13 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, lO, 1906. NEW TODAY. THE baxk which protects its Depos itors WITH ASSETS OF OVER Welcome the single dollar of the poor man or woman Just as much as the thousand of the wealthy. Send today for our fres booklet containing full explanation of our plana for savins money and the safest and most convenient methods of banking. . "We pay 3 per cent Interest, compounded semi-annually, on savings accounts of any amount from $1 upward, and 26 to 4 per cent on Special Certificates of Deposit In sums of $300 or more, according to the llm the funds are le't with uj. Portland Trust Company of Oregon t. E. Cor. 3d and Oak SU. Phone Ex. 72. SEN! I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President E LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA.-. Assistant Secretary VANCOUVER Water Front 5 to 10-Acre Tracts I hold options on over a .mile of water frontage between new R. R. and deep water. This property will dou ble in value in 90 days. Phone, and I will call and quote prices. C. C. SHAY Tabor 152 SOME BARGAINS 7,000 50x100. with buildings bringing 10 per cent net. on 23d and Roosevelt sts. : will be worth double, as this Is In terminal district. 12,500 Quarter block on 12th and Everett. on railroad track r good for warehouse. J3.8.V ",0x100. ISth and Lovejoy. $22.000 Quarter block, 13th and Pettygrove, on terminal track. This Is cheap. $S50 A snap; half block In St. Johns. $4,50(1 &oom house; modern; lot 40x125: on Stanton St.. East Side. $2,050 100x100. with 8-room house, at Wood stock. $4.000 Fine half block. 123x200. In Holladay Park Addition; 2 corners; will cut Into 5 large lots. Two quarter blocks In same addition. 100x123 each: streets graded and parked, ce ment sidewalks, gas, etc. If yu want something good, see this. $27.000 Half block on E. 3d and Washington; good warehouse property, til. 000 Hi acres, river from, in South Port land; a bargain. We buy and sell stocks and bonds. If you want something pood In this line, see us. McCUSKER-KEADY INVESTMENT CO. 307 Falling Bldg. Phone Main 1258. LOOK! $33,000 Quarter . block on Front street now producing grood revenue, values In creasing rapidly In this district. $50,000 Quarter block on Third street, close 5n, well Improved and producing good revenue. Lambert-Whitmer Co. 107 Sherlock Building:. Buy Lands And buy Oregon Farm Mortgages. Either is a good investment. Call at our office for information. Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company Lumber Exchange Building,. 2d Floor, Si E. Cor. 2d and Stark Sts. Choice Acres One to five-acre tracts, close in, on O. "W. P. & Ry. ; choice black soil, im proved ; $300 per acre ; easy terms. Jordan & Garbade Room 22, 232V2 Washington St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 2BOO 6-ROOM MODERN. 743 CLINTON ST.. on car line; full basement; $1000 down. $20 per month. $2800 6-room modern, 22d and Clinton St., new, being finished; corner lot; $600 down. $20 ner month. $2300 7-room modern, K. 43d St.. one block from car. new; $1000 down; terms. $1000 6-room. Laurelwood. 3 lots, fruit tree, and berries; $1000; terms. We have houses from $600 up on easy payments. FIDELITY LAND CO.. 617 Oregonian Bldg. f,4300 SACRIFICE SALE. SOUTH FORT land. close In. large lot. good building; splendid Investment on money: must be sold at once; party leaving. Phone Pacific 2605. J$ 1350 FRACTIONAL BLOCK. 100x224. ON W. W. car line; house, barn, chicken barn and yard; all fenced. A snap. Moore Realty Co., Stearns bldg., 6th st. (TEX ACRES NEAR LENTS JUNCTION, this week only, at $1S00. C. L. PARRISH A CO.. 428 Lumber Excharge. Phone Main A31S. QUARTER BLOCK, $500: EASY INSTALL ments: Patton's Addition, near St. Johns car. Vanduyn & Walton, 303 Chamber Com merce. FOR SALE VINEYARD AND ORCHARD homes cheap. Send for free "homeseekers guide." Shepherd-Teague Co., Fresno, Cai. SHOUSES ALL PARTS OF CITY. BUILT AND sold oa installments. Kroner, 24-17 Cam bridge bldg.. southwest cor. sd and Morrison. 2200 NEW. MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE, B. Hol'aday Addition; terms to suit purchaser. D. Miller, 416 Chamber Commerce. 6NAP 110x200 Portland Heights, with mag nificent views, cheap for next few days. T. Dubois. Washington, room 1. BARGAIN"-$1500. BEAUTIFUL LOT ON Larrabee St.: tine view, close in; easy terms. 20 iuc.viiiien st. EIGHT CHOICE LOTS. 18 MINUTES' R1DB, 62x100. worth $2000. but $1400 takes them this week. 243 Stark St. UOLLADAY'S ADD. 8-ROOM MODERN house, bargain. Apply C. R. Donohoe. 334 ISth and Weldler. TCR BALB CHfAP-W-ACRB AT MT. Ta bor; terms. Owsor, &sl B. Morrlsos sac Union svs. . S MODERN 6 AND 6-ROOM HOUSES. $1800 to $3000; terms; East Side. Phone Wood- lawn 197. QUARTER BLOCK. OR FRACTIONAL LOTS. 13th and E Pine sts Phone East 522. 6T JOHNS. 2 SPLENDID LOTS. NEAR CAR, $375 handles; snap. 243 Stark st- $1,750,000 FOB SALE RE AX. ESTATE. YOU WILL BELIEVE WHEN YOU SEE. $2400 Very cozy, new, nioaern, o-rooin cottage, Sunnyside. one block Bel mont street car line, lot 5uxlJ0; a few days only; make offer. $3400 Elesant modern 7-room resi dence. East Taylor street; swell loca tion; a snap. $3650 Splendid modern 8-room house, full lot, one block Belmont car; terms. $4500 Beautiful new, modern, 8-room residence. East Sixteenth street, cor ner, only two blocks from new High School; a decided snap. Acreage 3 blocks from car line. $700 per acre, fine soil, all in cultiva tion, fruit trees, making fine homes; nothing like it. STAUB & SAWTELL. 227V& Washington St., Room 17. THREE OF OUR BEST BUYS AND THREE of the best Duys in me- city . $1850 takes a strictly modern 6-room new home; it's co2y, with nice yard, roses and fruit; cement basement; chicken-house; 16 foot alley; full lot; property is worth $2200; one-half cash. $2000 Al 6-room home, new and modern; it's a bargain and very easy terms. $2250 for a nice, well-built 7-room home on B. 17th St.: it's modern; street improve ments all paid; elegant neighborhood- This property is worth much more money and can be bought on easy terms. Lot on Taylor and 19th sts.. not full size, for S725; If it were a full lot it would cost $1500. Have lots at $10 cash and 5 per month, and they are dandies. STEIXMETZ & CO.. The Homeseilers. 193 Morrison St. THREE BARGAIN'S 6-room cottage, basement, hall, pamry. lot 63 feet front, concrete walks, fine improved street, fronts on Brooklyn car line; $1600. 6-room cottage, hall, pantry, bath. ga3, basement, concrete walks on Jefferson St., full lot; $3500. 6-room house; hall, pantry, closets, bath: house built of first-class material; concrete walks around house, nice lawn, choice fruits, streets Improved, walks laid, nice view, con venient to car In Woodlawn; only $1600. HBNKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. NEW HOME. WEST SIDE. North of Washington; lot 60x100, 9 large rooms, substantially built and first-class In every particular; part cash, balance easy terms. FRED C. KING. 506 Commercial Blk. 2d and Washington. WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED TWO NEW modern residences at Archer Place: one a 7 room house ($2150). and the other a 6-room house ($1950): one-third cash and balance easy monthly payments: both bargains; 1 corner and 1 inside lot with each house. E. F. Cannon & Co.. 309 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark streets. 18 ACRES AT COURTNEY. ON OREGON City car; 10 acres of fruit, good house, barn and apple-house; will sell this at a bargain. Three acres In cultivation, V mile of car line, fruit and berries; this will make you the little place that you want. FIDELITY LAND CO., 617 Oregonian Bldg. 8-FOOM HOUSE, B. ASH. BETWEEN B. ISth and 20th; as modern as they build: right frontage and elevation: lot 4Sxl20; nice lawn, roses, fruit trees; $4S0O, half or all cash: would sell carpets, shades, ranee, chinaware and furniture. If desired. Cuiver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE SALE OWNER LEAVING CITY New, modern. 6-room house, electricity and gas, furnace, concrete basement, corner lot 60x100, nice lawn, 7-minute car service on Hawthorne car line: $3500; terms. Call or address 320 East 33d. Phone Tabor 2S5. MARSHALL ST., BET. 23D AND 24TH Beautiful home, nearly new, well built and extra finished; best buy in choice nelchbor hood; $7000- can sell furniture at bargain, if desired. Morgan. Sweet & Chapman, 213 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2015. $3500 WILL BUY THE PRETTIEST Lo cated home on the Oregon City car line, running water, good selection fruit trees and berries; substantial 9-room house; 3 acres; terms, $2000 down. John Gower. Rlsley's Station. Mllwaukle. FOR SALE THE BEAUTIFUL PARK grounds. 200x105, with 12-room house, barns, on Base Line road 5-MUe Road House); also 4-room house, basement, fruit trees, lot 100 xlOO; splendid view. Inquire of Capt. H. Schneider. Montavllla. FULL CORNER LOT. CLOSE IN, EAST Portland, only 6 blocks from Burnside bridge; all improvements in and paid; $325o; :$1050 cash, balance assume mortgaKe 14 months low Interest. Culver. 623 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS NEW 8-ROOM house, full lot. cement walks, furnace, fire place, everything modern, beautiful view, fine surroundings; built for a home; phone for prices and terms. C. C. Shay. Tabor 152. A CHOICE BUY. SO acres close In on Johnson Creek and electric line, all cleared, fine soli, no gravel; a decided snap. Vanduyn & Wal ton. 303 Chamber Commerce. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR BUILDING OR investment, 50x100: $100 cash or terms; rood car service: water. 410 Dekum bide Phone Main 6646. See them before buying elsewnere. 60x100 IN CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND, verv suitable for three 8-room houses, or for two fine fiats, either of which would rent well always. Culver, 623 Chamber of Com merce. UNTIL THE 12TH OF OCTOBER OWNER will sell that residence just being com pleted bet. 3d st. and Union ave.. on Schuy ler st. ; price $4100. Apply 317 Hancock st. NEW 7-ROOM MODERN DWELLING, NOB Hill: lot 40x100. $4750. , C. L. PARRISH & CO.. 423 Lumber Exchange. Phone Main 6315. STOP PAYING RENT. $1100 Nice full lot with nearly new cot tage, $150 cash; $15 monthly. F. FUCHS. 221M. Morrison St. LOOK NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FIN- lshed, city water, cnicken-nouse, lenceG. 40 X120 lot. close to car. Tremont: only $1150. The Continental Co., btark. HOLLA DAY'S ADDITION. Vt -BLOCK. TWO modern awenmss, venieni udbemenia, iruic n awenmss, venieni udberaenia, iruic, flowers, cement sidewalks; cheap for 375 EL 3d St. N. cash. 5-ROOM COTTAGE ON E. ASH ST.. NEAR 24th, one block from Ankeny car; $2250, on easy terms. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. $2500 SIGHTLY CORNER ON MARSHALL st.; DeauTirui view; cnoice nome loca tion. Moore Realty Company, Stearni bldg., 6th st. LOT ON 22D ST. SUITABLE FOR RESI- cencr. or flats: also z lots in Portsmouth lot In Willamette Addition. Inquire 302 East &:xtn street ssoutn. FINE NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, $4000; $500 cash, balance $25. monthly; 6-room house. $3000; $300 cash. $20 monthly. Owner. Phone East 6i5. FOR SALE NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE AND lot; a neat one; close In. Part cash and quarterly payments. See it. Owner. 653 East 10th st. $350 CASH AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS, same as rent, takes 7-room residence; best residence district; University Park. S 56, oregonian. FOR SALE AN ATTRACTIVE SIX-ROOM modern house in North Irvir.jtton. lust com pleted; price $2350. M. Watklns. 40 Labbe ouliatng. Heights, all together $500 cash. Will meet today. MODERN RESIDENCE. $3000: $250 CASH $25 per month; also $375 buys cottage and lot near street-car. m. (j. Davis. 253 Alder. WASTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED MODERN 7 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE with one or two lots. West Side preferred : or small acreage not, far from city; would use to Keep msiae ot $iuuo; state particu lars. X 68, Oregonian. WANTED FOR CASH. GOOD WEST Side business property, inside of $25,000. Owners only. Oregon Pacific Investment company, bio ana 13 Dekum bldg. WB HAVE SEVERAL CUSTOMERS FOR good residence property; If you want to sen. see us. Jennings e oo., 3&:a wash lngton Bt. CASH for timber, farm, business or property anywhere: send description and price. North western securities oo.. 315 oregonian Bldg. 6 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE. WEST Sinr. or close in. East Side. Morgan. Sweet & Chao- man, zia Aomgion Diag. fnone Main 2015, WANTED GOOD RESIDENCE LOT OR to 7-room house and lot. in South Portland, k w.a. niuus .iUtlUl llflD. For cheap country homes and small farmi aaaress Mome Land Co.. Centralis, Wash. WANTED sJOUSE AND LOT OR LOT FOR casn; owners only, t do. oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT OR SALE MIGHT Ex change tor a lltue property. 366 1st st. forti&na or. FOB SALE FARMS. 2040 ACRES IN EASTERN OREGON WILL carry 4000 head of sheep; a river of water controls 6600 acres of grazing land and only one day's drive from mountain range. Good valley farm, well stocked, best im provements and 40 acres of hoas. Fruit land In the fruit belt of Oregon. In lots to suit. lmprovedor unimproved. 40 acres unimproved, near city, $50 per acre. SPHINX AGENCT, 305H Stark Street. HOOD RIVER. 160 acres. Hood River apple district, good house, land easy to clear; $00 per acre; one ha!f cash, balance 5 per cent; no agents. 445 Sherlock bldg. FINEST RANCH IN DOUGLAS COUNTY for the price; 1400 acres. 360 cultivated, balance timber and grazing land, fruit; buildings, all fenced; will pay 20 per cent on Investment; 2t miles to railroad. Par ticulars 243 Stark- st. 10 ACRES CHOICE FARM LAND. NEW 8 room house, barn, 2. cisterns, fruit trees, berries: desirable home, -mlle north Gray's crossing, ill. Scott car line. Ceo. Clark. FARM SNAP. $4600 50 acres well improved, good soil, 10 miles Portland, with everything on place. F. FUCHS. 221 "A Morrison St. $1000 FOR 80 ACRES APPLE LAND, Lyle. Wash., easily cleared; trade for Portland property or terms. Address C, 207 14 th st. COOS BAY 40 ACRES. DEEP-WATER frontage, controls 80 acres tldelands. $2500; certainly a snap. Particulars 243 Stark St. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR TIMBER In Crook, Klamath and Lake Counties, single claims and large tracts, send us your descriptions and net cash price, as we are handling timber every day In the above counties. Gregg Bros., S4 6th St., 317 and 318 Fenton bldg.. Portland, Or. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR TIMBER LANDS in Crook. Jackson and Klamath Counties 'especially Crook); single claims and large tracts; cruiser now on the ground. Call or write Monteith & Murdoch. 401-402 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE BLOCK OF STOCK IN ESTAB- Uahed lumber mtg. enterprise, proceeds to be used to increase capacity: strictly "ground floor" proposition. P 60. Oregonian. FOR SALE 160 ACRES TIMBER. 10.000.000 feet, on railroad; $1 pr thousand: no agents: don't answer unless you mean business. Ad dress F 91, Oregonian. 820 ACRES TIMBER, TILLABLE LAND: 1.400.000 yellow fir and cedar on logging stream. 22 miles from city. W 60. Ore gonian. OREGON HOMESTEADS ON NEWLY SUR- veyed railroad: will grow an Kinas crops witn out irrigation. 202 Worcester bldg., Portland. 3360 ACRES YELLOW FIR ON GOOD LOG- glng river; well jocatea tor sea or raj shipments: low price. N 27, Oregonian. CHOICE BODY OF TIMBER, 70.000,000 TO 80.000,000 and upward. $1 per tnousana. it taken at once. V 41. Oregonian. 25.000,000 FEET GOOD TIMBER IN LEWIS County, - v asnington, cneap lor uuu. oymus Agency, SOSla Stark St. TWO HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS; fine timber; near ranroaa. v w. oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE- SO acres, nearly an ricn river Dottom lana, 40 acres cultivated, good bouse and barn, running stream of water; 9 cows, 3 heifers, wagon, buggy, all farm tools, 5 tons hay, near store and creamery. 11 miles from Van couver Wash.: will trade fos Portland prop erty: $4000. Henkle & Harrison, 217 Ablng ton bldg. SPLENDID LIVERY. DOWNTOWN. FOR city or farm property; also nnest suourDan home near Portland, valued at $20,000, for Income property; never before offered. The Continental Co.. 243 Stark st. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR Improved Portland real estate from $1000 up 7 I prefer San Diego or Los Angeles real es tate. W. E. McPherson. Son Diego, Cal. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. Al! kinds, including approved forest reserve for surveyed. unsnrveyed, timbered and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland. Portland. Or. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE ONE YOUNG. MATCHED driving team, harness ana wagon, one Bingle wagon, horse and harness, one fresh cow; one. 6 months Lewellyn setter. Call at 841 Mississippi. VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS. NEW AND second-hand: largest stock, lowest prices; Tiorses and rles rented by day or month. Tomlinson & Casslday. 211 Wash. Pac. 507. WANTED HORSES TO PASTURE TO suit convenience of owner; large, com modious barn to shelter against inclem ent weather. Phone Main 6045. WANTED 15 HEAD OF WORK HORSES from 950 to 130O pounds. Tomlinson & Cas sidy. 211 Washington st.. corner 1st. BUY YOUR NEW DELIVERY WAGONS and buggies and save money at 34a E. Washington st. FOR SALE TEAM. 2700 POUNpS, WITH 3H wagon and harness. ,20 Tacoma ave., Sellwood. WANTED A GOOD HORSE AND COVERED wagon; also second-nand cash register. 613 Glisan st. We buy, sell, rent, exchange, horses, wagons. saddles, narneu. Hubert Ac aail, -it a. LIGHT SPRING WAGON FOR SALE. IN- quire 430 Flanders, bet. 10th and 11th sts. TWO WORK TEAMS, THREB WAGONS and harness for sale. Inquire 441 ijjloyt st. GOOD DELIVERY HORSE FOR SALE. Washington Creamery Co. Main 7G4. Mtsceluuieuua. 60 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA- chines at very low prices: singer. Whee,er Ai Wilson, Domestic, White, Household. Davis and others; to make room for new stock Wheeler A Wilson and Singers. S. 8. Siwel. 335 Morrison at,. Marquam bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying: modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Bruna-wick-Balke-Collender. 49 3d St. FOR SALE 41-FT. YAWL SEA BIRD; $250. cost $700; two years old. One 2 room houseboat; also IS-foot gasoline launch. 3 h. p. : $130. Inquire A. T. Whit man, foot of Thurman st. PATENTS FOR SALE AN ADJUSTABLE shaft hanger, a conveyor and a coffee roaster patented September 11, 1906; three good ones: quick. J. M. E., care R. B. Wylle, 1 East 9th st. THOROUGHBRED SHROPSHIRE AND Cotswold rams; also grades. H. G. Stark weather. Rural Route No. 1. Mllwaukle, Or. FOR SALE ONE "COLE'S HOT BLAST" stove; a fuel saver: good as new. Cheap. 4S4 Lexington ave. Telephone Union 692. FOR SALE CHEAP. TWO STATIONARY gasoline engines. 34 and 4 H. P. 205 1st. WAREHOUSE WANTED WITH TRACK facilities What can you offer? 110 N. 3d sc. LADY'S AND GENT'S SADDLE. -TWO FOR $10; a bargain. Inquire 673 Kearney st. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 2 FINE 4x9 billiard tables. D 63, Oregonian. TWO SCOWS FOR RENT OR SALE, quire 244'-j Couch st. KELP WANTED MALE. ONE FIRST-CLASS PRESSER WANTED. Good wages, in ladles' tailoring. 411 Mor rison. GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. small family, good wages. Call 773 Hoyt. WANTED ERRAND BOY WITH A WHEBL; wages $5 per week to good boy. 170 3d st. WANTED STRONG BOY TO WORK IN bakery. Apply after 2 P. M. at 310 1st st. WANTED EXPERIENCED PLUMBER'S helper. Apply Wells & Fargo bldg. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CANDY helper. Apply at 104 North 6th st. WANTED A GOOD BARTENDER AT THE Sunset saloon. 347 Morrison st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS MAKERS. Nlcoll the Tailor. 108 3d st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS. Nlcoll tha Tailor, 108 3d st. HELP WAN TED MALE . WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BOD-ied unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can epeak. read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer, Alnswortb block, 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR LACE CUR tain and drapery department. Apply to su perintendent, the Golden Eagle. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discbarges positively cured In from 8 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Aider sts.; entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE '$100 to $150 per month, some even more; stock clean; grown on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advanced weekly: choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. MEN TO PREPARE FOR RAILWAY MAIL clerk, lettercarrier and custom-nouse serv ice; over 60 other positions paying from $500 to $2500 and up: our evening course of study qualifies you. W. C. C. S 613 McKay Bldg. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates t from $15 to $25 weekly: expert instruct ors; catalogue free. Moler System of col leges 35 N. 4th st. Portland. WANTED BRIGHT. RELIABLE lousn men between the ages or o ana tv lca" the electrical business. Apply at once. A. L. Phillips. Pacific States Telephone Co Alder and West Park. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing. Jeweler work, optics, -easy terms, tlons guaranteed; money made learning-Watchmkg-Engrav. Ech'l. 1426 4th av. beattie WANTED 20 SWAMPERS AT GOOD wages. 28 miles from Portland ana ono nw from R. R. Apply Western Cpg. Co.. KOtt Stearns bldg.. Portland; also at Houlton, or. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CABINET-MAKER : must be able to work by building pian Apoly at once. A. L. Phillips, Pacific 6tates Telephone Co.. Alder and West Park. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Burbank's new stone less plum. Miracle. Big pay: permanent position. Chlco Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED A CLEAN AND CAPABLE salesman; one who will appreciate and make the most of an opportunity for ad vancement. Address C 51, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER ONB WITH A KNOV L edge of lumber business preferred; tempo rary employment, with a view to permanent position. D 69. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE MAN MUST be good penman and good at flgtrujs. State age. experience ana salary eipwim. .ad dress R 41. Oregonian. - SPECIAL POSTOFFICE CLERK EXAM lnatlou Oct. 27. Young men desiring pre paration see E. O. Heynen. 315 Columbia Bldg. Day or evening. WANTED TWO OR THREE FIRST-CLASS all-round machine men: permanent posi tion, good wages. Oregon Furniturs Mfg. Co.. Macadam Road. . NEWSPAPER AND PROGRAMME ADVER tlslng solicitors wanted; commission; ad vertising contracts cashed upon acceptance. 603 uoodnouffh bldg. HERE'S A CHANCE TO SECURE WORK IN a cash business as partner; pay you $4 a day; previous experience not necessary, wu 24S"4 Stark St. WANTED STRONG YOUTH. COUNTRY Hw nrtrr-frt tn dst shinning clerk with packing goods. Graves' Music Store. 32S Washington st. WANTED JAPANESE BOY THAT UNDER " Btanri4 bftw tr onen ovsters. Call between 10 and 11 o'clock at Arlington Club, Alder st. entrance. f WANTED FIVE GOOD CANVASSERS FOR oortralt comDanv. . Liberal commission. Easy seller. Apply 126 12th. today at 10 A. M. TEACHERS PRINCIPAL, $S0; SCIENCE. $S0 to $100: math.. $50; commercial, ww. risk Teachers' Agency, 1200 Williams. East 344, UNION LATHERS WANTED $3 PER 1000; 60 cents extra for coves. Master Plasterers' Association. 425 16th St., Oakland, Cai. WANTED FIRST-CLASS TAILOR TO WORK by week: steady Job. 521 per week guaran teed. Barette the Tailor, 268 Alder st. WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERI enced drapery cutter and hantrer; none other need apply. Address JS. 0i, oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CANDYMAKER, capable of taking charge of factory. Good salary. Address F 4S, Oregonian. ROOFERS WANTED. TINNERS WANTED, sheet metal workers wanted. Apply Wyn koop the Roofer, 248 Ash st. WANTED FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICI tors to introduce Dust Clean. Apply at 334 Alder rt.. bet. 4:30 and 5:30. WANTED AT ONCE. 10 MILLWRIGHTS AT the Cowlitz Valley Lumber Company's Mill at Kelso; wages $4 per day. STRONG BOY WANTED. APPLY SHIP plng department Powers' Furniture Com pany. 209 Taylor st, 7 A. M. WANTED AT ONCE. A GOOD ETOVE mounter. Apply to Albion Stove Works. Limited, Victoria. B. C. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LUMBER- man to take charge or mill ana Dusincss at once. F 60. Oreconlan. WANTED PHYSICIAN. REGISTERED IN Orecon. at once Inquire St. Louis Dis pensary. 230-4 Yamhill. WANTED MAN WITH $300 FOR CIGAR and candy stand at 181 Morrison; fine business for winter. WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS STOVE mounter. Steady work. Portland Stove Works, 626 Hood st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR. ber trade, salary In eight weeks. Steady Job. 101 Grand ave. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR WRAPPING department. Eastern Outfitting Co.. Wash ington and 10th sta BARBERS THE BEST PAYING SHOP ON Washington st. for sale; investigate. Call 606 Washington st. WANTED A COUNTRY PRINTER. ' RAP id adsetter. Apply at once Dally Star. Oregon City. Or. BOY TO CARRY OREGONIAN SOUTH Portland; must be 16 years and over. Call Business Office. WANTED COATMAKERS AND VEST makers; highest price paid. A. J. Brault, Hamilton bldg. WANTED YOUNG MAN AS COUNTER OR checker; nlgnt work. Apply alter a r. 31 at 310 1st st. BOY ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE WANTED for office work and a messenger. O 17. Oregsnlan. SOLICITORS IN HOUSEHOLD NECESSI- tles; good return for few hourJ work. Call 262 3d St. GOOD BOY WITH WHEBL, AGE 14 TO 19: salary $7.B0 a week. R. M. Gray. 26U-271 Morrison. 1 BOY WITH WHEEL TO HELP IN STORS and deliver packages: good wages. Fraley, 214 3d. WB SECURE EMPLOYMENT bers. Special membership. $2. FOR MEM Y. M. C. A. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest prices paid. 52 Sd. Phone Pacific 48. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL; GOOD wages. Apply A. B. Steinbach & Co. GOOD STEADY BARBER. $18 GUARAN tced. W. A. Oliver. Weiser. Idaho. WANTED BOY, STEADY WORK. $6 PER week to start. 55 Front, cor. Davis. WANTED A BOY FOR STORE. Electric Works. 61 6th st. WESTERN WANTED A GOOD COATMAKBR. Jensen. The Dalles. Or. WANTED PARLOR FRAME 55 Front, corner Davis. FINISHERS A FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER WANTED AT Jones Market. 151 4th. BOYS WANTED TO WRAP SOAP. LUCKEL. King & Cake Soap Co. TWO CEMENT FINISHERS, $3.80. Second st. 26 N. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GOOD. NEAT GIRL TO As sist with housework 354 10th St.. corner Mill. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST eral housework. 3S9 Alder st. WANTED LADY TEACHER. APPLY FROM 2 to 6 P. M-, at 14014 1st st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS: also duck and mackinaw coats. Mt. Hood Factory, 2d and Couch. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES ?5 n!tar,tAn V, a n H a frtr the ClOak and SU.t departments; also sewers for the drapery workrooms. Apply to the superintendent, 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general work in a small family; goou also one for second work and sewing, lua North 23d st. Phone Main 2932. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls. Lessons siyeu n. inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory. 2 Grand ave., and E. Taylor st. LADIES TO MAKE SOFA CUSHIONS FOR holiday trade; plecew-ork; may oe iKeu home; very easy; no experience. 326 Flied ner bldg., 407 Washington st. AN EXPERIENCED COOK: SOME GENERAL work; also experienced secona maia, smii family. Apply morning or evening-. 415 West Park, cor. Hall st. SWEDISH GIRLS WANTED PLACE TO DO general housework In nice family. Apply at 1S4 Sherman st.. South, room 27, 3d floor. Phone Pacific 2024. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework who wants to work, earn good wages and have a good home. Apply 414 7th corner -Hall St. EXTRA WAITRESSES, $3; CHAMBER maids. cooks, dishwashers, 20 waitress, family help, Japanese, everybody. Drake, 205 Washington. WOMAN TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK: NO cooking; to play with children; good home, good wagt. Inquire 647 5th. corner Jack son. MEMBERS WANTED NEWLY ORGAN lzed amateur dramatic club; opportunity to play; practical experience. F 55. Orego nian. GIRLS. WHEN YOU WANT WORK CALL on the Scandinavian Ladles' Agency. 107 Vi 6th st. Main 6909. John Anderson. Mer. WANTED Cooks, waitresses, domestics and housekeepers. The Home Ladles' Agency, lo5ii 4th st., cor. Mor upstairs. Main 626. wanted housekeepers, cooks, sec ond girls, nurses, waitresses. St. Louis Ladies' Agency. 230H Yamhill. Main 6413. LADY TAILOR TO LINE COATS AND DO tailor work: will be acceptable if experienced on gents' tailoring. 432 Washington St. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, plain cooking and baking; good wages. 60S Fourth St., near Sherman. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave.. and E. Taylor at. THE BED HIVE WISHES TWO EXPBRI enced salesladies for cloaks, Bults; aiao fancy goods. Apply immediately. 171 3d st. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR LIGHT housework and help with children; no wash ing or Ironing. Phone East 3570. LADY WANTED TO PREPARE FOR pos tal service; only a few more days to Ale applications. 613 McKay bldg.. city. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework : good wages. Apply 684 Marshall st. Phone Main 2626. WANTED A TRUSTWORTHY GIRL OR woman to help with the housework In fam ily of four. Phone Woodlawn 362. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking, good wages: second girl kept. Call between 9 and 12. 141 N. 18th Bt. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND As sisting in general housework; good wages; German preferred. 770 Overton st- HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 4S4 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Small family, call in forenoon. 128 E. 19th. between Morrison and Alder. WANTED OFFICE GIRL. 315 Mohawk bldg., bet. Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1906. APPLY ROOM 10th and 12th.. GIRLS FOR LABELING BOTTLES. APPLY this morning. 3d floor. Blumauer-Frank Drus Co., 144 4 th st. WANTED COUCH-MAKERS AND MAT-tress-makers. Oregon Furniture Mfng.- Co., 1214 Macadam Road NURSE TO TAKE CARE YOUNG CHILD and assist in second work; German preferred. Apply 145 N". 22d st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework: no cooking. 670 East Madison St.. near 14th st. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework, small family. 145 Arthur st. Phone Main 4070. WANTED EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM girls, good salary. Hotel Nortonla. 14th and Washington. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR COOKING AND housework; gooa wages. Apply 660 Hoyt St., cor. 21st. WAXTED A GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF child during day. Apply mornings, 816 Johnson street. ONE FIRST-CLASS SKIRTMAKEP WANT- ed In ladles' tailoring establishment, 411 Morrison st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS IN OUR LUNCH room. Call after 10 A. M-, S wetland s, 2i3 Morrison. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR COOKING AND housework, to stay home nights. Call 215 N. 20th. GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK, SMALL family. German preferred. Call at 300 - Park St. WANTED NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE care of 8-year-old baby. 414 7th, corner Hall st. COAT FINISHERS WANTED AT ONCE Aprly Columbia Woolen Mills. 7th and Stark. WANTED 2 FIRST-CLASS LADY PKESS ers at the Vienna Dyeing & Cleaning Works, 226 3d. NURSEGIRL TO ASSIST IN CARE OF TWO small children. 794 Irving st. Phone Main 11S2. WANTED EXPERIEXCED WAITRESS. Mrs: Percy, Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill sts. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, NO children. Inquire 223 N. 21st, corner Love Joy. WANTED LADY PRESSER AT ONCE Berlin Dye Works. 347 2d. Steady position. TEACHERS, grade and rural. $55. Fisk Teachers' Agency. 1200 Williams. East 344. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. $25 a month. Plain cooking. Call 273 Morrison. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work. 662 Johnston st. Phone Main 6317. GIRL WANTED ON DOUBLE-NEED LB shirt machine at 75 1st: boss of all factory. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. 692 Hancock St.. Irvlngton. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 1S6 East 16th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED ARM WAIT ress at Winters' Restaurant. 230 1st st. MILLINERY MAKER AND ERRAND GIRL. Florence Evens, 37-38 Washington bldg. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL WORK In small family. Telephone East 3016. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE mission. Apply 200 2d St.. evenings. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR wook. Good place. 466 10th st. HOUSE- WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, 15 E. 17th, corner E. Ash. SHIRTMAKERS WANTED JACOB'S SHIRT Co.. Hamilton bldg.. 131 Sd st. WAl'TED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN erai housework. 706 Flanders st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no washing. 274 14th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHAMBER maids. Apply Imperial Hotel. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 747 GUsan st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. X. 17th, corner Kearney. WANTED CHAMBERMAID TO ASSIST IN dining-room. 40 Kussell. WANTED A KITCHEN GIRL. CALL AFT- ernoons. 340 Ankeny. EXPERIEXCED WAIST HELP WANTED. 314 The Dekum. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 670 Lovejoy st. NURSE GIRL WANTED AT 242 N. 22D ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ALTERATION HANDS, MEN'S CLOTHES, $10 a week; 3 family cooks. $30 and $o5; 4 hotel cooks. $40; 3 second girls. $25; 2 cham bermaids, $30 and $20; 7 waitresses, 2 seam stresses, 1 housekeeper. 40 housegirls. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343H W'aahington St., cor. 7th. upstairs. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work register with us. free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 84S4 Washington st.. cor. 7tb. upstairs. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN Gregg shorthand: won the highest award at St. Louis Exposition; learned in half the time at half the expense of any other sys tem; ta.ught everywhere in the East. Holmes Business College. Washington and 10th sts. MARRIED COUPLE TO TAKE CARE OF rooming-house. Apply at 91Vj 4th St.. be tween 1 and 3 P. M SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED A POSITION BY A COMPETENT business man to go on the road on salary or commission; have had ten years' expe rience In the general merchandise line: thor oughly acquainted throughout the state. A 59, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN EXPERT stenographer, correspondent and .bookkeeper; good penman, wants position with wholesale or commission house; references and bond. D 49, Oregonian. STEADY, COMPETENT MAN WANTS IX door work. Experienced in clerical and office work. Good at figures. Not afraid of hard work. City references. D 57. Orego rtian. FIRST-CLASS ACCOUXTANT AXD CASH- ler desires position ; knowledge of typewrit ing and stenography. O 56. Oregonian. AX A-l EXPERIEXCED BOOKKEEPER and cashier with unquestionable references wants position, v 6, oregonian. WIDE-AWAKE YOUNG MAN DESIRES SIT uation where enterprise and hustle are ap preciated. F 56, Oregonian. YOUNG MAX ATTEXDIXG BUSIXESS COL lege wants place to work for board and room. D 10. Oregonian. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED SHOE salesman. Address G 5S. Oregonian. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES GOOD permanent position. F 46. Oregonian. Miscellaneous WANTED POSITION TO SUPERINTEND or steady employment as millwright, by New York City man. A No. 1 at installa tion; very beat references. Address J. M. E , care R. E. Wylie, 1 East 9th. MANAGEMENT OF BUSIXESS WANTED town or country, by thorouirhly reliable. active couple, or will undertake other sim ilar engagement. K 5, Oregonian. WAXTED TO SAW. FILE OR RUN YOUR mill by the thousand; a foremanship or to travel for machinery house in the Northwest or California. Phone Scott 2124. WINDOW - CLEANING. YARDS. S1DE-w-alks. dwellings and flats, a. specialty. Thomas Green. 122 X. 7th st. Pacific 2244. JAPAXESE BOY WAXTS POSITION AS schoolboy to do general housework or any kind of help. Address 264 Davis st.. city JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also: all kinds of help. Main 46.M). 2S Everett. RELIABLE YOUNG MAX WAXTS POSI tlon as driver: familiar with city. Phone Main 3591. or E 81. Oregonian. EXCELLENT JAPANESE COOK WISHES position; sneaks English: has good experi ence. C 67. Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO housework in private family; speaks English good. G 59. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WITH 5 YEARS' EXPERI ence in Enarllsh racing stables seeks situa tion. 02 Sixth Bt. JAPAXESE YOUNG BOY WANTS SCHOOL boy situation in the city or country. E 60, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE WISH A PLACE ON farm. Can furnish best of references. 361 East 3d. POSITION WANTED GOOD TEAMSTER. Inquire Rhelnpfalz Hotel. Front and Mad ison. JAPANESE BOY WAXTS A PLACE TO DO cooking in private family. M 57. Oregonian. JAPAXESE BOY WAXTS POSITION TO DO chamberwork or any Kind, y o. oregonian. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION A3 school boy. Address 204. Davis st. FIRST-CLASS CEMENT SIDEWALK lsher wants work. P 48, Oregonian. JAPANESE. GOOD COOK. RESTAURANT, hote1 cr boarding-house. 352 Oak st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION Ken, 48 N. 1st St.. city. schoolboy. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and StenoocraDhera. WANTED CASHIERSHIP. BY REFINED, educated. reliable stenographer; salary nominal. Room 2. Main 6S75. TYPEWRITTEN COPYING DONE NEATLY and accurately. AddreEs M 65. care Ore gonian. brrMmBken. LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSES AND BOYS' Buster Brown suits neatly made; chil dren's clothes of all kinds, also plain fcklrts and shirtwaists: terms very reason able. 52 N. 15th. Phone Pacific 2667. TRY ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS, 242 61 h and Main. Pacific 982. Housekeepers. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WISHES Posi tion as - housekeeper; good cook. Apply New Grand Central Hotel, Sd and Flan ders, room 111- SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS colored woman as housekeeper for single man; best of city references; wages $40. E 69. Oregonian. WIDOW WANTS POSITION AS HOUSE keeper In hotel or rooming-house, or wid ower, at once. Phone Main 4S66. A LADY WILL ENTERTAIN INVALIDS BY hour or day in their homes; best of ref erences. East 66. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED. EXPERIENCED WOMAN as lady's nurse; references 6lven. Phone Main SPSS. MISS K. PORTER ROBB. TRAINED NURSE, specialist, electrical massage. Main 4173. Miscellaneous. HONEST JAPANESE WOMAN WHO HAS a little girl wants situation to do housework in family of two or three; wages very small. H 60. Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. EXPER lenced; phone Union 1276. Miss S. M. Scott. WANTED WORK BY THE DAY OR HOUR. Phone East 4489. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL THE BEST grown nursery stock on the Coast. Includ ing Burbank's new pltless plum. Miracle; commission advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Oregon. AGENTS DON'T ACCEPT ANY AGENCY until you hear from us; quickest seller on earth; 2,000.000 sold; $20 day; samples free. Domestic Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock: complete outfit furnished free: cash weekly: write tooay for choice of territory. Capital City Nurs ery Co.. Salem. Or. SOLICITOR LADY OR GENT; SALARY and commission. 187 17th st.. near Yamhill. WANTED AGENTS. LADY OR GENT: new offer. $5 dally. Sol Dekum. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family by two young men; well out on East Side preferred; must be first-class. O 59. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE. 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; can give good ref erences. Phone Main S5S9 or call 466 7th st. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM FOR STU. dents; reasonable; give particulars: register. Behnkf-Walker Business Collegs. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. NEATLY furnished modern room, close in; state price. Address P 68. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Wanted to rent hot:ses. cottages. nats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 31 and. Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES. EAST and West Sides; win rent at once. Dor.itld G. Woodward, agent. 104 2d st. Phone Maia 1456. Administrator of estates. WAXTED TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, Main 1351. rooms, close in. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Main 6655. Mala 665$. FURNITURTO WANTED, for l-POT CASH. Portland Auction Rooms. A. Sch'.bach. Prop. 211 First Street. Main 6655. Mam cam. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free: hlche.- prices paid for bones. Ore. gon Fertilizer Works. 792 Thurman. M. isna WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at ths "Fair Deal." 2 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED GORDON SETTER BITCH. Write, stating age. size, welitht and ped igree. S. J. Frank. Hood River. Ore. WE WILL PUY FOR CASH YOUR FURNI lure, carpets, etc., now. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washington st. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Don't worry. Iocs time or money. -Call ua Pacific 793. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle free of charge. Phone East 2233. 1 PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODSt W. W. Savaxe. 845 1st. Pacific 300. WAXTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND CASH register. X 5, Oregjnlan. FOli RENT. Rooms. THE NEWEST. CLEANEST. BEST FUR nlshed and most up-to-date rooms In city at the Oxford Hotel, cor. tith and Oak sts. Ele gant rooms with starn heat, hot and cold running water, electric ligr.t. callbeiis. etc.: $1 day; bats free; very rt-asor.aDie rates ti permanent roomers; private baths. Mrs. A. J. Wallers, prop. Main bS. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, plngls or ea suite, $2 per week up: steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths, free phone; dining-room In connection; transients so licited: open all night: best location In the city: office and reading-roum ground floor. 488 Washington. HOTEL BUSHMARK. WASHINGTON AND 17th First-class furnished rooms, plnglo or en suite, steam heat, hot, cold water, elec tric light, phone In every room; suRls with private baths, $7.50 per week; tingle, $3; by day. $1: reasonable by month. Mam 6M7. HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. I0TH AND WASH ington sts. Under new management; everything new. clean and modern; all ths principal car lines pass the door; private bath suites; rates reasonable, phone Mala 2333. Mrs. F. H. Powers, prop. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED S1NGLK room in private family and In new flat, wl'.h use of bath, gas and phone; only two blocks oil of Washington st. ; rent $lo a month. 52 N. 15th. near corner of Davis. . Phone Pa cific 20tf7. IN THE HEART OF CITY OUTSIDE roomB In corner building; furniture brand new and finest money cun buy; bath. g,is heaters, electric lights-; transient trade so licited. 2o4- Morrison, corner Second. FOR RENT LARGE. WELL-LIGHTED front room on first floor, walking distance: near Steel bridge; private family: hot and cold water; good neighborhood. 309 Holi Cay ave. THE WILLAMETTE. 32214 STARK. S. W. cor. 6th st.. new management New an.i nli-e furnishings, larye. Hunt room: trans ients, 50c to $1: by week. $2 to $5. Pac. 1216- HOTEL KEN YON. ISTH AND WASH. STS. Modern rooms, slnnle and en suite; also housekeeping: running water; private aad free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 4D6. HOTEL DEXTER. COR. 12TH AND WASH lngton Rooms 50c up per day. r.i'es by week or month, modern and clean, free phone, electric lights, porcelain bath. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS. SUITABLE for three gentlemen, and one eir.g'.e room In private family; modern; 3 blocks from P. O. 248 6th st. Phone Main 3.550. THE FRANCES. CORNER WEST PARK AND Morrison sts. Elegantly furuLahed rooms-. Blncle and en suite. ste;tm heat. free baths, all modern conveniences. TWO LARGS UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms, witn g?. n-.t ana comi waiei buth. on car line. $12 per month. Inquire 521 20lh st,. grocery store. THREE HANDSOME MODERN 7-ROOM nouses, 919. 912 and 914 Corbett; reason able to good tenants. David S. Stearns. 249 Washington st. THE 0ZY." 105 7TH, CORNER TAYLOR, for nice, comfortaoie homelike placo; bath, use of piano, warm rooms, good home cook ins. Pacific 1904. 155 E 6TH LARGE FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen; also small single room, $G; close in. Phone East 4166. FRONT ROOM. PRIVATE RESIDENCE; best residence section, easy walking dis tance, reasonable; reference. Phone Padflo 2l0.: 394 ALDER. CORNER mTH ST. LARGB front room, nicely furnished; also single room; electric light, gas, bath, heat; reason able. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen: strictly modern, central. 188 12th St.. between Yamhill and Taylor. 894 COLUMBIA. CORNER 10TH NICELY furnished rooms, furnace heat. gas. porce lain bath, phone, walking distance. THE PALM. 1804 3D COMFORTABLY furnished suites or single front rooms, week ly and transient; reasonable. THE ANGELUS. fiTH AND JEFFERSON First-class rooming-house, new and modern; rooms en 6Uite or sincle. FINE ROOMS IN LEWIS BUILDING. MOR rison and Park sts.. Including light, water, heat and elevator service. FRONT ROOMS. MODERN RESIDENCE, walking dlstan?, $0-lo month; bath, heat. 292 loth, near Jefterson. BEAUTIFUL ROOM. NEWLY FURNISHED, steam heat, electric lights, bath and phone. 4OO0 Harrison St. FOR RENT FOUR NICE UNFURNISHED rooms with use of parlor. Reasonable. 655 Schuyler st. ROOMS FOR month each. Salmon. 8 GENTLEMEN. 215 11th St., N. ONLY $9 W. corner UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY FURNISHED rooms, gas and furnace. 3:15 Taylor, corner Park. $12 THREB ROOMS. NEATLY FURNISHED; gas plate, steel range. 618 7th st. Main 4529. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH MOD em conveniences. 175 12th st. The Roy- crest. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, FUR nace heat, bath. 474 Salmon, cor. 14th. TWO NICELY FURNISH RD FRONT ROOMS. SSSi E. Burnslde st. Phone East 45S2. 175 10TH. COR. Y Ail HILL NICELY FUR nlshed single room: gas. bath. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. GAS. BATH, heat. Phone Pacific 1101. Rooms With Board. THE PALM. 1S914 3D COMFORTABLY furnished suites or single front rooms; week ly and transient. Reasonable. 395 12TH LARGE FRONT ROOMS. BATH, furnace, gas, phone: board If desired; pri vate family; reasonable. "TOURAINE." 18S 7TH. TWO DOORS FROM Portland Hotel Elegant front rooms, every convenience, reasonable. BOARD AND ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO, large, elegant room, all conveniences. Ap ply 147 W. Park. FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. ALSO SIDE ROOM with board; gas, bath, phone. Main 3622. 32S 6t! St. BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO YOUNG ladles, reasonable, cloae In. A 60, Ore gonian. GOOD BOARD AXD ROOM: HOMELIKE; early breakfast, at 561 E. Oak st. Phone 3S48. P.OOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE: MODERN conveniences- adults; board optional. 269 14th THB SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. Rooms. single or en suite, with board. WELL FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two: board If desired. 147 X. 23d st. THE OZARK ROOMS. FIRST-CLASJ service; hot. cold water. 226 11th tu