THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1906. 13 WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO CELL. SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory- Capital City Nur sery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS DON'T ACCEPT AGENCY UN til you hear from us. quickest seller on earth; 2,000,000 sold; $20 per day; sam ples free, domestic Mfg. Co., Minneapolis. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THB Old Reliable Nurseries; commission ad vanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. ABSOLUTELY THB BEST MONEY-MAKER on the market, for agents; Just out; no competition, and requires no experience to handle. Inquire 57 Washington bids. BIG PAY TO ONE AGENT IN BACH COUN ty, working for the Investors' Guide, 311 Marquam bid., Portland. Or, WANTED TO KENT. Wanted to rent houses, cottages, flats, i tores, offices, room Ins-houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 8. EX cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. Wanted houses and cottages, east and West Side; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 2d st. Phtae Main 1430. Administrator of estatea WANTED 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS In strictly modern house or flat, within 10 blocks of Park and Washington; perma nent. Z 03, Oregonlan. ROOM AND BOARD, GENTLEMAN AND 10-yeat-oJd boy. Christian family, where boy can have good care, home, mending, etc 3 01. Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD TABLE) BOARD IN PRI vate family, near Weinhard'9 brewery by young- refined German. Box 302, city. WANTED AT ONCE -3 OR 4-ROOM FUR nlshed flat, ground floor outside entrance; have small dog. M. 96, Oregonlan. WANTED 3 MODERN UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for man and wife; central location. P 66, Oregonlan. TOUNO GENTLEMAN DESIRES FIRST class board and room with private, family. C 04, Oreaonian. WANTED A o-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, for two people, walking: distance. 6 06, Ore gon ban. WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS ON PORT land Height. Phone East 624. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, Main 6655. Main 6656. FURNITURE WANTED, for SPOT CASH. Portland Auction Rooms, A. Schubach, Prop. 211 First Street. Main 5655. Main 6656. MOVING-PICTURE MACHINES, FILMS, song slides, gas outfits, etc., bought, sold, rented and exchanged. Neuman's Motion Picture Co., 146 6th. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPTLY free; highest prices paid for bones. Oregon Fertilizer Works, 792 Thurman. Main 1966. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WE WILL BUT FOR CASH YOUR FURNI ture, carpets, etc.. now. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Don't worry, lose time or money. Call uj Pad no 7S3. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle free of charge. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Kooma. NOW OPEN NEW HOTEL. Hotel Bush mark, cor. Washington and 17th st., two .blocks west of Heillg Theater, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite, hot and cold water, electric light and phone In every room, suit with private baths. $7.50 per Week, single. $3 up; g day $1; reasonable by month. Phone 66477 THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, 12 per week up; steam heat; hot and cold water; free hatha free phone; dining-room In connection; transients solicited; open all ti lab t; best location in the city; office and reading room ground floor. 488 Washington. HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. 10TH AND WASH ingioo ts. Under new management; every thing new, clean and modern; all the prin cipal car lines pae the door; private bath suites; rates reasonable. Phone Main 2333. Mrs. F. H. Powers, prop. THE AUDITORIUM, 2084 3D, BET. TAT lor and Salmon; first-class; elevator, steam heat, baths, hot and cold water In rooms; we cater to traveling public John Granstrom. THE WILLAMETTE, 822H STARK, S. W. cor. 8th t., new management New ana nice furnishing; large, light room; trans ients, 50c to $1; by week 2 to $5. Pac 1296. NICE COOL FURNISHED ROOMS WITH breakfast; very reasonable; nice residence district; a nice home place. Call afternoons. 4M Columbia et., or telephone Main 6586. FOR RENT LARGE. WELL LIGHTED front room, first floor, hot and cold water, easy walking distance to center of city, near Steel bridge. 300 Holladay. LARGE, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISH EW COOL front room. In private home, centrally lo cated, modern conveniences. Phone Main 4714. LARGE, FRIGHT. COOL AND CHEERFUL newly furnished rooms; porcelain bath, gas, phone; 33 to $1S. 325 12th. Phone Paciho 2102. FURNISHED ROOM; USE OP KITCHEN; for August; Gearhart. Call Sellwood, 1K0, between 0 and 10 A. M. and 7 and 8 P. M. 802 COLUMBIA NEWLY FURNISHED lurge, bright rooms, electric light, porce lain bath, phone; special Summer price. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, STRICTLY MOD ern room overlooking city, near cars, pri vate family, reasonable. X 96, Oregonlan. HOTEL ALEXANDER, COR. ALDER AND lOth, well furnished, comfortable rooms, reasonable rates; regulars and tourist. Newly furnished suites and single, hot and cold water In all rooms; furnace heat; rea sonable. 207 14th, Phone Main 1153. THE PALM, 1894 THIRD COMFORTABLY f um tslied front and other outside rooms, transient and weekly; reasonable. 894 ALDER. CORNER 10TH NICELY FUR nlhed rooms, electric light, gas, bath; everything first-class; reasonable, 1S1H FIRST ST., COR. YAMHILL NICELY furnished rooms reasonable; corner brick building; porcelain bath, phone. 1 OR 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. USE of dining-room and kitchen if 17th. Telephone Main 22H4. desired. 33 N. TOURAINE." IRS 7TH. BET. YAMHILL and Taylor Elegant front rooms with board; reasonable. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MOD em flat; phone, bath; cheap, for three months. 3S3 5th st. ROOMS IN LEWIS BUILDING. MORRISON and Park sis., with heat, light, water and elevator service. THE ANKENT NEWLY FURNISHED comfortable room a reasonable rates. 24 y J Ankeny st. Fl'KNlSHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAM- Uy. 552 Marshall at. Phone Main 6771, after ft o'clock. 168 HTH NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, modern, suitable for gentlemen, reasonable. The PHILADELPHIA Cor. 3d & Salmon, run ning water, rooms newly tinted. Main 2i'2S. LARGE. AIRY HOUSEKEEPING AND sleeping rooms at the Pleasanton, 288- 3d st. FOR RENT 2 VERY DESIRABLE UXFUR nlshed parlors; reference. 4'2 Taylor st. THE ANKENY ROOMS COMFORTABLE and reasonable. 349 U Ankeny st. 41 ELLA FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN conveniences, reasonable prices. Rooms With Board. THE CARLETON. ALDER AND 13TH A flret-clsse family hotel, transients solicited. Paoiflc 1347. ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN BUTTE: MODERN conveniences; adults; board optional 269 14th. OLYMPUS ROOMS AND BOARD; EVERY thlng new: corner of Lownsdale and Alder. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD reasonable rates, modern. 442 Jefferson. PLEASANT ROOMS WITH EXCELLENT board. 181 N. 10th. Phone Main 4071. THE OZARK ROOMb. FIRST-CLASS service; hot, cold water. 226 11th st. BOARD AND ROOM IN NICE HOME. Phone Paclflo 022. Near City Park. MODERN. LIGHT 7-ROOM FLAT; SHADES, furnace; close in. Call -o2 6th. FOB RENT. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 18TH YEAR: rooms with board, use of sewing-room, uss of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs, Ella RawUngs, Supt.. 610 Flanders. BLAKELY HALL, 270 6TH ST. PLEA8 ant rooms with first-class board; term reasonable; 4 blocks south Hotel Port land. Phone Main- 2631. FRONT ALCOVE ROOM IN PRIVATE family; price reasonable: good board; walk ing distance. 328 6th. Phons Main 8622. -Slate. MODERN FLATS. ALL SIZES, FOR RENT. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Com psny of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. SIX-ROOM FLAT. STEAM HDAT, HOT water service; could be occupied by two small families, central. Phons Paclflo 1842. MODERN 6 ROOMS, 31 BAST 8TH, NEAR Burnside st.. rent $20. Key 393 East Bum side st., W. H. Malls real estate office. FOR RENT MODERN 5-ROOM UPPER flat. 316 East 8tl St.. near Burnside; rent $20. Key at Mail's. 393 E. Burnside st. FOR RENT 6 AND 6-ROOM STRICTLY modern flats on East Couch and th sts. M. E. Lee, 03 Uth st. Phone Pacific CO. FOR RENT 6 AND 6-ROOM STRICTLY modern flats on East Couch and 9th sts. M. E. Lee, 93 6th st. Phone Pacific 60. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH PLEASANT double rooms, good home-cooked meals; reasonable rates, close in. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT, STEEL AND gas ranges, window shades. 209 H Kalsey, McMillan's Addition. 549 TAYLOR VERY NICE 4-ROOM FLAT, gas and electric lights; gas range in kitchen. -ROOM FLAT. ALL MODERN CONVEN lences. 657 Taylor. Housekeeping Rooms. THE HOWL AND APARTMENTS. 631 Washington st., cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors, nice sunny suites for $10 and $12 per month: best rooms In the city for the money. THE ONEONTA, 187 17TH ST., NEAR YAM hill New house, elegantly furnished. In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms in best brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc ; no transients; prices moderate. Logan block, 1084 Union ave., cor. EL Alder. Phone East 4024. 8 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; sitting-room, bedroom, kitchen, toilet and. bath; car line walking distance; you mueA see these rooms to appreciate them. Address P 04, care Oregonlan. WELLINGTON COURT, 10TH AND EVER ett Handsomely furnished four-room house keeping apartment, possessing modern con veniences; excellent neighborhood' and sur roundings1; no children. THE JEFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot water, free bath and phone; : nice suites of 2 and 3 rooms each very reasonable. LARGE. PLEASANT. NEWLY-FURNISH i- suite housekeeping rooms; gas range, porcelain bath, phone, heat and light. 323 12th. Phone Pacific 2102- FURNIS-HBD ROOMS FOR HOU8EKEEP ing, ground floor, modern, rent very low if taken at once. 383 11th at., cor. Montgom ery; references required. FOR RENT FIRST FLOOR OF COTTAGE, nicely furnished; housekeeping; in residence d istrlct, yet near business section. 310 Main st. DESIRABLE REASONABLE UNFURNI6H ed rooms In delightfully cool brick build ing, centrally located. 211 H 2d and Sal mon. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ON Tenth; fine location. Lewis & Clark camp ing grounds, ML. Tabor. Phone East 4123. $1 WEEK UP, CLEAN FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, parlor, laundry, bath, yard, furnace heat. 203)6 Stanton st.. Alblna, LARGE FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED, ON first floor, cheap, gas plate, small fur nlshed room, gas plate, 322 14th. 4 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 4il w. Park st. ; only $10. vanduyn & Walton, 303 Chamber Commerce. SUITE OF NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS to people without children. $3.50 per week or $14 per month. 240 Park at. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF housekeeping rooms, flrpt floor, piano, mod ern conveniences. 447 Main st. HOTEL NORTHERN FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms en suite, $10. 12th and Marshall sts. Phone Main 1459. TWO NICELY TINTED FIRST-FLOOR rooms, running water, separate entrances, wood room. Inquire 229 Hall. SUITE FIRST FLOOR. COMPLETELY FUR nished. gas range, central. 148 North lGth st. Phone Main 6173. 8 ROOMS, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; modern, central, strictly private; S. depot car to door. 4i3 3d. 471 ALDER. NEAR 13TH SUITE TWO OR three housekeeping roomsv gas range, bath, phone; reasonable. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND sleeping rooms, $1 week. McCoy, 271 y Morrison, room , C. TWO, THREE OR FOUR NICK LARjGB FUR ntshed housekeeping rooms, piano, first floor, 1C8 North 16th. SUITE OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSE) keepmg rooms, $1.26 per week. Apply 382 E. Yamhill st. SOME NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms for rent at 644 Pettygrove st.; wood or gas. 313 14TH ST. TWO WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms tor rent by August 1; bath, phone. PLEASANT. NEAT, COOL ROOMS, GAS. phono, bath, laundry, cheap. Come see! 32 N. 11th et. FOR RENT THREE WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in. Inquire 183 W. Park st. NICE SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, gas range, phone and use of bath, at 321 7th et. LARGE. CLEAN LIGHT FRONT SUITE; gas range, two beds. 262 14th, near Hobart Curtls. Newcastle. 402 Bd, furnished., unfurnished housekeeping and single rooms. Main 800. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; BATH, electric light, phone. 310 10th. Hons MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 407 ROSS ST.. near Dixon. $22.00. John P. Sharkey A Co.. 701 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 180 FOR RENT ELEGANT NEW. MODERN 6 room house, large bathroom, brick base ment, on 2 car lines. 887 Misjissippl ave. VERY NICE. MODERN. -NEW 7-ROOM house, E. 23d St., $20. Western Oregon Trust Co., 291 Stark st. Phone Pacific 693. 9-ROOM HOUSE; GAS. GOOD REPAIR; suitable for private boarders; central. East Side. Inquire 21 East 7th. Phone East 2395. FOR RENT ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7 roora house, on car line, $25. D. E. Keasey ft Co.. office opposite observatory. SUBURBAN COTTAGE, 7 ROOMS. THOR- ougniy niuufiu, cuilmu iiu n, pigeon ion; near car. Mrs. Moxley, Tremont, MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 391 HARRISON, newly tinted; reduced to $35. Falrchlld. era Sherlock bldg. $1 VERT DESIRABLE 6-ROOM HOUSE; very moaem; luveiy iuvmuj. oi i u. oiunoo. phone East 623. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. BARN. LARGE chicken-house, large grounds. 88. McCoy. 27 1U Morrison. 4-ROOM COTTAGE; GAS. BATH. 410 SAN Rafael st, upper Aioina. -rnoae .racina 13J9. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE, 182 17TH ST., near Yamhill. inquire win st. near Taylor. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE, 784 E. AN keny st., $20. Inquire 873 K. Burnside st FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY PA pered and painted, close In. 92 N. 16th st. FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 3tiu illiams ave. Phone East &44Z. TWO COTTAGES, 6 AND ROOMS; CLOSE in; io ana . Apply 93 a. otn 8-ROOM HOUSE WITH ALL MODERN conveniences. 372 14th, st. FOR RENT. Bouses. $3060 N. 15TH ST.. NEW, MODERN 6 room lower flat. $36 64 N. 16th st., new. modern 8-roooa upper corner flat. THE TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST CO. 240 Washington street, corner Second. FOR RENT ONE OF BEST HOME PLACES at Mt. Tabor, large grounds, with fruit of all kinds,' superb location and near cars; or will sell part with house at bargain. James D. Hart (owner), lOO Sherlock bid?. Phons Main 686. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE; ALL MOD ern improvements, fine location and situated near two car lines. 614 E. Burnside. bet. 10th and 11th. Inquire Citizens' Bank. 120 Grand ave. Phone East 48L NEW. MODERN HOUSE, T LARGE ROOMS and hall, all modern conveniences, corner E. 19th and Multnomah; exclusive residence district. Henkle A Harrison, 217 Abing ton bldg-. NEW AND MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, 398 San Rafael, near Union ave.; also 398; 6 rooms will be vacant August L 899 Han cock. Phone East 1686. SEVERAL RESIDENCES IN DIFFERENT parts of the city for rent. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. A MODERN COTTAGE, b ROOMS. BATH, basement, with furnace and large yard. iooo Williams ave. Inquire room 301, The )ekum bids. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 0-ROOM HOUSE; gas, electricity, porcelain bath. Bull Run water; splendid home for children. Main 6436. 9-ROOM HOUSE; GAS, GOOD REPAIR; suitable for private boarders; central, East Side. Inquire 2f Bast 7th. Phone East 2395. VERY DESIRABLE, STRICTLY MODERN 6 room house, W. Park st. Vanduyn & Wal ton, 303 Chamber Commerce. Furnished Rouses. WILL RENT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, completely furnished, piano, porcelain bath, phone, gas and wood range, everything very comfortable, large1 yard with fruit trees and shrubbery; will also rent unfurnished. 341 Eugene st. Phone East 6358. TWO VERY NICELY FURNISHED HOUSES in South Portland to good tenants, loni; time, $27.50 and $37.80. Western Oregon Trust Co., 391 Stark at. Phone Pacific 693. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED, large yard with fruit trees and shrubbery, E. 31st and Pine sts. Phone East 1361. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, FURNISHED, FOR rent; no children wanted; references re quired. Call up Main 4542 or Main 6427. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. SIX large rooms, all modern, 404 13th st., near Hall. Apply on premises. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7-ROOM HOUSE; gas range, bath. Bull Run water. Main 6436. FURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT, CENTRAL, $25 per month. 286 Montgomery st. FOR RENT FURNISHED 6-ROOM MODERN cottage. 300 Sherman. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sals. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 12-ROOM house, right on Sth-street car line; a splen did location. Call up telephone Main 3SS9. FURNITURE OF 10 ROOMS FOR SALE House for rent; a snap. Call 83 7th st. Phone Pacific 23S0. Summer Resorts. N EC ANICTJM INN. SEASIDE FTRST-CLASS modern conveniences; the only bouse facing ocean, with sandy beach, grove and flowers; noted for Its excellent home-cooked meals; get off Necanlcum Station. Miss E. Da man n. Pros. LOCKSLEY HALL, CLATSOP BEACH, OR. 4 hours' ride to Portland by rail. En gage rooms now. Private baths ; double rooms for families; excellent table. Phone Paclflo 985 for information. FOR SALE SEASIDE COTTAGE fCLATSOP Beach) Attractive, modern cottage; new; city water; well built; overlooking ocean; Hermosa Park. Telephone Mala 2626, or see Alex Gilbert. Seaside. . Lonr Beach, Wash. The White House, 1 blk. from depot and P. O. ; newly furnished; let class restaurant In connection; heme cooking; reasonable rates. Mrs. G. F. Whltebouss, pro. TEAMS rOR ELK CREEK. - Stages, saddle horses and rigs to Elk Creek and Cannon Beach. N. D. Bala A Co.. Livery Stable. Seaside. FOR RENT WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE at Seaside. Address S 43. care Oregonlan. LARGE, LIGHT STORE WITH FULL, DRY basement, rent very reanonable. Apply Wakefleld, Fries ft Co.. 228 Stark. DESIRABLE STORE ON UNION AVE., rent $17.60. Hartman & Thompson, room 3, Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FURNISHED RESTAURANT and nice small store ; central; good lease. Apply 345 Morrison st. FOR RENT TWO SAMPLE ROOMS, TTH and Oak. Apply to G. N. W. Wilson Co., 72 6th. FOR RENT STORE AT 807 MAIN ST., Vancouver, Wash. ; two years' lease ; rent $30. OFFICE, FRONT OF ELEVATOR, JANITOR service free. 420 Commercial bldg. PART OF 231 STARK IDEAL FOR REAL estate and insurance, cheap. STORE FOR RENT, 211 ZD ST., 26x76 FT. Call 810 Mohawk bide. Offices. OFFICE ROOMS. In the Raleigh block, N. W. corner of 6th and Washington streets; rooms are being re fitted and put in fine shape; terms reason able. Apply to the Mortgage Guarantee and Trust Co., 00 7th st. IN THE OLIVE, N. W. COR. OF 5TH AND Washington sts.. 3 large corner rooms, connected, and other large office rooms, en suite or single, for rent reasonable. 303 H Washington st. THIRD AND ALDER DESIRABLE LIGHT offices; very reasonable; first floor. Apply X-Radlum Institute. 268 Alder st. OFFICES IN LEWIS BUILDING, MORRISON and Park sts., with heat, water, light and elevator service. VERY DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS IN Alnsworth bids. Apply U. 8. National Banh. OFFICE ROOMS AND AUDITORIUM LODGE hall, room 3, Auditorium, 208 3d st. RINGLER HALL FOR RENT. 309 Alder st. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THB OREGO nlan will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of any one caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of its subscribers. Circulation Manager. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsger, proprietor. LOST THOROUGH BR E D BULL TERRIER, all whKe, aged 0 months, welg-hs about 45 pounds, ears cropped; liberal reward will be paid for return to 771 Tillamook. LOST GRAY ETON JACKET, WITH black buttons, Sellwood car, or in Haw thorne Park. Wednesday evening. Return 275 Columbia; reward. LOST LEATHER POCKETBOOK ON S. P. R. R. track between Hawthorne and Grand aves.; name and address on Inside. Please return or phone Main 1233. LOST BLACK AND WHITE COLLIB SHEP herd dog; little yellow on legs; chain and collar on him; reward. Return 310 E. 2d su. N. LOST A GOLD-FILLED AMERICAN Wattham watch. Finder return to 2704 Front st., room 4. and receive reward. LOST LEWIS AND CLARK GOLD DOLLAR pin, first coinage. Finder please return to 64 Union block. Reward. IRISH SETTER DOG; LICENSE. 890; PAR ties release htm that he may come home. Kellogg Boat House. $5 REWARD FOR RETURN OF WHITE CAT with gray tail. Phone Information Main 2378. PERSONAL. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 628 E. Belmont. Phons East 4084. YOUNG LADY GIVES BATHS. FACE AND scalp massage. 268 Stark st., parlor 27. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at th Old Book Store. 229 Yamhill sC MISS CARMEM. 163H STARK ST.. SUITB 19, lacoma uouse; massage ana nat&s. M. F. I WILL DO SO. PERSONAL. LADIES. ONE WORD WITH YOU 25 yeara of successful practice In Portland i the treatment of diseases peculiar to wom en should be sufficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced physi cian and surgeon. I have assisted hun dreds of anxious and suffering women. I can assist you. If in trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. Grey, the old reliable specialist; no chargs for consultation or advice, 251 Alder iU cor. ad, Portland. Or. Correspondence sacredly confidential. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE TO women we treat diseases of women exclu sively, curing with unvarying success all female Ailments, from the slightest local Irritation to the most complicated Internal troubles; maternity cases given special at tention, private hospital accommodation; professional lady nurse in attendance; con sultation and advice free. X-Radlum Medi cal Institute and Sanitarium, 3d and Alder sts., entrance 253 Alder st-. Portland. EASTERN GENTLEMAN, AGE 40, TALL, dark, graduate physician, lecturer and demon strator of practical psychology, very success ful In psycho-magnetic healing, seeks the affiliation of a lady of refinement interested along those lines to open a school of psych ology and drugless healing; experience not necessary; good character and some means essential. Address F 02, Oregonlan. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HELSING fors graduate, positively cures rheuma tism, nervous disorders and stomach trou bles by hand rubbing; steam, sweat, tub baths; both sexes. 7 E. 11th st. S-. 2 doors from E. Ankeny car line. Phone East 260. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, 60c To the visitors of Portland hotels and to the public at large: Suits pressed at 50o at Gilbert, the tailor's, 106H Sixth st. next - to the Quelle. Ladies' skirts pressed, 60c Phone Pacific 2088. OREGON DETECTIVE SERVICE. Confidential Investigations, reports fur nished on individuals, their character, re sponsibility, etc.; bad debts collected. 203 Fiiedner bldg., 10th and Wash. Main 5615. MME. STARK, PROFESSIONAL NURSE; graduate of the Helsingfors College, Fin land ; massage and electrical treatment for nervous and spinal diseases; ladles' and children's diseases only. Phone East 6358. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tail oring Co.. 300 Stark sC, near 6th. DR. G. V. KETCHUM cures nervous, chronic and private diseases, also special female ailments; correspondence , confidential. Of fice 170 ft Bd st., cor. Yamhill. Pacific 2220 Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $2; 3 months', $5. Sent securely sealed by malL Agents, Woodard. Clarke ft Co, Portland. "BOOK OF NATURE," "AGNES, "DROLL Stories," "Her Hidden Charms," ;A Hot Tamale" "A Modern Lover," 50c each. Lists free. A. W. Schmale Co., 229 1st. BECK, THE JEWELER. Bargains in watches, jewelry; repairing. 205 ALDER, BET. FIRST AND FRONT Just in rear of O. W. P. Waiting-room, LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenx Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25c a box. Write or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison at., bet. 1st and 2d. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY, JEWESS, to make the acquaintance of a business man; object matrimony; references required and given. Address E 93, Oregonlan. MASSAGE AND MANICURING PARLORS Just open by refined lady; select only. 2244 Washington st., between First and Second. Parlors 1, 2, 3, 4. GENTLEMAN STRANGER DESIRES Ac quaintance of lady 20 to 25, tall, dark balr; object matrimony. Write L 82, Ore gonlan. GENTLEMAN OF GOOD REFERENCE) wishes acquaintance of lady matrimonially inclined; strictly confidential. H 06, Ore conian. UNITED PIANO SHOPS 'PIANOS RE paired, polished, andi tuned; flne furniture reflnlshed. 273 3d st. Phone Pacific 2351. F17CE DAY BUT MEREDITH 3 UMBREL las; repairing and recovering; two stores. Washington and 6th and Washington ft 6th. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Lec me tell you how. No charge. Mrs. M D. Hill, suite 1, Selling-Hlrach bldg. pac. 135. 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR name, 50c. 60 for 36c; 250 business cards. $L Schmale Co., 220 IsC YOUNG LADY FROM CHICAGO HAS RE, cently opened manicuring parlors, 351 U Morrison St., room 14. YOUNG LADY GIVES BATHS AND HAS sage treatments. The Cosmos, 208 Morri son, room 14, -r DR. CRISTION'S FRENCH TOILET PREP arations for sale. 406 Harrison et. Pa cific 823. YOUNG LADY, STRANGER, GIVES TUB AND OUOJ. A11 AAa-i. IS f Hj lyV- X ILjLJ- fKlUA Bli, v r-u nftur bjleo, iu; na-iiea, eve; .Hoi Vabough's Shoe Repairing Shop, 267 Taylor. Young German lady, massage treatments;: rheumatism, specialty. 268 Stark, room 22. DR PAUL CROMWELL, THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Main 6478 Madam Vashti, Masseuse; chronic diseases nilrsil fiii-lHi n n H lllh Hatha Qftl ii u w ...... jwih m. Turkish baths; massage, nydrltxic parlors; 1st TURKISH BATHS, 300 Oregonlan bMg. ; ladies days, gentlemen nights. Phone Main 1938. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A GOOD PAYINO CIGAR store, located la heart of business center; can be handled with $250 cash. Address Q 96, Oregonlan. STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE; GOOD valley town ; doln g good bus lness ; reasons for selltng satisfactory. C. H. Monroe. 86 Labbe bldg". $100 TO $1000 TO INVEST WITH SERVICES, reliable man, tn established paying busi ness; state nature proposition. B 05, Ore gonlan. WELL STOCKED, UP-TO-DATB DRUG store, at a bargain, to settle estate. Call at store. Estate Charman ft Co., Oregon City, Or. JOB PRINTING OFFICE AND WEEKLY paper for sale; price low; will exchange for real estate. C A. Cutting-. Gait, Cal. PARTY WITH $1000 TO GRASP OPPOR tunlty; an industry, no competition; large Immediate returns, D 01, Oregonlan. SALOON. VERY CHOICE LOCATION, LONG lease, ror sate or win exenange for city or farm property. - Inquire 93 6th su WELL PAYING BAKERY AND DELICATBS- sen in gooa location, aoing large business $1900. 285H Washington st., room 1. . CANDY AND CIGAR STORE; SICKNESS causes sacrifice; first reasonable offer takes it. Call 248 Stark st. SALOON: GOOD LEASE; FINE PROPOSI tlon: little money required; terms; write today. W 05, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FOtST-CLASS HAIR-DRESSING parlor; most up-to-date place In city: a bargain. L 01, Oregonlan. FOR SALE: SUBURBAN GROCERY AND feed business; flne stock; best trade. Inquire at oace. H 86, Oregonlan. CIGAR STORE. FINE LOCATION. WELL established, large rear room, cheap rent. 20 N. 6th, cor. Burnside. CIGAR, TOBACCO, FRUIT AND CONFEC tionery, on first et. ; low rent, $000, CaH 331 Lumber Exehanre bldg. SMALL GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTURES far m1 rheao: also furniture, sf t-nrrt iiu-in rooms. 276 Wheeler st. FINE SALOON. GOOD LOCATION. $800, .OR will accept square man as partner. Call 331 Lumber Exchange bJdg. LIGHT MANUFACTURING AND MAIL-OR-der business for sale at once. Address G X Oregonlan. RESTAURANT. DOWNTOWN. SEATS 80; sell at sacrifice; desirous leaving city. B 92, Oregonlan. CIGAR. AND CONTECTIONERT STORE well located $460 required. Owners, phons East 1062. 81 ROOMS, CENTRAL, CHEAP; CLEARS $150 month; will trade. Owner, Pacific 2050. GROCERY STORE FOR $800 IF BOUGHT at once. 27 Union ave.; rent $20. A GOOD-PAYING 30-ROOM HOUSE: MUS sell, owner sick. 47 H N. 6th st. SNAP FURNITURE ROOMS, $125, AT 234 Columbia at.; rent $30. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED BY the Commercial Investment Co.: Grocery and feed store, good location. $ TfO Fine grocery, excellent business. Invoice 18o0 Most profitable grocery in the city, on fine corner, low rent; will sell at Invoice. Bakery and confectionery, elegant trade and location . 1000 Notion and novelty store, flne open ing, ciode In 2650 Dyeing and cleaning- business, all profit 600 Cigar store, good location for business.. 6u0 Fine grocery business. East 61d . . .. 1000 Tobacco, fruit, confectionery and ice cream store; no better opportunity offered ... ... ' 900 Best-paying- cash business, Al location, owner retiring 2660 This is the best business investment you can posRfbry make. Call room 331, Lum ber Exchange bids. FOR SALE ONEvTHIRD INTEREST IN Incorporated mercantile business In growing Eastern Oregon city; sales $55,000 annu ally; U. S. Government will spend over $1,000,000 In irrigation project with la 9 miles; a legitimate opening, subject to In vestigation; will refer to wholesale houses of Portland. Call 12:30 to 1:30 or write "M," room 201, Oregon Hotel. Principals only. HURST SWITCH STOCK SOLD CHEAP I buy and loan money on approved stocks. Gold dust and precious stones bought. Dividend-paying stocks sold. Prospects of merit purchased. Important inventions promoted. Consult me for profitable investments. Mem ber Portland Stock Exchange. W. J. Curtis, - 215 Commercial Block. Phone Main 6384 , FOR SALE THB WELL-ESTABLISHED wood and coal business of Churchley Bros., now located at 420 Kearney et-. consisting of horses, wagons, harness, stationary boi ler, engine, saw plant, with elevator, build ings, wood trucks and tools; also one steam street saw; will also sell wood and wood contracts. BUSINESS OPENINGS. Tn- Ames Mercantile Agency has the lat est Information on trade opportunities in city or country. Parties looking for locations In Oregon or Washington are invited to call, THB AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Abington Bldg. WANTED AT ONCE, A CAPABLE NEWS paper man for half Interest la best coun try proposition in Northwest; must have $1000 to $2000 and be a worker, wltn some editorial ability. Address P 0&. care Ore gonlan. , $450 TAKES NEAT CIGAR, FRUIT, CON fectioner and ice cream stand In heart of city today; compelled to sacrifice, quit ting the business place insured; low rent, lease; investigate. Phone Pacific 699. ONE OF FINEST CANDY FACTORIES AND Ice cream parlors in the best town in Ore gon; net profits $1000 this month; can be bought for $0000, or at invoice cost; no bon us asked; owner wants to retire. Address C 02. Oregonlan. THB WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. MONTREAL, Canada, want good office man to take etate agency for new $60 visible typewriter; few hundred dollars capital required. See Su perintendent Albright, Portland Hotel. FOR SALE COMPLETE LAUNDRY, FAST growing, Northwest town, 10,000 people. In cluding' lot, building, horses, wagons busi ness above $300 week; price $75o0; reason able terms. Address O 94. Oregonlan. WILL INVEST $100,000 WITH OTHERS IN a mercantile or manufacturing enterprise, established business preferred, or either wholesale or retail department store. Ad dess 1 02, Oregonlan. OPENING IS OFFERED MAN CAPABLE of handling correspondence and advertis ing of large company, must Invest $3000, secured; salary $150 per month; contract. J 93, Oregonlan, MAN WITH EXPERIENCE IN MORTGAGE loans wanted ; must invest $3000, wh ten will be secured; roust be able to pass on titles, etc.; salary $150 per month. K 03, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 20-ROOM HOUSE NICELY furnished, new and modern, filled with first-class people; one of the best business locations In city; easy terms. E 3, Ore gonlan. ROO M I NG-HOTTSE , ' NEAR WASHINGTON street, 10 rooms, with large yard and shade trees; cost owner $800; I will eell ft today for $350, C. M. T ho mason, 14&K First at., room 0. WANTED MAN TO ASSIST WITH TOWN site proposition. North Bank terminals; no guess, but sure thing ; SoOOO needed. We have the acreage; investigate. V 06, Ore gonlan. AN ENERGETIC MAN WITH REFERENCES can secure interest In well-known real estate . Arm for what it is worth; experience not necessary; a rare opportunity. G 04, Ore gonlan. , AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFERED to a young man of good character who can invest $1000 and accept position at $100 per month; references required. R 05, Ore gonlan. v WANTED TODAY CASHIER FOR A RE8 , taurant as partner; will pay you $22.50 a week and free room and board; $250 re quired, fully secured. Call 248 4 Stark st. FOR SALE TOBACCO, FRUIT, SODA water and confectionery store, doing a good business; 2 large living rooms In connection; very suitable for man and wife. 807 1st st. GOOD DAIRY BUSINESS FOR SALE, AD jolnlng live growing town ; 27 head stock; sale for all milk; price $1300; terms. Ad dress Raymond Dairy Co., Raymond, Wash. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you have stocks or bonds for sale let me try to sell them for you. George M. Kel logg, broker, 640 Ellicott Square, Buffalo. ROOMING-HOUSE, 1 BLOCK FROM WASH Ington St., for $350; sent $20; completely furnished apartment for owner and 4 rooms to rent. Addrees J 84. Oregonlan. CHOICE SALOON, PARTNER WANTED; owner will take small payment and you can pay balance monthly; experience un necessary. Call 248 Stark st. ONE OF THB FINEST BOARDING-HOUSE propositions In the city; will sell at a great bargain or exchange for city or farm prop erty. Inquire at 83 6th st. ' BOARDING-HOUSE, 12 ROOMS. FTJRNI ture work $600, rent $40, lease, monthly re ceipts $260; good location; price $475. In quire 242 Madison. LADY WITH ACQUAINTANCE IN PORT land, who can Invest $600, can secure posi tion with liberal salary; money secured. Q OS,- Oregonlan. FOR SALE: BAKERY ALL COMPLETE, doing cash business $25 to $30 dally, new building, 6 living-rooms, on car line. M 92. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR store; must sell today; owner called East, Call 646 Washington st. Make an .offer. FOR RENT OR SALE HAND LAUNDRY IN a live town. A 5, Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Ittrtted. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for a stock of merchandise of the invoice value of $14,000, or thereabouts, together with fixtures amounting to about $1250. located at lone, Morrow County, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of August 1. 1906. A cash deposit of 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each offer and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids.' The inventory may be een at my off its and the property may be Inspected at lone. Dated at Portland, Or., this 13th day of July, 1906.. R- L Sabln, Front and An keny sts., Portland, Or. FINANCIAL. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 MOHAWK bldg., loans to salaried employes on note, without mortgage,, easy payments, lowest rates; no delay; confidential. Main 2041. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $5000 on all securities. R. I. Eckenson ft Co., room 6. Washington bldg. Phone Pa cific 1831. MONEJY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGE sums on improved and unimproved real Tr VJ Ttliinn BV...I 1. -1 i- MONET LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Pacific 1832. $6000 OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON REAL estate; charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Middleton, 617 Chamber of Commerce. $ per cent money to loan in any amount. Fire insurance. Henry C. Prudhomme, 618 Lum ber Exchange, Phone Main 443d. WANTED TO BORROW, $600 FOR FIVE years on a homestead timber claim worth $500C N 06, Oregon tan. LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE, Pi anos, other security. 440 Sherlock. Pac. 2113. MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. nn 0. Washington bldg. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W, El Thomas, mtt a it t Multnomah Ca.. n. Ph,m rvm $500,000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Back, ropm 807. Failing bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. H OS FORD ft BRICE, AT torneys, suite 323 Abington bldg. FINANCIAL. AN EASY MONEY PROPOSITION. Money is easy to get If you know where to go for It. We have ready money at all times, and you can get it on your salary; $10 to $100, on best terms and at lowest rates. We loan on the easy payment plan the plan that helps you and gets ybu out of debt. You get- the cash, all you ask for, and repay in amounts you can conveniently pare each payday. We do not file papers, require no Indorse ers, no reference to friends or employer; In fact, use every precaution to avoid pub licity, it will pay you to see us before bor rowing. Open Tuesday and Saturday even ings until 8 o'clock. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 612 Dekum bldg., 6th floor. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (confiden tial); Month, -month. Week. f50 Repay to. as $13.33 or $6 65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to us $ 6.05 or $3.25 or $1.05 $16 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $LOO 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102 THIRD. ' MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or fqr building purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two yeans. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent, 242 Stark Street. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY, 200 Abington Building. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just on your own name; no other secur ity necessary; don't borrow until you see me; my system Is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, street-car men and all other employes; business strictly confiden tial. F. A. Newton, 424 Abington bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names without security ; cheapest rates, easiest payments ; offices In 63 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington bldg., 106H 8d at. WANTED Notes, mortgages or contracts on any kind of real estate in Oregon or Wash ington; 2d mortgages purchased If well se cured. H. E. Noble, 312 Commercial block. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people, lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes' Loan Co., room 716, The Dekum, 3d and Washington sts. Phone 224. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. 8. W. King, room 46, Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN IN SUMS TO suit, at 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M. G. Grifnn, 266 Stark, op p. C. of Com. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. GEORGE T. MURTON. 318 CHAMBER OF Commerce. Phone Main 3681. Bookkeeping, expertlng, teaching. Assayers and Analysts. GREENLEY ft CRAWFORD, ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. 204& Wash ington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 186 MORRISON st. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYBR AND, ANALYST Gold dust bought. 207 Alder at. Boatbullders. GRAHAM'S BOATYARD, FOOT E. PINE et. Launches and gasoline engines in stock. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning carpets cleaned on floor; suction and compressed air. M. 6534. Carpenters and Builders. W.1 L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general jobbing, contracting. 830 Stark. Main &88L Chiropodists and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY ft ESTELLE DEVENY, THB only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING. Mrs. M. D. Hill, suite 1, Selling-Hlrsch bldg. Pac 136. J. LIN DELL, expert chiropodist; all Instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main 6256. Cleaning and Dyeing. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES French dry cleaning, steam cleaning, - dye ing to sample; reasonable prices; prompt sen-ice. 847 2d. Main 6417. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber an old metal, and general commis sion merchants. Front St., near Main, Port land, Or. Cash advanced on consignments; TAYLOR. YOUNG ft CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or. ALLEN ft LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Portland, Or. Dentists. DR. JOHN" W. JOHNSON, DENTIST, Fiied ner bldg., rooms 428, 429, 430. Hours 9 to 6, Furniture Repairing. WANTED-pFURNITURE REPAIRING AND upholstering, mattress renovating, carpet cleaning, laying, picture framing. Boston Furniture Co., 47 Union ave.. Phone E. 6383. Harness and Saddles. THB GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfs., leather and saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Main 226. . Junk, Hides and Felts. L. SHANK ft CO., PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, met als and sacks. 312 Front st. . kJMincnes. SEE US FOR LAUNCHES, ANY SIZE, style and price ; ' 'Little Special' ' launch, $195; also call boats, tow boats and canoes. Relerson Machinery Co., 182 Morrison. Leather and Findings. J. A BTROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. Leather and findings; Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 180 Front st. Machinery. B. TRBNKMAN ft CO., MINING, SAWMILL, logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THB H. G. ALBEE CO., SECOND-HAND nahlniirv. sawmills, etc.. &4ft flrand Musical. LESSONS CORNET AND VIOLIN. BEN J. F. Driscoll, cornet soloist Royal Canadian Band and City Park Band; reasonable, bands and orchestras furnished. Studio. 466 7th. Phone Main 3589. FIANOLESSONS, LEIPSIC CONSERVATORY mAhnri Ftftf. hour: DUnllS Vlnttasl homes. X 02, Oregonlan. 1 EMIL THIELHORN. pupil of SBVCIK. violin teacher. Studio, 195 6th. Tel. Main 3968. Osteopathic Physicians. DR8. ADIX ft NORTHRUP, 415-16-17 D& kum bldg., 3d and Washington. Pnnn.- Offlce, Main 349; residence. Main 1503; East 1028. Exam. free. Sunday by appointment. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH oi ureguu, giwiuniB jvirttviue, Jdo. 4O0 Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242; res. M. 2752. Safes. Diebold manganese and fireproof safes. 8uc- nMHflll nrOffTffll aeaJnut htirirlat. Mt Lockouts opened. Mr. Super, mechanical ex pert, with J. E. Davis, 66 3d. Phone 1665. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. R, H. Bird sail, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., T Hamilton bldg. Main 6630. PORTLAND SHOWCASE ft FIXTURE CO 848 1st, near Market. Phone Pacific 1620. . THB LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR, WLU uu uww x uuut iOSlQ Typewriters. DBNSMORH TYPEWRITER AGENCY All kinds of typewriters for rent, sale, re paired and exchanged; typewriters from $20 up to $100. Address J. R. Huxley, Ageat, 82 Fourth St., Portland. Or. Mew Typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN ft CO., JOBBERS, paints, oils. imb ana ooors. cor. za ana lay lor. F.1L Beach ft Co., the Pioneer Paint Co., niuuvw giass ana glazing, lao leu st lttf. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Spiritualists. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. PROF. E. KHIMO, ASTRAL, DEAD TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. NO CHARGE IF NOT SATISFIED WHEM READING IS OVER YOU TO B3 JUDGE. I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREEJ AND GUARANTEO to make no charge if I fall to call you by name tn full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals. I promise to tell whether your husband, wife or sweet heart Is true or false; tell you how to win the love of the one you moat dlre. even though miles away; how to succeed in bus iness, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry tne one of your choice; how to regain youth, nealth and vitality. Removes evil influences, f drtnk habits, locates treasures, cures fi arvoua diseases. I will do all others f-Jr10 do and treat deal more. THH 1? wORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED bU5THB POWERS OF THE UNSEED r F3 1 HAVE AT MY COMMAND, and iiJiL 1 proVtt It to you without price by giving you a mr-rr BE T EST FR EEL. WITH THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL . SAVE $4.00. Tt-v?r! demonstrate to the publlo tne WONDERFUL powers of the Oriental Me-t-,8, FREE TEST will be given to Person who presents this PAPEK AD within the next few days, from receipt 2,rsa"1L a"d come prepared for one of his !.?STED 5 PSYCHO-PALMO LIFE KbAUlNGa, which as a matter of adver tisement he Is giving for only $i. You will receive a TEST by having your NAM 3 iP PtfLL). JUST WHAT YOU xVf? FOR. and give you advice absolutely riHrI beforc you decide to have a reading. mQS OI WILL DO MORE TO CON VINCE THE SKEPTIC? Why are you so unsuccessful In business? Why are you so melancholy and discouraged? Why Is some ie sharing the love that is rightfully youriT w hy are you drawn through life so un happy? SEEK THIS WONDERFUL ME DIUM'S ADVICE AT ONCE and have these conditions explained in detail. DO NOr MiSS THIS OPPORTUNITY AS IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. Do not hesitate, delay is dangerous; come at once and find out: How can I marry well? How can I have good luck? How can I control any one? How can I conquer my rival T How can I settle ray quarrel? ow can I succeed In business? How can I conquer - my enemies? How can I get a good position? How can I keep my wife's love? How can I make my home happy? How can I remove bad Influences? Row can I make any one love me? How can I hold my husband's love? How can I marry the one I choose? How can I make distant ones think of me I Ee!?anentIy Located In His Own Home, HOURS, 10 TO 8, DAILY AND SUNDAY. PROF. E, KHIMO, No. 255 Fifth st.. corner Madison st. A SPECIAL $5 READING1 FOR $L ST. GEORGE ORMONDE," Royal English Gypsy Clairvoyant Seer. Dead Trance Medium, Palmist, Healer. Tells you exactly what you want to know: marriage, love, business, health, lawsuits, divorce; locates burled treasures, missing oneB: Rives good luck, removes enemies, evil Influences; hastens marriage, prevents all love, business or family troubles; de velops new vital force; cures weak hablttf, deafness; absent treatment for the ick; teaches clairvoyance. Open Sundays, 110 4th at., N. Et corner of Washington. i PROF. WALLACE. THE GREATEST LIVING CLAIRVOY ANT. PALMIST AND SPIRITUALIST. This strangely gifted man calls you by name, tells you of your friends, enemies or rivals, tells you what you came for, tells when you marry; In fact, everything. If you are discontented, unhappy, discour aged, unsuccessful or In Ill-health, call on Prof. Wallace, The Cosmos, 268 H Morrison MRS. WALLACE, 25 TEAKS PORTLAND'S mnri rHahl mH t n m all In trnH1 and get her valuable advice on all affaire of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. Room 72, Lewis bldg., &&u Morrison st- Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. MME. ANNUVE, the wonderful clairvoyant and medium; consult her before engaging In any undertaking of any nature; palmistry reading 25c. 167 W. Park, near Morrison. REV. SOPHIA B. SEIP, REMOVED FROM 304 Madison. Call up Pacific 1997. No tice of residence later. Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed: large 8-story brick Are-, proof warehouse for storage. Office, 2u0 pale at. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 647. C. O. PICK, OFFICE 88 1ST, BET. 8TARK and Oak. Phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse, with separais iron FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT St., household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks' toolchests, sewing machines and ail' movable articles at reasonable prices. Northwest Mavl Co. LEWIS BLDG., PARK AND MORRISON sts. Call or send stamp for Health Book. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN ft LEWIS, WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. BANKS. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BU8INBSS. "United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collection -a specialty. BANKERS AND LUMBERMEN S BANK Corner Second and Stark Street. PORTLAND, OREGON. D. C. PELTON f. President FRED H. ROTHSCHILD. -First Vice-President JOHN A. KEATING... .Second Vice-President E. C. MiEARS - Cashier H D. STpREY Assistant Cashier PLATT ft PLATT General Counsel Commercial and Savings Departments. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued Available; In All Parts of the World. Open Saturday Evenings From 7 to A. THB BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established in 1864.) HEAD OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAT. Presidents .. .HOMER S. KINO Gen. Man. of Branches.... W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $9,806,617 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. ' WM. A. MACRAE1 Manage J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. United States Depository. Northwest Corner Third and Oak 1 Streets Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued, available tn all cities of the United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. President - J. C. AINS WORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Vice-President., R. LEA BARNES Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier. ...... ......A, M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEW KIRK Assistant Cashier .W. C. ALVORD Becond Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available in Eu rope and all the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. 6ight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London, Parts, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Matn, Hongkong, Yokohama. Copenhagen, Christian la, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich, Honolulu. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,600,000. General banking. Exchange on all parts of the world. Savings accounts. Time cer tificates, 3 to 4 per cent; short-call special certificates, $B00 or over, 8H to 4 per cenU Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Private Exchange 72. S. EX Corner Third and Oak Streets. BEN J I COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK... ....Vice-President B. LEE PAGET... Secretary J. O. GOLTRA .Assistant Secretary LADD ft TILTON, BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposit a Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued available In Europe and all points in the United States. Fight exchange and telegraphic transfers old on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis. Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London, Parts, Berlin Frank fort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu.