Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 09, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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No Remonstrance Power for
Landowners and Council
Orders Improvements.
District Plan in Puget Sound City
Further Aids Betterments Which
City Needs, but Which Nig
gardly Owners Object To.
1 Seattle's extensive, street Improve
J ments have been made possible by the
T Council's arbitrary power of ordering
2 the Improvements and the Inability of
I paying property-owners to prevent the
f work by remonstrance.
provements have been stopped by re
monstrances that Is, by objection of
the owners of two-thirds of the af
fected property. In Seattle the Coun
cil also has the power to create dis
tricts containing any number of streets
; lor inipruvtruitrm.
I These 'two powers are withheld from
the Council of Portland ana the result
Is that many streets cannot be im
proved, although progress of the city
requires Improvement.
They can be allowed to the Council
only by charter amendment, enacted
by the voters of the city.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 8 (Special.)
More than f2.000.000 worth of street im
provements were completed last year, and
but 10 per cent of this work was under
taken at the direct solicitation of abut
ting; property owners. The City Council
unanimously ordered 90 per cent of the
year's street work irrespective of objec
tions of any halting realty owner.
After 10 years of experiment with pub
lic improvement problems Seattle has
worked out a plan that gives the City
Council complete control of such work.
The co-operation of the State legislature
was necessary in the early stages, but
finally the people themselves voted the
power that makes the Council autocratic
in new street work. The system had been
tried and the public had sufficient confi
dence in the city lawmaking body to
ratify the Legislature's action.
This was not essential, for the state
code Is superior to the city charter and
the authority conferred by general stat
utes was ample. But City authorities
wanted to write the Improvement code
into the charter. The people felt the
same way about It .and overwhelmingly
voted in favor of the system built up
through more than 10 years of legislation.
The vote of the citizens w-as in effect
a vote of confidence in the system, for
it had no greater effect.
Council's Arbitrary Power.
i Under the system in vogue in Seattle
a two-thirds vote of the Council Is suf
ficient to create an Improvement district
or order a single street improved at the
cost of benefited property up to 50 per
cent of the assessed valuation. A unani
mous vote is required. to order a grading
Improvement. A petition of 75 per cent
of the property owners permits ft ma
jority of the Council to assess any cost
upon abutting or benefited property. With
a 75 per cent petition at hand the Coun
cil might assess the cost of improve
ments up to 100 per cent, or even greater,
were a contractor to be found willing to
accept securities based on a higher valu
ation, than the assessment showed.
Practice In the past has created a fund,
drawn from the general fund, which the
Council frequently utilizes for new im
provement work. If, for instance, a big
improvement district is created by the
Council and it is found that 50 per cent
of the assessed valuation will not pay the
cost of new work and 75 per cent of the
property owners refuse to ask for the im
provement, the Council may unanimously
assess 50 per cent of the cost against
benefited property and appropriate the
balance from tho general fund of the
city. This Is frequently done in large
improvement undertakings.
Big Work Under This System.
Seattle was originally built upon a series
of hills. The city is gradually leveling
the largest and most central of these ele
vations. The earth is being removed
from the hills that are unsightly and
interfere with business expansion and
dumped upon tldo flats.
This regrade work Is done under the
the right of eminent domain, ordered
by the council and carried through
the courts. Court Commissioners de
termine the extent of the property
benefited and assess tho proportion of
the cost that should be borne by each
lot. When- Second avenue was re
graded, north of Pike street, and a cut
of !8 feet was made through the edge
of Denny Hill, property as far north
as Queen Anne Hill, nearly two miles
distant, was found by the courts to be
benefited by the new route into the
business section, and bore a small por
tion of the cost.
When the Council undertakes, of Its
own motion, to order new improve
ment work, a resolution declaring the
Intention of the law-making body to
undertake the new work is passed and
published for 30 days in the city offi
cial newspaper. Property-owners are ex
pected to protest, if they have obieetion
to the new work; then the Council may
act as it sees fit. As a matter of fact,
the protests are heard by the street com
mittee, though there is always given an
opportunity in open Council for further
objection. It does not avail much to pro
tost when a careful enginoring and Coun
cllmanlc Inquiry has determined new
work necessary. The Council usually In
vestigates fully before it declares Its In
tention, and there is always a unanimous
vote ready for any worthy project, irre
spective of the protest of penurious property-owners
or speculators.
Method Forced Itself on City.
Seattle was forced Into strengthening
the hand of the Council eight years ago.
When the Klondike boom struck thls'city
the amount of permanent street, water
and sewer work completed was so small
that it could scarcely be noticed. With
the Influx of newcomers and the return
of disappointed prospectors, tho city had
to clean up, put in permanent improve
ments, and. Incidentally, to find some
means of giving employment to the thou
sands of impoverished persons that came
back to town.
At that time the charter only permitted
an assessment of 25 per cent against
benefited property by the unanimous vote
of the council. That answered fairly well
for the earlier years of street work, when
property in the down-town section was
first improved. But by 1902 the city had
expanded and the 25 per cent limit was
prohibitive of necessary work. The Coun
cil did not dare to go to the people with
a charter amendment- Instead, city offi
cials went to tho Legislature and raised
the limit to 50 per cent. As said before,
the. people this Spring,a vote ; of
approval to the policy that forced Seattle
to build- permanently, and the aet-ot 1903
has never been criticised strongly. Prop
erty values along improved streets have
jumped too high, and the tendency here
is to solicit permanent improvements
rather than to hinder them.
Nearly $4,000,000 Work in 1906.'
Two million dollars' worth, of perma
nent improvements completed last year
was the record up to that time, but it
will be nearly doubled in 1906. City En
gineer B. H. Thomson said today that
Seattle had always on hand an average"
of 90 contracts for public improvements,
practically all of them new street work.
And, too, affirmed the City Engineer, all
of this work is ordered without petition.
The city replanked and widened Kail
road avenue from Marion, street to Mas
sachusetts, making a thoroughfare more
than a mile In length and varying from
ISO to 250 feet in width without so much
as asking 'by your leave" of the abutting
property-owners. But those who owned
the property paid the $180,000 that the
Improvement cost, without going to court
to argue about it. Railroad avenue is
the street that skirts the waterfront and
bears an immense traffic. Most of the
abutting property is owned by the rail
roads. Whether or not they would have
approved, in advance, of the street un
dertaking was not material to the city.
The work was planned, ordered and com
pleted, then the bill, in the shape of local
Improvements bonds, was presented and
paid by the property-owners.
Kenton Hill Work Cost $330,000.
In what Is known as the Renton Hill
district, familiar to visitors to Seattle as
the "second hill" in the residence district
lying between the business section and
Lake Washington, the Council ordered
paved miles of new streets at a cost of
$330,000. The property-owners as a whole
heard about the undertaking from the
newspapers when the plan wasapproved.
Property values have more than doubled
since the work was completed, and an
other wide stretch of asphalted streets
in the residence district was added to
Seattle's assets. That this arbitrary ac
tion was satisfactory was shown by the
fact that a rival paving company, when
It lost the contract, tried in vain to get
a property-owner to sue out an injunc
tion against the work.
Third avenue, a series of undulating
hills between Yesler Way and Pike street,
is being regraded by the Councils' orders.
Exercising the right of eminent domain,
the city went into court, assessed dam
ages and proceeded with the work. The
property-owners will pay the costs. The
extent of the regrade Is apparent from
the fact that Third avenue at Madison
street is to be cut 16 feet and that cut is
being made now.
Sew Tax Assessment an Aid. -
Fourth avenue, where an even deeper
cut will be made, is to be regraded as
soon as the new assessment becomes ef
fective. Under the old valuations, the
work could not be done under the plan
of assessing up to 50 per cent of the as
sessed valuation of property. When this
year's assessment is . effective, twice as
much work could be ordered and the
Council will immediately order the im
provement. Denny Hill, on which stood the sightly
Washington Hotel, opened for the recep
tion of President Roosevelt and aban
doned three years later to make way
for the city's growth, is to come down
under a similar regrade scheme. The en
tire hill is to be leveled off, making the
district that is now almost impasssable
as level as Washington street In Portland.
A total of 4,000.000 cubic yards of earth
will be moved y steam shovels and hy
draulics. Steam shovels have been at
work on the undertaking for two months,
but they make slow progress. The hotel
itself is partially dismantled and a few
of the residences are torn down, but every
house in a score of blocks will have. to
come out to transform a residence into a
business district. . The Council planned
the Improvement and ordered it. . An
agreement with the- owner of the Wash
ington Hotel resulted in his waiving dam
ages. Since then he has sold half of one
block for more than the four, plus the
hotel, cost him five years ago. There is
a cut of 130 feet on Denny Hill.
Jackson and Dearborn to Be Cut.
Jackson and Dearborn streets, running
out from the tide-flat district toward
Lake Washington, over a hill nearly 100
feet high, then dropping back nearly to
the down-town level, are to be cut
through and practically the entire inter
vening district will be leveled by hydrau
lic power. The earth will be thrown onto
the tide flats.
The Jackson street work has already
been pledged by Council resolution, and
the work on Dearborn street will soon be
undertaken. At present, teaming is pro
hibitive on these streets, save for a very
short distance, and until recently street
cars were operated by counterweights.
When the regrade work is done the
streets will be as easily traversed as any
in Portland.
A cut through the hill on Jackson street
of 96 feet will be made, and on Dearborn
the undertaking is about as great. When
the city cuts through the hill on the
south it will' have easy teaming grades
from the wholesale district beyond the
first hill in that section. There is already
an easy teaming route out Pike street,
and the Council proposes a regrade of
two or three streets immediately north of
Pike to give the same easy access to the
eastern part of the city.
-With Third and Fourth In process of re
grading and the hill sloping off again be
yond Broadway, a section of the city will
be left in the center, perched upon a hill.
It is easily believed that the Council will,
ultimately order this entire hill removed,
a little at a time, but eventually making
the central part of Seattle as level as a
prairie town. And each and every step
toward this reconstruction of Seattle has
been taken under the state law and char
ter that gives the Council absolute con
trol of improvement work.
If there is any objection either on the
p;irt of property-owners or contractors to
this extensive rebuilding and original im
provement, it does not make much of an
appearance. As stated, in some instances
the general fund bears a part of the ex
pense, but generally the Improvement dis
trict pays it all. Bonds payable in annual
installments are Issued against the prop
erty. Contractors can either accept these
bonds as cash or the bonds may be sold
at auction when the work is completed.
Most of the contractors, having previous
ly arranged to dispose of the bonds, ac
cept them in payment for the work.
Pistol Fired in Officer's Face.
Police Officer Maxwell had a narrow
escape from being shot here tonight.
The officer was on duty in - a dark
lane back of the Columbia-street
stores, when, as he tried the rear door
of a grocery store, a pistol was fired
so close to his head as to leave pow
der marks on his face. At the same
time an unknown man ran up the
street, followed by two bullets from
the officer s revolver. The robber had
evidently been foiled in an attempt to
break' into the store.
. Lumber Switchman Loses a Leg.
CASTLE ROCK, Wrash., Oct. 3. (Spe
cial.) Clayton D. Hamlll, 22 . years
old, head loader and switchman for
the Silver Lake Railway and Lumber
Company, lost one leg below the knee
and was otherwise Injured while at
work this morning on the upper rail
way of the company.
TO Ct" BE A COLD ljf ONE DAY -Take
LAXATIVE BROMO Quinlns Tablets.
DruftKlsts rofurni money If it falls to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S signature Is on each box. 23o
Two Councilmen Charged With
-Attempted Extortion.
J. C. Smith and J. X. Klein, Saloon
keepers, Are Also Indicted on.
the Charge of Attempting
to Bribe Officers.
LA GRANDE, Or., Oct. 8. (Special.) B.
W. Bartlett and S. A. Gardlnier, members
of the City Council, were arraigned in
the Circuit Court this afternoon on an
indictment charging them with attempt
to' extort money. J. C. Smith and J. N.
Klein, saloonkeepers, are also indicted on
the charge of attempting to bribe officers.
The story Is that Bartlett and
Gardlnier, as members of the fire and
police committee of the council, required
saloonkeepers in La Grande to pay them
the sum of $150 for immunity from ar
rest for conducting gambling games: that
the amount required was secured, by
Smith and paid over by Klein. This al
leged transaction became public in July
and the charges were taken up by the
City Council as a committee of the whole
for investigation. After several weeks
the report was returned to the Council
that the matter was under investigation
bv the District Attorney and the com
mittee took no further steps in the mat
ter. The returning of the indictment has
caused but little surprise.
The bonds of Bartlett and Gardiner
were places at $500 In each case and
bonds of $1000 each were required from
Smith and Klein. The state's witnesses,
as shown, by the indictment, are Mayor
Stoddard, Councilmen Richardson and
Rayburn and Klein and Smith. General
rumor has it that this the culmination,
of a factional fight in the Council.
Councilman Bartlett states that he does
not desire to be interviewed at present
but will ask for an immediate trial. i
Following these announcements came
indictments against. H. C. Cotner, on. a
charge of permitting gambling in a sa
loon, and Ben Cotner and Ralph Atkinson
for conducting a gambling game at the
recent fair.
All were arraigned at 1:30 o'clock today.
The Councilmen's Indictment Is the direct
result of a street fracas several months
ago, when Chief of Police Rayburn
knocked Councilman Gardlnier Into the
street, after the latter charged the chief
with graft.
Miss Estella Reed Is Crowned Queen
of the Carnival and Reviews
an Industrial Parade.
LEWISTON, Idaho, Oct. 8. (Special.)
The Spokane Chamber of Commerce
arrived 100 strong this morning to at
tend the opening of the seventh annual
Lewiston-Clarkston fair. Governor
Gooding, of Idaho, and Governor Mead,
of Washington, lent their presence to
the dignity of the occasion. The chief
features of the day's exercises were
a civic and industrial parade over a
mile In length and the coronation of
Miss Estella Reed as Queen of the car
nival. The two Governors and the
Mayors of the twin cities participated
In the coronation ceremonies. Colonel
W. D. Vanblarcom, Jr., was marshal ol
the day.'
Tonight a public reception was ten
dered the members of the Spokane
Chamber of Commerce and the city's
distinguished guests. This was fol
lowed by a smoker given by the Lew
iston Commercial Club.
Chairman Brady Comments on Bolt
In Bingham County.
BOISE, Idaho, Oct. 8. (Special.) J. H.
Brady, chairman of the Republican state
committee, has returned from a trip to
Pocatello and Southeastern Idaho. Asked
about the so-called Democratic bolt in
Bingham County and the organization
of the so-called American party, Brady
That was a move engineered by Senator
Dubois for effect upon public opinion else
where. He wished to make it appear that
Mormons were taking control of political
affairs. It was his intention to have the
action taken widely heralded, and espe
cially In the north. In order to influence
non-Mormon people to support the Demo
cratic ticket.
The job was so transparent, however,
that It is being laughed at down in the
southeast and must fall fiat everywhere.
It was managed 4n this wav: At Black
foot Dubois' friends 'carefully refrained
from participation in the primaries and
refused to permit their names to be used
as candidates for delegates to the county
convention. The delegation was, there
fore, made up of Dubois opponents.
The Dubois men could have carried the
frimaries, but they had another purpose
n view. Jilackfoot and Idaho Falls could
have controlled the convention, but the
control was thrown by Dubois' friends
into the hands of his opponents. When
the latter passed a resolution repudiating
the Senator, the point was reached for
which Dubois planned. The eight dele
gates from Idaho Falls bolted, and then
the demand for another party was heard.
The whole thing is a roaring farce. The
new party has no influence there, or else
where, and will not affect results. Mrs.
A. V. Scott, the nominee for Treasurer,
which office Rhe now holds, has resigned
from the ticket, and I shall be surprised
if the whole thing does not go to pieces
before election day.
Dubois' managers are trying the same
game in Bannock County. Their effort
will result in a worse fiasco than that in
Constantine's Ball Is Fixed.
SEATTLE. Oct. 8. Superior Judge
Frater this morning fixed the bail of
William Constantine, who shot and
wounded his son-in-law, Jesse Hall, last
Tuesday, at $10,000. Constantine's at
torney declares that his client will
furnish bail this afternoon.
The physicians attending Hall declare
that he will recover if no complications
develop. Constantine will be charged
with assault with intent to murder this
F. O. Wiles Secures a Divorce.
OREGON CITY. Or., Oct. 8. (Special.)
Circuit Judge McBride today returned a
decree of divorce in the suit of F. O.
Wiles against Agnes J. Wiles. An order
of default and reference was made in the
suit of Gertrude O. Crawford against
Frederick Crawford.
Witnesses From the Penitentiary.
PENDLETON, Or., Oct. 8. (Special.)
Judge . Bean convened the regular
October jury term of the Circuit Court
this morning. The case against Mr.
and Mrs, Warner, accused of forging;
a will, promises to develop some sen
sattonal . testimony.
Mrs. Walters, of Weston, pleaded not
guilty to: the . charge of selling liquor
to a minor, and her trial was set for
next Monday. Robert Weddle, the
jail breaker, who is also accused of
being implicated in the Echo hold-ups,
will be tried Wednesday, Sheriff Tay
lor having left today for Salem to
bring back as witnesses Oscar Stone
and D. D. Lewis, two men who are
serving terms in the penitentiary.
Convicted In Alaska, They Were on
Their Way to Prison.
SEATTLE, Oct. 8. A special to the
Post-Intelligencer from Eagle, Alaska,
says: Thornton and Hendrickson, two
of the most desperate criminals Alaska
has ever had to contend with, made
their escape last evening, off the La
velle Young, while she was taking on
wood at, Nation, 50 miles below Eagle.
Both men were convicted September
1, 1906, to serve 15 years each at Mc
Neil's Island, on charges of assault
ing their jailers in a previous fight
for freedom at which time they es
caped from the Fairbanks- jail. They
left Fairbanks for McNeil's Island in
charge of Marshal F. C. Wiseman and
four guards.
Both men knew the country around
here thoroughly and were aware that
they were nearlng the boundary line.
After lunch yesterday Miller and Kunz
were ordered by Thornton, under
threats of their lives, to play cards in
their bunks and to make no other noise
Hendrickson then produced his tools
and out of a brass curtain rod made
keys with which he unlocked the "Ore
gon boots" worn by himself and
Thornton. At 6 P. M., immediately
after the bell rang for dinner, they
squeezed themselves through the hole
in the roof made by them and walk
ing down stairs quietly were soon lost
In the darkness. Their escape was de
tected within two minutes by the out
side guards. Every precaution is be
ing taken to prevent the escape of the
men from the country.
Father of Cecil Brlttain Appeals to
PENDLETON. Or., Oct. 8. (Special.)
Believing that the Umatilla Indians
know something about the disappear
ance of little Cecil Brittain at the toll
gate In the Blue Mountains-, last Sum
mer, his father, R. L, Brittain, of
Walla Walla, has written to Major
Lee Moorehouse, of this city, asking
that ho make use of his great friend
ship with the Indians to find out what
they know about the case. Moorehouse
enjoys the confidence of the Indians
more than any other white man in the
state, it being for this reason that he
has been able to secure so many won
derful pictures of them.
It is reported that an Indian named
Win 1st or, living on the reservation
near ' Adams, told something of the
kidnaping of the boy to a man living
near Touchet, Wash. Mr. Brittain re
cently returned from St. Louis, where
he had gone to run down a false clue.
Sealing Catch Is Light.
VICTORIA, B. C, Oct. 8. The sealing
schooner Casco returned tonight from
Behring Sea, with 181 sealskins and 12
sea otter pelts, the latter being valued at
from $7000 to $10,000 each.
The schooner reported having spoken
the Japanese schooner Toyei Maru, one
of the raiders which lost five men killed
and 12 captured at St. Paul Island, and
the Japanese asked for a chart of the
Prlbyloff Islands, which was not fur
nished. The Japanese admitted . having
been at Copper Islands. The sealing
catch will be small this year.
Sheep Shipped to Nebraska.
PENDLETON, Or., Oct 8. (Special.)
John Rust and Howard Stevens to
day shipped 22 carloads of sheep to
Kearney, Neb., where they will be fed
for a time and then sent to the Chicago
Bruin Suddenly Wakes Up and Cas
tle Rock Nimrod Is Roughly
. CASTLE ROCK, Wash., Oct. 8. (Spe
cial.) Thomas Kerr, who lives on the
Vest Side, had an exciting experience
with a large bear a few days ago. In
company with Robert Keatley and others
he went hunting in Punphrey Mountain.
After traveling about for some time and
finding nothing, Kerr's companions be
came disgusted and went home, but Kerr
kept up his quest and soon, with the aid
of his dogs, jumped up a very large one.
Kerr fired two shots at the beast, both
of which took effect, and knocked the
bear down. Thinking the animal was
dead, the hunter rushed up to take pos
session of his prize, when Bruin Jumped
up and made a grab for him, catching the
afron of his overalls, and tearing that
garment nearly off. Man and beast roll
ed over and over on the hillside, Kerr
dropping his gun in the melee. '
Breaking loose from the bear Kerr man
aged to recover his gun and tried to shoot
again, but found that the weapon was
empty. The bear again gave chase, de
spite the dogs' worrying, and soon over
took Kerr and caught him by the leg of
his overalls. Kerr in some manner freed
himself and the bear ran a little distance
down -the hill, pursued by the dogs.
The hunter quietly loaded his gun, and
wne ntne bear turned on him again dis
patched it. In skinning the beast next
day, Kerr had another narrow escape, as
he struck his arm with his knife, sever
ing an artery, and came near bleeding to
Bears are plentiful and destructive in
this region this year, this being the third
Kerr has had a hand in killing since last
Shot Waiter In Self-Defense.
SEATTLE. Oct. 8 T)r T v m,
field, a prominent oculist of Seward. Alas
ka, shot Harry Ackley, a waiter. In the
snouider on the steamship Excelsior be
fore that vessel sailed for Reattio Aoir.
ley claimed Chesterfield owed him $20 and
a quarrel arose, in which Ackley was
snot, me aocior proved self-defense.
California Trial Is Postponed.
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Oct. 8. On
account of the foggy weather which has
prevailed here since Friday, the trial of
the cruiser California was again post
poned today, after an unsuccessful at
tempt to distinguish the beacons which
mark the mile course.
O. B. ft N. Makes Reduced Rate to Hood
From October 11 to 13 the Hood River
biennial fruit fair and Oregon Irrigation
Association meeting will be held at Hood
Kiver. and for this occasion the O. R. &
N. will make a round-trin rata from Port
land of $2.55. Tickets may be secured at
me city ticKet ornce, corner Third and
Washington btreets.
Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely . from
grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active
principle of . every pound of Royal Baking
Hence if is that Royal Baking Powder
renders the food remarkable both for its fine
flavor and healthfulness(
No alum, no phosphatewhich are the
principal elements of the so-called cheap
baking powders -and which are derived
from bones, rock and sulphuric acid.
Violation of Laws Threatens
Fishing Industry.
Blasting Along the Columbia River
and the Encroachment of Power
Manufacturers Are Grow
ing Menace.
SALEM, Or.. Oct. 7. (Special.) That
the salmon industry on the Columbia
River is very seriously endangered by
the persistent violation of the law and
"by the steady encroachments of power
manufacturers, is the opinion clearly
manifested by members of the State Fish
Commission, at their meeting today.
The Ontario hatchery last season was
able to turn out only about 1.000,000 young
fish, whereas in 1D03 it hatched 23,000,000
eggs and had been doing as well in pre
vious years. In 1904 the take of eggs
dropped to 6.000,000, and this was divided
by five last year. What this year's take
will be it is yet too early to. say. but the
outlook is poor. At the Wallowa hatch
ery, the other plant on a tributary of the
upper Columbia,, a heavy decrease is
noted. The take of eggs this year will
be less than 1.000,000, or not half of the
take of last year.
Over-fishing and heavy blasting In rail
road construction work are assigned as
the causes of the falling off in the supply
of fish for hatchery purposes. For one
reason or another, the fish do not get up
to the hatcheries, and eggs cannot be
On the tributaries of the Willamette
and on the coast streams better success
has ueen had. but there is not much to
hope for in the future for the rapid de
velopment of water powers on the swift
running streams of Western Oregon
makes it certain that high dams will in
a few years present a practically impass
able obstacle to the ascent of the streams
by salmon. In the wards of one member
of the commission, the salmon industry
will have a tight for its life in the next
few years.
Violation of the law by fishermen on
the Washington side of the river is one
of the most serious menaces now in view.
On the Oregon side the law is enforced,
says - Master Fish Warden Van Uusen,
who also says he will continue to enforce
it. In waters claimed to be within the
jurisdiction of the State of Washington
fishing goes on during the close season
and Oregon officials are powerless to
stop it.
Van Dusen told the commission today
that if he had authority and control over
both sides of the Columbia, he could and
would see that fishing stopped when the
open season ended. In the present situa
tion he. can enforce the law only on the
Oregon side of the river..
"Perhaps the best, thing that could be
done would be to repeal all fishery laws
and let the fishermen and packers destroy
the Industry if they want to," exclaimed
one member of the commission. "A law
cannot be enforced unless it has public
sentiment back of it, and fishing laws
won't have the support of those most in
terested until they realize the necessity
for such laws and their enforcement. One
or two seasons of fishing without any re
strictions whatever would bring the fish
ermen to Salem clamoring for legislation
and they would then see that the laws
are obeyed."
As it is, the fish are prevented from go
ing to their natural spawning grounds
and the hatcheries are unable to get eggs.
The State Fish Commission is discouraged,
with the outlook."
Baker City Elks Prize Relic of the
Founder of the) Order.
BAKER .CITY, Or., Oct. 8. (Special.)
In a drinking cup that was once the
property of Charles S. Vivian, founder of
the Elks' order. Baker City Elks have a
prized possession. It is the gift of
"Uncle" Billy Usher, of Eagle Valley, to
the lodge, and with the gift comes the
story of the love of the ex-saloonkeeper
for the founder of the order. Vivian had
showed in Salt Lake, where Mr. Usher
became attracted to him, and a friend
ship sprang up. which resulted in the
actor's going to Usher's home town,
Brtgham Canyon, where he wintered.
In the backroom of Billy Usher's bar
there met a jolly crowd, and of these was
Vivian. The mug was his individual prop
erty, and after he left was kept by Mr.
Usher as a remembrance of those days.
None other ever drank from it, but Vivian
drank from nothing other than his little
porcelain, pewter-lidded hot Scotch pitch
er, which now reposes in the Baker Elks'
Easterners May Buy Corvallls Mill.
CORVALLIS, Or., Oct. 8. (Special.) It
is reported here that a sale to Eastern
capitalists of the sawmill plant and tim
ber holdings of C. W. Atrong. proprietor
of the Corvallls Sawmill Company, Is
under way. It is stated that the prospec
tlve purchasers will increases the size
and efficiency of the local mill and will
probably install one or more other mills
In the vicinity in the near future.
Southern Methodist Ministers Are
Given Stations for the Year.
CORVALLIS, Or., Oct. 8. (Special.) The
annual conference of the Methodist Epis
copal Church South came to an end this
morning. Yesterday various of the visit
ing ministers occupied local pulpits.
Bishop Atkins spoke at the Methodist
Episcopal Church South to a large con
grcgation at 11 o'clock, and at college
chapel at 3 P. M. Today the visitors are
all leaving for their homes. The list
of appointments for the year was an
nounced by Bishop Atkins last night, and
is as follows:
Willamette district Presiding elder, C. I..
McCauaiand; Portland, K. H. Mowre; I.ewis
vllle, R. A. Reagan; Lebanon. T. P. Haynw,
supply: Albany. W. H. Martin; Tangent, FX
B. Jones; Corvallt O. H. Oibbs; Peoria and
McFarland. J. A. Elleson; HarrlRburff. W. N.
I,yon; Junction City. E. P. D. Gardner; Roie
burs C. A. Rexrood; Myrtle Creek. A. J.
S tamer; Coquille and Condon, H. M. Bran
hum; Myrtle Point. W. B. Smith, supoly;
Grant's Pass, George M. Gardner, wupply;
Medford, M. T. Goulder; Williams. H. N.
Rooser; transferred to Mississippi conference,
H. C. Brown; transferred to Pacific confer
ence, H. C. Ollen.
Clothing of Baker City Woman
Catches Fire.
BAKER CITY, Or:, Oct. 8. (Special.)
The explosion of a compound of drugs,
the fumes of which she was inhaling as
a treatment for asthma, caused a fire, in
which Mrs. W. H. Eisele. was frightfully
burned. Mrs. Eisele bad just ignited the
compound, when the explosion occurred,
scattering fire all over her skirts. She
was choked by the fumes of the drugs,
and not until her skirts were in flames
did she discover her dangerous plight.
Losing her present of mind, the aged
woman rushed into the yard, where her
husband, seeing lier predicament, dashed
a bucket of water upon the clothing, stop
ping the spread of the flames until her
clothing could be torn off. She will re
cover. IiewisiClity Tax Levy.
CHEHALISVV&lih., Oct. 8.-(Special.)-The
Lewis County Commissioners have
fixed the 1906 tax levy for this county as
folows: State levy. 2.50 mills; school, 4.50
mills; military, .35 mills; highway, .15
mills; county current expense, 6.98 mills;
Indigent soldiers and sailors, .02 mills;
indebtedness, 3.40 mills; road and bridge,
3.10 mills; total, 21 mills. In 1905 the levy
was 22 mills. The Board has figured that
with the indebtedness levy which has
been made they can retire $10,000 of county
bonds next year and clean almost the en
tire warrant indebtedness that Is now out
standing. The Chehalis City Council has
made the levy for this city 24 mills as
against 35 mills last year.
Interurban Car Carries Him to a
Drug Store, Where Proper
Antidote Is Taken.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 8. (Special.) In
agony from a dose of corrosive sublimate,
taken by mistake. Dr. C. H. Schults, who
had been attending a veterinary case
out of town, Friday evening, hastened to
a drug store in Tacoma and secured an
antidote in time to save hla life. It was
a close call. He swallowed by mistake a
pill containing 7 grain of bichloride of
mercury. Instead of a tablet. He waa
waiting for an Interurban car at Brook
ville at 8 o'clock. He realized at once hia
Before the car came the poison began
to work and he was in great pain. He
boarded the car and managed to control
himself, but by the time the train reached
Tacoma his distress was Intense. He re
alized he was beginning to foam at the
mouth and was in excruciating pain.
When the train reached Thirteenth street
he rushed into a drug store and took a
dose of sulphate of iron as an antidote.
Then he went to a doctor who used a
stomach pump and sent him to a hospital.
His coolness saved his life.
While on Way to Vancouver on Lar
ceny Charge She Eludes Officer.
TACOMA. Oct. 8. A special to the
News says: Detective Anderson of Van
couver. B. C, boarded a Canadian Pacific
train yesterday at a small statiorl wast
of Calgary, having in his charge a wo
man wanted for the alleged theft of 1250
in Vancouver.
In a short time the woman went to the
lavatory and when she did not return
within a reasonable time the officer went
to look for her. He found the window
open. The woman had leaped from the
train, which was going 20 miles an hour.
Nothing further has been heard of her.
Shingle Mill to Be Moved.
ELMA, Wash., Oct. . (Special.) Grif-
I Cure Every Case I Treat
or Accept No Fee
A Short Statement by
The Leading Specialist
I make definite claims for my methoda
of treating men's diseases. I claim
originality, dfstlnctlvonetts, wientlflc cor-ret-iness
and unapproached success.
Every one of these claims to backed by
auirtrtantlal proof. The bet evidence of
superiority are the cures themselves. My
treatment cures permanently thoee cases
that no other treatment can cure. This
test has bren made over and over again,
and a majority of my patients are
men who have failed to obtain, laMlng
bene ft U elsewhere.
Contrary to the popular belief, weak
ness is not a nervout ailment, but la a,
result of disorders1 purely local. Ita auo
ceesful treatment calls for utmost skill
and the moat delicate prescribing. I em
ploy no electrical or mechanical con
trivances, nor do I exalte functional ac
tivity by the we of stimulants or tonica.
I treat by a local process mich as no
other physician employs, and one that
cannot fall to restore the full degree of
strength and vigor.
Through my long experience treating
theme dleeasea have devised methods that
not only cure, soundly and permanently,
but cure in let time than the best of
other treatments require. Take no
chances. Do not rlfk your health and
strength by relying on patent nostrums
or uncertain methods. You are abso
lutely secure when you Intrust your case
to me.
My treatment for tricture 1 entirely
Independent of surgery. A complete
cure is accomplished without cutting or
dilating. All growths and obstructions
In the urinary passage are dissolved, the
membranes cleansed and all irritation or
congestion removed.
To attempt to cure varicocele by cut
ting away the affected blood vessels Is
violence. I cure varicocele without sur
gery and without the we of caustic. My
cures are positive and permanent in
every instance and are effected in a few
days' time. No pain, no hospital ex
penses, and seldom Is It necessary that
tho patient be detained from hi. business.
My Fees Are -he Ixwest. You
Can Pay When Cured.
I offer not only FREK Consultation
and Advice, but of every cae that comes
to me I will make a careful Kxamlna
tion and Diagnosis without charge. No
ailing man should neglect thin oppor
tunity to get expert opinion about his
If you cannot call, write for Diag
nosis Chart. Mv Offices are open all
day. from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Sundays
from 10 to 1 only.
Cor. Morrison and Second St.
Private Entrance 2S4V Morrison St.
Portland. Or.
non & Nichols are making preparations
to remove their shingle mill from the Mox
Chehalis, near Elraa; to a site they have
secured on tidewater near Aberdeen. The
mill has been in operation several years,
and like all inland shingle mills, must
move when the available nearby cedar is
Relatives Demand $150,000 From
tin Canadian Pacific.
VANCOUVER. B. C Oct. 8. Suits in
amounts in the aggregate approximating
$150,000 are to be brought against the
Canadian Pacific by those who suffered
the loss of relatives and property and by
those who sustained Injuries In the wreck
of the tug Chehalis, which was run down
in the Narrows in July by the .steamer
Princess Victoria. Eight lives were loft
In this disaster.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Company
has appealed to Ottawa for a rehearing
of the facts In connection with the run
ning down of the Chehalis. The applica
tion for the rehearing will be opposed.
Jack Lynne Dies From Wound and
Fellow-AVorker Held for Murder.
SPOKANE, Oct. 8. Jack Lynne died In
St. Luke's hospital this morning. Andrew
Anderson is charged with murder in the
first degree. The men were working in a
barn. About a week ago Lynne tried tr
attack Anderson, who raised a pitchfork
In self-defense. Lynne being blind In one
eye, Hd not see the fork and ran upon it,
one Una piercing- his, brain.
Logan Farmer's Horso Stolen.
OREGON CITT. Or., Oct. 8. (Special.)
J. M. Tracy reports the theft of a bay
horse, weight 1200 pounls, from the barn
on his farm at Logan. The tracks of two
horses were discovered leading from the
barn, which is considered evidence that
the thief was mounted.
Bttf O If I Mn.aolMAAii
I rm.(ly for Gonorrheal
Iuioot. oyviniiorraai,
White, nn&ktaral di4
! rjl t. nriitire. cD&rg.,, or any innimmv
pfrAata MWiti tion of nieoK mettf
THeEsChemi(UiO(I, branM. Non-utriijnfc
keill0in..r7"l Hal hy Drofrrlats, -
'.. 7 I or nt lo plain wrapper.
by txpreas, propaid, fat
1.00. or 3 bottlaa, 2.7a,
Hmw Mat unfr