Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 11, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. XLVI.-XO. 14,303.
John B. McDonald De
clares for Hughes.
Murphy Gives Independents
Only Two Places.
Tammany Has Covetous Eye on
$95,000,000 to Be Spent on Erie
Canal Woodruff Shows Vp
Hearst's Corporation Ally.
NEW YORK. Oct. 10 (Special. ) De
claring he believed the purpose of W. R.
Hearst, tf elected, would be to "strangle
Democracy and bury It In the lowest
depths of degradation and shame," John I
B. McDonald, builder of the subway, a
lifelong Democrat, for 12 years a member
of the Tammany general committee, and
an aotlve member of the Manhattan and
Democratic Clubs, announced today that
he would "vote, work and contribute"
! for the election of Hughes.
Mr. McDonald announced his Intention
In a letter to Timothy D, 'Woodruff,
chairman of the Republican tate Com
mittee, in which he Inclosed a check for
UOflO as a campaign contribution to aid In
electing Mr. Hughes.
Murphy Gets His Price.
Tammany's deal with the Independent
Hearst organization the deal which. It Is"
declared, brought Boss Murphy around
and decided the reeult of the Democratic
State Convention at Buffalo was ratified
formally tonight, when the Tammany Ju
dfclary ticket was nominated. The Hearst
Independence .League gets two places on
the Judiciary ticket not so many as orig
inally demanded, but nevertheless an ac
ceptable number There will be no lnde-
- pendent Judiciary ticket In the field la
New York County
Murphy has gained practically all that
he started out to get locally, and the
prime motive supposed to have governed
his actions at Buffalo was to prevent the
Independence League from putting a Ju
dicial ticket In the field In his particular
Three to One on Hughes.
Betting odds today advanced to three to
ne on Hughes, with no Hearst money to
be found.
Hearst has reiterated the statement
. that no matter if Murphy is for him,
ha is not for Murphy. Murphy hears
this talk and says nothing. Hearst has
succeeded openly In antagonizing Boss
McCarren, of Brooklyn, to the extent
that he may be cut by the organization
on the other side of the bridge, but
Murphy continues for him. The deal
pertaining to the local Judicial and
Legislative tickets means that the
Tammany ticket win have only Repub
lican opposition In Greater New York.
The Democrats and the Independence
Leaguers are now united as in the case
of the state ticket
Why Murphy Supports Hearst.
Why Murphy supports Hearst at all
is a question that is not answered in
the minds of many by purely local
deals and conditions. A story that is
gaining ground is that the real object
of Murphy and some other Democratic
leaders in nominating Hearst was not
to conserve Tammany interests in
Greater New York, but to get control
of the Canal Board, which will have
the spending of the J9S.000.000 for the
Improvement of the Erie Canal. In
this connection it is pointed out that
the candidates on the Democratic state
ticket who .will constitute a majorlty
of the Canal Board If they are elected,
those from Lieutenant-Governor down,
are the creatures of W. J. Conners, of
Buffalo, Boss Patrick E. McCabe, of
Albany, and Boss Joseph Cassidy. of
Queen's County. They are all playing
in with Murphy at this Juncture.
Hearst, it is declared, was agTeed upon
by these bosses because they knew
that. If he was not nominated at Buf
falo, he would be In the field anyway,
and that with three tickets the Demo
crats were certainly doomed. They
wanted him. say the supporters of this
theory, to pull through the Democratic
Canal Board, If possible.
Woodruff Says "You're Another."
Chairman Timothy L. Woodruff, of
the Republican State Committee, fired
an answering broadside at some of
Hearst's charges anent corporation
men In the Republican organization.
Mr. Woodruff said:
The Murphy-made candidate. William
Rando'.pn Hearst, in his anti-boss, anti
truth campaign has been criticising George
R. Bheldon. the treasurer of the Republican
Etate Committee. as one of the reorganiz
es of the shipbuilding trust. Without stop
ping to learn that Mr. Sheldon's connection
with this enterprise was an effort to save
honest investors from losing their money
Mr. Hearst proceeds with his denunciation.
This is another case of Mr. Hearst' in
sincerity. How about Mr. Hearst's campaign
associate and backer. Lewis Nixon? Mr.
Hearst himself is pretty closely tied up to
the shipbuilding trust in this campaign.
Nixon, Trust King, Hearst's Champion.
-. Lewis Nixon, who was one of the most
sealous and ardent of the Hearst supporters
In the Buffalo convention; who was the
unanimous choice of the Hearst faction to
preside over the deliberations of that body;
of whom "Flngy" Conners. Mr. Hearst's
manager. In his Buffalo newspaper said:
"Mr. Murphy had indicated early in the af
ternoon that he was lor the selection of Mr.
Nixon"; was the head and front of the
shipbuilding trust. He was the promoter of
that corporation and was. logically, made
Its president.
The fate of fne shipbuilding trust Is
known: the position of Mr. Nixon, the
head of this trust, is also known. He Is now
one of the foremost leaders of the Hearst
anti-corporation campaign. As the presiding
officer of the Buffalo convention and as the
choice ,of Murphy, he made it possible to
unseat 60 antl-Hearft delegates and to seat
an equal number of Hearst adherents.
Mr. Hearst has omitted In his papers and
speeches to mention Mr. Nixon's connection
with this trust. Mr. Hearst is tied almost as
closely to the shipbuilding trust In this
campaign as he Is to his own personal cor
poration, which Mr. Hughes showed In
Brooklyn, is useful to him when he wants
to avoid liability for Injuries Inflicted on
the "common people," whom he loves so
devotedly as lone as they will pay a cent
apiece for his papers.
League Hints at Independent Ticket
for Judges.
KEW JORK. Oct. 10 The Democracy
of New York County tonight nominated a
Judiciary ticket that was seemingly In
tended to be a compromise between the
adherents of old line Democrats and of
candidates favorec) by the Independence
League. The ticket, however, has not
proved entirely satisfactory to the fol-
? it I ; j
5 - '
Richard Croker, Former Tammany
Chief, Who Sues English lWmpvr.rna
for UbeL
lowers of Mr7 Hearst and a statement
issued by the League late tonight hints
that the Tammany ticket may not be
endorsed in full.
It was understood that the League
wished to be represented on the ticket
by five candidates acceptable to the
party, in the event the league was ex
pected to support the nominations made.
Only two of tonight's candidates can,
however, be saifl to represent the League.
They are Judge " Seabury John Ford,
named for the Supreme Court. Recorder
Goff. however. Is believed not to be
objectionable to the league.
The following statement was Issued by
the executive committee of the Independ
ence League late tonight:
It has been the" desire of the executive com
mittee of the League to seoure the nomination
of a nonpartisan Judiciary ticket. The ticket
named by the Democratic convention tonight
contains the names of some satisfactory men
and the names of some not satisfactory. The
Independence League will watch the action of
the Republican convention with interest.
Nominations made by the convention
tonight are:
For Supreme Court Justices Leonard A.
Gelgericb. renominated; John W. Goff, now
recorder of the Court of General Session;
Samuel Seabury. a city Judge; Charles V.
rayton. ex-Postmaster; Peter A. Hendricks:
John Ford. ex-State Senator; Mitchell L. Er-
langer. ex-Sheriff: John J. Brady, now Com
missioner of Taxes: M. Warley Plattsek, mem
ber of Tammany Hall law committee; Charles
I Guy, Assistant Corporation Counsel.
For Judges of the Court of General Seeeiona
Francis S. Mclvoy, Justice of Special Ses
sions; Thomas T. Crane, Tenement-House Com-
For Surrogate Frank T. Fitzgerald, renom
inated. At the convention Senator Grady moved
the adoption of a set of resolutions en
dorsing the platform of the Buffalo con
vention and pledging support to the can
didates named on the Democratic state
ticket, which were adopted.
City Magistrate James G. Walsh in
nominating Recorder Goff, declared that
the test of Democracy In 1906 was loyalty
to W. R. Hearst.
Hearst's Excuse for Fusion on Judi
cial Ticket.
NEW YORK. Oct. 10 William R-
Hearst issued a signed statement In re
ply to one Issued by Republican State
Chairman Woodruff yesterday concern
ing the Indorsement of Judicial nomina
tions, in which Mr. Woodruff said:
"We are unqaulfiedly opposed to hav
ing any union with the Hearst organiza
tion whatever or accepting any benefits
that might be derived from It."
Mr. Hearst declares that in suggesting
fusion on the Judiciary ticket, the Inde
pendence league was moved only by a
desire to promote the cause of good gov
ernment and the interests of all honest
citizens by bringing out an entirely noa
partisan Judiciary ticket.
Root Will Speak at Kansas City.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 10. Secretary Root
has definitely accepted an Invitation to
address the Trans-Mississippi Commercial
Congress November 19 la Kansas City.
He will not speak In St. Louis. His
topic will be "Possibilities of Establish
ing Direct Relations between the Missis
sippi Valley States and South and Central
American countries "
Destruction Threatens Town on
Prince Edward Island.
SUMMERSIDE. Prince Edward Island.
Cirt 11 Ffre which hrnV mit Viai-a at
an early hour this . morning threatens
to destroy uie greater part ot me town.
A high wind prevails and at 4 A. M.
many buildings, all of wooden construc
tion, have been burned.
Assistance was requested from Charlet
tetown. and an engine company has been
sent by special train.
Summerslde is the second largest place
in Prince Edward Island and has a pop
ulation of about 40u0 persons.
I v -4
- -
Lawyers Make Arguments in
re Claim to Habeas
Plea of Moyer, Haywood and Petti
bone Rests on Charge of Con
spiracy Between Governors.
Judges Ask Questions.
Washington, Oct. 10. Final argument
was begun today In the United States
Supreme Court on the habeas corpus
proceedings In the case of Charles H.
Moyer, William D. Haywood and
George A. Pettlbone, now confined in
the Boise Jail under indictment for the
murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg.
Edmond F. Richardson, of Denver,
made the opening argument in behalf
of the Federation men. J. H Hawley,
of Boise, speaking for the State of
Idaho. Tomorrow C- S. Darrow,' the
labor attorney from Chicago, will make
the closing argument for the accused.
Mr. Richardson made an eloquent ar
gument, consuming an hour and a half,
asking the court to reverse the action
of the Idaho courts and order the re
lease of the three accused men on a
writ of habeas corpus and give them
an opportunity to return to Colorado.
He declared that the three men were
kidnaped in accordance with a con
spiracy between Governor Gooding,
Governor Peabody and Prosecuting At
torny Van Duyn, and were unlawfully
carried to Idaho, where they were in
dicted. His whole argument hung on
the contention that Van Duyn, In order
to procure a requisition for Moyer,
Haywood and Pettlbone, made an affi
davit that these three men "were in the
State of Idaho on the date of the mur
der of Frank Steunenberg," when, he
declared, it was known to Van Duyn.
Gooding and Peabody that all three
were in Colorado on that date.
Holds States Violated Law.
This alleged conspiracy, being be
tween state officials charged with en
forcing -the law. he declared, oa-d-coi-orado
and Idaho responsible. Jurisdic
tion by Idaho courts having been ac
quired by conspiracy, he declared, there
Is really no Jurisdiction.
"The Constitution and the law is
framed to protect the criminal as well
as the law-abiding citizen," he de
clared, and he characterized the action
of Idaho and Colorado as showing a
tendency toward anarchy. "It Is bet
ter," said he, "that a thousand mur
derers should go at large than that the
Constitution and an act of Congress
be made the plaything of those who de
sire to attain certain ends." '
Hawley Defends Van Duyn.
Mr. Hawley' s argument consumed less
than an hour, but he covered the entire
field. He was unwilling .to admit that
the charges of conspiracy were true, and
declared that the whole plea for the de
fendants rested on the assumption that
there had been a conspiracy between the
Governor? and officials of the two states.
Speaking of Mr. Van Duyn's affidavit,
Mr- Hawley said that, under the laws of
Idaho, as Interpreted by the courts, a per
son charged with a crime must be charged
as a principal. Under that law, it was
necessary and proper for Mr. Duyn to
say- that Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone
were personally present in Idaho on the
day that the explosion of the bomb, killed
Mr. Steunenberg. He declared that there
was nothing to Justify the charge that
the present proceedings are founded on
the perjury of Van Duyn. or to Justify
the charge of conspiracy among the offi
cials of the two states, but, conceding
that the contention of the defense was
correct, he said the Supreme Court is not
now In a position to take action on this
Fuller's Significant Remark.
Mr. Richardson in his argument had
charged that, when Moyer. Haywood and
Pettlbone were arrested, .they were
promptly spirited away on a special train
and were not permitted to see friends or
attorneys. Mr. Hawley said there had
been no undue haste In removing them
to Idaho, as their train left the morning
after their arrest.
Chief Justice Fuller Interrupted to ex
press the opinion that he saw no reason
why officers sent to procure the labor
men should not leave with them immedi
ately, if they desired.
"These charges of collusion." said Mr.
Hawley. "are absolutely groundless. Hav
ing demurred, the prosecution does not
admit the allegations made by the de
fense. "The question of how the defend
onts reached Idaho cannot be a subject
of Judicial inquiry." he said. "They are
there- and the question Is: Are they
guilty or innocent? If the procuring was
irregular, the parties abducting them
could be tried for kidnaping or the defend
ants could sue for damages."
Defendants Delay Trial.
In closing Mr. Hawley said: "If the
defendants were Innocent, they would
demand a trial and Invoke the assistance
of the courts, so that their Innocence
could be demonstrated and then have a
remedy against those who worked in
justice upon them. The trial of this case
could not be had at the last term of court
with appeals pending involving the same
question that is here today. Three months
ago we asked the defense to withdraw
these appeals in order that wecould go
on with the trial, but they1 refused. It
was their right to do so, but. when they
exercised that right, I cannot sit still
and have It stated by them that the prose
culon was the cause of their trial not be
ing held at the proper time. As chief
counsel of the state. I can state that we
were absolutely ready then and we de
sired to proceed, but could not do it on
account of the bar by the statute."
Questions Forecast Decision.
During the argument, every Justice in
terrupted with quesdons and unusual
Interest was shown in the case. The
questions, except those of Justice Mc
Kenna. ail Beemed to Indicate that the
court will not order the release of Moyer.
Pettlbone and Haywood, but will be will
ing to take up habeas corpus proceedings.
Investigate Traffic in Girls.
NEW YORK. Oct. 10. The National
Purity Conference adopted a resolution
asking the Government to Investigate
the reported importation of Japanese
and French girls to this country for
immoral purposes.
Dr. Homer Thomas protested against
double standards of morality and sug
gested that matters relative to this and
kindred subjects should be taught the
children In the schools, always keeping
in mind a reverent attitude on the part
of the pupils. Other speakers were the
Rev. Sylvanus Stall, for Philadelphia,
and the Rev. Sidney C. Kendall, of Cali
Cubans Denounce Him for De
serting Them in War
With Spain.
Bell Will Remain In Charge of Army
of Intervention and Funston
Return West Marines
Stop Trouble.
HAVANA. Oct. 10 General Frederick
Funston will not continue in command
of the. American forces In Cuba. Governor
Taft announced tonight that he and Gen.
eral Funston will leave Havana for the
United States cn Saturday on the battle
ship Louisiana. With them wjll go As
sistant Secretary of State Bacon, and the
affairs of Cuba will be left In the hands
of Governor Magoon and General J. F.
Bell. Explaining the change of plans.
Mr. Taft said:
"General Funston was summoned on a
hurry call from the Pacific Coast be
cause he was well acquainted with many
of the Insurgent chiefs here, and it was
thought he could aid us, as he did great
ly. In bringing the men in arms to an
agreement. General Funston was put
temporarily in command of the troops in
Cuba merely as a convenience until Gen
eral Bell should arrive. General Funston.
Mr. Bacon and myself, with Mrs. Taft
and Mrs. Bacon and our secretaries, are
returning to our permanent duties."
Call Funston Deserter.
Taft's especial confidence in the Chief
of the General Staff's ability to carry out
the programme the Governor has initiated
resulted in the decision to continue him
in the island.
Many Cubans of the faction to which
Mendez Capote and others who organized
the Moderate party belong, were out
spoken against General Funston, alleg
ing that he had deserted them In the war
to throw off the yoke of Spain. Mr.
Taft did not take cognizance of this bit
terness, as he was familiar with the cir
cumstances under which General Funston
at that time returned to the United
States. Funston was taken 111. and ha
had the consent to return of General
Garcia and other leaders who appreciated
the long service he had given their
Why Bell Will Remain.
Had the proposal to send three expedi
tions to Cuba been carried out. General
Funston would have remained at Camp
Columbia as the commander of a brigade.
The close association between Mr. Taft
and General Bell in the Philippines de
cided the provisional governor to make
a request to President Roosevelt that
General Bell be placed In charge in
The party sailing on the Louisiana will
touch at Key West, where. Mr. Taft de
sires to stop in connection with a right
of way across the military reservation for
the railroad which is being constructed
across the Florida Keys. Certain Sena
tors are anxious that Mr. Taft shall facil
itate this work by disposing of the Gov-
ernment's Interests and the Secretary now
sees the importance of the work, which
will practically connect the United States
and Cuba by a ferry service.'
Marines Will End Friction.
Twenty-five marines have been ordered
to proceed to Sanctl 6piritus and Trini
dad. At the latter place they will settle
the friction between ex-rebels and ex
militiamen, who have recently been dis
armed. The trouble appears to have been
caused by Colonel Glynn, of the militia,
who Is also Collector of Customs. The
surrendered arms were stored In the Cus
tom House, and Glynn rearmed the mi
litia after the departure of the disarma
ment commissioners. General Rodriguez,
commander of the rural guards, tele
graphed Colonel Glynn to disarm these
men. This was done, but Colonel Glynn
is reported still to have the guns in his
possession and to be disposed to make
trouble. If these reports are confirmed
Mr. Taft will remove Colonel Glynn. Gen
eral Brava, commander of the insurgents
In that vicinity, maintained good faith
with the commission, even taking the re
volvers and machetes from his men.
Marines Avoid Yellow Fever.
Two cases of yellow fever at Cruces, In
addition to the recent death from yellow
fever, have decided Mr. Taft not to send
the marines back to the Cruces camp.
Mr. Taft announced today that the pro
visional government's policy would be
I . ts ST I
tfj'1' ,x ; Ik k
i S 4 s t- v ?
; r-' ; H r C I
X " w: ,tf
Ma.or-eneral 3. Franklin Bell. I
Chief of Staff. Who Will Command
Troops In Cuba.
the removal of the detachments of rural
guards from any points at which signs
of 111-feellng developed. The difficulties
at Clenfuegos have been settled.
This being the 3Sth anniversary of the
beginning of the ten years' war for Inde
pendence, the' day" was bbserved as a na
tional holiday. The public offices, with
the exception of the palace, were closed,
as were -many stores. The public and
other buildings were decorated with, Cu
ban flags. The usual parade of troops
was dispensed with. The celebration was
not marked by any great enthusiasm.
Two More Transports Sail.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. Oct. 10 The
transport Admiral Schley sailed from this
port today, bearing the Seventeenth and
Eighteenth Batteries of mountain artil
lery. The City of Washington with the
First Battalion of the Eleventh Infantry
sailed tonight.
The Weather.
TODAY'S Rain; southerly wind.
YEJSTERDAT'S Maximum temperature, 64
de-; minimum, 62. Precipitation. .01 inch.
Indignation at proposed British delegation to
Russian Douma may prevent lt Page 4.
Polish rebels exhume bodies of executed ter
rorists for decent burial. Page 4.
Russian Democrats splitting .on Vlborg mani
festo. Paxe 4-
B&ce between autos and balloons in Germany.
Page 4.
Negroes petition Interstate Commerce Commle
elon for equal rights on railroads. Page 2.
Funs ten ordered home from Cuba; rebels de
nounce him. Pace 1.
Hearst gets small end of Judgeship bargain
with Murphy and may bolt. Page 1.
Leader of Tammany bolts Democratic ticket
and subscribes to Hughes' campaign fund.
Psjre 1.
Croker denies he grafted when leader of Tam
many and sues defamers. Page 3.
f Domestic
Arrument before Federal Supreme Court on
Miners' Federation case. Page 1.
Wholesale smuggling of Chinese Into New
England. Paee 3.
Zxwe-craxed man mnrdem teacher in school
and commits suicide. Page 2.
Old New York bank ruined by theft of $1.000 -
000 by Havana agent, who flees on steamer.
Page 1.
Standard Oil Company fails to shut out evi
dence In Ohio trial. Page 6.
Death of former Portland woman, who was
exiled from St. Louis in war. Page 2.-
Wampole, drug manufacturer, who committed
suicide, denounced as embezzler. Page 4.
Pacific Coast scores: Portland 9, Fresno 9:
Seattle 8, Los Angeles O; San Francisco 5,
Oakland 0. Pare 7.
Nationals win second championship bail game.
Page 7.
Pacific Coast.
John Spltzner commits suicide after attempt
ing to dynamite Judge Yoder at Che halls.
Page 6.
Judpe Morris, in denying Injunction, declares
Federal courts UBe- too frequently. Page ft.
Horse drops dead on rider near Boise. Page 6.
6amuel Gompers will not come to Washington
to carry on fight against Congressman
Jones. Page 6.
Commercial and Marine.
Oregon wool shipments to East. Page 15.
Chicago wheat market quiet and weak. Page
Stock market takes on a healthier appear
ance. Page 14.
Work of loading grain ships Is started in
spite of strike. Page 14.
Steamer Hoanoke rescues crew of wreck oft
California coast. Page 14.
Many vessels now In port loading cargoes.
Page 14.
Portland and Vicinity.
Mrs- Snyder must appear before ofTIcers at
Hlllsboro today or be arrested- Page 11.
Policeman wounded In fight with drunken
crowd In Blazier's saloon. Page 10.
Bernard O. Velguth. defaulting gas com
pany clerk, pleads guilty and la sen
tenced to one to ten years In the peni
tentiary. Page 10.
Splendid work done In Portland by the Y.
W. C. A. Page 11.
Closing of Ogden gateway may close local
Gould freight offices. Page 14.
Testimony In Ruhl damage suit reveals dis
gusting conditions In North End. Page 11.
Havana Merchant Flees
on Steamer.
J. M. Ceballos & Co. Owe $3,
000,000 to $4,000,000.
Banking and Mercantile Fiyn Fifty
Years Old Dragged Down by Huge
FVaud Controls Many Ship
ping and Industrial Firms.
NEW YORK. Oct. 10. The assign
ment of J. M. Ceballos & Co., banker
and merchants, with liabilities be
tween $3.Wi.Yi0 and $4.fX),fli0, wns an
nounced today in a statement which
declared that the failure was due to
the defalcation and absconding of
Manuel Silvelra. of Silveira & Co., of
Havana SUvelra's defalcation is al
leged to amount to about Jl. 000, 000.
He sailed from Havana October 2, os
tensibly for New York, to consult with
the members of J. M. Ceballos & Co.,
but has not reached this olty. Counsel
for the assignee said today thai Sil
veira has left on his own steamer, the
Carmelina. for parts unknown, accom
panied by his wife and children, and
that every effort was being made to
locate him.
Assets May Pay Debt.
The members of the firm of J. M.
Ceballos & Co. are J. M. Ceballos, John
S. Flske and Anderson C. Wilson. The
assignee Is 'vi'llliam V. Rowe, of the
law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell, of
this city, who immediately took charga
of the business.
Mr. Howe said today that the assets
of the firm were of a very substantial
character, but from a hasty examina
tion it was manifest that they would
require careful husbanding Account
ants are now at work on the books of
the company. It was stated unofficial
ly that there was ground to hope that
the assets would be sufficient to cover
the losses of the firm, and that it would
be enabled to resume business.
J. M. Ceballos & Co. was established
about 50 years ago. and has large in
terests In Cuba, chiefly In the devel
opment of railroads and sugar planta
tions. It operates a line of steamers
between Kew York and Spanish ports,
and has connections in Spain, European
centers and Spanish-American cities.
Has Far-Reaching Interests.
Juan M. Ceballos, the senior member
of the firm. Is connected as president,
vice-president or director with the fol
lowing companies: Cardenas City Wa
ter Works Company, Commercial In
vestment Company of Porto Rico,
Courtin-G-olden Development Company,
of Cuba, Horn Silver Mining Company,
West India Wharf Brewing Company,
International Banking Corporation.
Iron Steamboat Company, OH Fields of
Mexico Company, Forto Rico Telephone
Company, Kew York & Porto Rico
Steamship Company, Rosarlo Sugar
Company, St. Nicholas Skating-& Ice
Company, Silvelra Sugar Company.
Tacon Realty Company. United states
and Porto Rico Navigation. Company
and Universal Motor Car Company.
John 8. Flske. partner In the firm, is
connected with the following compa
nies: Cardenas City Water Works,
Commercial Investment Company of
Porto Rico, Development Company of
Cuba, Flske Fruit Company, of Cuba,
John D. Gordan Company. Juca County
Realty Company. Manchester Citrus
Groves, New York & porto Rico Steam
ship Company, Newfoundland Syndl
sate, Porto Rico Telephone Company,
Seville Packing Company. of New
York, Silveira Sugar Company, United
States & Porto Rico Navigation Com
pany, Universal Motor Car Company.
Varona Land & Investment Company
and Courtin-Golden Company.
Anderson C. Wilson, partner of the
firm. Is associated with the following
companies: West India Wharf Brew
ing Company, Monumental Trading
Company and Seville Packing Com
Pullman Company Stockholders
Take Action In New York.
NEW YORK. Oct. 10. (Special.)-Ei-ward
W. Henck and Henry E. Smith, of
this city, and A. B. Kellogg, of Buffalo,
have been as a committee of Pull
man Company stockholders to ascertala
what legal steps may be necessary to
secure a larger disbursement in dividends
from the company and to report at a sub
sequent meeting which will be called by
Mr. Henck, chairman of the committee.
About 6000 shares of stock were repre
sented at a meeting of stockholders held
yesterday at No. 62 William street.
Cold Stops Beveridge's Tour.
BOSTON, Oct. 10. United States Sen-,
ator Albert J. Beveridge, of Indiana, Is'
111 with a cold at the home of George
F. Baker, In Brookllne, and it is prob
able that all his speaking engagement
for a week or ten days will be canceled.