Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 17, 1906, Image 1

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VOL,. XLVIXO. 14,308.
Dead Hand Still Held
Pamphlet in Grip.
.Two Thugs Are Supposed to
Have Engaged in Hold-Up.
Jury Decides That the Secretary of
Spokane Y. M. O. A. Met Death
From Gunshot Wound In
flicted by Persona Unknown.
SPOK.WE Wash., Oct. IS. (Spe
cial.) Search for the man who assas
sinated Reno Hutchinson seems useless
as Ions as the Spokane police have
such slender clews as are now pre
sented. They know he was shot with
a revolver loaded with cartridges car
rying steel-tipped bullets, and they are
of opinion that two men attacked the
young: athlete, and there their knowl
edge rests.
All attempts to run down the two
men seen on the car which carried
Reno Hutchinson home earlier in the
evening have yielded nothing. The
Coroner's Jury this evening returned
a verdict that Hutchinson came to his
death "from a gunshot wound inflicted
by a person unknown.'
The witnesses examined, with two
exceptions, were residents of the
neighborhood where the tragedy was
enacted and the police. The other wit
nesses were a car inspector and a re
porter. The neighbors added little to
what was told in The Oregonian yes
terday morning, and that little was
unimportant. The 6hot. the fleeing of
the assassin, the groans of the wound
ed man and his discovery were told
Again In detail.
Pamphlet In His Right Hand.
Coroner Witter told the jury that Mr.
Hutchinson was right-handed and that
he carried a pamphlet and newspaper
and the pamphlet and newspaper were
in his right hand when he was found.
Witter remarked that if Hutchinson
had resisted his assailant It was
strange that he had not used his right
hand and had not dropped the parcel
he was carrying.
O. A- Sweeney, car inspector for the
Washington Water Power Company,
identified the remains. He said Mr.
Hutchinson and a man heavily built,
perhaps B feet 3 inches tall, of dark
complexion and wearing a light hat
and light-colored overcoat, got on a
street-car In the 1S00 block on Boone
avenue at 7:40 o'rlot k. The car was
bound for town.
Suspect Went Inside Car.
Mr. Hutchinson stood on the rear
platform and the other man went in
side the car. Sweeney left the car at
Riverside avenue and Howard street,
and did not notice what berime of the
two men. He said this car would
reach Fourth avenue and Howard
street, where Mr. Hutchinson left the
car, at about 7:57. The short, chunky
man was probably 23 or 23 years of
Coroner Witter expressed regret that
Dr. A. L Marks, oculist, was not at
the inquest.
Dr. Marks' said to a reporter today:
"I probably saw a second man who
had been Implicated In the murder of
Mr. Hutchinson. About 8 o'clock I
turned Into Seventh avenue from Ste
vens street. A man who apparently
had been hiding In the shadow of the
high wall, facing the grounds on the
south side of the avenue, suddenly
dashed out and raji across the street
and down Stevens street. At the time
I thought the man's actions queer, but
had not heard the pistol shot, and did
not know until later a murder had been
Acted la a Strange Manner.
Although J. C. Barline attached no
special significance to the actions of a
strange man who made inquiries for
Mr. Hutchinson Monday, other peopTe
commented on the man s actions. This
man telephoned to Mr. Barlme from
Masonic Temple and made inquiries re
garding Mr. Hutchinson, and is be
lieved to be the man who artfd queerly
In the Golden date building where Mr.
Hutchinson's i.inoe was located.
May G. Deromo. secretary of the
Master Printers' Association, who no
tired the man in the Golden Gate build
ing, said:
"The man came here about 3:30
0 clock In the afternoon. Our office is
room 15. at the end of a corridor, and
Mr. Hutchison's office is ronm 14. arid
adjoined us. When I noticed tn man
1 asked him what he wanted. He said
he was searching for Mr. Hutchinson.
I told him Mr. Hutchinson's office was
next door and he had come past it.
"About .V30 o'clock I noticed a man
wandering In the corridor again, and
I asked what he was looking for, and
saw It was this same man. He said:
'Do you know when Mr. Hutchinson
goes to dinner?' I told him Mr. Hutch
inson had no regular hours.
" This strange man was about 23 years
of age and was about 6 feet 11 inches tail.
He probably weighed 160 or 170 pounds. He
wore a gray suit. I never saw the man be
fore and have not seen him since."
Inquiries Are Often Made.
J. C. Barline said: "I place no signifi
cance to this man who inquired for Mr.
Hutchinson. Similar inquiries are being
made constantly and I answer many calls
regarding the T. M. C. A. The Associa
tion office location is not generally known
and there Is nothing remarkable In people
making inquiries."
Chief of Police Waller said he had no
theory to give out, but that the depart
ment is stlU working on the supposition
that Mr. Hutchinson was assassinated by
an enemy Instead of being held up by a
robber. The police are attaching credence
to a report that Mrs. Hutchinson asked
If a lame man had been implicated in the
crime, but the department had no clew to
a lame man being Implicated, and some
expressed the belief that Mrs. Hutchinson
referred to her husband, who was lame. .
Working on the Enemy Theory.
The police department sent a man to
Portland tonight to work on the case in
conjunction with the Portland police. It
was intimated that the department
thought if the assassination theory Is
borne out, trace of some enemy may be
found In the Oregon city. In view of the
short residence of Mr. Hutchinson dn Spo
kane, it was contended that he could not
have made an enemy in Spokane without
the Y. M. C. A. workers knowing of the
fact and none of them admitted such a
condition at a conference with the Mayor
and police department. The entire police
department is working on the case.
Mayor Daggett will ask the Council to
offer a reward for the arrest and convic
tion of the murderer or murderers, the
amount of the reward to be determined
by the Council.
Bobbery Theory Generally Held.
Independent of the police, there is still
a strong feeling that the murder was not
the result of jealousy or personal enmity
and that the crime was committed by
hold-up men. Those holding to the rob
bery theory contend that Mr. Hutchinson
resisted the robbers, saw the flash of the
revolver barrel in the rays of the elec
tric light and dodged, when he was shot.
This would explain why the bullet en
tered the left side about midway between
the top of the hip and the armpit and
ranged upward. If he had been standing
erect and the bullet was fired from be
hind, it is contended that the bullet would
not have ranged upward.
The body goes to Portland tomorrow af
ternoon on the 4:30 train
Public Funeral Is Proposed for the
Murdered Y. M. C. A. Worker.
Mrs. Virginia Spencer Hutchinson,
widow of the murdered Reno Hutchinson,
reached Portland last night at 10:10 from
Spokane, with her 6-months-old daugh
ter. She was met at the depot by her
father and mother. Captain and Mrs.
Spencer; by Mr. Hutchinson's father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutchinson,
and by H. W. Stone, general secretary of
the local Y. M. C. A. All bore the tragedy
with Christian fortitude. They were
driven at once to the Spencer home.
Mrs. Hutchinson left Spokane a few
hours after the tragedy. She had ar
rived in Spokane only a few days before
and had not yet completed the furnishing
of her home. News pi the tragedy was
broken to her by members of the asspcia"
tton. who advised her to leave at once
for home. Rev. W. J. Hindley was dele
gated to accompany her.
Mr. Hindley is at a loss to understand
the tragedy, although he is inclined to
believe it was the work of a thug. Ha
left Spokane before the investigation Into
the murder was well under way.
The body will be brought to Portland
for interment. El B. MacN'aughton left
yesterday to accompany the remains to
Portland. Sen-ices will be held in Spo
kane tomorrow and the body should reach
this city by Thursday night. A public
funeral is being planned.
Reno Hutchinson a High Type of
Christian Gentleman.
The murder of Reno Hutchinson, of
Spokane, has come as a blow to every
one wno knew him here in Portland.
The expression that it must be foul
play seems preposterous to those who
knew of his noble disposition so free
from stirring up antagonism with
anyone, even those entirely differing
with him in their life and motives.
From tho days when he first stepped
into college in the University of Cali
fornia he was noted for his fairness,
his Justice, and his freedom of criti
cism for anyone: always taking, the
part, in an inoffensive way, of the
mistreated or criticised, present or ab
sent. In his college he always stood
high In scholarship, was an athlete
that his fellows were proud of and
popular in two or three fraternities.
In the closing year of his course he
took the college athletics management
and wiped out a debt of $6000.
He w-as always called upon to um
pire football games, for the men of
both teams knew that they would get
n square deal. He was always a
Christian gentleman, whether playing
football himself, as he did for a few
years on his college team, refereeing
a game, or In a mix-up on the college
campus. To know his life only slightly
even was to love him. so high were
his standards, so noble his heart, so
fair and just his opinions: always
making allowances for other men's
environment. their conditions dud
training. He was built on a broad
gr.mige order, large physically and just
as large in his noble Christian nature.
He knew nothing narrow, nor did he
try to press men into his wav of
thinking, though he helped many a
man to find himself in life and give
himself t,- the important things of it.
In his work he planned well and thor
oughly. Alwiys genial, always the same, al
ways earnest, men were attached to
him and always enjoyed working with
htm. Many men whose lives have been
!iftd higher by their contact with
him will remember the things that
have given them added power and w-ill
think with sadness and biterness of
the way he had to go at the hand of
a wretch who takes the life of a truly
srresit man. for whom hanginsr would
be too good. W. E. W.
Call for Drastic Measures.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Oct. 16. In view
I of the murder last nignt of Reno
j Hutchinson, formerly of Portland, the
following resolutions were unanimous.
t 'Concluded on Fa 4V
Hughes or Hearst Wi
be Candidate.
May Take Part in Campaign
if Need Arises.
Support of Corporation Men Drives
Votes From Hughes Murphy a
Heavy Load for Hearst, Who
Has Other Troubles.
Washington, Oct. 16. The man who is
elected Governor of New York at the
close of the present campaign is cer
tain to be reckoned a Presidential
possibility in 1908, . and may be
the nominee of the party with
which he is Identified. If Hearst
sweeps the state it is more than like
ly that he will outshine Bryan at the
next Democratic National convention
and carry oft the nomination in a walk.
On the other hand, if Hughes is elect
ed Governor tfiis climax to his remark
ably useful career will stamp him as
a man of the hour and one with whom
the party at large must reck
on. Hughes is strong in New York
and. if ii is strength is sufficient to
overcome the Hearst wave that is
sweeping the Empire State, it may be
set down as a fact that he will be a
strong man to head the National
Hearst May Pose as Martyr.
In the event that Hughes is de
feated there is little likelihood that j
nis name win oe orougnt oeiore tne
Republican National convention in
190S. If Hearst is defeated it is still
possible that he might be nominated
at the head of the rrext" Democi itic
National ticket or. if not that, at the
head of a ticket put in the field by
the Independent party that he Is to
day attempting to organize in New
York and other states. Hearst in de
feat would pose as a martyr: a victim
of Charles F. Murphy, the corruption
ist, and a victim of the corporations.
He would charge Murphy and the cor
porations with his downfall and would
maKe capital out of the result- On
the other hand, if he is elected he will
give none of the credit to Murphy,
whose support alone made possible his
nomination this year on the Demo
cratic ticket, but will swell up with
pride and attribute his election to the
onslaught he made on the trusts.
President Roosevelt is deeply con
cerned over the campaign now on in
his own state and he is every bit as
anxious as Hughes for the success of
the Republican ticket The President
regards Hughes as an ideal man for
Governor and has every confidence
that he will make good. If elected.
Moreover, it is said on good authority
that the President sees a bright future
ahead for Hughes if he gives a good
account of himself in the Govenor's
chair at Albany. Hughes is probably
nearer tho Roosevelt type of man than
any Republican so far mentioned as
a possible nominee for 190S. He would
come nearer carrying on the reforms
that Roosevelt has begun than any
other "possibility." Taft stands next
to Hughes, but Taft has some ideas
that do not coincide with those of the
President, whereas Hughes and the
President are virtually of one mind,
and Hughes in the White House would
continue almost without change the
good work that Roosevelt has started.
But whatever the President thinks
In mm jmmMM 1
I grPff .rT l flllfSP3 i ' In iT'""'' O ? conclusion of the session of the court I
I '' vvV--il ) H'J"ep "SfPllsaiSsMI'l ) today. The State was precluded by I
s--CaC?'k. VN. HS!i5S''!:if the rulln Ju,iee Banker from of-
ferlng a line of evidence intended to
STS&-'- f I 1( ofejS l show that the Standard Oil Company f
t SSfca. mYiiSL' --SCS5 ?iC i"i. "1 bat" to a local Sroc'r tor handling its 1
-Sj '"SSsa--'-i(rf '- ""fesSfc-stiS? I if ' oU In the retail. It waa excluded on I
of Hughes as a possible candidate for
the Presidency, he is at present con
cerned particularly in his election as
Governor. Xo man sees more danger
in Hearst's election than Roosevelt.
To his mind the success of the yellow
editor would be a terrific calamity and
an unpardonable disgrace. The Presi
dent holds Hearst in contempt And
It is not stretching the truth to say
thac the influence of M administration
:s being used to prevent the election
of the Democratic ticket in New York
this year. Ordinarily the President
would keep hands off, but the situa
tion is of such gravity t'nat he is keep
ing in close touch with the Republi
can leaders, and is aiding them and
advising them at every turn and is
not attempting to conceal his interest
In the fight.
President May Take Hand.
The statement has been made that
the President may later take the stump
in New York, if it appears that Hearst
is gaining strength and has a fair
chance of election. For the present,
however, he will take no open part in
the contest. The manner in which
Hughes has entered upon his active
! Ik. V
Charles E. Hughes, Who May- Be
Candidate for President in 1908.
campaign, the character of his speeches
and the boldness of his attacks upon
Hearst, have met with the approval of
the President, and. if the Republican
nominee, by continuing his present
course, can arouse the voters to a 'real
ization of the true conditions and can
make them appreciate the real char
acter of the Democratic candidate and
comprehend the consequences of his
election, it is more than likely the
President will have nothing to say dur
ing the campaign, though he may go so
far a? to wriie an -open letter for the
purpose of arousing the voters just
before the ballots are cast. It seems
to be understood, however, that, if the
President is convinced that his inter
ference is necessary to Insure the suc
cess of the Republican ticket, he will
take whatever steps he can without
going beyond the bounds of propriety.
Hughes believes, and the President
agrees with him. that the campaign can
be won by impressing the voters with
the fact that Republican success will
mean clean government, whereas the
election of Hearst will mean a contin
uation of boss rule and corruption. In
Impressing these facts upon his audi
ences. Hughes does not forget the dig
nity of his own position . he does not
f Concluded on Page 2.
. T j
ttttttt. ,t ppp '
KJfri i'iiP 15- 1 ltlatlve. k
Settlement of Dock
Strike in Sight.
Action Meets With Approval of
Union Grainhandlers.
Arbitrators to Be Chosen at Meet
ing and Every Effort Made to
Hasten - Peace Sympathetic
Strike on Water Front.
TV. J. BURNS, publicity agent for
, the exporters We have written to
the Mayor agreeing to arbitrate the
question of wages paid the grainhan
dlers. OSCAR MELBY. business agent
for the strikers We are willing to
submit our cause to a board of arbi
tration as this is In line with the
policy of our union.
MAYOR LANE, who acts as pacifi
cator I am very glad indeed that
both sides have agreed to arbitra
tion, and sincerely hope that the
dispute will be amicably settled. The
City Hall is at the disposal of the
arbitrators for a meeting place.
Arbitration is to Settle the waterfront
strike. This has been agreed to by both
the warring interests and committees will
be named to meet, probably today, and
choose a board of referees to adjust the
differences. Such a settlement of the
trouble seems satisfactory to all Inter
ested. The strikers may be expected to
be back to work before the week ends.
At a meeting: yesterday afternoon, which
was attended by the representatives of
all the exporting firms, the question of
arbitration, as proposed by Mayor Lane,
was discussed. After a lengthy argument
during which both sides of the question
were thoroughly discussed, the Exporters'
Association unanimously agreed to sub
mit the question of an increase in wages
to an arbitration board, according to the
plan proposed by the Mayor.
Saturday afternoon a delegation from
the Grainhandlers' Union, headed by
Business Agent Oscar Melby. visited
Mayor Lane and proposed to submit their
side of the question to a board of arbi
tration. The Mayor thought highly of
their plan and Monday afternoon sent a
letter indorsing it to the representatives
of the different exporting firms. This let
ter was brought up at the meeting yes-
FINDLAY. O.. Oct. 15 The end of
the trial ot the Standard OH Company
of Ohio for alleged conspiracy agajnet
trade came suddenly in sight at the
conclusion of the session of the court
today. The Stare was precluded by
the ruling of Judge Banker from of
fering a line of evidence intended to
show that the Standard Oil Company
gave secret rebates to retail dealers
tn oil. The disputed evidence waa in
tended to show that an agent of the
Standard had offered and paid a re
bate to a local grocer for handling itm
oil In the retail. It was excluded on
the ground that nothing was offered to
show that the agent got such author
ity from the Standard Oil Company,
but must have acted upon his own initiative.
terday afternoon and acted upon as
The proposed plan of arbitration is that
a committee from the exporters and a
similar committee from the Grainhand
lers' V nion. No. 263. meet at some desig
nated place and each name an arbitrator,
these two to select a third party and the
question at issue to be decided by the
Hold Conference Today.
A meeting of these committees will be
arranged either this afternoon or tomor
row. The shipping interests are gener
ally hopeful of an amicable result from
this conference.
Previous to the announcement of the re
sult of the exporters' meeting, it was gen
erally believed that they ould refuse
to sumbit the issue to arbitration. But
according to a member of the association,
they had the best interests of this port at
heart and decided to acquiesce to the
Mayor's clan.
"We met this afternoon." W. J. Burns,
publicity agent for the Exporters' Asso
ciation, stated, "and after thoroughly dis
cussing all phases of the situation, it was
decided to send a communication to the
Mayor agreeing to arbitrate the question
of wages paid the grainhandlers as pro
posed in his communication to us. Per
sonally I sincerely hope that we shall
reach "an understanding."
Oscar Melby. business agent for the
Grainhandlers Union, No. 263. expressed
himself as well pleased with the outcome
of the proposal and said:
"One of the principles of our organiza
tion is to submit any question or dispute
that may arise between us and our em
ployers to a board of arbitration and the
announcement that the exporters have
agreed to the plan is highly pleasing to us.
We believe that our cause is just and we
do not fear the result of placing our de
mands before such a commission. Of
course we may make concessions or we
may not. I cannot say just what our ac
tion on any question that may come up
will be."
Mayor Lane Pleased.
When told of the agreement of the ex
porters to an arbitration. Mayor Lane
"I am very glad indeed to learn of the
action of both parties to the dispute. I
sincerely hope that their differences will
be speedily adjusted. The continuation of
the strike cannot but prove exceedingly
harmful to Portland's supremacy as a
grain exporting port, and I shall do every
thing in my power to bring about an ami
cable agreement The city hall is availa
ble for the use of the committee and I
trust they will get together at the earliest
possible moment."
After two nights of almost continu
ous session. Longshoremen's Union,
No 265, arrived at a sweeping decision
early this morning, whereby it de
clares a general strike on all vessels
loading or discharging cargo in this
city excepting the coastwise liners.
This strike goes into effect at 7
o'clock this morning, when the work
on the vessels now loading would have
The decision of the longshoremen
means that until the result of arbitra
tion is known, no vessels will be
handled by them outside of the steam
ers of the Harriman fleet plying be
tween here and San Francisco, the
Portland & Asiatic Company's liners,
and the steamers Alliance, Roanoke
and F. A. Kilburn, and practically
means the tielng up of the lumber
(Concluded on Page 3.)
The Weather.
TODAY'S Showers, fair. "Westerly winds.
YESTERDAY Maximum temperature. 60;
minimum temperature, 53-
French submarine sinks off Tunla with 14
men. Page 3.
Russia prepares for another general strike.
Page 4.
Daring imposture wins in Germany. Page 4.
ICegro soldiers called on to betray-riotera-on
pain of discharge. Page 5
Interstate Commission makes rules for ex
cursion rates and passes. Page 5.
McCarren denounces Hearst at Democratic
ratification meeting. Page 2.
Chanler praises Hearst at Tammany ratifi
cation. Page 2.
Senator Long calls La Follette a Populist.
Page 1.
Hughes. election may be stepping stone to
"White House. Page 1.
Chicago" Board of Trade accused of favor
ing elevator trust. Page 4.
Dr. Brouwer's defense completed. Page 4.
Argument on Standard OU trial In Ohio.
Page 2.
Trial of Vanderbilt road for rebating. Page
Peabody answers charge of coercing Mutual
Life agents. Page 3. x
Bankers convention at St. Louis. Page 4.
Mystery of Welghtman will case. Page 2.
Harriman and Fish fight to finish today for
Illinois Central road. Pae 1.
Death of Mrs. Jefferson Davis. Page B.
Train hold-up In Colorado. Page 5.
Portland husband's bluff called by desert
ed wife. Page 5.
Pacific Coast.
No trace of the assassin of Reno Hutchin
son at Spokane. Page 1.
Fritz Dierkes shot, beaten and robbed by
alleged friend at Castle Rock. Wash.
Page fi.
Steamer Princess Victoria on the rocks near
Victoria, B. C Page 6.
"Pay Streak" suggested by Alaskans as
name of midway of Alaska fair. Page 6.
Oregon Stare Baptist convention in session
at Albany. Page 6.
' - Sport.
Roseben breaks seven-furlong record. Page 7.
Pacific Coast scores Portland 8. Lob An
geles 4; San Francisco 2, Fresno 1; Se
attle 6. Oakland 0. Page 7.
Jack O'Brien knocks out two men at Los
Angeles. Page 7.
Portland and Vicinity.
Parties to water front strike accept Mayor
Lane's propositimi to arbitrate. Page i.
Initiative One Hundred will work for splen
did park system. Page 9.
Eas- Side Improvement Association Indorses
Mount Tabor park plan. Page 14.
Chief of Police makes changes in Chinatown
squad. Page 10.
State Bar Association commences disbar
ment proceedings against H. H. Turner,
of Salem. Page 1L
Mrs. C. B. Andrew accuses her nu?band of
usury in divorce suit answer. Page 14.
Northern Pacific annual statement indicates
Hill's intention to extend North Bank
line. Page 14.
Talk of dark horse In contest for State Sen
ate Presidency. Page II.
Agitation on foot for removal of Williams
avenue school. Page 14.
Portland Gas Company promises to remove
oil waste and coal tar from river bed.
Page 10-
Lone highwayman robs two men on well
lighted down town street. Pag 5.
Prohibitionists and liquor dealers unite in
opposing high license. Page 10.
Battle to Control Illi
nois Central.
Union Pacific Magnate Has
Gathered Forces.
While General of Defending Forces
Plans Defense, Harriman Is
Rushing to Chicago to Make
a Grand Assault.
CHICAGO, Oct. 16 President Stuyv
sant Fish, of the Illinois Central Railroad,
was In his private office at Park Row
Depot until long after midnight tonight.
Closeted with him were J. B. Gill, of
New York, his attorney, and officials of
the road connected with the auditing de
partment. Mr. Fish, according to the
Tribune, was laying his plans for a battle
royal which will be fought this morning
at the 'annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Illinois Central Railroad.
Harriman's Forces Marshaled.
On the Twentieth Century Limited train
of the Lake Shore road, which will ar
rive in Chicago at S:30 this morning, are
E. H. Harriman and a party of his finan
cial friends. They are coming to make
the fight against Mr. Fish for control of
the Illinois Central Railroad. For a year
It has been known that Mr. Harriman
and his allies have been seeking control
of this property.
There are 950,000 shares of stock, repre.
senting a capitalization of $n5,000.V) en
titled to vote at this meeting. The slda
which controls 475,021 shares will win. It
has been assumed that Mr. Harriman
controls only one-fitth of the total, but
information brought to Chicago yester
day was that he has had the banking firm
of Kuhn. Loeb & Co. working for and
with him for some time and every share
of stock and proxy that could be bought
or borrowed has been secured.
Fish Remains Confident.
Mr. Fish last night was confident that
the Harriman plan would fail and tha
meeting show a good majority of stock
holders in favor of continuing the pres
ent management.
Mr. Fish was served last night with
notice that suit had been brought against
the Illinois Central by the Illinois State
audit committee. This suit was started
last week in Justice Martin's court and)
the hearing is set for 11 o'clock thla
morning. Subpenas have also been is
sued for E. B. Harriman, John J. A6tor
and Cornelius Vanderbilt, who. It 13
understood are on the train with Mr.
Harriman. The suit Is brought in behalf!
of a half dozen down-state merchants,
who allege that the Illinois Central over
charged them on 'freight bills and thua
discriminated against them.
Declares Senator Represents Twentl
eth Century Brand of Populism
and Errs From Truth.
TOPEKA, Kan., Oct. 18. CSpeclal.)
For the second time this Fall Senator
Long, of Kansas, took the platform to
night to reply to criticisms of his po
litical career, made by Senator LaFol
lette. His speech was In direct reply
to remarks made by LaFollette at
Hutchinson some ten days ago.
"It has been said that this is a per
sonal contest between Mr. LaFollette
and myself," said he. "It is not cor
rect. It is no more a personal contest
between us than that ten years ago
there was a personal contest between
Jerry Simpson-and myself on the money
question.. Senator LaFollette and I
represent different theories in politics.
I can never agree with him. It would
be at variance with my entire record
in politics, for I have always been
against Populism.
"The old brand of Populism assault
ed public men in office and questioned
their character; so does the modern
brand. This has been the foundation
of-both kinds of Populism. The 20th
century brand of Populism is Just as
Socialistic in its tendencies as the old
"Senator LaFollette is one of a trio
of fakirs in politics Bryan, Hearst,
"Mr. Bryan stands for Government
ownership of railroads. .Mr. LaFol
lette, at Newark. N. J., came out in
favor of Mr. Bryan's Government own
ership. Mr. Hearst has always stood
for Government ownership."
Continuing. Mr. Long referred to an
Interview given out in Topeka by La
Follette's manager, in which the latter
raid that the fight between the two
Senators had wonderfully improved the
value of LaFollette as a drawing caid.
"Where LaFollette is now worth dol
lars as a lecturer, he used to be worth
25-cent pieces.'' was the remark accred
ited to LaFollette's manager.
Mr. Long referred to "the reckless
manner in which Senator LaFollette
makes his statements," and termed
them "assertions not founded on fact
and utterly unreliable."
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