TUTS MOKNIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1906. NEW TENTACLE OF F London Corporation Owns Stock of Own Stand ard Company. SELLS OIL TO STANDARD I'rrsUIent of Manhattan Oil Com pany Sliotls I.iglit on Scheme to Hide Monopoly's Hand. 8clls Oil at Loss. FIXDLAT, Oct. 11. Evidence was brought out by the state today in the trial of tho Standard Oil Company of Ohio for conspiracy against trade, show ing the ownernhlp of the Manhattan Oil I 'ompany of Ohio to bo In the Federal Industrial Development Company, Limit ed, of London. Enpland, also that the Manhattan, which buys and ships crude oil, does not compete with the Standard, hut does compete with Independent com panies. Those farts were brought ' out In the testimony of F. T. Cuthbprt, president of 1 lie Manhattan. A similar criminal suit to tiiat. on trial is pending against his company, and ho tcstili'-d under the order of the ,-ourt, which rentiers him immune from future criminal prosecution. He Voles Nearly All Stock. Tho wilness had been summoned and ordered to hi-ins the hooks of his company f-howins tile record of stockholders' meet ings. The books were produced. The record of the last annual meetinK showed that Mr. Cuthhert ha,s been elected presi dent by voting under power of attorney 34'.'."i shares nf stock owned by tho Eng lish holding company; that this comprised the entire stuck of the company with the exception of 12 shares, of which one each Is held by the president and direct ors of tho company, who are all resi dents of Lima. Ohio, tho home of the company. .Mr. Cuthbert said he had been president since and ho had held the same power of attorney since that time, lie knew nothing about the English com pany, had never seen any one connected with it, hut had corresponded with J. W. Francis, its secretary, and W. W. Johns ton, its manHKlng director, whose ad dresses were Ixmdun. Ho remits money to thcni. Sells Oil to Standard. K.v plainlnpr the nature of the business Tone by i ho -Manhattan, Mr. Cuthbert said that before he becanio its president the company did a genera oil business, that it owned producing properties, pipe lines and a refinery at Galatea, O. It had disposed of all hut Its pipe line, to the Ohio OH Company, but ho did not know whu w;cs now operating the reiinery at Galatea. The Manhattan Company now does exclusive a pipe linn business. In dolnir it it huys the oil of the pro ducer, transports it to storage stations and sells it to ft. r. Trainer, purclia.siug ai:cit for the Standard, who also buys oil from Joseph Zetih. treasurer of the Kuckeye Pipe Line Company. In what is known as the South Lima field, where the Manhattan and Buckeve ripo Lines both buy oil. the price paid to the producer is five cents a barrel less than in tho North Lima field, where what are iir.i riled as tho independent companies make their purchases. Asked to explain why this was, Mr. Cuthbert taid: Loses Money in Competition. "To protect our pipe lines from the en croachment of competitors." "Who are your competitors?" asked State's Attorney Phelps. "The National Helming Company of Kindlay and the Paragon Oil Company of Toledo." "Do you pay flvo cents a barrel .more for oil in the North Lima field than you receive for It from the Trainer Pur chasing Agency?" "Yes." Mr. Cuthbert then admitted that the prollts of his company in the North Lima tield were very small, if any. Tho State had Frank C. Shank, deputy county auditor of Hancock County, sworn. He identified several tax cer tificates on file in the auditor's office, showing Hint Theodore M. Tolles. of 26 Broadway, Xew York, was tax agent for the Standard Oil Company of Ohio, me Buckeye Pipe Line and the Ohio Oil Company. This testimony was objected to by attorneys for the defense, but was admitted by the court. Evidence of Trust Admlted. When the trial was resumed this morn ing, counsel for defense resumed titeir fight against the admission of the cer tificate showing the charter of the Stan dard Oil Company organization in New Jersey. The certificate is a transcript of the record of the Secretary of State's offico of New Jersey, and shows that in 3S!2 tho company increased its board of directors from three to nine. This, it was claimed hy tiio prosecution, was done that Mr. Rockefeller and his nine col leagues on the board of directors in the Standard Oil Trust might be elected on the Xew Jersey board. After an hour of argument ' Judge Banker overruled the objection 'of at torneys for the defense and admitted as evidence the New Jersey certificate showing the increase In the directors in the Standard Oil. Company of that state. The prosecution next offered In evi dence the amendments to the charter of the New- Jersey Company, made June M. lt:i: whereby its capital was in creased to J110.OCO.OjO and authority given it to purchase the stock of other corpor ations, thus creating it a holding com pany. OLD GIRARD SLAVE PEM Jiscoery Made l.y Subway Workmen at Depth of 1 00 Feet. PHILADKLPHIA. Oct. n. gubway workmen digging heneath Water street for the new tunnel station, uncovered at the depth of lii feet what is clearly an old slave prison. The pe.n is composed of narrow cells In three tiers with three-foot corridors between heavy walls. The cells run six to the tier. Lnch is large enough to hold six men packed In closely. Heavy iron bars covered the windows and In each cell .wore manacle supports. Direct ly above them is the house of Stephen Glrard, an eccentric millionaire, who gave Glrard College to Philadelphia, and whose estate is now valued at JluO.OOO.OOO. In tearing down the old Girard home that the traction company bought, the prison was discovered. The old house is within half a square of the Delaware, and fcecret access by water would be easy. Gi rard believed in slavery, owned slaves and many Louisiana sugar plantations. New Oregon Postmasters. WASHINGTON. Oct. 11. -Oregon. Post masters appointed: Siielburn. Joseph L. Van Blalrcorn; Sodavillc. James E. Mitchell. OCTOPUS Fifth, Sixth and Washington Sts. Special for Dress Goods Buyers A TWO-DAY SALE Friday and Saturday. 50, 52 and 54-inch All-Wool Panama Suitings; colors are navys, greens, browns, reds, . purple, re seda, Alice and grays. These grades are unequaled values at the regular prices, but for Friday and Sat urday only you ean save money and buy down-to-date dress fabrics that have no equal for wear and style. Hegular fl.00 grades special only, yard... 81C Regular $1.25 grades special only, yard . . . 98C Hegular $1.50 grades special only, yard .. .$1.19 Regular $1.75 grades special only, yard... $1.43 BLACK DRESS GOODS SPECIALS FOB FRI DAY AND SATURDAY. Imported English Mohair Brilliantines, Alpacas and Sicilians, warranted fast dye, with rich silk finish : Regular $1.00 grade special, yard 81 Regular $1.25 grade special, yard 98c Regular $1.50 grade special, yard SI. 19 Regular $1.75 grade special, yard 1.43 Gloves and Neckwear Specials of Interest in the Women's Shops First Floor. 65c TO $1.25 SILK GLOVES FOR 48C- A lot of fine Silk Gloves, in four-button lengths, in black and white. Our 65c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 values Special Economy Sale Price, pair...48J FANCY NECKWEAR WORTH FROM 35c TO $1.50 FOR 19. Silk-Embroidered Collar and Cuff Sets, in white and colors; washable tics with i'ront tabs, made of linen lawn; fancy trimmed collars with French knots; fancy hand-made silk collars with eyelets for Windsor tie: in all colors. A splendid assort ment ; 'all desirable styles. Values from 35c to $1.50 special for Friday and Saturday at, cat!' 19c Ribbons and Laces Marvelous Bargains . First Floor. 50c SILK RIBBONS FOR 25c A lot of Fancy All-Silk and Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 4 1-2 and 5 inches in width, in assorted colors. Values to 50c Special Economy Sale Price, the yard 25J Economy Sale of Oriental Laces 25 FOR LACES WORTH FROM 50c TO $1.25. A lot of very pretty Oriental Laces, in edges 4 to 12 inches wide, bands :, to 21 '2 inches wide, and appliques 2',i to 4 inches wide; in white, cream and ecru. Desirable for trimming kimonos, dresses, etc. Values from '50c-to $1.25 Special Economy Sale Price, the yard 25C See These Percales at 11c Bedspreads in the Sale First Floor. $3.00 COLORED BEDSPREADS $2.39. Large-size Spreads, for double beds, in pink and blue. Regular value $.'J.00 special $2.39 PERCALE AT 11c YARD. 1000 yards Percale, in dark colors, heavy quality special at, yard -.11 Annex Attractions Second Floor. Specials in Swiss Shopping Baskets Women's French Under muslins lz Reduction $2.75 ICE WOOL SHAWLS $1.97. A TRIO OF UNUSUAL ATTRACTIONS. Swiss School or Shopping Baskets, large sizes, two handles, special 23 French Haud-Embroidered Undermusliu, in Gowns, Drawers, Skirts, Corset Covers and Chemise, ' in t laundered or unlaundered, embroidered from the little plain French polkadot and bowknot to the most elaborate, including all prices, ' At 33 1-3 Per Cent Off Ice Wool Shawls, in cream, white or black, in pretty stitchings; just the thing for parties or theaters. Regular price $2.75 speei' at $1.97 Leather Goods Special Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. WOMEN'S $2.00 LEATHER HANDBAGS FOR $1.35. A line of fine Grain Leather Handbags, new shapes, all leather lined, leather-covered frame, thorough ly riveted, best stitched all-leather handles, new est spring catches, gilt or gtmmetal trimmings, fitted with inside purse to match, in black, brown, blue, green and tan. Our regular $2.00 values Special today for $1.35 CHILDREN'S LEATHER PURSES 19c. An assortment of Children's Leather Purses, with leather handles: a great varietv to choose from. Our regular 25c, ,'iOc and X.0 values, for 19k OLDS, WORTMAN & Is the Factor That Enters into Every Item Concerned in Today9 s 180th Grand Friday Economy Sale!" Every Woman Musi Own One or More Walking Skirts Women's Skirts Worth to $8.50, Today at $4.95 Second-Floor Salons. " ' terials of cheviot, ladies' cloth and splendid mannish mixed woolens, in plain colorings of blue, black, gray and tan, or black and white, brown and white, smart plaids, grays and other neat mixed effects. Mostly plain gored or with plaited flounce, some circular styles and box plaited at fjpunce. All plain tailored or trimmed in tailored strappings, buttons and stitched folds. Best reeular values in Portland up to $8.50 . Special today only at a choice of any in a lot of 200 at.. $4.95 The Great Sale of Millinery Continues Today Many reinforcements have arrived in the Second-Floor Annex Salons to strengthen the heauly convention of millinery that attracted hundreds yesterday; and today the values will be as plentiful and as wonderful as those of yesterday. Come and. share. Nowhere in America can such bargains be duplicated at this season; 'tis an event we've prepared for carefully. .100 women will be benefited, and we can't impress upon you too strongly the importance of today's sale the greatness of this unexcelled millinery opportunity over ;S00 handsome Trimmed Hats to choose from all new as the morning. Wonderful Values Beautiful, new, stylish millinery; greatest values ever offered at their regular prices. Shapes of all-silk velvet, exquisitely and effectively trimmed with fancy feathers, beautiful ribbons, pretty ornaments, etc. A choosing of colors embracing browns, navys, reds, greens, etc., and plain black. Best values ever offered up to $8.00 For to day, your choice Monster Purchase of a Silk Mill's End-of-a-Run Stock In a Wonderful Trade Sale! Rich Black Taffetas wmm In an 11 mem Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. Here's the silk buyer's opportunity. Remarkable values for FRIDAY and SAT URDAY. A special purchase made by Mr. King, nowin the silk market, just received by express. ! ,'iO pieces l0-ineli Black Taffeta, regular 75c grade sp'l for two" days, yd. .59 Wlh-TWf -e ,,ie('es 2:,-im'11 iilP' 1 " picees 27' ,K"h Kvery yard place here. in REMARKABLE BARGAINS FOR ALL THE FAMILY IN FRIDAY'S GREAT HOURLY SALE OF GOOD SHOES THE MONSTER SALE OF MEN'S SHOES CONTINUES THRU FRIDAY AND UNTIL SATURDAY Special Note to Men: Please note that the noon 1 P. M. is given over to a sale of Men's Shoes. All advertised specials in this "Hourly Sale" are Read the List of Bargains and Be on Hand to Share S TO O A.. M. Your Choice of any Shoo Polish, black, brown, tan or white (Whitmore'3 excepted), our 2."c value, for one hour only at, the box , Or any 10c Shoe Paste, for 5C 9 TO lO A. M. Small Children's Shoen. in button or lare style, black and colors. A larpe assortment of broken lines; all good, desirable footwear. No heel, sizes 1 to 6, our $1.5.1 value, special, pair.49o Bpring: heel, sizes 3 to S, our $2 value, special, pr.79c JO TO 11 A. M. WOMEN'S 1.75 JILIKTS FOR S1.24. Women's Comfort Juliets, made of fine soft kid. with heavy hand-turned soles, kid or patent uppers, rub ber or leather heels. Our $1.75 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair 81. 24 11 A. M. TO 12 M. WOMEN'S URKSS SHOKS, V AL. TO FOR $2.95. Broken lines of women's patent dress shoes, lace styl, plain or tip toe, Cuban military or leather French' neels high-gra le shoes, values to $o.n0. SpeeiHl for one hour at, the pair $2.95 12. TO 1 P. M. MEN'S SS.OO BOOTS FOR $3.69. Men's tan or black plain liisrh-cut boots, with hea-y soles, specially treated to keeo the water out. Our $5.00 value. Special Kconomy Sale Price, pair. g3. 69 Here Are Some First Floor, WOMEN'S 50c HOSE FOR 35. Wonien's Black Mercerized Lisle Hose, finished foot, spliced heel, French toe. Our 50c value Special Economy Sale Price, the pair 35 ? WOMEN'S 50c COTTON HOSE 38S Women's Black Cotton Hose, with embroidered boots, assorted shades of embroidery. Our SOo CHILDREN'S 25c COTTON HOSE 19. Children's Black Cotton Winter Weight School Hose, seamless foot, spliced knee, heel and toe, sizes I) to 10. Our 25c value Special Economy Sale Price, the pair 19 value Special Economy Sale Price, the pair ..38 KING STORE NEWS H One thing is settled that no woman's wardrobe is or can be complete which does not contain at least two neat walking skirts, for shopping and other every-day occasions. The question not decided is perhaps the price what's to pay. If you've about five dollars you'd decided to invest in a trim, trig garment or $4.05 we'll make it stretch in buying power and do almost twice ordinary duty if you'll bring it here today and put it to work. We've arranged a special sale from a large purchase of handsome Walking Skirts bot underprice, by the garment chiefess Vho is now in the New York market. Quite a di versity of styles, but all in the popular round-length models. Ma- Up to $8.00 $5000 Worth of New, Beautiful, Dependable Silk if Extraordinary Slaughter Sale Black Taffeta, regular $1.10 grade sp'l for two days', yd..79 Black Taffeta, regular $1.25 grade sp'l for two days, yd..89c Black Taffeta, regular $1.50 special for two days, yd. .$1.18 of above Taffeta is of the dependable make that alone rind ABOUT hour today 12 to for the hour as printed only. 1 TO 2 P. M. WOMKVS SHOKS. VALUES TO $6.00. FOR S3. 95. Women's tine dress shoes of selected stock and prod ucts of the best factories in the country Laird, Sch'i ber & Co.. Wrltfht. Peters, and otners equally as Rood. , Seven styles in the cnooslng in college and regular height; lace, with plain or tip toe, patent stock. Val ues to $6.00. Special for one hour at, the pair. $3.95 2 TO 3 P. M. WOME.VS SLIPPERS, VALUES TO S3.80, FOR SI. 89. Women's fancy slippers, made in patent and kid leath ers, with straps and bows; beaded or plain; medium or high heels. Values to $3.50. Special for one hour at, the pair .$1.89 3 TO 4 I. M. WOMEN'S XSO COMFORT SLIPPERS. $1.69. Women's comfort slippers, in felt or leather: seven styles In brown and black felt and black kid. Have fur trimmina- and fancy quilted top; very comfortable and warm. Our $2.50 'alue. Special for one hour at. the pair $1.69 4 TO S P. M. CVIrl School Shoe. In several Btyles, showing- light and heavy soles, spring and school heels, lace or but ton. One style with fancy scroll inserted lace stay. All good for school wear and will give entire satisfac tion. Sizes 5 to 8, our $1.75 value, special at. the pair. $1.24 SizesSVj to 11. our $2 value, speclnp at, pair. $1. 49 Sizes llvi to 2. our $2.5.) value, special at, pair. $1.69 5 TO S P. M. Boys' Heavy Kid mud Box Cnlf Shoes, with good, heavy extension soles. Best plump stock in these shoes and will give good service. Sizes 9 to J3U. our Sl.li value, special at, pair. SI. 39 Sizes 1 to 2, our $2.0 value, special at, pair. SI 69 Sizes IVi to 5H. our $2.50 value, special, pair. $1.89 Hosiery Specials THE 'DIFFERENT STORE" Bargain Attractiveness In the Jewelry Specials Annex First Floor. 75c FANCY GOLD-FILLED HATPINS 49. Gold-Filled Hatpins, fancy tops, with extra long pin stems. Our regular 7oc values sp'l at..49 $1.25 STEEXING SILVER BELT BUCKLES 75 A line of pretty Kelt Buckles, in a variety of de sifnis of finest die work; all are in French j;ray finish, solid sterling silver fronts, with solid niet.il backs. Our regular rfl.'J.") values sp'l for..75 65c SCARFPINS, NEW DESIGNS, FOR 39S New designs in facarfpins, such as bunch of gTapes made from best French indestructible pearls, with one leaf in green enamel; very pretty; also eagle claw holding solitaire pearl. Our regular 65c values special -39 NEW PUFF JARS AND HAIR RECEIVERS 35 EACH. Just in A new line of Puff Jars and Hair Receiv ers; fancy glass jars and metal tops. Only, each 35 Lounge Drapes and Blankets for Less! Fourth Floor. LOUNGE DRAPES WORTH $4.75 FOR $3.65. Persian Lounge Drapes, of fine heavy quality, in dark, rich Persian effects, size (ill by 1 OS inches. Our $4.75 value Special Kconomy Sale Price. each ". ... $3.65 COTTON BLANKETS WORTH $2.25 FOR 1.45 Gray Cotton Fleece Blankets, large, size, in very best quality and with pretty fancy borders. Our $2.25 value Special Economy Sale Price ,pair..$1.4o Seasonable Savings in Underwear Some remarkable economies shrewd women will appreciate. First Floor. WOMEN'S $3 WOOL UNION SUITS 2.29. Women's White Swiss Ribbed I'nion Suits, medium weight. Our $3 value Special Econ omy Sale Price, suit...S2.29 WOMEN'S 75c tfNDERWEAR 55. Women's Natural Wool-Plaited Vests and Pauls, our 75c value Special Economy Sale Price, the garment 55 A brokt.u line of Children's Wool Vests and Pants in natural and white: very soft and tine; can't du plicate them again this season, so close out what we have of them. Sizes in white 22 to 34; sizes in nat ural 24 to 34: Size 22, ouv Size 24, our ize 2(i. our Size 2H, our 70c value special at, garment. .50 7."ic value special at, garment . .55(7 SOe value special at, garment . .60 S5c value special at, garment !0e value special at, garment !5c value special at, garment 65c .TOO 75o .80c Size 30, ouv Size 32, our Size 34, our $1.00 value special at, garment A Rousing Sale of Pretty Embroideries and Dainty Insertions First Floor. Embroideries and Insertions, in handsome pat terns, in nainsook and cambric, from 4 to 6 in. wide: Our 25c and 35c values Special Economy Sale Price, the yard 10 Values to (iOc Spc'l Economy Sale Price, yd..25 Embroidery Flouncings, values to $1.00 Special Economy Sale Price, the yard 48c Embroidery Flouncings, extra wide, values to $2.50 Speeial Economy Sale Price, the yard 98 Household Economies Worth While Third Floor. Gas Tapers, speeial at. pkK ". If ;" Lighters, special at. pkg 'vS (inm Munteln, special at, each IOC ;lnlr, special at, two for of Welsnach Burner, Mantle d ;iohe. complete, spe cial at 57c 'Welabach Burner, Mantle, Chimney and 10-Inch Shade, complete, special at ot" GHKAT ECONOMY BARGAIN IN ODI DINNER SETS. These ets have one or more pieces missing. German China Dinner Xet, our J20 value, ppocial Kconomy Bale Price, set -810.00 , Our $22.00 value, special Kconomy Kale Prlre.Xia.OO HAVILAND DECORATED CHINA DINNER SETS. Our J29.00 value, special at. set $17. 50 Our $33.0.) value, special at, set jSO.IIO Our $37.01 value, special at, set $24. OO HANDSOMK, HIGH-GRADE DINNER SETS. 117-piece set. our $102.50 value, special at, set.S82.00 112-piece set, our $110.00 value, special at, si-t.SS.OO 117-plece set, our $183.73 value, special, set. $155.00 WE ARE 'CLOSING OCT ALL ODD DINNER SETS AT BARGAIN PRICES. Men's Specials In the Annex First Floor. MEN'S 7Rc t NDFRWEAR, 55C. A line of men's natural wool underwear, in medium Fall weight, extra good finish, regular value 7Sc, spe cial, garment 55 MEN'S NEW FANCY VESTS AT ONE-FOCRTH OKK. A blsr line of men's new vests, in plain and fancy effects, special at ONE-FOLRTII OFF. MEN'S $I.OO AND 81.50 STIFF BOSOM SHIRTS. 50C. A small line of men's stiff bosom shirts, slightly Boiled, regular values at $1.00 and $l.iO; special to close. 500 Economy in Mites of Things Special Today Among Notions and uNicknacks" Small Wares Shops First Floor. $1.03 bot. fine Imported French Toilet Water, spe.fiOt1 26c bottle Violet Toilet Ammonia, special 15c lOo can Cupid's Violet Talcum Powder, special 7c 15c cake Transparent Shampoo and Toilet Soap, epe.Oo 19c Jar Pure Petroleum Jelly, special IOC 25c Irish Linen Writinjr Tablets, special ltV 3oo 1-lb. pkK. Odd Line Fine Writing Paper, spe. .IOC 35c box Fine Writing: Paper, assorted finishes, spe.l2 20o Five Hundred Score Pads, special 15 Felt Slate Cleaners, sp.-cial 1. ou i-iiin xump riuuKS ana rjyes. special is 1 He Best American Spool Cotton, special, 7 spools . 25V lac pair Plain Shell and Amber Side Combs. spe.lOr spe.lOO 20c card Shell Pins, sneclal... 8c cube Best Toilot Pins, special -5C