Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 15, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL. XLVI.-XO. 14,306.
Immense Crowd Sees
Nationals Lose.
Comiskey's Twirlers Hypnotize
Murphy's Big-Stickers.
Crowd Pours Out on the Field After
the Game and Victors and
Vanquished Are Fairly Mobbed
by Their Many Admirers.
The attendance at yesterday's same
at Chicago was 19.24n, making the total
attendance (or the series A0.S45.
The receipts for the game were $20,
S61. and the total for the ix jrames
was $106,540. Of this amount the play
ers" share is $33,402. The American
Leacue team, with 21 men, will re
ceive JSfl.ow. The Nationals' share for
1!) men Is jsnjn.
The receipt? for the last year's cham
pionship series were S(i5.405, and of
last year's American-National aeries,
CHICAGO, Oct. 14. The Chicago
club of the American Baseball League
is the champion of the world. By win
ning today's game k to i against the
local club of the National League, the
Americans earned the right to fly the
world's championship pennant, as well
as the pennant of the American League,
to ride to the grounds next season in
carriages and to have "World's Cham
pions" lettered on the blankets worn
by their horses.
Today's game wa; the sixth of the
f-eries, and the fourth victory for th
Americans. When the last National
t.i.r... ir. h? 70ye .-ut and the ft .ning
fact tnat the nw champions had been
created burned its impression through
thousands of excited, minds, a crowd
surged around the box. . wherein sat
Charles TV. Murphy, president of the
losing club. H smiled gamely at re
quests for a speech, and said:
"The best team won. They won be
cause they played better ball. Too
much praise cannot be given to Presi
dent Comiskey and Captain Jones
and the team, which, by unprecedented
pluck,, climbed in midseason from sev
enth place to the top of their own
league, and then topped oft that great
achievement by winning the world's
championship from the team that made
a runaway race of the National League
contest. I call for three cheers for
Comiskey and his great team."
Murphy'6 Game Speech Cheered.
Cheer after cheer followed this
speech, but they were lost to the hear
ing of most of the crowd, which was
busily cheering "other things the in
dividual playera, the players collective
ly and thumping said player on the
back with such enthusiasm that every
one of them had to fight a way out fo
the waiting carriages.
The cheers for the losers were not
lacking. They had lost the greatest
distinction which baseball offers to its
voLarles, but are still a great team, and
the crowd which followed their car
riages through crowded blocks did not
spare throats In saying so.
Comiskey's face was wreathed in
smiles long before the game was over,
for the Americans put the victory in
storage in the first two innings. When
Schulte went out at first after an abor
tive race, and the great series was
over. Comiskey shook hands with such
of his players as he could reach. The
others were fighting to save them
selves from tneir friends, and had no
time- for congratulations, save pound
ing each other on the back.
Noisy Crowd Stays on Field.
The crowd seemed loth to leave the
grounds when the game was over.
Thousands poured out of the bleachers
and circus seats onto the field, while
those in the stands stood up and
watched the spectacle. The yells and
screechings of noise-making devices
which had been rending the air during
the game, apparently to the limit, were
redoubled. It was pandemonium let
loose. The players tried to cling to
gether for mutual protection, but it
was useless. A few moments sufficed
to make each one the center of a
densely-packed, half-crazed throng,
out of which he had to fight his way.
The wives of such Americans as were
married were waiting for their spouses
in the carriages to carry them away
safely from the hero-worshiping mob.
A crowd of small boys tore the wire
screen from a ticket-window after the
game was over and got into the field
merely to stand on the historic ground
and share in the excitement.
Won on Hits and Runs.
That the victory was a fairly earned
one is shown not only by the fact that
the Americans won four out of six
games, incidentally making it unneces
sary to play the seventh, but by the
hits and runs. The Americans, all told,
made 22 runs, compared with 18 by the
Nationals. They made 39 base hits as
against 37 for the Nationals. The Na
tionals made but five errors, compared
with 14 by the Americans. The latter
also made the greater number of extra
base-hits, but the ground rules made
nearly all of them good for only two
Among the expert critics of baseball
it is generally admitted that to the
American pitchers most of the credit is
due. This despite the fact that the
American pitchers have but 26 strike
outs to their credit, against 35 for the
Nationals. The Americans gave 19
bases on balls, as against 18 by the
Heavy Hitters Are Helpless.'
Notwithstanding this, the American
pitchers were effective when hits meant
runs, particularly against such men as
Chance, Schulte, Steinfeldt and Kling.
These men, all consistent .300 hitters,
were all but helpless during most of
the series. On the other hand, the
Americans, popularly called the "hit
les wonders." batted more strongly
than their opponents, who during the
season had done the heaviest batting
in the National League.
In stealing bases the Nationals had
a shade over the Americans. Catchers
Kling and Sullivan, who caught the
entire series, were both formidable to
base runners', but of the total 13 bases
stolen, the Nationals got 8.
Over 19.000 paid admissions had been
registered at the gate 'at noon, the
balmy weather and the holiday bring
ing the crowds out early. The grounds
being fuil to bursting, the gates were
closed and play was begun at 2:15
o'clock. Completely encircling the
grounds was a closely-packed crowd of
enthusiasts. Small pennants bearing
the names of the owner's favorite
team were in nearly every hand. One
man on the top seat of the bleachers
back of first base had an unearthly
sound-producer. By turning a crank
it gave out prodigious noises, half
groan and half wail. To the support
rs of the Nationals during the first two
innings, the sound was expressive of
their feelings.
Music of the Band Is Drowned.
A brass band of six pieces occupied
part of one box for the first time dur
ing the series, but could scarcely make
itself heard above the continuous din.
Twice, however, when popular airs
were played, the crowd joined in and
sang to the music.
A total of 14 hits, two of them
doubles, tells the story of today's game
and how it was won. Captain Chance
replaced Mordecai Brown in the pitch
er's box in the second, although Brown
had pitched a hard game Friday. The
Americans connected with his weak
ened delivery for eight safe hits in one
and two-thirds innings, and he retired
to the bench. Overall, who was called
in yesterday to retrieve that game,
was again called upon, and held the
American six hits and one run dur
ir.g "he )'i"t'. . v !.-. of alt-5 girr.?. His
support wau e:coeiient.
National Support Is Excellent.
Time and again Tinker and Evers,
by blocking hits, prevented runs, as
did Hoffman in center by spectacular
running catches. Sheckard also made
a great backward running catch, which
kept the score down.
When the Americans assumed a .lead
of six runs the National players were
a grimly determined looking lot, but
try as they would, they could not solve
the puzzling delivery of Dr. White, the
opposing pitcher. Time after time the
heavy hitters of the team batted out
easy ones when hits meant runs. All
told, they gathered only six safeties
off White.
Part of the crowd rooted hard for a
ninth-inning rally. Tinker, to his evi
dent chagrin, went out. Evers raised
flickering hopes by a scratch double to
right, but Kling promptly failed. Gess
ler, a substitute, batted for Overall and
was allowed to walk. Hoffman singled'
to left and Evers scored. Sheckard
was safe on an error.
Schulte now came to bat. With all
the burden of a forlorn hope on his
shoulders, he hit a grounder straight to
Donohue, and the great series passed
into baseball history.
Detailed Description of the Work of
Rival Champions.
CHICAGO, Oct. 14. The play in detail
was as follows:
First Inning.
Nationals Hoffman singled to left and went
tA. second on Dougherty's fumble of the hit.
Sheckard sacrificed perfectly and with Hoff
man on third the crowd cried for a score.
They were promptly gratified, for Schulte,
whose two-bagger yesterday brought in two
runs, swung on the first ball pitched and
knocked It into the right-field crowd for two
bases. Hoffman scoring, and Schulte waa out
at third a moment later, when White stopped
Chance's grounder and threw it to Jlohe, yards
ahead of the runner. Chance was safe at
first. Steinfeldt waited for four bad ones.
Tinker flew out to Jones. One run.
Americans Hahn hit an awkward bounder,
which Evers stopped with his bare hand, but
being off his balance could not throw It.
Jones forced Hahn and went to second on Is
bell's sharp single to right. Davis doubled
to right and Jones scored. Schulte claimed
that he was under the hit when some one in
the crowd pushed him. Captain Chance pro
tested against allowing the hit, but Umpire
O'Loughlin allowed it to stand. With men at
second and third and the' infield playing close
In, Kobe hit to Tinker, who threw Isbell out
at the plate. Rohe stole second. Donohue. with
an opportunity similar to Rohe's, doubled to
left, scoring Davis and Rohe. Dougherty
grounded out to Chance unassisted. Three runs.
Second Inning.
Nationals Donohue fumbled Evers1 grounder
and the runner waa sate. Kling hit into a
double play and both retired. Brown struck
out. No runs.
A-nerlcans Sullivan out. Tinker to Chance.
White grounded out Brown to Chance. Hahn
singled between third and short. Jones walked.
Isbell singled to Evers. The bases were lull
when Davis came to bat. .Tinker Jumped and
tried to get his liner, but merely blocked It,
and Hahn and Jonea scored. Rohe singled,
but Isbell waa held at third. Tinker having
blocked the ball. Overall at this crisis, with
the bases full, replaced Brown. Donohue hit
over second base, Evers getting the ball by
fast work, but not in time to effect a put-out.
Isbell scored on the hit. Dougherty walked,
forcing Davis across the plate. Sullivan
struck out. Four runs.
Third Inning. J
Nationals Hoffman went out, Donohue
making a great atop and White covering first.
Concluded on Pag 13.)
General Wood Also Recom
mends That Squadrons of
Cavalry Be Sent Out.
In Case of Foreign Disturbances the
Concentrated Troops of the
Islands Would Barely Be
Able to Defend Manila.
WASHINGTON. Oct 14 An argument
against the reduction in the number of
troops in the Philippines is made by
Major-General Leonard Wood, command
ing that division, in his annual report.
The total garrison, on June 30 last, num
bered 20.043 men.
"We are far from home," says General
Wood, "and in case of foreign disturb
ances, even with all our troops concen
trated at Manila, the force available
would be barely sufficient to defend it
from a serious attack Moreover, a strong
garrison should be maintained here until
conditions pertaining to the civil gov
ernment are well established and the
animosities anddisappcfctments incident
to the building up of a local government
under new and perhaps strained condi
tions have passed away.
General Wood suggests adding some
artillery to the present garrison and send
ing to the Philippines one squadron of
each of the cavalry regiments in the
United States.
Concentration of White Troops.
"The policy has been adopted of con
centrating white troops in the immediate
vicinity of the large Morro centers and
holding small outposts with scouts," says
the report, "rendering it possible to move
comparatively large commands into hos
tile country without uncovering a number
of posts, and at the same time provid
ing the white troops with good barracks
and quarters. The department of the
Visayas has been abandoned, except in
the Island of Si mar, composed .mostly of
a large number of ignorant ftoii.tics of
low : v pe known i Pulajanes, whose prin
cipal object aeems to have been to de
stroy the coast towns and people in the
most ruthless and brutal manner."
General Wood says the movement orig
inated in the unfair treatment of the peo
ple of the interior by traders and people
of coast towns. A widespread condition
of lawlessness and resistance to the Gov
ernment exists in this island. Seventeen
companies of scouts and a number of
companies of infantry are now carrying
on the campaign and the Puiajanes are
operating in email bodies, seldom making
any serious attempt to resist troops, so
it is believed their operations will soon
he brought to an end. '
Public order has greatly improved in
Mindanao. The rice output there is said
to exceed any previous year and the peo
ple have gone to work. As there is a
large Mohammedan element there, and
unexpected disturbances may occur as the
result of action of religious fanatics re
turning from Mecca, the report says the
garrison should be concentrated.
General Wood says there is a large
number of officers in the service who
entered during the war with Spain and
afterward, and are not of a type desired
in time of peace. Also there are many
field officers too old for their positions.
A man past 50 years of age in a subor
dinate position, he says, will not fill
very efficiently an important position in
volving responsibility in his remaining
years of service.
Promotions by Selection.
Deserving Colonels having less than
five years to serve should be promoted
and retired, for the policy of making gen
eral officers of men with only a year or
two of active service ahead of them
would take the initiative and the energy
out of the best army ever created, says
General Wood, and he also urges that
not only should this Government have
a system of elimination, but at least a
percentage, say two in five, of all promo
tions should be by selection.
General Wood recommends that here
after English khaki be' purchased in the
East and made up into clothing for troops
in the Philippines instead of using the
khaki clothing made In the United States,
thereby effecting a large saving. He 6ays
the English khaki is of lighter weight,
more permanent in color, more durable
and better suited for tropical wear.
Army Supplies by Private Steamers.
General Wood, while commending the
present administration of the Quarter
master's Department, severely criticises
the past administration, saying that great
embarrassment and much delay in con
struction resulted from the confusion
which existed as to barracks and quar
ters fund accounts, for which there was
no excuse whatever. He favors the
handling of army supplies by private
steamship lines, except always cold
storage supplies, stating that if both the
military and civil authorities could ar
range to give their business to commer
cial lines the ships would have enough
traffic to enable them to make much
more liberal rates to the Government and
private individuals, a condition most es
sential to the development of the islands.
A great battle is being waged against
malaria by the army surgeons with sat
isfactory results.
Tee for Shotguns and Bolos.
General Wood recommends repeating
shotguns and ammunition, four for each
company; advocates buckshot as used by
Politics Are More Accurate.
The political campaign has become
more active and more interesting during:
the past week and promises to be still
livelier from now on to election day.
In New York State, Charles B. Hughes
and "William Randolph Hearst will con
tinue their epeeeh-makingr tours of the
state. Speeches . in New York State
will be made during the week also by
Speaker Cannon, Secretary Root and
Secretary Shaw.
Iq Massachusetts, John Moran has
accepted the Democratic nomination
for Governor and the campaign should
oDen in earnest in that state.
American Bankers Convention.
Tuesday the annual convention of the
American Bankers' Association will be
called to order at St. Louia. The bank
ers will be in seeaion for three days,
and a number of important papers on
financial subjects will be read durlnc
the convention. Among them will be
a discussion of the pending legislation,
by Charles H. Fowler, chairman of the
committee on banking and currency of
the National House of Representatives,
and pa pers on "Our Currency as It
Appears to a Canadian." by John
Knitiht, secretary of the Canadian
Bankers' Association, and "A Woman's
Qualifications as a Bank Official." by
Mrs. V. F. Church, cashier of the Bank
of Joplin, Mo.
Appeal of Dr. Crapsey.
Friday the appeal of Dr. Algernon
Sydney Crapsey to the court of review
of the Protestant Episcopal Church
will be heard at Rochester, N. Y. Dr.
Crapsey appealed from the decision of
a diocesan court, which found him
guilty of teaching doctrines contrary to
the faith of. the Protestant Episcopal
Friends of Dependent People.
The annual conference of Friends of
the Indians and Other Dependent Peo
ples will be opened at Lake Mohonk,
N. Y., on Wednesday and continue the
following day. Andrew S. Draper,
Commissioner of Education of New
York State; Dr. William S. "Washburn,
director of the civil service for the
Philippine Islands; Rev. Oliver P.
Emerson and others will deliver ad
dresses on the needs of the people of
the dependencies of the United States.
Church and State Clash in Spain.
The long-standing religious question
In Spain will reach a more acute form
upon the reassembling of the Cortes
October 20, when a clash between the
Vatican and the Liberal government of
Premier Dominio.uez is predicted.
"While the actual question of separation
of church and state in Spain is not to
be raised immediately, the programme
of the Liberals is anti-clerical through
out, and if successful may lead to an
open fight for the severance of the
ties existing between the Vatican and
Spain. The points at issue are the con
trol of the cemeteries, civil marriages,
public education and the prominent
question relating to religious congrega
tions not included in the concordat of
1831. ,
Marrie of JvLrupp Heiress.
The religious niaxrldg of Bertha
Krupp." the ricr.'Mt he-rvpaSin Geimu.y.
and the ownr of the great Krupp steel
works, to Lieutenant Gustav von Boh
len und Hal bach, who until recently
was First Secretary of the German Le
gation at Pekin. will be celebrated at
Easin. October 15. Emperor William
will attend the wedding. On the day
of the ceremony $150. 000 will be dis
tributed among the employes of the
Krupp works.
the constabulary against Bolo rushes and
service in the brush ; supplying1 troops
w-ith bolos when engaged . in the Jungle
country to hack their way through the
heavy brush.
Hand grenades are aLso much needed
in service against the Moros. and Gen
eral "Wood is trying to get samples of
those used in the Russo-Japanese war for
patterns. The battalions are being made
tribal, with the double purpose of having
only one dialect for the commanding offi
cer to learn and to insure the loyalty
of the scouts by assigning them to ser
vice among other tribes.
General Wood recommends the creation
of a militia artillery to man the sea
coast defenses at short notice; the- sub
stituting of the back pack instead of the
blanket roll and the dispatch of a num
ber of officers to Japan and China to ac
quire the language there.
"It is highly probable.' he said, "that
our position in the Philippines will render
it important that we should have a
number of officers familiar with these
T i v i
r ' v . - - VI
W. C. Gibson Arrested While
Trying to Burn Printing
Office of Rival.
Four Attempts Made to Burn Estab-
lishment In 24 Hours Gibson
Makes Denial of Guilt and
Appears to Be Demented.
William C. Gibson, a member of the
firm of the Gibson-Smith Printing Com
pany, was yesterday afternoon apprehend
ed in the act of attempting to set fire to
the office of Kriedt Bros., a rival printing
establishment at 49-51 First street. Act
ing Detective Circle saw Gibson when he
tossed a blazing firebrand into the rooms
occupied by Kriedt Bros., and promptly
arrested him. A peculiar fact in the case
is that at the time of the attempted ar
son a small fire was blazing in the rooms
of the Gibson-Smith Printing Company,
which is located in the same building and
is just across the hallway from the offices
of Kreidt Bros.
Three attempts were made Saturday
night to burn out the place.'arid Smith is
believed to be the firebug who perpe
trated all -of them. ' He is the man who
was arrested a year ago in Spokane for
an alleged hold-up of a saloon and who,
after a sensational trial, escaped all pen
alty except a small fine.
Alarmed at the repeated attempts to
burn Kreidt Bros." plant, and knowing
from the circumstances that the fires
were of incendiary origin. Acting Detec
tive Circle was detailed to guard the
building. While secreted in the hallway
he saw Gibson, the firebug, deliberately
throw a lighted torch Into the pressroom,
and caught him red-handed. Gibson de
nies that he is a firebug and declares he
Is the victim of a put-up job.
From his station in the hallway. Circle
could see the doors which open into the
establishment of the Gibson-Smith Print
ing Company. During the previous fires
the glass of the door leading Into Kreidt
Bros.' place had been broken and the hole
had been boarded up.
Officer Pounces on Firebug.
About ' o'cio-k. Circle, was rewarded
for his v-igU by the signt of Gibsou
entering the hall from his office carrying
in his hand a lighted torch about 18 inches
in length. It had been soaked in oil and
was blazing. Glancing cautiously up and
down the hallway to Bee whether or not
he was alone, the firebug ran stealthily
to the doorway of the office of his com
petitors and, through an opening in the
makeshift door, threw the torch into the
rooms upon a pile of loose papers. Be
fore he could escape he was pounced upon
by the officer, who, after stamping out
the blaze, escorted his prisoner to police
headquarters. Just before leaving, he no
ticed a small fire In Gibson's office burn
ing briskly in a pile of papers. A lighted
coaloil lamp had been placed in the mid
dle of a pile of papers.
Gibson after being taken to the station
and consulting an attorney, denied the
charge of arson. He asserted that he had
nothing to do with the fires and that he
was a victim of a plot to ruin his char
acter. By the police he is believed to
be either laboring under insane jealousy
because of the business prosperity of his
competitors, or to be mentally deranged.
He acted like an insane man when ar
rested and his positive denial of the crime
despite, the detection by the officers, who
were hidden within a few feet ' of him
when the lighted torch was cast into the
room, is regarded as a sign of either
genuine or affected lose of mental bal
ance. His bail was fixed at $2500 which
he was unable to furnish and last night
he was an inmate of the City Jail.
About 6 o'clock Saturday night Mur
ray 'Wade, one of the editors of the
Sketch, which is printed by Kreiat Bro
thers, discovered a fire in a large rack
of calendars near the door. The rack
was covered with oil and the flames were
gaining considerable headway when put
out by Mr. Wade. He communicated the
fact to H. L. Kreidt, one of the pro
prietors of the place, and the latter con
cluded that the fire was Incendiary.
About three hours after the first blaze
Captain Good, who lives in the adjoining
building, noticed a fire in the press room
and put it out without calling the Fire
Department. The fire started in the
same place and the fact appeared sus
picious. Had it not been for the timely
Interference of Good, it is probable that
the whole place would have gone up in
flames before the Are was discovred. The
place was locked up and Kreidt thought
his office was safe when shortly after
midnight the Fire Department was called
out to the same place to extinguish a
blaze in the press room. By the time the
firemen arrived, the entire rack of cal
endars was enveloped in flames and the
partition between the room and the hall
way was afire. The fire was eoon put out
with a damage of about Jinoo to Kreidt
Brothers, partly covered by insurance.
As the last fire occurred on Captain of
Police Bailey's shift, the latter im
mediately investigated the three myster
ious blazes and made a lengthy report of
the matter to Chief Gritzmacher yester
day. Kreidt was unable to point to any
one with a grudge against him or his
firm and the police authorities decided
the only way to catch the culprit would
be to have a plain-clothes man watch
the place and catch the incendiary red
handed should he attempt to set the
place on fire again.
Gibson Makes a Denial.
Captain Bruin interrogated Gibson at
the station but the latter seemed very
nervous. His answers were very inco
herent. He spoke in short, broken
phrases and seemed to be working under
intense excitement. Bruin thought the
man was demented and as he would not
make a statement, he was locked up in
the City Jail.
Later In the evening Gibson asked to
see Albert B. Ferrera. his attornev. he-
fore talking of the case. He promised.
lu y sumeming arter seeing his at
torney. After Ferrera had a long conversation
with Gibson the latter declared that he
cannot understand the whole business.
"It seems to me like a put-up job,"
vehemently declared Gibson. "I don't
know a thing about it. and If Circle
says he caught me in the act he is not
telling the truth. I went to my office,
stayed there about 30 minutes and went
out again, locking the door behind me.
when the detectives placed me under ar
rest. At first I thought the man was
trying to hold me up, but he showed me
his star and I went along with him."
When directly asked whether he did
throw the lighted torch into Kreidt
Brothers' business place, Gibson's an
swer was, "I don't know anything about
it." From his conversation Gibson plain
ly showed that he was unbalanced or
c I'C-rnvc.-ght. When asked whether he
was in his office Saturday night when
the three attempts to burn Kreidt Broth
ers' place were made, Gibson declared he
was not, and was not even near the
building, and made the statement that he
can prove a perfect alibi.
After the last fire in Kreidt Brothers'
establishment Saturday night, Mrs.
Lewis, who conducts a lodging-house ad
joining the building, declared to Captain
Bailey that she saw a man striking
matches In the hallway of the building
where the blaze was discovered. Whether
this man was Gibson or not remains to
be proven by the officers, who maintain
that Gibson is the incendiary.
H. L. Kreidt, one of the proprietors of
the printing firm, came down to the
police station last night but did not see
Kreidt Cannot Explain Fires.
"Gibson and myself," said Kreidt,
"were the best of friends until about a
week ago. Gibson and his partner, form
ing the Gibson-Smith Printing Company,
lease three rooms from us and we oc
casionally do work for them. About a
week ago we did a little printing for
Gibson and had a controversy about the
price. Gibson declared we made the price
$14, whereas we charged him $20. The
Concluded on Page 2.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 63
degrees; minimum, SO.
TODAY'S Bain; southeasterly winds.
Major-General Wood makes his annual re
port on conditions in the Philippines.
Page 1.
Provisional Governor Magoon will he in no
hurry to select a Cuban Cabinet. Page 3.
Postal sen-ice shows reduction in deficit and
largely increased receipts. Page 3.
Hearst deceives the unthinking masses in
New York by plausible headlines and
specious writing. Page 1.
Seventeen balloons start In International
race from Berlin. Pasre 2.
League of Octoberlsts is adopted by Pre
mier Stolypln as the governmental party
in Russia. Page 3.
Polish revolutionists are accumulating large
stocks of firearms. Page 3.
Young Missouri farmer kills man, wife and
three children. Page 2.
Oakland street-car conductor and watchman
kllied by masked bandit.. Page 5.
Pacific Coast.
Endowment for Albany College Is to be
raised by the Presbyterian i'ynod of Ore
gon. Page 4.
Washington Congressmen take stump today
In opening of state campaign. Page 4.
Population of Oregon is estimated at over
500.000 by Labor Commiss.'oner Hoff.
Page 4.
Miss Winnie Decker, of Portland, says she
Is not Mrs. G. B. Mann, of Spokane.
Page 4.
Chicago Club, of the American Baseball
League. wins world's championship.
Page 1.
Pacific Coast scores: Fresno 1-4. Portland
0-2: Seattle 7. Los Angeles 2: Oakland
3-3, San Francisco 2-2 Page 7.
Tortland and Vicinity.
William C. Gibson arrested in act of setting
fire to rival printing establishment.
Page 1.
Spiritualist declares Witch of Endor is most
admirable character In whole Bible.
Page 8.
Trinity Church is consecrated by Bishop
Scadding. Pase S.
Movement on foot t extend Morrison street
to connect with Washington. Page fl.
Longshoremen's Union. No. 2'io. votes to boy
cott employing stevedores because of al
leged action against striking gralnhand
lers. Page 8.
Damaging Exposures
Not Read By Masses.
Great Newspaper Plants Pay
No Taxes in New York.
Unthinking and Unintelligent Dm
vour the Plausible Explanations
Set Out In Yellow Press and
Take Editor at His Word. v
ington, Oct. 14 The inconsistency of
William R. Hearst becomes more and
more apparent as the campaign in New
York State develops. The yellow editor
is being held up before his constituents
and before the country In his true colors,
and the exposures are astonishing, even
to men who thought they knew Hearst
and Hearstism.
Charles E. Hughes, the Republican can
didate for Governor, is demonstrating
his ability to get at the bottom facts, and
his exposures of his opponent are as com
plete and as damaging as his exposures
of the men responsible for the life-insurance
Hearst, the insincere; Hearst, the two
faced: Hearst, the inconsistent, is being
displayed in a manner that is convincing
every sensible man that the Democratic
independent ticket should be overwhelm
ingly defeated. Most men of brains are
already convinced that Hughes must be
elected in order to preserve the honor
and the dignity (not to mention the in
tegrity) of the State of New York.
But the exposures made by Hughes fall
to reach or fail to convince many un
thinking voters, who look upon Hearst as
infallible, and who helieve that his elec
tion will cure all evils that exist or are
supposed to exiot in the Empire State.
Hearst has the undivided support of the
Ignorant classes, and no amount of rea
son, no amount of exposure, no amount
of denunciation, will ever shake their
faith in "Yellow Willie."
Xo Regard for the Truth.
In his present campaign Hearst cries)
aloud against bossism in politics. Yet
Hearst literally bought the Democratic
nomination from Boss Murphy, of Tam
many Hall. He denounces his opponent
as a boss and a tool of other bosses.- In
spite of the fact that Hughes, more than
any other man, rid the Republican party
of New York of the stigma brought upon
It by Boss Odell. Boss Flatt and Bosi
' Men who are fair-minded agree with
President Roosevelt that Hughes Is the
cleanest man the Republicans could have
nominated, and the very indorsement ot
the President is enough to vouch for the
Republican candidate. Yet Hearst, sub
servient to the will of the biggest boss
in Tammay Hall, denounces Hughes as
a tool of the bosses.
This is just a sample of the fairness
with which Hearst is conducting his cam
paign. He has no regard whatever for
the truth; it is anything to get votes,
and he is forced to resort to deliberate
lies in order to make out a case against
his antagonist.
Hearst has led the ignorant classes in
New York to believe that all corporations
are detrimental to the public good; he)
has made them believe that he, If elect
ed, will stamp out the corporations and
bring about a condition that will pour
money Into the pockets of every poor
voter who supports him In November. He
charges that Charles E. Hughes is a
"corporation attorney" and a tool of big,
wealthy firms that" are seeking to strangle
the "common people."
Hughes Shows the Difference.
In a few short, clear speeches, Hughes
explained the difference between "good"
and "bad" corporations; demonstrated
the necessity for corporate organization
in certain lines of business, and then
astonished his audiences by showing that
Hearst, the denouncer of corporations, is
actually publishing his yellow newspapers
not as an individual, but as a corpora
tion. He showed from court records that
Hearst, when sued for libel, took refuge
behind the corporation law and escaped
conviction because his own "corporation
attorneys" were able to demonstrate to
the court that the newspaper printing the
libel was published by a corporation, and
not by Hearst, the man.
Not content with this, Hughes ran his
probe deeper and laid bare some inter
esting facts showing that Hearst's news
paper corporation, in addition to avoid
ing the payment of damages for libel,
was actually dodging taxes. The Hearst
papers are published by a corporation
known as the Star Company. This cor
poration employs C. J. Shearn as its
counsel, and through ' his machinations
has so organized that it has been able
to avoid the payment of taxes.
The three Hearst papers were all duly
assessed on their property and holdings;
Shearn raised objections, alleging that
the respective papers were "aggrieved"
and was able to convince the Assessor
that not one of the three papers held
any property that was taxable. The
American, or rather the Star Company,
is-capitalized at SlOft.onrt; the value of
(Concluded on Page 0.)