2 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1906. This Store Will Be Closed Thursday on Account of Holiday 1EeMeIeriFraiiikStore9sAiiiniMaS Stamping Done to Your Order on the Second Floor Free Embroidery Lessons Given Principal Agents for Bntterick Patterns and Publications Delineator Colnmbia Yarns Grand Demonstration of Lipton's Celebrated Teas Now Going on in the Basement 16 !FaS! pe Biinig Pisp Says Today 1 A wonderful Merchandise Exhibition greets the store visitor today From every clime, from every fashion center at home and abroad we have gathered with a liberal hand the new est and best the world offords. Never before has Portland seen such an extensive high grade showing of everything men, women and children wear as well as household effects of every description. Preparations for this Fall and Winter season have been made on an enormous scale Not alone are stocks the largest and best to be found in the West but styles are the most fascinating even the' most fastidious could ask for New Silks, Dress Goods. Lace, Embroideries, Trimmings, Cloves, Ribbons, Hos iery. Underwear, Draperies, Men's Wear, Leather Goods, Undermuslins. Etc., Etc., Etc. Let Us Show You mery am d Cloaks As usual the center of attraction "Opening Days" will be the Cloak and Millinery sections, and justly so, for the display will excel any showing Port land will see this season Womens. misses and children's, ready-to-wear apparel and headgear for every occasion A complete display of the latest fashions for Fall and Winter wear This is Portland's leading Cloak and Milli nery Store from every point of view extent of assortments, styles, values So large and varied is the showing that every fancy can be quickly pleased Particular attention is directed to our superb exhibition of Evening Costumes, Wraps and Waists Imported and Domestic Models Exquisite styles for evening, party, reception, and theater wear, by far the handsomest display we ever made Don't miss seeing the Fifth and Morrison Street window displays Bargains m School Shoes 500 pairs of Boys' Box Calf School Shoes with heavy soles; just the shoes for boys' school wear; every pair guaranteed; all sizes. 2Vt to bV2 ;$ 2.25 and $2.50 values at, pair $ 1 . 78 11 to 2; $2.00 values at this low price, pair $1.58 500 pairs of Misses' and Children's Box Calf and Vici Kid Lace Shoes "with heavy, oak soles and heels; best shoe for school wear. Sizes 8 y2 to 11; $1.50 and $1.75 valnes at, pair $ 1.38 Sizes 11V2 to 2; $2.00 values at low price of, pair r. $158 School Supplies At the Very Lowest Prices Faber's Best Erasers Rulers, each 1, 4, 8 Pencil Boxes 4, 8S 19 Ink Writing Fluid, bottle... 3i Pocket Knives, each 23 Fountain Pen Ink, bottle 8 Carbon Paper, best grade, 2 for 5; dozen 25 Legal Pads, each 8 Drawing Pads, each k..8 Blackboard Erasers, each . . . .4t Pencil Sharpeners. . .1, 4S 8 Lead Pencils 1, 2 for 5, 4 Waterproof School Bags . .12 Book Straps .. 8 and 12 Steel Pens, per dozen 8 Penholders, 2 for 5S 4c 8tf 7x11 Slates, each 10 M. & F. Pencil Tablets, each.. 4 Plain Pencil Tablets, each ..8 Ink Tablets, ruled and unruled, at prices from 2 for 5 to, ea.2o Composition Books, each.3, Students' Notebooks..3, 7, 90 Stenographers' Noteb'ks.4, 8 Plain Flag Slate Pencils, doz. 3 Wood-covered Slate Pencils ..li White School Chalk, dozen :10S 1 Colored Chalk Crayons. . .40, 80 Colored Wax Crayons 40; 80 School Sponges, 2 for 50 Fountain Pens.. 250 to $5 each Erasit Erasers, each 40 1000 Pairs Kid Gloves At 79c Pair Today In the kid Glove Section today a special offering of 1000 pairs of wom en's 2-clasp Glace Kid Gloves in white, mode, tan, green and PQ blue; splendid quality; great special value today at, per pair. Broken line of ladies' 1, 2, 3-clasp Glace and Suede Gloves; most of them are slightly soiled or damaged; splendid gloves for shopping "JQ and rainy weather wear; values up to $2.00 a pair; on sale at. Zf C Women's 12 and 16-button length Suede Lisle Gloves; mode, T 1 Q gray, few black and white; great special value today, pr. . V f Laces and Embroideries Great special lot of Piatt Val. Laces from 4 to 6 -inches wide; very pretty patterns in large as sortment. Values up" to 85c for this low price, yd. Piatt Val, Laces and Insertions, iy2 to' 32 inches wide;- very dainty designs; large assortment; values up to (30c a yard; 1 on sale'at this low price. $4.50 LACES 79c YARD Great special lot of beautiful Venise and Baby Irish Laces, de signs for waist trimming, fes toons, appliques and bands, white and cream; grand variety; extra ordinary 7Qf Values to $4.50 at 4 Best Place to Buy Your Boy's School Clothes "Hercules" Suits for boys, 4 to 16 vears of aee: best all-round school suit on the market; styles and materials the most serviceable; every gar ment splendidly tailored throughout; large assort ment of patterns to select from; guaranteed all wool and shower proof; at the 3T C f( very low price of, suit . . J VJ V? Boys' Knee Pants, from 500 up to, pair. .SJ51.50 Boys' Knickerbocker Trousers, pair, from $1 to S2 Boys' Blouse Waists, solid colors and fancies, at the exceptionally low price, each. 500 to $1.50 Boys' School Suits in fancy tweeds and cheviots, straight or bloomer trousers; great special values at the wonderfully low price of, suit, A' CTfl S3. 50, S4.00 and ipHfusJ Foys' Rubber Coats, in light weight, (f all sizes, each lsy.VV "Priestley's" Cravenette Raincoats for boys, dark grays, best styles, all sizes; great C C (( special value, each 2J.vlVJ Boys' Rubber Capes, made of pure rubber, good weight, snap buttons and extra long; ff CC great value, each p42rJJ "American Boy" free for one year with every purchase of Boy's Suit or Overcoat to the amount of $5 or over at regular price. Second Floor. Fhe Meier (IS Frank Store ,000 Women's Fine Gowns On sale today in the Muslin Underwear Section 1000 Women's Cambric and Nainsook Gowns at exceptionally low prices The very daintiest styles trimmed with very fine Vol. laces, torchon laces, attractive embroideries, beading, insertion and ribbons Low, round, square, high and V necks Short, long or medium sleeves All sizes Large assortment to select from Grand bargains follow; $ 3.50 Nightgowns for $ 1 .98 Ea, $ 6.00 Nightgowns for $2.98 Ea. $ 7.50 Nightgowns for $3.98 Ea. $10.00 Nightgowns for $4.98 Ea. $18.00 Nightgowns for $8.98 Ea. Women's Cambric Drawers, made with wide flounces; lace and insertion trimmed; very pretty. QO styles selling regularly at $1.25 and $1.50. Your choice at, per pair -?OC Women's hand-embroidered French Chemise, in very pretty styles; regular $1.50 and $1.75 1 OO values on sale at, each i Corset Cover Bargains Women's fine Cambric and Nainsook Corset Covers trimmed in good quality embroideries and laces, tucks and insertions, headings and ribbons Blouse fronts Large variety Beauti ful styles and great special values at the following low prices; $1.25 Corset Covers at $ .98 $ 1 .50 Corset Covers at $ 1 .22 $2.00 Corset Covers at $1.33 $2.50 Corset Covers at $1.98 Just received a full line of "Vassar" Drawers for Women; cut extra wide, giving the short skirt effect; made of fine cambrics and nain- C sooks: trimmed in nne lace3 and embroideries; pair, to.'fw.w -fefe New line of the "La Grecque" Tailored Underwear; combination corset cover and short skirt; corset covur and long skirt; drawers tor stout women; bust supporting corset covers, etc., etc. Second Floqr, New models in "La Grecque" Corsets.- Expert" Fitters. Second Floor. 58 i New Draperies and Upholstery Goods The Third Floor Drapery Department is filled to over- flowing with everything new and desirable in home furnishings Beautiful tapestries and materials A dis- " play worthy a visit from every housewife in the city Don't leave the store today without visiting the 3d floor New Scotch Madras and French Mulls; distinctive patterns; some light grounds with delicate colored figures for bedroom purposes ; others in bold figures for living-rooms, halls, dining-rooms, etc.; DI f per yard, 50c to J.VVl New Fillet Laces for sash curtains and panels; very newest C 8T ft ideas at prices, a yard, $1.00 to J.VJVJ New Shaikii Silks; the most popular of medium-priced J 1 "t hangings for living and dining-rooms; yard, $1.25 and . . . N fV New Drapery Materials for window and door hanging fi 1 CC Armures, Damasks and Brocades at, yard, $2.50 to S V.xJw Single and double-faced Linen and Silk Velours; colorings to match anything; braids, cords, fringes, etc., to match; fl 1 O (f per yard, $2.00 to S s4V.VU New furniture and wall coverings; yard $1.25 to $4.50 New figured Swiss, per yard 14 to 50i New Cretonnes, yard 20 c to $4.50 New figured Burlaps, yard 20 O New Silk and Silkoline, new Curtain Brussels, Arabians, Clunys, Antiques, pair $3.50 to 40. OO New readyrmade Portieres ; beautiful styles, pair . $6.50 to $15.00 New double-texture, silk-face Portieres at prices up to, pair $27.50 New jute and silk embroidered Portieres at, pair '.$50.00 to $75. OO Custom Shade and Drapery work our specialty. Best materials and workmanship. Lowest prices. Blankets and Comforters on Third Floor 1000 handsome Comforters filled with lanated cotton, silkoline covered, very best patterns and colorings, in great assortment and splendid values as follows: 72x?2-inch at $1.25 each 72x78-inch at $1.50 each 72x84-inch at $2.00 each 42-pound White Wool Blankets on sale at. .$5.50 5- pound White Wool Blankets on sale, pair.$6.50 6- pound White Wool Blankets, with colored bor ders; best value at town at $7.50 Fino Wool Blankets, natural, gray, blue, brown and pink borders, 5 and 6-pound weight; best values in town at, pair, $5 and. P "' 5- pound extra fine White Wool Blan- kets at, per pair V 6- pound extra fine White Wool Blan- fi kets, colored borders; grand value at. We are sole Portland agents for the celebrated "Pendleton" Indian Robes, Blankets and Couch Covers. Third Floor. MAYOR PRODS. FUEL TRUST VETOES ORDINANCE ALLOWING WOODPILES IN STREETS. Says Filling of Low Ground With Slabs Should Be Prohibited In Interest of Consumers. Six weeks appears to Mayor Lane to be a longer period than necessary for property-owners to leave wood plied up In the streets in front of their residences and he yesterday voted the ordinance passed by the Council (tlvlnur that privilege to people residing outside the tire limits. The Council passed the or dinance because many complaints were received from those who had been ordered to clear the, streets In front of their premises, but the chief executive believes that there is no reason whj the present law should not be lived up to. "There Is. In fact." he says, "no logical reason why wood for fuel purposes should be allowed to obstruct the streets at all, and there is also no more reason for green wood to be allowed to lie until dry before moving it than there would be for allowing green lumber, for building purposes, to lie in the streets until sea soned. In fact there are many articles of home consumption, that take up less room, which with equal Justice can claim a right to obstruct the streets of the city, such as prunes, fish, hops and many others." The Mayor takes occasion in his mes sage to the Council to assert that there s altogether too much wood left piled in the streets at present. ""We have long hoped," he says, "to show visitors a vlslta of clean and unobstructed streets.' in place of unsightly plies of green slab wood, the entire source of supply of which. Is In the hands of a bowelless trust, which, rather than sell Its surplus at a reasonable price, cold-bloodedly dumps It by hundreds of cords Into such ravine and sloughs as are most acces sible." Continuing, the Mayor intimates that such a law would be equivalent to plac ing Portland in the "cow town" class. "It is a step backward in the civic de velopment of the city," he declares, "and would go far to place us on a par with a country village where hogs are allowed to root and wallow In the unkempt Btreeta. "If your honorable body is desirous of doing something to ameliorate the con ditions of the poor man who uses slab wood for fuel," concludes Mayor Lane, , "I take the liberty to suggest that you can do a great deal In that direction If you will pass an ordinance prohibiting' all persons from making fills of low ground with such slabwood, such fills being dangerous flretraps, unsafe to build upon, and the slowly rotting organlo mateclal being inimical to the health of the com munity as well. Such a law as this would also put the price of slabwood to a figure commensurate with its value, and the; blessings of tha people would be showered upon you." READY TO FRAME REPORT Gas Investigation Committee Will Hold Final Meeting Tonight. Councilman Menefee, chairman of .the committee which made an Investigation Into the affairs of the Portland Gas Company, has called a meeting of that body for this evening In the Council room at the City Hall. It Is expected that the final report of the committee will be prepared at this session. Several times recently have meetings of this committee been called, but each time a quorum has been lacking, as many of the Councllmen have been out of the city. As they have all returned, a full attendance of the committee members is expected tonight WIRE ORDINANCE DELAYED POSTPONEMENT GRANTED BY COUNCIL COMMITTEE. Portland General Electric Company Asks That Second BUI Be Allowed to Pass First. A postponement of action upon the ordi nance providing for changes conducive to safety in the overhead wire system of the city was asked yesterday by Oskar Huber, appearing before the ways and means committee of the Council, on be half of the Portland General Electric Company. The request was made on the ground that the proposed ordinance might conflict In Its results with the other ordi nance before the Council, which provides that all high-voltage lines be put under ground. The company is desirous that the latter measure be acted upon first. Mr. Huber stated that the company ex pects to begin Immediately to put tie high-voltage wires underground, a change which will require the expenditure of $500,000. It was desired, however, he said, to ascertain definitely the limits of the wire ordinance, so that they would know exactly what overheard lines would have to be changed to conform with the safety wiring ordinance. The company, he add ed, has no objections to . the passage of the measure. Because of the request of Mr. Huber, no action on the ordinance was taken by the committee. A special meeting for that purpose will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The proposal to create the office of As sistant Building Inspector, which has been hanging fire several weeks, was shelved by the committee. The members of the committee admit that the city needs such an official,- as the volume of building is so great that it cannot be properly taken care of by one man; but they will not take action because, as they put It, they do not want the Mayor to "lead them around by the nose." Some time ago the Council passed an ordinance creating the office of Assistant Building Inspector, and also making an appointment. Mayor. Lane vetoed the measure, alleging that the Council had no power to fill the position. Now the members of the ways and means com mittee lay all the blame at his door. Councilman Rushlight stood out alone' against the action. He asserted that the ordinance should be considered In the light of the need of the city, and that the Council should overlook the part which Mayor Lane was taking In the matter. Two Coyotes With One Bullet. KIONA, Wash., Sept; 17. (Special.)-i Peter Watson, a traveler by way of "prairie schooner," reports a curious ex perience while camped near Klona the other day. He started down the road afoot with his rifle. Intending to try to secure a duck on the river. He was walking on soft sand, when two coyotes came out of the sagebrush in front of him. They were not ten yards from him, but their attention was attracted by some sound in the opposite direction and they did not see him. The wind was also in his favor. They stood In such a position that when he fired the bullet killed both animals in their tracks. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT COMPANY , 228 Alder St, Between 1st and 2d St.. " FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" The Port of Portland will advertise for bids on .applies. All honor to those members of tbe board wbo are trying; to tlo what Is ritcht. But according; to Com missioner DrlacolP. plan, there are only two concerns In Oregon whose meats! can. be accepted by the board. This was done with a deliberate purpose. If Diis coll's plans should carry, the Port of Portland's meat supply will still be In the hands of the Beef Trust. Here's an example of public oft Ice for private grain. Rolled roast beef lOd Prime rib steak 12V4tf Round steak Shoulder steak SC Best pot roast 8 Boll beef 4d and 5c Beef stew 5i Corn beef 6 Short ribs beef ; i Lean roast mutton , 8c Mutton for stew 5tf Loin roaat mutton 12!aS Loin mutton chops 12 Vt Shoulder mutton chops IOC Iean roast veal lfle Breast veal lO Veal stew 8e Hamburg steak lOr Pork Sausage lO Frankfurters 10? Leg Pork 12H Breakfast Bacon XT'-C Pure lard, 5 lbs f6t Prime rib roast beef 12Va4