Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 06, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Loo Loo Pitcher Forgets to
Use Curves and Is Poor
ly Supported.
Gam on Los Angeles
Swatfest From Start
to Finish
but Champions Have Better
of It Score 1 2 to 6 .
Yesterday' Result.
Portland. 12- Los Angeles. 6.
Sfta-ftle, S; Fresno. 3.
San Francisco. 9; Oakland. 5.
Standing of the Club.
Won. Loft. P. C.
Portland 103 4 . .2
5-eatt'e S2 73 .525
fan Francltco. . . . f-0 72 .527
Los Angeles . . . S2 77 .510
Oakland fl .415
Fresno S4 103 .JU
L09 ANGEL.E9, Oct. S (Special ) After
listening to the number of swats the
Champs cracked out today off Burns, the
fans didn't need to look at. the score
hoard, and after counting the Loo Loos
errors you would want to look the other
way. anyway.
Both Califf and Burns were pounded
hard, but if Burns had anything a pitcher
uses in ball games, he didn't enow it. Big-
Leaguer Mitchell was there with the big
ptick for a. double and two singles, and
the only Champ that couldn't hit Burns
was Califf
"Fatty" Carson hit another one of those
bouncing home run: of his, and in addi
lion to all the hitting the Champs did
beautiful fielding
There was a lot of excitement In the
game, but It. was a. case of Rose Ben and
Interlude .at six furlongs and the locals
were never in it. playing dopey ball most
of the time The score:
PO. A.
Bernard, c. f
Gochnauer. s.
Oravath. r. f.
Brashear. 3b
Lillon. lb ....
Carlisle, 1. f.
Toman. 2b ...
Buckley, c. ..
Burns, p
4 0
Totals r.5
Sweenev. s. s.
McHale, c f.
Mitchell. 1 f.
Carson, r. f. .
Bmith'. 3b
Donahue, c.
Lister lb
Schlmpff, 2b .
Califf. p
3 0
5 0
1 1
1 0
1 1
10 o
0 5
1 5
27 13
Totals 41 12
Los Angeles 0 12002100 B
Hits 0 3 2 0 0 2 2 0 110
Portland 0 1 3 0 4 0 0 3 112
Hits 1 0303223 115
Home run Carson. Three-base hit
cochnauer Two-base hits Mitchell. Lis
ter. Carlisle. Sacrifice hits Lister. Crav-
wth First base on errors Los Angeles 1,
Portland 3. Left on bases Los Angeles S,
Portland 9 Bases on balls Off Burns 5.
ofT Califf 5. Struck out Burns 3. Califf 4.
Stolen bases Sweeney 2, McHale. Errors
Donahue. Carlisle. Goehnauer 2. Burns
.1 Hit by pitched ball Carson Time, of
Fame i wo hours and o minutes. Um
pire Perrine.
Siwas-hes Defeat Oakland by Heavy
Stick Work in Fourth.
OAKLAND. Cal . Oct. 5 A home run.
one three-bagger and two two-base hit
and tnree singles, all in the fourth in
ning, won the game for Seattle todav.
Oakland's pool fielding contributed large
ly to the result
Hopkins was taken out of the box after
this onslaught, and replaced by Dever
eaux, who allowed but two hits. Score:
... R.H.E
Seattle nooosooo 0 S 9 0
Oakland 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 O 3 4 5
Batteries Vickers and Blankenship
Hopkins. Devereaux and Hackett.
Lis-Mess Playing by Raisineaters
Cojfs Them the Game.
FRESNO. Cal . Oct. 5 Listless playing
on me part or r resno s innelders lost the
game for the Raisineaters in the first two
innings today. Score:
R Tt E
San Francisco 4 2 0 0 S 0 0 0 ft 9 li i
Fresno 0 0000002 35 10 4
Batteries F. Brown. J. Brown and Wil
ton: Hoag and Hogan.
Umpire Derrick.
Won. Lost. P. c.
Chicapo ....llrt sn .73
New York 03 6 .632
Pittsburg 92. Kf .Hn5
Philadelphia 71 .415
Brooklyn rtS . .44
Cincinnati M 47
St. Louis S2 PS S47
Boston 49 102 .324
Boston 7, New Yok I.
NEW YORK. Oct. 5 The Boston Na
tionals won an easy victory here today.
H. Mathewson pitched his first full game,
but had poor control. Score:
R H. E. R. H. E.
Boston 7 5 OjNew York ..1 9 1.
Batteries Pfeiffer and Brown; H. Math
ewson and Bowerman.
Won. Lost. P. C.
Chicago as .Vi .B24
New York S! rtl . s.s
Cleveland S7 4 ..-,7ft
Philadelphia 7S t7 .j:;s
St Louis 72 74 .504
Detroit 70 78 .479
Washington .VS 9, .Si7
Boston 49 104 .S20
New York 6, Boston 4.
BOSTON. Oct. 5 Second place in the
final standing of, the American League
was assured to the New York club by its
victory over the tail-enders today. The
winners bunched hits in the fourth.
R. H E I R. H. E.
New York ..6 10 3 Boston 4 6 3
Batteries Orth. Chesbro and McGuire;
Overton and Carrigan.
Chicago 9, Cleveland 5.
CHICAGO. Oct. 5. All of Cleveland's
misplays, coupled with two passes, a
sacrifice and seven hits, including a triple
In the sixth inning, gave Chicago the sec
ond game of the visitors' final series here
today. A catch by Hahn, who ran near
the circus seats in right field for Bern
hard's long fly. was a feature. Score:
P H. Ef R. H. E.
Chicago 9 15 li Cleveland ..5 12 2
Batteries White, Smith, and Towne;
Bernhard and Clark.
Xo Game at St. Louis.
KT T.ATTTG rw Tha rW,rtitS:t
Louis game was postponed on account of
com weatner, two games tomorrow.
President Bert Announces Dates and
Assignments of Umpires.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 5. (Spe
cial ) President Bert today gave out the
schedule for the rest of the baseball
season, which closes November 4; als
the assignments of the umpires.
Following are the schedule and the list
of assignments:
At Oakland. October 9 to 14 Oakland vs
San Francisco. Derrick
At Oakland. October 16 to 21 Oakland
vs Seattle, Derrick.
At Oakland. October 23 to 28 Oakland
vs Portland. Perrine
At Oakland. October 30 to November
Oakland vs. San Francisco. Perrine.
At Los Angeles. October 9 to 14 Los
Angele9 vs Seattle, Mahaffey.
At Los Angeles. October 16 to 21 Los
Angeles va Portland, Mahaffey.
At Los Angeles. October 23 to 2S Los
Angeles vs San Francisco. Derrick.
At Los Angeles. October 30 to Novem
ber 4 Los Angeles vs Seattle. Derrick.
At Fresno October 8 to 14 Fresno vs
Portland. Perrine
At Fresno, October 16 to 21 Fresno vs
San Francisco. Perrine.
At Fresno October 23 to 35 Fresno vs
Seattle. Mahaffey.
At Fresno. October 30 to November
Fresno vs Portland. Mahaffey
Chosen to Officiate Between Schil
' lers and Boxmakers.
Is there a baseball fan In Portland, or
a baseball player, or umpire in the Pa
cific Coast League who hasn't heard
"Doc" Anderson scold the umpire?
Hardly. Anderson is one of those rabid
fans and his big voice has made more
than one umpire wish he was out of the
business. Now "Doc" Anderson is going
to try his hand at umpiring himself.
There is to be a ball game tomorrow af
ternoon at Twenty-fourth and Vaughn
streets between the reorganized Schiller
team and a bunch of lads who make
boxes for the expressmen and express
companies to smash up. Ed Dietrich has
reorganized the Schillers and Joe Stutt
will be manager for a day of the other
Another feature of tomorrow's game
will be the appearance of Trilby Rankin,
who. on special occasions has masquer
aded as an umpire. Win French and Joe
Fay and a number of other favorites will
be in the game to make trouble for "Doc"
Success of Racing Game in Spokane
Assures Improvement.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Oct. 5 (Special)
Glendenning. who broke the half-mile
track record a quarter second, was the
only favorite to land first money todav.
As a result, the talent went home light
in pocket In the first two races the
finishes were so close as to electrify the
fair crowd.
Tomorrow is get-away day. With clear
weather, the 12 days' meeting will wind
up in record-breaking attendance for to
tals The success of this meeting will
lead to a mile track and 30 days' racing
next year.
Five furlongs, selling Chlleno. 7 "to ft.
first; Chief Aloha. 7 to 2. second; Euchre
Deck. 3 to 2. third; time. 1:04. Won by a,
Six furlongs, selling Enchanter.' 6 to s.
first; Flour:eh. 5 to 1. second: Klngthorpe
Even, third: time. 1 1714. Won by a nose.
Three furlongs, selling Forty-Four. 4 to 1.
first: Gold Bug Jr.. 4 to- 5. second: Little
M:nch Jr.. fi to 1. third: time. 0:36. Won by
three lengths.
Six and a half furlongs, selling Elfin King.
6 to 1. first; Meringue. 4 to 5. second; Ke
nova. 30 to 1. third; time. 1.23. Won by
a length and a half.
Seven furlongs, selling Prickles. 8 to 5.
first: Major Tenny, 7 to 1. second- Tuck
Back. 4 to 1. third: time, 1:32. Won by a
Four furlongs, selling Glendennmg 2 to S
first: Effervescence. 30 to 1, second: Miss
Provo. 25 to 1. third: time, 0:49. (Breaks
track record of 0 50 ) won by three lengths.
Generalship of JIcHenry Adds An
other to His Honors.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Oct. 5 Nut Boy.
heavily backed by the New England
contingent, won the 18th Transylvania In
a drizzling rain this afternoon. The
victory was brilliant, but much of the
ease with which the son of Nut Pm
defeated his large field was due to th
generalship of Myron McHenry. who
drove him. He kept his horse in a
good position in each heat and. chased
the other horses through the stretch,
beating them to the wire. After the first
heat it was seen that the favorite, Mack
Mack, was beaten.
Nut Boy has won nearly every im
portant Etake for aged trotters on th
grand circuit this year.
The 2:18 class trot -was nostooned on
account of a rain which came up during
the last heat of the futurity. The re
sults: Transylvania stakes, svxio. 2 12
thre in five .-ut Boy won three straight
heats In 2;0S. 2:071-4. 2 09
Futurity, pacing. $3000. 3-var.nM tk. 1.
five Brenda York won three straight heats
and the race in 210. 2:09. 2:14.
At Brighton Beach.
NEW YORK. Oct. 5-Briehton Beach
race results:
Five and a half furlongs Lorlne won. Or-acn.
lum second. Gallant Pan fhird; time. 1.07 3-5.
steepiecnase, aDoot mi miles Commrvir.r.
Fontaine won. Realm second, Souvicnv third-
time. 4:22 3-5.
Six furlongs Handsearra won. Listless sec
ond: time. 1:15 3-5. (Two startera.1
Mile and a quarter Far' West won. .Tinu
Reddick second.' Tommy Waddell third- time
Mile Mariposa won. Herman second. Jobs-
town third; time, 1:43 2-5.
At Louisville.
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Oct. 5 Churchill'
Downs race results:
Six furlongs Royal Legend won. Miladl
Love second. Suzanne third; time. 1:14 2-5.
Mile and a quarter Morendo won, inflam
mable second. Mae Lynch third; time. 2:0S.
Mile Princess Oma won. The Clansman
cond. Harry Scott third; time, 1:40 2-5.
Shawnee handicap, seven furlongs El Otro
won. Hannibal Bey second. Don Domo third;
time. 1:26 2-5.
Five and a half furlongs Forward won
Lady Vtmont second. Affinity third; time
Mile and a sixteenth Shining Star won
The Borgian second. Juba third; time. 1:47 1-5
To regulate the stomachs liver and w.
els and promote digestion, take one of
Carter s Little Liver puis every night
Try them.
Tour Druggist Win Tell Ton
that Murine Eye Remedy Cures Eyes. Makea
Weak Eves Strong. Doesn't gmarL BoothM
U. P. Will Start Building Line
to Sound in a Month.
Harriman's Right-Hand Man in
Seattle, in Conference With
Local Officials Tells Where,
Extensions Will Run.
J D. Farrell, Harriman's right-hand
man on the 9ound. Is in Portland for a
few days In consultation with officials of
the Union Pacific system in Portland.
With him is E. C. Hawkins, chief engineer
of the Oregon & Washington, the new
Union Pacific extension to the Sound cit
ies. "Actual work will probably be started
on the new line within a month," said
Mr. Farrell last night. "The line has
been located rather definitely between
Portland and Chehalis. although there are
jom6 alternative routes laid out from
which we muet choose. We expect to
have the road definitely located by the
end of this month, when bids will be
asked for and the contracts let.
"While the charter calls for Everett as
the ultimate terminus of the Oregon &
Washington, construction will be carried
only as far ae Seattle at present. We
leave Olympia off the map of the Oregon
& Washington as well. Whether a branch
will be run to the Washington capital is
a matter for the future to determine.
"From Vancouver the Oregon & Wash
ington will hug the north shore of the
Columbia to Kalama. Although the coun
try is rough. I do not think there will be
any difficulty in building a. second line
along the river without resorting to the
provisions of the canyon act and using
the Northern Pacific tracks covering the
same distance. Through the Cowlitz Val
ley tnere is rougn country to be over
come, and engineers are still considering
the most feasible route Every effort
will be made, however, to build the most
direct line to the Sound cities from Port
"The Oregon & Washington is entirely
independent of the Seattle-Tacoma inter
urban line, although storiea connecting
tne two nave frequently been circulated
Our surveys out of 9eattle were thought
to nave been planned with a view to mak
ing a connection with the electric line
Dut tnis is a mistake. We will build an
entirely new line of railway between the
two Sound cities Just how we will pass
inrougn tacoma. however, is still some-w-hat
in doubt, and different lines are be
ing considered.
It is hard to make a prediction of the
date of completion of the road. That all
depends upon the labor market. I under
stand the labor situation is improving
somewhat, although the railroad construc
tion now going on is drawing heavily on
all available workmen. Contractors are
remedying the scarcity somewhat by im
porting large numbers of men into the
Northwest from even as far back East as
Pennsylvania. The construction of the
new line will be pushed as rapidly as pos-
"The Oregon & Washington will take
advantage of the law providing for the
common use of railway bridges across
navigable streams by paying reasonable
tolls in the matter of getting across the
coiumoia at ancouver. It is the inten
tion to use the Portland & Seattle bridge
now oeing Duiit.
Judge McCredie Grants Injunction
Against Harriman Road.
Work by the Columbia Valley Railroad
on the Cape Horn tunnel must be stopped
pending a nnai decision on ownership of
tne right of way across the point of rock
inis order has been made by Judee Mc
Credie of the Clark County Superior
Court, who has granted the Portland &
Seattle an injunction stopping the Harri
man road from proceeding with its tunnel
A peculiar feature of the case is that a
similar injunction, asked by the Columbia
vauey to stop work by the Portland &
beattle at the other end of the cape
where Hill forces are driving a tunnel.
was turned down by Judge McCredie.
Each road was boring its tunnel from
opposite sides of Cape Horn, the Hill
road claiming its right of way by virtue
of leases from property owners, while the
Columbia Valley dated its rights from
title from the State of Washington. This
claim has been attacked and the conten
tion of the Hill interests has been up
held by Judge McCredie's court.
The Columbia Valley officials are some.
what piqued at the outcome of the in
junction suits, when they believe they
have prior right to Cape Horn. One said
yesterday that Judge McCredie has erant-
ed every injunction suit so far asked in
the north bank fight by the Portland &
Seattle, while every such process sought
by the Harriman road has been turned
down. The effect of this decision will be
that the work on the Harriman tunnel
will be stopped until the higher courts can
settle the matter. An appeal will be
taKen Dy Columbia Valley attorneys.
Consolidation of Light, Power and
Traffic Companies Under Way.
.The consolidation of the comDanie en
tering into the Portland Railway, Light &
rower company will probably be com
pleted within the coming month. The
names of the individual corporations
making up the big merger of electrical
properties will be dropped within a short
time and the new one adopted for all
while the different units of the merger
will be handled as departments.
The consummation of the consolidation
of the trolley, light and power companies
is foreshadowed by the expected arrival
next week of J. L. Clark. C. M. Clark and
T. H. Clark, of Philadelphia, members of
the banking firm of Clark & Co.. who will
be accompanied by Albert Strauss, of the
New York banking firm of J. & w. Selig
man. Their visit has to do with the
transfer of the properties lately united
under one company, of which the Clarks
Seligmans and Pratts are owners.
O. R. X. Announces Low Round-Trip Rate.
The O. R. & N. Co. has made a low
rate of $S4.50 for round trip Fortland to
Buffalo. N. Y.. account the International
Convention of Christian Churches to be
held at that place October 12 to 17. Tick
ets will be on sale October 5 and 6 A
choice of several different routes is given
and stopovers allowed in both directions'
For further particulars in regard to
routes, through sleeping car service, etc
call on. or address C. W. Stinger. City
Ticket Agent, O. R. & N. Co.. Third and
Washington streets. Portland.
Summer Excursion Tickets Are Still on
The dates of sale of Summer excursion
tickets -to Newport and Yaquina Bay have
be'n extended to October 15 with a final
return limit of October 31. which will en
able those who have not already been to
this delightful resort to take the outing
at the reduced rate offered during the
Summer. Full particulars in regard to
rates etc. bv calline at Citv Ti-ut nfn
1 Third and Washington streets, Portland.
! . . -V5 " -
!!!! iliiftil I
Seventeen Will Contest for
Vanderbilt Cup.
Four Xations Will Be Represented
on Long Island, Where 200,
000 Persons Will Watch
Flying Automaniaes.
MINEOLA. N. Y. Oct. 6 Seventeen
high-power automobile racing machines
will start tomorrow morning, beginning at
6 o'clock, in the third international race
for the Vanderbilt cup. The course, which
begins at a point near Westbury on the
Jericho turnpike, leads over some of the
best roads of Long Island and is practi
cally a rectangle measuring 29 21 miles
along the outer lines. The course will be
traversed ten times, making the distance
of the race 292 1 miles.
There is a great dip about the center
of the northern boundary and this leads
down to the so-called "hairpin" turn. This
is regarded as one of the danger points,
but there are a number of other espe
cially short turns, at any of which a
driver may come to grief.
Originally 18 cars were scheduled to
start, five representing America, five
France, a similar number from Italy and
three from Germany. One of the German
cars, entered by Foxhall P. Keene, was
officially declared out of the contest to
g yj3 jjypw eve re "v piece" y, mm m
May be found within a block in almost every city,
town and village in Amerjca.
People want them because they can eat Low-
ney's freely and still be happy they are digestible.
Always the same delicious, pure, wholesome
and fresh and the packages are full weight.
Fancy Boxes and Baskets in exclusive designs for Gifts
Makers of Cocoa
:M l I., i I ' i . . .-'II M ';. -M'fl
- !
day, when Mr. Keene did not "weigh in."
Several days ago a pair of cylinders in
Mr. Keene's car cracked and he was un
able to replace them in this country.
The cars will be sent away at one min
ute intervals. Their time will be taken
from the minute assigned to them,
whether they are able to start or not.
Some 200,000 persons are expected to
witness the race. Fifty or more special
trains will be run down from New York
City, beginning shortly after midnight.
The late comers will make no efforts to
secure accommodations other than room
enough along the road to catch an occa
sional glimpse of one of the flying ma
chines. The weather today was showery, but the
course was in fairly good condition, the
roads being black In oil. Rain tomorrow
will not interfere with the race, although
It will'make speed impossible. ,
France, will be represented by Luncta.
Nazzaro. Dr. Weilschoot, Babry and
Germany will pin her faith to Janetzy
and Luttgen.
America will be represented by "Joe'
Tracy, Le Blon, Haynes, Landwell and
Walter Christie
France is the favorite.
Albany Club to Play O. A. C.
ALBANY. Or . Oct. 5 (Special.) The
Albany Athletic Club will play its first
game or football for the season with the
Oregon Agricultural College team on Sat
urday. October 13. This will also be the
first game of the season for the farmers,
the Albany aggregation taking the game
that has heretofore been played with the
alumni of the Corvallis institution.
Only Six in 3600 Words Reformed
NEW YORK. Oct 5. The press copies
of President Roosevelt's Harrisburg ad
dress yesterday were printed in re
formed spelling, but tnere -were only six
reformed words in the 3V composing the
Chicago Wines and Dines Upton.
CHICAGO, Oct. 5 Sir Thomas Lipton
was wined, dined and applauded at a
dinner given for him by the Mayor and
and Chocolates
"" l.i.i I 'I " l' - I li ! I 1, . .J-;:!.. I 1. 1' - UT
The very latest and. best patterns in all styles of lace
curtains hand, and machine-made Arabian Laces,
Brussels, Net, Renaissance Laces, Irish Point and
Ruffled Curtains, Nottinghams, etc. Portieres in a
pleasing assortment of new patterns and color ef
fects, in all fabrics. Fabrics in silk, wool and cotton
for all drapery and upholstery purposes; also a line
of Wall Fabrics. To the display of this department
we have added a stock of Wall Paper and other Art
Decorative Materials, this line being exclusive and
embracing a variety of new Art Designs. We are
now better prepared for carrying to completion all
decorative work, and can furnish original designs
and estimates on request.
people of Chicago at the Chicago Athletic
Association. The Commercial Association
Eat More
of the most nutritious of flour
foods Uneeda Biscuit the
only perfect soda cracker. Then
you will be able to
Earn More
because a well-nourished body
has greater productive capacity.
Thus you will also be able to
because for value received there
is no food so economical as
Uneeda Biscuit
In a
We'll treat any single uncomplicated ailment
for $12.50.
It will not coat you anything to call at our office
and consult us, and by so doins it may save you
much time. worr- and money, and because If we
cannot cure you we will boneatly tell you so, and
you will not be under any financial obligation to us.
We cure all forms of Blood and Skin Diseases,
Brain Fa sr. Varicose or Knotted Veins, Nervous
Decline, Piles. Fistuln, Kidney, Bladder and all
1rlnary Diseases due to Weakness, inheritance and
exhaustion and the result of specific diseases.
uonprrnoea cured in seven days.
Before taking; treatment elsewhere. Investigate onr claims and form
of treatment as to merit and superiority. Talk with the physicians of
this institution and you will find them cultured, scientific gentlemen o4
great learnlna; and experience and a few moments conversation, will
convince you that we thoroughly understand our business.
Jfervous Debilitys There is not a man In existence -who is suffering:
from debility that we cannot helD. and after we have cured a case of
this kind there will never again be a sign of weakness except brought
on by imprudence.
Rheumatism, both acute and chronic forms, cured without using any.
poisonous drugs or in any way Injuring the system.
Acute and Chronic Discharges, viz.: Gonorrhoea, Prostatic Diseases,
cured by the use of the only scientific mfctiiod known, injurious to th
system in no way. shape or form; but, on the contrary, it builds up the
system and the diseased part returns to a sound and healthy condition.
We also- cure all forms of Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Nervous Troubles,
Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Ulcers, Stricture and Varicocele.
We wish to lay special stress upon our method of treating Blood
Poison and Syphilis without using mercury.
Our fee being so low it enables many who are afflicted to procure,
the highest scientific medical assistance. Terms made to suit if neces
sary, so that everyone need not go without treatment and be cured.
Those who are afflicted with such troubles and are in a position where
they cannot pay us a visit, .we assure you tnat our home treatment is
efficient and we have cured hundreds at home.
We Want Every Man In the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write
Us About His Ailment WE CURE YOU AT HOME.
HOURS S TO 5. 7 TO 8:30 DAILY ; SUNDAYS. 9 TO 12.
St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary
will entertain Sir Thomas at dinner to-
dust tight.
moisture proof package.