TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, JUESDAY. AUGUST 14, 1906. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING "The Different Store" OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Semi-Day Sales OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Semi-Day Sales OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Semi-Day Sales OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Semi-Day Sales OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Semi-Day Sales OLDS, WORTMAN & KING 5th, 6th & Wash. Sts. NO TELEPHONE ORDERS CAN BE FILLED ON ANY ITEMS ADVERTISED BELOW IN THE DEMI-WEEK SALE For. Opportunity has all her hair on her forehead; but when she has CjTiTinYtlinit V Passe(i yu cannot call her back. She has no tuft whereby you can lay -f-f hold on her, for she is bald on the back part of her head, and never re turns. FRANCOIS RABELAIS. GRASP TOD A Y'S SEMI-DA Y SALE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE AUGUST DEMI- WEEK BARGAIN EVENTS, ERE THEY PASS- FOR THEY WILL NOT RETURN AGAIN-AND YOU'LL REGRET AN ECONOMY LOST Every word on this printed pae must be backed up by the goods in the store. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. MORNING SPECIALS-8 A. M. to 1 P. M. TODAY, AUGUST 14 Think! A Pretty White Lawn Summer Suit for 95c LESS THAN YOU'D PAY FOR AN AVERAGE GOOD HOUSE WRAPPER But if you're one of the lucky women who get here in time to s rack atS A. M., you can get a dainty lawn dress at that pric soiled some from much handling, but a clever laundress can q the owner has a pretty' Summer frock that any woman migh lawn materials, attractively trimmed in embroideries, braid with ruffles and insertions. But there are but 20 it's a cl o'clock gong rings, is our advice if you'd become the owne Summer Suit tor 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. Smart, New $1.50 Dress Goods 98c . Annex First Floor, Fifth Street. New 56-inch Illuminated Plaid Panamas in the following color combinations: Old rose and gray, delph and gray, green and gray, blue and gray, and heliotrope and gray. . Splendid regular $1.50 values Special for this morning only, yard 98 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. Japanese Sugars and Creams 15c Third Floor. Japanese Sugars and Creams; cream body with blue decoration. Special from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. at, the pair 15 8 A. M. TO 1P.M. 50c Wash Goods 25c First Floor. Beautiful Wash Crepe de Chine Silk Eoliennes, in all colors, our 50c value special from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. at, the yard 25 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. Suede Leather Belts Worth 65c for 39c Annex First Floor. An assortment of women's Soft Suede Leather Belts, in white, green, blue and red; with gold embroidered design in back; all have gilt buckles; sizes 22 to 30. Our 65c value special from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. at 39 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. SPECIAL: Cottage Rugs Fourth Floor. 500 Cottage Rugs, assorted colors, size 18x36 inches, regular value 65c special 35 Size 30x60 inches, regular value $1.50 special 85 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. Women 's 25c Hosiery 18c First Floor. Black Cotton Hose, medium 'weight, spliced heels, double pole, French toe. Best 25c value special, pair 18 BATTLE IS BEGUN II TROLLEY Thousands Assaulted by Com pany Ignoring Order of the Court. POLICE STAND BY PEOPLE Brooklyn Officials Support Passen gers in Resisting; Ten-Cent Fare to Coney Island Company Relaxes Its Efforts. NEW YORK, Augr. 13. The determina tion of the people to resist payment of a 10-eent fare to the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company for passage to Coney Island, Supreme Court Justice Gaynor having decided that 5 cents was the legal fare, led to further excitement today. Late tonight the Brooklyn Rapid Tran sit Company relaxed Its enforcement of Its rule that double fares must be paid. Numbers of passengers on cars bound from Coney Island who would not pay the extra 5 cents were allowed by con ductors and inspectors to continue on their way. Will Prosecute Conductors. That the officials of Kings County and the borough of Brooklyn were prepared to enforce Justice Gaynor's decision be came apparent during the day. District Attorney Clarke, of Kings County, de tailed one of his assistants to hear com plaints from passengers of rough treat ment by the company's employes be cause they had refused to pay an extra fare. Mr. Clarke also announced that prosecutions would follow every proven case of maltreatment. Borough President Bird 8. Coler issued a public statement advising persons to pay but a single fare for a ride from 15c Shell and our 15c Men's 10c points In Brooklyn to Ooney Island, and the police In the affected district were ordered to be ready to quell any fresh disturbances. Special Police Permit Revoked. . Meantime. Acting Police Commissioner Waldo revoked nermits empowering the Company to employ special policemen to assist the regular men of the company to put off its cars passengers who re sisted any demands for the extra fare. Mr. Waldo declared that the ruling of Justice Gaynor would be enforced and any rough treatment to passengers would meet with arrest. This was offset and complicated to some extent by an official opinion by Acting Mayor McGowan later In the day, after a conference between him and Cor poration Counsel Delaney, that the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company had the riht to refuse to carry passengers who refused to pay a second fare and the company's employes might use force. If need be. In case of resistance. This afternoon the company's employes again began halting cars whenever sec ond fares were not forthcoming from passengers and demanding their pay ment. Several affrays occurred and there were some arrests. . Serious Injury -to Many. The attempt to enforce collection of the extra fare and the refusal of passengers to pay it caused a continuous riot when the Sunday crowds were going to Coney Island yesterday. Thousands of obstrep erous passengers were forcibly dragged from cars and long lines of cars were stalled for hours. As a result of the conflict, two women were Injured, one so seriously that she may die; another woman and child came so near death that hundreds of onlookers turned away their faces in horror; in numerable persons were bruised, and sev eral were arrested on charges of assault. French Opinion of Root's Speech. PARIS, Aug. 13. The Temps today devotes a leading article to Secretary Root's speeches in South America and the Monroe Doctrine. It says: 'Latin-America feels the need of guarantees against the United States as well as against Europe. The Mon roe Doctrine protects the republics against Europe, but it leaves them de fenseless against the United Statu." The Temps says that Brazil favors the United States, owing to Its coffee and rubber exports, adding: "But it Is to be hoped that the Brazilian statesmen will not sacrifice Pan Americanism to Monroeism, except compatibly with what the Latin re publics owe to Europe and owe to their destinies." ecure one from the bunch of about 20 that will be on the sales e. They are stop-overs from last season, have been rumpled and uickly convert them to their pristine whiteness and freshness and t be glad to possess. I hey 're in shirtwaist styles, dainty white s and plaitings. Skirts are gored and trimmed 'round bottom ean-up. Be on the spot in Second-Floor Salons when the 8 r of a pretty White Lawn 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. Children 's $1.25 Lawn Hats 65c Second Floor. Better quality Lawn Hats, crown of allover embroidery, " rim edged with fancy braid; regular value $1.25 special. ..65 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. Net and Lace Hat Drapes and Veils for Half First Floor. V lot of Net and Lace Hat Drapes and Veils in green, white, black and brown, values from $1.00 to $5.00 special from 8 A. M..to 1 P. M. at HALF PRICE 8 A.M. TO 1 P. M. Shell and Amber Hair Pins 6c First Floor. Amber Hairpins, 3-inch size, one-half dozen in box, value special from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. at, box... 6 . 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. Men 's 10c Handkerchiefs 5c First Floor. White. Cambric Handkerchiefs, with tape border, our value special from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M.' at ...5J 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. i A Morning Sensation in Millinery Annex Second Floor. WOMEN'S $2.00 HATS 15. A lot of women's Ready-to-Wear Hats, in cream color, trimmed in velvet and quills, broad brim rolling at back; regular ' value $2.00 special . . 15 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M. Children 's 75c Lawn Hats 33c Second Floor. Children's White Lawn Hats, embroidered crown, rim trimmed with lace; regular value 75c special 33 MAY UNITE PARTIES Moderates Coming to Front in Russian Affairs. POLICY OF REGENERATION Octoberists Plan to Absorb New Party Police Capture Rebel Arms Factory Peasant Rioters Fight Guards." ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 13.-Indica-tlons at the meeting of the central com mittee of the old Octoberist party, which closed today, point to the amalgamation of the Octoberists with the new peaceful party of regenerationlsts and the accept ance of the programme drawn up by Count Heyden, M. Guchkoff and others. All the speakers expressed themselves as in favor of this plan, and a resolution was adopted to transmit an appeal to the regenerationists of all the provincial la bor committees to request a vote on the question of the union of the two parties. It had been hoped that the conservative wing of the Constitutional Democrats would Join In this movement, although hotheads among the Octoberists were dis posed to insist on formal abjuration of the Constitutional Democratic party on the ground that it had prostituted itself to revolutionary Ideas. The police of St. Petersburg today cap tured a wooden model of a field gun which had been used for training a com pany of revolutionary artillery. The po lice also seised a factory which was en gaged In making shells and bombs, where a quantity of dynamite and pyro lene was captured. PEASANTS REVOLT IN CRIMEA Armed Conflict With Guards Causes Call for More Troops. FEODOSIA, Aug. 13.-Agrarian disor ders in the hill regions of the Crimea Q If . r 75c are Increasing In gravity. Many villages are affected. News was received here to day of several armed encounters with guards. In which many persons were wounded. Reinforcements of troops are being sent to the disturbed region. Court-Martlal Opens at Cronstadt. CRONSTADT. Aug. 13.-The trial by court-martial of the first group of the mutineers here, the sailors, was begun today. The. sappers will be tried later. The proceedings are behind closed doors, and even officers in rank, even to that of Colonel, are not admitted. Whole Rebel Meeting Arrested. DUBLIN, Aug. 13. A meeting of revo lutionists which was being held In a forest in this vicinity today was sur rounded by two companies of Cossacks and 200 of the attendants at the meeting were arrested. Including several agita tors. Train Wrecked by Rebels. NIZHNI. NOVGOROD. Aug. 13. Revo lutionists today wrecked a train on the Harmova Railway and killed two ser geants of police, after which they es caped. Seven Policemen "Removed." ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 13. Last night three policemen were murdered In St. Petersburg, one In Moscow and three In Kazan. PAYS WIFE FOR SILENCE Chicago Pedagogue Returns After Unexplained Absence of Tears. CHICAGO, Aug. 13. After an unex plained absence of 31 years. Professor Charles H. Frye, ex-superintendent of the Chicago Normal School, has returned home. One of his first acts on arrival at his home was to hand a roll of crisp $100 bills, totalling JS000. to his wife with the remark, "ask me no questions." Frye was 31 years old when he disap peared. Since that day no word had been received from him by his wife. He Is said to have made money in the Philip pines, where he resided for several years. "EK AMERICA FIRST." The Denver Rio Grande has resumed the operation of lis open-top and parlor observation cars through Colorado's famous scenery scenery not found else where in the world. AH reduced rates. Apply via this route. For whatever In formation you may desire call upon W. ft MciJnda. 124 Third iumu AFTERNOON SPECIALS-1 to 6 P. M. TODAY, Beautiful White Shirtwaists, Up to $2.75 at 98c NOW, LADIES, HERE'S A SALE OF SHIRTWAISTS THAT REALLY IS AN "IZZER" The waists are all fresh, new creations, products of master makers, chosen by expert buyers, and offered by Portland's most de pendable and reputable house. White lawns and exquisite dotted Swisses. Temptingly pretty, cool, fetching inviting to women of critical taste in dress. Styles that fasten at back or front, with regular length or elbow sleeves. Some have a yoke effect fashioned from handsome embroideries, and all are daintily trimmed with pretty laces, insertions and beautiful embroid eries. There are plenty for all who come during the afterno on, and positively the greatest season. Values to $2.75 from 1 to 6 P. M. only today at 1 to 6 P. M. Only BEAUTIFUL NATURAL PONGEE SILK 53 Cts. a Yard Best Regular 75c Values in Town Silk Salons Annex, First Floor. 2100 yards imported genuine Pongee, "natural color," 19 inches wide; regular 75c grade special only, yard...53 1 TO 6 P. M. 90c Toilet Waters 50c First Floor. Toilet Waters, all odors, our 90c value special from 1 P. M. at, the bottle 7 1 TO 6 P. M. Turkey Red Damask 59 c First Floor. Turkey Red Scotch Damask, of best quality and 58 wide; our 75c value special from 1 to 6 P. M. at, the yard , 1 TO 6 P. M. Children's 75c and $1 Lace Mitts 48c First Floor. Children's 8 and 12-button-length Silk Lace Mitts, in black and white; our ,75c and $1.00 values special from 1 to 6 P. M. at, the pair 48 1 TO 6 P. M. $1 Shirtwaist Extenders 73c Annex Second Floor. Shirtwaist Extenders of white lawn and dotted Swiss, 3 or 4 ruffles of lace or embroidery, beading and draw ribbon; regular value $1.00 special 73 DECISIONS AT RIO Pan-Americans Act on Natur alization Abuses. REPORT ON DRAGO'S IDEA Majority Propose to Let Hague Con ference Decide on Forcible Col lectionof Debts Will Reorganize Bureau. RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 13. At today's session of the International American Conference, the report on reorganization of the Bureau of American Republics was unanimously adopted, with the Peruvian amendment, declaring "that no maps be published, or authorized by the bureau without the approval of the bordering countries," which was sent to committee. The Ecuadorian amendment eliminating the American Secretary of State as pres ident of the bureau's governing board was defeated after a lively discussion. The convention adopted a declaration In favor of the conclusion of a convention embodying the principle that a natural ized citizen In one of the contracting coun tries wuo retains his residence In the country whence he was naturalized be considered to have renounced his natural ization In the said country; and the intent not to return shall be presumed to exist when the naturalized person resides for over two years In the country of his origin. An amendment would make the provisions of such naturalization treaty retroactive. A resolution recommending to the dif ferent republics the extension for a fur ther period of five years of the "treaty of arbitration for pecuniary claims," agreed upon at the Mexican conference, was adopted. The subcommittee report on the Drago doctrine, recommending merely that The Hague conference be requested to decide if the use of force for the collection of public debts is admissible, has been ac cented by four of the five committmmw. C 1 P. M. Women's $1.25 to $2.25 "Zimmerli" Vests at Half Price First Floor Choose from the famous high-grade "Zimmerli" Vests, in fine lisle, cut low neck and without sleeves, prettily trimmed reg. values ranging from $1.25 to $2.25, at HALF PRICE. 1 P. M. TO 6 P. M. Berry Sets for 28c Third Floor. German Blue Berry Sets of 7 pieces ; one berry bowl and six in dividual dishes. Special from 1 P. M. to 6 P. M. at, the set 2S to 6 50tf 1 P. M. TO 6 P. M. Men's 75c Underwear 59c First Floor. Men's Ribbed Balbriggan Underwear, medium weight; a good 75c value special from 1 to 6 P. M. at, the garment 59 1 TO 6 P. M. 35c Sterling Silver Brooches 23c Annex First Floor. A large assortment of pretty Sterling Silver Brooch Pins, very useful for pinning collars, waists, belts, etc.; all are well made, having best pins, catches and joints; come in French gray finish. Our 35c value special from 1 to 6 P. M., at, each 23 inches 59J r 1 P. M. Tourists' Millinery Salons Annex, Second Floor. Tourists' Caps, in all colors, large crowns and visors, suit able for beach or mountain wear; regular value $1.25 special, each 19 1 TO 6 P. M. $2. 75 Hammocks $1. 65 Fourth Floor. Close canvas weave Hammocks, long valance, concealed spread er, stationary pillow, assorted colors ; regular value $2.7.5 special j51.6o The fifth member, who, it Is rumored. Is an Argentine delegate, awaits Instructions before assenting to the report. ROOT HUGGED BY ORDONEZ President of Uruguay Publicly Em braces and Flatters Him. MONTEVIDEO, Aug. 13 After paying farewell visit to President Ordonez, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Archbishop of Uruguay, Secretary Root and family embarked on board an Argen tine gunboat and sailed this evening for Buenos Ayres, where the American Sec retary of State will be officially received at the landing at 11 . o'clock tomorrow morning. President Ordonez and his Ministers ac companied the party to the wharf, where. In the presence of an Immense assembly, the President embraced Mr. Root and In a brief speech assured him that Uruguay will ever preserve the liveliest recollec tions of his visit, which will not fall to cement the bonds of friendship between the peoples and governments of both re publics. The newspapers of Montevideo this aft ernoon devote leading articles to the ex pression of similar sentiments. leaving no room for doubt as to the good impression created by Mr. Root's speeches and ex pression. The medical faculty of the Paris Univer sity plans an international technological en cyclopedia. It In to be lsftued In 10 Ian- Thin Hair Yes! We had noticed that your hair was looking pretty thin, and that it lacked luster and life. But we didn't like to speak of it! Of course you know that Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair-grower, makes the hair soft and smooth, gives it life and strength. This isn't the kind of hair that falls out! And, too, it keeps the scalp so cleai and healthy. J. 3. Itbt Co. uu!,aiHv The store that sells great stocks the fastest is the one that can make prices the lowest. Such a store is OLDS, WORTMAN & KING'S. AUGUST 14 bargain offered this 98c TO 6 P. M. y TO 6 P. M. $1.25 Caps 19c cusses. Including "Esperanto," the world lAnRMnire. ofUOiWCai , JCOAT SHIRTS i"- naTe tne quality, appearance and ' wearing abilities of custom made j garments. White or color-fast fabrics. 3 On uid off like a coat. ! $1.50 and more if CLUETT, PEABODY A. CO. m lsrwti&kmotGollniid Shirt nhVfor& 1IVER PILLS SIGH HEADACHE Positively cured by theM Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Drtpepria, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain fa the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Cmall Pill. Small Doaj Small Price. y AA7 M r i s ..'. 'U-, j .-. .,Tvil Ions.