Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 22, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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In Use For Over Thirty Years,
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Afcfie table Preparation br As
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Oregon Commission Recom
mends Relief of Sheriffs.
Handling of Fublic Funds Declared
to Bft More Particularly the
Work" of County Trea&u
at Increased Pay.
$ AX-EM. Or.. Oct 21 (Special ) That
thi duty of collecting taxes should be
taken from the Sheriffs and imposed upon
the Counry Treasurers, is one of the
recommendations contained in the report
of the Oregon Tax Commission, just is
sued from the printing ofnee. This recom
mendation is in itself of considerable im
portance in the management of county af
fairs, but it assumes particular interest to
Sheriffs and Treasurers when coupled with
the suggestion that this change will make
necessary a reduction of the, salaries of
Sheriffs and a. raise of the salaries of
Treasurers. The commission concludes the
subject by remarking that the Legisla
ture, if it makes the change, should- not
overlook tha salary matter.
That i he handling of public funds is
31: ore, parucularlv the work of a Treas
urer and not of a Sheriff, is the principal
reason for the proposed change The corn
mission is of th opinion that the ac
counts could be just as accurately checked
if th money were paid directly to County
Treasurers as it could be if it were paid to the Sheriffs and bv them turned
over to the Treasurers. There would bo
cne less opportunity for mismanagement.
The commission does not base its recom
mendation so much upon its own reason
ing1, however, as it does upon the reason
ing of a Sheriff, who is quoted, but whose
name is not given. The Sheriff briefly
turns up the advantages of the change as
Firt Freeing tne f hrtff from the duties
cf Tax Collector, thus giving him' opporrun
Jtv to dvof his time to criminal ma'trs
anfl othr duties- that properly belong to tha
fecond Lesnlr.g the re? ponsibihUes of
the herift' office and decreasing that of
Prer' bond without materially increasing
either the bond cr responsibility of any other
Third Decreisir.g the cost of running the
f beriff s office, and increasing the salarv of
the Countv Treasurer, enabling the Treas
urer to live without the necesty cf engag
ing in other and outside business, as at pres
ent in most counties-.
Fourth Increas-ing the eff!;lencv of the
Treasurer office, as well as the f herift s
Fifth Transferring the tax-collecring de
partment from an office where it is a dtn
nnt to an office more in accordance with
its requirement s.
Sixth Lessening the work of checking up
the various offices without necestarilv de
creasing the effectiveness of such checking.
The, commission also remarks that Sher
iffs are chosen with regard to their flt
r.ess as executive officers, and not as col
lectors. In connection with this same subject of
the collection of taxes, the commission
advises that no change be made m the
lime when taxes shall be, paid or in the
rebate allowed. This recommendation is
made after careful study of tha questions
involved. There has been agitation every
two years in favor of changing the time
of payment from Spring to Fall, upon the
theory that it would be easier for farm
ers to pay taxes at that time. The com
mission finds, however, that the present
plan :s working no hardship, for the
farmer may. if he wishes, pay half his
taxes in the Spring and the other half in
the Fall.
Upon the subject of rebates, the com
mission advocates letting well enough
alone. Attention is called to the fact that
in every county taxes are paid promptly
and that the delinquent list is smaller
;han ever before in the history of the
s.t ate. Continuing, the report says;
Permanency in the system for collection
of taxes is one of the most desirable fea
tures it can have. When the statutes re
lating to the time and manner of payment
of taxes are. subject to continual legislative
change confusion is the inevitable results;
oversights occur, misunderstandings take
place, the payment of taxes is forgotten un
til penalty is attached, or the property has
been 6o!d. and dissatisfaction rightfully fol
lows. To attempt to bring the taxpaylng
time of the succeeding year forward is to
throw the payment of two years' taxes into
one. and these taxes can never be recouped.
When the special session of the Legisla
ture was called in 1903 for the purpose of
undoing the act of the Legislature at its
regular session in the same year, changing
the time of the payment of taxes, public
sentiment was thoroughly voiced as satisfied
with the prox-isions in force as before their
attempted change, and a5 we now have
The rebate provisions amount to merely
this: If money is worth 10 per cent a tax
payer who borrows SOT to pay his $100 in
taxes March 15 will ha'e the same amount
to pay on the first Monday in April, within
a very few cents, a a taxpayer who borrows
$50 on similar terms the first Monday in
April, and makes .one half-payment, and
pays the remaining half in cash on the first
Monday in October. We believe this is not
unfair, and in our opinion, the prompt pay
ment of taxes, encouraged by the rebate,
coupled wi.h economy in county administra
tion, is to be credited with placing many
of the counties of the state upon a cash
basis, which had theretofore been consider
ably behind in the payment of current obligations.
Coroner of Washington County
Series the "Warrant at W'eiser.
WEISER. Idaho. Oct. 21. (Special )
Robert Lansdon, Sheriff of Washington
County, and candidate on the Republican
ticket for Secretary of State, was arrest
ed in this city this morning bv Coroner
L. W. Farmer, on a warrant issued by
County Attorney Rhea, acting under in
structions of the Eoard of County Com
missioners. Lansdon is charged with per
jury, falsifying the records and embezzle
ment of county funds.
The alleged offense was committed while
Lansdon was Assessor of the county.
Lansdon will have a preliminary hear
ing before the Judge of the Probate Court
m the morning. The prominence of the
defendant and the effect it may have on
the Republican ticket makes the case
peculiarly interesting
Sailor Boy Loses Two Anchors.
ASTORIA. Or . Oct 21 (Special W The
schooner Sailor Boy. which was towed in
by the tug TVallula today, is short both
anchors and a quantity of chain, which
she lost a few days ago near Cape Mears.
On account of the wind dying out the
schooner was compelled to drop her an
chors, and when attempting to raise
them, the cables broke.
High School Wants a Gymnasium.
HOQUTAM. Wash., Oct. 21 (Special
The pupils of, the High School are
circulating a petition for the purpose
of raising tlOOO to be used for install
ing an up-to-date gymnasium in their
Members Have Learned That Close
Tab Is Kept on Votes Cast
on Such Measures.
SALEM. Or , Oct. 21. (SpeciaJ ) If the
Legislature at its session next Winter
gives attention to all the measures which
the labor unions, or some of them, seek
to have enacted into laws, there will be
something to occupy the time of the
solons for several days. In his biennial
report Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff
has briefly summarized the subjects upon
which legislation has been asked.
There are IS of these measures and it is
altogether probable that bills will be in
troduced embodying the features of each.
Usually the labor unions or individuals
who feel an interest in the matter, pre
pare the bills and hand them to friendly
members of the Legislature to introduce
them. Labor bills cause the members of
the Legislature as much worry as any
class of legislation, . except, perhaps,
liquor laws. There is a feeling abroad
that a Legislator who seriously offends
the labor unions by his action in the
Legislature thereby becomes a member
of the large company of political has
beens. The labor unions generally have a
strong lobby at the capital during a
Legislative session and they keep' close
tab on what the members do, not only
with regard to final vote on labor laws
but with regard to intermediary motions
and amendments. The members soon un
derstand this and are particularly careful
how they vote on labor bills. Measures
of this class are likely, therefore, to re
ceive careful consideration. The list of
laws which Mr. Hoff has" been asked to
submit to the next Legislature is as fol
lows: Regulating th maximum hours that train
mQ can b allowed to be on duty without
rest and sleep.
Preventing -the railroad companies from
working telegraphers who handle train or
ders more than 10 hours each 24 hours, and
to allow none under IS years of age to per
form that work.
Compelling adequate fenders for etreet
cars and to have aisles In center of open
Hequlring the union latel on all public
Prohibiting convicts competing with free
labor. One union suggests that they be set
to work building state roads.
To abolish boarding-house licenses.
Eight-hour law for all labor.
Raising the age-limit in the child-labor
law from 14 to 16 years.
Extending the 10-hour law for females to
Include all female workers.
A law such as exists In Eastern cities com
pelling the carrying of a solid false floor be
neath the men working on steel buildings,
for the protection of the men and the public
that may be near.
Regulating boiler-inspection, and putting
a practical botlermaker to do the work.
Making corporations responsible for care
lessness of their foremen and sub-foremen.
Calling tor an Arbitration Board to settle
all labor troubles.
Oregon Water Power Company Has
Secured Rights of Way.
OREGON CITT. Or.. Oct. 21. (Spe
cial. 1 It is now learned that the Ore
gon Water Power i: Railway Company
and its allied interests, including the
Portland General Electric Company, are
behind the mysterious survey that was
made two months ago between this city
and Molalla, with Wilhoit Springs as
the objective point. The survey was
made by the C. E. Loss Construction
Company, while rights of way for the
entire distance of the proposed electric
railway were procured by Attorney J.
B. Eyan, of Portland. These instru
ments are made out in the name of Alfx
Sweek, trustee, and the fact that iden
tical rights of way have been secured
between Canemah and Salem, also in
the name of Mr. Sweek. naturally sug
gests that both enterprises are being
backed by the same interests.
Attorney Ryan was in the city yester
day and stated that, with other men
who are interested in the pioperty. he
would go over the route within a few
days and complete the final details,
after which his company will proceed
with actual work of construction.
The proposed route for the line will
extend from the north end of this city
up the Abernethy to Beaver Creek, or
southerly to Xew Era, and thence to the
Molalla country, and eventually to
Clackamas County's celebrated springs.
Clackamas Horticulturists Address
Resolution to County Court.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Oct. 21. (Spe
cial.) The Clackamas County Horticul
tural Society, at a largely attended
meeting in this city, yesterday after
noon, voted to affiliate with the State
Horticultural Society, and modified its
constitution to that effect. A unani
mous sentiment for a county fair was
expressed in the adoption of the follow
ing resolution, addressed to the Clacka
mas County Court:
Whereas. The growing importance of
Clackamas County and the future develop
ment of its magnificent agricultural and hor
ticultural resources require that they should
be brought to the attention of new settlers:
Whereas. The various fairs and exhibits
under the auspices of the Granges and other
bodies should be harmonized and encouraged
for further development-. therefore.
Resolved. That it is the sense of this meet
ing that the County Court should encourage
by every legitimate means the holding of a
County Fair in some suitable locality, . and
to take steps to have Clackamas County fit
tingly represented by an exhibit at the
State Fair-
Addresses were made as follows:
"Apple and Walnut-Growing in the
Willamette Valley,"'. G. W. Dimick. of
Hubbard; "Co-Operation," W. W. Jesse,
of Barlow; "The Working of the Law,"
including a report of the recent.. Hood
River fair, by A. J. Lewis, fruit in
spector for Clackamas County. J. H
F.eid, of Milwaukie, was present and
tcave some practical suggestions on the
subject of spraying. Mr. Reid brought
to this city a large spraying pump, with
which he made demonstrations.
Fight .Centers on Two Candidates.
CENTRALIA. Wash., Oct 71. (Spe
cial.) The political campaign in Lewis
County from the present outlook, will
be very tame. Only two tickets are in
the field and the Republicans seem to
have such a sure thing of nearly all
the offices that a strong fight is not
being made. Democrats are making
their strongest fight, against Repre
sentative George McCoy and Commis
sioner Young from the second district.
Thore is a strong sentiment in Cen
tralia against Young, who, it is al
leged, is too partisao to the interest of
Chehalis for the good of Centralia or
the other parts of the county.
Sunday Closing at Milwaukie.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Oct 21. (Special )
As the result of intense business rivalry
several residents of the town of Mil
waukia appeared before Deputy District
Attorney Schuebe! Saturday and de
manded that the law be enforced as to
Sunday closing. The delegation of com
plaining citizens Buught to have closed
the stores and the saloons of that place,
alleging that business is conducted in
both Jil dav every Sunday. Action has
been deferred until the meeting ' of the
November term of the Circuit Court,
when the remonstrators have been in
vited to appear and present their griev
ances to District Attorney Alien.
One-Wheeled Vehicle Is Loaded
Down With Tent and
MYRTLE POINT. Or.. Oct. 21. (Spe
cial.) Mr. Greek, of Roseburg. Or., ' the
man with the wheelbarrow," has just
passed through here on his way home
from Bandon. For four years this man
has made an annual pilgrimage to Ban
don, where he spends his Summer, with
no other means of conveyance than a
wheelbarrow, on which be packs his tent
and provisions. Straps suspended from
his shoulders and fastened to the wheel
barrow handles serve to assist him in
climbing hills with his load.
The distance from Roseburg to Bandon
is nearly 100 miles. Mr. Greek says he
suffers no great inconvenience in travel
ing in this way. He says that he eats but
two meals per day, consisting solely of
raw rolled wheat and sweet milk. Mr.
Greek has the appearance of a man about
50 years of age, but seems remarkably
strong and vigorous. He has no family.
Government Cannot Get Men on Irri
gation Project at $2.50 Per Day.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Oct. 21 (Spe
cial.) Laborers are in great demand for
doing the construction work on the dam
at Bumping Lake, at the head of one of
the tributaries of -the Nachez, which is to
furnish water for the Tieton irrigation
project. The Government is offering $250
per day for laborers to work eight hours.
Two wa'gonloads of men have been taken
to the place, but about 150 more are want
ed and it is feared 'that a sufficient num
ber cannot be had at present to push the
construction as rapidly as is desired by
the Reclamation Service.
The demand for laboring men is so
great in the Yakima Valley that it is
feared that one-half the supply will not
be forthcoming for the work that is pro
jected for the Winter in various undertakings.
Nonpartisan Ticket to Be Named.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Oct. '21. (Spe
cial.) Candidates for Mayor, Council
men and City Treasurer to be elected at
the annual municipal election on the
not needed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in it. Tt is a non-alcohofic tonic
a and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin, impure
blood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows.
We publish the formulas
of all oar preparations.
3. C. Aver Co.,
LoweU. Ksse.
first Monday in December will be nomi
nated by petition under nonpartisan
designations again this year, as has
been the practice here for many years.
Notices of a direct-primary nominating
election, to be held November 3, were
duly posted, but the time within which
political parties could file notice of so
nominating tickets expired last even
ing with no such notification having
been filed by either the Republican or
the Democratic parties.
Politics have of recent years not fig
ured in municipal affairs here, although
two years ago a straight Republican
ticket was placed in the field with dis
astrous results, notwithstanding the
city has a normal Republican majority
of over 300. At that time every candi
date on the ticket was defeated.
Cottage Grove Council Will Amend
Charter So as to Grant Licenses.
COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Oct. 21 (Spe
cial ) The city election held yesterday
authorizing the City Council to amend its
charter in favor of the saloons, carried by
three votes. No attempt will be made
to open the saloons until the Supreme
Court decides as to whether the local-
option law is a criminal law 'or not.
Should the Supreme Court reverse Judge
Burnetts decision on this point there
w-ould have to be another city election be
fore saloon licenses could be granted.
Modern Road In Coqullle Valley.
MYRTLE POINT. Or.. Oct. 21 (Spe
cial.) The rock-crusher, which has been
operating at the quarry on the road be
tween Myrtle Point and Coqullle. is about
to suspend work, owing to wet weather.
The result of the work which has been
done thus far is the graveling of the en
tire road between Coquille arid Myrtle
Point. This road is laid on a good grade,
and the covering of crushed rock makes
it as good a road as any Oregon can boast
of. It is an excellent quality of rock for
this purpose, which is quarried where the
crusher is located, and it is the intention
of the county to place crushed rock on
most of the roads in the Coquille Valley.
Requisition for Stealer of Mules.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 21. (Special.) Gover
nor Chamberlain has issued a requisition
upon the Governor of California for the
extradition of RoDert Wilson, wanted at
The Dalles to answer to a charge of
stealing mules. Wilson is under arrest at
Consultation Free
This well-known and reliable curative institution
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Mecca of hope for afflicted men hereabouts. From
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Call or write Our 25 years' continuous practice and experience in the,
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Write if -you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential- and
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