THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1906. 10 KILLSWQMJUIWHO WOULD LEAVE HiM Henry Hose, Ex-Soldier, Cuts Throat of Madge Doyle, His Sweetheart. SURRENDERS TO POLICE Murderer Says He. Was Moved to Commit Crime Because Woman. Cast Him Off After Spend ing His Money. MURDERER'S LETTER TO UNCLE. Letter written three weeks ago by Hoae to hla uncle. John Hose, at . Slyvan X-ake. Wl?.. showing that he intended then to kill the woman as well as hlpiself. The letter reveals the Etate of despair and disgust of self under which he lias been la boring: September 30, Oregon. Washing ton Dear Uncle: Bv the time you receive this little letter I'll be gone to my grave. Then dear uncle, this life I been trading the s.iort time since 1 left the Army Is made out of me what I am today. I am & loafer, a drunkard and a cigaret smoker and this life will lead to nothing good SoI came to the con clusion to kill myself and kill at the name time .the woman what brought me to this- The love I- have for her don't allow mc tnat T leave her behind In this world. Oh. I like to see you all once more, but faith has It different with me. Please write my fathes and relatives and tell them that I left this world and I hope that God will not be so "hard on me and on this 'woman on our jlast Judgement day. Give all my best regards and love and remember once in a while the one who once was dear to you all. Your Henry. Henry Hosfl, an ex-soMier, murdered hfs sweetheart. Mrs. Madge Doyle, yesterflay forenoon, cutting her throat with a razor. Hose had Intended to end his own life as well, but when he saw the horrible spec tacle of his gory handiwork his nerve Jailed him. He chose a noose for himself, went -to the police station and surren dered The murder came as the end of a check ered romance, such as often leads to death. It was the case of a man who threw away everything for a woman of the half-world, and when she spurned him. because his money was squandered, cava in to morbid jealousy and. killed her. He tays she did not resist "the death blow, but bared her neck, asked, for a farewell kiss and told him to drive the weapon home. As she lay in bed he made a vicious, thrust at her with the razor. A slight flesh wound was the only result, and It caused her to begin struggling agains assassination In the struggle that followed murderer and victim had their fingers cut by the keenblade of the I weapon. Eventually, the man's strength prevailed and the nd came. During this death struggle no screams r cries of alarm were heard from the room. Hose says the woman urged him, even as he was fighting to bury the blade in her throat, that h need not fear she would scream, since she did not wish him to be caught and punished for what he was doing. AVoman Demanded His Last Cent. The murder occurred in the upper story of a cheap lodging-house at Third and Burnside streets. Hose says the woman's mocking insistence that he spend the last cent he had for a quart of beer for her caused him to kill her. He had intended killing her if she insisted upon jilting him. "but she might have escaped had she been wise, the slayer declared- And his word is accepted as truth at police headquar ters, because he shows no inclination to shield himself or avoid the seemingly in evitable consequences of the act. They were talking over their affair all yesterday morning. The day before she had written him a note saying all was " over between them But Thursday night, when Hose found her walking with an other man, he confronted her and she went away with him. while the new suit or disappeared Seemingly, all was well again. Hose says, but he distrusted her. nevertheless. At 1" o'clock yesterday morning, he told her he had just 5 cents left in the world. At this the ordered him to get tier beer with his last cent and go without his breakfast , , "Then I killed her." the man said. l5he was lying in bed calling me vile names and declaring she cared nothing for me. .1 WORK FOR THE MORAL PQCAD. Following upn the murder of y terdav morning'. Ciptalo cf Detectives nd Inspector of Pohce Patrick Bruin S&ve out a statement in which h declare th,at the ec-called maral squad, backed by the entire depart ment, will now center it energies for a time upon retort in the 'onh Dnd "It Is hocklr.$ how many of these lodylng-houses are conducted. said Inspector Bruin. ''We frill set to work to endeavor to effect a reform .lor-ir these lines in that district Not nearly enough moral work has been accomplished. Nothing so strongly murder ant suicides a the manner of life of men and women in many s.vcal'.ed rooming-houses. Wa will clear out some of the resorts at once " She sflHd there vas a mpn Once who spent everything he had on her and went hun "gry. and if I cared for her I would do the tame. But no. I was not a thoroughbred. I balKed at spending my last cent. I was and she called me all kinds of names." "So I decided It was time for her to die Some terrible feeling took possession of me. but I was not excited. I took the razor in my hand and said. "Madge, I am going to lll vou now. "She begged me not to, but when I said I would die with her she said it was ail right although she did not want me to die. . "I missed her the first cut I made and killed her next time The razor broke when I killed her. or I would have killed myself. I was glad when It w-as over nnrt h wan dead. I oar.l for Tnr nH I knew none could take her then, even if my money was gone.' Give Himself lp. His fiendish job completed. Hose washed his hands and left the room, walking direct to the, police station. Entering that place ha walked up to C&ptaan Moore. He was perfectly calm and col lected and there was nothing unusual about his conduct as he walked VP to the desk and awaited an opportunity to talk to Captain Moore. "I wish to give myself up," he said quietly to the Captain. "Is that 60? What have you , been doing?" queried the officer. 'I Just killed a woman friend down the street here. "-was the calm response. "AH right. What's your name, age and nativity?" asked the Captain calmly. Booking the man. Captain Moore In quired as to the place of the murder and detailed Detective Price to investigate. A few minutes later Price phoned in that the killing had occurred as Hose said. The fellow was then locked up after full details had been secured from him. He said he killed the woman at 10 o'clock. He was placed in jail at 10:30.. Her body was removed to the morgue. Murderer Calm, Then 111 at Ease. If Hose was the calmest murderer ever arrested in Portland he was likewise the most ill at ease a few hours later. During the afternoon he cowed In his cell and shook as from an ague. When he was spoken to he had great difficulty in talking through his chartering teeth. This reaction continued through the day. He said he was sorry for what he had done. He is a young man of 23 years, slight of build, with -blue eyes and a shock of yellow hair. His military training - is apparent In his walk. He served three years with the Tenth Infantry and was discharged in April at the expiration ot his term of service. He was in K Com pany and was stationed at the Lewis 'and Clark Exposition last Summer. His MURDERER AND HIS VICTIM - j r t ? Henry Hose. reputation has been good, so far as the police know. His present predicament obviously is an end of the primrose path which takes one man to embezzlement and the penitentiary and another to mur der and the gallows. That he will swing for his act there seems little doubt; for besides being guilty he has no money, ex cept the 25-cent piece with which he re fused to buy beer for his inamorata. The woman has borne a notorious char- acter for a long time. She went by the name of Madge Wilson and was known to the police as an opium fiend. She was neither attractive nor peculiarly bad looking. Her husband. Jack Doyle, is do ing time in the County Jail for being a worthless character. There is a striking similarity between the act of Hose in murdering Madg Wil son and the murder of Alice Minthorn some months ago by George Blodgett. The crimes were committed in rooming houses located but tw-o blocks apart on Third street. Blodgett was infatuated, with the Minthorn woman, and when she wished to transfer her affections, he re sented it and shot her. afterwards surren dering to the police. He has been tried, convicted and sentenced to death, and is now confined in the County Jail awaiting the outcome of an appeal to the Supreme Court for a new trial. Dan M'Allen Gives Wig One Brief Trial Father of Lewis and Clark Fair Dis cards Toupee, Gift From Eugene Shelby, When Closest Friends Pass Him By. DX JI'ALLEX, who belongs In thft premier bald-headed class with Na thaniel K. Clarke.' of the Hotel Portland, and Doc Holmes, vas. not long ago, pre. sented with a toupee, which he wore onTy once. The wig was a gift from Eugene Shelby, of the Wells-Fargo Company, who now makes his headquarters at San Fran cisco, and who sent it to the father of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, along with most glowing recommendations. One day when he was alone in his office Mr. McAllen summoned up enough cour age to don the head garment, and as it felt smooth and easy he rather began to congratulate himself and to think .nice things of Mr. Shelby. Just then one of the clerks at the store bobbed in the office. "Have you seen Mr. McAllen?" he in quired, and then hurried on. little realii insr that he had addressed the man for whom he was searching. He had worked at .the store for years and knew Mr. McAllen without the wig. as well as he did his own father Another employe of the store entered the office In search of Mr. McAllen and then scurried away to hunt for him in another part of the store. Mr. McAllen became alarmed and he went out on a search hims!f. but he sought a looking-glass. While he was out on his quest he passed through several different departments of the store, and everybody thought he was a customer. Several times clerks approached him with' the kindly question. "Is there anything we can do for you?" When at last he saw the reflection of himself he grabbed the wig. tore It from his. head with such haste that his scalp narrowly escaped serious injury! and one or two of his dozen or ' less remaining hairs upon the top of his head were pulled out by the roots. "I was actually frightened when I looked into that glass." said Mr. McAllen. The other night at the Hotel Portland, in describing the incident. "I didn't know myself, and I be'.leve that if I had walked up the streets of Portland I would have been passed by all my friends like a stranger in a new town. No toupee for me. I would rather retain my friends than the . finest, curliest bunch of false hair that ever existed." . 4 A Certain Cure for Croup Faed for Ten Years Without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott. a Star City. Ind.. hard ware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedv. His children have all been subject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten years, and though they muoh feared the croup, his wir'e and he always ivit safe upon retiring when a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recommended it to friends and neigh bors and an who have used It say that it is uneo,ualed for croup and whooping cough. For sale by all druggists. 'strange mistake LEADS TO ARREST Newton McDaniel the Innocent Victim of Chain of Unfor tunate Circumstances. IS CHARGED WITH CRIME Victim " of Odd Complication of Events Is Freed Upon Statement , of Girl WKo Made Com plaint Against Him. Newton M. McDaniel, a prominent busi ness man of Portland, was arrested late yesterday afternoon on complaint of Miss Edna WTalker. but before he had been at t t Madge Doyle, alias Williams. police headquarters an hour he was shown to be tne innocent victim of mistaken identity. The accusing young woman her self, when brought face to face with the prisoner, at once told her father the wrong man had been taken into custody. Chief of Police Gritzmacher. upon hear ing the declaration of Miss Walker, set the Innocent Mr. McDaniel at liberty and wired the Seattle authorities to watch the Portland trains for the man who is want ed for the crime. He is supposed to have fled from this city to the Sound, in an effort to escape punishment. Newton M. McDaniel. the innocent vic tim, was so chagrined and humiliated over his arrest that he threatened to bring suit against J. C. Walker, father of the accusing young woman, for false arrest. He swore tht he would have revenge if it w-ere possible to obtain It by law, as he regarded his arrest as an outrage. Walker Make an Apology. Not until his daughter had positively de clared Newton M. McDaniel innocent did the father change his attitude toward the wronged man. He then apologized and acknowledged that he had made a mis take, saying he was very sorry that an Injustice had Keen done. He asked the innocent Mr. McDaniel to forgive him. saying: "If you were I. you undoubtedly would have done the same thing, stung to the heart as I was " Newton M. McDaniel is a well-known Portland man, whose parents are among the most widely acquainted people in Polk County. He once conducted a grocery store at 321 Seventeenth street North, but is now in the real estate business. He re sides with his family at 315 Twenty-second street North. i A more dramatic scene has seldom taken place within the walls of the central po lice station than that in which Newton M. McDaniel and J. C. WAlker, father of ,the young woman, were the central fig ures. Walker had seen his daughter, a comely young woman of 19 years.' and from her received a description of a man named McDaniel, who is alleged by her to have entered her apartments early yes terday morning and to have attempted an assault. She told her father that Mc Daniel had told her and another young woman Thursday night that he had an engagement at a restaurant at Third and Ankeny streets yesterday at 3:30 o'clock, and at that time the father went there to see if such a man appeared. Innocent Man in Restaurant At the restaurant one of the most pe culiar features ot the case transpired. Walker saw a man seated at a table who answered In every detail the description of his daughter's alleged assailant. Ha asked a waitress If she knew the man's name, and she replied that his name was McDaniel. Thinking he was on the right trail. Walker kept trace of the man's movements until he went into the Men's Resort, Fourth and Burnside streets, where he sat down at a table. Rushing to police headquarters. Walker secured the services of Acting Detective John Ma- I loney, who went with him and placed the suspect under arrest and brought him to J the station. f The man under arrest proved to be New j ton M. McDaniel. a well-known and j w-eaTthy merchant, instead of the Mc I Daniel who is really wanted by the police. iThe prisoner at once asserted his inno cence, declaring that it was .a case of mistaken identity, and saying that he could easily establish the fact. He was j held at headquarters until District Attor : ney Manning fixed his bail in the sum of I $1000. which he readily gave. Had he not been able-to furnish the amount, and had he not been proved innocent immediately, he would have been thrown into jail. McDaniel Resents His Arrest, After McDaniel had been released on bail he remained at police headquarters, where he and Mr. Walker had a heated colloquy. Walker refused to accept the statement that it was a case of mistaken identity until, his own daughter accom panied him to the station and so declared. . J. C. Walker is a contractor and build, er. living at 125 East Twenty-eighth street. Miss Walker appeared at police headquar ters yesterday morning to make a report of the alleged attempted assault, but she declined at the time to swear to a com plaint when asked to do so by Acting De tective Price, who ras assigned ' to the case. She was nervous and decided in the morning she could not stand the strain of a trial and the publicity accom panying It. but later agreed to prosecute, and her father immediately took action. Tariffs to Be Readjusted. 1 One result of the interstate commerce rtfl law lately enacted will he the readjust ment of the local tariffs of the Harriman lines, as well as lining up the through rates, which in many cases are higher than combined local rates covering the same territory. The law forbids the appli cation of combined local rates, in cases where they are lower than the through rate, provided a through rate Is published. Through rates will be based on a combi nation of local rates, and there a lining up of rates as a result of this rul ing. EXCURSI0NST0 SEASIDE $1.50 Round Trip $1.50. TJntil further notice the Astoria & Co lumbia River Railroad company will run an excursion to Seaside and return each Sunday at the exceptionally iow rate of $1.50 for the round trip. This is the sea son of the year when a visit to the ocean is a source of pleasure and joy never to be forgotten. No smoke, dust or cin ders, and plenty of room for all, giving I one a aeugnuui nip u-iuug ma snores or tne matcniess wumoia river. Train leaves Union depot 8 a. m., returning leaves Seaside 5 p. m.. giving four and one-half hours at the beach. Tickets at 248 Alder street and Union depot. Phone Main 906. Milwaukee Country Club. Eastern and California races. Take Sell wood or Oregon City car. starting from First and Aider streets. AH forms of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema are cured by Hood s Sarsaparilla, the blood purifier. il 1A if - J ' J r vs X I 4"' r t A j !' fU . ,i A f - w' '-' : k " f, - -' 8 ' - -.Vs. - - t - . ' : --- ' liV-y . - ' MISS MADELINE CLUTTER tcuVb touched a When you pick up the Whether you dip into fiction or fact the men and women who move through its pages do things and think things in a way that's worth reading about. Travel the " Runaway Road with "the girl on the white pony" and find out where it runs away to. She's a girl you'll like, and adventure and a spice of mystery lurk down that road; and when you turn the last corner and follow the dusty trail up the creaking stair well, you'll just have to go along yourself to get the good of it. The real Leopold has been caught and caged in the November number. Leopold II King of Belgium, famous and infamous as far as the sound of his name goes. You can step up and walk around him and size him up from every side and he has sides worth studying. If you want to get clear out of your self and into another world, try Justus Miles Forman's "Gra vosa Road " and see where the "gypsy look in his eyes " landed the well bred English boy. It may not land you quite where you expect, but that's Mr. Forman's fault Read about Marie Schuvlart in "A Mother ot Americans" who sits in her little Chicago cottage, looking backward on her three score years of the finest type of womanly success. You'll see that all the "Mrs. Wiggs" didn't live in the Cabbage Patch. Fair play never hurts. Get the other side of the "Bucket Shops from Christie's answer to Merrill A, Teague. FOR NOVEMBER 15 cents on all news-stands $1.50 a year THE RIDGWAY COMPANY 31 East 17th St, New York Advertising in this mjigaTirm PAYS Jurors, Lawyers, Court All Wear Mustache Question of Hirsute Adornment En ters Into Trial of Case Before Judgre Ganteobein in Circuit Court WHAT Judge Gantenbein says was the most peculiar incident, he ever observed In a. courtroom was witnessed during the recent trail of G. H. Hem stock. The case was heard before a jury in Judge Gantenbein's department of the Circuit Court. Nearly every man con nected with the case wore a mustache. Mr. Hemstock. who is a druggist, was accused of having violated the local option law. G. F. Eglin was the com plaining witness, and when he was placed upon the stand the defendant's attorney arose "and declared that this was not the man named in the complaint because Mr. Hemstock remembered the man who gave the name of Eglin wore sideburns with chin and upper lip bare. Eglin appeared at the trial smooth shaven. . Deputy "District Attorney H. E. Adams was assisted by Attorney E. S J. Mc Allister, and during the arguments that ensued regarding the appearance of the witness. McAllistef declared that it seemed strange that the accused could not tell when a man wasi smooth shaved. "It would look very strange nowadays for a man to be wearing sideburns, and Mr Eglin does not wear them, as you Have YOU Heard of The , New Scalp ' Prophyiactic NEWB H Newbro's Herpicide is the first Prophylactic for the " hairand scalp. Irs formula harmonizes with the theory (now a recognized fact) that dandruff. Itching scalp and falling hair are of microbic origin. Herpicide defends the hair and scalp against disease and by destroying the scalp microbe or dandruff germ a tiny vegetable growth). It- eradicates dandruff, stops falling hair and permits the hair to grow as nature Intended. Almost marvelous results sometimes follow Its use. Miss Clut " ter's letter and photograph certainly speak for themselves. Herpicide is delightfully fragrant and refreshing. It is free from oil and makes the hair light and fluffy. AT DRUGSTORES. Send 10c in Stamps to the Herpicide Co., Dept. Detroit, Mich., for a Sample. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGSTORES. November If you're too rugged for sentiment don't touch the "Autobiography of an Only Child." There may be a "cry" in this if you don't steer .clear. ' ' There's certainly a laugh in Max imilian Foster's "Yon'l" in spite of Miss Ogden's pathetic exasperation over his climb to fame. And you'll find Herman Whitak ers story, "The Devil's Slide.' has got plenty of desperate "go." This story is ballasted. It's got lead in it, outside the amount they shoot from their guns. Go back with Jack London and grope in the dark "Before Adam," wade with him through that dim primeval epoch before time had been .invented. Get, from his own pen, that rare glimpse of his real personality that Lawson gives us in his heart-to-heart talk with his readers. The greatest sensation that this giant among fight ers has ever hurled at his enemies will follow closely in the December num ber. You can't afford to miss his preface in November. And then, after you've done dream ing and laughing and crying with all these, come away with Russell to to that far country, New Zealand, where right has armed itself with might, where fair play has captured government, ftnd rich and poor alike (foolish as ir may sound) actually enjoy doing the thing that is for the common good of the common people. mffazine can 6ee." declared McAllister; "in these times', few whiskers are 'worn, either on the chin or on the cheeks, men going smooth-faced or wearing a mustache " When this last statement was made Judge Gantenbein looked at the Jury and noticed that everyone-- Qf them wore a mustache without the sign of a beard: the jurist also has a mustache, as has H. B. Adams and Theodore S. Wells, the Deputy County Clerk who acted in his official capacity at the Hemstock trial. "Well, gentlemen." said Judge Ganten bein addressing a side remark to the jury, "it seems strange that just at this time all the members of the jury, the Deputy District Attorney the Deputy County Clerk and the court should be wearing mustaches and all without the sign of any whiskers." SPECIALS TODAY. Warm underwear, samples for men. women, boys and girls. Wool and cotton fleece-lined hose. Wool and cotton blan kets. Comforters and pillows New mod els in Thomson's and Warner's corsets. Extra another raft of Mount Hood shirts, soft and stiff fronts. Jl 25 and J1.50 values, 0 cents. Open evenings. McAllen & Mc Donnell. Best values in Portland. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Baby Tm Cuttlnc Teeth Rf rror and ub that old and well-tried rem edy. Mrs. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup, for chil dren teething. It aoolbe tne child, softens the gums, allays all nam. cures wind collo and clarrnoea. Red Eye and Eyelids, Weak Eyre And Tired Eyes Need Murine Eye Tonic. RO'S ERPICIDE "1 herewith enclose you ono of my latest photo graphs, which will show you whavNewbro's Herpicide has done for my hair. Since using your remedy my hair is much longer than it was, and it has that luster to it that ones hair always has when their scalp is in a healthy condition " (Signed) MADELINE CLUTTER. 4350 Berkeley Ave., Chicago,, ill. ANSWERS EVERY GALL Portland People Have Found That This Is True. A" cold, a strain, a sudden wrench, little cause may hurt the kidneys. Spells of backache often follow, Or some irregularity of the urine. A certain remedy for such attacks, A medicine that answers every call, Is Doan's Kidney Pills, a true specific Many Portland people rely on it. Here is Portland proof. Mrs. D. Murphy, of 395 I von St.. Port- land. Or., says: Since 1903. when I gav a statement recommending Doan's Kid ney Pills after I had found great benefit through their use, I have, had some fur ther occasions to test the remedy, and it has always given satisfaction. My origi nal experience with them was in a bad case of kidney complaint and backache. From my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills I am ready to recommend it Just ad strongly as I did three years ago." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New Tork. sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and taJiei so other. Your Tongue is Coated! Watch for Symptoms! OOK in your pocket-mirror! Or inside the lid of your watch- case! ' Fur coat on your tongue? Bad business. What you been Eating? What were you drinking? " What kind of Lazy Chair did you taka exercise in? Now don't think it doesn't matter! Because, it's your Bowels that talk now. every time you open your Mouth. That doesn't help your Popularity, nor your Earning capacity. Besides, a person with bad 'Bowels is in a bad way. Co and take a Ten Mile Walk, for Exercise! Haven't time?, Too Lazy? Well, there is another Way. Take Artificial Exercise for your Bowels. That's GASCARETS. They rouse the Bowel Muscles, just as a Cold Bath freshens Athletic Muscles. Waken them up, Strengthen them so they Contract and Expand the Bowels and In testines in a healthy, active manner. That's how these muscles work the Food along, through your thirty feet of In testines, to its Finish. That's how they squeeze Gastric Juice into the food, to Digest it. That's how they make the millions of little Suckers in the rntestines draw the Nutrition out of Food, and transform it into Blood, Brawn, Brain and Bone. . One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need it will insure you against 90 per cent of al! other ills likely to attack you. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't irritate, nor upset your stomach. 752 Ten Cents, at all Druggists. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." Be a Man FREE TO MEN I.Ik Men? MEDICAL BOOK FREE 1M Fartrefl. 25 Tictorw. First Copy Cot $1000. SENT FK. Love. Courtship, Mar riage and All Diseases of Men explained in plain language. This wonderful book tells everything you want to know and avry- thin ir you should know In regard to happy and unhappy wedded life, disease which forbid marriage, ruinous ear ly follies, self-destruc tion, lost manhood, poor memory, prema ture decay, nervous ness, blood poison, dwarfed organs, etrlc- ture. weaK lunjra, liv er and kidney diseasea iKnorance begets mis ery ; knowledge brings health and happiness. Written by h WorldWFipmous Master SpecJalibt. "The Uot Wonderful and Greatest Scientific Book of th Age. Law son. WRITE FOR IT TODAY AND ADDRESS State Medical Institute 202 Second Ave.. South, SEATTLE. WASH. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OP CX QeeWo The Great Chinese Doctor At No. I62X First St. Cor. Morrison No misleading statements to the afflicted. I guarantee a complete, safe and lasting cure in the quickest possible time, and at the lowest cost possible for honest and success ful treatment. I cure catarrn. asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousneea. nomacn, liver, kidney and lost manhood. nrMAT.fg TROUBLES AND ALX PRIVATE UlBtASJtS- Mr remedies are harmless, composed ot roots herbs, buds and barks especially se lected, and imported direct by us from the interior of China. IF YOU ARE AFFLICTED DON'T DELA.T. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. CONSCLTATITION FREE. The C- Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co., 1624 Ftxitt St.. Cor. Morrison. Portland. Or. Please Mention This Paper.