Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 17, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Monument of First American
President Is Unveiled Be
fore Thousands.
Stars and Stripes Are Intertwined
V'lth the Colors of Hungary, and
Orators at Banquet Eulogize
Father of His Country,
BUDAPEST. Sept. 16. This was George
Washington day In Hungary's capital,
and the entire population trom morn
ing until night 'nave Itself- up to en
thusiasm over the unveiling on mon
archical territory of a monument to the
first President of the t'nited States. The
8tars and Stripes and the Hungarian
colors Intertwined were to be seen ev
erywhere. This morning there were spe
cial sermons in many of the churches,
the preachers calling attention to the
Thousands of persons lined the streets,
watching the parade to the City Park,
where the monument stands. Thirty
thousand persons were in the park, which
was surrounded by many thousands
more. Francis Kowiuth, Hungarian Min
ister of Commerce, and Count Albert Ap
ponyi. Minister of Worship, represented
the Independence party at the ceremon
ies, and were not present In their capac
ity as Government officials.
The attendance Included numerous
members of the Diet. The various mu
nicipal officials, Mr. Chester, the Ameri
can Consul-General, BOO Hungarian Amer
icans, headed by E). T. Kohanyi, of
Cleveland, and delegates from patriotic
cities In all parts of Hungary. Prior to
the unveiling, united choirs sang the
Hungarian hymn and the national an
them, and other hymns.
The monument was unveiled amid
scenes of great enthusiasm. Herr Brak
ovekl, vice-president of the Chamber . of
Deputies, was the orator of the day. He
dwelt at length on Washington's great
work for the cause of civilization, not
only for the United States, but for all
the world. He said the standard set by
the Father of the American Republic had
Influenced Louis Kossuth, and that by
that standard Hungary's greatness would
ta attained.
Mr. Kohanyi in a speech praised Amer
ican Institutions and freedom. He said
Hungari'.n-Amoricans were true citizens
of the Republic, but would always keep
up thein love for their native country.
Mayor Bauzy, of Budapest, promised to
take good care of the monument, which
he said was splendid evidence of the
friendship between the two peoples, and
hoped It would last forever. After other
speeches, the people paraded past the
monument, covering the pedestal with
floral designs.
At a banquet tonight Herr Bauzy
toasted President Roosevelt, and Consul
General Chester proposed the health of
the King of Hungary. Count Apponyl
eulogized the United States and expressed
his admiration of Hungarian-Americans
for being absolutely loyal to their new
home, while retaining their love for the
Mr. Chester availed himself of the op
portunity to state that he only attended
the ceremonies and the banquet as a
private American citizen, thinking that it
was his duty to do so on such an oc
Band-of Fifty. Counterfeiters Are
Arrested at Paris.
PARIS, Sept. 16. The police today dis
covered a band of expert coiners having
International connection, and 50 members
of it were arrested. Including several Lat
in Quarter students, whose parents hold
high official positions. The students are
implicated for having passed the money.
most of which was in ten and 20 franc
The process used by the counterfeiters
was an almost perfect one, the coins be
ing electroplated with gold dust. It is
estimated that 200,000 francs of this money
has been passed during the last six
months. The band operated also in Eng
land and Germany and was making prep
arations to open business In Chicago and
Buenos Ayres.
Police Are Compelled to Charge Mob
In Ternes District.
PARIS. Sept. 16. Although a majority
of the stores here today complied with
the compulsory weekly rest day law, sev
eral remained open, causing numerous
demonstrations. The police were forced
repeatedly to charge a mob of 400 per
sons in the Ternes District, arresting 20
of them. Other demonstrations were
easily dispersed.
Mysterious Arrest of Russians.
LONDON', Sept. 16. The Dally Mall's
Berlin correspondent says that when
Count "U'ltte arrived at Bad-Soden, a
few days ago, a crowd of Russians sur
rounded his motor car outside his hotel.
One of these persons approached Count
"Witte and spoke a few words, when a
policeman seized him and placed him
under arrest.
Others of the crowd expressed their In
dignation at the arrest of their compan
ion and as a result all were taken Into
custody. Nothing was disclosed by the
police as to the character of the prison
ers. Drapers Attack Open Shops.
PARIS. Sept. 17. (Special.) Drapery
chops which refused Sunday to comply
with the new Sunday-closing law, were
attacked by delegates of the Drapery
"Workers Union and wrecked. "Windows
were smashed and goods thrown into the
street. The unionists had a free fight
with the police. In which several per
sons were Injured. The police made 30
Fnllieres at Marseilles.
MARSEILLES. Sept. 16. President Fal
lleres was present today at a banquet
given by the municipality and later un
veiled a statue of the sculptor Pierre
Pouget, and reviewed the French and for
eign warships in the harbor. He left
for Paris thl evening.
Vnitcd States Could Sell Agricul
tural Machinery and Autos.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. Special Agent
Charles M. Pepper, who was sent to
Kgypt to report upon the prospects for
increased trade with that country, in a
reoort to tha Bureau of Manufactures,
says the Imports from Egypt reached
nearly $10,000,000, and the average for
seven years was JT,758,66", while in return
direct shipments of goods from the Unit
ed States rarely exceeds $1,000,000, and in
some years have fallen below $500,000. The
total foreign commerce of Egypt in 1895
was a little more than $100,000,000. Mr.
Pepper said that it will In less than five
years amount to $250,000,000, one-half of
which will be imported goods.
There Is a wide demand in that coun
try, the report says, for machinery.
Dealers in Alexandria and Cairo assert
that manufacturers in the United States
offer no encouragement for the introduc
tion and sale of their goods, but there
Is no complaint that American machinery
is not equal in quality to that of Europe.
Because of the hot country the use of
agricultural machinery is encouraged,
and there Is a good field for American
manufactures in that direction, and eleo
trie lighting and the use of electricity
In other ways opens demand for materials
for such purposes. The demand for auto
mobiles and auto and motor cars In gen
eral Is an increasing one.
The majority of articles from all coun
tries pay a uniform duty of 8 per cent
ad valorem, and this uniform treatment
to all countries, the report says, should
make It comparatively easy for the Unit
ed States to greatly increase its rates in
Egypt. One thing necessary. It adds, is
the establishment of a steamship line.
Conspiracy to Murder Americans at
Dava Resulted In One Death.
MANILA. Sept. 16. The trials of
Sakay and Montalan and other outlaws
began at Cavlte today. The government
expects to secure convictions on the
charge of conspiracy to murder Ameri
cans at Dava. The conspiracy was sup
pressed by the military, acting in co-operation
with planters. An American
named Bolton was the only victim of the
plot. The plot was discovered during the
investigation of Bolton's death. June 16.
It was learned that the three head men.
Mugalayan, Beliuang and Sinbanan,
planned the assasination. Mungalayan
killed Bolton and afterward fell a vic
tim to the troops. His brother. Callbay,
who was also implicated in the conspir
acy, was killed at the same time.
Balluang was arrested August 27. Sin
banan has been located and his arrest Is
expected soon.
Government Detective Visits Con
struction Work in Tennessee
and Secures Evidence.
KNOXVILLE. Tenn., Sept. 16. (Spe
cial.) The Federal grand Jury now sit
ting In this city Is Investigating alleged
peonage cases at several railroad camps
In this vicinity, where hundreds of ne
groes are employed. The investigation 19
going on secretly under the direction of
a detective sent here by the Government
from Washington on the complaint of
numerous negroes to District Attorney
J. R. Penland.
AH last week the Government building
was crowded with negroes, who one by
one told their tale of woe and maltreat
ment before the Justice. It Is believed
Indictments will be found this week
against some prominent railroad con
tractors and their subordinates.
The Government detective visited the
railroad camps In the role of a man de
sirous of purchasing timber lands. He
spent a week or more in several differ
ent camps located in Blount County and
quietly gathered a Volume of evidence.
Most of the negroes were brought here
from North and South Carolina and other
neighboring states. Witnesses have told
some frightful stories of the manner In
which they were held prisoners at the
camps (or debt. They allege that a guard
line Is kept and no man is allowed to
pass this line. They say that outrageous
commissary prices are charged them and
they get deeply In debt to the contract
ors. One or two witnesses told stories
of seeing negroes killed and assert that
the bodies were sunk in the river.
Many witnesses have testified to seeing
their comrades shot at when they at
tempted to leave camp. The contractors
and subordinates have secured appoint
ments from local authorities as Deputy
Sheriffs, and negroes are arrested for
profanity, vagrancy or drunkenness when
they attempt to leave camp.
Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras
to Sign a Peace Pact.
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, Sept. 16. In tha fnurtfe nrtinlik of the
treaty of peace between Guatemala, Sal
vador and Honduras, which was signed
on board the United States cruiser
Marblehead July 20. a peace conierence
was Inaugurated here Saturday by Presi-
,1 , 1 n vtmiH Ttin nhlpot at thA
conference is the signing of a general
treaty or peace, inenuanip ttuu l-uuuhcluc.
Luis Anderson, Costa Rican Minister of
Foreign Affairs, was appointed a dele
gate to the conference, and Senor Calvo,
the Costa Rican Minister to the United
States, was chosen as secretary.
,.. Root Is Off for Panama.
LIMA. Peru. Sept. 16. The United
State cruiser Charleston, with Secretary
Tn n.. V.,-, . , 1 laf, I'allan tnnlffht f nT-
Panama. More than 20CO persons partici
pated in the municipal ball in honor of
secretary Koot saturaay mgm.
Manuel K. Tsukcliilla.
MEXICO CITY. Sept. 16. Word has
Just readied here from Merlda. Yuca
tan, of the death of the millionaire
Japanese, Manuel K. Tsukchilla. Ho
had made R business trip to that sec
tion and1 while there was attacked with
yellow fever, which caused his death
within a few days.
John H . Michener.
Michener, prominent in financial circles,
president of the Clearing House Asso
ciation, president of the Bank of North
America, and the oldest member of the
Board of City Trusts, died today, aged
86 years.
Adam Jennings.
POTTSVILLE. Pa.. Sept. 16.-(SpecIal.1
Adam Jennings the first builder of
smelting furnaces on the Pacific Coast
on modern scientific lines, died here to
day, aged 62.
Ex-Governor Bliss, of Michigan.
MILWAUKEE, Sept. 16. Ex-Govern-or
A. T. Bliss, of Michigan, died today
at a sanitarium here, of apoplexy.
First Officer lilt by Cable.
HONOLULU. Sept. 16. (Special.)
First Officer Pillsbury. of the Manchu
ria, was perhaps fatally injured dur
ing the operation of dropping1 anchor.
He was struck on the head by a swing
ing wire cable.
Anniversary of Birth of Repub
lic Observed With: Joy.
Peaceful Manner in Which Affair Is
Carried Off, It Is Believed, Will
Have a Good Effect on
Disquieting Rumors.
MONTEREY, Mex., Sept. 16. The cele
bration of Mexico's day of independence
was observed here today by general
merrymaking. At daybreak the national
flag was hoisted over all federal and
municipal buildings and a salute was
fired from the barracks. At 9 o'clock
the Governor, accompanied by his staff
and many prominent citizens, proceeded
to the Squares Theater, where they at
tended the reading of the declaration of
independence and the singing of the na
tional hymn by a prominent vocalist.
Band concerts were given on the
various plazas during the afternoon and
evening. This afternoon a grand mili
tary pageant participated In by thous
ands was formed and marched through
the principal streets of the cify. There
was not the slightest disorder and so
peacefully was the affair carried out that
the authorities say it will tend to coun
teract the effects of the rumors of an
anti-foreign feeling, which have been
rife for some months past.
No reports of trouble have been re
ceived from any point in the State of
Tamaulipas, Neuva Leon, or Coahuila,
the three states traversed by the lines of
the merged railroad systems.
Name Is Linked With That of Diaz
In Speech at San Luis Potosi.
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 16. The national
holiday in celebration of the anniversary
of the independence of Mexico was ob
served In a most enthusiastic manner
here today. The decorations were on a
more elaborate scale than heretofore and
large crowds were congregated in the
parks to listen to the band concerts, and
those who participated In the grand civic
parade numbered several thousand. The
parade was three hours in passing a
given point where It was reviewed by
President Diaz. Vice-President Corral,
members of the Senate and Chamber of
Deputies, the diplomatic corps and promi
nent citizens.
President Diaz opened Congress and de
livered his annual message. The utmost
tranquillity prevailed in this city, not a
single arrest having been made. The sa
loons have all been closed since yester
day at noon, a precaution taken by the
munlplcal authorities to circumvent any
possibility of trouble.
Reports from all points throughout the
country. Including the cities of Saltillo,
San Luis Potosi, Tampico, Torreon and
hundreds of other towns, show that not
the slightest disturbance marred the cele
bration. Patriotic speeches were on the
programme In the majority of the towns
and cities, platforms having been erected
In most Instances on the main plaza or
In front of the municipal buildings.
A most noteworthy celebration of the
day occurred at San Luis Potosi, where
one of the speakers referred to President
Roosevelt and spoke of the binding
friendship existing between the two coun
tries and especially referred to the part
played by the President of the sister Re
public In bringing about peace between
Honduras, Guatemala and Salvador dur
ing their recent trouble. Upon conclud
ing his speech the people present burst
out in a mighty roar of "vivas" for
Presidents Roosevelt .and Diaz. The
demonstration was perhaps the first in
the history of the country made in favor
of a foreign President.
San Luis Potosi has a good-sized Amer
ican colony, and the good feeling dli
nlavert bv the citizens of Mexico on their
holiday toward the Americans and their
President Is considered as one ot ine
best indications of the lack of any anti
foreign feeling.
Message Declares That Mexico Is at
Peace With All the World.
MEXICO CITY. Sept. 16. President
Diaz opened the Autumn session of Con
gress tonight in the presence of Senators
and Deputies and a brilliant audience. He
Big Savings in Furs
We are the largest manufac
turers in the West. You save
the middle man's profit by buy
ing your furs from us. Big
specials for Today.
Bulletin of Great
$25.00 ' Tailored Suits
$27.50 Tailored Suits
$30.00 Tailored Suits
$32.50 Tailored Suits...
Opening Display and Sale of Millinery at
Special Reduced Prices
85c Black and Colored Taffeta Silks 67c. yard
75c Embroideries, 6-yard Strip for 30c
$1.20 " " " " 48c
48c, 78c. and 98c. Embroideries, piece 25c
Special Sale of Dress Goods at Portland's Lead
ing Dress Goods Store
Special Sale of Umbrellas
said in his message that with almost all
civilized nations Mexico was on the most
friendly terms, while with no nation was
any question existing which even re
motely threatened conflict.
The long discussed question of an inter
national dam, in order to insure an equit
able distribution of water between farm
ers of the Rio Grande has taken satis
factory form In a treaty signed at Wash
ington. This treaty will be submitted to
the Mexican Senators for ratification.
The President mentioned the recent revo
lution in Guatemala and says that strict
neutrality was enforced.
The President merely mentioned the
Pan-American Conference and said that
It was to be hoped its resolutions would
produce a good effect.
Respecting the labor riot at Cananea In
June, the President said It began as a
labor movement, degenerating quickly
into grave perturbation of public order.
Fortunately it was quickly suppressed,
thus avoiding what might have been
serious consequences.
The President also took up the recent
labor strikes, principally that which oc
curred on the Mexican Central Railway.
The strike was limited to the men leaving
their work In the shops with a view to
obtaining certain concessions from the
company. As they were clearly In their
right, the authorities respected it and
an official effort was used In preventing
any breach of peace. The executive ex
pects on the part of both capitalists and
working men regard for each other's
Sanitary precautions against yellow
fever continue. The railways now have
a total extension of 21,611 kilometers. The
finances of the nation are In a most
satisfactory condition. The total revenues
of the federation in the fiscal year were
more than $101,000,000. There will be a
substantial surplus when accounts are
made up to be applied to port work at
Salina Cruz and Coatzacoalcos.
The President notes with satisfaction
the entire success of the gold standard.
There has been coined and Is now in cir
culation gold money to the value of H3,
000.000, while the monetary commission
still has gold on hand to the amount of
J16.000.000 yet to be coined. The gold
standard has been attained without any
sacrifices having been needed on the part
of the nation.
In line of material progress the results
achieved are amply demonstrated by
statistics and show conclusively an aston
ishing movement on every line of busi
ness activity confirming the belief that
the country has fully entered on a bril
liant period of progress.
Americans and Mexicans Walk Side
by Side la Parade.
NACO, Ariz., Sept. 16. A special from
Cananea, Mexico, says everything was
quiet there today. This afternoon 10,000
Americans and Mexicans marched side by
side from one end of the city to the other.
The American flags were as conspicuous
I S?. :
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest
. $22.50
as the Mexican and the Americans gen
erally wore Mexican colors.
Although there were 25,000 people In
town during the day there was not even
a case of drunkenness to disturb the per
fect harmony of the celebration.
Mexican Government Wants Road.
MEXICO CITY. Sept. 16. It is general
ly understood that one of the principal
objects of the Finance Minister Laman
tour's trip to Europe Is to bring about
the acquisition of the Mexican Central
Railroad by the Mexican government and
this supposition Is strengthened to a con
siderable extent by the fact that Vice
President Richards, of the Mexican Cen
tral, has also gone to Paris.
The acquisition of the railroad Is a
thing which would mean great political
significance, as it is. believed that it Is
the only way the road can be regulated
in order to avoid discrimination in the
matter of rates.
Best of Feeling Prevails.
EI PASO. Sept. 16. So far as informa
tion received here is concerned the cele
bration of Independence day in Mexico
has been peaceable. The best of feeling has
existed between natives and foreigners
here and no reports of trouble have been
received from any of the Herald's, cor
respondents in Cananea, Chihutahua and
Cotton Lands Were Flooded.
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 16. The cotton
crop of the country will in all probability
be 15 to 20 per cent less In quality this
year than last owing to Inundation of
lands In the L&guna district. The loss
will be about 12,000.000.
Western Governors Say Population
Is Too Sparse in Their Territory.
HARRISBURG, Pa., Sept. 16. S. M.
Williams, secretary of the Pennsylvania
State Board of Trade, today made pub
lic copies of letters received from the
Governors of several states on the
movement to obtain uniform legislation
throughout the United States for a 2
cent maximum fare on all steam rail
roads. A number of the Governors are
personally favorable to a 2-cent fare,
and, in a few Instances, they tell of the
movements in their states to obtain the
passage of such legislation In the next
session of the Legislature.
The Governors of some of the West
ern States say that because of the
sparsely-oettled condition of their
states the time is not yet ripe for a
radical reduction of fares, but that
such a reform will come about when
the pupulation increases to give the
business to Justify a. cut. The Western
Governors express their approval of the
movement so far as it applies to the
thickly-populated states of the East.
TT is a pleasure, even now more than usual, to tell about the
lovely hats shown in our Millinery Department, for we are
sure you will agree with us that they are exceptionally pretty.
Speaking through the press cannot convey any
idea of the wonderful colors, or the charming- de
tails of our styles. Words are not sufficient to do
justice to the advance showing. From the largest
to the smallest, each in its way is a real gem
of Millinery Art, each being a harmony of pic
torial effect. Millinery is truly elegant this season.
Our styles have been selected with the greatest
care and represent the extreme Millinery fashion.
Fall Millinpru flnakc and iiifc
1UU 111UU11U1 ft V1UU1IU U11U
The Woman's Store.
Monday Bargains
$6.50 Taffeta Silk Waists $4.50
$4.00 Taffeta Silk Waists : $2.50
Great School Sale,
Special Values in Long Plaid Coats $15.00
and $17.50
Long Broadcloth Coats, special ....$16.50
Long Novelty Coats, sale $21.50
$2.25 Lace Curtains
Curtain Bargains .
$2.50 Bleached Linen
September Sale of Leather Goods
San Francisco Electric Car
Crashes Into Another.
Surgeons of the United Railroads
Fight With City Hospital Corps
for Possession of Wounded
Until Police Intervene.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 16. Two per
sons are dead, three seriously Injured,
five sustained minor Injuries, and over a
score received bruises and cuts in the
collision of two heavily loaded electric
cars this afternoon.
Following the accident, a clash of
authority occurred between the surgeons
of the United Railroads and the city
Emergency Hospital, as who should
render aid to the injured and where they
should be taken. The police finally took
a hand in the matter and the injured
were taken to the Central Emergency
Hospital. The dead:
WILLIAM PIERSON, bookbinder.
JOHN GELP, baker.
Seriously Injured Albert Johnson, con
tractor, left foot crushed, compound frac
ture of right leg; Arthur Johnson, right leg
crushed; George Engisch, left hip fractured,
fracture of ribs and Internal injuries.
Not serious William Taylor, left arm
broken: Philip Winkler, fingers crushed:
Mrs. Emma Marks, hip Injured, Miss
Bridget Fltzpatrtck. contusions and bruises;
Mrs. W. F. Shrader, hip injured; Arthur
Spank, lacerations of scalp; Fred McKay,
leg injured. A score of others were treated
in drug stores.
The accident occurred at Turk and
Devisadero streets, where an east-bound
Ellis-street car, in charge of Conductor
J. F. Lynch and Motorman R. G. Feuder.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
noughts 12 Mil!
for $1.68, and other
Tablecloths $1.25
became uncontrollable In descending the
Devlsadero-street hill and crashed into a
west-bound Eddy-street car as it was
turning from Turk Into Devisadero street.
The west-bound car was in charge of
Conductor J. D. Sullivan and was packed
with men, women, and children on their
way to the beach.
The Ellis-street car struck the other
car a glancing blow and tore off one
side of it. The screams of women and
children mingled with the crash of glass
and timbers as the Ellis-street car struck
the other one a glancing blow ripping oft
one entire side.
Pierson was standing on the steps and
was instantly killed. Gelp was so fear
fully crushed that he died soon after ar
riving at the central Emergency Hospital.
These two as well as practically all of the
injured were on the Eddy-street car,
those on the other car escaping with
bruises and cuts.
Hiccoughed to Death.
OLTMPIA, Wash., Sept. 16. Special.)
Albert Coldwell, aged 38 years, died In
St. Peter's Hospital in this city last
night from the effects of a protracted
attack of hiccoughs. He was brought to
the hospital from the home of his brother
on Twenty-fourth, street on September 7,
after several weeks' illness, suffering;
from kidney trouble.
Qnlclriy wllere Sour
stomach. Heartburn,
Nausea, and all other
diseomrorts or indigestion anc
coated tablets. 10c. or 26c.
discomforts of indigestion and dyspepsia. Sugar
coated tablets. 10c. or 26c. Druggists or bj mail.
instant relief la
Catarrh allay
immition. heal
mucous membrane, sweeten breath. Hest aaraMa
sore throat. 50c. C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, jdaaa.
If Made by Hood It's Good
Tutt's Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
To those living
in malarial districts Tutt' Pitt
are indispensible, they keep tha
system in perfect order and aro
an absolute cure
for sick headache, indigestion,
malaria, torpid liver, constipa
tion and all bilious diseases.
Tutt's Liver Pills
ftr . A . , .X
Today's Special
Jap. Mink Ties, full length,
fancy brocaded silk lining, good
value at $12.50