Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 20, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Filipino Governors Propose a
Radical Step to the
Commission. " -
Assembly of Governors Asks Com
mission to Favor Local Autonomy.
Opposition to Revival of
Spanish Bead Law.
MANILA. Oct . A radical change in
the eystem of provincial government Is
Imminent, if the Philippine Commission
approves the recommendation of the as
sembly of Provincial Governors now in
session at Manila. The recommendation
provides that another member of the
provincial board shall be elected Instead
of appointed. At present the Treasurer
and School Superintendent are appointed.
As they must be Americans, they con
stitute a majority of the provincial
The Provincial Governors want a mem
ber elected to replace the School Super
intendent, thus giving the Filipinos a ma
, Jorlty on all the boards. If Governor
General Smith and the Commissioners
approve the recommendation It -will prac
tically give the provinces complete au
tonomy. The matter will probably be re
ferred to Washington.
The Governors aleo unanimously con
demn the road law, which requires " that
work be done on the public' roads in
lieu of taxes. All fear thar the law will
be made oppressive, the same as the old
Spanish law, and that it will be-, badly
administered, being in the hnds of the
municipal Presidentes. "
The Provincial Governors advise 1 the
appointment of A W. Ferguson as a
member of the Phillippine Commission
and refuse to suggest a Filipino lor the
Must Pay $103,000 for Rebating.
Pomeroy Fined $6000.
NEW YORK. Oct. 15 Judge Holt, in
the United States Circuit Court, imposed
a fine of $102,000 on the New York Central
& Hudson River Railroad for granting re
bates to Lowell M. Palmer, who has
charge of transportation for the Ameri
can Sugar Refining Company. There
were six counts and a fine of $17,000 was
imposed in each.
Frederick L. Pomeroy. assistant traffic
manager of the New York Central, was
fined Jioon on each count, a total of $6000.
Judge Holt criticised the practices of the
Standard Fights Findlay Verdict.
Has Jury Reached Agreement?
FINPLAY. O.. Oct. 1). By the verdict
of the Jury the Standard Oil Company of
Ohio is guilty of conspiracy against trade
In violation of the Valentine anti-trust
law of Ohio. The penalty is a fine, of from
$V) to $5000. which may be repeated for
eachday of the offense; or imprisonment
of 6 to 12 months.
The Standard OH Company of Ohio has
given notice that it will file a motion for
a new trial. Under the practice of the
court. the defendant has three days to
put this motion in form. The next step
will be for the court to impose the pen
alty. The defense will then take their
bill of exceptions to such rulings of Judge
Banker as they objected to to the Cir
cuit Court of the state. The appeal from
this court is to the Supreme Court of the
state, by which tribunal there is no doubt
the issuS will ultunately be decided.
To the state the suit, the verdict and
the ultimate appeal is Important, particu
larly because it initiates- an entirely new
method of proceeding against alleged
trade monopolies that is, by information
and affidavit Instead of by grand jury
NEW YORK. Oct. 19. The legal depart
ment of the Standard Oil Company has
given out a statement regarding the
Findlay verdict. In which it save:
"The defendant lawyers in the case are
taking immediate steps .for appeal, which,
before final adjudication, may pass
through three courts, namely, the Court
of Common Pleas, the Circuit Court and
the Supreme Court of Ohio. They -feel
confident of securing a reversal on mani
fold errors in the trial just concluded."
Railroad Surgeon Has w Name for
Anti-Corporation Feeling.
CHICAGO, Oct. 19 -(Special ) A world
wide epidemic of hysteria is responsible
for the outbreak of feeling against rail
roads and other corporations. Dr. A. R.
Mitchell, of Lincoln. Neb . told the Ameri
can Association of Railway Surgeons in
annual convention here today,
"The professional reformers who pro
pose remedies are but misguided fanatics
who spread the contagion,' said Dr.
M'tchell. "After a time the wave passes
and the individual emerges from his semi
hypnotic state to wonder why. Corpora
tions frequently submit almost to black
mail rather than take chances before
Juries of men who have felt the contagion.
The corporation lobbies have been made
necessary for self-preservation because of
lower standards growing out of perverted
nerve action."
Federal Grand Jury Set to Work at
Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES. Oct 19 United States
1'ietrict Attorney Oscar Lawler this after
noon started the machinery of the Uni
ted States Government in an investiga
tion of the Santa. Fe rebate situation in
Southern California. He would not dis
cuss the situation, but it is known that
Mr Lawler had the United States Mar
shal's office send out subpenas for cer
tain Santa Fe Railroad officials, local
truck company officers and officials of the
local furniture concerns.
These officials are d. reeled to appear be
fore the United States grand jury with
books and papers as exhibits bearing on
freight rates, agreements and arrangements.
at the hearing of the Government's ouster
suit against the Terminal Railway Association.
Again Refuses to Show Books of St.
Louis Bridges..
ST. LOUIS. Oct 19 Robert M. Fraser.
se.-retary of the Eastbound Freight Com
mittee, today again refused to produce
h books and records of the committee
Tacoma Lumber Company Disposes
of Holdings for About $500,000.
TACOMA. Oct. 19 (Special ) After ne
gotiations pending for months, the deal
for the sale of the Far West Lumber
Company's plant to the Reliance Lumber
Company has been practically closed. The
purchase also includes about 125.000.000
feet of timber, and the consideration is
between $500,000 and $SOO,000.
E. R. Wheeler, president of the Far
West Lumber Company, says that, while
there are still a number of details to be
arranged, a practical agreement has been
reached. The timber holdings eold with
the plant consist of only a very small part
of the timber lands owned by the Far
West Lumber Company. The timber in
cluded in the deal is located in Pierce and
Lewis Counties.
Preacher Says Hutchinson's
Life Was Threatened.
Fewer Convicts at Salem.
SALEM. Oct. 19. (Special.) The parole
system, or some unusual condition in
criminal affairs, has resulted in reducing
the number of prisoners in the peniten
tiary from 400 to 349. The first of this
year there were 400 convicts in the prison.
The quarterly report of the superintend
ent, Just filed, shows only 348, , notwith
standing 23 were received during the
quarter. The number received has not
been keeping pace with those whose
terms expired, and though it is not known
that such is the case it la believed that
at least a part of the decrease is due to
circuit Judges paroling convicted men for
good behavior.
Hopbujers Enforce Contract.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. Oct 19
(Special.) On the application of McXefl
Bros., hopbuyers. an injunction was Is
sued here this afternoon restraining John
Hardy, a hopgrower, from disposing of
his crop for 1906. McNeff Bros, claim that
Hardy contracted with them last June to
deliver them his hops, when harvested,
at 10 cents a pound, the sum of $1356 beinj
paid down on contract. Since that time
hops have jumped up to 20 and 23 cents
a pound.
Resumes Run on Cowlitz. .
CASTLE ROCK, Wash., Oct. 19 (Spe
cial) The welcome sound of a steamboat
whistle was heard here this morning, with
great pleasure, as it marks the reopen
ing of navigation on the Cowlitz River,
which has been so low for several months
that it was impossible for steamboats
to be operated. The steamer Chester was
the owner of the whistle.
State Superintendent Will Investi
gate New York Life Election.
NEW YORK. Oct. 19. In reference to
several protests filed Thursday w"ith State
Superintendent of Insurance Kelsey by
the insurance policyholders' committee
relative to alleged campaign methods of
the New York Life Insurance Company in
the election of new directors. Superintend
ent Kelsey said today that the charges
would be investigated.
Mr. Scrugham, manager of the commit
tee, says complaints are being received by
the committee from every section of the
country against what he terms an "ap
parent attempt on the part of the Sen
York Life Insurance Company to stuff
the ballot-box." On behalf of the com
mittee, he insists that Superintendent Kel
sey take- some action to "protect policyholders."
Fire Agents Show Wave of Reform
Has Reached Them.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 19. The fire
insurance agenLs' convention adjourned
this afternoon after discussing resolutions
expressing belief in -the necessity of reg
ulating the cost of insurance to the mini
mum,, for co-operation between companies
and agents, for disabusing the public mind
of any prejudice that might exist against
Insurance and opposing rebating. This
resolution also was adopted:
"Recognizing the demand of the public
for a reduction in the cost of insurance,
we recommend a uniform fiat and contin
gent rate, the equitable regulation of sala
ried agents, and the elimination of multi
ple agents."
Leper Dies of Heart Disease, to West
Virginia's Relief.
PICKENS. W. Va.. Oct. 19. (Spe
cial.) George Raschid. the leper, who
has been no end of trouble to the health
boards of several states for the past
four or five months, will bother them
no more. He died ioday. His death
was not due to leprosy, according to
the doctors who examined him after
death, but to heart trouble.
Nevertheless, tire unfortunate's body
showed the rapid strides the disease
had made in the last ten days. Two of
his fingers and the toes of one foot
were almost off. his tongue was cov
ered with sores and badly swollen. The
officials of this county, after being noti
fied of his death, were at a loss how to
dispose of the body, but will probably
decide on cremation. ,
Raschid had been sent from county
to county and state to state in box-cars,
finally landing here. He was . quaran
tined, and r.o one ventured near him
except physicians, andsthe disposition
of the unwelcome guest had become a
problem to the authorities. It wa's re
cently suggested that he be deported to
his native land, and the local authori
ties were negotiating -with the Govern
ment with such an object In view when
the man died.
Pittsburg Judge Reads Lecture in
Sentencing Two Embeizlers-
PITTSBURG. Oct. 19 Clinton B. Wray
ajid Charles H. Hixon. formerly teller and
bookeeper. respectively, Cjf the Union
Trust Company, of this city, who several
days ago pleaded guilty to embezzlement
of about $125,000 of the funds of the in
stitution, were sentenced today by Judge
Young in the Criminal -Court - to serve
eight years at hard .laeorMn the peniten
tiary. " " ''" .)
Wray told the court today that money
taken from the institution had been lost
in bucket-shop speculation. Judge Young
severely scored the bucket-shop keepers,
and Assistant District Attorney Robb to
night said that criminal action may be
brought against those whose names were
mentioned as the places where Hixon
and Wray had lost the money.
Three of Dreadnaught Type.
LONDON", Oct. 19 The success of the
trials of the British battleship Dread
naught has led the Admiralty to give
orders for the construction without de
lay of three other such vessels. One is
to be built at Portsmouth, one at Devon
port and one in a privae dockyard.
Lynching Is in Prospect-
MOBILE, Ala.. Oct: 19 A mob is pursu
ing a negro who assaulted Mrs Hum
phreys, a white woman, aged 23, near
Pierce, Ala-, today. ,
Rev. W. J. Hindley Thinks Certain
' Spokane Man Is Unjustly Accused.
Two Men Arrested on Sus
picion Are Released.
- ' ,4
SPOKANE, Wash.. Oct. 19. (Special.)
fiev. W. J.. Hindley. who returned
today from Portland, brought informa
tion which ' would indicate that Reno
Hutchinson ' had feared he would be
murdered for six weeks before his
tragic death.' This knowledge has led
Mx. Hindley to abandon the theory
that the Y. M. C. A. secretary was mur
dered by hold-up men. who were wait
ing: for a victim at Seventh avenue and
Howard street. Mr. Hindley was in
formed today that two different men
bad been seen running in opposite di
rections from the scene of the" mur
der, just after its commission; also of
the peculiar behavior of watch dogs
in the vicinity of the crime, but said
these circumstances would not cause
him to deviate from hie belief that an
enemy had assassinated Mr. Hutchin
son. . .
"Friends of Mr. Hutchinson are
aware that his. nerves were shattered
by some secret worry during the last
six weeks," said Mr. Hindley. "I have
learned In those week he lost more
than 20 pounds in weight. When the
coffin, was" opened in Portland his
friends .would not believe that the
body they saw was that of Mr. Hutch
inson. An undertaker down there
asked-': 'Why did they not fill out the
cheeks with cotton when the corpse
was. prepared for burial in Spokane?'
I answered: The corpse you see
looks as Mr. Hutchinson looked before
his death.' The young man's friends
were amazed.
"These friends and I talked over the
matter and they became convinced that
he had been assassinated by an enemy.
I 'am satisfied that the man suspected
In Spokane is not guilty, and it has
also been nroven to my satisfaction
that a rejected Suitor for the hand of
Mrs. Hutchinson did not commit the
"Mr. Hutchinson told me' but a short
time ago that the Spokane man had been
courteous to him and had wished him
every success In his new work. As to the
former suitor of Mrs. Hutchinson, who
was -said to have made- threats against
Mr. Hutchinson at one time, it is known
that he was in a Western Oregon city on
the day of the murder and spent that
night in the city where he has "been living.
"Although Mrs Hutchinson knew that
some secret worry was annoying her hus
band, he never confided to her the cause
of his trouble. He may have received
anonymous letters or secret threats, but
kebt silence. His secret died with him.
"But there is no doubt in my mind that
Mr. Hutchinson was assassinated. While
an enemy, if he had one, may not have
committed the crime, there are men who
could have been hired to commit it. From
my experience, I believe there are men in
this city who would commit such a deed
for $1000. This may explain why a strange
man searched so diligently for Mr. Hutch
inson on the day he was murdered."
Frank Dalton and Robert Harner, ar
rested on suspicion of connection with the
Hutchinson murder, were, released today.
The automatic revolver theory was shat
tered today. The bullet which killed
Hutchinson was an ordinary revolver ball.
H. W. Stone, of the Portland Y. M. C.A.,
arrived today..
Burial of Reno Hutchinson.
Relatives and friends of the late Reno
Hutchinson, secretary of the Spokane Y.
M. C. A., who was murdered at that place
Monday night, paid their last respects to
the eafl yesterday forenoon. ' The body
lay in state at the Flnley undertaking
chapel from 9 until 9:30 o'clock, during
which time scores of friends filed past
the open casket. Interment took place at
the Riverview cemetery, where brief ser
vices were conducted-"by Dr. E. L. House.
A long cortege followed the body to its
resting place.
f -
Aetna, Controlled by Heinze, Closed
. by Government.
- WASHINGTON, . Oct. 19. The Aetna
Banking & Trust Company (branch), of
Washington. D. C, has been closed "by di
rection of the Acting Controller of the
Currency, and Robert Lyons has been ap
pointed receiver. This comDany is a
branch of the 'Aetna Banking & Trust
Company, of Butte. Mont., incorporated
under the laws of West Virginia. The
assets and liabilities, according to the
last statement, are $123,943. Among the
assets are $95.2-17 in "bonds, securities,
claims, etc." The branch had $42,271 in
savings and $3S.S0S in individual deposits,
and was liable to the head office at Butte
for $40,397.
BUTTE. Mont . Oct. -19. The manage
ment of the Aetna Banking & Trust Com
pany issued a statement this afternoon to
the effect that the Butte branch will not
open tomorrow morning. The statement
follows : '
We were notified by'iwire today from our
Washington office that the Controller of the
Currency had ordered that bank closed and
had appointed a receiver there. On ac
count of this and until we can ascertain the
result of his investigation, through the ad
vice of our attorney, it is deemed best not
to open for business in the bank here. This
is done tp protect all concerned and there
can be no Injustice or Injury to any one by
so doing.
I shall do all. in my power to bring about
the best results. It will be necessary for
a few days to elapse before we can get the
erirt situation. Should it be neeespary to
Coughs of
Especially 'night coughs. Na
ture needs a little help to quiet
the irritation, control ;he in
flammation, check the progress
of the disease. Our advice is
give the children Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask your
doctor if this is his advice also.
He knows best. Do as he says.
We pubHah the formula
of aU our preparation.
J. C. Ayer Co.,
Lowell, Hmmm.
appoint a receiver., there are assets which
should largely protect the depositors.
The Aetna Banking & Trust Company
was organized abou eight years ago. first
as a building and tloan association. A.
B. Clements, formerly of Helena, was its
first manager and organizer. F. Augus
tus Heinze controls the stock. F. E. Gar
side is manager and cashier.
Colfax Prisoners Attempt to Murder
an Alleged Stool Pigeon.
COLFAX. Wash . Oct. 19 f Special.) A
fierce battle was fought between prison
ers tn the County Jail here this evening,
in which George Henry Aschenbrenner
chewed a thumb almost off of George
Wood, colored. Aschenbrenner's face was
pounded to a pulp by the negro. Serious
results might have followed had not the
belligerents been separated by Herman
Maurer, another prisoner.
Several days ago the prisoners had
planned to escape during the absence of
Sheriff Canutt and Deputy Sheriff Ness
ley. This was learned, and all Interested
In the plot were locked in their cells and
not allowed the freedom of the corridors,
except Aschenbrenner, who was permit
ted to stay in the corridors during the day
and assist in feeding the other prisoners.
The would-be jailbrearers suspected
Aschenbrenner of giving the tip which
resulted in the discovery of the plot, and
all have "had It In" for Aschenbrenner
since that time.
Seattle Chief Will Appeal to Business
Men tor Funds.
SEATTLE, Oct. 19. (Special.) Chief of
Police C. W. Wappenstein will ask Seattle
business men to contribute $6300 to employ
30 new policemen ; to do duty until. Feb
ruary, when the City Council will provide
funds for adding 54 men to the depart
ment. If Chief Wappenstein cannot get
the. fund by subscriptions from business
houses, he will give a series of public en
tertainments to raise the money.
Until next year's taxes begin to come in
the City Council will not have money
enough to provide for an increase in the
police department- The Council has boutal
itself to add 64 new men in February, but
with epidemics of crime in many of the
Coast cities and the police departments
driving out the criminal element. Chief
"Wappenstein believes ' an immediate in
crease in the department is imperative.
At present, there are 14S men in the de
partment. 119 of whom are patrolmen.
Well-Dressed Stranger Is Ignorant
of His Own Identity.
SACRAMENTO. Cal. Oct. 19 A man
about 25 years old, well dressed and show
ing evidences of refinement, applied to the
local police today and requested them to
help him find out who he is.
The stranger says he awoke two days
ago in a boxcar in Reno, Nev. He does
not know his name, nor where he came
from. The initials have been cut from his
hatband and the laundry marks have been
removed from his clothing.
out. They laugh at the verdant and tn
sophisticated suggestion of moral distinc
tions in business enterprises. With them
business is business, and that only is
wrong which proves to be unprofitable.
Moody to Fight Effort of Railroads
to Break It Down.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 19. Attorney-General
Moody today made a statement an
nouncing, with the President's approval,
that, when the first case under the em
ployers' liability act is tried, he intends
to ask leave to Intervene in the" case to
support the constitutionality, validity and
interpretation of the law.
This law was passed by Congress last
W7inter, by which a remedy is afforded to
all employes of interstate railroads for
death or injury incurred in their service
through the negligence of an interstate
railroad or any of its employes.
It is understood that, when the Attorney-General
decided to intervene in these
cases, he was in possession of informa
tion that many of the railroads had de
cided to enter upon a systematic effort
to break down the law. This conclusion
Is said to have' been reached at a meeting
of railroad attorneys held in Louisville,
Ky., a month ago. It is expected that a
test suit will be brought soon in Kentucky
and another in New Jersey.
Squlers for Minister to Panama.
WASHINGTON. Oct 19 Herbert G.
Squiers. ex-Mlnlster to Cuba, is beingcon
sidered by the President for appointment
as Minister to Panama, and it is believed
he will accept, and the announcement will
be made in a short time.
Backache Gone !
Kacltacbe. Kheumatle Goat and AU Forma of I'rle Add Polso Are Results of
Kldner Diseaoe and Can Only Be Cured br Getting; Directly at
the Seat ol the Trouble, the Kidneys, with
Mrs. L. Clifford Figg, of
Chicago, III., who suffered
intensely for months from
kidney and bladder trouble,
says that after taking other
medicines without "relief
Warner's Safe Cure restored
her to health. She writes
June 1st, '06:
Funston to Turn Over Command.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 19. General Fun
ston left Washington today for San Fran
cisco to turn over the command of the
Department of California to Brigadier
General John J. Pershing.
Diver Succeeds in Reaching Wreck
of French Submarine.
BIZERTA, Tunis. Oct. 19 Divers con
tinued their work all day today on the
French submarine boat Lutin, which went
down Tuesday off this port with two of
ficers and 14 men on board, and by night
fall they had fixed a chain ,nder her
stern and replaced the rope under her bow
by another chain. M. Thomson, the.,
French Minister of Marine, was present
at the scene practically all day long.
One of the Danish divers reported that
he found the principal hatch of the Lutin
open and saw two bodies inside. The
diver continued his descents with the pur
pose of determining the best way of tun
neling under the stern of the Lutin. which
Is imbedded in the bottom to a depth of
two feet.
'. Breathitt Feudists Out on Bail.
JACKSON, Ky., Oct. 19 Elbert Har
gis, John Smith and John Abner,
charged with the' assassination of Dr.
B. N. Cox-during the Breathitt County
feud troubles, were admitted to bail
today in the sum of $16,000 each.
Man Wanted In Portland for Rob
bery Captured in Texas.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Oct. 19 (Special )
After traveling all over the United
States. Canada, Europe and Mexico
out being discovered, J. T. Thompson,
wanted in connection with tne w.
ance of a small fortune in diamonds at
Portland. Or., is under arrest here.
Romance led to Thompson's arrest
While running a cafe in Mexico City, he
met a San Antonio girl and fell violently
in love. He followed her here, and ran
across an old acquaintance, who revealed
his identity to the officers. Thompson
had just returned from New York, where
he had been to purchase fittings for the
new clubhouse of the Mexican Country
Club, one of the most aristocratic clubs of
the republic.
Teamster Held Tp Xear San Fran
cisco Harbor Police Station.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 19 John Pat
rick, a teamster, was attacked and rob
bed by two footpads about 10 o'clock to
night on the water-front. Patrick grap
pled with the footpads and when several
persons, attracted by his cries, came run
ning up, the two thugs grabbed his
watch and chain and fled.
The attack and robbery occurred within
a block of the harbor police station.
Patrick was badly beaten about the head
and. face and was taken to the Harbor
Proposed to Let Directors Xame
Head of Board.
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 19 A move to
ward putting the insurance feature of
the Knights of Pythias upon a more in
dependent basis was up for discussion be
fore the Supreme Lodge today. Through
an amendment to the constitution, it is
proposed to allow the directors of the
Supreme Lodge to appoint the president
of the board of control of the endowment
rank, this position now being elective.
Discussion of this and other proposed
amendments was held in executive ses-
A Kindly Word and the Spade Grows Light.
Today is the Last Day
Of Reed-French's Remarkable Piano
Off er on a Schubert Piano . . $315
for One of America's Famous Nine.
Fay TT a Deposit of $8.00 and Yon Have a
Schubert In Your House an Hour Afterward.
The Schubert Piano Co. writes us:
"TVe never doubted for a minute but what you
would sell the Sehuberts we gave you permission
to sell them below retail, and the Schubert piano
below retail won't stay long in any wareroom it
will find a home for itself if it has a chance to do the
talking. . . . We hope you will succeed in Port
land we believe you will. . . . Find the custom
er and then give him all the piano value you possibly
can, and you'll never lose him; do this, and you'll
find he 's your best salesman and he works without
Today and tonight we want to sefl the remaining
Schubert Pianos six of them. We have the per
mission of the Schubert factory to sell these pianos
at this remarkable discount.- ... A Schubert is
worth $450.00 twenty-four hours in the day, count
ing every day in the year, for twenty years. Since
we first told you of these Schubert Pianos, ten days
ago, we have sold twenty-eight of them, and every
customer is delighted. .... A beautiful 1907
Schubert Piano for $315.00 and it is not hard to sell
especially when an eight-dollar deposit puts it in
your house.
. - .
Till Eleven o'Clock Tonight $315.00 is the price
of the Schubert. We honestly believe there won't
be one left by that time.
Reed - French Piano Mfg. Co.
niw mim ii.iirimiimiiriimr-iHir 'imp mum mnv mm iiiimni I
ft "r 4 HI' , v . 'j tt' 'k -tr inj Tisp Kir
llh.lrtm lfa dhh
v '
It srives me great pleasure to rec
ommend Warner Safe Cure to all who
mv be suffering from kidney and
bladder trouble. I was ill and misera
ble for months with backache, sick
headache, dizziness, rheumatic pains
and neuralcia. grew daily more nerv
ous and irritable, and finally, after
consulting a physician. I learned that
I had kidney and bladder trouble.
After taking- his medicines for some
time with little or no relief. I deter
mined to take the advice of a friend
and try Warner s Safe Cure. One bot
tle certainly made a great difference,
and continuing the use of Safe Cure.
I soon noticed the urinary disorders
and pains disappearing, and gradually
my health and strength returned. I
took six bottles in all. which effected
complete cure and 1 am most nappy
to recommend your medicine to aU In need." Mrs. L. Clifford Figg, 1449 Ia
St.. Chicago. 111.
When the kidneys are diseased the uric acid is not carried off. and this causea
Gout Lumbago. Rheumatism of the Joints. Rneurnatism of the Muscles, Rheu
matism of the Heart, Rheumatism everywhere.
In Bright s Disease the bowels are often constipated and the liver torpid.
Warner s Safe Pills quickly relieve this condition, and no ill after effect is
experienced. ,, ,
WARNER'S SAFE CURE Is put up in two sizes and is sold by all druggists,
or direct, at 50 CENTS AND $1.00 A EiTTLE. Refuse substitutes containing
harmful drugs which injure the sysujr
TRIAL ROTTI F F?FF To convince every sufferer from diseases of the
,nlrtL rnCC Kidneys, liver, bladder and blood that Vsar-
XER'S SAFE CURE will cure them, a trial bcttle will be sent ABSOLUTELY
FREE, postpaid, to anv one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO., Roch
ester, N. T.. and mention having seen this liberal offer in The Oregonlan. The
genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed. Our doctors will also send medi
cal booklet containing descriptions of symptoms and treatment of each disease
end many convincing testimonials free to every one.
ion, which had not ended when the
meeting was adjourned until tomorrow.
The lodge of sorrow in memory of dis
tinguished Pythians who have died since
the last encampment was held today.
It was decided to hold the 190S encamp
ment in Boston, Mass
The Rathbone Sisters elected the fol
lowing officers: Past supreme chief,
Lydia A. Monroe. Riverside. Cal. ; upreme
senior. Lellie A. Merriam, Indian Terri
tory: supreme protector, Mrs. Ira John
son. Central City. Colo.
A Real Stroke
You can learn to swim in two days. You can
go down and stick your toes into the cold water
and scream, or you can jump off the dock into
deep water. Eidgway's chose the latter. "We
jumped off a high dock into deep water and a
little chilly. On our first number we went clear
down out of sight and when we came up we had
to be pulled ashore in a row-boat. On our sec
ond number we didn't need the row-boat, but
we did a heap of spluttering and splashing. On
this third number we; believe you will discover
something that looks almost like a stroke in our
swimming. Bead it through and see if you don't
think we are making some progress.
LINDSAY DENISON, one of our editors,
after a consultation' with President Hadley, of
Yale, has written an interesting article on
"Social Ostracism as a Curb on Trust Wrong
doers." In January, 1900, Mr. Hadley' advo
cated the social boycott as the best means for
stopping the misuse of the Trust power by Trust
and Insurance directors. Mr. Hadley was ridi
culed "for his suggestion. Since then public
opinion has changed 'from' condemnation to
GEORGE W, OGDEN contributes a Western
story entitled "A Doctored Edition." It is
full of incident with a woman's wit and intui
tion called into play.
GELETT BURGESS has gathered a great
assortment of humor for this week. His own
contribution, a droll Bab ballad, is happily illus
trated by Oliver Herford.
are printed on super paper, depicting local and
National scenes and incidents in Business, Poli
tics, Finance, Sports and Society.
full swing. Every department of the Govern
ment is reviewed in chatty, informing articles
by an exclusive staff of writers.
ciates in fourteen cities cover the big events of
. ' the week in strong, forceful editorials, . edited
by. telegraph. .
Get Ridgway's Today 10 Cents
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