Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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Packers Take Up Question of
Practice Works Injustice ttf the
Whole Salmon Canning Indus
try Heavy Receipts of.
Fruit in Local Market.
SSAIjMOiN" Packers take up matter
of misbranding.
. WHEAT Market holds steady de
I spite slump in East.
i FRUIT Receipts largest of season,
f POTATOES Oregon Burbanks want-
ed In Alaska.
J EGOS Slow and weak.
I POULTRY Good receipts expected.
BUTTER Firmer feeling on Front
A. TT1I!........
Some of the salmon packers on . the Pacific
Coast have taken up the matter of the mis
branding of canned salmon, and their efforts
are being seconded by brokers and Jobbers in
the East. It is stated that the misbranding
Is the direct result of the wide use of buyers'
labels. To such a point has the practice gone
of labeling Inferior grades of salmon as of
higher quality that the Interests of packers
of thef better class of goods are held to be
seriously threatened, and to remedy the evil
a movement having for Its object the com
plete elimination ot private brands has been
Inaugurated. It Is further held that the con
tusion arising from the misbranding of salmon,
as to quality and place of packing is a serious
detriment to the Interest of the distributing
trade. The New York Journal of Commerce
quotes! a leading Jobber of that city on the
subject as follows:
The new National pure-food law is very
strict as to misbranding and buyers will have
to stop relabeling salmon that has been caught
end packed at other points "Columbia River
Chinook" or "Fancy sockeye," or misrepresent
ing in any way the contents of the can on
which their label is placed. Coast reports re
ceived by us state that already some of this
year's pack of Alaska red salmon has been
branded as sockeye. This sort of thing works
an Injustice to the whole salmon packing in
dustry. If a sonsumer buys as Inferior grade
of flan, under a label which claims It to be
tlrst-quallty Chinook, he Is very apt to stop
eating salmon on the assumption that there Is
nothing really good canned under that name.
Or. If he doesn't put salmon on his black list,
he will be Inclined to buy sparingly thereaf
ter for fear of being fooled again. To the mis
branding of Alaska salmon by the" vse of
Sockeye labels can be traced a good deal of
the weakness and! slow distribution of that
grade of fish In tall cans. In the English
markets, where the discrimination as to
texture and quality of the fish la not so pro
nounced as here. It has been the practice to'
relabel red Alaska talis. "Sockeye." and the
consequence is that genuine sockeye tails have
been carried over from year to year, and mar
ket prices have consequently ruled low.
The misbranding of salmon to my mind
Is much more of a trade loser than the pro
fusion of private labels, and the sooner we
can correct this abuse the better It will be
for the Jobber, as well as the packer.
Slump In East and Europe Has Not Yet
Affected This Market.
The slump In the Eastern and foreign wheat
markets had no apparent effect on the local
situation yesterday. Dealers continued to
quote new club wheat at 70 cents and aew
bluestem at 73 cents. They intimated that
these prices were too high, but they did notJ
reauce tneir Dlds. Buying was not reported
to be particularly active. Trading in spot
wheat Is very slow. There is some California
demand, but only about one firm here Is en
abled to secure freight space on the steam
ers. Discussing the crop damage In the North
west, a prominent exporter yesterday stated
that In his opinion the drouth and hot winds
would reduce the output of the three states
from 10,000.000 to 12.000,000 bushela below
last year's yield.
The weekly statistics of the Merchants' Ex
change show the American visible supply of
wheat as iollows:
July 30, 1908... i'S.SSl.OOO
July 51. 190S 13.304.tKlO
August 1, loo i;i.ov3,uoo
July '.'7, 1003 ...... 12.W50.000
July 28. 10O2 21.SIU.000
July 2, lOW 2O.2tH.O0O
July So, 1900 ....... 45.8;l0,O0O
July 31. 18t) S8.132.000
August .1, 1SD8... 0,093,000
Quantities on passage compare as follows:
n -n t; -i'
c 3 1 f-2 ?
FOR. 5 a J
Kn j 53
; ? ?
bu. 1 bu. I bu.
United Kingdom. 21.120,000 20,8O.OnO'20.1H0.000
Continent ...... 6.tSO.0O0 6,9tt0.0O0jl4.64O,00O
Total 28.000.000 27.760,000184,800.000
World's shipments of wheat, flour Included,
from the principal exporting countries follow:
?9$ . eo S"
C31 C 3 t - 3
from. ;i
; ; ? 7"
T, . u. I bu. I bu.
y. S., Canada... 1.709.OOO 1.B3S.00O fttt.OOO
Argentina 1,304.000 800.000 1,840.000
A,i,t.MV"' 1.224,000 1.912.000 720.000
Australia 88.000 160.000
Banublan ports. 328.000 72.0OO 40S OCO
Ru,,'a 8.000,000 1,600,000 2.968,000
Tt"1'1 6,.V,P00 B.4O8.000 6.960.000
ntiriT pocking rx.
Heavy Receipts From California and Local
There was a liberal stock of all kinds of
fruit on Front Btreet yesterday. The demand
was active, however, and the supply did not
prove excessive. Two cars of mixed fruit
from California were delivered in the morn
. Ing and two more cars reached the railroad
yards In the afternoon. Local shipments of
deciduous fruits were also very heavy. Two
cars of can ta loupes, one from Salt Lake and
one from Exeter, were put on sale, also two
fresh cars of watermelons. Oregon canta
loupes are arriving more freely, but are of
inferior quality and sell rrom $1.75 to $2.
The vegetable market Is well supplied with
all varieties. Tomatoes and egg plant are
especially plentiful.
Receipts of Poultry Larger Than Ciual on
There was no Improvement In the egg mar
ket yesterday. The demand was only moder
ate, and with more Eastern offered tor sale
the Oregons were slow to clean up.
Receipts of poultry were larger than la
usually the case on Monday, Indicating good
arrivals during the fore part of the week.
Prices were unchanged.
A firmer tone was noted In the Front street
butter market, where the best grades have
teen advanced to 22 cents. City creameries
report a better situation, as the supply of
cream is gradually decreasing.
Alaska Wants Oregon Potatoes.
There Is a growing demand tor Oregon Bur
bank, potatoes la Alaska. Jerry Cousins, of
Seattle, who was In town yesterday buying
new potatoes for shipment to Dawson, says the
Oregon product surpasses everything else in
that climate. Large stocks that bis firm
shipped to points Id the interior went through
the Winter in perfect condition, while "TaKl
mas and other varieties failed to hoi their
own. The miners of the far North, have come
to recognise Oregon potatoes as the best keep
ers and will accept no other kind.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearances Of the leading cities of
the Northwest yesterday were:
Portland X 9S0.M3
Seattle 1.180.7SO
Tacoma 094, 4K2
Spokane 773.4U3
Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc.
FLOUR Patents. S4.10 per barrel;
. straights, $3.45: clears. (3.2303-40; Valley.
$3.503.65; Dakota hard wheat, patents.
15.403.60; . clears, $4.23; granara, 13.50;
Whole wheat. S3.75; rye flour, local, S3;
Eastern, (5.40; cornmeai, per bale, .1.80
MILLSTUFF3 Bran, city, $17; country,
$18 per ton; middlings, $25.5026; shorts,
city. SIS: country. S19 per ton: cboD. U. s.
Mills, $17.50; linseed dairy food. $18: Acalfa
meal, $18 per ton.
WHEAT Club. 71c; bluestem, 73c; red, 680
Valley, 71c; new club, 70c; new bluesteml
73c: nevt Valley. 71c.
OATS No. 1 white feed. $30; gray, $20 per
BARLEY Feed. $23.50 per ton;; brewing,
$23.50: rolled. $2424.50.
RYE $1.50 per cwt.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90
pound sacks. $7: lower grade.. $5.506.75;
oatmeal, steel cut, 60-pound sacks, $3 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale: oat
meal (ground). 50-pound sse'es. $7.50 per
barrel; lu-pound sacks, $4 pttr bale; spilt
peas, $5 per 100-pound sacks: 23-pound
boxes, $1.40; pearl barley, $4.23 per 100
pounas; za-pouna boxes, $1.25 per box.
pastry flour. 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bals.
HAY Valley timothy. No. 1, $11012.50
per ton; clover. $8.509: cheat, $6.507;
grain bay, $7 8; alfalfa. $1L
Vegetables. Fruits. Etc.
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, $1.&02.25 per
box: apricots, $1.2591.35: cherries, 6ftl0o per
pound; currants. 96 10c; ugs. Diack, $2; grapes.
$1.75fs2 per box of 20 pounds; peaches. IbcG
i.iu; pears,; plums, $1.25; Lo
gan berries. $1.351.40 ner crate: rastxrriea.
$1.40 1.50; blackberries, 8c; gooseberries. So
yor puuna.
MELONS Centaloupes, $1.753 per crate;
watermelons, llc per pound.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons. $67.80 per
box; oranges, Mediterranean sweets, $4.50;
Valencies, $4.503; navels. $4.5004.75;
grapefruit. 4 64.50. pineapples. $3M Per
dozen; bananas. 5&5ic per pound.
cabbage. Ig2a per pound; celery, 85c$l"
per dozen; corn, 1520c per dozen; cu
cumbers. 4fttn:F.ftf r, An, - ft.M 7Ki
$1 per box; egg plant. 1045c- per
"uimi .lettuce. neaa, 25c per aozen;
onions, 1012Ho per dozen; peas. 4Jc,
ben peppers, 12iAi916c; radishes. 10"gl6c per
dozen; rhubarb, 202MiC per pound; spinach. 1
3c per pound; tomatoes, 30c$1.50 per box;
hothouse. $2.5O(i3.50; parsley, 25c; aquaeh.
$161.25 per crate.
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, 00c$l
per sack: carrots. $11.25 per sack; beets,
1.251.S0 per sack; garlic. 10l2Vio per
ONIONS New, Il4fflt4c per pound.
POTATOES Old Burbanks. nominal; new
potatoes, 75e$?l 25.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, 14c pound; apri
cots. 1519Hc; peaches, 12"4eiac; pears,
HH14c; Italian prunes. 5V48c: California
tigs, white. In sacks. 56ttc per pound,
black. 4 5c; bricks. 12914-ounce packages,
75S5c per box; Smyrna, 20c per pound.
dates, Persian, G8V&c per pound.
RAISINS Seeded. 12-ounve packages. 89
Bttc; 10-ounce, 9Vs10c; loose muscatels,
-crown, 6tt7c; 3-crown. 67c; 4
crown, 77Hc; unbleached, seedless Sul
tanas, 67c; Thompson's fancy bleached, 10
6llc; London layers, 8-crown. wnole boxes
of 20 pounds. $2; 2-crown. $1.73.
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, ETc.
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery 202!4c per pound. State creameries:
Fancy creamery, 20j22tsc; store butter, 1-4
EGGS Oregon rancb, 21o per dozen; East
ern. 20621c
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 139
13c: Young America, 14tin4c.
POULTRY Average old hens. 13?14c-,
mixed chickens. 13'13c: Springs, 16W17c;
roosters, 04 10c: dressed chickens. Hrgl5e;
turkeys .live. lfi17c: turkev. dressed, phnlr.
20fi22t$c; geese, live, per pound. 8(9c; ducks,
11612Vjc; pigeons. $11.50: squabs, $203-
Hops, Wool. Hides, Etc.
HOPS Oregon. 1905, nominal, 11312c; olds
nominal, 9ftc: 1906 contracts, 12 "Aw 10c per
WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 169
20c per pound, according to shrinkage; Val
ley. 201f22c. according to fineness.
MOHAIR Choice. 28930c per pound.
HIDES Dry: No. 1, 18 pounds snd up.
per pound. 1820c; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 13
pounds. lSffi21c per pound; dry salted bull
and stags, one-third less than dry flint;
culls, moth-eaten, badly cut. scored, mur
rain, hair-slipped, weatherbeaten or grubby.
2c to 3o pr- pound lesa. Balled hides:
Steers, sound. 60 pounds and over, per
pound, 10911c; steers, sound, 50 to 60
pounds. IO9U0 per pound; steers, sound,
under SO pounds, and cows. 991O0 per
pound; stags and bulls, sound, 7c per pound,
kip. sound, 15 to 30 pounds, 10c per pound;
veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds. 11c per pound;
calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 11912c per
pound; green (unsalted), lc per pound less;
veals, lc per pound less. Sneepsklns: Shear
lings, No. 1 butchers' stock, each, 23930c;
short wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, each, 509
60c; medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock,
each. $1.2592; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20
per cent less, or 15916c per pound. Horse
hides: Salted, each, according to size. $1.50
92.50; dry. each, according to size, $191.50;
colts' hides, each. 25950c. Goatskins: Com
mon, each, 15925c, Angora, wltn wool on.
each, 80c$1.60.
FURS No. 1 skins: Bearskins, as to size,
each. $5920; cubs, each, $193; badger,
prime, each. 2550c; cat. wild, with head
perfect. 30 50c: house cat. 520e; fox.
common gray, large prime, each. 50 9 70c;
red. each, $3 95. cross, each. $5915 silver
and blai k, each. $100 9 300; fishers each.
$3S; lynx. each. $4.50 96; mink, strictly
No. 1, each, according to size. $193; mar
ten, dark Northern, according to size and
color, each, $10915: pale pine, according to
size and color, each. $2.5094; muskrat.
large, eacn, 12915c; skunk, each, 40960c:
civet or pole cat, each, 6913c; otter, large,
prime skin. each. $6 910; pantner with head
and claws perfect, each. $293; raccoon,
prime large, each. 50 9 75c; mountain wolf
with head perfect, each. $3.5093; prairie
(coyote). 60c$l; wolverine, each $698
beaver. per skin, large. $596: medium. 13a
T: small. $191.50; kits. 50 75c.
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure ""a
S3c per pound. w
TALLOW Prime, per pound. eau0- No
Z and grease, 293c wno, Jio.
CASCARA 8AGRADA (ehlttam bark)
New. 292 ije per pound; 1904 and 1903. So In
small lots. S94c in carlots. IU
GRAIN BAGS 1091036c apiece.
Groceries, Nats, Etc.
RICE Imperial Japan No. I. Siic; South
em Japan. 5.40c; head. 6.75c.
COFFEE Mocha. 2632Sc; Java, ordinary
18922c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18920c; good.
16918c; ordinary. 19922c per pound- Co
lumbia roast, cases. 100s. $14.75; 504. $1473
Arbuckle, $16.75: Lion. $13.23. "'
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails.
$1.73 per dozen: 2-pound tails. $2.40. 1-pound
flats. $1.10: Alaska pink. 1-pound talis 90c
red. 1-pound talis. $1.23; sockeye. 1-pound
SUGAR Sack basts. 100 pounds: Cube
$3.40; powdered. $3.13; dry granulated!
$55; extra C. $4.60; golden C, $4.45; fruit
sugar. $5 05. Advances over sack basis as
follows: Barrels, 10c; -barrels. 23c. boxes
500 per 100 pounds. Terms: On remittances
within 13 days deduct 14c per pound; If later
than 13 days and within 30 days, deduct Uc.
Sugar, granulated. $4.85 per 10o pounds;
maple sugar, 1591Sc per pound.
NUTS Walnuts. 15 4 c per pound by sack
tc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuta!
16c; filberts. 16c; pecans. Jumbos. 16c; extra
large. 17o; almonds. 14H915c, chestnuts.
Italian. 12H916c; Ohio. 20c; peanuts, raw.
THe per pound; roasted, 9c; plnenuts 109
12c; hlctory nuts, 7HSc; cocoanuta. 359
90c per dosen.
SALT California dairy. .$11 per ton: Imi
tation Liverpool, $12 per ton; halt-ground
100s, $9: 60s, $9.50, lump Liverpool, $17.30.
BEANS Small white. 414 c; large white
4Hc: pink. 2c; bayou, c; Lima. 514c:
Mexican red. 4 He.
Provisions and Canned Meats.
BACON Fancy breakfast. 20c per pound;
standard breakfast. 18c; choice. 17c; English,
11 to 14 pounds. 16c; peaca. 15c
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 164.0 per pound;
14 to 16 pounds, 16c; 18 to 20 pounds. 16c;
California (picnic). 13c; cottage, none;
shoulders, 12c; boiled, 23c; boiled picnic
boneless. 20c
PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrels. $11:
H-barrel. $11; beet, barrels, $11; H -barrels.
EAUSAGE Ham. 13e per pound; minced
ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17Hc; bo
logna, long. 7c; welnerwurst. 10c; liver. 6e;
pork. 9yl0c; headcheese, 6c;. blood. c;
bologna sausage, link. 4lc.
DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears.
dry salt, 12c; smoked. 13c; clear backs, dry
salt. 12c: smoked, 13c; clear bellies, 14 to 17
pounds, average, dry salt, 14c; smoked, 15c;
Oregon exports. 20 to 25 pounds average, dry
salt, I2V,c; smoked, 134c; Union bellies, 10
to 18 pounds average, none.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces
llc: tubs. 1144c: 60s. 1144c; 20s. 12c;
10s. 1254c: 5s, 12 A, c Standard pure: Tierces,
lOHo; tubs. 10 c; 50s. 104jc; 20s, 11c;
10s. ll!4c; 5s. 11 He. Compound: Tierces.
TAc: tubs. 7 Sic; 80s, 7c: 10s. 8S4c; 6s. 854c.
TURPENTINE Cases, Sic per gallon.
COAL Casaa, 19c per gallon; tanks. 12 tie
par gallon.
GASOLINE Stove, cases. 24J4e; 72 test,
2754c: 88 test. 35c: Iron tanks. 19c
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 74c; 500-pound
lots. 8c; less than 500-pound lots. 854c (in
23-pound tin palls, lc abova keg price; 1 to
5-pound tin pails, lc abovs keg price; 1 w
5-pound tin cans, 100 pounds per case, 254s
per pound above keg price.)
LINSEED Raw, in barrels, 47c: in eases.
B3c: boiled. In barrels, 30c; In cases. 65c:
25-gallon lots, lo less.
Dressed Meats,
VEAI. Dressed, 73 to 125 pounds. TI4Sc;
125 to 50 pounds, 7c; 150 to 200 pounds. 60;
200 pounds and up. 5 54 96c.
BEEF Dressed bulls, 3c per pound; cows,
454 9554c; country steers, 596c.
MUTTON Dressed fancy. TSe per
pound; ordinary, 596c; lambs, fancy, 89
PORK Dressed. 100 to 180 pounds. 8t9c:
150 to 200 .pounds, 75468c; 200 pounds and
up. 7754c.'
Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep snd
The following livestock prices were quoted
In the local markets yesterday:
CATTLE Best steers. $3. 50 '53.65; medium.
$3$j3.25; cows, $2.25g2.50; second-grade cows,
$1.5092: bulls. $1.302; calves, $494.50.
SHEEP Best sheared. $4: lambs. $5.
HOGS Best, $7.25a7.35; light. $6.7597.
Prices Current at Kansas City. Chicago and
CHICAGO, July 30. Cattle Receipts 32,
000; market, best steady, others lOo lower.
Beeves. $3.75 9 6-40; stockers and feeders,
$2.50 9 4.25: cows and heifers, $1.2593.30;
calves, $5 97.
Hogs Receipts 48.000; market weak to
10c lower. ' Mixed and butchers, $6.30 9 6.70;
good to choice heavy, $6.33 9 6-70; rough
heavy, $696.30; light. $6.35 9 6.70; pigs.
$5.656.60; bulk of sales. $6.4596.65.
Sheep Receipts 20,000; market steady.
Sheep, $2.90 9 3.35; Iambs. $4.75 9 7.75.
SOUTH OMAHA, July 30. Cattle Receipts,
9000; - market, generally lOc lower. Native
steers, $4. 25 0.75; cows and heifers, $34.25;
Western steers, $3.605.10; stockers and feed
ers, $2.754; calves, $35.50. .
Hogs Receipts. 6500; market, 10c lower.
Heavy, $6.2596.40; mixed. $6.3096.45; light.
$6.3596.30; pigs, $3.3096.23.
Sheep Receipts, 9000; market, steady.
Yearlings, $5.255.75; wethers, $4.505.G0;
ewes, $494.65; lambs, $6.2597.25..
KANSAS CITY. July 30. Cattle Receipts,
1100; market, steady to 10c lower. Native
steers, $3.9096.10; native cows and heifers.
$295.50; stockers and Seeders. $2.2594.30;
Western cows, $2.609 4.25; Western steers,
$3.503.80: bulls, $2.2594; calves, $2.5095.25.
Hogs Receipts, 7000: market, 5 to 10c lower.
Bulk of sales, $6.4596.5254; heavy, $4,609
6.4714: packers, $6.4596.5254; pigs and lights,
Sheep Receipts, 6000; market, steady.
Muttons, $4.2593.50; lambs, $5.507.50; range
wethers. $4.3595.73; few ewes, $495.
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 30. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
...$ .01 Justice $ .04
Alpha Con. ...
Kentucky Con.. .01
Andes ........
Best A Belcher
Caledonia ....
Mexican 68
Occidental Con. .75
Oohir 3.50
.09 .
Overman . . .09
Potosl 11
Savage .64
Scorpion 07
Challenge Con.
Confidence . . .
Con. Cal. A V.
Crown Point..
Seg. Belcher. . . .03
Sierra Nevada. .20
Silver Hill .81
Union Con..... .19
Utah Con .03
Exchequer .
(.oui d as curry '
riaie & Nor
Yellow Jacket. .07
NEW YORK, July 30. Closing quotations:
Adams Con....$ .20
Alice 2.2S
Breece 25
Brunswick C. .30
Comstock Tun. .13
Con. Cal. A V. .81
Horn Silver. . . 2.00
Iron Sliver. . . . 5.00
Leadville Con. .03
Little Chief $ .05
Ontario 2.50
Ophir , 8.40
Phoenix 02
Potosl n
Savage 64
Sierra Nevada. .18
Small Hones .20 -
IStandard 1.90
30. Closing quotations:
.00 Mont. C. A C.$ 2.25
Adventure ..$ (
Alloues .... 33.
ju irs. jriutte. 89.50
1254'OId Dominion 39.37
Amalgamatd 100.
Atlantic .... 14
Osceola . . .
Bingham ... 30.
Parrot . . .
Quincy . .
Shannon .
9.37 54
100.00 .
cal. & Hecla 600.
Centennial .. 22.
Cop. Range. 73.
Daly West.. 16.
Trinity . . .
Franklin .... 17
37 54
United Cop..
U. S. Mining.
Granbv 11
Isle Royale. 20.
U. S. Oil 108.00
Oreene Con . 22.
Mass. Mining 7.
75 IVIctorla ..
75 IWinona . .
75 Iwolverlne
Michigan .... 12.
Mohawk .... 61.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. July 30. Spot tin advanced
15s to 171 In the London market, and future
were 1 ISs higher, at 171 10s. Locally the
market was qrfiet but higher in consequence,
with spot quoted at 37.2093T.50c. Some deal
ers are said to be asking 37.75c, but this quo
tation was regarded as more or leas nom
inal. Copper also was higher In the London mar
ket, with spot quoted) at S3 5s and futures
at 82 6s. Locally the market was steady;
Lake, 18.60918.75c; electrolytic, 18.25918.60.
and casting, 1818.25c
Lead was unchanged at 6.75c In the local
market and 16 15s In London.
Spelter was 5s higher, at 26 15s in London.
Locally the market was unchanged, at 5.939
Iron was unchanged to 3d higher In the Eng
lish market. Standard foundry, 60s lOd and
Cleveland warrants at 51s 454d. Locally the
market was unchanged.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NT3W YORK, July SO. The market for evap
orated apples is unchanged on spot, with
prime quoted at 1191154c: choice, 1154lHlc
and fancy, 12c
Prunes are firm on spot, owing to light
supplies. California 70s to 40s range from 756a
to 80 and Oregon 40s to 20s from 7o to
854c ' '
Apricots are nominally unchanged, with
fancy quoted at 1594 c
Peaches ars held above buyers' orders, but
holders are firm. Choice, 10 911c; extra
choice. 115491154c: fancy, 1194912c; extra
fancy. 1291254c.
Raisins are moving alowly, but there Is no
pressure to sell, and prices are firm. Loose
muscatels, 63497c; eeeded raisins, 69$o and
London layera nominal.
Dairy Produce In the East.
CHICAGO, July 30. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady;
creameries, 16920c: dairies. 1391854c Eggs,
firm at mark, cases Included, 12915c; firsts,
16c; prime firsts, 1654c; extras, 1854c Cheese,
firm. 11912c.
NEW YORK, July 30. Butter, firm; street
prices, extra creamery, . 2192154c; official
prices, common to extra, 1654921c; renovated,
common to extra. 1354919c: Western factory,
common to extra, 13917c:. Western Imitation
creamery, extra, 1754c; firsts, 1654917c
Cheese, steady; state full ere arm. large
fancy. 1154c: do. fair to good. 1191154c: do.
small fancy. 1154c: do. --fair to good, 10549
11c; do. Inferior, 9910c
Eggs, steady to firm; state, Pennsylvania
and near-by fancy, selected white. 24925c;
do choice, 22928c; do, mixed extra. 22923c;
Western firsts, 1891854c; do, seconds, 16549
1754c. '
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. July 30. Cotton futures
opened steady and 193 points lower, and
closed steady at a net advance of 1 to 4
points; July. .80c; August. 9.91c; September.
10.07c: October, 10.21c; November, 10.23c; De
cember. 10.32c; January, 10.37c; February
10.40c; March. 10.49c.
Elgin Butter Market Higher.
ELGIN, July 30. Butter advanced 154 cents
a pound today, selling at 2154c Output for
che week. 892,000 pounds.
Profit-Taking on the Late Ad'
vance in Stocks.
Southern Pacific Reaches the High
est Point on the Present Move
ment Slump in Consolidated
Gas Causes Disturbance. '
NEW YORK, July 80. The speculative
movement for a rise in stocks encountered
some difficulties today in the amount of
stock for sale to realize profits, which are
made attractive by the considerable advances
achieved . last week. The accumulation of
buying orders over a week-end is always
watched for by speculative holders to afford
a market tor absorbing profit-taking sales.
The manner in which these are absorbed is
regarded as an Important index of the tone
of the market. The buying orders on hand
this . morning from outside sources were not
of Imposing proportions, according to the
complaints of commission houses. The supply
Ins of stocks was dons with care and the
market was taken care of by skillful handling,
so that small Impression was made . upon
There were influential advances in special
stocks at the same time, which served as
a sustaining effect on the general list. The
renewed advance In Southern Paclflo to the
highest point on the movement was a nota
ble example. The disturbing effect of the
evidence of profit-taking was much aggra
vated by . a slump in Consolidated Gas when
the official announcement was made that the
Brooklyn Union Gas' management had deter
mined to suspend the payment of dividends
until further notice. The possible bad effect
upon securities ot the measures and agitation
directed against corporations has been much
in the mind of the market operators up to
the recent rise in stocks, since which time
It has been relegated to the background.
Continued assertions of an early dividend
tor Southern Pacific and the strong ' showing
expected of the United States Steel quarterly
statement of net earnings to be published
tomorrow were elements in the strength of
these stocks. The market did not throw off
the ill effects of the gas dividend passing.
although there was come rally, but the clos
ing was Irregular.
. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value.
United States 2s advanced . the 3s cou
pon and the old 4s 54 per cent on call.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Adams Express 245
Amal. copper... 70.TOO 101 iw
Am. Car & Fdy. 1,800 37 37 54 37 54
ao prelerred. . 300 10054 10054 1(H)
Am. Cotton Oil. 4,700 3354 3154 .32
do preferred ..... '91
Am. Express 225
Am H. A L. Of a. 2.90U 3054 2954 29 54
American Ice... 3,200 64 54 6354 63
Am. Linseed Oil 20
do preferred.. 200 42 54 42 41ii
Am. Locomotive 6.800 72 54 71 7154
do preferred 113
Am. Smt. A Ref. 30.900 13354 15154 15154
do preferred.. 300 1184 118 116
Am. Sugar Ref. 12,800 13854 137 137
Am. To., pf. cer. 10054
Ana. Mininx Co. 33.100 254 24944 251
Atchison 19,900 92 54 0154 9144
ao preferred.. loo 10054 100 4 100
Atlantic C. L. . . 2,000 141 13954 IMH
Baltimore A O. . 26.300 12144' 119. 12054
uo prexerrea wift
Brk. Rap. Tran. 45,800 78S4 76 7754
Can. Pacific 4,800 16554 16454 16454
Central of N. J 223
Central Leather 7,200 4054 3954 39 54
do preferred. 100 10144 10154 1154
Ches. A Ohio... 1.800 58 574t 57 44
C. Gt. Western. 400 1854 18 18
C. A Northwest. 300 202 54 202 198
C. M. & St. P.. 16.100 18144 179!4 179T4
C Ter. & Trans. ' 13
do preferred 28
C, C. C. & S. L. 1.400 9554 9454 9554
Colo. Fuel A I.. 18,300 54 5354 6354
Colo. & So 1,600 35 54 34 54 84 74
Oo 1st pref . . . 200 70 69 69
do 2d pref 8O0 51 50 5054
Consolid't'd Gas 16.000 139 132 54 133
Corn Products.. 400 20 20 54 20
do preferred.. 300 79 78 54 78
Del. & Hudson.. 1,300 22254 219 218
Del.. L. A W. 645
D. A R. Grsnde. 1,600 44 43 43
do preferred 85
Dls. Securities.. 4,200 6054 59 59
Erie 22,600 4354 424 4254
do 1st pref. . . 400 79 78 78 54
do 2d pref 100 70 70 70
General Electric 100 168 166 165
Gt. Nor. pfd... S.700 29754 295 294 54
Hocking Valley 125
Illinois Central. 600 179 177 177 54
Int. Met 1.800 38 54 37 54 37
do Dreferred.. 700 77 54 77 77
Intern' 1. Paper.. 800 19 19 54 19 54
do preferred.. 83
intern i. Pump.. . 200 46 48 46
do preferred.. 100 8554 85 54 84
Iowa Central.... 200 28 26 26
do preferred.. 100 51 51 50 54
Kas. City 80 200 23 H 23 54 25
do preferred. . 700. 5454 63 53
Louis. A Nash.. 4.500 144 142 142 54
Mexican Central 2,000 21 20 20
Minn. & St. L. .. 100 64 ' 64 64
M, S P & S S M. 500 153 133 153
do preferred.. 100 170 170 167
Missouri Paclflo 1,500 94 54 93 54 93
Mo., Kas. A T.. 1.100 34 - 33 54 83
do preferred.. 500 6854 67 67
National Lead.. 12.400 8054 79 79
N. R. R. M. pfd. 39 54
N. Y. Central.. 7.000 137 136 136
N. Y-, O. & W. . 2.300 4854 4754 47
Norfolk ft West. 7.000 9054 8954 89
do preferred 91 54
N. American.... 100 9554 9554 94
Nor. Pacific... 3,800 203 54 203 203
Pacific Mail 1,500 36 34 34
Pennsylvania .. 21.300 130 12954 12954
People's Gas... 2.100 93 S2 9254
P.. C. C. A St. L. 78
Press steel Car 8,200 50 49t 4954
do preferred.. 200 99 '99 54 99 54
Pull. PaL Car.. 200 230 230 225
Reading 9.900 132 129 13054
do 1st pref eo
do 2d pref 90
Republic Steel.. 400 2954 29 28
do preferred.. 400 9954 98 98
Rock Island Co. 18,700 25 24 2554
do preferred.. 4.300 G4 62 63
8 L A S F 2d pf. 43
S. L. Southwest. 200 22 22 22
do preferred.. 200 63 B2 52
Schloss Sheffield 300 75 54 75 74
So. Pacific 84,800 73 7254 72
do preferred.. 300 117 11754 117
So. Railway 4,300 36 35 36
do preferred.. 400 9S54 98 54 98
Tenn. C. A I..T 2O0 155 155 154 54
Texas A Pacific 1,300 33 8254 32
T-, St. L. & W 27 54
do preferred.'. 200 47 4754 47
Union Pacific... 84,800 161 149 150
do preferred.. ...... 94
TJ. S. Express 123
TJ. S. Realty 77
U. S. Rubber;... 1,200 44 43 54 43
do" preferred. . 100 106 106 107
TJ. S. Steel 62.800 39 38 89
do preferred.. 14.400 10754 100 106
Vlr.-Car. . Chem. 2,400 37 86 36
do preferred.. 107 54
Wabash 200 20 19 19
do preferred.. 600 48 47 47
Wells-Fargo Ex. 285
Westlnghouse E. 200 152 151 150
Western Union. 200 92 92 91
Wheel. A L. E. . 100 18 18 1854
Wis. Central 300 25 24 . 25 54
do preferred.. 100 47 47 47
NEW YORK. July 30. Closing quotations:
TJ. 8. ref. 2s reg.l04'D. A R. G. 4s... 98
do coupon 104 'N. Y. C. G. 3s. 95
V. 8. 3s reg 103lNor. Pacific 3s.. 7654
do coupon 104 'Nor. Pacific 4s.. 103
U. 8. new 4s reg.129 So. Pacific 4s... 91
do coupon 130 Union Pacific 4s. 103
U. S. old 4S reg.l03IWls. Central 4s.. 90
do coupon 108 I Jap. 6s. 2d ser.. 99 54
Atchison Adj. 4s 94 I Jap. 4 54 s. cer... 94
Stocks at London.
LONDON, July 30. Consols for money,
87 9-16: consols for account, 87.
Anaconda ...... 13
Atchison 94
do preferred. .103 54
Baltimore A 0..125
Can. Pacific 170
Ches. A Ohio. . . 60
C. Gt. Western. 18
C, M. ft St. P.. 18654
De Beers 17
D. A B, Grande. 44
do preferred . . 88
Erie 44
do 1st pref. . . 81
.do 2d pref 73
Illinois Central. 182
Louis A Nash.. 147
Norfolk A West. 93
do preferred... 94
Ontario ft West. 49
Pennsylvania ... 67
Rand Mines. 6
Reading 67
do 1st pref. ... 46
do 2d pref. ... 45
So. Railway ..... 37 54
do preferred.. .102
So. Pacific 75
Lnlon Pacific l.i
do preferred... 97 M
V. 8. Steel 40
do preferred. ..110
Wabash. , 20
Mo.. Kas. ft T. . 34l do preferred... 49
N. Y. Central... 141 (Spanish Fours... 92
Money. Exchange. Etc
NEW YORK. July 80 Money on call. easy.
292 per cent; ruling rate. 2 92 54 per cent;
closing bid. 2 per cent: offered at 2 per
cent; time loans dull and steady; 60 days, 3
per cent; 90 days. 494 per cent: six
months. 5 per cent. Prime mercantile pa
per 69S per cent.
Sterling exchange firm at $4.848094.8495 for
demand and at $4.8294.8203 for 60-day bills.
Posted rates. $4.825494.8554- Commercial bills.
Bar silver. 64c.
Mexican dollars. 5054c
Government bosde strong; railroad bonds
LONDON. July 30. Bar silver, steady, 30d
per ounce. Money, 293 per cent. Discount
rate, short bills. 2 per cent; three months'
bills. 3 1-1693 per cent,
SAN FRANCISCO. July 80. Silver bars,
64 c Mexican dollars, 52c. Sight drafts,
2 54c; telegraph drafts, 5c. Sterling on Lon
don, 60 days, $4.82; sight, $4.83.
Visible) Snpply of Grain.
NEW .YORK, July 30. The visible supply
of grain as compiled by the New York Produce
exchange Saturday, July 28, was as follows:
Bushels. Decrease.
Wheat ....28,381,000 2.4M6.000
Corn 6.215,000 652,000
Oats 5.043,000 308,000
Rye 1.WM.0O0 27,000
Barley l,09o,0u 39,Ouo
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON; July 30. Today's state
ment of the Treasury balances In the general
fund shows:
Available cash balance $170,510,887
Gold coin and bullion lO3,7-'l,O05
Gold) certificates 34,331,200
Prices Paid tor Products in the Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO. July SO. The following
prices were quoted In the produce market
FRUITS Apples, choice, $1.26; commori,
80c; bananas. $1.5022; Mexican limes, $69
6.50; California lemons, choice, $4.23; com
mon, $2.50; oranges, navels, $1.7594; pineap
ples, $1.6094.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers, $4.25; garlic,
29354c; green peas, 75c9$1.25; string beans.
39oc; asparagus, nominal; tomatoes, 25940c;
egg plant, 50975c
ECJGS Store, 22c; fancy ranch, 2414c
POTATOES Early Rose. 7080c; River
Burbanks, 75995c; Salinas Burbanks, $1,409
1.60; Oregon Burbanks. 90c91.10.
POULTRY Roosters, old. $697.60; do
young, $396; broilers, small, nominal; broil
ers, large, $292.50; fryers, $393.50; hens.
BUTTETt Fancy rceamery, 23c; creamery
seconds, 10c; fancy dairy. 20c; dairy seconds,
1854c; pickled. 17917c. 1
CHEESE Young America, 13c: Eastern,
1654c: Western, 15c.
WOOL Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 16
918c; mountain, 9911c; South Plains and San
Joaquin, 9911c.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $20921.50; mid
dlings, 26g28.50.
HAY Wheat, $12.50918: ' wheat and oats,
12.50915: barley, nominal; alfalfa, $7911;
stock. $798: straw, 80950c per bale.
RECEIPTS Flour, 2427 quarter sacks:
wheat, 1392 centals; barley, 6670 centals; oats,
1030 centals; beans,- 100 sacks: potatoes, 3760
sacks; bran, 3637 sacks; middlings, 185 sacks;
bay, 1056 tons; hides, 252.
, Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. July 30. Wool Steady: medium
grades, combing and clothing, 23928c; light
fine. 18922c; heavy fine, 14917c; tub washed,
8293854c. ,
Hops at London.
LIVERPOOL, July 30. Hops at London. Pa
cific coast, firm, 3 10s94.
Marriage Licenses.
LIBERTY-STOUT Medrlck Liberty, 80;
Olive Stout. 21.
MYERS-MURPHY Arthur Myers, 12654
Russell street, 29; Emma Fattlmore Murphy,
Building Permits.
W. S. MACRUM Dwelling, East Twenty-
third street, between East Davis and East
Couch. $1900.
S. C. CATCHING Dwelling on Willamette
boulevard, between Orient and Milton streets,
B. JACKSON Dwelling, Clinton street, be
tween East Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-
ninth. $1850.
H. J. T0NSING Dwelling. 98 Morris street.
W. H. UPTON Dwelling, East First street.
between Holladay and Pacific, $1975.
FRANK LUDESHER Dwelling on First be
tween MadlBon and Jefferson, $250.
change. Park street, between Burnslde and
Pine, $15,000.
J. T. MEYERS Dwelling in Sell wood on
Lexington street, between Ninth and Tenth,
JOSEPH CLOSSET Shed on Gllsan street.
between Eleventh and Twelfth, $150.
JOHN SULLIVAN Dwelling on East Ninth.
between East Everett and East Flandero,
PANY Telephone exchanges at North Alblna,
Killlngsworth street, between Michigan and
Missouri; at northeast corner East Fifteenth
and Holgate streets; at Sellwood, on Pretty-
man street, southeast corner Fairmoun $15,000
A. G. - BACHRODT Dwelling on Fargo
street, between Vancouver and Gantenbeln,
A. L. SBAGHER Dwelling on Marshall
street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth,
CHARAMONTI Barn on East Fifteenth.
between Brooklyn and Tibbitts, $400.
Repair store on Third street, between Flan
ders and ' Glisan, $50.
JOHN SHERLOCK Barn on North Eight
eenth street, between Overton and Petty
grove, $200.
KIRK HOOVER Repairing dwelling on
Grover street, between Macadam and Hood.
pairing? scales on Front, between Hall and
Harrison, $300.
ton street, between Ninth and Tenth, $1975.
COLE: Dwelling on Schuyler street, be
tween Union and Third, $1975.
GEORUB O. DUKKJE Dwe line-. Willamette
Heights, Thurman street, between Thlrty-seo-
uou ana x niny-mira, suu.
C. FRASBARG Dwellins on Dunont itrut
between Benton and Ross, $1975.
J. J. S BATON Barn in Carrlngton addi
tion, on Front street, between Lincoln and
Hall, $2000.
FRANCIS BOKORNY Dwelling on Corbett
street in Bingham's addition, $900.
Beat Estate Transfers.
Daniel J. Wilson to John H. Wilson
and Mary C. Wilson, lot 1. block
193, Portland $ 1,000
George Schneider and wife to Edward
A. Dueber, north 40 feet of lot 8,
block 36, Central Alblna, Portland. 1,200
H. L. Rogers and wife to Lawrence
Koppy. lots 1 and 2. block 9, Cole's
Addition to East Portland 1,175
Security Savings & Trust Co., trustee,
to Clara M. Colllnson, lot 11 and
south half lot 12. block 6. Irvlngton,
Portland 1,150
W. M. Smith and wife to W. R. Hol
Uster, east half of lots 18 and 17,
block 7, Williams-Avenue Addition,
Portland 2,000
William Sheehy and wife to Frances
Pasold, lots 1 and 2, block 3. in
Elisabeth Irving's Addition to East
Portland 3.350
Lewis Goldsmith to George B. Story,
lot 9. block 12, Goldsmith's Addition
to Portland 2,300
James W. Nichols and wife to Andrew
Seaverson, lots - 3, 4. 21 and 23,
blook 3, Normandale 1,400
George W. Dobson and wife toW. A.
Benedict, lots 6 and 7. block 23,
North Alblna, Portland 1,600
John H. Wilson and wife to Daniel
J. Wilson, lot 2. block 193. Portland 1.000
Catherine O'Farrell et al. to Robert
H. Wallace, east half lot 8. block
49, Couch's Addition, Portland 17,000
M. G. Thorsen and wife to C. E.
Wheeler, lot 8. block 256, Holladay's
Addition to East Portland 4,450
H. N. Lacy and wife to Lester T.
Peery and John F. Wilson, lots 3,
4 and 5, block 41, Piedmont, Port
land , 1,700
George H. Johnson et al. to Ida Paul
son, lot 17, block 11, Williams
Avenue Addition. Portland 8.150
Total, including minor transfers. . .$48,292
Established 1893
Bought and sold lor cash and on margin. -
Private Wires ROOM 4, CHAMBER OP COMMERCE Phone Main 37
First and Alder Streets to
temporary offices
Building. Phone Main 975
Chicago Wheat Market Weak
the Entire Season.
Receipts Are Over 200 Cars in Ex
cess of the Amount Estimated.
Foreign News Favorable
to Bears.
CHICAGO, July SO. The wheat market was
weak all day. At the start sentiment was
Influenced by liberal receipts at Chicago, the
total arrivals today being more than 200 cars
in excess of the amount that had been es
timated on Saturday. This heavy movement
Induced free selling by cash sales of large
quantities of wheat by several of the lead
ing bulls. News In general was favorable to
the bears. Foreign advices stated that weath
er conditions In France and the United King
dom were favorable to harvest operations and
reports from Russia were less pessimistic. An
Increase of 2,486,000 bushels in the visible sup
ply gave additional encouragement to the
bears. Extremely liberal receipts of wheat at
all primary points in the United States, how
ever, formed the main basis of weakness.
Total arrivals today were 2.176.000 bushels,
compared with 1,646.000 busheles ths corre
sponding day one year ago. 'During the day
there was little buying ot an influential char
acter, the greater part 'of the offerings be
ing taken by shorts. New low record marks
for the season were reached today as a re
sult of ths heavy selling. The market closed
weak. September opened to o lower at
75V4 to 75c sold off to 74so and closed
IK to 10 lower at 7474c
Because of considerable rain throughout the
corn belt since Saturday, sentiment In the
corn pit was bearish early in the day. For
a time there was a general selling move
ment, which resulted in moderate declines.
Later, however, the market became firm, on
buying brought 'on by reports of damage to
the crop In Illinois. The market closed firm.
September opened Ko to c lower at 50 to
50c, sold off to 49c and then advanced to
51c. The close was c higher at 50c
Weakness of wheat and corn caused a
slight decline In the price of oats early In
the day. September opened K to c lower
at- 32 to 32c. sold between 31cand 32Uc
and closed down Kc at Z2Kc
Provisions displayed considerable weakness
because of a 10c decline In the price of live
hogs. A local packer was a free seller of
both lard and ribs. The principal demand
earns from shorts. At the cloee, September
pork, was off 7c:' lard was down 10c and
ribs were 10c lower.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
July $ .74 $ .74 H $ .73 $ .73 44,
Sept. 75 .7S 44 .74 4, .74
Deo. 78 .78(4 .77 .774,
July 50 .51
.50 .51
.49-?i .50
.47 .48
sept DDt ,oi
May 47 .48 K
July ...... t33 .3314 .32 .33
Sept. SZK .32 . -32
Dec, 33 .33 .32 .33
May .85 ' .35 .34 .35
Sept 17.00 17.00 16.95 16.95
. . LARD.
8.80 " 8.80 8.70 8.72
8.77 8.77 8.70 8.72
8.87 8.87 8.77 8.80
9.00 9.00 9 00 9.00
9.10 9.10 8.95 9.05
8.92 8.92 . 8.80 8.85
Cash quotations were as follows:
Ktour Easy.
Wheat No. 2 Spring. 7677o;
No. 3,
7076c; No. 2 red, 7374c
corn no. z, soeauc, no. z yellow.
50 051c.
Oats No. 2. SSc; No. 8 white, 82 35c;
No. 3 white, 3233c.
Rye No. 2. 66c.
Barley Good feeding.
8530c; fair to
choice malting. 43?50c.
Flax seed No. 1, $1.06; No. 1 Northwest
ern, $1.09.
Timothy seed Prime, $3.85.
Clover Contract grades, $11.75.
Short ribs, sides Loose, $8.9509.
Mess pork Per barrel, $18.25.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $8.65.
Short clear sides Boxed, $9.87 9.50.
Whisky Basis of high wines. $1.29.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 18.20O
Wheat, bushels 595.400
Corn, bushels. 145,100
Oats, bushels 773.000
Rye. bushels 7,000
Barley, bushels 12,100
" 2.i66
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, July 30. Wheat sold at the
lowest point of the season today, September
reaching 81e near the dose, or half cent
under the previous low figure. . Enormous re
ceipts, weakness abroad, good harvesting
weather In the Northwest and a big visible
supply increase were the controlling factors.
Flmir Receipts, 16,900 barrels; ex noma. 7900
barrels. Quiet and barely steady.
Wheat Receipts, 87,000 bushels; exports.
68,300 bushels. Spot, weak; No. 2 red, 80e
elevator. 81 c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 North
ern Duluth. 85o f. o. b. afloat. Bears had
everything their own way. In the afternoon
stop-loss orders added to the weakness, and
final prices showed) le net loss. May closed
86c; July at 82e; September, 81 c and
December 84 c.
Hops and hides Steady.
Wool Quiet,
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN IFRANCISCO. July 80. Wheat and
barley, weaker. Spot quotations:
Wheat 6hipplng, $1.301.32c; milling,
Barley Feed. 97c g$l; brewing, $11.02.
' Oats Red. $1.15i.20.
Call board sales: Wheat, December, $1.29.
Barley. December, 98c. Corn, large yellow,
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, July 30. Wheat, July.
74c; September, 74c; December. 78c;
May. 80c; No. 1 hard, 77c; No. 1 North
ern, 76c: No. 2 Northern, 75c; No. a
Northern, 73gT4c.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. July 30. Cargoes, steady;
Walla Walla and California, prompt shlpmeat,
31s 3d.
English country markets, quiet but steady.
French, generally 60 centimes cheaper.
LIVERPOOL. July SO. Wheat. July, nom
inal; September. 6s 8d; December, 6s 7L
Weather, fair and warmer.
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, July 30. Wheat, 1 cent lower;
new export, bluestem, 72 cents; club, 70 cents:
red, 67 cents.
Coffee and Sugar.
NBW YORK, July 3a Coffee futures closed
1520 points higher. Sales were 106.500 bags,
including September, 77.05c; October, 7.10c;
November, 7.15c; January, 7.307.35c, and
May, 7.607.75c; 6pot Rio, firm; No. 7 in
voice, 8c; mild, steady.
Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, 8c; cen
trifugal, 96 test. 33 13-16c; molasses sugar,
3c; refined, steady; crushed, $5.50; powdered,
$4.80; granulated, $4.80.
Mrs.' Anna GarvJge, of Los Angeles,
Makes Unsuccessful Search.
Mrs. Anna Garvige, an elderly wom
an whose mind appears to be affected
througii worry, spent all day yesterday
about the police station, a most pitiful
object. She came here from Los An
geles to ilnd a married daughter whom
she had not heard from during the past
year. The daughter's name is Mrs. Ida
Cooper, wife of a painter, whose first
name the old lady did not know. She
wa unable to get any trace of Mrs.
Cooper during two days of persistent
search. She had very little money left
and was afraid she wouU be left desti
tute and friendless.
The Salvation Army Rescue Home
took the case in charge during: the af
ternoon and learned that the daughter
is thoug-ht to have removed to Astoria.
That point was at once communicated
with and every effort will be made by
the Salvation Army workers to help the
untortunate woman out of her trouble.
PORTLAND, July 30. Maximum tempera
ture, 74; minimum temperature,, M. River
reading at 8 A. M-, 7.7 feet; change in 24
hours, rise of .01 foot. Total precipitation. 6
P. M. to 5 P. M,. none. Total precipitation
Kinca September 1. 1905, S8.70 Inches. Normal
precipitation since September 1. 1005, 45.27
inches; deficiency, 7.57 inches. Total sun
shine, July 29, 1906, 12 houra 13 minutes; pos
sible sunshine 14 hours, 53 minutes. Barom
eter reading (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.
h5 2
Baker City
Bismarck ....... .
K am loops, B. C.
North Head......
Portland .
Bed Bluff
talt Iake City...
San Francisco...,
Tatoosh Island
Walla Walla
Cloudy .
Pt. cloudy
0 OO 6 S
7410.00 8INTV
Pt. cloudy
10010.001 4ISB
4!0.00l 413 '
T2I0.0OI 8IW
Fair weather continues on ths Paclflo Slops
with nearly stationary temperatures. Shower,
and thunderstorms have ocurredt In Montana
and North Dakota, and It is much cooler in
those two states.
The Indications are for fair weather In this
district with no marked change tn temper
Forecasts made at .Portland, for 28 hours,
ending- midnight, Tuesday:
Portland and vicinity Fair, with nearly
stationary temperature. Westerly winds.
Western Oregon and Western Washington
Fair. Northwesterly winds.
Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Fair
and continued warm.
Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho
Fair, cooler north portion.
EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster.
Blown TJp With Boiler.
VlNCEIfNES, Ind., July 80 Two work
men were; killed and over 20 others In
jured by the explosion of a boiler at the
plant of the Vlncennes Paper Mill Com
pany today. The property loss Is 115.000.
The worst hurt le Charles Connor, who
was blown through the air 60 feet. The
boiler was hurled through the roof of the
boiler-bouse, and falling 100 feet distant,
badly damaged the Harrison mansion,
home of William Henry Harrison when
he was Governor of the Northwest Terri
tory. All the Injured will recover.
Portland Horns Telephone A Tele
graph Securities.
Consistent with ABSOLUTE) SAFETY.
Rooms 2, 4 and 6. Lafayette Bldg
Cor. Sixth and Washington 8ta
Portland, Oregon.