Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 17, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Countlng-Room Main TV7j
Managing Editor Main T7
Sunday Editor Main 70,0
Composlng-Roora Maln 2212
City Editor Main TOiO
Superintendent Buildln ..Main T070
Eaat Eld Offlcs Est 81
THE HEILia THEATER (14th ana Wash
ington )-Tonlght at 8:15 o'clock, the
Stewart Opera Company In "The Two
BAKER THEATER (Third, bet. Yamhill
and Tavlor) Baker Theater Company In
The Two Vagrants"; matinee at 2:15. to
night at 8:13.
EMPIRE THEATER (11th and Morrleon
Melodrama, "On the Bridge at Midnight";
matinee at 2:15. tonight at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Washington, bet. Park
and 7th) Vaudeville. 2:80. 7:30 and S
P. M.
PANTAOES THEATER (4t'l and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. S'.SO, 7:30. 0 P. M.
8TAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Allen Stock Company. 2:30 and 8:15 P. M.
LYRIC THEATER (Seventh and Alder)
The Lyrlo Stock Company. 2:30. 7:30. S
P. M.
BASEBALL. TODAY 2:80 P. M., Athletic
Park, 24th and Vaughn. Portland vs. San
Mrs. Kane Mat Be Sent to Asylum.
Mrs. R. D. Kane, a former resident of
Haines, Or., was brought down from
Walla Walla yesterday and lodged in the
Multnomah County Jail pending an ex
amination as to her sanity, which is to
take place this morning before Judge
Webster. She Is a widow with three
children, and her ailment seems to take
the form of nervous prostration, superin
duced by religious mania, causing her to
become quite violent at times. In all
probability she will be sent to the state
asylum for the Insane at Salem.
The Allen Preparatory School, East
Twelfth and Salmon, opens today at 10
o'clock. Thorough preparation for col
leges, scientific schools and universities.
The number Is limited and careful atten
tion Is given to individual students.
Assistant Pastor. Rev. Father Hogan
is assistant pastor to Rev. Father J. H.
Black, of St. Francis Church, East Oak
Btreet, In place of Rev. W. A. Waitt, who
has gone to Roseburg as pastor in that
Dr. E. O. Smtth III. Dr. Edgar O.
Smith la seriously 111 at his home at
Fourteenth and Montgomery streets. To
day he will be removed to the North
Pacific Sanitarium.
School Books J. K. Gill Co. will serve
High School and academy pupils at rear
of store, bo thoy may pass out on Alder
Templb Beth Israel. Non-members
wishing to secure seats, call at 329 Wash
ington street. M. Slchel. chairman.
Do You Want Nice- Home? See ad.
M 7, yesterday, page 25. J4750. This week
only. Owner leaving city.
Medical and dental students; will find
all textbooks at Gill's, Third and Alder
Woman's Rxc, 1S3 10th, lunch 11:30 to
t; business men's lunch.
D. E. C. Browjt, Eye, Ear. Marquam.
John Baker Imagines He Hears Plot
and Jumps From Window.
John Baker thought ha was drugged
and, imagining that some one was after
hUm, Jumped out of a second-story
windour In the Western Hotel, on Sec
ond and Burnslde streets early yester
day morning.
Baker struck the pavement below,
unhurt, and with only his nlghtclothes
on, started to run .down Second street.
Policeman Johnson saw the man run
ning and gave chase, but Baker .man
aged to escape. A short time after
ward the officer saw Baker near the
Union Depot, this time dressed and
carrying a grip. He arrested the roam,
er und brought htm to the station.
Baker explained that he was sud
denly awakened by voices in an ad
joining room and thought he heard of
a plot against his life. He also says he
Bmelled escaping gas and thought that
was a part of the plot to do away with
him. Not waiting. Baker rushed out in
his nlghtclothes and jumped from the
window. He returned, packed his be
longings and, hastily dressing, went
out. He admitted he was drinking be
fore he went to bed but was positive
that he foiled a plot to rob and pos
sibly kill him.
About T160 was found on him and
he was locked up in the City Jail on a
charge of roaming the streets after
hours. The police authorities have In
vestigated the man's story and are In
clined to think he was simply suffer
ing from a mild attack of derllrlum tre
mens and imagined he was being pursued.
J. II. Keller, Writer oj Obscene Pos
tal Cards Sent to California.
J. H. Keller, who was arrested at the
Instigation of Postofflce Inspector Riches
a few days ago by Deputy United States
Marshal Kerrigan, while getting his mail
at the Portland Postofflce, under a war
rant Issued by the Federal authorities of
San Francisco, charging him with send
ing obscene matter through the mails,
was taken to San Francisco last night
by Deputy Marshal Nicholson.
The chances are that Keller will be ex
amined as to his sanity as soon as he
reaches his destination, as his actions
indicate that he Is mentally unsound. Ho
is accused of sending Indecent postal
cards to the Chiefs of Police of various
cities throughout the country, warn
ing them of the probable coming of a
street fakir and vendor of patent medi
cines named Dr. V. K. Burr, of Amelias
burg, Ontario, Canada, who Keller claims
defrauded him out of some money.
These objectionable cards were sent
out from San Francisco, and Keller in
variably wound up his tirade of vulgar
abuse with the expression, "chase him
out here so that I can torture him."
It develops that the quack owes Keller
only $3.60, hence his actions are taken as
indicative of mental disorder.
Hon. A. M. Holt, of Albany, Representative-elect
from Linn County, was In
Portland yesterday on business.
Mrs. B. M. Flood, of Spokane, 'Wash.,
who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
' . Thomas B. Neuhausen, at 401 Bast Fif
teenth street, for several weeks, has re
turned to her home.
CHICAGO, Sept. 16. (Special.) Ore
gonians registered today as follows:
Auditorium W. M. Knight and wife,
Wlnslow B. Ayer and wife, H. M. Scott,
Edward L. Prescott. F. Hamilton, Mrs.
W. H. Jones, Portland.
Morrison Leon B. Merritt, Portland.
Bismarck Adolph Brerschke. Portland.
Grace A. O. Taylor. Portland.
NEW TORK. Sept. 16. (Special.)
Northwestern peopla registered today as
From Portland A. Feldenhelmer, at
the Hotel Aston C. W. King and wife,
at the Breslln: Miss A. C. Thompson, at
the Park Avenue.
From Seattle F. G. Hay, at the Marl
borough; J. J. Hughes; at the Astor; Mrs.
M. Malberg, at the St. Denis.
From Spokane T. S. Korn, at the St
From Everett R. M. Smith. J.
Moore, At tha Broadway Central.
New Bills at
"The Two Boees" at The HeUIg.
John J-enklna W. F. Williams
Geffery Davis. ...... .'William Gordon
Susan Knight .'..Bertha Shalek
Dr. Thomas Well.. William O. Btewart
Lady Jane., Nettle May Lyon
Ferdinand Day George W. Leslie
Mrs. Oldfleld Bessie Falrbalrn
Andrew Oldfleld. ... .Bowman Ralaton
Philip Merivala Carl Haydn
Rose Decourcelles Mabel Day
A DELATED train was responsible; for
a tiresome wait at the Helllg last
night when the Stewart Opera Company
was a full hour late in commencing its
opening performance. An augmented or
chestra helped matters some, but It was
aq unfortunate get-away. In spite of this,
however, "The Two Roses," a comic opera
new to Portland, Was well rendered, and
the company, also strange to these parts,
worked itself into our good graces.
It has been a long time since Portland
has had a week of high-class comic opera
and the people seem hungry for it. They
sat patiently through a most annoying de
lay and responded generously to the ef
forts of the singers.
As hat been generally noised about
"The Two Roses" Is a musical arrange
ment of Goldsmith's fine old comedy
"She Stoops to Conquer." It Is in two
acts, the first rather loosely thrown to
gether, without much coheslveness, and
the veriest thread of story. The second
is somewhat better connected and suc
ceeds In developing considerable interest.
Opera, even of the kind designated comic,
must have some plot. Stange, who wrote
the book, knows this and exerted himself
in the closing act. Pity he didn't start
working sooner.
The credit for "The Two Roses" be
longs almost entirely to Ludwig Eng
lander, for his music is delicious. It is
not the kind the gallery whistles in uni
son, but it is a continual delight ts those
who know a hawk from a -handsaw In
musical matters. The piece fairly
sparkles with pretty numbers.
John Cort and Calvin Hellig, who own
the production, have apparently lavished
a lot of money on it. The settings and
costumes would be favorably commented
upon in any theater in the land. The first
act set, an apple orchard, was especially
The Company's ensemble 6inging is a
feature that must hav,e impressed every
body who heard It last night, and for
this considerable praise is rightfully due
to the chorus, eo good a singing squad
Is seldom heard.
Among the principals, the test voices
are possessed by1 Bertha Shalek, the con
tralto, and Carl Haydn, tenor; too bad
the latter has not learned to act. Mabel
Day has a pleasing personality and her
"Just Three Words" song was excellent
ly given. George W. Leslie, who has
previously appeared here in the Frawley
company, is a corking good comedian,
but his part last night gave him but
little latitude. His song "Why?" was the
best thing he did.
William G. Stewart has a very pleasing
baritone and sang his numbers very well
Bessie Falrbalrn, the comedienne, was
on band with the goods whenever she
was given latitude, and Nettle May Lyon
is a stunning looker with a fair voice.
"The Two Roses" Is one of the pretti
est of modern comlo operas; Its catchy
refrains and Its real music appeal strong
ly to those of us who have hopes of
American composers. Its Watteau shep
herdess, its country squires, its yokels,
its city bucks and grand ladles of the
Georgian period contribute the pictur
esque and romantic touches and as pre
sented by the Stewart company It offers
an entertainment calculated to satisfy the
most fastidious.
"The Two Roses" will be repeated to
night and tomorrow night. "Wednesday
and Thursday nights "Dorothy" will ba
given and Friday and Saturday nights
and at the Saturday matinee the offering
will be "Babette."
K. P. Mays Not to Pace Second Trial.
Is'Among the Indicted.
Pursuant to Francis J. Heney's estab
lished policy of severance in cases where
a dpfendant has already been convicted
of conspiracy to defraud the Government
In connection with land-frauds, F. P.
Mays, State Senator, will not be Included
when the trial of the Butte Creek Land,
Livestock & Lumber Company case
comes up In the Federal Court about
October 15. While the man who has Just
been convicted will be eliminated from
the proceedings, his brother, Edwin
Mays, will have to face a Jury with the
other defendants, and, unless the United
States Supreme Court should reverse the
verdict In the Mays case. In all prob
ability he will not be tried under the in
dictment returned against him In tha
Butte Creek case.
Indictment No.' Kill, under which tha
defendants will be tried, was returned by
the Federal grand Jury February 10, 1905,
and charges Wlnlock W. Steiwer. Hamil
ton H. Hendricks, Clarence B. Zachary,
Adelbert C. Zachary. Charles A. Watson,
Clyde E. Glass, Binger Hermann, John
H. Hall, Edwin Mays, Franklin P. Mays,
Clark E. Loomls and Edward D. Strat
ford with a violation of Section 6440, of
the United States Revised Statutes In
conspiring to defraud the Government out
of the use of a portion ot Its public lands
by fencing in the large pasture of the
corporation Sn townships 6, 6 and 7
south, ranges 19 and 20 east, through the
means of an illegal enclosure formed by
fraudulent homestead entries.
The same issues were Involved In the
cases against Charles A. Watson, Clar
ence B. Zachary and Hamilton H. Hend
ricks, who have already been convicted,
and who will likewise no doubt be sev
ered from the case at the trial In accord
ance with the Government's plan of
action in such instances.
Another galaxy of lawyers Is assured
when the case is brought to trial, as It
is reasonably certain that Henry E. Mc
Ginn will represent President Steiwer, of
the corporation; Judge A. S. Bennett, of
The Dalles, Is the attorney of record for
Hamilton H. Hendricks, secretary and
treasurer of the company, as well as
Clarence B. Zachary. Its superintendent.
Clyde E. Glass, its bookkeeper, Adelbert
C. Zachary. brother to Clarence B.
Zachary, and Charles A. Watson, while
County Judge L. R. Webster may appear
as counsel for ex-United States District
Attorney John H. Hall, providing he can
reconcile his professional engagements to
suit the situation.
It could not be ascertained last night
whether William D. Fenton will appear
as attorney for Edwin Mays or not, as
he is at the seashore, while Mr. Maya la
out at his ranch. Defendants Clark E.
Loomls and Edward D. Stratford, the two
ex-speclal agents of the General Land
Office, as yet do not seem to be repre
sented by counsel In the case, although
they will be brought to trial unless one,
or both, turn State's evidence, which has
been hinted at various times.
In all probability, Charles A, Watson
will be used as a witness by the Govern
ment in this case, as he confessed his
complicity in the fraudulent homestead
entries at the trial of Clarence B.
Zachary not long ago. '
Don't wait until you are sick before try
ing Carter's Little Liver Pills, but get a
vial at once, you can't take them with
out benefit.
Three Portland Playhouses
"Two IJttle Vagrants" a the Baker.
Helena D'Armond. .... Frances Arno
Brlsquet Leo Llndhart
Robert Tf Albert.. -....Donald Bowles
Mulot .....John SteppUnr
CeRenard ,. William Gleason
BUter Simpltca Ethel Grey Terry
Dr. Vernier .Thomas Harper
Zephrrlne MIna Crollua Gleason
A Gendarme Charlee Courtney
George D'Armond... Richard Thornton
Jean Baby Hamilton
Mods. 8t. Henri William Harris
Carmen St. Henri Lucille Webster
Claude ... Frances Slosson
Fan Fan ....Lillian Lawrence
Fadart Howard Rusaell
Sextan Harry Wilson
Servant... Charlee Courtney
IF THE EFFORT is to display its versa
tility, the Baker company' certainly
has inaugurated its season bravely. First
week, "The Crisis," semi-mllltary, whol
ly patriotic drama; second week, "Be
cause She Loved Him So," domestic farci
cal comedy; yesterday's opening for the
week that now Is, "Two Little Vagrants,"
old-fashioned French melodrama of the
healthful kind, virtue in capitals and
vice in screamers, with happiness and
goodness on the topmost roost when the
play is ended. There isn't much left but
Shakespeare and minstrelsy yes, and the
pro'blem; but that's coming next week.
At yesterday's matinee every seat In the
house was occupied and a fringe of fren
zied theatergoers held down standing
room space.
Wonderful Interest the publio manifests
In this admirable group of players. It
was never so forcibly demonstrated as
yesterday. Almost every situation was
applauded. When there was pathos the
audience responded with tears, and what
little pathos there is in the piece re
ceived its portion of laughter.
'Two Little Vagrants" suggests "The
Two Orphans" so strongly that it Is Im
possible to miss the truth that the author
purloined his ideas from the more famous
thriller. Technically, it is not so good
as the "Orphans" that Is to be expected.
' To begin with, It is modern, and its
story Is for that reason more nearly im
possible than Kate Claxton's old vehicle,
for that is alleged to have transpired at
a time when adventure met one in every
dark alley and the world teemed with
All that aside, however, "Two .Little
Vagrants" is an Intensely Interesting
play, revolving around two boys whose
fate it is to experience all the terrors of
life on its seamy side. In the hands of
vagabonds and thieves, they lead a pre
carious existence, filled with as great a
variety of Incidents as Imaginative play
wright ever conceived, to the end that
Justice may be done.
It is a play that doesn't make a severe
tax upon the intelligence, but it Is long
on action and heart Interests, the two
elements essential In melodrama.
Sconlcally, there is little to be desired.
A realistic outlaws' den and an impres
sive reproduction of the locks in the
River Seine, with real water. What more
could the Impressionable ask?
Interest throughout centers In Lillian
Lawrence and Frances Slosson, both In
boys' clothes, both youthful derelicts In
the turbid sea of strenuous life as the
author depicts it In Paris and rural
France. Both of them achieve notable
success in their work. Miss Lawrence
scoring one of the big hits of her local
The other honors are divided about
equally into three parts, Fances Amo as
the unhappy mother, Mlna Gleason as the
drunken hag and WilUam Gleason in the
role of master thief and red-shlrted ruffian
par excellence.
Richard Thornton and Donald Bowles
do as well as mere human actors could
reasonably accomplish. In decidedly
thankless roles. James Gleason, after
two weeks of Illness, makes his debut in
a bit which is one of the most satisfac
tory features of the performance, and
Leo Llndhart, a young aspirant of ability,
has the best chance that has yet been
given him. He plays his rola so well
that we may reasonably expect consider
able of him In the future.
Bthel Grey Terry is a very sweet-looking
and sympathetic sister of charity, the
young lady's madonna-like face and musi
cal voice fitting her exceptionally well
for the part. Howard Russell is ex
ceptionally good, but has too little to do.
"Two Little Vagrants" as presented yes
terday, holds the Interest at alt times,
and will prove a most acceptable offering
for the week.
City Schools Will Open. With Big
Attendance Today.
After three months of vacation, Port
land's boys and girls,, between 16,000 and
17,000 strong, will report for another year
of study at the public schools this morn
ing. Never has there been a more en
joyable vacation time for the local
youngsters. There was hardly a week of
rainy weather during the entire Summer,
so they were afforded plenty of oppor
tunity for outdoor sport and will return
to the classrooms with their minds fresh
to tackle anew the vexing problems
which are strewn promiscuously along
the broad highway to learning.
And it la safe to say that a large pro
portion of the children will be glad to be
back. Perhaps the next most Joyous
thing to the shout of a boy when he
leaves care behind on the closing day of
school. Is the shout he gives when he
again tucks his books under his arm and
returns to work after the holidays.
Demonstrations of the latter kind will be
heard this morning In every section of
the city and they will come not only from
the small boys but from the little girls
as well. Although there may be excep
tions to the rule that tha boy gladly
welcomes school after a long vacation,
there is no exception among the girls.
They all like school.
The regular class room work will not
commence today, that Is not the real
hard, daily grind. It Is too much of a
reunion day for that. Everyone has to
tell everyone else what he has been doing
during vacation. No one ever heard of
rules being strictly enforced 'on the
opening day of school. Besides there Is
the preliminary work of forming classes
and arranging studies. But this is Just
for one day. Then will come the daily
The attendance this morning will be
somewhat larger than was expected be
cause many of the Juvenile hop-pickers
have returned to the city. The work
in the bop yards will last some time yet,
but many of the pickers were driven back
to town by the rain last week. Superin
tendent Rlgler and the teachers desire as
full an attendance as possible because
they get better results when all mem
bers of the various classes are present at
the opening of school.
The organization of the East Side and
West Side High Schools la the biggest
task which confronts the teachers. AH
pupils of high school grade, regardless of
what section of the city is their homes,
are expected to report at $ o'clock this
morning at the West Side High School.
Arrangements will be made there to
divide the pupils Into two groups, one of
which will attend classes in the High
School building, and the other will be
assigned to the East Side High. School
organization, which Is to meet in several
of the grammar school buildings until
tha large new high, school is completed.
"On the Bridge at Midnight,"
at the Empire.
Herman von Schulzberg, "Germany
Oscar Handler
Richard Hastings Stanley Walls
Chatham, & lawyer. ..Arthur Marshall
Antonio Qulllasppl, the Dago
. Frank da Leon
Dennis O'Leary. a new officer on the
beat ..Fred W. Smith
James, the butler of the Weetly man
sion Arthur Neely
Greaves, a cabman ...... Fred Williams
Bill Jennings Harry Larkln
Frank Swan Thomas Nolen
Fred Wlllson... Chas. Rathbone
Katherlne Hastlga, "Mrs. Kate"...
Miss Grace Burdette
Mrs. Westly, the blind mother
i Alice Stevens
Bridget Rooney. a rare piece of Irish
furniture . Rose Bernard
Reddy Georgene Haya
Christmas shoppers, loiterers, water
men, sailors, etc.
YESTERDAY was without doubt the
most perfect and beautiful day of the
entire year in Portland but all the wiles
of nature could not keep the crowd away
from the Empire and the opening per
formance of the great comedy drama
"On the Bridge at Midnight" was played
to a full house. And It was well worth
going to see, too, for from the rise of
the curtain on the first act until the
troubles and predicaments of the various
characters had been satisfactorily ad
Justed In the last, there was deep heart
interest in the unfolding of an admirable
and well constructed plot.
"On the Bridge at Midnight" has won
an enviable reputation as a drawing card
at any theater by the Introduction of a
bridge scene which is a great scenic suc
cess. It ts a fine reproduction of the
great Jack knife or lift bridge which
spans the river at Chicago, and when it
opened up yesterday afternoon, allowing
a realistic river steamer to pass through,
the audience was brought to Its feet with
applause and approval. The plot, which
concerns the kidnaping of a child by a
convict and an Italian and their attempt
after several years to substitute another
child for the one they believed dead; the
ultimate discovery that the child in Ques
tion is really the lost one and the pun
ishment of the two scoundrels. Is Inter
spersed with timely comedy and lively
situations. The den of the two thugs In
a low part of the city Is Introduced, and
during the bridge scene there is an at
tempted murder, but with all these thrill
ing features the heavy melodramatic features-
which usually characterize such
productions are happily missing and the
audience goes home with a good taste In
Its mouth.
The honors of the play easily go to
Oscar Handler who characterizes "Ger
many," and little Georgene Hays who
characterizes "Reddy" the kidnaped
child. Mr. Handler's method of talking
English In German is delightfully quaint
and artistic and his humor Is the whole
some, clean cut kind that everyone ap
preciates and adrrrtres. In the first act.
where he appears with his lowly friends
as the keeper of the second hand book
store, he Impresses one as too good for
his surroundings, too cultured for as
sociation with the crude Irish woman,
the newsboy and the abandoned wife in
the tenement garret; but the revelation
afterwards that he is a German baron
who has been concealing his identity
causes the most obtuse spectator to
realize his art. Little Reddy Is pretty,
bright and well adapted to the part and
it would have been hard to find two
better principals for this production. Rose
Bernard does good work as Bridget
Rooney. the character woman of the
Piece, and the Dago character as played
by Frank Do Leon is unusually good, for
that kind of work Is hard. Miss Grace
Burdette appeals strongly to the audience
aa the injured wife, and the other char
acters are also well done.
iL"n the BridK9 at Midnight" will be
th,?,bLIIithe entire week at the Empire,
with Saturday matinee.
Little Girl Is Badly Hurt In Col
lision at Tronldale.
TROUTDALE, Or., Sept. 16 (Special.)
Through a collision with a large auto
mobile. Oregon No. 362 and Portland No.
48, Frank Portello and his two children
were thrown out of their buggy this af
ternoon and all sustained severe bruises.
The automobile was going along the main
street and swung Into a side street, at
tempting to climb a steep hill. Portello
was coming down the street in his buggy
and seeing the automobile gave it the
right of way. When the automobile had
already turned Into the side street, the
chaffeur. It seems, decided not to climb
the hill and turned sharply.
The buggy was directly in his path.
The horse became frightened and swung
the buggy around, when the automobile
hit the vehicle and turned it over. With
Portello and his two small children under
the overturned buggy the horse dragged
the vehicle about ten feet before It could
be stopped. The auto sped away without
going to the assistance of the occupants
of the buggy.
Portello' s little girl is thought to be
seriously hurt. All three were taken
home where a doctor attended their In
juries. Portello intends to swear out a
warrant today for the reckless occupants
of the automobile.
Funeral of Plympton Kelly.
The funeral of Plympton Kelly, pioneer
of IMS, will be held this afternoon from
his late home on the Section Line road
at 2 o'clock. The funeral will be under
the auspices of Evening Star Grange.
Patrons of Husbandry, of which the de
ceased had been chaplain for many years,
and the Interment will take place In Mult
nomah - Cemetery, which la about one
mile from the Kelly farm. Rev. Joseph
Hoberg, a pioneer minister, living at Mc
Mlnnville, will conduct . the services at
the home, and It is expected that the
Grange will have charge at the grave.
The home where the services will take
place ts about two miles east of the term
inus of the reservoir car line, and Is
about the same distance from the Mount
Bcott line. A large attendance Is expected.
Clean. Economical, Well Managed. A
- - i
most desirable company to insure in.
Homo Office, Commonwealth Bldg., Sixth and Ankeny Sts., Portland, Or.
A. It. MILLS, President.
L. SAMUEL, General Manager. . (CLARENCE S. -SAMUEL, Asst. Mjt,
Need Not
Fear Burglars
Tha safe-deposit vault of tie
Oregon Trust & Savings
Bank is one of the largest on
the entire Pacific Coast; has
heavy reinforced concrete
walls, steel lined and electric
wiring of the latest device to
show the slightest tamper
ing, and, as ah extra precau
tion, the bank is patrolled
night and day by a watch
man.' Just the place for your
valuable papers, jewelry, etc.
Boxes $4 and up per year.
Drop in and let us show them
to you.
Oregon Trust S Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Streets
Work Has Either Been Commenced
or Is About to Begin on a
Number of Edifices.
Work Is progressing on the Sallwood
Baptist Church, and It will be occupied
some time in November. It will cost
$5,000 when completed and furnished. Rev.
G. A. Learn is the pastor. At Sellwood
also work has been started on the M. E.
Church, that will cost $4,600. A concrete
foundation has been completed ready for
the superstructure Hev. C. A. Lewis
Is the pastor of this church which Is the
pioneer church of Sellwood.
In October official action will be taken
by the congregation of the Central
Christian Church, East Twentieth and
Salmon streets. Rev. J. F. Ghormley,
pastor, for the erection of a handsome
new church. This matter has been under
consideration for some time.
The Sunnyelde M. E. Church will have
to build next year. Congregations crowd
the present structure to the door at all
public services. At Arleta the new
Presbyterian Church Is being erected. It
will cost $3,500. At Lents the Methodists
are completing a neat chapel.
Work on the new church for the South
ern Methodists, on Union avenue and
Wasco street will be started during the
month. The foundation has been finished
for several months, and the contract for
the stone work will be awarded this
week. It will cost about $40,000, and will
be one of the most attractive structures
in the city.
The Mississippi avenue Congregational
Church, Rev. W. L. Upshaw, pastor, has
purchased a new building lot and will
erect a $10,000 structure next year.' The
trustees of the Sunnyslde Congregational
Church will hold a meeting next month
and decide on enlargement of the present
lecture room, which is now too small to
accommodate the Sunday school.
A fund for the proposed $75,000 edifice
for St. Francis Church. East Oak and
Eleventh streets. Is being accumulated.
Every month the fund Is increased
through the regular Church Building
Association. Hev. Father Black, the
rector, says that his membership fills up
the present auditorium Just four times,
as the church is Just four times too small
to accommodate his entire congregation
should It all get together, which Is now
Impossible. He is not able to say when
he will start to build, but not until he
can put up one of the finest churches on
the Pacific Coast.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for parties. 305 Washington, nr. eth.
Milwaukee Country Club.
Eastern and California races. Take Sell
wood or Oregon City car, starting from
First and Alder streets.
High-Grade Planoa for Rent
And sold on easy payments. Piano tuning
and repairing. H. Sinshelmer. It Third at.
Style to appeal to your seeing
Quality to appeal to your feeling.
A 25P feel for Ip
$chwab Printing Co,
bust itokk. kejionjiblb rtrett
An infallible remedy iot tha cura of Drug Habits ot all kinds.
Sant pmtpaid at $3 psr bottle. Mofphina-Cura i, prepared
tor Hypodarmic or jntamal ui. Dalta Cham. Co., St. Loula
PnnarlstB. gSO Washington at.
V . rAcmo coAcrr aoewts
An Oregon corporation which lightens tb policy-holder's burden. Hm lower
guaranteed level premium rate than any other company.
Beliable men desired ms representatives.
yQJj) We are fully equipped for rapid
A YI lVr as we as t'lorouS1 work in our
nci AVC Spectacle Repair Department, and
DlLL, A I O replace broken lenses while you wait.
' Desnr, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake, Dallas, Texas Portlaad, Oresjowu
133 Sixth St. FLOYD F. BROWER. Mgr. Oregonian Bid?.
Men who know will tell
that carbonated
makes excellent high-balls.
Just a trifle laxative, f Sold in
quarts, pints and splits. ,
To care for our increasing attendance. This has been
secured in the Tilford Building at Tenth and Morrison
streets, where two entire floors will be occupied. The
equipment throughout will be new, down to the minute,
and the best that money will buy. Our facilities will then
equal those of any like school in America; surpass all on
this coast. Steadfast adherence to quality and thorough
work brings us each year students by the hundred, and
more calls for help than we can meet. A position is
certain for anyone who will properly master a course in
our school. Open all the year; students admitted at any
time; illustrated catalogue free. Call, phone or write.
Park and Washington now; Tenth and Morrison Oct. 1
A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal
BRUNOT HALL The Allen Preparatory Scfiool
Corner East Twelfth and Salmon . Fits
A Boarding and Day School for Girls. TWrlZ?n. u.";
Certificate admits to Smith-Wellea- For catalogue address Ths Allen rrepsra-
. tory School. 035 East Salmon street, Pera-
Iv and other colleges. The music de- land. or. otac hour 10 to ix Tsiepnoa
. . i , s i East 4889.
partment under the charge of artists
is a special feature. Fine Art Studio. " "
Write for illustrated catalogue. For ,1, n TTnTrMn?4
further information address JULIA LUlUIfllJlu Ulll VCrSlIV
P. BAILEY, Principal, 2209 Pacifio
Avenue, Spokane, Wash. University Park, Portland, Oregon.
Classical, scientific, commercial and
Portland Academy s.";8""' "
Fits boys and alrls lor Eastern and West- OS THB
rn colleges.
Includes a primary, and grammar scnooL i s . C f
Boarding nail for girls ottering too oom- I nilrnrriTIf iT 1 1 A SI S r
forts and care of a refined home. IJlllVrrSllV III lirPfllin
A limited number of boys will be received VIII I V I Jl I J VI V I VsllVSII
Into" the home of one of the instructors.
Office Jioun i during ths Bummer from ,00, Annual Session Begins Sept. IT, Itet
g Delloato enough for th MftesJ
I Yfri ITI ekin, and ye-t cfficaclou. in remorin,
v I vulll any stain. Keeps the skin in perfeol
condition, In ths batb crres all ths
Tpv OPRsF' dosirablo fter-ffectt oT Turtia
I rV I lALDL O fcath. It should be on ororr v
'Phone Main 1701. 310 Washington Street j vv oocBAifO DSVoaiaTa
- UtiUdiuK. ' ui """ Am 'i Kr
ts I
ts I
Trial sua ...........S3 osnta
ktrrdlum sis ....... .AO MUM
Lauvs also
Tmbo. B. Wilcox V ft
IX BOTTI ri ffaiaa ts Bulk. I