THE MORNING OKEGOXIAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 13, 1906. MY CITY IS . ARMED Vigilance Committee Probably Will Be Organized Today. MAYOR FEARS LYNCHING Carnival of Highway Robbery and Murder Has Stirred the Citi zens to a High Pitch of Excitement. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Oct. 12. The general alarm caused by the nu merous reports of hold-ups and robbery has seriously affected the attendance at all places of amusement. Hotel mana gers and others entrusted with the hand ling of large sums of money have made elaborate defensive preparations and there Is a general arming on the part of citizens. Discussing the propriety of the organ ization of a committee of safety in this state tomorrow to deal with petty crim inals who now Infest the city, Acting Mayor Gallagher said today: "There shall be no lynching in this city, and I sincerely hope that at the meeting to be held in Union Square to morrow the leaders will have enough sense to do nothing that will injure the city. "They will call it a committee of safe ty," the Mayor continued, "but other cities will call it a vigilance committee, and that will do irrevocable harm to San Francisco. It would be a confession that the people of this city are not capable of protecting themselves, and when I say the people I mean the authorities with whom the people have vested the power of government. The plan is un American. "The usurpation of the "powers of sup pressing crime by unauthorized persons is a crime in itself. I shall regard it as such and will not permit It. "Should those men desire to co-operate with the authorities in ridding the city of thugs and criminals, I shall be glad to have their assistance, but they must not act Independent of the municipality. I will not allow millionaires to take those steps any Booner than I would allow la boring men. There must be no violence committed by citizens. Lynch law does more harm than good." ROUTE OF NORTHWESTERN Huntington and Ijewlston to Be on the Line. BOISE. Idaho. Oct. 12. (Special.) The Northwestern Railroad Company has filed a certified copy of its articles of in corporation. They set forth that the pur pose of the coVripany is "to construct, equip, maintain and operate a line of railroad and telegraph and telephone lines on such route as the company may select, from a point on the Oregon Short Line Railroad between the town of Hunt ington, in Baker County, Oregon, and the first crossing of Snake River east of said town of Huntington, at or near a place called Nagle, and extending thence in a general northerly direction along or near the Snake River, to a point at or near the town of Lewlston. in the State of Idaho, a distance of 150 miles, more or less, extending a portion of said distance on the Oregon side of said river, and the remaining portion on the Idaho sido thereof, and crossing the river at such places as shall hereafter be selected; also to construct, purchase, maintain and op erate steamboats and water craft upon the Snake River for the carriage of ' freight, passengers, etc." l'RESBY DECLARED NOT GUILTY Judge Instructs Jury to Acquit Nom inee for Washington Senate. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Oct. 12. (Special.) In the Federal Court this aft ernoon after an argument on the motion to Instruct the jury to. bring In a verdict of not guilty !n the case of the United States against Winthrop B. Presby, Re publican nominee for State Senator' from Klickitat and Skamania Counties. Judge Whitson allowed the motion and ordered a verdict of acquittal. Presby was charged with having taken Illegal fees from four entrymen while acting as Court Commissioner at Golden dale, Wash., and was recently Indicted by the grand jury. DEAD OF THE NORTHWEST. Ira C. Richards. GOLDENDALE. Wash.. Oct. 12. (Spe cial.) Ira C. Richards died at his home In Goldendale last night. His death was the result of a paralytic stroke he suf fered two months ago. Mr. Richards was born at Farmington. Me., In 1854. He came- West In lS.7S.and located at -The Dalles. A few years later he moved to Klickitat County and purchased the Hap py Home ranch, where he resided a num ber of years, afterwards moving to Gol dendale. where he engaged in the drug business until about four years ago. when he sold out and purchased the Summit ranch, on the Yakima road. Mr. Rich ards had a wide acquaintance among the pioneers of Klickitat and Yakima Coun ties. D. H. Senrs. HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct. 12. (Special. ) D. H. Sears, of the firm of Sears & Por ter, fruitgrowers, who - have the finest commercial orchard in Hood River Val ley, died suddenly tonight of heart fail ure. Mr. Sears came to Hood River in 1890, and la considered .the dean of prac tical fruitgrowing at Hood River. He is said to have clne more for successful ap ple cultivation here than any other grow er, and his orchard has been one of the show places for all visitors. Colin Mclntyre. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash., Oct. 12 (Special.) Colin Mclntyre, manager and part owner of the Rob Roy mine, located at Gold Hill, and well known In local mining circles, died at the mine October 6.. Nothing Is known of his relatives." Victim Robbed at Elevator. SEATTLE, Wash".. Oct. 12. "Ike" Barn stein. John Murray and John Thomas .were arrested here today, charged with robbing Anders Anderson of J50. Ander son was robbed while, in an elevator in an office building. Two other men who are wanted for complicity In the robbery escaped One of these is said to be A. L. Stafford, who was arrested several months ago in Portland. Killed When Thrown From Train. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. Oct. 12 (Special.) James Kelley, a negro, about 20 years of age, was killed last night near this city while trying to steal a ride on a westbound freight train. It is al leged he was thrown off the -train by a brakeman and fell under the wheels. Citizens' Alliance as Peacemaker. TACOMA. Wash., Oct. 12. (Special.) Members of tha ilASWr Plumbtrs' iuo- elation announced today that the Citi zens' Alliance has been given charge of the strike- situation as far as they are concerned. The executive committee of the alliance Is endeavoring to arrange a meeting between representatives of the master plumbers and the striking journey men, and an effort will be made to arrive at a settlement satisfactory to both sides. So far there has been no change In the strike situation. Sixty Journeymen plumb ers who quit work Wednesday night are still out. The bosses and apprentices are working on a number of rush jobs, and but little inconvenience has been caused so far by the strike. Session of Masonic Veterans. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 12. The Ma sonic Veterans' Association of trie Pa cific Coast in Its annual session yes terday eiected W. Frank Pierce, of Oakland, as grand president. Among the vice-presidents are Jacob Mayer, Oregon; Elmer D. Olmsted, Washing ton; Ell Harrison, British Columbia. John T. Apperson, of Oregon City, was elected grand standardbearer, and Thomas Geary, Portland, Or., one of the corresponding secretaries. Motley H. Flint, of California, was elected ac tive life member of the association. Land Withdrawn From Entry. THE DALLES, Or., Oct. 12. (Special.) The local lRnd office Is in receipt of a telegram today from the Commissioner of the General Land uriice, wunarawing from filing or entry, under the. coal land laws, all the public lands embraced in the following townships: Township 6 south, ranges 24, 25 and 26, El W. D.; township 7 south, ranges 24, 25 and 26, E. W. D.; township 8 south, ranges 25, 26, B. W. D. CLUB HOST AT WEDDING FUTURE PORTLAND RESIDENTS FIND MANY NEW FRIENDS. Justice Performs Ceremony In Den ver Republican Club, Which Showers Couple With Gifts. DENVER, Colo., Oct. 12. (Special.) Frederick J. Klhm, of Leavenworth, Kas., and Miss Caroline Dillman, of Cheyenne, were married at the Republican Club last night amid the congratulations and assist ance of a hundred new-found friends, members of the club. Miss Dillman came here to meet her fiance, expecting to be married in the afternoon, but Mr. Kihm's train was de layed, and when he arrived at 10 P. M. there wae a wild rush to secure a license and find a Justice. The latter was found In the clubrooms, and when the mem bers heard that he would perform the ceremony there they hastily decorated one room and the hall, witnessed the cere mony, showered the pair with congratula tions and gifts and sent them rejoicing on their way to their new home in Port land, Or. SEAT SALE THIS MORNING Gogorzo Song Recital at the Heilig Theater Monday Evening, The concert which formally opens the musical season on Monday at the Heilig Theater his attracted widespread atten tion, and the sale of seats opens this morning at 10 o'clock at the box office. The recital Is sure to afford the keenest delight to music lovers, for a rich, thrill ing, deep-throated man's voice is a rare thing. Gogorza's has that magnetic, heart-stirring warmth that belongs pe culiarly, to the baritone when in its prime, and, with a . fine programme, the recital will be a history-maker for Port land It is under the direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman, and Is the first of the big season promised. THE DAY'S DEATH RECORD Rev. S. J. Andrews, Hartford, Conn. HARTFORD. Conn., Oct. 12. -Rev. Sam uel James Andrews, leader in .the Catholic Apostolic Church, died at his home here yesterday after a brief illness, aged 89 years. Cuts Out Socialist Johnson. ST. PAUL, Oct. 12. The Supremo Court todayi ordered the name of John W. Johnson, of Minneapolis, Socialist Labor candidate for Governor, strick en from the official ballot. His name was added by a petition filed last Saturday, Just before the time for making nominations by filing petitions expired. John A. Johnson, the present Governor, is a candidate for re-election on the Democratic ticket. - As soon as John W. Johnson's name was filed the Democratic State Central Commlt teo claimed that tho nomination of John W. Johnson was irregular, as many names on the petition were of those who already had voted at the primaries. France May Fight Moroccan Rebels. PARIS, Oct. 12. The activity among the fanatical bands In the lower part of Morocco is causing considerable anxiety In French government circles, and the appearance of M. Jonnart, the Governor General of Algeciras, at the Cabinet meet ing today was for the purpose of ex plaining the situation and making precau tionary dispositions of troops in the event of an outbreak. The Echo de Paris claims to have In formation to the effect that a regular at tack upon tho French has been planned at Tafllet. in Southern Morocco, under the leadership of a relative of the Sultan. Bands, It Is added, are now being .mob ilized throughout the entire south of Mor occo, and already are in armed rebellion. Plead Not Guilty to Rebating. NEW YORK, Oct. 12. The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Com pany today pleaded not guilty to Indict ments returned against it this week for alleged violations of the antl-rebating act. Similar pleas were made for the Western Transit Company and for C. Q. . Edgar and Edwin Karle of Detroit, who were indicted in connection with the corpora tions for violations of this act. The in dictments resulted from an extended In vestigation Into the so-called sugar trust. Highwaymen Still at Large. The police have not been able thus far to capture the two men who- entered Graham's saloon, at Llnnton, late Wednesday night and held up the bar tender and six inmates, buf-good descrip tions of both highwaymen are In. their hands. J. G. Manning, the bartender who was on duty at the time of the robbery, declines to ray how much money was taken. Freight Train Jumps Trestle. EVANSVI LLE, Ind., Oct. 12. A wreck Is reported to have occurred on the Louis ville & Nashville Railroad on the Indiana side of the railroad bridge, 12 miles be low this city. Physicians have been dis patched to the scene of the wreck, which 1b fully a mile north of Henderson, Ky. A freight train Is said to have Jumped the trestle, and the report says that sev eral tramps were killed, but It is not known if any of the train crew wer klllad or injured. iTIE HAS ENOUGH Never, Never Again Will He Return to Power. SPEAKS NO ILL OF CZAR ' But Denies With Passionate Empha sis That He Will Ever Again Serve Nicholas Lodz Streets Are Mob's Hands. PARIS. Oct. 12. Count Witte, when questioned today by the Associated Press in the matter of the St. Petersburg re ports of a movement in Russia to Induce him to resume the direction of Russian finances, said: "Never, never will I return to power. I do not desire to speak ill of the Em peror, who is still my Imperial master and to whom I owe everything, nor of the government, nor of my country; but I have had enough. You cannot make that statement too emphatic." STREET FIGHTING AT LODZ Strike Reduces City to Anarchy and Panic Strikes People. 1XDDZ. Oct. 13. (Special.) The strike here pl continues, and the police are unable to check the disturbances which are occurring hourly. Street fighting is constantly being waged, but the authori ties are suppressing details of casualties. All the shops have been ordered closed by the officials, and the residents are panic-stricken. . THANKS FOR CZAR'S ESCAPE Religious Services Ordered, but Reb els May Demonstrate Also. ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 12. The Holy Svnod has ordered the holding of Thanks giving services in all Its churches on Oc tober 30 for the deliverance from death of the imperial family In the railroad ac cident at Borki. October 17. 1S8S, and also for the Imperial manifesto of October 30. Although the revolutionists disclaim any Intention of a demonstration October 30. on the ground that this would be play ing Into the hands of the police, the au thorities have initiated energetic precau tions to maintain order. MEMORIAL SCHEME - FIZZLES One Britisher Will Present Address to Douma In Private. ' LONDON, Oct. 12. The Associated Press learns that the idea of sending a British deputation to present the memorial of sympatny to the dissolved Russian Parlia ment was abandoned at a meeting of the promoters of tho plan held here yester day. Sir George Scott Robertson. M. P., who was regarded as the most important of the delegates, caused surprise by. an nouncing his intention to withdraw. This led to a long discussion, culminating in the . decision to abandon the Idea. This means that the memorial will be taken to St. Petersbur- by one member of the pro posed deputation and presented without ceremony. ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 12. The de cision to abandon the ceremonial celebra tion of the British address to the dis solved Russian Parliament is received here with general satisfaction, even by members of the Constitutional Democratic party. The dwindling in the size of the deputation and the lack at prominence of Its members has deprived the projected visit of importance In the political game and has made it more than a temporary embarrassent to friends and foes alike. KEEP CONSCRIPTS FROM ARMY Social Democrats Adopt Scheme Abandoned by Other Party. ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 12. The Social Democrats have assumed the direction of the organized movement for the refusal to perform military service which the Constitutional Democrats at their conven tion at Helslngfors decided to avoid. At a eecret and largely attended meet ing of the central committee of the Social Democrats at St. Petersburg yesterday it was decided to begin the work immedi ately among the conscripts of 1906, who today were notified to appear for enroll ment, and endeavor to Induce them to refuse to join the colors. The presses ot the revolutionists are printing thousands of the Social Democrats' proclamations, and an organized effort will be made to reach every man. on this year's list of conscripts. The organizers of the move ment have little expectation of actually preventing tho enlistment of recruits and are aware that the conscripts have no adequate means to back up their refusal to Join the colors, but they hope to aug ment' the disorders in the interior and send already disaffected contingents to tha army. Must Pay No Wages to Strikers. LODZ. Russia, Oct. 12. The Governor- General today warned the factory-owners and shopkeepers of Lodz not to pay wages to the striking workmen and clerks, un der penalty of-1500. The wealthier resi dents are leaving in fear of an anti-Jew ish attack. Rebels Steal. Part of Machine Gun, KALUGA.- Russia, Oct. 12. Revolution. ists here have succeeded in obtaining pos session of a box containing sections of a machine gun which was bound for' Mos cow from the Tula artillery factory. Faction Fights Among AVorkmen. YAROSLAV, Russia; Oct. 12. Dally en counters are taking place between reac tionary and revolutionary workmen. The revolutionists have notified the manufac turers that they must .discharge all re actionists -or . take the consequences. PHYSICIAN TAKES POISON Wife and Stepdaughter Struggle In Vain to Prevent Suicide. NEW YORK. Oct. 12. Dr. Eugene Van Ness committed suicide by swallowing poison at his laboratory on West Thirty first street tonight while his wife and step-daughter struggled with him in an effort to snatch the bottle containing the poison from the physician s hands. Damaging Papers Are Destroyed. CHICAGO. Oct. 12 C. H. Davis, gen eral auditor of the Chicago & Alton Rail road, was tocliy served with an attach ment asking why he should not be pun ished for contempt of court. Davis re cently admitted on the witness stand dur. ing tha hearing of a case brought against the Alton Road by an auditing company, that all the important freight bills by which the auditing company hoped to prove that the Alton Road had granted illegal rebates to many shippers had been destroyed MAY SUCCEED RABBI WISE Dr. Jonah B. Wise Said to Be Slated for Appointment. That Dr. Jonah B. Wise, of Chatta nooga, is to occupy tha pulpit of the Temple Beth Israel is stated by the Jew- lsn in Dune In Its Issue of yesterday. It is stated that the congregation intends to elect Dr. Wise on Sunday to fill the place lert vacant Dy vr. Stephen S. Wise who goes, to New York. Dr. -Jonah Wise's election is to be for a period of one year, the Tribune states. The statement of the periodical is neither affirmed nor de nied by In a position to know. Dr. J. B. Wise has won distinction In the pulpit and is regarded as a capable man. DEAD BOY COMES TO LIFE Harry Bishop Reappears After Being Declared Murdered. ' WHEELING. W. Va.. Oct. 12. Harry Bishop, a Wheeling boy, who was eup- posea to nave Deen murdered on the wharf a week ago, returned home today. His father fainted away when he ap peared. A body supposed to have been Bishop was found In the water and burled in the family tomb after the Coro ner had returned a verdict of murder and after the insurance company had paid the insurance on Bishop's life. Bishop says he was at Klttannlng, Pa., when the supposed murder occurred. Southern Machinists Still Out. WASHINGTON, Oct. 12. President James O'Connell, of the International Machinists, said today with regard to the dispute between the Southern Railway Company and . Its machinists, who went out -on strike, that he had not ordered the men back to work pending a settle ment of their differences. He said that a certain proposition had been submitted to the men to be voted on and that upon this vote would depend whether or not the men would go back. KNOXVILLE. Tenn., Oct. 12. Local Southern Railway machinists and help ers, who went on strike at Coster shops here 'last Monday, today received or ders to return to work tomorrow. They say they obtained the full concessions demanded, an increase of 25 cents a day. General Electric Increases Capital. BOSTON, Oct. 12 The directors of the General Electric Company voted to day to Increase the company's stock 60,000,000 to 180.000,000. Of this in crease about $11,000,000 will be offered to stockholders at par in the ratio of one new share for every five -shares now held. About J5,000,000 will be spent in improvement and additions to the comjany's plants in Schenectady and Lynn. It was officially announced that the capital Increase was due largely to the growth of the company's gross sales, which last year aggregated $60,000,000. The directors stated that there was no present intention of taking- over any other company. Alfonso's Slaughter of Deer. MADRID, Oct. 12. A unique hunt was given this week in the royal forest near LaGranja by King Alfonso. His Majesty invited a battalion of troops known as the Cazadores de Madrid to join him and the court In a big shoot, and every mem ber of the battalion from the Colonel to the latest recruit traveled to LaGranja to take part. The slaughter of deer was terrific, dozens falling at a time. The reason for holding the hunt which lasted through Wednesday and Thursday, was that the forest had become so overstocked with deer that the pasturage was insuf ficient. The foresters estimated that it was necessary- to kill 200. Boy Rescuer Killed at Fire. MARSHALL, Mo.. Oct- 12. Bentle Ir win, aged 18 years, was crushed to death under a falling chimney here to day, while trying to rescue the occu pants from the residence of F. W. Miles, a grocer, in North street, that was de stroyed by fire. Oscar Page barely es caped death In the same manner, and it is believed that ttyo other persons are buried in the debrVj. Recommends Own Abolition. BURLINGTON. Vt.. Oct. 12.-The State Tuberculosis Commission in its biennial report to tho Legislature will recommend Its own abolition; that the work be trans ferred to the State Board of Health, and that a bill be passed by the Legislature making .the appropriation of J20O0, which the commission has used annually In its work, to the Health Board. Sewage System Is Installed. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 12. The first time since this city was founded, 188 years ago, a modern sanitary and underground sewer system was put into operation last night. The pipes connected are part of a $24,000,000 sewer', drainage and water system, the building of which began eight years ago. Income of the Burlington. CHICAGO, Oct. 12. The annual report of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road, just issued for the fiscal year ended June 30, shows total gross earnings of $74,146,670. The. total expenses were $")!, 463,641, leaving net earnings of $22,683,039. After the deduction of taxes the net in come is $20,638,139. Decorations for French Exhibitors. PARIS. Oct. 12. The belated decora tions of: the French exhibitors at the St. Louis exposition were conferred to day. Two of them were made Com manders of the Legion of Honor, 11 were appointed officers of the same order and 46 received the cross of the Legion of Honor. Funds for Women's Missions. LINCOLN, Neb.. Oct. 12. The first session today of the National conven tion of the Methodist Episcopal Wo men's Home Missionary Society was chiefly devoted to financial affairs and funds v.-ere pledged to cover the ap propriations for the work In the Sluth, in Utah and in Porto Rico. All Railroads Are Partners. ST. LOUI3, Oct. 12. In today's session of the terminal ouster suit hearing wit nesses "were questioned regarding the sales of the Alton's .Illinois bridge and the freight tariffs on coal, but beyond the fact that the 11 proprietary lines own equal parts of the stock no material evi dence was secured. Snow Causes $300,000 Loss. ST. CATHARINE. Ont., Oct. 12. It is estimated over $500,000 loss has been sus tained in the Niagara district by the heavy rain, snow and sleet storm of the past few days. The damage to fruit trees will do very heavy. Northwest People at Chicago. CHICAGO. Oct. 12. (Special.) Oregoni- ans registered today as follows: Audi torium N. Bessinger, Portland; Victoria Ida M. Gay, Portland; Bravoort J. Charter, Oregon. SEND UTES HOME Hitchcock May Call for Troops to Escort Them. ARE RAIDING WYOMING Robbery of Camps and Slaughter of Cattle and Game Arouse Stock men Renegades Headed for Crow Reservation. WASHINGTON, -Oct.. 12. Secretary Hitchcock said today that as soon as the renegade Uintah Ute Indians, who are now in Wyoming, reach the Crow Indians' Reservation, the Department of the In terior will see that they return to their reservation in Utah, even if troops have to accompany them. This statement was elicited by a tele gram received by him from the John Morton Sheep Company, dated at Gillette, Wyo., reporting that the Indians are 15 miles from that town and robbing sheep camps and killing cattle and game. It was also said that the people were be coming aroused. Immediate action to se cure the removal of the Indians was urged. The Secretary replied that the matter would have Immediate attention. In dis cussing the matter he said that, so long as the Indians are not on a reservation, it becomes the duty of the State authori ties to deal with them, but that as soon as they reach the reservation, from which they are distant only two days- marcn, the department will take the matter in hand and compel the Indians to return to their homes. He is convinced that the Indians are heading for the Crow terri tory. MANY SLAVES HELD IN FLORIDA Hundreds of Men Reduced to Servl- tude by Lumbermen. WASHINGTON. Oct, 12. Fresh alle gations of the existence of slavery In Southern Florida, below Tampa, have been made to the Department of Justice, and it is alleged that hundreds of men in the state, both white and negroes, are held in virtual slavery. It Is declared that those responsible for this condition of affairs are mostly Northern men and companies engaged in turpentine and lum ber business, and in mining phosphate rock It Is further alleged that the Sher iffs in various counties in the southern part of the state are said to be parties to the enslaving of negroes. The denartment's Informant, who is a woman. Is to have an interview with Attorney-General Moody, after which the department will decide upon me course it will pursue. INDICTS 20 WHITE MEN Atlanta Grand Jury Finding Out Many Race Rioters. . . .t-t- nn r.t i? The Fulton A1UA.11, , . . . .... i tniisiv returned lndlct- ments against 20 white men, charging them with rioting in Atlanta w ber 22 The names of those indicted have not- yet been made, public. Previously two white men had been indicted on the same charge and . indictment , against 60 negroes charging ne w' complicity in the murder of County Po liceman Hrard t-ememner m. Seven Hair Facts ONE Dandruff is a contagious disease caused by a microbe. TWO Dandruff is a forerunner . of itching scalp, falling Lair and baldness. THREE Chronic baldness is incurable. FOUR The cause of dandruff cannot be washed out of the scalp with soap and water. FIVE The only way to cure dandruff and falling hair is to kill the germ that causes it. SIX Each day that dandruff is neg lected adds to the permanent injury of the scalp, for dandruff does not cease voluntarily while the hair lasts. SEVEN The only safe and satisfactory remedy that will kill the dan druff germ and keep it out of tho scalp is Newbro's Herpicide. Kill the dandruff germ with New bro's Herpicide ana the hair Is bound to -row as nature intended. Almost marvelous results some times follow the continued use of Herpicide. AT DRUG STORES. Send 10c la stamps to The Herpicide Co., Dept. X, Detroit. Mich., for a sample. For Sale at All Drug Stores Saturday ON SALE Regular Val. $2 9) Picture 21x25 Inches Frames in Golden or Weathered Oak, Brown and Gilt. mat Yon Can Do ' SSl-.'J? - With s Perfection Oil Heater yon can heat a cold iplp bed-room, make a sick-room more comfortable, warm a f chilly hallway, heat -water quickly, and do many things p3 better than can be done with any other stove no matter W!$ I what fuel it burns. The superiority of the I PERFECTION 1 f Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) lies In the fact that It generates intense heat without imolta or smell. The oil fount and the wick carrier are made of brass throughout, which insure durability. Gives great heat at small cost. Fount has oil Indicator and handle. Heater is light and portable. Absolutely safe and simple wick cannot be turned too high or too low. . Operated as easily as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Two finishes nickel and japan. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write nearest agency for descriptive circular. The i?cy&Lamp the safest lamp you can buy. Bras throughout and nickel plated. Equipped with the latest improved burner. Handsome simple satisfactory. Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency if you cannot get it from your dealer. STANDARD OIL COMPANY iiniMMiiiiiiiffliiM DISEASES OE IV1EN ONLY Established 25 Year in Portland There are some diseases that aro impossible to cure and we deter mine this by a rigid physical examination, and should we find it impossi ble to cure you wa will not charge you one cent for the examination. We follow one rule: "Honesty 1h the best policy." Before taking treatment elsewhere. Investigate our claims and forms of treatment us to merit and superiority. Talk with the physicians of this institution and you will find them cultured, scientific gentlemen of great learning and experience, and a few moments' conversation will convince you that we thoroughly understand our business. Weakness of the System It Is caused by strains, over-indulgence, over-work. Inheritance to a certain degree, follies practiced in your younger days, giving your present condition one of a most forlorn, de pressing aspect, causing sleepless nights, irritable temperament, etc. If this is let continue in its own course without attempt to stop It. the course terminates in a complete mental derangement. We cure such maladies, giving you a permanent cure without any detention from business. Varicocele is a diseased con lltion of the scrotal veins. It mav be caused by blows, kicks, falls, heavy lifting, mumpa. early Indiscretion, or may be a symptom only of some special weakness. The proper treatment consists of local application for the purpose of dispelling the stagnant blood and contracting the swollen veins, as well as Internal medication to strengthen tho nerves which govern the blood supply to these veins. Though causing you no trouble at the present time, your Varicocele will. If permitted to go without the proper treatment. Impair and de stroy the elements of vitality. We dally demonstrate that Varicocele can be positively and speedily cured without cutting, burning or anv other form of operation. RheumatlMm Both acute or chronic, or varied forms, cured to stay cured for life. Our methods are unexcelled and scientific. Gonorrhoea If taken in the beginning Is practically an easy thing to cure, providing there is no complication, but should the disease con tinue it results in gleet, prostatic troubles, and affects the entire urinary tract and its appendages, with a dangerous sequel. Newly contracted cases are cured by us In from 7 to 13 days. You see It hardly pays to let It go. as you have so often done. Come to us and we will glv you speedy cure to stay cured. If you oannot call, write for symptom blank. ' HOURS 9 A. M. to E P. II.; evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sundays, 9 A. M. to U M. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Special ALL DAY Regular Val. $2 mm can be nsed in any room and is the best all-round house lamp tnada. Gives a dear, steady light. Is 9) ( jgljj V Villi Oil jglpjj Heater ill' a I F Our Fee, S12.50 In Any Uncomplicated Case Examination Absolutely Free NO PAY UNLESS CURED Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic. Blood Poison. Gonorrhoea. Varicocele. Neurasthenia, Nervous Decline. Paralysis. Gleet. Syphilis. Piles. v Kidney, Bladder and all Urinary Diseases.