14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 12, 1906. AMUSEMENTS. ,ihSS.HeIIig Theater Phons Main 1. JANE CORCORAN. Tonight. Saturday and Sunday Nights, October 12. 13 and 14. In the Happy Com1y, "THE FREKDO.V OF SCZAXNE." Saturday Matluee Ibtten's "The loll Houm. Evening Prices Lower floor, first 6 rows $1.5o. last 10 rows $1; balcony. 73c and 50c; gallery. 33c and 25c. Matinee Price? 25c to CI. Seats now elllng at Heilig Theater. Seat SaleTomorrow HEILIG THEATER GOGORZA Direction LOIS STEERS WYNX COMAX. Monday Evening, Oct 15 Prices. $2.50. J2.00. J1.50. $1.00. Gallery reserved $1.00 Admission ?5c Boxes 3.00 Baker Theater B'Bifi- Homo of the Famous Baker Stock Co. All thl Week. Mntlr.ee Saturday, "THE GAY LOKII qi'EX." A Great London and New York Success. Prices: Evenings. 25. 33 and 50c. Mat inees, IS and 2rc. Next Week "Lady HunUworth'a Experi ment." EMPIRE THEATER, 12th and Morrison All Matinees 10 and 20c. Phone Main 117. Matinee Saturday. 2:15. This Week tlie Greatest Rural Comedy, "UNCLE JOSH PERKINS" Don't miss It. One of the big road attrac tions. Evening: prices, 15, 25, 35 and 50c. All ms.tlr.eea 10 and 20c. Starting Sunday Matinee. Next Attraction, ret Peterson. SONG RIECITAL ANNA SELKIRK NORTON Saturday Evening', Oct. 13 At The Nortonia Fourteenth and Washington Sts. PATRONESSES Mrs. C. E. 3. Wood, Mrs. A. E. Rockey. Jlrs. P. C. Lewis, Mrs. H. D. Green, Mrs. R. R. Hoge, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. Frank Kerr. Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, Mrs. J. K. Clark, Mrs. H. W. Goode, Mrs. Gav Lombard, Mrs. E. De Witt Council. Mrs. Max Hlrsch. STAR THEATER Week Oct. 8th. Phone Main S496. "THAT GIRL FROM TEXAS" Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays, Satur days and Sundays. Prices. 10c and 20c. Every evening prices, 10c, 20c and 30c. Next week. "The Two Orphan." LYRIC THEATER BEGINNING MONDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1006. Every Afternoon and Evening. Portland' Popular Stock House. A Romance of the War, "THE DESERTER" A Story of Brotherlv Love. IN FOUR ACTS. Follow the Crowd. Continuous Performance. Admission 10c. Reserved Seats 20c. The Grand Week of Oct. 8th. James r nil Sadie LEONARD, Supported by Richard Anderson. O'Brien and West. .iis Leonard. Kolllns and KMpton. Mllo and Vegge. Diamond Comedy Four. Master JInrold Hoff. Grand lac op. Pantages Theater Fourth and Stark Sts. Miss Currln and Miss Ferrtn, Roy Eldredge, Odell & Hart. Varsity Quartet, Tj Temple, 1-eo White. LATEST MOVING PICTURES. -Performances daily at 2:30, 7:30 and 9 F. M. Admission 10 and 20 cents. Boxes 26 cents. Ladies and children take any scut weekday matinees for 10 cents. NEW TOD AT. 6 $5000 We have and offer for eale one of the best first mortgage loans In Oregon, running five years, to net the Investor 6 per oeat. The $5000 Is to be used for the further develop ment of the property, which la leased to the United States; Government for a period of 30 years at an annual rental of six times the fixed Interest charge. We have many high class mortgages for sals. Call at our offices for Information. Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company Lumber Exchange BMg. (Second floor). S. B. Cor. 2d and Stark SB. To Investors: Half-block all brick buildings, A 1 bnsiness property, with great future; nothing like it on the market for the money. $160,000 $35,000 cash, bal ance in five years. If you want a bar pain in inside property, call at office. I have the best there is on the mar ket. F. Abraham, 227Vi Washington, Labbe Building, 8 and 9. Pacific 1218. Are You Going ' To the Hood River Fair? A member of our firm is at the Mount Hood Hotel In that city. Ask him to show you some of the line orchards we have for vale In that very desirable locality. ALBEE-BENHAMCOMPANY Phone Main 3004. 24-25 Concord Bids. Business Properties at Attractive Prices. We cannot advertise these prop erties, but if you will call we will be glad to furnish you with the par ticulars and show the properties. Sphinx Agency, 3O0V2 Stark Street. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 202-5 McKay bids.. Third and Stark sta. Big Snap $2100 For 2 5 room cottages on the West Bid.. F. DUBOIS, Washington Bldg., Boom 1 NEW TODAT. WHAT A Special Certificate of Deposit WITH THE "OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IX OREGON' WILL DO FOR YOU. It will have the money ready whenever you may need It for the day of opportunity or for the "Rainy Day." It will work with you and for you all the time: the earnings of 2V to 4 per cent in terest can be drawn out or added to the principal, as you choose. It will strengthen and build up your char acter. Every dollar saved is a victory of your common sense and will power. Call and talk it over with us. RESOURCES OVER $1,750,000.00. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. BEN'J. I. COHF.N President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary FOR SALE. H200 IMMANl'KL. BAPTIST CHIRCH PROP ERTY. Meade St., corner Second, 66x100 feet. Building can be turned and converted into flats. Fine Investment, leaving splendid cor ner for sale. HAR SXAP. Morgan, Sweet & Chapman, Phone, Main 2015. 213 Ablngton bldg. OWN A HOME We buy or build you a home any size or location on easy monthly pay ments, and with our connections and laciULicji can save you money. We have several new houses now, $1200, J1500. $1800. $JU.)0, $2500 up to $BJ0O. Come In and talk over our plan, no It now. C. K. WEST, Mnirr., 107 Sherlock Bldr. Choice Acres One to five-acre tracts, close in, on 0. W. P. & Ry.; choice black soil, im proved; $300 per ncre; easy terms. Jordan & Garbade Room 22, 232V2 Washington St. YAMHILL STREET Corner for a few days that Is a money maker. Price less than $12,500. F. O. NORTH RUP & CO. 211 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. ALEX. C. RAE, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. SO - Ooncord Building. Phone Main 6401. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SELLWOOD HOMES. $1100 4-room house, 7 lota. $225 Small house, full lot, on Improved street. $950 6-room house, two blocks from car. $3000 7 -room modern house. $1400 Modern 8-room house, porcelain bath, cement basement, laundry tuba, etc. $ IIik) 5-room modern house, beaut! f ul lawn and flowers. $1900 6-room modern house, block from cor line. $225 line level lot, block from school house. $1-5 We have a number of good lots left for JS125 to $175. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO., H. P. PALMER, Manager. 827 Falling bldg.. or set off Sell wood car at Tenino ave. Phone Sell wood 161. ftftn 4-ROOM HOUSE AXD 80x100 LOT; $200 cash, balance $15 per month. $2000 5 -room houe, near Union ave. $.'1500 7-room house, Holladay' Addition. j4ftO0 7-room house, Holladay Park. $5000 7-room house. Nob Hill, $2000 cash, balance easy terms. $1050 Irvington lot, one block car, East Front; terms. $1000 Quarter block in Brooklyn, $250 cash, balance easv terms. SPHINX AGENCY. 3U54 Stark St. NEW HOME WEST SIDE. North of Washington; lot 60100. 9 large rooms, substantially built and first claes In every particular; part cat-h. balance eaay terms. FRED C. KING, BOS Commercial Blk.. 2d and Washington. -ROOM HOUSE. E. ASH. BETWEEN E. ISth and 20th; as modern as tney build; right frontage and elevation; lot 48x120; nice lawn, roses, fruit trees; $4S00. half or all cash; would sell carpets, shades, range, chlnaware and furniture If desired. Culver, 023 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. JUST FINISHED, corner lot, 21t and Wasco. $47oo. 7-room house. Northrup, near 21st., $4750. VANDUVN & WALTON. 303 Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE SALE OWNER LEAVING CITY New, modern, 6-room house, electricity and gas, furnace, concrete basement, corner lot oOxlOO, nice lawn, 7-minute car service on Hawthorne car line; $S50o; terms. Call or address 320 East .13d. Phone Tabor 285. FULL CORNER LOT. CLOSE IN. EAST Portland, only five blocks from Burnslde bridge; all Improvements In and paid; $3250; $1050 cash, balance assume mort gage, 14 months, low Interest. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. WILLIAMS AVE. 8-ROOM NEARLY NEW howe; basement, hot and cold water, bath; lot 50x107; barn. If you want to buy where values grow, better see this; It's a bargain; $3000. Home Land Co., 145Vj First fit. 60x100, IN CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND; very suitable for three S-room houses, or for two fine flats, either of which would rent well always. Culver. 623 Chamber of Commerce. FOR A SENSIBLE MAN OF SMALL MEANS. $1100 Nice full' lot, with nearly new 4-room cottage; $150 cash. balance $15 monthly. F. FUCHS. 221 Vj Morrison St. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR BUILDING OR Investment. 50x100; $100 cash or terms; good car service; water. 410 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 5646. See them before buying elsewhere. $2600 7-room house; furnace; beautiful yard; cost $4000. $2000 6 rooms; new; easy payments. $1800 5 rooms, new; S20O cash. 612 Commercial Bldg. Main 1040. 5 TO 8-ROOM HOUSES. $1000 TO $1600; will take vacant lot. piano or team aa first payment: balance eac-v. Call Sunday Marguerite at., Montavllla, or phone East 4169. TWO-STORY BRICK IN NORTH END Busi ness district; a money-maker, at $15.0o0. C. L. PARISH & CO. 423 Lumber Exchange. Phone Main 6315. $175 EACH WILL SELL TOGETHER OR separate, 2 lots 50x100 each, one block W. W car; $35 down, $10 monthly: no gravel' beats rent. Address owner, B 63. Orrgonian. $5000 WILL BUY A FULL CORNER LOT with modern 8-room house near Steel bridge, good terms. Grlndstaff & Schalk 264 Stark. Telephone Main 302. SNAP 6-ROOM. NEW HOUSE. FURNITURE and all. E. Gllsan. $1500; terms. F. Du bois, Washington bldg., room 1. BARGAIN $1500. BEAUTIFUL. LOT ON Larrabee st.: fine view, close In: easy terms. 207 McMUlen st. HOLLADAY'S ADD. 8-ROOM MODERN house, bargain. Apply C R. Don o hoe, $34 13th and Weldler. TEN LOTS. HOUSE, FRUIT. CHICKEN, house, near car line; $1250; principals only. V !S6, Oregonlan. PRICE. $17,000; RENT $170 PER MONTH; Improved corner, close In, West Side. Owner, J 57, Oregon I an. TOR I.ALB CH1DAP H-ACRB AT MT. TA Dor; terms. Owaer 181 X. MorrUoa. eox. Colon are. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $0500 9-ROOM HOUSE. 88x100 FEET, COR ner. well located. East Side, close In. $3250 Quarter block. East Side, walking distance from docks and warehouses from Madison bridge south. $6250 Quarter block, 25th and Overton streets. $2000 17 acres, convenient to Portland and Oregon City; living water; fine for poultry business. $5i,00 15 acres, fine land, high state of cultivation, good buildings and location; part city exchange on right basis. I. G. DAVIDSON. 40S Chamber of Commerce. $300 Two lots 50x100 feet eaoh, la Park Addition. $750 Lot 50x123, 20-foot alley, Holladay Park. $1200 Fine lots 50x100 feet on Willamette Height. Easy terms. This is a. snap. $1250 Lot 50x100 feet on parked street in Holladay Park. $2000 Very choice corner, 100x100 feet, In Irvington. $70O0 100x106 feet on First street, near Hall. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO., 240-244 Washington at. (cor. Second st.) Portland Or. NEW HOME EAST SIDE. $2500 Overlooking the Willamette River; one block from car line; 7 fine, well-finished rooms; strictly modern; part cash, balance easy. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington st., cor. 1st. $5 DOWN TREMONT $5 PER MONTH. Lots only $80 to $00. in this choice and beautiful addition; Woodstock car-line; lots 40x120 feet; 20-foot alleys. Values will soon double. This is your chance. $5 down and $5 per month. J. Frank Porter, agent, 22 Washington st.. up stairs. WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED TWO NEW modern residences at Archer Place; ore a 7 room house ($2150). and the other a 6-room bouse $1950) ; one-third cash and balance easy monthly payments; both bargains; 1 corner and 1 Inside lot with each house. E. F. Cannon A Co.. 309 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark streets. MARSHALL ST., BET. 23 D AND 24TH- Beautiful home, nearly new, well built and extra finished; best buy in choice neighbor hood; $7000; can sell furniture at bargain, if desired. Morgan, Sweet & Chapman, 213 Abington bldg. Phone Main 2ol5. $3500 WILL BUY THE PRETTIEST Lo cated home, on the Oregon City car line, running water, good selection fruit trees and berries; substantial 9-room bouse; 3 acres; terms. $2000 down. John Gower, Risley'a Station. Mllwaukle. FOR SALE THE BEAUTIFUL PARK . grounds, 200x105. with 12-room house, barn. onJia.se Line road (5-Mile Road House); alsd 4-room house, basement, fruit trees, lot 300 xlOO; splendid view. Inquire of Capt. H. Schneider, Montavllla. FIVE NICELY IMPROVED ACRES AND swell modern 6-room residence, two blocks car-line, at Kendall Station, cheap at JS5000. easy terms. J. Frank Porjer, 222 Washington St., cor 1st. upstairs. ONE ACRE OF CHOICE LAND. CLEARED and partly set to fruit and neat 5-room nw house; 2 blocks car-line; 20 minutes' ride; only $1400; bargain. J. Frank Por ter. 222 Washington et.. upstairs. NEW. DESIRABLE, MODERN 8-ROOM home, on East Side; corner lot 50x100; ex cellent location, 1 5 minutes' walk from business center. $2500 will handle. Owner. C 58. Oregonlan. A CHOICE BUY. 20 acres close In on Johnson Creek and electric- line, all cleared, tine soli, no . gravel: a decided snap. Vanduyn & Wal ton. SOS Chamber Commerce. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION. Vi -BLOCK. TWO modern dwellings, cement basements, fruit, lawn, flowers, cement sidewalks; cheap for cash. r.TS ID. 3d st. N. 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON E. ASH ST., NEAR 24 th, one block from Ankeny car; $2250, on easy terms. Hurtman & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. LOT ON 22D ST. SUITABLE FOR RESI dencr. or flats; also 2 lots In Portsmouth, 1 lot In Willamette Addition. Inquire 392 East Sixth street South. FINE NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. $1000; $500 cah, balance $?5 monthlv; 6-room house, $3000; $300 cash,. $20 monthly; Owner. Phone East 675. FOR SALE NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE AND,, lot; a neat one; close in. Part cash and quarterly payments. See it. Owner. 653 East 10th st. FOR SALE VINEYARD AND ORCHARD homes cheap. Send for free "bomeseekrs guide." Shepherd-Teague Co., Freano, Cal. HOUSES ALL PARTS OF CITT. BUILT ANT old oa Imtallments. Kroner, W-17 Cam bridge bldg.. couthwest cor. 31 and Morrison. KING'S HEIGHTS CHOICE QUARTER block : fine view of city and mountains; a bargain. Inquire 310 Mohawk bldg. $2200 NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. E. Holladay Addition; tfrms to suit purchaser. D. Miller, 416 Chamber Commerce. SI 200 CORNER LOT. N. E. COR. SCHUY ler and K. 7th; all or ij cash. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. 3 MODERN 5 AND 6-ROOM HOUSES, $1800 to $3ofMt; terms; East Side. Phone Wood lawn 197. NOW CALL EAST 6315. AM SI RE I HAVE Just the home you are looking for. FOR SALE FARMS. DON'T LET THESE BARGAINS GO BY 10 acres. 1 mile from White Salmon: G-room house, good barn, chicken-house; all under fence: practically level land ; rich soil, adapted to early strawberries and apples ; will sell on easy terms; only $300 down; rest monthly payments. 40 acres. 4 miles from White Salmon: Fmall house and barn ; about 10 acres cleared ; on county road ; rich soil ; fine apple land for SpitzenbTg and Newtowns; price $350; a great bargain. 80 acres, Wei land, clofe to town ; suit- able for platting in small tracts; for fur ther information see or address R. Field. White Salmon, Wash. HOOD RIVER. 160 acres. Hood River apple district, good house, land easy to clear; $60 per acre; one half cash, balance 5 per cent; no agent?. 445 Sherlock bldg. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FARM that is ready to move on to and make money from the start, with fine stock, barns full of feed, good improvements and 40 acres of hops, with dairies, etc.. complete, call on Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark st. FARMERS. Romember winter is coming and If you want a good "farm of any size and your money's worth see F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE 160 ACRES meadow, 58 head cattle. 2 horses, 100 tons hay; $5000; terms, $2000 down, balance to suit purchaser. Call or address 320 E. 33d. Phone Tabor 235. SHEEP RANCH THAT WILL CARRY 400O head of sheep, with plenty of water and feed and only one day's drive from moun- tain range. Call on Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark Ft. $2250 26 ACRES, NEAR VANCOUVER, finest soil; all improved; 200 bearing fruit trees; house, barn, chicken-house; bargain. X 66, Oregonlan. HOOD RIVER DISTRICT APPLE LAND. 120 acres, small orchard. 10 acres ready for trees, new hoxwe; $50 per acre. Inquire Room 14. 7 Flnst St. $1000 FOR SO ACRES APPLE LAND. Lyle. Wash., easily cleared; trade for Portland property or terms. Address C, 207 14th st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. SMALL ACREAGE. WANTED; WB HAVE dally calls for suburban tracts. C. L. PARR1SH & CO. 423 Lumber Exchange. Phone Main 6315. 6 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE, WEST SIDE OR close In, East Side. Morgan, Sweet & Chap man, 213 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2015. WANTED A PIECE OF INCOME PROP erty, $20,000 to $25,000; no agents; owners only. H 50, Oregonlan. ' I WANT A COTTAGE UNDER $1200; GIVE full particulars; no agents need answer. O 66, Oregonlan. For cheap country homes and small farms address Home Land Co.. Centralia, Wash. TO EXCHANGE. EIGHTY ACRES OF WILD LAND, WORTH $10 per acre, to trade for real estate of equal value; city property preferred. Pearce & Mebus, 312 V Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR Improved Portland real estate from $1000 up? I prefer San Diego or Los Angeles real ea tste. W. E. McPherson, San Diego, Cal. 90 ACRES. FINE SOIL. NEAR CAR LINE, for house and lot?. Phone East 5297. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. IF YOU WANT TO SELL TOUR TIMBER In Crook. Klamath and Lake Counties, single claims and large tracts, eend us your descriptions and net cash price, as we are handling timber every day in the above counties. Gregg Bros.. 84 0th at., 317 and 318 Fenton bldg., Portland, Or. in Crook. Jackson and Klamath Counties ' (especially Crook): single claims and large tracts; cruiser now on the ground. Call or write Monteith & Murdoch, 401-402 Lumber Exchange bldg'. WE HAVE POUR HOMESTEAD RELIN- uishments; guaranteed to crulee from ,000.000 to 14.000.000 yellow fir and cedar. Gregg Bros., 84 6th st., S17 and 318 Fen ton bldg. FOR SALE BLOCK OF STOCK IN ESTAB lished lumber mfg. enterprise, proceeds to be used to increase capacity; strictly "ground floor" proposition. P 60. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 160 ACRES TIMBER, 10,000.000 feet, on railroad; $1 per thousand; no agents; don't answer unless you mean business. Ad dress F 91, Oregonlan. 320 ACRES TIMBER. TILLABLE LAND; 14,000.000 yellow fir and cedar, on logging stream, 22 miles from city. W 60, Ore gonlan.. OREGON HOMESTEADS ON NEWLY SUR veyed railroad; will grow all kinds crops with out irrigation. 202 Worcester bldg., Portland. 3360 ACRES YELLOW FIR ON GOOD LOG ging river; well located for sea or rail shipments; low price. N 27, Oregonlan. WE LOCATE YOU IN HARNEY COUNTY for $135 and pay all expenses of the trip. 202 Worcester bldg. . Portland. Or. CHOICE BODY OF TIMBER. 70.000,000 TO 80.000,000 and upward, $1 per thousand. If taken at once. V 41. Oregonlan. SAWMILL 20.000 CAPACITY AND S.0O0.O00 feet good timber jiear Portland. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark St. 25.000,000 FEET GOOD TIMBER IN LEWIS County, Washington, cheap for cash. Sphinx Agency, 3054 Stark st. TIMBER CLAIMS NEAR ROSE BERG FOR sale; sugar pine and fir. Charles M. John son, Oregon Hotel. , FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY FARM FOR RENT 12 COWS. 1 team and all farm implements. It will keep 25 had of cows. Rent will be required In advance. Address D. J. Ingalle, Spokane, Wash. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. All kinds, including approved forest reserve for surveyed, unsurveyed, timbered and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton. The Portland. Portland, Or. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle and nam ess. VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS. NEW AND eecond-hand : largest stock, lowest prices; horces and rigs rented by day or month. Tomlinson & Casslday. 211 Wash. Pac. 507. WANTED HORSES TO PASTURE TO suit convenience of owner; large, com modious barn to shelter against Inclem ent weather. Phone Main 6045. TWO NEW $33 AXMINSTER RUGS. $20 each; also ingrain rugs, large kitchen range, coal heater, mahogany library table, $90 oak buffet, $43. Phone East 783. WANT RIDING AND HARNESS HORSE, safe for woman; new. elegant mahogany folding bed given in part payment. Phone Main 2S74. BUY YOUR NEW DELIVERY WAGONS and buggies and save money at 342 E. Washington st. FOR SALE TEAM. 2700 POUNDS, WITH 3H wagon and harness. 720 Tacoma ave., Sellwood. FOR SALE HORSES OF ALL KINDS, big and small, cheap. Union Stockyard, Portland. We buy. sell. rent, exchange, horses, wagons, saddles, harness. Hubert A Hall. 266 4th. LADY'S AND GENT'S SADDLE. TWO FOR $10; a bargain. Inquire 073 Kearney st. GOOD DELIVERY HORSE FOR SALE. Washington Creamery Co. Main 764. Pianos. GOOD PIANO, ALMOST NEW, IN GOOD condition, for sale cheap. A. W. Slowell. 110 2d Bt. Mlftcelhmueona. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables ; easy payments: we rent tablet, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap price. Bruns-wlck-Balke-CoIlender, 49 Sd sU MOVING-PICTURE MACHINES, $25; FILMS. 3c a foot: song slides, $2.50 per set; moving picture machines, etc., bought, sold, rented, exchanged. Newman's Motion Picture Co., 145H 6th. THOROUGHBRED SHROPSHIRE AND Cots wold rams; alo grades. H. G. Stark weather, Rural Route No. 1. Mllwaukie, Or. FOR SALE ONE "COLE'S HOT BLAST" stove: a fuel caver; good aa new. Choap. 484 Lexington ave. Telephone Union 1SU2. BOXWOOD FOR SALE AT MULTNOMAH Box Factory, $1.50 a load. Exchange bo. FOR SALE: FINE NEW AUTOMOBILE. $500 lejs than cost. X 57. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED PRESS FEEDER. PLATEN AND cylinder: steady Job and best wages, for San Francisco. Apply office Uambrinue Brew ing Co. , , BARBBFF THE BEST-PAYING SHOP ON Waphington st. for sale; Investigate. Call 5o6 Washington st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SAUSAGE maker or Al slaughter-house man. Box 361. Eugene, Or. BOY WANTED TO WORK IN AN OFFICE to deliver letters; give phone number. C. 60. Oregonlan. W A N T E D--P LUMBER AND TINNER; steady employment. Address Box 607. Colfax. Wash. WANTED REAL LTVE MAN. INTEREST in business that will pay $100 month. 1S3 Morrison. COATMAKERS WANTED TO WORK BY wek. Columbia Woolen Mills, 7th and Stark sts. BOY, ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE. WANTED for office work and as messenger. G 56. Oregonian. , BOT ABOUT 15 TEARS OF AGE WAMKa for office work and a messenger. C 17, Oregonlan. BOY WITH WHEEL TO HELP IN STORE! and deliver packages; good wages, Fraley, 214 3d. WANTED TWO HOUSE CARPKXTBRfl. Phone Main 6645, between 7 and 8 A. M. Friday. BOY WANTED INSIDE! WORK, TO LEARN the trade. Portland Trunk Co., 3d and Pine at a. FIRST-CLASS COAT AND VEST MAKER wanted at J. Polivka Sc. Co.. 249 Morrison street. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOE'3. highest prices paid. 62 3d, Phone Pacific 46. WE) SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bera Special membership, $2. Y. M. C. a CHOREMAN WANTED FOR FARM. MUST be good milker. Inquire 325 Ablngton bldg. BOYS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELIN & Sons, No. 126 2d st., near Washington. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR WORK OR a position call room 16. 251 Alder st. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch et. Moler Barber College. WANTED BOY TO RUN ERRANDS. AP ply to Lowengart & Co., 02 Front st. BOY WANTED TO DRIVE WAGON. ORE gon Paper Box Factory-, 68 H 1st st. WANTED BOY, STEADY WORK. $6 PER week to start. 55 Front, cor. Davie. WANTED EXPERIENCED PLUMBER'S helper. Apply Wells & Fargo bldg. WANTED FIRSTtCLASS PANTS MAKERS. Nlcoll the Tailor. 108 3d st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS. Nlooll the Tailor. 108 3d at. BOT; MUST HAVE WHEEL. Pharmacy. Portland Hotel. WANTED PARLOR FRAME FINISHERS. 35 Front, comer Davis. BOY WANTED 18-20 FRONT ST., NOT over 1 7 years of age.t BARBER WANTED SATURDAY. 263'4 First St. ; $5.00 guarantee. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER about 18 years of age, to assist depart ment manager in large wholesale house. Must be reasonably accurate t figures. Address in own hand writing, stating pre vious employment, references and salary expected. R 60 Oregonlan. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BOD-led unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. ' Alnsworta block, 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. QUARRY MAN WHO CAN SHARPEN A machine drill and handle, powder, $100; donkey engineer. $3.25; hook-tender, $4; 2 hook-tenders, $3.50; woodsmen, railroad hapds, city laborers, etc. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 26 N. 2d St., 250 Burnside st. MEN TO KNOW THAT MECHANICAL drawing is taught at Holmes'. Business College, Washington and 10th sts.. every Monaay, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri day, from 7:30 to 9:30 P. M., and on Saturday afternoons. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 8 to B days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send fcr our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder sta.; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. WANTED SALESMEN: MANY MAKE $100 to $150 per month, some even more; stock clean; grown oa reservation, far from old orchards; cash advanced wetkly ; choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppemab, Wash. MEN TO PREPARE FOR RAILWAY MAIL clerk, lettercarrier and custom-housa serv ice; over 50 other positions rayiS from $500 to $2500 and up; our evening course of study qualifies you. W. C. C. S.. 513 McKay Bid. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER BY LARGE wholesale house; must be rapid, accurate ' and strictly temperate; exceptional oppor tunity for right party; salarv $75; state age, experience, references. A 08, Oregonlan. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instruct ors; catalogue free. Moler Svstena of Col lges. BS N. 4th at.. Portland. TWO YOUNG MEN AS OILERS IN STEAM plant, $2 per day; must be sober and anxious to learn; I. C. S. students preferred. Apply International Correspondence Schools, Port land office, 514 McKay bldg. WANTED THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED ?altf man ; country work ; splendid opening for man of ability; especially attractive to piano salesmen; salarv or commission; state experience. L 56, Oregonian. WA NTBD MOVI NG PICTURE M A CH I S E operators; we teach you the business; terms reasonable; positions secured; competent op erators make $25 weeklv ; short hours, eaay work. Room 2, 145 6th. WANT A REGULAR PHYSICIAN TO WORK In a strictly legitimate advertising medP-al institute; only a moderate monthly salary wlll be paid until fitness Is proven by trial. P 57, Oregonian. . WANTED STRONG ROY ABOUT 18 YEARS old; must bring good references as to cnar acter and habits : an opportunity for a smart boy to learn the wholesale and man ufacturing business. Room 2o4 Mohawk bldg. Men and women to learn watchmakings engrar-ir-g. jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmkg-Engrav. Sch'l 1426 4th av. Seattle AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonderBurbank's new stone less p!t;m. Miracle. Big pay ; permanent position. Chlco Nursery "Co.. Salem, Or. WANTED A CLEAN AND CAPABLE salesman ; one who w!U appreciate and make the most of an opportunity for ad vanccment Address C 5i. Oregonian. YOUNG MEN LET US PREPARE YOU FOR Railway Mail Clerks' examination; good chances for prepared men. Call day or eve ning. H. Heyccn. 315 Columbia bldg. WANTED MEN OF SOME ABILITY; splendid opportunity; permanent advance ment. Call at once; salary or commission. 328 Lumber Exchange bldg. Al CARRIAGE AND WAGON WOOD worker ; good wages and permanent posi tion guaranteed to competent and steady man. T 53, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER ONE! WITH A KNOWL edge of lumber business preferred; tempo rary employment, with a view to permanent position. D 59, Oregonian. WANTED TWO OR THREE FIRST-CLASS all-round machine men ; permanent posi tion, good wages. Oregon. Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam Road. WANTED FOREMAN FOR DAIRY FARM: agricultural college training prof-rrt.-l ; write, giving experience and references. M 66. Oregonian. CASH COMMISSION PA TO ADVERTISING sollettom wanted for newspaper or pro gramme; experience unnecessary. 603 Good Tiouph bldg. TEACHERS PRINCIPAL. $80; SCIENCE. $S0 to $100; math.. $80; commercial. $1im. Fik Teachers' Agency, 12oO Williams. East 344. WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERI enced drapery cutter and hanger; none other need apply. Address X 52. Oregonlan. WANTED GENERAL REPAIR MAN. puns, bikes and W-ks. at once; wages $2 tf $3. S. O. Miller ft Son. Aurora, Or. WANTED MACHINE RIVETERS AND caulkers for tank work. Anplv Portland Steoi Shipbuilding Co., St. Johns. WANTED A GOOD WOOD TURNER. Ap ply Doernbecker Manufacturing Company, East 2Sth and O. R. N. st. WANTED PHYSICIAN. REGTSTFTREO IV OREGON AT ONCfi. INQUIRE ST. LOUIS DISPENSARY. 230L, Yamhill. WA NTED A GOOD S O E R MAN FOR farm work: also desirable place to rent Apply room 1, 181 H First st. ROOFERS WANTED. TINNERS WANTED. Fheet metal workers wanted. Apply Wyn koop the Roofer. 248 Ash st. WANTED AT ONCE, 10 MILLWRIGHTS T the Cowlitz Valley Lumber Company's Mill at Kelso; wages $4 per day. THE FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. NEEDS two first-class men. one as meat-cutter, the other as sausage-maker. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT office boy over 16. Call this morning, 616 Chamber of Commerce. INDUSTRIOUS MAN. NOT AVERSE TO working overtime, to scour clothes. Berlin Dye Works. 347 2d St. WANTED COUCH-MAKERS AND M A T-tross-makors. Oregon Furniture Mfng. Co., 1 21 4 Macadam Road. WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS STOVE- mounter. Steady work. Portland Stove Works. 620 Hood et. 1 WANTED A STOUT. WILLING BOY TO work In starch room. Apply at candy fac tory. 104 N. 5th st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade, salary in eight weeks. Steady job. 101 Grand ave. WANTED COATMAKERS AND VEST- makers; highest price paid. A. J. Brault, Hamilton bldg. BOYS WANTED TO WRAP SOAP. LUCKEL. King & Cake Soap Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TBACHERS, grade and rural, $55. F!tk Teachers' Agency, 1200 Williams. East 344. WANTED A COOK; GOOD WAGES. 570 Hawthorne Terrace. Telephone Main 3019. W NTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework; wages $30 per month. 414 7th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Inquire 109 Gibbs st.. South Portland. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; good wages to good woman, mi Overton. GIRL WANTED ON DOUBLE-NEEDLE! hirt machine at 70 1st; boss of all factory. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN i Km lire work. Adi1v 186 East Irtfh at REMOVE WARTS WE TELL YOU HOW for 25c. Floyd Lawrence, the Clayton. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. 706 Flanders st. WANTED LADY TEACHER. APPLY FROM 2 to 5 P. M., 143V. 1st st. WANTED SKIRTMAKERS AND HELPERS. Teesdale, 516 Marquam. IF YOU WANT A POSITION CALL ROOM 16. 2M"Va Alder st. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK. 461 Rodney ave. EXPERIENCED WAIST HELP WANTED. 314 The Dekum. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 670 Lovejoy st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CHAMBERMAID, $30. room and board; one $30 and board; 5 waitresses, one House keeper, 3 men, $20; private family cook. Idaho, $35, fare paid; 4 girls to wrap candy samples, $4 week: 3 second girls; 4 cooks; 25 housework girls who can do plain cooking, $20 to $25; 2 dressmakers; 3 women for light cleaning, day work, $40 a month, live home, city: others. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. WANTED TWO GIRLS TO WASH DISHES in logging camp: waitress to go out of town; cook for sanitarium; cook for private boarding-house; girls for general housework, good homes; wages from $15 to $35 month. No fee unless you go to work. Square deal to every girl. SCANDINAVIAN LADIES EMPLOY MENT CO., 107Vj Sixth st., room 4. ATTENTION. Apptlcants for all kinds of work rris-et with m. free of charge, so we mar locate Ton cn hort notle. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington st., cor. 7th. upstatra WANTED WOMAN COOK FOR SMALL camp, top wages; woman to take caie of small place. $2u, room and board; stenog rapher, easy place, $20; chambermaid. $25; - waitress. 7 week: others. Pacific Coast Employment Agency. 2t.5Mi Morrison st. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES 25 alteration hands for the cloak and Milt departments; also sewers for the drapery workrooms. Apply to the superintendent, 8 to 10 A. M. YOUNG LADY A3 FILING CLERK IN wholesale house. Previous office experi ence desirable, but not required. State ed ucation, experience and salary. W 58, Ore gonlan. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general work in a small family; good wag: also ore for second work and sewing. 1W North 23d st. Phone Main 2932. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK en shirts and overalls. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory. 2 Grand ave., and E. Taylor si. LADIES TO MAKE SOFA CUSHIONS FOR holiday trade; piecework; may be taken hon;e; very easy; no experience. 3-6 Flled ntr bldg.. 407 Washington st- WANTED FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPH er; salary $50 per month; opportunity for an increase. Answer in own hand writing. D 08. Oregonian. - EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; modern conveniences, no .uh lng ; evenings on ; good room, good wag s. 4th --t., near Sherman. WANTED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO WORK for room a nd board ; some wages ; two i n family: nice home fir good girl. 225 Lownsdale st. Main 3528. GIRLS TO WORK IN CANDY FACTORY; gi-ud Wf.ge.s; st'.ady employment. Apply Pacific 'oast Biscuit Co., cor. 12th and Davis st. WANTED TWO LADIES CLOTHES IRON, ers. one wristband Ironer and one starch er, at the Pacific Laundry. 231 Arthur st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, SEC ond girls, nurses, waitresses. St. Louis Ladies Agency, 2,101 Yamhill. Main 5113. GIRLS WHEN YOU WANT WORK CALL on the Scandinavian Lad its' Agency, 1"7JA. 6th at. Main 5009. John Anderson. Mgr. WANTED Cooks, waitresses, domestics and housekeepers. The Home Ladies' Agency, IOSVj 4th st., cor. Mor., upstairs. Main 6S2'1. MATURE WOMAN OP ABILITY AND JUDG-mt-nt wanted for business opening, one who can leave city preferred. F 42. Oregonlan. THE BEE HIVE WISHES TWO EXPER1 enced salesladies for cloaks, suits; also fancy good:. Apply immediately, 171 3d at. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave., and E. Taylor st. LADY WANTED TO PREPARE FOR POS tal service; only a few more days to file applications. 513 McKay bldg., city. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. NEAT WO man housekeeper for widower's family, out of town. 230 H Yamhill. Main 5413. WAITRESSES AT THE YOUNG WOMAN'S Christian Association restaurant, 11 to 2 except Sunday. Apply mornings. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND As sisting in general housework; good wages; German preferred. 770 Overton st. STENOGRAPHER CAPABLE OF DOING public work to substitute during extended absence of principal. Main 5525. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 843 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Mala 2692. WANTED GIRL FOR PLAIN COOKING and light housework in small family ; good wages. Call 731 Savier st. EXPRRIENCBD SECOND MAID. SMALL family. Apply morning or evening. 415 West Park, cor. Hall St. W ANTE D STE A D Y GIRL FOR G EN ER AL housework. 317 Morris St., between Will iams and Rodney eves. EXPERIENCED GIRL FO R CON FECTION ery and cigar store. Call between 2 and 3 P. M.. 421 Morrison. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework; no cooking. 570 East Maaison St.. near 14th st. YOU NO GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework, small family. 145 Arthur st. Phono Main 4070. WANTED A GIRL FOR SECOND WORK and take care of a little girl 4 years old. 434 Salmon st. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER, OFFICE work, smHll palary at start. Call room 7, 127i First st. WANTED A COMPETENT COOK. SMALL fairlly. Apply forenoon,-381 12th st. Phone WANTED NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE care of 3-year-old baby, 414 7th, corner Hall st. WANTED GOOD. NEAT GIRL TO AS sit with housework. 354 10th St., corner Mill. COT FINISHERS WANTED AT ONCE). Apply Columbia Woolen Mills, Tth and Stflrk. $35 PE?t MONTH OIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family. Telephone East 174 HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. YOUNG PEOPLE DRILLED IN BOOK keeping or shorthand by our Decern Plan are sure of good positions in three to six months. Day and night classes, conduct ed by the Eclectic Business University the school that pleases the business man. 435-43S Worcester blk. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED. Men and women. who ar em ployed at ' stenographers, to know that dictation may be received at Holmes' Business College, Washington and 10th Hta., every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day evening, from 7:30 to 0:39 P. M. GIRLS. WRAP CANDY. "OAKS": PANTRY , girls, waitresses, city. lone (fare), $25; chambermaids, domestics, housekeeper: Jap anese. Chinese cooks, $10; waiter; ostr chophouse) cook. "Drake's," 2u3fa Wash ington. WANTED AMATEUR ACTORS. SINGERS, dancers, musicians, etc., for vaudeville and dramatic stage; good salary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 145 6th. SHOE FITTER WANTED. A LADY PRE f erred : steady work and a permanent Job. Inquire Capen Shoe Co.. Oregon. City, Or. ACME AMATEUR DRAMATIC CLUB, GOOD nough bldg.. wants members; initiation SI, dues BO cents weekly; references required. GIRLS AND BOYS WANTED TO STRIP tobacco at the Schiller Cigar Factory. 100-102 N. 3th fit. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING 1 WILL POST YOUR book, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small expense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton. the ac countant, 318 Chamber of Commerce. M. 36S1 COURT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES Posi tion; experienced in law, mining, smelting and railroad work; also good telegrapher. Address B 57. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS ACCOUNTANT AND CA8H ler desires position; knowledge of typewrit ing and stenography. O 56, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS REGISTERED druggist; can go to work at once; city ref erences. B 59. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wants place to work for board and room. D 10, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED HARDWARE Ft 'RNI ture and crockery salesman wishes position. S 58. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Ulscslismeon WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF SAW mlll boarding house as steward or manager; had yeans of experience and best of ref erences. P 56, Oregonian. A BRIGHT. INDUSTRIOUS. YOUNG MAN. aged 21 yeare, wishes a position in our out of city; can give good city references. W 56. Oregonian. BEST JAPANESE! COOK. WHO WORKED IN hotela and ntaurant! i-t many vi-a-s, wants situation ; speaks English. S 7o, Oregonlan. WINDOW - CLEANING. YARDS. SIDK waiks. dwellings and fiats. a. speciii'v. Thomas Green. 122 N. 7th st. Pacific 22i4 JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION A.-' schoolboy to do general housework or any kind of help. Address 264 Davis st., city. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants. farmrr also; ait kinds of help. Main 4G59. 203 Everett. RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WANTS P O S 1 -tfon a driver: lamilinr with city. Phor.' Main 3591. or E 51. Oregonian. MI DDLU-AOED MAN WANTS JANITOR work or indoor work or any kind; g 1 references. N 68. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WITH 3 YEARS' EXPERI ence fn grocery wants position. Address 734 Lovc.iov st. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO pn bus boy. porter or any kind of work. R 5S, Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE WANTS TO WAIT ON table or do housework in family. Yashi. 121 N. 15th st. YOUNG MAN. 22. STRONG AND WILLING to work, seeks position of any kind. C 68. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A PLACE TO DO cooking in private family. M 57, Oregonlan. PLUMBER POSITION WANTED BY FIRST class had-worker. K 6S. Oregonian. IF YOU WANT ANY KIND OF HELP CALL Main 6700. Orders promptly filled. FIRST-CLAPS CEMENT SIDEWALK FIN isher wants work. P 48. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and StenoograDhers. LADY STENO 1 RAPH E R. 2 Y EARS' EN -peripiice, wants permanent posit ion with lumber company or law office. K 56, Or gonlan. REFINED. EDUCATED, RELIABLE STEN ographor; salary nominal. Main 6375. Dree ma tiers. LITTLE GIRLS DRESSES AND BOYS Buster Brown suits neatly made; chil dren's clothes of all kinds, also plain skirts and shirtwaists; terms very reason able. 52 N. 15th. Phone Pacific 2667. W NT ED PLAIN SEAVTNG. ALSO CHTL dren's sewing of all kinds. Phone East 72't. TRY-ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLOaS, 242 fih and Main. Pacific 083. H onsets erners. WIDOW WANTS POSITION AS HOUSE keeper in hotel or rooming-house, or wid ower, at ne. Phone Main 48J6. Domestics. YOUNG JAPANESE GIRL WISHES SIT nation at any kind housework. K 70, Oregonian. i urse. A LADY WILT ENTERTAIN INVALIDS by nour or day In their homes; best of references. E 56, Oregonian. MISS K. PORTER ROHR. TRAINED NURSE, specialist, electrical massage. Main 4173. M rncellaneoDS. REFINED. ENERGETIC AND COMPE tent woman, used to dealing wit h the public, desires position In ral estate, bank or othr office. Best references. K 59 Oregonlan. TWO GIRLS. WAITRESS AND CHAMBER maid, plain boarding-house; capabU; wn man, washing, ironing. 230 la Yamhill. Main 3413. YOUNG LADY GIVES PRIVATE LESSONS In grammar grade studies, German, music and drawing. Main H)76. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS PLACE TO work for board; no small children. Phone East 6083. LA CPS CURTAINS LAUNDERBD, EXPKR ienced; phone Union 1276. Miss S. M. Scott. IF YOU WANT ANY KIND OP HELP CALL Main 6700. Fill your order quickly. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL THE BEST grown nursery stock on the Coast. Includ ing Burbank's new pltless plum. Miracle; . commission advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurserlet, Albany. Oregon. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nurs ery Cos.. Salem, Or. WANTED AGENTS, LADY OR GENT: OUR new offer. $5 dally. Sol Dekum. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, flats, stores. offices, rooming-houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 8. E. oor. 3d and Oak. Phcne Exchange 72. TWO BROTHERS WANT BOARD AND two rooms; private family; West Side, reasonable and permanent; give full par ticulars and phone number. B 67, Ore gonlan. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES, EAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 2d et. Phuns ilaLn 1436. Administrator of estates. LOCATION WANTED FOR PRINTING Es tablishment; space 50x70-109; ground floor preferred; term of years. N 69, Ora gonian. WANTED AT ONCE, 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; can give good ref erences. Phone Main 3589 or call 466 7th sr. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 3 or 4 nice rooms, up to date. 195 14th st. W. H. I-t.ium. Phone evenings Main 1193. MAN AND WIFE WOULD LIKE 3 HOUSE keeping rooms in quiet family; best of ref erences. G. H. Eldridge, Main 242. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM FOR 8TC cents; reasonable; give particulars; register. Behnke-Walker Business College. FOUR OR FIVE FURNISHED ROOMS. OR cottage, for housekeeping : close in; no children. J 69, Oregonlan. WANTED ONE OFFICE ROOM. WITH PR1 vate titoreroom or dry basement; reasonable rent. M 56. Oregon Ian. FOR KENT. Rooms. Uam 66t5. Main 36$. FTJRNITURP) WANTED, for SPOT CASH. Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubach. Prop. 211 First Street. Main mm. Main ?. WE WANT A LOT OF GOOD FURNITURE and household goods to fill our four laru floors; we will pay epot cash, as we Just opening and need the goods. The -Dollar, 2.;2 1st st.. cor. Main. We want yur business. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF OLOTHIN and shoes; highest price paid. Call at th "Fair Deal." C2 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. DRAMATIC CLUB WANTS DKAMAT!'" hooks, scenery, wigs, etc.; also wnnts mem bers.. Apply Secretary, Goodnough bM. WANTED TO BUY 30 TO 3.VFOOT GAS -line launch. 14 to 20-horsepower. Tongu Point Lumber Co.. Astoria. Or. WANTED FOLDING OR BED L 1 'NG:-;. trunk, cheap; r will give typewriting ei -vices. I 66, Oretronlan. WE WILL BUY FOR CASH YOUR FURN. ture, carpet, etc.. now. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washington st. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Don't worry, lose time or money. Call us Pacific 793. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie free of ,charge. Phone East 2233. X PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. W. W. Eavage. 345 1st. Pacific 260. WANTED GAS STOVE IN GOOD CONDl tion. Phone Main 2613.