Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 20, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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' (By MalL
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The death of "the Mother of the Con
federacy" recalls attention for the mo
ment to the history of Jefferson Davis
a name indeed which will never per
ish from our hltrtory, and which, though
once detested at the North, is now
dealt with kindly, as beseema the dig
nity of history and the might of a
great nation that had a crisis to pass
through and safely passed it. In the
ngony of such a struggle, and k long
as its wounds were tUll fresh, the per
sonality of the man who stood In the
. position occupied by Jefferson Davis
could not be treated by his enemies as
a cold abstraction, at a mere name in
history, nor without prejudice. For In
euch a struggle and crisis the person
ality of the leader engages the atten
tion and stands for the cause he rep
resents. Lincoln, therefore, was as
much detested at tho South as Davis
was at the North. But history, freed
from tho breath of paselon, no longer
regards theso personalities and hatreds.
Kvery right-minded man, speaking or
writing of our great conflict, treats it,
as he thinks of it, from the larger
point of view. The careers of the
actors on. either elide are simply a part
of the history of the country. No ani
mosity ie held In either section against
any of them.
But, by Southern writers, more than
Northern, Jefferson Davlp has been
criticised for his course during the war.
They have complained that he was not
able to suppress his personal piques
and dislikes, that his temperament was
not judicial and fair, that the Confed
eracy at critical times wag deprived of
the services of not a few of its best
anen, and thereby loet opportunities to
strike blows that might have restored
tho cause or prevented disasters. They
eviy It was Jealous-y on the part of
Davis of such commanders as Beaure
gard, Johnston, Longstreet, and even
of Lee of want of the military In
sight necessary for appreciation of
their plans that caused the loss of op
portunities that never returned. Of
course, no man's heart wae more deep
ly engaged in the cause than that of
Jefferson Davis: but between him and
the military leaders there was not that
confidence, and consequently: not that
co-operation, which were absolutely es
sential in war, and especially in a war
against forces usually superior at crit
ical points. Yet Mr. Davl? was chosen
President of the Confederacy through
popular belief in his military fitness
a belief not shared even at the time by
nome, perhaps most, of the Confed
eracy's ablceK soldiers.
In the allegations of defect of tact
and temperament in him there may,
however, have been mistakes and ex
aggerations. Lincoln had similar ac
etisers In the North, who alleged Jeal
ousy on his part towards MeCleUan and
other commanden. But when really
efficient commanders, ae Grant, Sher
man, Thomas and Sheridan, appeared.
there was no eign of jealousy or dis
trust on Lincoln's part. On the con
trary, he supported them to the ut
" inot. It is probable that Davis de
pended too much on his own Judgment
in military affairs, was too theoretical
ns a fMldler. and too little disposed to
heed the suggestions or accept the
judgments of others. ,
If, however, the criticisms which
many Southern writers have passed on
the conduct of the war by Jefferson
Davis are well founded, the whole coun
try, and all the parts of it then en
paged in war, have good reason for
congratulation that he, and not an abler
military man, was- at the head of the
Confederate government.
Aroused to action by the murder of
Iteno Hutchinson, the Mayor of Spo
kane' has ordered that the police clear
the town at once of every loafer who
cannot give an account of himself.
This is another case of shutting the
door after the horse has been stolen.
It is difficult to understand why the
Mayor or police o any town should
permit scores of idle men to inhabit
the low resorts when their very ap
pearance and all circumstances leave
no doubt that they are ruffians await
ing nn opportunity to eohimlt crime.
"Where is the consistency In mending
defective bridges to save lives and
property, when the town- is filled with
thugs who ure known to be a constant
menace to both property and life?
And yet there are cities where the po
lice enter into league with criminals,
who are known as "stool pigeons," and
permit these outlaws to continue In
crime, preying; upon the people 'Who
pay the salaries of the officers.
Those were facts indeed 'of Oregon's
progress and prosperity which Benja
min I. Cohen, of Portland, cited in an
address before the American Bankers'
Association in St. Louis Thursday.
Most important was his statement that
Oregon bank deposits have increased
more than 216.500,000 in the year be
tween September 1, 1905, and Septem
ber 1, 1906. The total deposits in Ore
gon on the latter date were $78,861,057,
of which 254,270,144 was in Portland.
Said he: .
In the ahsence.of a state banking law. It is
hard to get statistics; but there are 17 banks
and trust companies In Portland, Or., and I
have had returns from all of them, except one
email concern. Their deposits on the dates
below mentioned were; September 1, 1805,
$43,688,823; September 1, 1806. 54.270,144. In
crease, S10.SH0.321. Per cent, 24.2.
In the State of Oregon, outside of .Portland,
there are 141; of whiftl 104 have reported.
Their deposits were; September 1, 1805,
$18,644,367; September V JOOO. $24,390,913. In-
crease, $5,946,046. Per cent, 31.11.
Gross deposits for entire State of Oregon:
September 1, 1906, $62,334,190; September 1,
1906, $78,861,057. Increase, $16,526,887. Per
cent, 26.5.
Mr. Cohen made these totals from
statements submitted to him by banks
throughout the state. His figures are
probably the most accurate that have
ever been compiled. Oregon, being
without a bank examiner, has had to
content itself with estimates of total
deposits heretofore. As Mr. Cohen
holds the good will and confidence of
Oregon banks, he is in a favorable posi
tion to secure the desired Information.
The conviction of the Standard Oil
Company at Findlay must have come
with a shock to Judge Banker after he
had exerted himself so faithfully to pre
vent it. It Is a credit to the good
sense of the Jury and their desire to do
justice that they found the trust guilty
even after the trial Judge had exclud
ed all the really important evidence.
As for Judge Banker, he was loyal to
the end to the monopolists culprit.
Mr. Troup, the lawyer for the trust.
moved for a "new trial" as soon as the
verdict of conviction came in, and the
kindly Judge assured him that "all such
motions" would be entertained as a
matter of course. Evidently, Mr. Troup
has a large sheaf of dilatory and be
deviling motions up his sleeve, and
Judge Banker purposes to give him a
free hand in the use of them to defeat
Justice. Of course, a new trial means
that the labor and expense of the trial
which has just resulted in a conviction
were thrown ajvay. This must be some
body's fault, and the only person who
can possibly be blamed for it is Judge
Banker himself.
As presiding Judge, it .was his duty
to see that the trial jyas conducted fair
ly and according to the rules ? law.
If it was not so conducted, he should
be punished for his negligence, igno
rance or complicity. He was certainly
derelict in his duty. The necessity for
granting a new trial is a disgrace to a
Judge. It is the best possible evidence
that he is incompetent for his position.
Judge Banker's fawning haste to as
sure the trust lawyer in effect that he
could have as many new trials as he
chose to ask for was a luminous com
mentary on his judicial character.
Contrast with this compliant Judge
the attitude of Judge Holt, of the Uni
ted States Circuit Court, who has just
imposed a fine of $105(000 on tho, New
York Central Kallroad for granting re
bates to the sugar trust. While this
important case was pending, Judge
Holt never found it necessary to make
salaams and apologies to the culprit
trtist. He maintained the dignity and
impartiality which becomes his office,
and when the verdict of guilty came in
ho Imposed a penalty which was pro
portionate to the crime.
Throughout the trial at Findlay
Judge Banker seems to have trembled
in his shoes lest he should be guilty of
helping convict the Standard Oil Com
pany. vHe has maintained the attitude
of a spaniel at its master's feet. Seem
ingly he could not endure the thought
that the great and good Mr. Rocke
feller's trust should be punished like
an ordinary criminal. All this illus
trates the reasons for excluding the
monopolies from politics and forbidding
them to Interfere with elections, espe
cially the elections of Judges.
The vexed question in a time of many
vexed questions is the old one old but
ever new of domestic or household
service. It is discussed up one side nd
down the other by women in a neigh
borly way, by women In clubs, by cor
respondents in newspapers, by Labor
Commissioners and by editorial writers,
and still no conclusion is reached. The
problem remains unsolved. Is it tin-
solvable? If any question in this age
of expedients, of intellectual force and
of progress may bo so called, then cer
tainly this one is entitled to the first
place in that discouraging category
The statement of State Labor Commis
sioner Hon, published In The Oregonlan
yesterday, is merely a recapitulation
of things that have been said a thou
sand times. Literally speaking, we
"hear till unheard, the same old slob
bered tale." First, domestic help ob
jects to the title of "servant." Cater
ing to this feeling, the Ladles' Home
Journal several years ago proposed that
the term "helper" be substituted, and
many women adopted this suggestion.
only to find that "helpers" are not
more plentiful. or more satisfactory in
the domestic realm than are servants,
Next, it is argued that domestic help
ers should meet on terms of equality
with the employer and her daughters;
that they should, in brief, be as daugh
ters in the house and be accorded full
social privileges. Of course, no one but
a man would ever make a suggestion
of this kind, and he would abandon the
idea, the first time the helper came in
to 6pend the evening in the parlor with
the family and guest?. It would soon
be manifest, and to none more pain
fully than, herself, that, though, with
them, she was not of them. This state
ment does not necessarily reflect die
credit upon either party. As well re
proach oil and water because they re
fuse to mix. Each is valuable in its
own sphere or line, and, Indeed; indis
pensable therein. Why gird at them
because in the nature of things they
will not blend? Why open the ques
tion of superiority or inferiority in the
matter, and " waste strength in vain
striving to overcome an elemental con
Many a capable, conscientious worker
in the domestic realm is superior in
the virtues of kindness and helpfulness
to the supercilious employer who nags
her. But is not the same thing true in
every other department of labor? Who
has not seen a sensitive, well-bred girl
behind a counter flush painfully at the
brusque rebuke of a floorwalker for
some mora or less trivial mistake in-
volving annoyance or delay" to a cus
tomer? Is this any easier to bear than
he rebuke which the domestic worker
receives from her employer for allow?
ing the bread to burn, or for serving
cold eoup or soggy potatoes? Is It not,
indeed, harder to bear because it Is
more publicly given?
But why argue this question? It is
a -condition, not a theory,- that con
fronts the housekeepers of the country
under the head of the domestic prob-
em. It is for individual women to
work out, each In her own home. Pa
tience, humanity, common sense, are
ts potent factors. Eliminate one of
these, and the desired result that 'of
efficient, cheerful domestic service will
be difficult to secure. Eliminate all of
them, and chaos in the domestioej-ealm
results. Apply any or all othese qual
ities to the solution of the question, and
the effort will sometimes fail, for the
simple and sufficient reason that the
material to which they are applied is1
not responsive- to their wholesome in
fluence. If women in their homes can
not settle this question. It will probably
remain in Its present chaotic state
now perhaps better, again worse, and
never, except in rare individual cases,
quite satisfactory.
Mr. Vardaman's remarks at Chicago
upon the negro, question make strange
reading. Their ferocious inhumanity
is not so startling as their complete in--difference
to fact. Take his statement,
for example, that "the matter of white
supremacy or negro domination in the
South is at fever heat." Could any
thing be more absurdly false? Among
some of the Southern whites there Is,
indeed, a feverish exhibition of Tace
hatred, and here and there the poor,
frightened negroes make some faint
show of trying to protect themselves;
but the question of "supremacy" was
settled long ago. If ever a race was
completely cowed, and subdued, that is
the condition of the Southern negroes
today. Disfranchised, deprived of civil
rights, compelled to travel In Inferior
cars, excluded from hotels and restau
rants, herded by .themselves In sepa
rate schools, worked in chain gangs for
trifling offenses what more in the way
of subjection could Mr. Vardaman de
sire. He says that he wishes "to show
the negro his proper place in our sys
tem of government," and o accom
plish it he intends to secure the repeal
of the fifteenth amendment, to the Con
stitution, if possible.
What, according to Mr. Vardaman
and those who agree with him. Is the
negro's proper place in our system of
government? He makes the matter
clear by explaining that the black man
is a mere chattel." At least he at
tributes such an opinion to Jefferson,
and indicates his own agreement with
It. Now, Jefferson never held or ex
pressed such an opinion of the blacks.
Mr. Vardaman'6 statement that he did
so is another instance of his indiffer
ence to fact. But, leaving aside the
opinions of Jefferson, Washington, Clay
and other great men of the South from
whom Vardaman, Tillman and Thomas
Dixon, Jr., might learn abundant les
sons of common sense and humanity,
let us inquire whether there is a place
in our system-of government for ten
million human beings who are mere
chattels. A chattel is something which
can be bought and sold. It has no
rights which its owner is bound to re
spect. A human being who is a chattel
is a slave. And there Is no doubt from
all that Mr. Vardaman has to say on
the race question that he believes the
negro was In his proper place when he
was a slave, and that to restore him to
his proper place he must be enslaved
again. That there Is a. class of men in
the South who ardently long for the
restoration of negro- slavery there can
be no doubt whatever, unless language
in their mouths means nothing.
How would the free labor of the
North relish the prospect of competing
with chattel labor in the South? If
the pauper labor of Europe is some
thing to be dreaded and fended off by
tariffs, what of chattel labor In the
mills of Georgia and Alabama? If the
white workman fears that the compe
tition of Asiatics would lower his stand
ard of living and debase our civiliza
tion, what would be the effect of com
petition with chattel labor? How could
the Northern manufacturer pay civilized
wages to his workmen when his South
ern competitor had numberless hordes
Bf chattels to drive to their toil with
the lash, and to whom, he need pay no
more than the bare cost of their sub
sistence? It may be predicted that the
prospect of seeing the negro reduced
again to the condition of a chattel
would not please the elf-respecting la
boring man of the North, or the South
either. To degrade the laborer de
grades labor itself. Free men cannot
work in competition with chattels. In
fact, there is no place In our system of
government for a servile, dehumanized
chattel race.
Mr. Vardaman will find the repeal of
the fifteenth amendment an impossible
task even from that pinnacle of influ
ence in the United States Senate to
which he aspires. The North has looked
on with indifference while the South
disfranchised the negroes by evasion of
the law; but that is a very different
thing from openly taking a hand In un
doing the work of Lincoln and Grant
and reversing the verdict of the Civil
War. The fifteenth amendment cannot
be repealed; and, if it could, what
would the South gain? The repeal
would permit the disfranchisement of
the blacks; but they are already dis
franchised, while, by the pleasant fic
tion that they can still vote, the South
ern whites enjoy double representation
in Congress. The repeal of the en
franchising amendment would do noth
ing for the South that trickery has not
already done; while the open attempt
to perpetrate such an outrage on civili
zation would excite bitter opposition
in the North. Undoubtedly it would
lead either to the nullification of the
Southern disfranchising laws or to the
curtailment of the Soifthern delegations
in Congress. If Mr. Vardaman Is wise
he will forego his project, lest a worse
thing befall him.
Vardaman's opinion that negro as
saults upon white women grow out of
their aspiration for social equality is
the raving of a mailman. Probably the
current epidemic of these offenses arises
from suggestion. The hysterical dis
cussion of the matter which rages
throughout the South has excited a
morbid proclivity. Just as it will in the
case of any class of, crimes, and among
any class of people. What Mr. Varda
man and his compeers" need is a little
more association with men of sane in
tellect an" civilized opinions. Their
principal defect as statesmen Is their
The production of metals in the Uni
ted States, and, indeed, throughout the
world, has reached enormous propor
tons. This extends to iron, lead, silver,
gold and copper. Not in a quarter of a
century has copper been as dear as it
is. today, notwithstanding the great
output a fact attributable to the de
mand made noon it hv armMed elec
trical science. The United States alone f
this year will smelt 2,000,000 ton? more
Iron than has ever gone through
American blast furnaces in twelve
months, while more gold will be mined
in 1906 than in any single year since a
record was kept of gold production.
The world Is saidto be "metal mad,"
but the truth is that production, with
all of Its enormous activity, can scarce
ly keep pace with consumption.
The report of the Oregon Tax Com
mission, appointed in pursuance of an
act of the last Legislature, has been
published in pamphlet form, and Is
ready for distribution. The substance
of the report has already been pub
lished In the Dews columns of The Ore
gonlan, and is in general familiar to
all readers of this paper. Those who
take special interest In tax legislation
and who desire to be heard regarding
tax laws to be enacted next Winter
will do well to secure a copy of the re
port and study It more in detail. The
report occupies over 300 pages, and can
not be thoroughly understood after
only one reading. Copies can be se
cured from County Clerks in any coun
ty in the state.
It has Just been discovered that the
books of the Washington State Insane
Asylum at Steilacoom are in very bad
shape, and have been since 1871. This
gives an unpleasant jar to those in
this state who have been advocating
a State Board of Control such as holds
power in Washington over the state
institutions. A State Board of Control
does not look as good to us as it did.
According to the dispatches. Insane pa
tients whd have been dead for many
years were carried on the books and
recorded as in good health. One can't
help wondering whether appropriations
have been received all these years for
the support-of those who are dead but
recorded as living.
With our favorable balance of trade,
which, according to stand-pat econom
ics, must be paid in coin, why are we
buying gold -in London? Russia's plight
Is comprehensible enough. She is bull
ing the price of her own bonds bV de
pleting her gold reserve. France and
Germany are unloading Russian bonds
quietly, but steadily, and the strain on
the European financial system must be
enormous. The United States and Ar
gentina, particularly the latter, can buy
gold with their exports, but Russia's
case is different. When the Czar can
borrow no more he will be bankrupt.
Then the crash will come.
Labor Commissioner Hoff says that
the word "servant" and the low social
position a "servant" must take are re
sponsible for the difficulty In securing
domestic help. Let's appeal to Presi
dent Roosevelt, who makes and un
makes languages, to give us a better
word and establish a new line of
thought which will make housework
honorable in the opinions of the people.
Let Roosevelt but say the word and
the "hired girl" shall be held In higher
esteem than the stenographer or clerk.
Then the troubles of the housewife will
be over.
Two Danish Princes have started on
a visit to the Far East, and will prob
ably return by way of America. If
they cross this continent they will have
opportunity to see many of their coun
trymen, now thriving American citi
zens, of whom this country is proud.
The -Danes are a hard-working, thrifty
and law-abiding people. Though we
have not so many of them as we have
of a number of other nationalities, we
see in every part of the country, espe
cially in the North and West, the evi
dence of their thrift.
The Ladd estate, which owes its origin
to the liquor trade, runs an anti-liquor
and prohibition newspaper, yet runs
also the biggest bar in Portland, at the
Portland Hotel, and through its news
paper congratulates the Weinhard
brewery on the enterprise It shows In
doubling its capacity and output. Mr.
William Ladd is chief and master of
all this versatility. And he runs a pul
pit besides, which consigns to hades all
unbelievers. "Tllly-vally, Sir John,
ne'er tell me!"
The National Bankers' Association
does not take kindly to Secretary
snaw s nai money seneroe. xne oank
ers have a plan of their own for issu
ing "credit," which is fiat, money that
would make a Middle-of-the-Road Pop
ulist sick with envy. The heresy of one
generation is the orthodoxy of the next.
Chauncey M. Depew has been re
elected a director of the Chicago &
Northwestern Railway. Encouraged by
this assurance of the esteem in -which
he is held by his fellow-citizens, he
should become a candidate for some
office to be filled by popular vote. He
might learn a few things.
The flurry in Wall street is an in
vitation to the lambs to sell their hold
ings to the "System" at bargain prices.
When the flurry is over, the lambs will
be invited to buy the same stocks back
again at a premium. Thus the ma
chine works.
Congregational churches of Oregon
will endeavor to raise $1 per member
for home missions. This dollar con
tribution movement starts out tinder
better promise than that of the Repub
lican and Democratic parties .for cam
paign funds. .
Judge Banker may be able to inter
pret the law entirely to Standard Oil's"
satisfaction, but that Jury was able to
get at the facts entirely to the public
The loser "of a gold umbrella-handle
learns from an advertisement that it
was found safe, near the gas com
pany's office. That person was born
Current Washington County papers
bring the cheering news that Dr. C. L.
Large, bong-tong commissioner of Im
migration, still has his hand in
J. J. Bill has been sued in New York
for $10,000,000, on a railroad deal. That
little Judgment won't wswry Hill any,
if the case goes against him.
The Findlay jury sang a few hymns
and then found a verdict against Stand
ard Oil. Wasn't that rubbing it in just
a trifle hard on John D. ?
It is best to be clean, and it pays to
be straight. It comes hard, sometimes,
and it grinds. Yet "the wages of ein is
death.' -
Three) Contrary Opinions on Govern
ment Ownership and Trusts.
The Baltimore News prints a symposium
from . three distinguished sources Presi
dent Roosevelt, John D. Rocketeller and
William Jennings Bryan on live issues
of today. President Roosevelt's ideas:
Government ownership of railroads
would be evil in Its results from every
standpoint. To exercise constantly in
creasing and more efficient control over
common carriers prevents all necessity
for Government ownership.
Our civilization shall not be the civiliz
ation of a mere plutocracy, a banking-
house. Wall-street syndicate civilization;
nor yet can there be submission to class
hatred. "
An extension of the National power to
oversee and secure correct behavior in
the management of all great corporations
engaged in interstate business will render
more stable the present system of doing
away with grave abuses.
"It is our duty to see that there is
adequate supervision and control over the
business use of swollen fortunes of to
day, and also to determine the conditions
under which these fortunes are to be
transmitted and the percentage that they
shall pay to the Government. Only the
Nation can do this."
Rockefeller's Ideas.
If we limit opportunity, we will have
put the brakes on our National develop
ment. Will the individual strive for suc
cess if he knows the hard-won prize is
to be snatched from his fingers at the
last by his Government?
We are still too young a Nation to
begin tearing down. We must build up
for years to come. The very children ' in
the streets should be taught the need of
our development.
At this critical stage we are giving
the enemy ammunition to fire at us.
Take the attack we made on our own
packing business, for instance.
'Reducing the value of our production
means less work, less wages and less
business transactions at the very least.
It is checking our development instead
of "furthering it."
Bryan's Ideas.
I do not know what the sentiment of
the people of. this country or the ma
jority of the members of the party to
which I have the honor to belong may
be, but I have reached the conclusion
that there will be no permanent relief
from extortionate rates until the rail
roads are the property of the Govern
ment and operated by the Government
in the Interests of the people.
'But 'a dangerous centralization is a
danger that cannot be brushed aside, and
because I believe that the ownership of
all the railroads by the Federal Govern
ment would so centralize power as to
virtually obliterate state lines I favor the
Federal ownership of trunk lines only
and the state ownership of all the rest
of the railroads.
"To my mind tho great Issue in this
country is tlie trust question and the
questions that grow out of it. The time
has come when the people who create
corporations shall restrain them for the
protection of the public.
Very Tall Bulldlnfrs Cause Lunacy.
North American.
The Lancet publishes a description by
Dr. Mercier, a famous physician on men
tal diseases, of how a patient was cured
of agorophobia, a rare disease, which is
seldom cured. It is a nerve disease of the
cities. The subject craves to be near some
tall vertical structure. When away he has
dread of impending danger.
In going to and from his office the pa
tient treated by Dr. Mercier would sneak
through all the alleys, courts and narrow
streets he could use. When he came to a
wide street he was seized with a reason
less panic, and had to take a bus. If it
were not very wide he might get through
by holding on to a cart. Bridges were
impassable to him. If he were compelled
to go over a bridge he had to get into a
bus some time before he reached it, and
keep his eyes shut while he crossed.
For his disease Dr. Mercier found no
cure, but the man's daughter finally cured
him. She ran away with a married man
to whom the patient objected very strong
ly. The shock completely cured the dis
ease, and it is the only case of a com
plete cure that Dr. Mercier has ever
known of.
Secretary Taft Has a Little List.
Baltimore News.
Secretary Taft is accumulating a for
midable list sol official distinction. The
extent of it to date is about as follows:
Judge of the Ohio Supreme Court, Judge
of the united States Circuit Court, So
licitor-General of the United States, Gov
ernor-General of the Philippines, Secre
tary of War, Provisional Governor of
Taft and the Kaiser.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Secretary Taft la for the nonce Emperor
of Cuba- News.
Oh! -what will Kaiser Wilhelm say
When he shall "near the news?
Another reignine; wnilam, eh?
Will 'Wilhelm have the blues?
Will -vVllhelm tear hi rialr and swear '
"By his great royal will
And majesty there shall not be
Another reigning Bill?
Will William mild drive Wilhelm wild?
Ob, what will VVllhelm So?
Will William Taft drive Wilhelm flaftt
With being royal, too?
Will William make the Kaiser hot
Or will he ope' the gate
And bid him stand -with "Me und Gott"-
A great triumvirate ?
4 .-5ii
-.-'"t.JFffJsa -SJTri Ji-fCt?peiV' sssaimaS'k,wjr.
--$rz: fasar
The Time That He Resolved to Do or
Die In Congress.
Plainfield Correspondence Indianapolis
News. ,
" 'Joe' Cannon and I used to sit side by
side in the old Industrial School at
Bloomingdale back in the late '4os. Joe's'
father, old Dr. Cannon, was a broad-
brimmed-hat and black-coated Quaker.
Joe s mother wore the Quaker dress
and bonnet, and 'Joe' knows how to talk
the' thee-and-thou' language as well as
I do, but I guess he doesn't use it much
Exum Newlin, who for more than ten
years has been the bellrlnger of the
Western Yearly Meetings, stood with his
bell in his hand as he recalled the old
"Why, I recollect," he continued, "just
as well as though it was yesterday, that
cne day 'Joe looked up from his books
and said: 'I'm going to Congress.' He
wrote it on the blackboard and signed it
4 "Joe" Cannon'.' It was recess time,
and when Barnabas Hobbs"1 our teacher,
called 'Books' again he took about live
minutes in commending 'Joe's' high re
solve and urging all of us boys and girls
to work to high standards. Well, 'Joe's'
been there about 35 years. -
" 'Joe' was a good scholar and a bright
boy. His father was a grand old type
of the early Quakers. He was a physi
cian who went where and when duty
called. A call came one night when Su-
ar Creek -was up, and he threw his sad
dle-bags ever his horse and started. The
swollen Sugar Creek had to be forded.
ell. sir. no one ever saw him again.
His body was never found. He was one
of the six founders of the Bloomingdale
Hale and Hearty at 306 Years.
New York Herald.
Oldest of all living things in New York
is the big tortoise of the Bronx Zoolog
ical Park, which is 306 years old. He
was a "slider" when buffalo were graz
ing on what is now the White House lawn
at Washington (Memoirs of Colonel Sam
uel Argall, Deputy Governor of Virginia,
1612). In the first 300 years of his life he
attained a weight of 156 pounds. In the
last six he has gained 81 pounds. And
he keeps on getting fatter and bigger,
greatlyj disconcerting scientists who have
been accepting as a fact that the size of
the big Sauth Pacific tortoises was an in
dication of their wealth of centuries of
Buster is the tortoise's name. His shell
and his flesh are . worthless, and he is
too old to add to his ancient Hne, now
practically extinct.. He came from the
Gallapagos group to the Bronx six years
ago, but not directly. His race is for
gotten on the islands, tnd only a few
specimens are distributed In zoological
parks over the civilized world.
In spite of his years and the new en
vironment into which he has teen cast.
Buster Is healthy, and promises to live to
a hearty old age of a thousand or so. He
is very gentle, and eats from the hands
of his keepers.
Correct Court Trljronometry.
Indianapolis, Ind., Dispatch.
As a prisoner was brought before Judge
Sherman for sentence the clerk happened
to be abs&nt. Judge Sherman asked the
officer in charge of the prisoner what the
offense was with which lie was charged.
"Bigotry, Your Honor. He's been married
to three women." "Why, officer, that's
not bigotry," said the Judge; "that's trig
onometry." "Chaos," Says Editor Watterson.
LntisvIHe Courier-Journal.
There is doctrinal politics nowhere. In
the South we have had but .one issue, the
everlasting nigger. In the North they
have but one. the everlasting dollar. Both
North and South, only dog-eat-dog poll
tics, tempered here and there by Social
ism, calling itself Democracy, and here
and there venality, calling Itself Repub
licanism. "Charley" Husrhea and Whiskers.
- Chicago Record-Herald.
The Republican candidate for Governor
of New York is now being referred to
by some of his enthusiastic followers as
"Charley" Hughes. It must require a
good deal of courage to call a man
"Charley" to his face when he has such
whiskers as Mr. Hughes wears.
The Aces of "Bawled" and BaId."
PhiladelDhia Press.
. A well-known Lowell man recently In
vited a dozen friends to his house on
the occasion of his 60th birthday anni
versary, and here is the way he informed
them relative to the event: "Bawled.
September 3, 1846. Bald, September 3,
W. J. Lampton in New York Sun.
What's the matter with the party
Jefferson had brought
Out of one-man ministration
Which the narrow-minded Aught?
Brought it out and took the lid off;
Laid it open to the lot
What's the matter with the party?
It Is Buffaloed that's what.
What's the matter wltn the party
Andrew Jackson lifted up
Where the thirsty victor took his
Tipple from the victor's cup?
Held It for the Nation's credit.
Licked secession on the spot-:
What's the matter with the party 7
It. Is Buffaloed that's what.
What's the matter with the party
Samuel Tllden glorified
When he led It to surrender
Victory and rights and pride
- For the welfare of the Nation,
Which was threatened had he not?
What's the matter -with the party?
It is Buffaloed that's what.
From the New York Herald.
First and foremost, all the world's
news by Associated Press, special
correspondents and members of The
Oreroulan stun", maklns; the fullest
and most complete record ot any
1 Pacific Coant newspaper. i
Men are n'ow sinking the pier
for the North Hank RAilroad
bridge across the Willamette lilver
below Sfran Island. Inside of a
caisson, which rests? on the mud of
the river's bottom. courageous
laborers are excavating the silt
which is carried away by a steam
A member of The Oregonlan staff
with two artists went down into
the dark depths this week and tells
of the work going on that no man -sves
from tle surface or the shore.
Compressed air constantly forced
into the cais.son sustains the super
incumbent weight of 900 tons. In
this air the men work, always
mindful of the iltnger. yet never
afraid. No one who cares for me
chanics will fail to be Interested in
the story.
He recently returned from Turkey
where ho was sent by the Woman's
Home C'omianlo!i to write and
illustrate a series of articles an tho
Arabian .horso and his history. Tho
Oregon cartoonist, accompanied by
two other giants and armed with a
letter from President Roosevelt,
did the impossible; secured from
Akmut Hafiz' desert. -7 pure
blooded and mares, part of
which are now on 1U farm in
Morris Plains, N. J. Davenport
tells In his own way the main
ineklants of the expedition.
Tomorrow is the Forty-fifth anni
versary of the battle of Ball's
Bluff, near Icosburg, Va.. where
Oregon's distinguished Ponator
gave up his life for his country.
A correspondent tells how this battle-field
is to be made accessible as
a natural cemetery.
A special "Washington correspon
dent ssnds what General Bell de
clares is his lirst and last in
terview. Tills talk with the chief
of staff, "now In command of -the
army of Pacification in Cuba, is
more than' Interesting, because tho
Philippine' hero is made to talk ot
Intensely human story of a handi
capped youngster in Denver who
tried his best but . It will
perhaps be best not to divulge tho
result. Phrtlands Juvenile Court
has many cases not widely dif
ferentiated from Judge Lindsey's
A well Illustrated article by Dexter
Marshall detailing the neck and
neck race between Antwerp and
Hamburg for the supremacy of
Continental Kurope. , It must in
terest every Portlander as showing
what is in store for this city as
a shipping center before it has at
tained one fourth the age of the
German port.
A. H. Ballard tells of a few dis
tinct successes In the outwarrl
parade of magnlllcent shnm on tho
Great White way. Incidentally ho
mentions "Knows" that Portland
will see this season.
Nothing better illustrates what the
plain people are thinking about
than the page of letters con
tributed to The Oregonian from all
sections of the Pacllic Northwest.
Invasion of Cuba at the head of
the Rough Riders sent Roosevelt to
the presidency. A correspondent
discusses whether Taft's mission
as pacillcator may not have the
same result for the big war secre
tary. , v
Nearly an entire section of The
Sunday Oregonlan is gi'en over to
these departments. Everything of
Importance is printed, from the an
nouncement of engagements and
descrintions of weddings to notes t
of stage life. The attractions of
the local playhouses are rtiscusseti
and announcement Is made of tho
bills for the coming weeks. These
departments are Illustrated with
reproductions of photographs and
The real opening of the football
season in the Northwest will bo
witnessed today. Nearly all of tho
important teams will play today
under the new rules, and tomorrow
full details of the game 'will be
given in The Oregonlan. Accurate
descriptions of football games, both
local and Eastern, will be found In
tho sporting department. Other
seasonable sports are also given
due attention.
The work tfnd needs of the Florence
Crittenton Home In Portland aro
the subject of a special article. The
institution has been accomplishing
much, but to meet the work of the
growing city requires a more gen
erous financial support. Money Is
now needed for the new building
which is being constructed for the
home on the Hast Side.
What's going on in the book world
is pictured on the book page, and
among the new books reviewed
this week are: "The Airship Dra- "
gon-Fly," by William J. Hopkins:
"Princess Marltza," by Percy
Brebner; "The Saint," by Antonio
Fogazzaro; "Harfl-ng of St. Tim
othy's," by Arthur Stanwood Pier;
"A Borrowed Slater." by Kllza
Orhe White; "Step by Step," by
Mrs. George Sheldon Downs, "The
Man in the Case," by Elizabeth
Stuart Phelps; "Montlivet." by
Alice PreseottSmlth: "The Face of
Clay," by Horace A. Vachell: "The,
1'Aon and the Mouse." ny Charles
Klein; "American Hero Stories."
by Dr. Eva March Tappan; "Snow
Bound." by John Greenleaf WHU
tler; "The Second Violin," by
Grace S. Richmond: "Tho Divert
ing History of John Gilpin," en
graved by Robert Seaver; "The
Pursuit of Happiness," by George
Hodges; "Scarlett of the Mounted."
by Marguerite -Merington; "Mr.
Pickwick's Christmas." by Charles
Dickens; "Miserere," .by Mabel
. Wagnalls; "Richard the Brazen."
by Cyrus Townsend Brady and Ed
, ward Peple: "Brothers and SIs-
ters," by Abbie Farwell Brown.