Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 09, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL. XLVI.-XO. 14,301.
New York Contest May
. Be Walk-Away.
Hearst and Anti-Hearst Men
Carve Each Other.
Anti-Boss Candidate Nominated by
Most Boss-Ridden Convention,
Millie Hughes Had Roose
velt With Him.
NEW TORK.- Oct. 8. (Special.) They
are still betting 2 to 1 that Charles E.
Hughes will be the next Governor of New
York State, and even at that, money Is
hard to find, for the Democrats want 3
to 1.
We had a lively campaign last Fall
hut this one will leave it far behind.
Every paper in New York City except the
Dally News, and of course, the Hearst
newspapers, has come out In opposition
to the "friend of the people." Upstate
the Rochester Morning Herald and the
Rochester Union and Advertiser have led
the list of Journalistic bolters. The Union
and Advertiser, which was established
In 1S26, has always been Democratic, but
announces editorially that it "owes no
allegiance to the candidates of the Demo
cratic convention at Buffalo."
"The situation in our camp." said a
Tammany district leader today, "more
accurately resembles hell on earth than
it ever did before."
Every Democrat's hand is raised against
every other Democrat, while the lurid,
unhappy wails of the Independence
Leaguers, who declare they have been
politically sand-bagged, prevents concen
tration and meditation.
One Had Leader, Other Had Boss.
The Republican convention which met
at Saratoga, had a leader. Theodore
Roosevelt, who deservedly enjoyed the
confidence of the people of New York.
As a result absolute harmony prevailed,
the strongest kind of a ticket was named
and the delegates left Saratoga proud of
what they had done.
Buffalo had a boss, Charles F. Mur
phy, who ruled with an ax. It was a
Tammany convention from start to finish,
and. the bad blood that has resulted will
keep the Democratic party In a turmoil
for many years to come. Bryan was a
sad blow in 1896. but Bryan never split
the organization half as badly as Hearst
has done.
No leader, not even Odell, was humili
ated in the convention and everybody was
happy. As a result the Republican party
has never entered Into a state contest so
thoroughly united and so thoroughly confi
dent as It is this. Fall.
Tammany Hogged Everything.
The fact that Tammany "hogged"
everything at the Democratic state con
vention has undoubtedly hurt Hearst all
.over the state. Here Is the list:
Temporary Chairman, Lewis Nixon.
Tammany; temporary secretary, Thomas
F. Smith, Secretary of Tammany Hall.
These two nominees were selected as the
permanent officials.
Chairman of the committee on creden
tials, which threw out 60 anti-Hearst dele,
gates. State Senator Thomas F. Grady,
familiarly known as the "Silver-tongued
orator of Tammany Hall."
Chairman of the committee on resolu
tions, which drew up the platform. Con
gressman Bourke Cockran., whom Hearst
In public speeches has called "The Honor
able Bought Cockran." also Tammany.
The other committee, that on permanent
organization, had the unimportant duty
of recommending that the temporary of
ficers of the convention be made the' per
manent ones. Former Senator Walter C.
Burton, of Kings County, an anti-Hearst
man, was allowed to perform this stunt.
Tammany really does not care whether
Hearst wins or not. Murphy has saved
his local ticket and there his Interest
ends. If the state desires to elect Hughes,
why. It -Is all right: if it doesn't, well.
Tammany will still be In business on
Fourteenth street.
Estimates of Hughes' Majority.
Politicians are busily trying to figure
out the result of the election, and admit
that the task is involved. Here are two
views of the case, as represented by men
of opposing political parties.
Former Sheriff Lewis Stegman of
Brooklyn is regarded as one of the expert
political statisticians In New York. Here
are his figures:
"Hearst is in rnuch the same position
as was Bryan in 1S. Every Democrat
who felt Impelled to vote for McKinley in
that year will be found arrayed against
Hearst. You will find he will confront
the united opposition of the business ele
ments, as did Bryan. But there are
other elements of strength Bryan had
which will be lost to Hearst. For ex
ample, the 6talwart Bryan men of the
state will have nothing to do with the
man who is trying to displace their idol.
They will vote against Hearst to help
Bryan. I figure this will account for
fully 50.000 votes.
"Mayor McClellan's friends will certain
ly knife Hearst, because victory for him
means decapitation for the Mayor. Mc
Carren In Brooklyn will help. The Queens
County men are enraged at being turned
out of the convention. These three
causes should give another 40.000.
"The vote in lSf6 in the state was:
McKinley S19.S3S. Bryan, 551,369. McKin-
ley's plurality 2S8.469. Take 90,000 of these
Bryan votes and add them o the other
side, and the Republican plurality will be
448.469." Now allow that 100.000 Republicans
ha'9 been led away by the Hearst craze,
and I don't believe the number is half
that, you would bring down the total by
200.000, or a majority of 243.469 for Hughes,
and that is about what he will get."
How Hearst 3Ien Figure.
Here are the Democratic figures, pre
pared by Charles P. Bacon, fresh from
a conference with W. J. Conners, the
new chairman of the state committee:
"The vote in New York City last year
was: McClellan 22S.39T. Hearst 224.929,
Ives 137,193. We will certainly hold the
McClellan and Hearst vote, a total of
Reprinted and widely circulated In the
New York campaign.
New York Journal. Nov. 10. 1905.
It's a Short Lockfctep From Delmoni
ro's to Sing- Ping.
3S-- -",. ."j'.V V
Every honest voter In New York
TUME. You have committed crimes
against the people that will send you
for many years to state prison. If the
crime 'can be proved against you. Your
dull mind cannot conceive of any REAL
public opinion. But an awakening Is
ahead of you. YOU KNOW THAT YOU
You have swindled the poor as their
employer: you have swindled the vot
ing public as political manager of your
miserable little Gas tool. The people
have found you out. If you persist la
your effort to rob the city, your friends
will soon find you In state prison.
Don't be such a fool as to repeat
Tweed's question. He only stole
MONEY: You have stolen VOTES."
There could not he found in New
York at this moment a jury to acquit
you. YOU KNOW THAT. Look out!
If you ever sit In the prisoner's 'dock,
you will not come out. except in
striped clothing. You were warned be
fore election. Be warned now or fol
low Tweed and the men BETTER
THAN YOU that have worked for the
state prison after working against It
in public office.
453.326, giving us a plurality In Greater
New York of 316,133, based on last year's
"The normal up state Republican plur
ality is from 100.000 to 150.000. Mr. Hearst
will cut this to practically nothing, if he
does not wipe it out. So I think I am
conservative In claiming 200.000 for Hearst
when my figures show his majority will
be considerably ' over 300,000."
Of course you can figure It any old way
you please, but Hughes is making a run
away race of It at present.
Even Hearst Boomed Hughes.
Everybody is talking Hughes, and all
the newspapers are prominently printing
this editorial, which appeared in Mr.
Hearst's New York American on Decem
ber 30 last:
No or. in New York State will question
the excellence of the work done by the coun
sel for the people, Mr. Charles E. Hughes.
He has drawn from the management of
the companies under Investigation admissions
which have damned them In the eyes of the
He had done perhaps everything that could
be done during the time at his dlfpcsal. If
there should be no extension of time Mr.
Hughes can retire with the perfect certainty
that his work has had the approval and
aroused the commendation ot the people.
Will Not Spend Million and Made
No Promises to Bosses.
NEW YORK. Oct. 8 W. R, Hearst,
candidate for Governor on the Independ
ence League and Democratic tickets, be
gan his week's campaigning with ad
dresses In Manhattan tonl.t. He dwelt
at length on the attacks made upon him
by the newspapers of New York City and
denounced as absolutely untrue state
ments affecting himself as a candidate
and in his private capacity. In reply to a
statement made In one of the New York
papers that he would speni a million
dollars in the campaign, Mr. Hearst said:
That Is an utter and complete falsehood. I
guarantee not to contribute more funds to
my own campaign. In which I am personally
Interested, than I did to the campaigns of
Grover Cleveland and w. J. Bryan, in which
I. was merely Interested as a Democrat.
Referring to the statement that he em
ployed Chinese labor on hls ranch In Cali
fornia. Mr. Hearst eaid:
I have never employed Chinese labor In all
my life, and I do not own one foot of ground
In Palermo, Cal.. either directly or indirect
ly, nor is Chinese labor employed on any
property that I own or partly own In Cali
fornia or tn any other state In the Union.
Continuing. Mr. Hearst said:
Various New York papers have stated that
I have made a compact with the bosses in
order to secure my nomination on the Demo
cratic ticket. I had no understanding with
any boss before the convention or at the con-
l Concluded on Page 8.)
:- .... i.:.-c i- -v .mr
Beveridge Says It Is Useful
- as Party of Perma
nent Opposition.'
Indiana Senator Speaks on Disap
pearance of Party Issues and
Lodge Dwells on Control of
Democracy by Radicals.
BOSTON". Oct. 8 The annual dinner of
the Massachusetts Republican Club was
held tonight in Symphony Hall and served
as a ratification meeting for Governor
Curtis Guild. Jr.. and the others on the
state ticket who were renominated last
week. The banquet brought togther many
men of prominence in public life, includ
ing Senator Beveridge. of Indiana, Sena
tor Lodge and Senator Crane of Massa
chusetts. Mr. Lodge spoke as follows:
The nominations of Mr. Hearst in New York
and Mr. Moran In Massachusetts, which are
Identical In character and purpose, prove be
yond a doubt that the radical element in the
Democratic party, which alms at class legis
lation and strives to arouBe class hatred, tends
also toward socialism and the destruction of
private property. This element, which has
been built up and fostered by Mr. Bryan in
his two campaigns for the Presidency as well
a by the pitiable collapse of the "aafe and
sane candidate" in 1904, is now powerful
enough to take possession of the Democratic
organization In two great states.
Menace to Nation's Welfare,
The condition into which the Democratic
party has thus fallen Is In Itself a menace to
the welfare of the country. I am not on
of those who rejoice In it, for I think it Is
Just as Important that the party of opposi
tion should not drive out all its conservative
elements, abandon all its traditions and rtve
Itself over to radicalism, violence and general
indecency, as that the party In power should
remain sound and wise and safe.
Senator Beveridge spoke as follows!
Era of Patriotic ITnity.
The only question before the American vot
ers in this campaign is good government.
There are no issues of politics dividing the
parties no conflict of principle to take the
people's minds fromthe practical' jrocess of
running the Government. The individual and
not the party at the moment dominates our
political life, and the only4 question now be
fore the individual American is which party
can best administer the people's business. And
administration of free government Is' the
noblest art of man.
Everybody 1b practically agreed on the money
question. Everybody Is practically agreed on
recent legislation. No party struggle Is thought
of against a single statute enacted by Con
gress In the last five years. Everybody ap
proved the pure-food law. and Democrats as
well as Republicans voted for it. Everybody
applauds the meat-inspection law, and Dem
ocrats were as earnest as Republicans in its
support. Everybody now sees the statesman
ship of the irrigation law, and it was paed
by Democrats as well as Republican votes.
Everybody rejoiced at the enactment of the
bill for free denaturized alcohol and it be
came a law without party division. We are
In an era of patriotic unity. Such, with all
Its trials, is the triumph of free government
administered by honest men. The whole peo
ple are satisfied with the legislation under
which the canal la being dug. and no party
lines were drawn in its enactment. The enor
mous majority of the American people de
manded the passage of the railway rate bill,
and Democrats and Republicans were practi
cally unanimous when it was put on its
passage. The most far-reaching law in its
ultimate results since the Civil War, creating
the Department of Commerce and Labor, had
practically the solid support of all parties.
There was no party division on the anti-rebate
bill or on any law enacted for the cor
rection of trust abuses.
No Issue on the Tariff.
There is no practical proposition by either
party to which the other party is opposed
with sufficient earnestness to make it an
Issue. None but theorists of free trade would
destroy the protective system on the one hand,
and none but extremists would deny that tariff
schedules must from time to time bs read
justed on the other hand; and It is the safety
of American institutions that extremists are
always few and the moderate-minded are al
ways many. There can be no tariff Issue,
because the party In charge of the Govern
ment will revise tariff schedules as soon as the
party in opposition could possibly change them.
The policy of administering just government
under equal laws in the Philippines, at least
until the Filipinos themselves are prepared
for self-government, is admitted by both par
ties: and what shall be done when the time
comes is so many years away that It is not
yet an issue. , The question as to whether we
should have taken the inlands In the first place
is so many years in the past that It Is no
longer an issue.
What, then, is the situation? We have a
party In charge of the Government and a
party in opposition an ideal condition in a
situation like the present and in a Govern-
:: -irw
t ....
Secretary of State Elihu Boot, Who
Will 8 peak In New York Campaign.
ment like ours. My argument tonight is that
the Republican party is best fitted to admin
ister the people's government; that the Demo
cratic party is best fitted for opposition.
The Democratic party, by its habit of mind,
by experience and, sines Van Buren's time,
by tradition, is the natural party of opposi
tion. The Republican party, by habit of mind,
experience and tradition. Is the natural party
cf government. The one serves the useful
purpose of ! watchfulness and criticism: the
other performs the Indispensable service ' of
construction and advance. No party Is so good
that watching will not help It; no party so
bad as to deserve utter condemnation.
Democrats Good at Opposition.
Why Is the Democratic party best equipped
for opposition? For nearly half & century the
Democratic party has been out of power.
During this time it was necessarily the party
of protest. What law has the Democratic
party written since Buchanan's time? Not
one. Yes. one the Wilson-Gorman bill. What
law has it not opposed up to the present ad
ministration? Not one. Thus, as the Re
publican party naturally drew to Itself the
builders and the administrators, the Demo
cratic party just as naturally drew to tself
the opposite quality of mind.
Those whose tendency was to point out de
fects found In the Democratic party their na
tural home. , And their long experience In
criticism has given to" these men increased
efficiency in the useful function of finding
fault. Thus the Democratic party naturally
became more and mors the party of opposi
tion. It naturally became more and more, by
the character of those whom it attracted and
by the decades of ' practice, better and better
equipped for opposition and worse and worse
equipped for administration.
It has refused for so long to agree with the
(Conclude on Page 2.)
Says Factional Feuds Must Be
Settled Before Amnesty
Can Be Granted.
Accused Murderers of Villuendas to
Hare Case Dismissed Taft Com
ing Home Soon Avoids Par
tisan. Meeting of Liberals.
HAVANA, Oct. 8. Th factional ill
feeling that has existed at Clenfuegos
since the Presidential campaign ot 1905
resulting in the death of Congressman
Villuendas and Chief of Police Illanca,
increased duriagr the recent revolution to
such an extent that the return of the
rebels from the flld Is causing a dang
erous condition which the provlsiona.1 gov
ernment considers it Is highly necessary
to end. In view of this. Governor Taft
tonight sent Consul-General Stelnhart to
Clenfuegos with authority to take any
action he may deem advisable in the in
terest of a reconciliation of political dif
ferences there and inaugurating a fresh
start toward a reasonable degree of mu
tual goodwill between the malcontents.
Settle Feuds Before Amnesty.
Mr. Taft believes that It is particularly
necessary that the vexed local situation
in Clenfuegos shall be settled before the
Issuance of an amnesty decree, since he
has determined to Include in the amnesty
all persons charged with complicity In
the Villuendas murder. He holds that.
If he yielded to the importunities of many
residents of Clenfuegos and allowed those
charged with the crime to be brought to
trial, it would result, in the event of
their acquittal by a Judge belonging to
the Moderate party, in reopening the
quarrel over the Incident in a more
violent manner than ever.
Ever since the death of Senor Villu
endas a year ago last September, his
murder has been the subject of heated
discussions in Congress and at political
meetings. Members of the Moderate party
have been charged with the crime and
their trial repeatedly demanded, but th
Cuban government regarded it as urjafe
to accede to these demands during the
Overheated state of the public mind.
Heal Tp Another Old Sore.
Mr. Taft has also decided to include
in the general amnesty,, all persona al
leged to have been connected with the
Guanabacoa outrage of last February,
when several rural guardsmen were wan
tonly killed In their quarters by a gang
of night marauders. He Is unwilling to
furnish any opportunity for the reopen
ing of old sores in these notorious mat
ters and will Insist on the effectual clos
ing now of all Incidents which are an
outgrowth of former political strife.
Mr. Stelnhart will reach Clenfuegos to
morrow. He has received no definite In
structions except to deal with all ques
tions arising according to his best Judg
ment. The governors of all provinces, except
ing Santa Clara, report that the. dlsband
ment of both volunteers and Insurgents Is
complete and Santa Clara reports good
progress. These reports are confirmed by
messages to Marine headquarters.
Treasurer Roloff today began counting
the contents of the treasury, which
amount to $12.0H0.W mostly In Ameri
can gold. Major Eugene F. Ladd rep
resents the United States in the counting
of this money.
Avoids Party Meetings.
Alfredo Zayas, the Liberal leader,
called at the palace today and invited Mr.
Taft to attend the liberal mass meeting
on October 14. Mr. Taft replied that he
would probably sail for the United States
on October 13. Senor Zayas then offered
to hold the meeting before the governor's
departure, but Mr. Taft intimated that he
did not consider it wise to attend a
party demonstration.
Although the American commissioners
will leave Cuba this week. Captain Mc
Coy, the military aide to the governor,
will remain for another week to familiar
ize Governor Magoon with the situation.
The arrival of General J. Franklin Bell
is awaited before the beginning of the
distribution of the troops. A tentative
plan Is that large detachments be sent
to each provincial capital and to Clen
fuegos, to be subject to needs elsewhere.
Troops for Cuba Will All Be at New
port Xews Today.
NEWPORT NEWS. Va.. Oct. 8. The
Bevuttor Albert J. Bvpridge, Who
Spoke at Boston Latt Night.
transport Niagara sailed from this port
today, having on board the first battal
ion of the Twenty-eighth Infantry. The
Monterey sailed this afternoon with
headquarters, band and two battalions of
the Seventeenth Infantry and hospital
corps. The Seneca is loading two battal
ions, headquarter; (and hand of the
Twenty-seventh IrTfantry and will prob
ably sail at daylight tomorrow. Tlfe
transport Paloma, carrying the baggage
of the Twenty-seventh Infantry and Fifth
Cavalry and animals is also loading and
will sail early tomorrow morning.
The Eleventh Cavalry of Fort Des
Moines, Iowa, and the Eleventh Infantry
of Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, will ar
rive this afternoon and the Seventeenth
and Eighteenth companies of mountain
artillery from Fort Vancouver, Wash.,
are.expected before daylight.
By tomorrow night it Is expected that
all the troops will have arrived here.
There are now eight transports tn port
and two have already sailed.
Crisis Ended In Santa Clara.
CASILDA, Province of Santa Clara.
Cuba, Oct. 8 The situation here, which
last night was critical on account of the
refusal of the government volunteers
(Concluded on Page 4.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 81
degrees; minimum. 54.
TODAY'S Increasing cloudinesa, fallowed by
showers; cooler; southeasterly wlnda.
Leader of Busman Btrlkers makes remarkable
epeech at trial. Page 5.
Radicals Spain in control of Hula.n Dem
ocrats. Page 5.
Triple alliance to be renewed and Austria ajid
Italy each to gain territory. Page. 4.
Taft will heal old feuds in Cuba before pro
claiming amnesty. Page 1.
Roosevelt and Shonts decide on contract sys
tem for canal. Page 2.
Lonur odds on Hughes against Hearst; con
trast In methods of nomination. Page 1.
Heanst denies charge of enemies. Page I.
Beveridge A Lodge speak at Boston. Page 1.
Bryan chuckles over Roosevelt's warning to
railroads. Page 4.
Domestic t
Trial of Standard Oil In Ohio begins today,
but Rockefeller will not appear. Page 2.
Frank Gould and wife agree not to get di
vorce. Page 1.
Canadian Btrlkers fight battle with guards
at sawmill. Page 8.
Railroads to form new company to run re
frigerator and stock cars. Page a.
Mrs. Leafgreen granted change of venue.
Paee 4.
Sailors drowned In e-torm on Oreat Lakes.
Page S.
All Chicago going to 6hamplonship ball game
today. Page T.
Close trottine race at Lexington. Page T.
Snooting at Louisville racetrack. Page 4.
Pacific Coast.
Seattle spends large sum in improvement of
streets. Pane 6.
Enemies of the salmon bid fair to prevent
continuance of propagation. Page 6.
La Grande Oouncilmen and saloonkeepers ar
raigned on bribery charges. Page 6.
Tacoma veterinarian swallows poison bolus and
saves nls own lire, fase o.
Lewlston-Ciarkston fair opens with two Gov
ernors in attendance, page 0.
Commercial and Marinr.
Grain Standards agTeed upon. Page IB.
Chicago wheat market firm on export demand.
page io.
Reaction In stock market. Page IS.
Water-front Federation threatens to take part
In sralnnanaiers' striKe. rage i.
Three Harriman liners In port at same time.
Page 7.
Portland and Vicinity.
Bernard Velguth to plead guilty with hope of
being paroled. Page 10.
Clash of authority between Executive Board
. and School Board seems imminent. Page 18.
Ranks of Police Department thinned by re
tirements ana dismissals, rage .
Summons Is served upon Mrs. Madge Snyder
to appear before District Attorney Allen
at Hillsboro. Pane 10.
Judge Caples is stricken with paralysis and
lies seriously in. t-age iu.
Constable Wagner raids Chinese lottery, ar
resting proprietor and players. Page 16.
H. W. Lempke Company lays advertisement
in siaewais. vm turcsn win follow.
Fa 1.
Papers Drawn Up but
All Destroyed.
Couple Will Meet Again After
Long Separation.
Youngest of Family Slarries Chum
of Childhood, but Differences Al
most Cause Division Long
Voyage May End Quarrel.
NEW TORK. Oct. 8. (Speoial.)
Mrs. Frank Jay Gould, wife of the
youngest son of Jay Gould, left Lynd
hurat, the old family home of the
Goulds at Irvlngton on the Hudson,
the residence of Miss Hfflt-n Gould, to
day and went to Hot Springs. Virginia,
for an Indefinite stay. Frank Jay
Gould has completed preparations for
a tour around the world on his steam
yacht, the Helenlta. which is named
after his wife, who was Miss Helen
Margaret Kelly. He will sail soon,
and his trip, according to present
plans, will occupy many months.
Divorce Papers Destroyed.
Mrs. Gould's visit to Miss Helen
Gould has been of considerable length
and. it is understood, has been termi
nated only after a reconciliation had
been effected with her husband- Papers
which were drawn up to be used In
obtaining a legal separation of Mrs.
Gould from her husband have been
destroyed, and no further action look
ing tc. a. court review and judgment
upon their differences will be taken,
at least for the present.
Abandonment of these proceedings
is the result of a council in which all
tne members of the Gould family took
part. The united efforts of his broth
ers and Bisters were brought to bear
upon Frank Gould and his wife to
heal the breach and to prevent a sep
aration, at least so far aa publlo ao
tlon was conoerned.
Happy Marriage Spoiled.
Chums from childhood and wedded
when both were very young, the mar
riage of Frank Jay Gould and Miss
Kelly was generally regarded as very
happy. They spent most of the early
years of their married life on Mr.
Gould's yacht. Neither seemed to care
greatly for society. That differences
had arisen between them was known
only to their intimate friends, and very
few, indeed, shared the secret of th
decision to seek legal separation.
Whole Family Rejoices.
Before Mrs. Gould returns from the
Virginia health resort It is expected
that the Helenlta will have sailed on
her long voyage. What will oocur
upon Mr. Gould's return a year or mora
hence none of his family is willing to
predict, though all are gratified at
their success in averting, if not end
ing, the danger of a final separation.
Mrs. Frank J. Gould is the object of
much, affection from her husband's
family and Is especlaly a friend of
Miss Oould.
Mr. and Mrs. Gould have two ohll
dren. daughters, one 4 and the other 3
years old. It is expected that Mrs.
Gould will take up her residence with
them In the New York homo of her
husband when she returns from Hot
Trans-Atlantic Company Loses In the
Superior Court.
Trans-Atlantic Fire Insurance Com
pany loses in the first decision to be
rendered In the Superior Court regard
ing the liability of companies which,
have refused a dollar-for-dollar settle
ment. The company has not a single
excuse in law for repudiating the
claims of Its policyholders, according
to the decision rendered today by
Judge Carroll Cook.
The Trans-Atlantic had no earth
quake clause. Its resistance to the
payment of obligations rested entire
ly upon the general clause of excep-s
tlons In the policies, by which it is
relieved from liability In case of loss
caused by invasion, insurrection, riot,
civil war or civil commotions or
through military or usurped power or
by order of any civil authority.
"There is no evidence that can bring
the case within any of the exceptions con
tained in the policy." said Judge Cook.
"Even if the earthquake caused the fire,
the defendant would still be liable, under
the .policy, but there la no evidence that
would Justify a finding that the Are was
caused by the earthquake."
The plaintiff in the test case is Assist
ant City Attorney A. S. Newburgh, who
received i&50. The company disclaimed
responsibility upon the assertion that the
fire was an act of Providence.
Will Use Mounted Infantry.
HAVANA. Oct 8 uAfter the arrival
here of the 2000 horses contracted for in
the United States, the provisional govern
ment will have a surplus of horses on
hand. General Funston said this evening
that he probably would use considerable
numbers of mounted Infantry throughout
the Island. The provisional government
has also accepted large quantities of arms
and ammunition contracted for by the
Cuban Government.