Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 19, 1906, Second Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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off e
THE DELINEATOR Headquarters for Picture Framing FOR MEN
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest
The Reason Why
Ti e storekeepin-r which in this communi
ty has come to be known as peculiarly
characteristic of Lipinan, Wolfe & Co. is
the result of certain simple, straightfor
ward principles carried out in an earnest
and thorough way.
The foundation is our determination to
pive to Portland the best we can do and
do better constantly. Kvefy merchant will
tell you his p-oods are best and his prices
lowest. Naturally that does not make them
so. ,
It is the public that always decides; and
the increasing1 volume of our sales and the
prrowing reputation of this store for fair
prices and square dealing prove eloquently
that these methods most characteristic of
this store meet with your approval.
-- l
Sale of Monogram
Dies and Stamping
The first sale of its kind ever held in
Portland. A matchless opportunity to save
Steel Die to order, with two or three let
ters, regularly $2.50 3J1 R
for this sale rs-VA
Stamping stationery from your die in any
color, regularly 40c a quire
for the first quire WJW
Each succeeding quire 18J
S1.18 Fiction. 50c
Recent important fiction, many new titles,
reduced to only 50 a volume.
Pi I'' a
rv- 7Jr
V - 4 - 3
For Friday Bargain Day only, we offer 57 smart
Dress Hats, worth regularly $18 and $20. These
hats are beautiful in themselves artistic in line,
rich and harmonious in coloring. But put them
on the head and they leap into even greater beauty.
Variety is infinite. French milliners have dreamed
beautiful dreams and the result is refinement, dis
tinction, smartness without bizarre effects. Each
hat is made in a different effect, of silk panne vel
vet, trimmed with ostrich feathers, in some cases
fairly encircling the hat. Others trimmed with os
trich tips, ribbon, ornaments, etc. Regular $18
and $20 values. Very special
for Friday sale only
Women's 50-in. Coats, $12.50 Value $8.50
$25 Long Plaid and Stripe Coats at $16.50
Women's 50-inch Coats of fancy mixed
Cloaking in various effects made with
full loose back, stitched straps, fly front,
four pockets, velvet collar, new coat
sleeves with turned cuffs edged with
velvet. The yoke and sleeves are lined
with satin. Regular $12.50 value. For
our Great Friday Bar-
gain Day
Women's 50-inch, all-wool, fancy plaid
and- striped coats in newest effects,
made double-breasted, with full loose
back; collarless with fancy velvet piping
and braid trimming; new sleeves with
fancy trimmed cuffs and satin lined.
Regular $25.00 value Ct? i fS Ff" f
for only JpIO.OU
$3.75 Nunsveiling Waists Friday at $2.45
$1.75, g2 Mercerized Madras Waists gl.20
For Friday Bargain Day 280
Waists of nunsveiling. Some
have white grounds, with light
blue, green and red polkadots ;
others have navy, black and
white grounds, with hairline
stripes; all are daintily made
with pin ' tucking front and
back, long sleeves, with tuck-
1 .1 rr j
i5S2Sr lnS on Sleeves anQ cuns ana
Actually selling regularly at $3.75; special Friday sale. .$2.45
Just 89 Women's Waiits, made of fine mercerized madras and union linen;
some have elaborate and quaintly embroidered fronts and tucking, others
pleated and embroidered ; long sleeves, collar and cuffs trimmed with" fine
tucks, button front; actual $1.75 and $2.00 values; for Friday only at. . .$1.20
Women's 85c Underwear, 53c
$1.75 Union Suits for 1.05
"Forest Mills" fleece-lined Vests, high neck, long sleeves,
with drawers or tights to match ; regular 85c quality
for only .
"Forest Mills" fleece-lined Union Suits, high neck,
long sleeves, ankle length; $1.75 quality, for. .
Women's Ribbed Merino Vests, both white and natural colors,
tights to match, medium weight and fully half wool ;
regular $1.25 quality for only ,
1 colors,
.1 78c
Cotton Batting, $1 Values, 70c
Large rolls of Cotton Batting, quilt size, extra quality, pure
white and clean; a splendid filling for comforters
and a very special bargain sale at. only d. JC
Cotton Challies, all colors; special, yard
Pre -Holiday Handkerchief Sale
Dainty Initial Handkerchiefs at January Sale Prices
A great sale -of Initial Handker
chiefs, such as will be in great de
mand for holiday presents, at
prices not usual before the great
January sales.
Ladies' Hand-Embroidered Initial Handker
chiefs, Vi-iucli hemstitched; valuo 121 oc
Friday and Saturday only,
70 d dozen; each
Ladies' all-linen hand-embroidered Initial
Handkerchiefs; some plain, others with
wreath around initial;
31.23 dozen; each
Ladies' all-linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, with
hand-embroidered initials, i-in. hemstitch
ed; value 20c each.
For $1.65 dozen; or, each...
Ladies' checked and cross-bar linen hand
embroidered Handkerchiefs, very neat
initial ; 25c value sale price, "f T f
dozen, $2.00 ; each 1 X C
Ladies' all pure linen Handkerchiefs; very
sheer, with heavy hand-embroidered in
itials in script and block letters, 14-inch
hemstitched; all letters. Extra value at
$1.40 for box of six; O TZri
or, each J tJK
Ladies' all pure linen Handkerchiefs, with
extra fine hand-embroidered initials, sur
rounded by neat wreaths. . Sale prices
are : 3 in box for 31.00 ; OC
6 in box for $2.00; each, only.-t
Finer quality, exquisite and sheer,
Children's Initial Handkerchiefs, colored
borders, all initials; box of three, regu
larly 25c box in this 1Qn
sale for JLi?i
37c Ribbon, 25c yd.
6-iuch Failletine Kibbon, used for millinery
purposes. Comes in black, white and col
ors. Always sells for 37c yd. O Ki
while this lot lasts, yard, only . . .
10 Yds, of Ribbon for Only 10c
All Silk, Regularly 75c a Bolt
Heavy all-silk, double-face, satin cord-edge
Ribbons, Nos. iy2, 2 and 3; extra heavy
quality, and can be used for dress trim
mings as well as numerous other pur
poses. Values 50c to 75c a bolt, to be
closed out at
10-yd. Pieces for 10c
75c Veiling, 48c yd.
For Friday and Saturday, all of our 60c,
65c and 75c Tuxedo Veiling, plain and
dotted, and also Chiffon Veiling, in a
large and beautiful assortment in black,
white and all colors. r
Sale price, yard TfOt
3-yard Auto Veils, with 2-inch hemstitched
borders, in black, white and colors. Val
ues 85c each sale price 57
Long Kid Gloves: All
Sizes: Black Cot
In spite of the great shortage of i5
button lengths in stores all over the
United States, we have a full stock in
ALL SIZES, including the following:
16-button length Glace Gloves, in mous
quetaire style; black, white and all colors.
16-button length Suede Gloves, in mous
jtjuetaire style; black, white and all colors.
16-button length Heavy Silk Gloves,
double-tipped .fingers, mousquetaire style;
all sizes from 5V2 to 72 in black.
Women's Neckwear
60c-65c Values, 48c
Women's Neckwear in all the latest tai
lored effects, as well as lace, ribbon and
hand-made beaded Stock Collars and
Turnovers. COc and 65c val
ues special in this sale at..
50c HAT FINS, 12V2C
A lot of new and pretty Hat Pins; all
tile best styles in amber, crystal, gold
plafe and imported colored effects. Reg
ular 25o, :!5c and 50c values, -1 ry 1
for .IV2C
Neat gold-plated Belt Buckles, in both
bright and satin finish, round and square
designs; a neat size. Regular 25c and
35c values ." 18
Klegant Back Combs, mounted with gold
plated bauds, in new effects; some set
with stones, others plain rose gold. A
very stylish comb and regular A,Qr
75c value for... TtOw
Household Needs
Dutch Cleanser, 10c size, 3 for 25
Gold Dust, 25c size 1S?
Pearllnc, 13c size. 8 for .25t
Paraffine Wax, 20c size, 1 pound X2C
Wooden Pie Plates, regular 15c dozen. SC
Kavcnola Black Shoe Paste, 10c size..5
Black Enamel Paint, 2oc size 1S
Enamel Paint, all colors, 25c size....lS
Rising Sun Stove Polish, 10c size 6i
Furniture Polish, 25c bottle 10
Enameline Stove Paste, lOo size SJ
Combination Shoe Blacking. 25c size.lS
Prltz Polish for Metals, 10c size 7J
Electro Silicon, 10c size for g
Shoe Polish Combination Package, regu
lar 10c ,--8d
Fine Bristol Playing: Carda, regular
Wire Hair Pins, regular 4o box 1
Dexter Darning Cotton, spool 1
Women's Silk Umbrellas
Values to $7.50 at $3.25
Just 100 of these Women's extra quality Pure
Silk Umbrellas; made with tape edge, in black,
red, brown, navy and green. The handles are
pearl, with solid silver trimmings, boxwood,
princess with solid silver trimming, ivory and
horn. The actual values of this lot are to $7.50
and there are just one hundred to ry r r
goat only 400
Manufacturers9 Rug Sale
29c to $1.19
5000 Rug Carpet sam
ples of the best quality
of velvet, tapestry and
body Brussels. They are
in full rug sizes, all
bound ready for use.
This is the greatest rug
value ever offered, and
asplendid opportunity for
every home and office.
Tapestry Rug Samples, 27x27 inches, special...29c
Tapestry Rug Samples, 27x36 inches, speclal...59c
Tapestry Rug Samples, 27x54 inches, special...89c
Velvet Rug Samples, 27x54 inches, special... 1.19
65c to $1.35 Hosiery 29c
A New York hosiery importer closed
out to us the entire sample line, used
in demonstrating the very best pro
duct of Europe's leading hosiery
manufacturers. Hundreds of styles
of plain and fancy weaves in silk,
lisle thread and cotton. Black, tan
champagne, biscuit, sage, Alice blue,
gray, navy, brown, Dresden, green,
bronze, fancy stripes, plaids, lace
boots, lace allovers, drop stitch, polka
dots, embroidered figures, solid col
ors, - etc.: in greatest variety. The
more you know about hosiery, the more you will appreciate this tremen-
dous epoch-making .hosiery bargain 65c, 75c, 85c,
$1.00 and $1.35 Hosiery for
Extra saleipeople to wait on you. No phone order filled. None
sent on memorandum. Early comers get the best selection.
Men's $5 Blanket Bath Robes, 3.75
Men's 75cRibbed Underwear, 48c
Men's Blanket Bath Robes, in an immense variety
of pleasing patterns and colors, made full and
long, with round collar and girdle.
Men's $5.00 Blanket Robes $3.75
Men's $5.50 Blanket Robes $4.50
Men's Blanket Robes, Special $5.00
Men's $9.00 Blanket Robes $7.75
Men's Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, medium weight,
colors blue and flesh, perfect fitting and A r
well finished; 75c quality for TOC
Men's Outing Flannel Night Shirts, in a great va
riety 01 colors, maae lull and long; 75c CQ
quamy; special sale at
1 1
Men's Merino Half Hcse, medium or heavy weight,
colors black, natural or tan; 35c quality; fyttr
for this sale only OC
iMen's Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, yz or J4-
quaiity, lor this great sale n
inch hemstitched and full size; 20c .15 2C
What's what in Hats? Seven hatstores for Young's
Hats for men in New York. That's New York's
verdict. $3.00. .
ggpg" Lace Curtains 59c Pr
lampe1" Lace Curtains 79c Pr
Great sale of manufacturers' Lace Cur
tain samples, that would retail as high
as $2.50 to $7.50. They are 5 feet long,
45 to 54 inches wide. Just the curtain
for the flat, office or modern cottage.
White or Arabian color, in cable nets,
fishnets and Scotch laces. Remember,
actual $2.50 to $7.50 values ; pair, price
59c and 79c
Single Lace Curtain Samples, 29c and 39c Each
mm if $