Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 20, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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rntjntlne-Rm III?
fnalnr Editor Main iOT9
Sunday Editor Main T0.9
Ccmpo.irrnoom Main 7CT0
CltT Editor Main 70,0
eup.rlntend-nt EulMlnx Mam 1V-V
an fcid. ori::c 81
Readers of The Oreaonian who are upablo
to secure a copy of this paper from news
dealers, or on trains will confer a faror by
promptly reporting the fact to the Circula
tion Department. Irregular delivery service
in Portland, or elsewhere, will receive
prompt attention. A tandina- reward of $10
Is offered for the arrest and conviction of
any person caught Healing The Orejonlan
from the doors of its subscribers.
THEATER (14th and Washington
streets), Wagner's niysrlc drama. "Par
siftil." Orchestra prelude, 7:30 o'clock.
Curtain rises 7 :4T.
BAKER THEATER (Third, bet. Yamhill
and Tavlort Matinee at 2:10 P. M., to
night at 8:1!i; linker Theater Company In
"i-ady Huntsworth's Experiment."
UMPIRE THEATER (11th and Morrlson
Matinee at - l' P- M.. tonight at 8:ii;
the Swedish character comedy, "Fete Pe
terson." GRAND THEATER (Washington, bet. Park
and 7th) Vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 and
P. M.
PA NT A GEB THEATER (4fa and Btark)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 8 P. M.
ETAit THEATER (Park and Washington)
Alln stork Company in "The Two Orphans,"
2:lf and ft:15 P. M.
1. ' ic J HEATER (Seventh- and Alder)
The Lyric Stock Company; 2:18 and 7:30
I, il.
Cub OnoAMZES for Work. The
lii'ouklyn Si-hoot Mothers' and Teachers'
( lub at its opening meeting for the sea
son yesterday afternoon in the assembly
hall installed new officers and laid plans
f'ir extensive work. Mrs. Robert I.utke,
retiring president, submitted a report,
Teviewing the accomplishments of the
pstst year, showing that the club had
Heciired a clock for the schoolhouse, con
tributed toward San Francisco sufferer3
nnil did much philanthropic work in the
community. Following officers for the
coining year took charge: President, Mrs.
J. A. Strowbridge, Jr.: vice-president,
Mrs. C. H. Vox; secretary. Miss Mary
MrKeown; treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Roper.
Committors are as follows: Programme.
Mrs. L. 1 1. Wells, Mrs. C. W. Boost, Miss
A. L. Dlmlck; philanthropic, Mrs. James
Snyder. Mrs. Nauratil. Mrs. Smith. Mrs.
Francis, Mrs. Mathoit; school grounds,
Mrs. J. K. Ilavely, Miss A. L. DImick,
Mrs. S. D. White; visiting committee,
Mrs. Perkins. Mrs. S. F. White, Mrs.
Unchanan, Miss Smith, Mrs. Sherritt.
Mrs. Tens. Miss A. I.. IHmlck gave a
hrlof talk on "Trashy Literature." It was
announced that Miss Dimick will conduct,
In connection with the club, a class in
civil government, and those who take
part will come earlier in the afternoon
of meetings. Special effort will be put
forth to keep the school grounds In at
tractive condition, and the funds of the
club will be drawn on for that purpose
If necessary.
Pivoiwb Summons Qvicklt Served.
Thinking, no doubt, that he might evade
tlie service of a summons after his wife
had brotiKht suit for a divorce by going
to South Portland. Thomas A. Tibbetts
Martid but did not walk fast enough.
Ho reached a point opposite the Fourth
Ktreot entrance of the Courthouse just
us Deputy Sheriff Frank Heatty started
to look for him. The deputy was ac
companied by a friend of Mrs. Tibbetts.
This friend was to guldo the officer to
the haunts of the defendant, but as they
were leaving the Courthouse the loungers
in the hall were startled by the shout,
"Thcro he is. quick! There he Is." It
was the "guide" pointing out Tibbetts to
Heatty. Walking up to the husband,
I. catty surprised him by handing over the
copy of the complaint that Mrs. Tibbetts
had caused to be tiled in the Circuit
Court Just five minutes previous. The
Tibbetts were married at Kalama Wash.
October 25. 1S0S. Tho plaintiff alleges that
Fhe has been treated in a very cruel man
ner anil seeks to be granted a divorce
and to be restored to her maiden name
of Alice S. Weist.
Academt or Sciences Tonight. Tho
regular monthly meeting of the Oregon
i?tate Academy of Sciences will be held
et the City J tall tonight at 8 o'clock.
M. W. Clormnn will present a paper on
The Plants of Mount Baker." Mr. Gor
man is ono of tlie best known botanists
of the Pacillc Coast, having collected and
studied planus for the Government for
years. Kdmuud P. .Sheldon, president of
the aendemy. will present a paper on "The
Owls of Oregon." Mr. Sheldon Is curator
of the Portland Free Museum and In
classifying the collections gathered by the
late Colonel Hawkins has made a care
ful slutly of a large number of owls from
different parts of the state. Both papers
will be Illustrated by actual specimens.
Admission free.
Car Vpskts on Ci'rve A car on the
Woodstoek-Waverly line upset yesterday
morning on the curve at Kast Harrison
Ftreet. No passengers were on the car
at the time of the accident and the motor
man and conductor in charge of tho car
escaped with a few bruises. A wrecking
car came to the rescue of the upset car
and soon cleared the track so that traffic
was not Interrupted. Motorman Geretson
and Conductor Poland, who were slightly
bruised In the accident, reported for work
this morning.
V. W. C. A. at Home. At the Y. W.
C. A. "at home" tomorrow afternoon the
following attractive "programme will be
given: Address. Pr. K. L.. House; vocal
folo,'- Miss Ijiura Cleland; violin duet.
Miss Mary McConnell and Miss Dorothy
1'razer; vocal solo. Mr. Ackler: recitation,
Miss Alice Hanson; "First Half Hour,"
Miss Adelaide Rogers. All women and
girls are cordially invited. Hours for re
ceiving, i to 1; o'clock, at headquarters,
rMxth and Ohr streets.
Sale o Down-Town Property. Nego
tiations are being completed by Dr. C.
W. Cornelius for the purchase of a lot
fit tho northeast corner of Park and
Alder streets. The present' owner is I..
Jagger, a Front-street merchant. The
consideration Is reported to be jso.oiio.
The property fronts 50 feet upon Alder
street and 100 on Park.
Lutherans to Mept.-A conference of
the pastors of the Norwegian Lutheran
Synod of Oregon and the Columbia River
district will convene in the church on
Kast Tenth and Grant streets. There
will he a three days' session. Evening
services will he at S V. M.
Football! Footrali.! Football!
First Game 1'nper Uitviskd Rules.
Multnomah A. C. vs. Ai.rant A. C.
Mui.txomah Field.
Saturday. Octoiiku 20, 3 P. M.,
Rain or Shine.
Bank Open Saturday Evenings.
For the accommodation of depositors, the
savings bank of the Title Guarantee &
Trust Company. 240 Washington street,
cor. Second, is open on Saturday evenings
from 5 till S o'clock.
To Pe in-ate City Hall. George W.
Dimick and G. C. Brownell will make
addresses this evening at the forma open
ing of the new City Hall of Milwaukie.
Exercises will open at 8 o'clock.
The Dedication of six memorial win
dows will occur at the First Congrega
tional Church Sunday morning at 10:30
o'clock. The public is Invited. Evening
tonic. "Things That Matter."
StTKiiAoisTs To Meet. The Oregon
State Equal Suffrage Association will hoid
a meeting at 2:30 this afternoon in the
parlors of Mrs. Mallory at 193 Sixth street.
First Presbyterian Church, corner of
Tweli'th and Alder streets Preaching
Sunday at :3fi A. M. and 7:50 P. M. by
Rev. W. s. Gilbert of Astoria.
Calvary Presbyterian Church. Dr.
Ely's subjects tomorrow. 10:30 A. M. and
7:. P. M ., "Our Father" and "The Hero
of the Ox-Goad."
Load. up for Sunday. November maga
tines at Carl Jones-. 4th and Washington.
Consumers' League Meets. A board
meeting of the Consumers' League was
held yesterday afternoon to arrange for
the annual meeting of the league, which
will he held November 2 or 3. Bishop
Scadding has been engaged for an ad
dress on that occasion and It is hoped to
secure Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker, who will
be In Portland about that time In attend
ance at the State Federation of Women's
Clubs. The usual display of labeled
manufacturers' garments will be made by
the firms handling the league's goods, and
full reports of committees will give mem
bers a concisive ; idea of what the local
league has accomplished during the year.
There will also be papers describing In
detail to visitors the work of this organi
zation. Election of officers is held at the
annual convention.
Eugenb Semplb Will. Speak. Eugene
Semnle, engineer and ex-Governor of
Washington, has accepted an Invitation
to address the East Side Improvement
Association on his plan to replace by a
canal the iettles at the mouth of the
Columbia River. His plan Is to connect
the Columbia River with the ocean by
a canal from Young's Bay at Astoria to
Seaside, "with an outlet at Tillamook
Head. "Mr. Semple will talk on this sub
ject and give some further explanation
of his plans, which were set forth In last
Sunday's Oregonian. The time of his
talk has not yet been fixed, but It will
probably be some time cTurlng the coming
week at the Bureau of Information rooms
on -East Morrison street.
Record for Building Permits. Thirty
six building permits were issued yester
day, from the license department at the
City Hall, which is the largest number
ever recorded for a single day. The total
value was not so great as It has "been
on other days, tout this is evidently due
to the fact that with very few exceptions
the permits were for cottages in the
residence districts. To meet the ever-increasing
. demands for homes property
owners are heing forced to build exten
sively. Portland Heights Deal. A tract of
60 lots in Greenway, on Portland Heights,
has been sold to the Portland Heights
Improvement Association by D. Et Keascy.
The consideration was In the neighbor
hood of $25,000. The sale was made by
E. J. Daly. Some fine Improvements are
to be made In Greenway In the near
For Rent. Choice offices. Stearns bldg.
Apply Behnke-Walker Business College.
Informal Affair at Arlington Club
Attended by Representatives
of Portland Banks.
A very pleasant luncheon was given yes
terday at the Arlington Club by Ernest
A. Wyld, manager of the Canadian Bank
of Commerce. The affair was purely In
formal, and was in honor of B. B. Walker,
of Toronto, Ontario, manager of the many
banks operated by the company. He is
in Portland on a visit to the local bank,
and is completing a trip of inspection to
tho different banks of his company on the
Mr. Walker's stay in Portland was made
very pleasant by the attention shown
him. He spoke highly of Portland a3 a
place for investment and commented fa
vorably on the business outlook here. "He
is returning to his home from California.
Local bankers were Invited to at
tend the luncheon to meet Mr.
Walker. Each of the Portland banks
was represented. Those present were:
B. H. Walker, E. A. Wyld, Bishop
Scadding. James Laidlaw, Dr.. K. A. J.
Mackenzie, A. L. Mills, president First
National; R.' Lea Barnes; United States
National; J. Frank Watson, Merchants'
National; W. M. Ladd and C. E. Ladd,
Ladd & Tilton's Bank: W. IL Moore,
Oregon Trust & Savings Bank: H. L.
Pittock, Portland-Trust Company; Dr.
Andrew C. Smith, Hfbernia Savings
Bank: George W. Bates, East Side Rank:
Superintendent Mcintosh and Manager
Macrae, Bank of California, and Cyrus
A. Dolph. .
Man From India Has
Brief Biography
Sunder Slnjch. Who Aaka For Citi
zenship, Does Not Know How Old
He Ih ur Whether He la Married.
SUNDER SINGH enjoys the honor of
knowing less about himself than any
other man who has ever appeared at the
Courthouse to declare his intention to be
come as American citizen. Singh Is a
native? of Ferozepur. India, but that is all
be appeared to know of his biography.
He lived two years in Astoria before com
ing to Portland, but he did not know It, a
friend having to advance the information.
Sunder Singh, standing straight as the
line all good men should travel, appeared
before Deputy County Clerk C. D. Chris
tensen yesterday. The man from India
smiled sweetly when the young lady dep
uties looked at him, but he refused to
talk to Ohristensen. A friend of the
would-be citizen did most of the explain
ing. "How old are you?" asked the deputy.
Sunder Singh shook his head, and the
friend hastened to say that the family
Bible belonging to the Slnghs had been
lost years ago.
"When did you come here?" was next
Sunder Singh shook his head, but the
friend thought it was about two years
ago, although no one seemed to know.
"Are you married or single?"
And here the friend declared that Sen
der Singh didn't remember.
Thereupon the man from India departed.
His visit, like his autobiography, was
Rev. C. H. Woolley, new pastor for the
Metirodist Episcopal Laurelwood charge,
on the Mount Scott line, has arrived from
Pennsylvania and entered on his work.
R. Alexander, F. C. Taylor. Robert
Forester. H. E. Bickers and G. A. Hart
man, of Pendleton, are in Portland to
attend the laying of the corner-stone of
the new Masonic Temple today. They
are 'registered at the Imperial Hotel.
Mortimer L. Schtff, in the private car
Mayflower, is on a tour of the Northwest,
and is now In Spokane. He will arrive
in Portland Sunday morning at 8 o'clock,
and will spend the day here. Mr. Schiff
is a member of the New York family of
financiers of that name.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
merits for parties. 3o5 Washington, .nr. Sth
Klaber Sells Big Hop Ranch.
TATO.MA. Wash.. Oct. J9. (Speclal.)i-It
is reported that Herman Klaber has sold
his hop ranch of 110 acres at Puyallup for
oo.0"0. The purchasers are Eastern cap
italists. The deal has not been concluded,
but earnest money to bind the bargain
has been paid.
Hlgh-Grade Pianos for Rent
And sold on easy payments. Piano tuning
and repairing. H. Sinsbeimer, 12 Third et-
At the Theaters
Br Arthur A. Greene.
"Parsifal " at the HelUc
Aofortas .Mr. McKee
Titurel '..Mr. Priest
Gregory .....Mr. Guthrie
Sir Gurnexnanz Wr. Murry
Sir Palleas .... Mr. Scheller
Sir Guyon .Mr. Shields
Sir Gorlcls ............. .Mr. Gurke
Sir' Enclnal t. Mr. Davidson
Sir Ronald .'. Mr. Milton
Sir Adrlae Mr. Losey
Sir Moderd Mr. Irving
Herald of the cup Mr. Schrelner
Herald of the warders. . .Mr. Funnell
Parsifal Mr. Connor
Kilnschor .Mr. Dvorak
Sir Merlin Mr. French
Dwerger .....Mr Halpln
The Spirit of Denial Mr. Holmes
Carlotte ...Miss Horn
Herzeleda Miss Hampton
Curiosity Miss Warde
Frailty Miss Laube
Folly . . Miss Hansen.
Passion Miss Dunn
Vanity Miss Wlllard
Allurement 1 ....Miss Porter
Desire .: '..Miss Carter
Queen of Terrlprob Miss Conrad
Kundry Miss Keating
IT IS the most impressive dramatic
offering which Portland has seen sines
Ben Greet and his players were here for
their memorable engagement two years
ago. No man or woman who takes the
theater seriously can afford to miss "Par
sifal" as it was produced at the JHeilig
last night. It clears one's atmosphere,
Invites the Intellect, satisfies the Jaded
seeker for art on the stage and purines.
I confess that I went to the Heilig last
evening expecting to be bored. We were
not promised the operatic version, and I
expected an Aiden Benedict horror. A
dramatic arrangement of "Parsifal" with
no great names in the cast and "scenic
and electrical effects" flagrantly pro
claimed! It seemed enough to drive the
gods on high Olympus to tears and strong
men to shudders. But the surprise of Its
excellence was one of the most gratify
ing sensations I've felt in a long time. It
was one of the big things that come into
the theatergoer's experience at such long
intervals that he underscores the date.
Tfco old, old legend of the quest for the
Holy Grail is handled so reverentially
and the attention is so deeply fixed upon
the story, which, with variations, has
been, handed 'down through 30 generations
or more, and told in such an interesting
manner that he must be a dullard indeed
or hopelessly frivolous who is not held, in
the spell of It. - ".
The version which we are given this
week is by William Lynch Roberts, who
has departed greatly from Wagner, to
tlie end of making a more effective drama
than the immortal German's arrange
ment could possibly be, shorn of its
He has rather gathered together the
threads of narrative told by Wolfram von
Eschenbach. Cretien de Troyes and Ten
nyson, and from the three woven his
play. His work has been well done. He
has achieved.
There are two superior artists in .the
cast, John Lane Connor, who essays the
role of the gentle shepherd lad, from
whom the tradition derives its name, and
Virginia Keating, the "Kundry" of the
Mr. Connor, whose stage experience
has been rather brief, was formerly a
teacher of elocution at Notre Dame Uni
versity. That doesn't sound promising,
although Notre Dame is a great school.
But to see his beautiful performance as
Parsifal is a privilege. I was first struck
with his marvelous dissembling in the
matter of facial expression. He wears
the high, pure look of the holy shepherd
so consistently that this in Itself stamps
him as an actor of unusual merit. His
voice is as grateful to the ear as 'the
notes of a cello, his enunciation distinct,
and his interpretation of the emotions
notably artistic. In addition he possesses
magnetism in a large measure. If there
were nothing in the performance but
the Parsifal of John Lane Connor, the
entire evening would be well spent.
But there is Virginia Keating, who in
stantly suggests Constance Crowley. It
Is herreauttful reading. It Is such a
rare pleasure to hear the English lan
guage spoken correctly and honestly, free
from affectations and so distinctly that
, one feels that a large debt of gratitude Is
j due such few actresses as we have who
j speak English. Virginia Keating is one
of them. She is not the equal of Miss
j Crowley, but in every respect she gives
j an admirable portrayal of a part which
taxes the best efforts of a distinguished
artist. Miss Keating was leading wo
man with James O'Neill last year, and
created something of a furore.
Li. S. McKee should comej In for a
modicum of praise for his highly satis
factory handling of the role of Aufortas.
A sore trial Is Mr. Dvorak, who plays
Kllnchor, the Black Knight. Dvorak is
a "scenery chewer," and how he rants,
and he rants, and he rants. It isn't his
fault that the entire performance isn't a
screaming burlesque.
The remaining members of the company
are mediocre. It is the splendid treat
ment of the theme, the excellent acting
of the two leading people and an ade
quate production- that makes "P.-frslfal"
as we saw it last night an attraction
worth singling out from among a hun
dred. There was an augmented orchestra and
the overture and incidental music were
from the score of Wagner's opera.
It Is a long play and it Is of prime
Importance that one see all of It. The
overture starts at 7:30 o'clock and the
curtain rings up 15 minutes later.
The large audience was somewhat dis
turbed by late comers last night and
many were compelled to stand In the
foyer during the long first act. Those
who desire to enjoy the performance
simply must go early. There will be
repetitions tonight and tomorrow night.
Oregon Electric Railway Secures
Sontli Portland Property.
South Portland property amounting to
$"25,000 has been purchased by the Oregon
Electric Railway Company and yesterday
the deeds were filed for record with the
County Clerk. The tracts purchased lie
along the surveys In South Portland and
consist of 13 city blocks. . They will be
used for terminals and warehouses.
The deeds transferring the property are
19 in number and are made out In fax-or
of the Security Savings & Trust Company
In the Interest of the railroad company.
The land Is mostly In Caruther's Addition,
although one block lies on the south side
of Terwllliger's Addition and block 104
adjoins Hood street between Montgomery
and Harrison. All lie along the right-of-way
mapped out for the Oregon Electric
Railway Company and are close to the
Southern Pacific's Yamhill division
The property Just bought will in all
probability prove ample for all terminal
purposes contemplated by the new -traction
road and will give It an excellent
entrance into the city from the south, as
in some cases where surveys run from
one street to another, private right-of-way
must be used to avoid the sharp
corners of streets.
G. B. Moffatt. of the Arm of Moffatt &
White, New York bankers, who are
ffSanclng the new trolley line, accom
panied by William S. Barstow, construct
ing engineer, left last night for Spokane,
where they go to look over other proper
ties the New York firm is interested in.
Evening of Convention Is Taken Up
With Unique "Stunt" by
"Mr. Local Option impersonated by
Paul Rader, was put on trial at last
night's session of the Anti-9aloon League
convention and pleaded not guilty to the
Indictment for destroying business . inter
ests, lowering tax property values, rais
ing taxes, diverting immigration and in
creasing drunkenness Jn the dry" coun
ties of Oregon. - 9. S. Gillespie presided
as judge, and the prosecuting" attorney
was J. J. Hawk. E. 3. J. McAllister, of
Portland, and John Garver, of Pendleton,
were counsel for the defense. The jury
was selected from the audience In at
tendance, and, after, paying close atten
tion to the evidence submitted and delib
erating 20 minutes, brought in a verdict of
Although acquitted of the charge
brought against him, "Mr. Local Option"
had a very uncomfortable session in the
White Temple courtroom. The legal bat
tle was closely and bitterly fought, and
the wrangling among the lawyers over
the admission of certain testimony was
constant. The prosecution sought to show
by its witnesses that the dry counties and
towns are going to wrack and ruin since
"Mr. 1. Option" visited them, and that
the blind pigs are doing more business
than saloons formerly did, while property
values are so low that there is practically
no sale for any realty.
The witnesses for the state were young
boys, with one exception, and this fact
was eagerly pounced upon by Uie de
fense, which put elderly men on tire stand
to tell its side of the story. According to
the prbsecution. the towns of CorvallU
and Forest Grove are grass-grown, and
the streets six inches deep in peanut
shells, while the defense proves just as
clearly that prosperity predominates and
values are soaring. They even introduced
evidence to show that men are going back
to deserted wives, and that former drunk
ards are now bringing in the kindling.
The pleas were an interesting part of
the proceedings, Mr. McAllister's address
being a witty but powerful argument in
favor of local option, which echoed the
sentiment of the convention. .Prosecutor
Hawk told a number of funny stories and
maintained that his boy witnesses . were
Just as truthful as the octogenarians of
the defense. Excellent vocal music was
furnished by the quartet choir from the
Grace Methodist Church.
At the afternoon session yesterday Dr.
Brougher, of the White Temple, delivered
an address of welcome, which was re
sponded to by E. H. Cherrington, of Seat
tle, who has charge of the local-option
campaign in Washington.
This afternoon a school of methods will
be held, at which addresses will be made
by prominent ministerial and anti-liquor
workers on detective work in the local
option campaign. n the evening Dr. W.
9. Gilbert, pastor of the Astoria Preby
teria Church, will epeak on "The For
eigner and Temperance Reform." W. P.
Elmore. Mayor of Brownsville, will speak
on "The Economical Situation in a Dry
Town During Nine Years of Brownsville's
Experience." '
Sunday evening the convention will close
with a big rally at the First Presbyterian
Church, when Paul Rader will speak on
"Temperance Reform Up to Date."
Topcka Man Arrested on Churge of.
Swindling AVoman.
T. V. Harris, alias George Harris, was
arrested here yesterday afternoon by Act
ing Detective Allen upon written instruc
tions from Sheriff A. T. Lucas; '"of To
peka. Kan. Harris had been in Portland
nearly two weeks, but the request to
arrest him on a charge of grand larceny
did not arrive until yesterday morning.
The description of Harris is said by Cap
tain of Detectives Bruin to be the most
complete ever received by the local police.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Oct. Harris is
charged with inducing Mrs. Triomas
Krutchner, of this city, to elope with
him, robbing her of 1700 and then de
serting her. He was at that - time
masquerading under the name of Dr.
Ashby. The alleged .offense was com
mitted about three weeks ago.
Dies With His Boots On.
PHOENIX, Ariz.. Oct. 19. Jack Purvis
is dead and Harry F. Wilbur, of Rice Sta
tion, and Percy Vincent, of Globe, are
both desperately wounded as the result
of the shooting on the Gila Valley, Globe
& Northern Railroad, at Rice Station. 18
miles from Globe, Wednesday evening.
Turvis' was accused of stealing mules
from a mining camp near Globe. Sheriff
Shanley arrested him at Bowie, and Wil
bur boarded the train at Rice to identify
him vhen Purvis began shooting.
Our Machines and Records
Are the
best. Our
the easiest.
of latest
records on
845 Washington St. Portland. Or.
Main 1701
Commencing Today and Ending Saturday, October 27, 1906
Pure California Apricot Brandy (Price $1.00) tor 75 Cents.
Old Tom Gin (Price $1.25) for . -75 Cents.
Blackberry Brandy (Price 75 Cents) for 50 Cents a Bottle.
228 Morrison St. - . The Family Liquor Dealer, '
The Merchants
Investment and
Trust Co.
247 Washington St.
J Deals la Municipal and
Corporation Bonds.
J Lends money on ap
proved securities.
(Jf Acts as trustee in bond
issues, realty transactions,
CJ Does a General Bank
ing and Trust Business.
J Pays interest on Sav-.
'ings Accounts and Time
Capital, $150,000.00
J. Frank Watson, Pres.
R. L. Durham. Vice-Pres. .
W. H. Fear, Secy.
S. C. Catchlngs, Asst. Secy.
. Conan Doyle's
Finest romantic novel
Sir Nigel
The White Company's"
predecessor. The atorjr of Sir
Nigel's fierjr youth, his early
combats on the field of honor,
his chiva'ric training, his love.
Vividly rcalis'.ic C o n a n
Doyle's matures: work.
Six illustrations. $150
44 East 23d St., N. V.
nrt mMfpr how'
, bad the weather
you cannot
afford to be
without iv
When youbtry
I00K rbr the
A J tCWtt CO BOtTQM u s ft.
Popularity of the Behnke-Walker Busineim Col
lege. We do good work and our students are
well qualified, and a a result well satisfied.
A great business educator, after visiting' AIAt
the buslneBa colleges, says:
"In claa&Jfylni: schools, I rank yours mm
one of the six ieadins; buetnew college of
the conntry."
In this Estimate we considered our unsur
passed equipment, our., progressive methods
our superior teachers, our unparalleled suc
cess In placing; our graduates and -all that de
termines the merits of a great business col
lege. B E H N K E-VVA LKER
$chwab Printing Go.
ftS tat inn
t1 "i
IN and 110 FMrtk StrMt.
Sol. Dlstrlbutom fur Oregon ud Wuhlutw
James Watson
Wholesale Arents and Importer!.
We always
because we
have stood
Dearer, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lakr, Italia. Texaai Port laad, Oreg-on.
133 Sixth SL FLOYD F. BROWER, Mgr. Oregopian Bldg.
..I FD
TOW" -
All the defects in the old top
coats have been eliminated In ti)e
new Fall makes.
Here's a coat that is long enough -for
grace and warmth, but still
short enough for the hustler, and
these days
-"We also have the knee lengths in
Blacks. Qxfords and Grays. Their
fullness is Just right, lapels just
right, every point just right, and
$12.50 to $25
Come In and prove It for yourself.
rfg LION
Urn'a and Bora' Out litter.
160 aad 1S8 Third Street,
obank Building.
"They don't craclc so quick."
Made with "LINOCORD"
buttonholes that hold.
Full Shrank.
X size if you want them.
2 for 23 cents. .
IDE & CO., Makers
A (12 O FnU Set
far tft-M.
Beam 4 OA Dekam
luli'iniili !i liii mi ililHil
6 3
Without EiTal
. Today
Painting a House
Depends largely on the qualltr
of the paint used a little, of
course, on the ability of the
paint applier. We stand back of
every pound of BAY STATH
paint we sell, whether in bulk
or in cans ready for use. All
colors, all shades only ono
Fisher, Thorsen 8 Co.
Front ancl Morrison Sta.
& Gos
Scotch Whiskey
satisfy our eyeglass patrons
carry all mountings that
the test of time and usage.
Always Delicious Pure
. Wholesome Digestible
;- One Box will make
A Happy Home I
Every Sealed Packape guaranteed
, rresn and Full Weight
Pmacy Boxem mod Batket la txelamlrt
Makers of Cocoa and Chocolates
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth and purines the breath,
Used 'by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
- Convenient for tourists.
should be of interett to very woman. If
Gray or Bleached, it can be renter, to Ita
natural color, or made aoy shade desired.
The Imperial Hair Regenerator
la tbe acknowledged STANDARD
HAIR COLORING oC th ajro. It in
' ejutilv unnlied. make the hair Botti
and frloaay. is absolutely harmless.
' Sample of hair colored free. Corre
spondence confidential.
im ptrui wisau mig. bw..i w . us i.
Sold by Woodard. Clark ! Co.
Hot Salt Sea Water Baths at Hotel
Moore. Seaside, Of. Open all year. -
jChocolate Bonbons!
If Always Delicious Pure I;
II '. Wholesome Direstihla I
. r
tun fi