Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 31, 1906, Second Edition, Page 16, Image 16

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. . :: T 31, 1906.
Do Your Holiday Shopping Today and Tomorrow This S
All Merchandise Piirchased on Credit Today
Be Closed All Day Monday, "Labor Day
an Your September Account
Meier d Frank's 866th Friday Surprise Sale
New Silk Petticoats
$ 1 0 Values at $5.35 Each
: 1- fl
Today's great Surprise Sale of Silk
Petticoats will attract on enthusiastic
crowd of buyers Our Silk Petticoat
bargains never fail to interest the best
shoppers in the city 500 of them in
this lot all we could get of them
made up from splendid quality taffeta
silk by one of the best manufacturers
in New York City A grand assort
ment of pretty and serviceable styles
including deep double flounce plait
ing, two rows of shirring and tucked
ruffle Made extra full width and a
complete 'assortment of 'colors
white, light blue, pink, helio, green,
navy, brown, gray, old rose, Alice
blue, dark red and black All have
a silk dust ruf
fle By far the
best Silk Petticoat bargain of the season Regular $10.00 val-
ues Your choice today at this phenomenally low price.
See Big Fifth-Street Window Display No Mail or Phone Orders Filled
100 Tapestry Brussels Rugs
9x12 FV $ 1 8.65 Each
Grpat Surprise Sale of 300 room-si7
Tapestry Brussels in Oriental 8" '
ety to select from ; size 9x12
csted in this very unusual ' 4
.s, to be sold today at a very low price; Third Floor., and color combinations; large vari- gm m
.nishing or renovating the home are inter- I
only, remember, at this low price, each......S
Meier f
jCs 866th Friday Surprise Sale
I0r; jairs Lace Curtains
Another one of our famous Lace Curtain Sales it announced
for today 1000 pairs, the entire reserve stock of a prom
inent importing honse White and Arabian cable nets in
renaissance and cluny patterns, inserting and edges made
of the best quality cable net and guaranteed the best wear
ing curtain on the market An immense assortment of pat
terns to select from Curtains of the very best style for all
purposes and selling regularly at $3.00 -
and $3.25 a pair Buy all vou want of them K B O Q
y at this wonderfully low price Der iair ' J
Custom Shade and drapery Work our Specialty Best Ma
" ials and Workmanship--Lowest Prices Always See
Fifth Street Window for the Display of Lace Curtains
1003 New Glazed Jardfaeires 6-in. 18c ?-in. 28c
In the Basement Crockery Store today A preat Surprise Sale offering of handsome glazed Jar- JO.
dinieres; two sizes, 6-inch and 7-inch, in the very best colorings; every housewife in the city can OC
find good use for a number of them a little later, when the time comes for taking the plants in-
doors; great values at 18c and 2Sc each aOC
On sale in the Basement. No mail or phone orders filled.
Meier Frank's 866th Friday Surprise Sale
00 Pairs of Men's Hose
50e-?5c Values 29c & Pair
Chance today for economical men to supplytheir hosiery
needs at a big saving 2000 pairs tobesold at today' s 866th
Friday Surprise Sale at half their value Fancy lisles and cash
meres in endless assortment Plain colors, dot ctrine
figures, fancy jacquards Plain
grays, greens, reds, helio, tans
Hosiery selling
or embroidered
blacks, all sizes
regularly at 50c and 75c a
Buy all you want of them todav at this O
marvelouslv. low nrice er rir...: W
See Big Fifth-Street Window Display
No Mail or Phone Orders Filled
Our Entire Stock of Men's Shirts on Sale at greatly
Reduced Prices All Styles All Grades All the Best
Makes Buy Your Shirts Today "
The Meier &. Frank Store
25c Belts at 9c
White duck stitched Belts, with gilt
buckles; values up to 25c each on
sale at . ....9
Black Bilk Belts in assorted styles;
with or without buckles; regular
50c and 75c values on sale at.39
Women's Handbags with card-case,
. coin-purse and hand-mirror; wal
rus and seal leathers; black, brown
and tan; regular $3.00 and $3.50
values on sale at $2.39
"The Crisis," 500 copies; extra
special value at 50i
Read it before going to the Baker
Theater nest week.
"The Conquerors," by Atherton;
special value at 40
"Mother Goose," in red cloth bind
ing; special at 40J
"Linen Sale"
Last Two Days
15c bleached hemmed Huck Tow
els, gTeat value at 10
18c bleached hemmed Huck Tow
els, great value at 13
20c bleached hemstitched Huck
Towels, great value at 14J
30c bleached hemstitched Huck
Towels, great value at 21
60c bleached hemstitched Huck
Towels, great value at 48
20c bleached Bath Towels, ea..l3t
35c bleached Bath Towels, ea..24
20c bleached Bath Towels, ea..l4
15c unbleached Bath Towels... lO
12c bleached linen Toweling,
yard, great value at 10
20c bleached linen Toweling. .16
75c hemstitched bleached Bath
' Towels, each 58
$1.00 hemstitched bleached Bath
Towels, great value at 78i
Hemmed Marseilles pattern Bed
spreads; best $1.00 values on sale
at, each 80
$1.50 Marseilles pattern t 1 1
Bedspreads H f
50 styles of $1.35 Table Linens at,
yard, great value at $1.12
50 styles of $1.50 Table Linens at,
per yard $1.34
Entire stock of $1.25 bleached Table
Napkins on sale at, dozen.. 98
Entire stock of $2.00 bleached Table
Napkins on sale at, dozen. $1.64
Entire stock of $2.50 bleached Table
Napkins on sale at, dozen. $2. 18
All our finest Irish, Scotch, Aus
trian and German Table Linens at
vpeci&l low price.-
Fringed Bedspreads in red, navy,
blue and pink; best $2.00 values
on sale at $1.65
Cotton Russian Crash Toweling at,
yard, great value 4 l-2
Marseilles Bedspreads, fringed ; cut
corners; $3.00 values at.. $2.28
Bargains in Sheets and Pillow
Cases. All our fine sets of Table
Linens on sale at greatly reduced
prices. Bargains in Doilies, Tray
Cloths, etc.. etc.
All our 75c Table Linen, yd.. 660s
Over 100 patterns to select from.
50 styles of $1.00 Table Linens at,
yard, great value at 84
Grand Values
In Men's
Furnishing Goods
Men's $1.50 Golf Shirts to be sold
at 95c each Shirts of every good
style, plain or pleated bosoms, cbat
or regular style, attached or de
tached cuffs; "Manhattans,"
"Cluetts," "Star" .and other
well-known makes; best patterns
and colorings, all sizes, great vari
ety; $1.50 values, your choice at
this low price, each 95
Our entire stock of "Star" Shirts
at exceptionally low prices. Best
styles and patterns :
$1.50 values 95
$2.00 values ."..$1.35
$2.50 values $1.65
All our $2.00 and $2.50 Manhattan
Shirts at low prices.
10,000 pairs of Hop-pickers' Gloves,
made of good heavy canvas, soft
finish inside; all sizes, for men,
women, boys and girls; grand spe
cial value at this special low price,
Pair 9
Men's extra quality Chambray Golf
Shirts, in plain colors; blue, tan
and gray; 1 pair cuffs to match;
just the shirt for everyday wear;
all sizes; great values at, ea..69
Free Lessons in Art Embroidery Work Stamping Done to Your Orders Second Floor
"Willamette" Sewing Machines 15 Models at Prices from $18.00 to $35.00 Each
The Meier ? Pirafkk Store
Wife SMrts afc
SkHEts $ 1 o98
Li 4 ;) & -
Final clean-up of all remaining stock of Women's White
Dress Skirts Good assortment; best styles Values never
before known Better come early if you want to share in
this unusual bargain
Lot 1 White Dress Skirts of -white linen and Indian Head, all new,
this season's styles, trimmed in folds, etc., values ranging nn
from $2 to $3 each. Your choice while they last at OC
Lot 2 Women's white linen Dress Skirts, made of rep, linen and In
dian Head; circular, gored and tucked effects. Values ranging
from $3.25 to $5.50 each. Your choice at this low j 98
.Women's high-grade Walking Skirts in Panama cloths, mohairs and
batistes; this season's best styles to be sold at a fraction of their
real value; we helpe a prominent manufacturer clean up stock,
and, as usual, you are asked to share in our good fortune; pleated
and circular cut with folds or plain gored; blues, grays, garnet,
tan and black ; skirts of the best style and material c C A C
and selling regularly at prices up to $14.00 ; choice. . . v"
Bargains in the Picture Store Today
Another great shipment of colored Chain Medallions, religious subjects, fruits, flowers aud
scenery. Great special values as follows : ;
6-Inch, each 1 Oc 9-lnch, each. 18c 12-Inch, each . .29c
7x9-inch oval Frames with mats, glass and easel back, 35c values 22; "yard'' pictures in 2
inch gilt frames, 16x20 in. oleographs and panel effects; fruit and game; $2.00 and $2.25 values on
sale at 9S each. Artistic Picture Framing to your order at the very lowest prices Second floor.
Great Sale Women's Knit UnderweGr
Fine lines of women's Knit Underwear at extraordinary low
prices today and tomorrow All styles Ail grades Sensq.
tional values Take advantage
Women's white lisle Swiss ribbed Vests, high neck and long sleeves, nice
ly made and finished throughout. All sizes. Regular 50c values jq
to be cleaned up at dSrC
25 dozen women's Swiss ribbed Vests, low neck and no sleeves, narrow
ribbon shoulder straps. Prettily finished with Val. lace. Grand
special values at
Women's fine ribbed white cotton Pants, umbrella style, lace
trimmed. Best 35c values on. sale at....... . .
Women's Swiss ribbed lisle Vests, pink and blue. All sizes. Reg
ular 35c, 40c values on sale at
yeomen some riDDea wnue usie union touits, low neck ana no A p
sleeves, knee length, 65c values at ....t?C
Entire stock of women's Vests, values ranging from C5c to $1.00 each,
on sale at 1-4 off regular prices.
Women's $3,50, $4 Oxfords $245 Pair
Great clean-up sale of women's high-grade Oxfords ; J. & T. Cousins and other high-grade makes to
be sold at less than manufacturing- cost; patent colt, vici kid, patent tip, Russia calf and chocolate
kid; welt and hand-turned soles; all sizes and widths; women's footwear selling jt f
regularly at $3.50 and $4.00 a pair; your choice at tnis exceptionally low
Greit Sale d
Great two days sale of Toilet Soaps of all grades Toilet
Soaps, Bath Soaps Soaps of all kinds Prices every house
wife and hotel-keeper is interested Look to your needs
and profit by these splendid values
Toilet Soaps in all the popular odors, including violet, rose, lilac
and transparent glycerine ; put up 3 cakes in a box ; extra val., bos
2oe boxes of Toilet Soaps ; all the most popular sellers ; 3 cakes in a 1 O
box: creat special values at. per box 7C
35c Sylvan Series Toilet Soaps ; the best domestic soap made ; three
cakes in a box ; grand special value at this low price
Meadow Sweet Toilet Soaps; excellent soap for lodging-houses
and hotels; great special value at, per dozen 43C
Old-fashioned Soaps; elder flower and glycerine; 10c values at, cake. . ,7&
Pond's Extract Soap; special value at this low price t,..19
Kaimer Mineral boap; special, a cakes tor this low price 25c
2-lb. bars Mignon Castile Soap; great special, value
4-lb. bars Domestic Castile Soap, cake 39
4-lb. bars Con ti . Castile Soap, cake 59
4-lb. bars Almond Castile Soap, cake 53
La Premier Castile Soap, per bar, each 7
All fine Toilet Soaps at the lowest prices.
Palm Olive Soap; special at 8J
f Soaps'
3 jT2t
Fairy Soap "It Floats" Best bath soap
on me marKei; special value, dozen cakes,
"Life Buoy" Soap; sanitary and disinfec
tant; grand special value at
Woodbury's Facial Soap; special 16
xvoger a uauet Boaps at tne lowest prices.
14-inch Glass Vases at, eacH 11? I
16-mch Glass Vases at, each 15J
BdSCm&nt 21-inch Glass Vases at, each 21
b-incn mass uerry 5owls at. 17;
7-niece Berry Sets, for 45)
6, 7, 8, 9-inch glazed Jardinieres; great
Louwelsa Wellar Artware Jardinieres -7-inch..
77 8-inch at... 99 9-inch
7-inch Rose Bowls for ,each 39J
-gallon Glass Pitchers for 42
Thin-blown Tumblers, each 4
Plain Glass Water Sets pitch-o-y 1
er, 6 glasses and tray, for. . . .O C,
values at, each, 19c, 31c, 47c and. 72c
-beautiful styles low prices,
at. .1.18 10-inch at, each.. $2.79
Youths With Bad Records Stole Tour
The police authorities yesterday cap
tured the burtflars who broke Into the
office of Allen Goodwin, In the Lab be
building, lust Saturday night and
obtained four suitcases. One was filled
with sample cigars, one was empty and
Two held the personal belongings of
Mr. Goodwin.
Detective Hellyer was assigned on
the cuse and yesterday succeeded in
capturing the burglars, who turned out
to be two boys, now on parole from
the State Reform .School. They are
Bert Laberge, 20 years old, and Fred
Cobb, 18 years old, both of whom are
well known to the police. Both boys
confessed and will have a preliminary
hearing In the Municipal Court today.
Only a small part of the goods was
recovered as the two youthful crimi
nals had disposed of the bulk of the
stolen property In Portland and Vancouver.
Yonr nrusrrlrt win Tell Ton
that Murine Ey Remedy Cures Eyea, Makes
Weak Byes Strong. Doesn't Smart. SooUle
12) a Falii, sd Sells for M csota.
Will Move St. Johns Postofflce.
While Mayor Valentine Is having trou
ble with the municipal affairs of St.
Johns In his official capacity as Post
master, he Is having trouble In hand
ling the mails. Now everybody likes the
Postmaster, and they would like to see
him succeed, but they do want to get
their mall a little more promptly than
they do under the new administration.
Residents say they expected Postmaster
Valentine to be slow at the start, and
were willing to stand the delay, but
they think the time has come when
delays should cease. Business men say
that Important letters are delayed, and
there Is always a large crowd waiting
for the mail morning and evening be
cause the -force does not hand out the
mail fast enough. These waits exhaust
the patience of the public. There are
also delays at tha money-order window.
Mr. Valentine will move the postofflce
to a larger room In a brick building
that is being built on Jersey street. This
will enable him . to handle the malls
more expeditiously.
Body of Drowned Sailor Found.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Aug. 30. (Special.)
The body of Vance Baker, a sailor on
the schooner Fearless, who was acci
dentally drowned, was found in the har
bor today. ?
Boy Has Cost Him Bear.
TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 30. Ernest W.
Beckett, father of J. W. Beckett, alias
Whyte, alias Drinkwater, the young man
who forged checks in PorUand and Ta
coma, is In Tacoma to do what he can
for his erring son. The elder Beckett
"My boy has already cost me $2000, and
I am unable to pay more. As agent of
the Canadian Pacific at Hiney, B. C, I
earn but 1600 a year, and it is but re
cently that I have completed paying the
company money that my son appropriated
while assisting In my office. The boy Is
killing his mother by his evil ways, but
he Is our son and we must do what we
can to aid him. He must pay the pen
alty of his crimes, but I would like to
have him turned over to the Dominion
authorities for punishment. I have ad
vised him to plead guilty and ask the
mercy of the court, and he has promised
to do so."
lew Rate to Gana-Nelaon Glove Contest.
On August 30 and 31, the Southern Pa
ci.le Company will sell tickets Portland
to Goldfield. Nevada, and return at a rate
of 149.60, account the Gans-Nelson glove
contest, to be held at Goldfield, Septem
ber 3. Further particulars by calling at
the City Ticket Office. Third and Wash
ington streets, city.
I for Insurance Compan
A.NCISCO. Aug. 30.m acc
Fair Trial
.v,iaw, Aug. so. in acci
-.. WIla instructions issued by Jul
Morrow the Insurance cases in I
United States Circuit Court are tot
tried by Juries drawn from outside
Ban Francisco. The Northern Distrii
of California, over which the Circul
Court's Jurisdiction extends, and froil
any part of which Jurors can be plckei
includes 41 counties. Judge Morrow do
sires to prove that the assertions o:
Eastern and European insurance coin
panies that they cannot have a fair trla
here are not correct, and he will aim tc
ecure morougmy impartial Juries.