TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 10, 1906. GREAT OIL TRUST ON TRIAL If! OHIO Charged With Conspiracy Restrain Trade Under State Law. to CHANGED IN NAME ONLY l'rosecutor David Says Standard Oil Company, of Xcw Jersey, Took Place of Trust Which Was Ousted by Monnett. FIXDLAY, O.. Oct. 9. The suit of the State of Ohio against the Standard Oil Company of Ohio, in which the com pany is charged with conspiracy afra.in.st trade, began here today and progressed at a rapid pace. A jury was secured in less than two hours; the County Prose cutor presented his case; Virgil P. Kline, attorney for the defense, made answer; G. H. Phelph, of the prosecution, then read documentary evidence until the court adjourned 20 minutes before 5 o'clock. In brief, Mr. David stated to the Jury that the Standard Oil Company became a trust in 1SS2, and, although it had sev eral times since changed the form of its organization, bad not ceased to com mit the offenses of a trust. Denies Standard Is Trust. Replying, Mr. Kline characterized as mere matters of ancient history the re lation of the original formation of the trust. The Standard Oil Company, he said, was a corporation controlled entire ly by its stockholders; it was in no way a trust; it could not be said that any of the statements of Mr. David relative to the early history of the organization were true, but, if they Were, they were not within the limits of Hancock County and consequently, without the jurisdiction of the court. The documentary evidence which the prosecution began submitting and which constitutes the bulk of its case, is con tained in a document authenticated by the Supreme Court of the state as the history of the Standard Oil litigation be fore that body. It was all objected to by the defense as irrelevant, but allowed to go In by Judge Banker, presiding. Jury Mostly Farmers. The jury before which the case is be ing tried is composed as follows: William Sharp, farmer; C. O. Myers, farmer; Joel V. Shuck, farmer; John P. Oman, far mer; A. 1. Bailey, farmer; Judd Bushpng, farmer; C. W. Damon, real estate dealer; Ellsworth E. Huston, farmer; Grant Gib- son, farmer; It. W. Bennett, farmer; Preston B. Cathers, oil man; H. J. Rut ledge, implement dealer. History of Trust Agreement. ' What the state expects to prove against the Standard T311 Company of Ohio was told to the jury by County Prosecutor David immediately on the reconvening of court. Never in Ohio, he began, had a Jury been called upon to try a defendant for the violation of state anti-trust laws in the Probate Court. The evidence the state would adduce, he said, would be principally documentary. Mr. David then gave a detailed explanation of the Valen tine anti-trust law. He said: "The Standard Oil trust was organized In 18S2 by John D. Rockefeller, William Rockefeller, Henry M. Flagler, H. H. Rog ers, John Archbold and a number of as sociates. The 'trust' was controlled by nine trustees. This arrangement contin ued for ten years, during which time 19 companies subsidiary to the 'trust,' but controlled by it, were organized. In 1892 the total capitalization of the company waa $102,233,700, with a surplus of $20,000, 000. Attorney-General Wilson, of Ohio, in 1892 charged that the trust agreement made a monopoly and this was explained by Mr. David. The trust was not then in existence, and had not come under the common law. Lawyer Dodge's Scheme. At a meeting of the board of stockhold ers, of the trust, called to dissolve the trust in compliance with the order of the court, he said, there was present for the company "a very great and learned law- yer by the name of Dodge, who intro duced a resolution formally setting out a new plan of organization." In explaining this new plan, which waa adopted, Mr. Dodge was quoted by Mr. David as saying to the stockholders: Your Interest will be the same then as now. Corporations will continue to do busi ness as heretofore and your proportion of their earnings will not be changed. Tou will understand that A will not get stock In one corporation and B In another, but each will get his due proportion In the stocks of all. At this meeting. Mr. David continued. arrangements were made for winding up the affairs of the trust and liquidating trustees were chosen, being the same as the old trustees, whom he again named Several years later, in ISM), he said, John D. Rockefeller and the same trustees were still controlling the policies and business of the Standard Oil Trust and at that time only about 60 per cent of the trust certificates had been exchanged under the terms of the Dodge resolution. New Method of Evading Law. The contempt proceedings instituted against the trust in 18!)8 by Attorney-General Monnett, of Ohio, but which the Supreme Court of the state dismissed, were here explained to the jury. It ' was during pendency of these proceed ings, he paid, that another form was given the organization. The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, was organized as a "holding company" with a capital stock of $110,000,000 and Increased cor porate power, which Included the right to buy. hold and vote the stock of other cor porations. John D. Rockefeller, he said, was the largest stock-owner and was president of the corporation between the years 1S09 and 1901. Mr. David said the New Jersey organization issued $9S,000, ( of capital stock and purchased nearly nil of the stock of the subsidiary com panies. The work of selecting the Jury began without delay. Prosecutor David accepted tho llrst 12 men drawn. Attorney Kline, for tho Standard Oil Company, however, had the court excuse three of the 12 on their statement thaC they had formed an opinion in tho case. New- York; against the American Sugar Refining Company of New York for re ceiving rebates from the Western Transit Company; against the Delaware, .Lacka wanna & Western Railroad Company; against the L. & W. R. R. Co., for giving rebates to T. M. Palmer; against the Northern Steamship Company, for giving rebates to the American Sugar Refining Company; against the Sugar Refining Company of New York for receiving re bates from the Northern Steamship Com pany; against the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company for giv ing rebates to the Brooklyn Cooperage Company; against the Brooklyn Cooperage Company for receiving rebates from the New York Central & Hudson River Railway. SUGAR KEBATEHS . INDICTED Trust and Its Itailroad Friends Are Cuught by Grand Jury. NEW YORK, Oct. 9. Eight Indictments in the so-called sugar rebate case were handed down by the October Federal Grand Jury, which completed its labors today. The Indictments were found earlier in the year, but were never offi cially reported until today. The Indict ments were as follows: Against the American Sugar Refining Company; against the American Sugar Refining Company, of New York, and C. Goodloe, Edgar and Edwin Barle, for re ceiving rebates from the New York Cen tral Railroad; against the Western Tran sit Company for giving rebates to the American Sugar Refining Company of BRIDGE COMPANIES GIVE UP Only One Remains to Fight for Ohio Bridge Trust. BELLEFONTAINH, O., Oct. 9. Five bridge companies surrendered their charters today as a result of the legal fight kn the Bridge Trust by Attorney General Ellis. They are the Champion Bridge Company, of Wilmington; the King Company, of Cleveland, and the Canton. Bellefontaine and Massillon companies. All of the other companies have left the state, the Mount Vernon Bridge Company alone remaining to wage the contest of the trust. The Circuit Court appointed trustees to wind up the affairs of the five com panies that were ousted today. ADJURED TO KILL REBELS KUSSIAX LOYALISTS START TER ROR IN ODESSA. President of Union Makes Incendi ary Speech and Action Follows Quickly on His Words. ODESSA, Oct. 9. President Dubro vin, of the Union of the Russian Peo ple, made a remarkable address here today. He spoke to a band of 303 armed members of the union, who had carried him on their shoulders to the railroad station on his departure for Kiev, and said: "In the name of our beloved Em peror I bless you. The holy Russian cause is the extermination of rebels. You know who they are and where to find them. Clear the Russian soil of them. The Russian people want neither constitutions nor parliaments, but orthodoxy and autocracy. Go ahead, brothers; death to the rebels and Jews." After his train had left the band of 300 rushed down the principal streets shouting: "Death to the rebels; death to the Jews." All shops were at once closed and the Jewish population was in a con dition of panic and terror throughout the night. Measures taken by the prefect, however, prevented further disturbances. RADICALS CONTROL PARTY. Russian Democrats Will Urge Peas ants to Boycott Army. HELSINGFORS. Finland, Oct. 9. A test vote at the Congress of Constitu tional Democrats, now in session here, has not been taken, but the Radicals claim they have a working majority, pointing out the attitude of the speak ers, of whom 50 per cent advocate Radical views. It Is not . determined, however, how far the party will ;be left to attend to the financial boycott of the Government. The Extremists advocate a bold appeal to the peasant ry to refuse to enter the army during the recruiting season, which opens this month. The central committee today was more strongly disposed to a com promise In order to avoid a disrup tion of the party, but apparently they cannot hope to retain the Moderates. Sixty speakers are yet to be heard. Strike Against Court-Martial. I.OBZ, Oct. 9. The men in all the factories in Lodz went on strike this afternoon because of the introduction of the system of drumhead court-martial. They made unsuccessful attempts to stop street cars and broke the win dows of a- number of cars with stones. Bandits Shoot Polish Leader. WARSAW, Oct. 9. John Gadomski, the most prominent of Polish Liberal journalists and editor of the Gazetta Polska. was shot and mortally wound ed by bandits this evening. FLQouS TEAR DOWN HILLS MEXICAN STATE OF JALISCO SUFFERS DELUGE. Hundreds of Lives Lost Steel Rail road Bridge Wrecked Steam Shovel Borne by Torrent. MEXICO CITY, Oct 9. Recent floods in the southern part of the State of Jalisco and In the State of Col I ma have resulted in great destruction of property and loss of life. The number of fatali ties from drowning along the line of the Manzanlllo extension of the Mexican Central Railway is 123. Thousands of tons of earth and rock descended in great landslides from the mountains. The new steel railway bridge below Tuxpan was destroyed and a steam shovel weighing 26 tons was borne by the torrent for a considerable distance. In one place the water rose 60 feet. Many houses were destroyed by floods in the towns of Tuxpan and Zapolilloc. Twenty-five lives were lost during the recent floods in the Santiago River. 15 were drowned in the capsizing of a boat while crossing the river. It has been sometime since there were such tumult uous floods on the west coast. DEAF MAN WALKS ON TRACK Takes. Warning for Friendly Saluta tion and Is Killed by Train. STOCKTON, Cal., Oct. 9. George W. Voorhies, an old resident of San Joa quin County, aged 72 years, was in stantly killed by a southbound Santa Fe passenger train about eight wiles from Stockton this afternoon. He was very deaf, and was walking along the track with a jug of water for men with whom he was working In a harvest field. A fellow-workman in the field saw the train approaching Voorhies and waved to him, but Voorhies thought it was a friendly salutation and answered but did not get off the track. Berger and Kauffniun Matched. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 9. Articles were signed tonight by Sam Berger and Al Kauffman for a 20-round contest October 31. Jack Welch was chosen referee. The articles provide that straight Marquis of yueensoury rules are to govern. GRASPS LIP FORM Mexican Laborer Finds His Wife Dead on Train. SEPARATED FOR MONTHS Rebozo Covered the Woman's Face and Five Children Cried at Her Knees to Deaf Ears on Way to Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES. Oct. 9. A distressing scene was witnessed in the Southern Pa cific depot this afternoon when the train from Santa Ana pulled in. Jesus Valen suela, a Mexican laborer, had been wait ing for a long time at the station to meet his wife Rosa and their five children. They had been separated for months. Not seeing the familiar faces in the crowd of passengers alighting, Valensuela climbed aboard the train. In the last coach he found the children crying about their mother's knees. Brushing them aside, he caught the woman in his arms, only to drop her limp form with a cry of horror. She was dead. No one knows when the woman expired, but passengers recall the frequent indig nant protests made by some of them be cause the mother, during the ride from Santa Ana- to Los Angeles, paid no heed to the plaints of her children. A Span ish rebozo that she had drawn about her face prevented any one from seeing that her features had stiffened in death. THE GREAT RISTORI DEAD Great Italian Actress Who Chal lenged Rachel's Supremacy. ROME. Oct. 9. The Marchesa del Grlllo, better known as Adelaide Ristorl, the celebrated Italian actress, died today of pneumonia. Adelaide Ristorl was born In 1822 at Civldale, where her parents were stroll ing players. At the age of 14 she was playing in Francesca da Rimini, and in a few years she became the leading Ital ian actress, a universal favorite because of her beauty and grace as well as her talents. Her marriage, in 1847, with the Marquis Capranica del Grillo (who died in 1861), temporarily interrupted her dra matic career, but after two years she re turned to the stage, and appeared at rome in Alfleri's tragedy of "Myrrha." The French attack on the city caused her for a time to desert the theater for the hospital, where she employed herself assiduously In nursing the wounded. After having acted for several years at Rome and Turin, with immense success, she presented herself before a French au dience In 1855, when Rachel was in the height of her fame, a proceeding consid ered as a challenge by the first Italian actress to the first French actress. Even In Paris she obtained a triumph, notably in Legouve's Medea, which had been re jected by Rachel. Two ot ner other great roles were Schiller's Mary Stuart and Glacomettl's Elizabeth. In London, in 1856, she met with great success as Lady Macbeth. She visited the United State3 in. 1S66, 1SV5 and 1884-85. Inventor of Barbed-Wire Fence. CHICAGO, Oct. 9. Joseph H. Glidden. the inventor of the barbed wire fence, is dead at his home in Dekalb, 111., at the age of 93. Mr. Glidden obtained the Idea of making barbed wire fencing from an exhibit made at a country fair in the early 70's by a man named Rose, who had driven some brads through a block, which he then stapled on a wire. Glidden improved upon this idea, and the barbed wire of today was the ultimate outcome. Henry Sreffins, Baltimore. NEW YORK, Oct. 9. Henry Steffins, 73 years old, a retired ship chandler of Baltimore, died suddenly in the 23d down town subway station last night of heart disease. Archbishop Bond, of Canada. MONTREAL, Oct. 9. Archbishop Bond, primate of all Canada of the Anglican Church, died here today, aged 91 years. JURY REBUFFS CORONER Finds "Al" Adams Committed Sui cide, Was Not Murdered. NEW YORK, Oct. 9. That Albert J. Adams, the so-called "policy king," who was found dead In his rooms in the Hotel Ansonia. was murdered, is the belief of Coroner Harburger, as expressed at the opening of the inquest into Adams' death today. The Coroner said he also would reveal evidence to show that the mur derer is a prominent witness at the in auest. In opening the inquest. Coroner Harburger told the jury that before coming into court this morning he had been "abused and vilified by an impor tant witness In the case." Continuing, he said: "The relatives and police ' believe that Adams committed suicide, but the Coro ner and J believe and expect to show to you that Albert J. Adams was murdered, and that the murderer is an Important witness in this case, who will appear be fore you." . The jury found that Adams was a suicide. The following is a list of the witnesses subpenaed at the inquest: Police Captain Burfiend, W. E. D. Stokes, pro prietor of the Ansonia Hotel: Mrs. Adams, widow of the alleged suicide; Albert J. and Louis Adams, his sons; Dr. Thorn ley, house physician at the Ansonia Ho tel: William Dunlevie, clerk at the An sonia; Edward Mill, bellboy; G. W. Rob bins and William H. Thomas, Adams' partner and friend. A witness asked Coroner Harburger why a bellboy at the hotel had not been summoned. "It is not too late," replied the Coro ner. "I shall have the subpena served at once." Mr. Stokes answered that he thought it was pretty late to take action, and then followed a sharp discussion between the two men. HOOD K1VFK TH17IT FAIR. O. R. & N. Makes Reduced Rate to Hood River. From October 11 to 13 the Hood River biennial fruit fair and Oregon Irrigation Association meeting will be held at Hood River, and for this occasion the O. R. & N. will make a round-trip rate from Port land of $2.55. Tickets may be secured at the city ticket office, corner Third and Wft3hinsrton Streets. tways Remember the Full JSgna sxafave gromo Quiama Cares aCoM in One Day, Crip in 2 Day on every box. 2So THE "DIFFERENT STORE" OLDS, WORTMAN & KING H Fifth, Sixth and Washington Sts. PORTLAND'S LEADING' STORE FIRST IN EVERYTHING The Shoe Sale Goes" Marching On!" Men Are Appreciative The Third Day of the Stupendous Sale of 5000 Pairs of Men9 s Shoes Opens This Morning! That the importance of the savings embraced within the scope of this wonderful sale has impressed itself upon thousands of male shoe-wearers is evidenced by the unprecedented re sponse accorded our announcements of the past two days. Men are good advertisers they talk among themselves and tell one another of their good fortune. So the news of the great Shoe Sale has spread upon an endless chain of tongues. Values will be as plentiful here today as on Monday and yesterday and as good. Thru discontinuance of certain factories' lines, and closing out of a numbmer of short lines, all products of the world's best shoemakers we're willing to sell you today the Best $5 to $6 Shoes Made in America for $3.49 And 5000 Pairs to Choose From! Thinking Men Will Not Pay More for Their Winter Shoes ! But! the shoes speak for themselves. Every man who has an eye for smartness in footwear and a care for the cost will plan to share these savings as soon as he reads this good shoe news. We append the list: MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $2.95. Men's patent colt and gunmetal Lace Shoes, the Florsheim & Co. make; Blucher cut, heavy soles, mat calf tops, made over a new kite toe ; reg ular value $5.00 ; special, . pair . .' $2.95 MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49. Men's 7-button colt dress, Florsheim & Co.'s make, made on a neat toe straight last, plain toe with new stitched tip, mat calf top very flex ible single' sole; regular value $5.00; special, pair $3.49 MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49. Pingree & Co.'s men's patent colt Lace Shoes, made of the very best selected stock, inserted mat calf panel top; made on a straight round toe; regular value $5.00; special, pair $3.49 MEN'S $4.00 SHOES $2.89. Men's patent colt Lace Shoes, heavy soles, Blucher cut, mat calf top, swing last; regular value $4.00; special, pair $2.89 MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49. Men's patent colt lace Dress Shoes, made by Florsheim & Co., perfectly straight last, mat calf top, high-class shoe; regular value $5.00; spe cial, pair $3.49 MEN'S $4.00 SHOES $2.89. Men's patent colt 6-button Shoes, duU calf top, new Tomay toe. good style and stock; regular value $4.00; special, pair $2.80 MBN'S $4.00 SHOES $2.39. About 1000 pairs Men's Shoes, odds and ends, heavy and light soles, pat ent and dull leather, in black and tan; regular value $1.00; special, pair $2:39 MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49. Florsheim & Co.'s men's gunmetal Lace Shoes, made on a new last spe cially for those who have low insteps; these have easy, flexible soles adapted for folk with tender feet; reg. value $5; special, pair. $3.49 MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49. Men's tan or black English grain Walking Shoes, made of heavy stock, full double sole to heel, bellow tongue to top, viseolized sole; regular value $5.00; special, pair $3.49 $2.95 and $3.49 FOR MEN'S. SHOES WORTH $6.00. Hundreds of pairs of men's shoes of the famqus Florsheim & Co.'s make; best styles and grades ; values to $6.00 ; special at, pair $2.95 and $3.49 Women's Tailor Suits in Splendid Variety Expressing the Newest Styles, $12.50 to $225 In so far as the accepted modes of the season are concerned the showing today lacks naught of completeness but there are other interesting style features and values due for mature consideration arriving daily. We ask the attention of Portland women particu larly at this time to the Olds, Wortman & King ' Custom Fitting Department In charge of an expert tailoress by whom all alterations are made. Ready-to-don apparel here is equal to any, superior to most, custom garments for several reasons. Among oth ers, later modes, more authoritative styles, more experienced and skilled workmanship, finer, more elaborate and exquisite finish. Formerly the woman who would be modishly drest had recourse only to a custom tailor. She had only the fashion plates and rolls of cloth from which to select taking a long chance of getting the garment she had pictured, but a good chance of getting an unbecom ing gown, or wrap. But OLDS, WORTMAN & KING have changed all this. This store organized its Custom Fitting Department, engaged only expert fitters and tailors who've had experience with the best houses in America. As a basis upon which to build such an organization we already had what has been aptly termed a "STYLE STORE." Foreign gowns and street costumes, with the sentimental value of the celebrated maker's name attached, added to the regular intrinsic value of the gown, together with the import duty, makes the price too high for any except the few. But at this store one may see many reproductions of such garments at nominal, easy-to-pay prices, made possible by American methods, and our immense output, which enables us to control such productions, from the master hands of such renowned artistes as the world-famous modiste, Mile. Schroeder, and others. You see all these productions made up; and you may try on as many different styles as vou choose then select that which is most becoming, and the CUSTOM FITTER fits your figure perfectly. Expensive? No. The cost of this organization is spread over the thousands of garments we sell yearly, making the individual cost no greater than the haphazard fitting. It's high time you were .selecting your new suit and coat for Fall and Winter wearing. Even tho the present mild and beautiful days tempt one to continue with the Summer clothing, bear in mind that changes come quickly, and one should be prepared with the heavier garb that the calendar calls for. Come in today, select your gown and have it properly FITTED. Points for Men to Feel: Annex 6th St., First Floor. Each point has a saving prick which reminds the man reader it's not altogether what one earns as what one saves that makes a man inde pendent. Our customers in the Men's Shop are among the thrifty class. Share the economics today. Among other things of interest : There's a Special Sale of Lounging Robes. Read: MEN'S BATH AND LOUNGING ROBES, WORTH $4.00, FOR $2.85. Men's Bath and Lounging Robes, made of blanket cloth, in Oriental de signs. A seasonable article at a very unseasonable price; our $4.00 value. Special sale price, each $2.85 MEN'S 20c COTTON SOX FOR 12y2c. Men's black cotton Sox with white sole, seamless; extra value at 20c the pair. Special sale price, the pair 12V:: MEN'S $3.00 SUITCASES $2.35. A line of men's 24-ineh Suitcase's in dark brown, with Heavy leather han dles, outside straps, four inside straps to keep goods in place; heavy brass lock; extraordinary value at $3; special sale price, each. $2.35 MEN'S $1.25 WORSTED UNDERWEAR FOR 97c. Men's Worsted Underwear, well made and finished, in tan, flesh, blue and natural; our regular $1.25 value; special sale price, the garment. .97 A Few Dinner Sets Left on the Bargain Table No two alike, and some not all have a piece or two gone from the set. Now, to most buyers, this would not be a serious objection, provided we offset the shortage by a mighty shrinkage in the price. Just what we 're going to do and you may select from the lot today at such reduc tions as appear appended read: Take Elevator to Third Floor. ' $22.00 German China Set, decorated spray with gold lines on handles and knobs, special $12.00 $2.00 German China Set, border pattern, small pink flowers, gold-traced handles and knobs; special $10 .OO $43.00 German China Set, Grecian border pattern of gold, with green line; special $30.00 $29.00 Haviland China Set, decorated small purple flowers, gold-traced handles and knobs; special $17.50 $29.00 Haviland China Set, decorated green or pink sprays, gold-traced handles and knobs; special ". $17.50 $33.00 Haviland China Set, green spray, heavy gold around edges: spe cial $20.00 $37.50 Haviland China Set, small spray, pink flowers, gold-stippled ; special ...$24.00 ttttl mm Children9 s Fall Underwear: Boys' Misses' New Arrivals First Floor Mothers lean on this great store as a reliable source from which spring those dependable things which youngsters demand for hard service and the wear and tear of the play-day age in Life. Perhaps nowhere do besieging forces strive for attention of careful mothers who buy children's apparel than in the Knit Underwear Section. Among the week's newest attractions at this point are these : Children's white cotton fleeced lined Winter weight Vests or Pants, at, each 25S 30? and 35 Children's white and natural Swiss ribbed, worsted Vests or Pants, non shrinkable; very elastic, sizes IS to 34, at, each 50 Misses' white jersey ribbed cotton Union Suits, good Winter weifrht; special at 50 and 60 Boys' cotton Shirts and Drawers, in natural color, good weight, at, each 25tf, 30 and 35 Boys' extra heavy cotton Shirts and Drawers, sizes 24 to 3-4, each.SO Same as above, very fine and heavy; sizes 24 to 34, at, each 65 Boys' white cotton Merode Union Suits, heavy weight; priced accord ing to size. Misses' "Merode" Merino Union Suits, in white and natural, at $1.00 to $1.33 BELT SUGGESTIONS First Floor Shops. Our fall showing of Ladles' Kelts is very complete and includes every thing in plain and fancy belts that one coull wish for. Plain stitched taffeta belts and those of Persian and Roman plaid silks are very pop ular. Beautiful elastic belts, with handsome cut-steel buckles are among the latest novelties. Priced from 9St to S28.50 THE LONG GLOVES-MATCHLESS SELECTION ' tint Floor. Ladies' Silk Gloves, In 16-button length, of. good heavy silk; all sizes, Mack and white; price, the pair $1.50 Ladies' Kid Gloves, in 12 and 16-button lengths, in browns, tans, sravs, navy blue, green, champagne and white; pair $2.75 and S3.5U 'MONG FANCY WARES New Arrivals In the "Finery" Shops First Floor. SMART. FANCY RIUIIOVS. Scotch Plaid Ribbons are in ?reat demand this season. Here in all the latest shades and combinations of colors. Much used for hat trimmings and stunninfr belts. Price, the yard, from 75o to $1.25 Handsome Dresden Ribbons in profusion are shown at our ribbon coun ters and are in popular favor. Prices, the yard 50 to S1.50 'KERCHIEFS. New Initial Handkerchiefs, with hand-embroidered corners; are of sham rock linen, either plain or cross-bar. Prices, each, from..;t5 to 65 NETS FOR GOWNS. New Nets, suitable for evening gowns; either plain or figured, In white black and colors.. Prices, tne yard, from 60C to S7.50