city has lost, by a decree of the Su
preme Court, its suit to recover a portion
of G street, fronting on the harbor. It
was supposed, when the street was dedi
cated by the founder, Samuel Benn, that
It included a strip which Mr. Benn re
cently sold to Alexander Poison, of Ho
quiam. The. city sued for its recovery
and was beaten in the lower court. The
Supreme Court now- upholds this decision.
Crushed Between Two Logs.
ASTORIA, Oct. 22. (Special.) Alvan
Rinkella, an employe at the Pacific
Logging Company's camp on Deep
River, was instantly killed on Satur
day afternoon by being crushed be
tween two logs which he was assist
ing in loading onto a car. The de
ceased was a native of Finland, 25
years of age, and had been in this
country but a short time.
Lansdon Examination Is Postponed.
BOISE, Idaho, Oct. 22-(Speclal.) The
case of Robert Lansdon, at Weiser,
was postponed today until- tmorrow.
Two important witnesses were in the up
pr end of the county. They' may not
tot five S3
1 1. 'v4f 1
m.?i Mas
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11 imM M
1 l-wss:
HfTTl' , ,
ri if. 'I H U
i rcmisniMft III W
AN'egetabJePreparationror As
similating tiKToodandRcgula
ting the 5 tomflchs andBowels cf
Promote s TJIfestion.Cheerrul
ness and Eest.Con tains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Tac Simile Signature of
Wonns.Gonvulsions.revcrisn- i
50 Years
In Favor
A product that grows In favor, year after year, for
over 50 years must possess unusual merit.
That's the history of Ghlrardelli's Ground Choco
late. Time after time, the capacity of the plant has
been Increased to keep pace with the growing de
mand, in spite of sharp competition and -frequent
Try one can and you'll understand why. You'll ap
preciate the delicate flavor and satisfying goodness.
AU your rroeer for tt.
Be mre thitt jov get It
be able to get to Weiser untfl Wednes
day. It is the impression that Lansdon will
resign from the Republican ticket as
TT . rTi
ft XL
There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting .
gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist
ance ; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever
pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup,
in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
of all remedies to sweeten and
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi
ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the
remedy has therefore met with their approval,. as well as with
Zfj&j'W&i&g the favor of many millions or well informed persons wno know
CpT $&$i$Mr or their own personal knowledge and from acturl experience
Wp M&M?fMffi that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that
f - it win cure an manner or ins, dui recommenu u ior wnai u reany
f represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
j? containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
J . . . Mt I. .1
There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed
tn thp mialitv nf what thv hnv and fhe rpasnnsfnr the pirrpllcnr
of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
and who" allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. .
To the credit of the druggists of
nearly all of them value their
integrity and the good will of their
imitations of the
Genuine Syrup of Figs
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order
to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
W.i&i Wi&& one has only to note, when
'tM'Ji the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the
For Infantand Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the X ,
Signature lA)
M XT !:
For Over
Thirty Years
the candidate for Secretary of State after
his preliminary hearing. The Republican
state executive committee may be called
to mppt in a few days. y
1 lE OP
it JUk. : A i wij
retresh and cleanse the system
J . X X - 1 A A 1 1 .
the united States be it said
reputation for professional
customers too highly to offer
purchasing, the full name of