lO THE MORXIXG OEEGOMAX, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1906. MAYOR SENDS ft VETO MESSAGE Gives Reasons for Disapprov ing East Third-Street Franchise. PROTESTS ARE INDORSED City at Large Would Not Be Ben efited by O. R. & N- Company's Proposed Fill Against All Exclusive Grants. Convinced that the proposed franchise of the O. R. & N. over East Third street would be against the best interests of the city, and backed by a strong public Bentiment, Mayor Lane yesterday vetoed the ordinance, recently passed by the Council, giving the O. K. & N. trackage rights on that thoroughfare. In return ing the ordinance to the Council with his disapproval, tne Mayor cited the ob jections which have been repeatedly raised against the- franchise, indorsing' them as valid and Important. Not only did Mayor Lane refer to tha particular ordinance under consideration In his communication, but also made the sweeping statement that so long as he Is Mayor he will not again allow an or dinance, giving exclusive rights to a city street or streets, to become a law unless it shall be passed over his official veto. Such a policy, he asserts, will be better both for the city and the railroad com panies, as" it will reduce to a minimum the number of streets necessary to be devoted to terminal purposes. The Chief Executive goes still further and questions the authority of the CounJ cil and himself to grant an exclusive franchise on streets within the city, even though it be only for a spur line. "If they (the Councilmen) do have such power," he declares, "then in my opinion they do not act wisely In grant ing such exclusive franchises. Also 'if they do have such power, it should be restricted or taken away from them as soon as possible." In his communication the Mayor calls attention to the fact that the ordinance as passed Is thoroughly exclusive, there being neither a provision for the use of the line by any other company, nor any stipulation that the road, when built, may be purchased by the city, thus leav ing all rights irrevocably in the hands of the O. B. & N. for the 25 year-life of the franchise. Rishts for railroad con struction on city streets should, he de clares, be granted to all companies alike. A direct request is made of the Council that It grant no more exclusive fran chises. City Should Make Fill. Mayor Lane also takes up the argument which has been made In favor of the franchise because it provides for the fill ing of East Third street. He is of the opinion that it would be a very expensive Job for the city at lartre, if done in con sideration of the granting of a valuable franchise, and expresses his mind frank ly. If it is absolutely necessary that East Third street be filled as a dona tion to the owners of abutting property, he says in substance, let it be filled arid paid for out of the general fund. Such a procedure, he suggests, would be pre ferable to bottling up the East Side ware house district for 25 years. The action of Mayor Lane puts the franchise up to the Council for final ac tion and it will have a hearing at the meeting tomorrow. It will take 12 votes to pass It over the veto, and speculation is now rife as to whether that many votes can be mustered. Those who favor the ordinance claim that it will become a law in spite of the veto, but their op ponents say that the twelfth vote will be found wanting and suggest that not more than eight "ayes" will be recorded. It is certain, at all events, that a wordy battle will ensue when the meas ure again comes up. Attorneys for the O. R. & N. have been urging its passage and are sure to be present to lobby for uainnite. as are also tne East Side property owners, who will be directly benefited. On the other side will be some of the Councilmen and prominent citizens who have fought the measure from the first. The . Council will no doubt be influenced somewhat in its action by the threat which has been made to take the issue before the people of the city for their decision at the next election under tha referendum. It Is an assured fact that if the ordinance is again passed it will be brought to a vote under the referen dum. The Initiative One Hundred is leading in this movement and Is recelv , lng general support except among the owners of property which would be en hanced in value by the construction of the road and the filling of the street Following is the communication of Mayor Lane to the Council: Text of A'eto Message. ntmen. I herewith return ordinance No. In. 14 not approved. This is an -ordinance which grants to the Orejron Railroad & Nsvijatlon Company it. successors and aesigr.s the franchise and r.gnt to construct, equip. own. maintain and . operate a railway track and side tracks from a connection with It present track at the Intersection of East Ankeny street and East Second street to Eaet Third street at a point between East Aeh and East Pine streets; thence along Third street to East Mill street. My objection to this ordinance Is as fol lows: It contains no common-user clause The grant to the uee of EMt Third street Is ex clusive, which Is contrary to the charter of the city, and for a period of 25 years I do not believe that the City Council or the Mayor has the power or authority to alienate and grant away the rights of the people to the streets, least of all to grant an exclusive right to the use of such streets. If they do have such power, then, in my opinion, they do not act wisely In granting such exclusive franchises. Also If they do have such power It should be restricted or taken away from them altogether as soon as possible. If it is necessary that certain streets should bs set aside and devoted to railway uses, such use should be granted to all alike. East Third street Is the last street In the central warehouse district of the East Side which has not already been granted to the use of iom railway company; the petitioner In this instance or Its allied corporation being already In possession of East First and East Second streets. Answers Property-Owners. In regard to the claim of advantages to ac crue and the eaving to be sained by the ad Joining property-owners In getting the railway to fill their streets free of cost, I would re spectfully suggest that If it is sbsolutely necessary that East Third street be riled free of cost to the adjolnlnv property-owners, it will. In my opinion, be much cheaper In the long run for the city at large to do this at Its own expense rather than to allow Its entire watehouse district on that side of the river to be bottled up for a period of 25 years by the granting of an exclusive fran-. chlse to the use of the street In payment for such fill It contains no provision whereby the city tray ever t any time purchase or take over to Itself the property and plant of the grantee. In such omission of tbs right of the city to acquire such title It violates the char ter rights of the city. If there Is any question, as to the interpre tation of this section (No. 05) of the charter, the city, and not the railway, should be given the benefit of the doubt by the Council and Mayor. In a general way and looking to the future welfare of the city I aek of your honorable body that you grant no more franchihes for the exclusive use of the city's streets to any one single person -or corporation. In the past few months, streets to the value of many thousands of dollars have been granted to another railway company for terminal pur poses, and at this time the city is being be sieged by the same company and other rail way companies for exclusive Tights to streets for terminal purposes, and inasmuch as In the future still other railway companies will come to this city and of necessity must be provided with facilities for terminals, it seems to me that u would be but a matter of com mon business ser.ee that all such companies be rtqulrcd to get together and hold their terminals in common with rights of free ac cess provided fcr.all other railways which may desire to come here. Right Should Be Safeguarded. The right to condemnation ar.d reversion to the city Itself should, be well safeguarded. By doing this a less number of streets would be needed, terminals would not be scattered about tOA-n and means of accets to the city's business districts would not be shut up to others than railways who m:gnt wiah to do business with us. This would not only be better for the city but also 1-. would be better for the railways themselves. Also it would save us from the spectacle of a railway company asking for an exclusive franchise to one street and de manding a common-user clause to be inserted in the franchise sought by another company to another street. So long as I am Mayor of the city looking to its welfare in the years to come I shall refuse to consent to the giv ing up of any more streets for terminal pur poses until such time as the different railway companies will consent to take such streets upon terms of common user for themselves and all others. Bespectfully, HARRY LANE, Mayor. GRAFT III THE FAR NORTH- CHARGES AGAINST THE DIS COVERERS OF XOME. Prominent Seattle Men Are Also Charged With Misappropria tion of Mining Funds. SEATTLE, Sept. 17. The three dis coverers of Nome. E. O. Lindbloom, Jafet Linderberg and John Brynteson, together with J- F. Chilberg, president of the Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition, Albin Anderson. vV. H. Metson and Eugene Chilberg, are the defendants in an action filed today in the King County Superior Court. Charges of mis appropriation of funds of the Pioneer Mining Company, of which the defend ants are trustees, is made and Linder berg, Lindbloom and Brynteson are asked to produce $1,666,660 each, less the value of certain property formerly owned by the Cape Nome Pioneer Min ing Company, and which is alleged to be valued at $500,030, but was turned into the company In lieu of about $3. 000,000 cash. Linderberg, Lindbloom and Brynteson are alleged to have been Interested in the Cape Nome Company and originat ed the new concern. It is held, to un load the property upon the purchasers of stock in the new coi.corn. The action is brought by Glen T. Braden and T. N. Barnsdall as owners of 70.000 shares of the stock. It is also alleged the trustees without authority loaned $180,000 to the Nome Exploration Company, of which Lind bloom and Linderberg are also alleged to be trustees, and for which they re ceived security which they now de clare to be worth only $50,000. Other minor charges are made against the trustees. Saratoga Takes Oregon's Place. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 17. (Spe cial. ) The steu.mer Saratoga, whijh had been figured as a possible addition to the Portland-San Francisco fleet, will take the place of the steamer Ore gon on the Seattle-Valdes run. The Sar atoga has been in the Nome trade but was to have been withdrawn this Win ter and would be open to charter. The loss of the Oregon makes it necessary to put a new boat on the Valdes route. In a cablegram to Captain Trowbridge this morning. Captain Soule says the decks of the Oregon are now awash and she will go to pieces In the first rough weather that is experienced. It haB been shown, though, that Captain Soule was asleep at the time and the second mate was on watch. Cape Hlnchlnbroolc is one of the most dan gerous points on the Seattle-Valrjes run. Eves Says Wife Deserted Him. OREGON CITY. Or.. Sept. 17. (Spe cial.) Edwin H. Eves has filed di vorce proceedings against Grace E. Eves. They were married at Vancou ver. Wash., In August, 1901, and de sertion four years later is alleged. PEBsraxmrE DEMAND HIGHER PAY Teamsters of Holman Trans fer Co. Declare Strike. RETURN TO WORK FOR DAY Meeting Will Be Held Tonight, When Question of Walking Out to En force Demands Is to v. Be Decided. Forty teamsters In the employ of the Holman Transfer Company went on a strike yesterday at 1 o'clock for an ad vance in wages from $2.50 to $2.75 per day. Sam Herrman. president of the company, to whom the men made their wants known, said he was not In a posl- TEE PLAN PROPOSED FOR ERECTING NEW HOME FOR Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. C. A. First The purchase of a half-block of land. 100x300 feet, near the business center of the city. Second The Y. W. C. A. to occupy and own 60x100 feet. Third The Y. M. C. A. to occupy and own 100x140 feet. Fourth To build two buildings as one In style of architecture, but to have entirely separate entrances, separate corporate ownerships and to be as separate as though they were on opposite sides of the city. Fifth The financial proposition Is as follows: , Y. W. C. A. Y. M. C. A. Total Lot $ 35.000 $115,000 $150,000 Building 67.500 157.500 225.000 . Furnishings 10,000 20.000 30.000 To meet conditions of Corbett bequest of $30,000 45,000 45.000 Less equity in present Y. M. C. A. Cash on deposit This would give a Y. M. C. A. plant worth Y. M. C. A. plant worth Y. M. C. A. endowment of. Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. resource of CITIES RECENTLY OCCUPYING OR ERECTING NEW ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS. City ' Bldg. Lot Equip. Total Y. M. C. A. Omaha $225,000 $1(10.000 $ 45,000 $370,000 Los Angeles ..: 400.000 2.25.000 70,000 695.000 Denver SOO.Oi'O Salt Lake City 145.010 60.000 20.000 225.000 Seattle 150.000 125.000 15.000 290.000 Dulutn 150,000 30.000 25.000 206.000 Kansas City 225.000 65.500 25.000 315.500 St. Paul - 200.000 36.0110 25,000 261.000 Dayton, Ohio 400,000 125,000 525,000 Detroit 700,000 Houston, Texas 200,000 Y. W. C. A. Los "Angeles 150 .000 Pittsburg 200,000 ) 72.000 272.000 Des Moines 75.000 Indianapolis 125.000 Detrola llu.OOO 40,000 ' 150.000 Omaha 125.000 Proposed Portland Y. W. C. A 67,500 35.000 10,000 112.500 Portland Y. M. C. A 115.000 157,500 20.000 292.500 tlon to comply with their request at that time and urged , that they return to work. This the men finally decided to do, saying they would hold a meeting tonight and decide what they will do about striking in case their claims for more wages are not compiled with. Tne strike came as an aftermath of the session of last week when the Teamsters' Union, voted on calling a strike because its demands for an advance in wages from a minimum of $2 50 to a minimum of $2.75 had been turned down by the Draymen's Association. The strike advo cates lost and a number of men threw away their membership badges after the meeting, denouncing the union for not voting to strike. Many drivers for the Holman Company felt a mistake had been made in not calling a strike and the fact that they have lost in their fight for higher wages rankled when they went to work yesterday. The trouble occurred at the Holman barn at the corner of, Seventh and Hoyt streets. One of the drivers. Archie 6tewart. went to Mr. Herrman yesterday and asked for a raise In wages to $2.75 a day. The request was granted, but It made the other drivers angry that their demands for similar increases had been disregarded. When the time came for the drivers to go out after lunch, they determined that the time for action had come and de clared they would not work unless more pay was forthcoming. After a lengthy discussion of the question, they consented to return to work pending an agreement of the Holman drivers on what policy to FiAjfc of the proposed bctldixo pursue. This will probably be arrived at tonight. "I think our men expect to withdraw from the tin Ion and form an organization of their own," said Mr. Herrman last night. "They are dissatisfied with the action of the union in not calling a strike. "We feel that until we have time to ar range a new schedule, we are not in a positron to advance the wages of the men and I told them so. I think If they will be patient and wait a while, that by next Spring at least, we can get together. We will have to rearrange our prices be fore we can advance wages. "I do not think that all my men are In favor of striking. I have not heard an expression from them ail but am sure that many of them are satisfied and will not leave, work." CITY'S COMMERCE SHOWN Government's Monthly Bulletins Xow Have Figures From Portland. , Through the efforts of the Chamber cf Commerce, reports of the commerce of Portland have made their appear ance in the monthly bulletins issued by the Department of Commerce and La bor, and an appropriation has been made by the Chamber to collect and forward this data regularly hereafter. In the current publication showing the commerce' of the principal ports of Building 6.000 100,000 106,000 $144,000 .$112,500 ' 292.500 . 75.000 .$4SO,000 $106,500 $237,500 the United States, tables are printed, giving Portland's flour, wheat and lum ber shipments, both domestic and for eign. What is particularly valuable Is a comparison of each item with the, shipments during the same months of the former year. This will make the figures valuable for reference in the future. . Witnesses Are Tery Frank. BOISE, Idaho. Sept. 17. (Special.) Nothing was done by the Federal grand jury today. It adjourned until tomorrow Immediately after assem bling. It was intimated that more time was needed for the work of the District Attorney, supposedly in pre paring Indictments in the land-fraud cases originating at Meadows. Eight more witnesses will be here tomorrow. It develops that a number of witnesses have been very frank in their testi monies, telling the exact methods used by B. S. White in getting timber. Increase In Pendleton Schools. . PENDLETON, Or., Sept. 17. (Spe cial.) Pendleton public schools show the slight Increase of 17 in the total enrollment between the first week this year and the corresponding time last year. The number enrolled today was 864. while last year It was 847 at the beginning of the second week. This; will give a much larger enrollment for the year, as a large number of stu dents have not yet entered school, es pecially in the High School. fob the y. m. c. a. and t. w. c. a. Y.WI.ANDY.W.C.A. TO fCitin'ied From Page 1.) to attend to the work. Mr. Stone also announced the offer from the Ladd es tate to contribute $50,000 to the work. This offer, addressed to the board of directors of the Y. M- C. A., is as follows: Offer by Ladd Estate. Inasmuch a a joint committee actinr for your board and the board of the Young Wom en' Christian Association have heretofore de termined the apportionment for the Joint use and benefit of the Young Men's Christian As sociation and the Young Women's Christian Association, of this city, and inasmuch as the turn necessary to accomplish the plans covered by such agreement should not be less than $360,000, In consideration of your rais ing by popular subscription the sum of not less than 3SO.00O prior to October 6. 1906. as evidenced by pledges providing fur such payment to be made on or before two yars in cash or in Installment, as may be agreed by the subscribers, such subscription and pledges to be examined and approved by a committee appointed Jointly by the asvjcla tlons and satisfactory to us. such sum of $350,000, to be inclusive of our subscription, we hereby subscribe and agree to pay to such fund the sum of $50,000. Yours sincerely. ESTATE OF W. S. LADD. DECBAS13D. By W. M. Ladd. Executor. Business Men's Committee. The personnel of the citizens' or busi ness men's committee, which is assigned to raise $200,000, was announced after the banquet, and is as follows: I. H. Amos. J. C. AInsworth, H. R. Al bee, N. Edward Ayer. . 9. H. Ban. R. -F. Barnes, R. L. Barnes, John Bain, M. C. Banfield, C. P. Bates, George W. Bates, N. J. Blagen, S. Benson, J. A. Bell. A. F. Biles. C. P. Bishop, E. C. Bronaugh. E. M. Brannlck, Herbert -Bradley, Dr. 9. A. Brown. E. W. Brown, G. M. Brown, W. L. Brewster. William C. Bristol, Philip Buehner. T. T. Burkhart, Walter Burrell, D. C. Burns, Butterfield Bros., William J. Burns. W. M. Cake, Judge C. H. Carey, John F. Carroll, H. C. Campbell. Governor George E. Chamberlain, Henry Waldo Coe, Ben I- Cohen, Dr. R. C. Coffey, W.' H. Corbett. Edward Cooklngham, W. W. Cotton, A. B. Cousin, H. L. Corbett. Frank Dayton. Adolph Dekum, A. H. Devers. F. S. Doernbecher. F. Eggert. E. R. Eldridge. J. F. Failing J. C. Flanders. W. H. Fries, A. F. Fl'egel, F. I. Fuller. W. A. Goss, G. W. Gates, Charles Gauld. L. C. Gerlinger, T. D. Gibbs. W. B. Glafko, James Gleason, Rodney Glisan, A. C. Going. Dr. .J L. Hewitt. E. C. Horlow, C. W. Hodson. T. D. Honeyman, R. R. Hoge. W. H Hurlburt P. D. Inman. , W. W. Johnson, Samuel Kerr, A. H. Kerr, F. S. Kelly. William M. Killings worth, Dan J. Kelly, J. B. Kelly, F. A. Krebs. W. M. Ladd, C. Henri Labbe, R. B. Lamson, Harry Lane. George Lawrence, Jr.. F. W. Leadbetter, L. A. Lewis, Fletcher Linn. Robert Livingstone, 9. P. Xoclcwood Marshall, W. Y. Masters, W. R. Me Kenzie, Dan J. Malarkey, William Mc . Masters, W. A. Mears. S. M. Meaxs. Julius Meier, Herman Metzger. Henry McGinn, F. McKercher. Mosseshon Bros., E. W. Montague. A. L. Mills. H. W. Mitchell. W. T. Muir, Fred Mulkey, Bert McKay. C. W. Nottingham. W. p. Olds. J. F. O'Shea. D. Pattullo. A. S. Pattullo. F.' H. Page. D. C. Pelton, S. C Pier, Edgar B. Piper. H. L. Pittock. I. F. Powers, C. F. Prael, W. E- Prudhomme. S. G- Reed, chairman; E. M. Rasmus sen, Thomas Roberts, Frank Robert son, J. T- Ross. L. Samuel O. M. Scott, Ben Selling Sig Sichel. A. M. Smith, Dr. Andrew Smith, Milton W. Smith, T. W. SmUn. F. S- Standley, James Steel. J. N. Teal. J.' H. Thatcher, E. L. Thompson. George M. Trowbridge. A. L. Veazie. ,W. F- Woodward, C. H. Wortman, H. D. Wagnon, Maurice Walton, D. D. Warner, F. M. Warren, L. J. Went worth. W. D. Wheelwright, W. M. Whidden. Dr. J. R. Weatherbee. p. L. Willis. G. F. Wilson. Herman Witten berg, W. C Woodward, Adolphe Wolfe. Among those present at last night's banquet were: Xr. and Mrs. S. S. Wine. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Scott. Miss Constance MacCorkle. Mr. and Mrs. TV. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Van Duyn. Mr. and Mrs. S C. Armltage. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Nunn. . Mr and Mrs. W. A. Laidlaw. , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beharrell. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Albee. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Colton. Mrs. F. D. Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Buehner. Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Blagen. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carey. Mr. and Mrs. H C. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baser. or Portland. RAISE o . . s n s i i i4 4 Wooaard, Clarke & Company LEATHER SPECIALS Traveling Cases in seal and alligator, fitted complete, regular $1.25. Special 89 Black Seal Traveling Cases, pig lining, fitted complete ; regular $4.50. Special $2.25 Handy and compact Traveling Cases, fitted complete; regular $5.00. Special $1.9S Black Seal Traveling Cases, calf lining, fitted complete, toilet and manicure set; regular $12.00. Special 3.00 Imitation Pigskin-covered Flask, with nickel cup; regular $1.25. Special 362 Ladies' Handbags in tan, brown and black; fitted complete 'with purse and card case; in walrus, seal, patent leather and pin seal. All our $5, $6, $7 and $7.50 values. Special $2.58 Suitcases, 24-inch, cowhide, hand-sewed, double-action lock and bolt, turned comers, linen lined, with shirt fold. Special $7.85 NEW ARRIVALS IN SUIT CASES ALL GRADES AND LEATHERS STATIONERY SPECIALS Highland Linen, pearl gray and Dresden blue; bos, reg. 50c; sp'1.29 Swiss Chiffon, Eaton-Hurlbut, box, regular 40c. Special 32i Scotch Raglan, Eaton-Hurlbut, box, regular 50c Special. .. .34 Hurd's Old Dutch Linen, regular 50c. Special 36 Crepe de Paris, Eaton-Hurlbut, regular 45c. Special 31 Crane's Dotted Swiss, regular 75o. Special 57i Linen Art Fabric, Eaton-Hurlbut, box, regular 60c. Special.,... .4Si RUBBER SPECIALS Fountain Syringe, 3-quart, red rubber, complete set pipes; regular $1.25. Special 9S Dr. Gruss' Sanitary Syringe; regular $3.50. Special $2-83 Combination Syringe and Water Bottle, 4-quart, red rubber, com plete set of pipes; regular $2.50. Special $1.83 Family Bulb Syringe; regular 35c. Special 272 White Rubber Mason Jar Rings, dozen 5i Water Bottle, 3-quart, white rubber; regular $1.35. Special. . . .98 CUT GLASS SPECIALS Sugar and Creamer, Seneca cut; regular $9.50. Special. .. .86.63 Water Pitcher, Buzz cut; regular $7.50. . Special So. 23 Bonbon Dish, Canton cut; regular $3.25. Special $2.29 Candlesticks, Colonial cut; regular $6.50. Special $4.57 Decanter, 2 pints, Trojan cut; regular $11.50. Special S8.3S Whisky Glasses, set of sis, Colonial cut; regular.$2.65. Sp'l.S2.13 Nappies, 5-inch, Stanford cut; regular $2.50. Special $1.78 Celery Dishes, Regent cut; regular $7.50. Special $5.73 When you get an article In a magnificently furnished store on an ex pensive retail street you will find the article is no better for having been bought there, but it certainly is much more expensive. The Reed - French Piano S290 Is Sold by the Makers Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Emmons. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. F. B Beach. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ban. Mr. and Mrs. James F Falling. Miss Valentine Prlchard. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gray. Mr. and Mrs Robert F. HalL Mr. and Mrs. 6. C. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. A.- H Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kelly. W M. Kllllngaworth. Mr. and Mrs. James Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs S. P. Lockwood. Mayor Harry Lane. Mrs. Fletcher Linn. Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Templeton. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mears. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mann.. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McClung. Mr. and Mrs. James Mackenzie. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mackenzie. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. C w. Nottingham. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Prael. Mr. and Mrs. D A. Pattullo. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. E B. Sterling. Captain and Mrs J. A. Slade. Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Smith. Mr and Mrs. James Steel. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Strong. Mr. and Mrs. T. w. Tllford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert May Tuttle. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. TVakeman. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wagner. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Wetherbee. Mr. and Mrs. F- M. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. D M. Watson. Miss H. Watterman. C. T. Bishop. Miss May E. Swlgert. John Bain. Mrs. H. W. Coe. Mrs. H L. Croft. Miss May Shogren. E M. Brannlck. Dr Kittle P. Gray. R. J. Paterson. Miss H. C. Coleman. Dr. R. C. Coffey. Carrie M. Coleman. G. F. Russell. Mrs. James T. Gray. Miss Cella Swlgert. Mrs. T. M. Jackson. Mrs. R. E. Norton. Mrs. S. Pennoyer. Harold Mllllgan Mrs. Dell Stuart. Miss Lucy Trevett. E. S. Muckley. L. M. Myers. Mrs H. W. Corbett. Mrs. W. J. Honeyman. Miss C. W. Burns. Mrs. W. W. Wakefield. Carrie A. Holbrook. T. W. Smith. F. C Stettler Ira F. Powers. C. N. Wonacott. Dr. A. C. Smith. C. F. Easter. Dr. Esther C. Pohl. Miss Camllle Dosch. F. McKercher. Miss Chasser. Miss' McKercher. C. S. Ward. Tom Levis. Miss H. F. Barnes. Mrs. A. E. Rockey. Mrs. X. H. Strong. F. A. Krlbs. Mrs. H. M. Clinton. Jacob Jacobberger. Mrs. Joseph K. Clark. C. M. Idleman. Miss Delta Watson. E. C. Hurlow. H. L. Corbett. Dr. J. L. Hewitt. John F. Carroll. H. W. Stone. Bo&eburg After New Water Supply. ROSEBURO, Or., Sept. 17. (Special.) The city of Roseburg has taken steps rooking to the putting in of a system of water works, and in furtherance of this plan articles of incorporation have been filed. The unsatisfactory service of the old company has led to this step. Representatives of the Willamette Valley Company are here and steps looking to the transfer of the property of the old water company to that com pany are In progress. Notice to Mariners. The following affects the list of lights, uoys and daymarks. Pacific Coast, 1308: Alaska Wrangell Strait, page 92. Danger Point buoy, 8. a red first-class spar, reported adrift August 27; will be replaced as soon as practicable. By order of the Lighthouse Boarrl P. J. WERLICH, Commander. U. 8. N.. Lighthouse, Inspector, the Price at Sixth and Burnslde HINDOQSGRDSSLINE Obtain Employment in Mills at Bellingham. WHITE WORKERS ALARMED Fear That Influx Will Drlv From Occupations Has Caused Dire Threats , Against the Dusky Invaders. BELLINGHAM, "Wash., Sept. 17. Sp cial.) The vanguard of a horde of Hin doos that Is about to pour Into the United States from British Columbia has reached Bellingham. So dangerous a peril to the) American laborer axe these foreigners be lieved to be that the labor men In this city have signed a petition to their em ployers to cease hiring the East Indians. The dusky men have swarmed Into this vicinity and have taken positions In ths mills and are crowding the white men from their work. The feeling among the labor organizations is bitter. Dire threats have been made to the effect that the foreigners must be exterminated be fore they crowd out the whites, and an open race warfare is looked for here un less the managements of the mills take some action. The Hindoos have formed a colony ot shacks in a poor part of the city and are able to live on an exceedingly meager fare. They are said to be poor workers and are paid for handling lumber 12 per day. Just what action the big mills of this vicinity will take In the matter 1 not known at this time. The employers say the foreigners axe hired owing to th. scarcity of men. BANKER ALBERT IS MARRIED United to Miss Elizabeth McNary la Seattle Presbyterian Church. SEATTLE. Wash , Sept 17. (Special.) John H. Albert, a Salem banker, and Miss Elizabeth McNary were married at the First Presbyterian Church here to day by the Rev. M. A. Mathews. Mrs. J. H. Scott, of Salem, was the only Oregon witness. The couple are now- at the Lincoln Hotel and will spend a fortnight on Puget Sound and at Banff. Canada. Miss McNary Is a nominal resident of Seattle, though a native of Oregon. A native doctor in India, in certifying to a death, wrote: "I am of a mind that he died (or lost his life) for want of foodlngs. or on account of starvation. Maybe aldo for other thins of his ,comfortablea." 1 f t